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Showing 1 results for Arash Kamangir

Vahid Rooyani, Mansour Hatami,
Volume 7, Issue 26 (8-2014)

Pierre Bourdieu pioneered a new theory for analysis of texts in sociology of literature. According to his theory, everyone in his lifetime engages in economical, political, cultural and literal fields, and those movements happen in these fields-conscious or unconscious– will influences on his personality. Based on Bourdieu's theory however a literary work is affected by the various fields but when that most connected with the literary field will have a literary value and because the form is the most inner issue in the literary field, any work has more contact with form and less contact with other fields has more value. Kasraei′s Arash kamangir is the first and the most popular reproduction of this myth in literary field of Iran. Analysis of this poem in Bourdieu's approach shows that because we can see the traces of the poetʹs goals in this poem, and the poem in many parts slides up on to the other fields, its literary value is reduced. In some sections of poetry we can see words like “People” and “mass” and themes like “praise of work” and “life” that beside of the Metaphysically and nationalistically elements shows the effective of Marxism field in this work.

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