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Showing 48 results for Adaptation

Volume 0, Issue 0 (2-2024)

Landowski, the social semiotician, focuses on the subject of discourse and discourse,and thus introduces the concepts of presence,perception, and emotion in semiotics.The fact that enunciation is more important than enunciation provides the basis for phenomenological semiotics.The important problem of the authors of this research is that since in "adaptation"system,we see unity between subjects and "other" or that aspect of "otherness"is not only a passive object but also plays the role of a subject with dynamic interaction.It explores how the semantic process takes shape,and whether it can be argued that the relationship between the subjects is consistent with Landowski's theory of "adaptation."According to the research problem,the authors hypothesize that the perception of meaning is different according to the specific interactions between subjects in social contexts,so the perception of meaning cannot be separate from the context and field of rhetoric,but it is a function of the interaction between subjects in different discourse contexts.The present study has examined the signs of meanings in the ode "Layali al-Manfa"by Mohi-al-Din Fares.The findings indicate that the semantic system governing the discourse of the ode's "negative night"is of the adaptation system.In fact,the interactive and adaptive relationship of the sign system in this poem is such that the meanings of exile,civil war,occupiers are not predetermined and one-sided,but these meanings can be obtained only if the issue of simultaneous presence and interaction of the subject and another to be raised.At the same time,enunciator has used the Apollonian and Dionysian systems, respectively,to make the phenomenon of colonialism and nostalgia unfavorable.

Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)


Volume 1, Issue 2 (7-2013)

Relying on the dramatic effects and all cultural potentials of Iranian old and poular literature, this paper aims to deal with the possibilities to contemporarize them for new media productions. Literature is one of the most prominent icons of Iranian rich culture. A notable part of Iranian literature is composed of folklores and popular narratives, which are genuinely full of novel themes and authenticated knowledge to be adapted into film and TV series. The present research will show why exactly Iranian contemporary film-makers and play writers, despite the existing large culrual legacy, have failed so far to apply the potential capabilities. Using a pathological approach to the historical discontinuities happened during the evolution of dramatic functions of Persian old narratives, this study attempts to present a qualitative assessment of these literary art works. After reconsidering the most significant elements of Iranian popular narratives, the paper goes then to propund some common ignored challenges concerning the "adaptation" techniques for media productions. Finally, we would describe a typical narrative of Iranian folklore by which a practical method for new possible adaptation for Iranian TV drama might be provided.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (11-2012)

Abstract-Brain shrimp Artemia can tolerate different range of ecologic conditions. This animal is also known because of high nutrition value and special application in research. The species of Artemia franciscana found endemically on American continent, but recently it has been reported from Mahalru Lake, Iran. Due to differences between ecological conditions of Maharlu Lake with originally habitat of A. franciscana, Great Salt Lake, and taking to account the 10 years successful existence of this species in the lake, be believe that this species has adapted to new environment genetically. Given the fact that any kind of adaption can endanger endemic Maharlu parthenogenetic Artemia, in present study genetically differentiation between two populations of A. franciscana, before and after migration to new environment was studied. The study was conducted on structure of two important genes as COI and HSP26 using RCP-RFLP method. Successful digestion of the 700bp fragment of COI gene by two endonucleases enzymes, TaqI and EcoRI in addition to the digestion of 217bp fragment by Eco471 revealed genetic variation between two populations. The 7 generated specific haplotypes genetic distance of D=0.18 between the populations. According to the results and also successful residence of A. franciscana in Maharlu Lake, given the fact of high production performance of A. franciscana it is believed that the settler Artemia can be account as Iranian Artemia populations which will threaten existence of endemic parthenogenetic Artemia population in the lake.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2012)

