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Showing 1 results for Aesthetic of Fiction

Foad Molooodi,
Volume 11, Issue 43 (12-2018)

Narrating as a third person, limited to the mind of the character, is one of the common methods in Golshiri’s works; (as in Shazde Ehtejab, parts of Christian and Kid, parts of Bare Gomshode Raii and some stories of daste tarik, daste roshan). Golshiri has proved himself as a specialist of this method. So, actualization of all the related facilities of Persian Language in narration is one of the most remarkable aspects of his privilege in fiction of 60s and 70s. Based on the coming up evidences and analysis, in this paper we have stated that in narrating Ayene haye Dar dar, Goshiri has stepped beyond Persian fiction and introduced a restricted narrator:  this restricted narrator narrates not only the main layer, but also the lower layers of the story and links all of them in a complex and multi-layered manner. In addition, all the signs of the presence of “hidden author” in the story is presented to the reader, mediated by this narrator. The whole research has been done to answer a fundamental question: in the midst of all these attempts to establish ties and proximity between these layers and the characters at each level (these characters are mostly writers), why Golshiri, using his restricted narrator, has attempted to draw a boundary –though very pale and not recognizable- between them to claim that they are close but not identical? This article answers this question, considering Golshiri’s theory on the model of  “aesthetic independence of the fiction”.    

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