Literary translations have developed in accordance with the essence of interactions in which the role of addressee has become much more important. Procedures such as clarification and adaptation have gained a particular place since they have included the importance of addressee and appropriateness of discourse in translation. However, the place of adaptation and its effect on literary translation have remained ambiguous. There may arise a question that whether local and global characteristics of adaptation can also be applied to a literary translation. If the answer is positive, which of the adaptation techniques enjoys a higher distribution? This article is an attempt to provide answers for these questions. It further tries to investigate the Persian translation of Pride and Prejudice novel based on Bastin (2009) taxonomy in order to find the ways adaptation has been used. The results showed that the translator has used local and global features of adaptation to better represent the writer’s message and, at the same time, to keep the beauty and effectiveness of the discourse in a way that global features outweigh local ones in their applicability. Likewise, although the translator has remained faithful to the main passages, situational equivalence and expansion are two adaptation techniques, which have been used mostly in the translation of paragraphs. In other words, for translating the text, the translator has kept the meaning but, for creating effectiveness and beauty of the discourse, adaptation proves essential.  

Volume 4, Issue 2 (12-2016)

Filmmakers, television programmers, experts in literature, and those with an average knowledge in literature, cinema, and television, have different standards in evaluation of adapted movies. Similarly, there are various theoretical foundations in comparative studies of adaptation. Analyzing adapted movies and comparing them with literary sources can be done with a cultural study approach of which nature is interdisciplinary depended more on cultural feedback. From this perspective, examining the relationships between cinema and television regarding One Thousand and One Nights series shows that the adaptations in which the story has been developed according to its very cultural-historical function, succeeded more. These kinds of adaptation were faithful to the structure of the work. The reason why the faithful adaptations to One Thousand and One Nights were successful is that the theme of this book emerges from its structure. Crossing out the theme pattern in adapted movies doesn’t satisfy common addressees of book and movie.


Volume 4, Issue 4 (2-2024)

Problem: More knowledge about the aspects affecting outdoor thermal comfort can help urban designers to enhance the experience of urban places. explaining human responses to thermal stimuli requires more detailed knowledge about the factors and processes affecting thermal comfort. In this regard, beside the impact of objective factors, it is necessary to consider the effect of mental processes. In the last two decades, many researches have been focused on the psychological aspects of thermal comfort. The diversity of influencing psychological factors and the breadth of case study data requires comprehensive reviews to make theoretical inferences and transform them into more structured conceptualizations. On the other hand, review of studies on psychological aspects of outdoor thermal comfort shows a weak link with the basic theories of environmental psychology in the relevant field.
Target: The goal of this study was to comprehensively review research findings in the field of psychological aspects of thermal comfort influenced by the experience of urban places, and to create a link between the evidences about psychological influences on outdoor thermal comfort and theoretical concepts of environmental psychology.
Method: The proposed conceptual framework guides and organizes this review. studies were searched based on keywords extracted from theoretical bases, and 28 articles were reviewed in detail. The extracted research outputs were divided based on thematic categorization of the conceptual model, including long-term experience, short-term experience, restorative environments, and momentary person-thermal environment interaction.
Result: Review of studies demonstrates the effect of cognitive factors resulting from long-term experience (association between thermal conditions and spatial characteristics in memory, preferences and attitudes toward thermal experience in urban spaces, and sense of places for the person), short-term experience (short term thermal history, short-term affects and mental fatigue), restorative environments (physical and functional restorative properties, and personal connection to place) and situational interaction between person and thermal environment (congruence with needs/goals and expectations, and coping potential) on outdoor thermal comfort.

Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2018)

The subject of the present article is the study the adapted movie of Pasoini from Thousand and One Nights in the form of adaptation. The research question of our paper is whether Pasolini's adapted movie makes it possible for the text to be clarified and illustrated or if Pasolini's movie can add new meaning and interpretations to the text? the objective of the paper is, in addition to studing the similarities and differences of the text and the image with a comparative approach, is to demonstrate that Pasolini behind adapting the Nights is to insert his ideological mechanisms his school's discourses into the movie. The method of this article is based on Linda Hucheon's theory of adaptation. hucheon believes adaptation is derivation but not copying rather it is a new work which is important in itself. According to Hucheon Pasoini' make the arabian Nights his own and changes it and place his own worldview on it and has deviated from it and this deviation is inevitable

Volume 6, Issue 2 (5-2021)

Aim: The aim of this study was to predict the chronic musculoskeletal pain adaptation to according inhabitation behavioral systems, activation behavioral systems and perceived social support.
Method and Materials: In this descriptive correlational study, 270 patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain assessed with Illness Social-Psychosocial Adjustment Scale, Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale, and Wilson & Gary Brain Behavioral Systems Questionnaire. Data were analyzed by SPSS 20 statistical software using regression statistical method.
Findings: Findings revealed the behavioral inhibition system predicts pain adaptation scores positively and the behavioral activation system predicts pain adaptation scores negatively. Perception of social support in three dimensions of family, friends, and important individuals could negatively predict 42% of the variance of pain adaptation.
Conclusion: This study showed there is a relationship between behavioral brain systems and perceived social support with pain adaptation. Therefore, it can be concluded that perceived social support and behavioral brain systems predict pain adaptation

Volume 6, Issue 3 (12-2018)

The present article is intended to comparatively analyze characters and themes in Ofoul by Akbar Radi and An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen. The research methodology of comparison is based on Francois Jost’s theories on motifs, types, and themes as well as Linda Hutcheon’s A Theory of Adaptation. Investigating the characters and the themes of these two dramatic works and despite rather similar characters and the themes, Radi made some very adept differences to impart the sense of localization and probability. Themes such as the animosity of the powerful towards any change in the people’s conditions, the insistence of the intellectuals on their own ideas, the treachery of the close friends to the intellectualism, the abuse of the common in the hands of the powerful, loyalty of the wives, and in the end the defeat of the intellectuals are seen in both works. Akbar Radi takes his subject matter as well as his characters from An Enemy of the People but creates them anew so as to adapt them to the needs and values of his addressees i.e. the Iranians. Investigating characterization and the ways of adoption in these two works show the comparative nature of this study.

Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2018)

The purpose of this article is to investigate the capacities and trends of the literary text in the transformation into a computer game by analyzing the descriptive-analytical method by examining the part of inferno from the text of Dante's Divine Comedy and its adaptation game. The main question to answer is that the Ardavirafname of Persian classical literature, given the structural and content similarities with the Divine Comedy, will have the capabilities to reproduce in the form of a computer game. With this description, it is possible to conclude from the simultaneous review of the game and the text of inferno and to compare the artifacts with it, it can be concluded that the fictional framework of both the literary works is similar, and the narrative of the artifacts is also reinforced by the struggle, suspension, and complementary narratives, The ability to become a fitting story of the game is adapted. The heroes of both texts have common characteristics and, like the game of inferno, one can remove the characters in a descriptive way, and by turning the function and the active connections into desirable characters for an adaptation game. The space and place described in Dante's text and detailed in the adaptation game is faithfully reproduced, and in terms of both qualitative and symbolic expressions, the visualization function has the same capability and has the capacity to be amplified and expanded descriptions and spatial images are becoming an appropriate place to create a multi-stage adaptive computer game.

Volume 6, Issue 6 (12-2015)

Borrowing words is a common and unavoidable phenomenon that is closely related to relation of different linguistic communities. The purpose of this research is to study the phonological adaptation of Arabic loanwords in Persian focusing on vowels system. Authors gathered 1647 Arabic loan words from Persian Dictionary of Moien and Sokhan, and then they extracted phonemic form of loan words from four Arabic dictionaries. Phonemic forms of the words in Persian were collected from both Dictionaries. All the phonemic forms of the words were written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). And then by comparing two phonemic forms of the words, they found the phonological rules of adaptation. The framework of the study is OT (Optimality Theory) according to Prince and Smolensky. An optimal Tableau was considered for each phonological rules and explain the competition of constraints. The finding of the present study is that vowel substitution is the most common phonological rules in adaptation of Arabic vowels in Persian.

Volume 7, Issue 7 (3-2016)

This paper examines English loan words adaptation in Persian within the framework of Silverman (1992)́s phonological-perceptual approach. This article explores whether vowel epenthesis as a repair strategy in loan word adaptation is phonological or a perceptual illusion and based on what kind of loan word adaptation approaches, English loanword adaptation in Persian can be examined. In an answer to the first question, two experiments were conducted with twelve participants who had very little knowledge of English language. The results indicated that vowel epenthesis in consonant clusters of English loanwords is a perceptual illusion and happens at the perceptual level. In an answer to the second question, the results indicated that loan words adaptation is better to be examined based on phonological-perceptual approaches in that Silverman (1992)́s two level model of loanword adaptation can be an appropriate choice.
Zahra Hayati,
Volume 7, Issue 27 (11-2014)

Comparative adaptation studies are based on comparative studies of cinematic adaptations and their literary sources. These studies can be divided to: (1) the books or theses written independently and by one author on the subject of adaptation; (2) the collection of essays which founded and published by a cultural or film foundation; (3) the studies that analyze the potentials of literary works through the lens of narrative elements, stylistic elements,or the combination of the two; (4) the works of criticism that study literature according to film studies; and finally, (5) dispersed and short commentaries in the newspapers. All of these studies can be categorized as subdivisions of literary studies because of their research methodology and conceptual paradigms.     Key words: comparative literature- cinema- criticism- adaptation The comparison between films and literary sources is the base of comparative studies in adaptation. These writings can be divided as: the books or theses wrote independently and by one author; the collection of essays which controlled by a cultural foundation or a company of cinema; the researches that analyze literary works by the view of “narrative elements”, “stylistic elements” and “stylistic & narrative elements”; the works which critic literature according to cinema criticism. Dispersed and short comments in newspapers. All of these studies are kind of literary criticism because of new conception by new methods.
Peyman Dehghanpour,
Volume 8, Issue 32 (12-2015)

The Iranian TV series, Gohar-e Kamāl (1998), is written and directed by Abbas Ranjbar and was shown on IRIB. Parts of this TV series resemble Abbas Maroufi’s novel Sāl-e Balvā (1992); nevertheless, there are no references to this novel in the credits of the show. This article studies Maroufi’s novel and Gohar-e Kamāl and points out some possible influences of Maroufi’s novel on Ranjbar’s series. As the screenwriter, Ranjbar borrows certain phrases and dialogues from the novel. Furthermore, some of his characters, such as “Raziye Nobakht,” “Hatam Khanpour,” and “Ghobad” are modeled after characters such as “Noushafarin Niloufari,” “Hosseina Kouzeh-gar” and “Dr. Masoum” from the novel. However, certain themes and motifs of the novel have been modified so that they comply with the cultural norms of society.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2019)

The industrial architectural heritage is the result of the interaction of culture and industry that nowadays due to the unique identity and values of industrial heritage and with the industries outflow from urban areas have turned into unused areas requiring adaptive reuse. Besides, their similarity to other forms of architectural heritage, industrial buildings have unique components such as special scales, the great mass of materials and indelicacy of space, each of them brings some forces in recognition and designing the project and appearing as new limitations and opportunities for designers. Nowadays, the reuse through retooling interventions is not systematic and is regarded as one of the most important necessities for development and reconstruction in urban industrial areas. Therefore, drawing up and synthesis of various theories on the subject shall be done within a developed framework based on maintenance of the sense of place and the possibility of reviewing the authentic visual character of the building which requires reviewing and identification of valid theories and documents presented so far to create adaptation of new conditions and the authentic building in relation with its environment. Indeed, in addition to conservation, it leads to emergence of time and creativity in parallel with the achievement of sustainable conditions. Retooling the heritage buildings include certain components that should be analyzed in an integrated and comprehensive ways at three levels of architecture, infrastructure and structure before beginning of interventions and without undesirable effect on the authenticity of environment and architecture. All these items are the main pre-intervention necessities and in the present research it is tried to make logical and comprehensive relation to create new conditions for functional updating of the areas with industrial, although depreciated, identity. The present research is qualitative, which using the strategy of logical reasoning for the developing of conceptual framework leads to recognition of effective components in the retooling process of industrial architectural heritage; components that are simultaneously influenced by adaptive reuse strategy in historical buildings.

Volume 9, Issue 38 (3-2013)

Since the history of film adaptation in storytellercinema goes back
to its earliest days, many film critiques have compared the adaptations
to their literary sources. Such researches are also conducted in
universities of Iran and in the previous decade, and some critiques
have viewed it in retrospect, that is they considered the potentiality of
a literary work for adaptation. With this approach at hand, we can
study the function of metaphor in the images used in Persian poetry.
Following Aristotle, traditional rhetoric defines metaphor as a word
which is used in place of another word on the basis of similarity. This
definition which emphasizes word, and in greatest extent sentence, is
different from the definitions which are influence of by the platonic
romantic views; since metaphor in such views has a organic relation
with the whole language, and is the generator of an active imagination
which should transfer meaning from an object to another one. With
the expansion of this theory in twentieth century and its detailed
formulation at the hand of structural linguists, metaphor is believed to
be a process which essentially is carried out in language, and not only
transfer meaning but it creates meaning by causing interaction
between two things which lead to the creation of a third thing.
Comparing literary metaphor with cinematic metaphor on the basis of
an Aristotelian view is difficult, because metaphor in this view is
based on word, and word is the building blocks of spoken language
which is essentially different from the audiovisual media of cinema.
But if we consider metaphor in whole and as the basic element of
thought, spoken language and non-spoken language can reestablished
their relations. In this view, the interaction of literary metaphor of
Persian poetry and cinematic metaphors is defined through the process
of "transformation of aesthetic elements" and with "finding
equivalents for stylistic elements" in two medias.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (7-2022)

Aims: The study aimed to investigate the effect of perceived stress and coping strategies among adults during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Instrument & Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from May and July 2020 on 792 in Karaj, Iran on adults (aged ≥18 years) using a convenience sampling method. The relationship between age, general health, perceived stress, primary appraisal, secondary appraisal, and coping strategies as independent variables, and social functioning and emotional health as dependent variables was evaluated using pathway analysis. Data were analyzed using SPSS-19 and Lisrel 8 software.
Findings: The mean age of the participants was 38.87±8.73. Among the variables directly associated with emotional well-being in men, emotional coping has the most positive association (B=0.13) and problem coping has the most negative relation(B=0.022) and secondary appraisal has the most negative association indirectly (B=0.04). The perceived stress has the most effect on the social function in men indirectly (B=0.21), and secondary appraisal has the most positive relationship with social function in men indirectly (B=0.11). Further, perceived stress has the most negative association with social function among women in the direct route (B=0.088) and general health has the most positive relationship in this regard (B=0.014).
Conclusion: The perceived stress should be noticed and managed effectively to improve mental health. The emotion-focused coping can positively affect emotional well-being and problem-focused coping negatively influences it.

Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2021)

Aims: The main aim of the research is to recognize the criteria of the authenticity of contemporary mosques based on the obtained criteria. Recognizing the originality to improve the development process of mosques and modeling for the design of future mosques or their development plan.
Methods: The research method is the identification and extraction of indicators, reasoning, and analysis of examples using the opinions of a focused group of experts, and scoring based on indicators.
Findings: The characteristics of the authenticity of the mosques were set in two dimensions, content and body. Content characteristics, such as the use of familiar historical symbols and elements of nature (light and water) as well as respect for community and human privacy and the symbolic divine dimensions of the space to express the sacred nature of mosques. It includes the user pattern and the exact type of structure. In none of these cases should one judge the superiority of the past or today with prejudice, but rather the criterion of its comprehensive usefulness in the mental and physical benefit of the audience.
Conclusion: The analyses show the differences and commonalities of the factors of the authenticity of the mosque. Mosques that had more body manifestation in content aspect at the general of the design of the mosque, were more original. But mosques that have emphasized symbols in terms of content, and they had a weak manifestation of content in the body, were in the middle category. Also, merely sustainable architecture, emphasizing the transformation of symbolic forms and deconstruction in the design, regardless of the content dimensions, has not increased the originality.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2021)

Aims: Understanding the climate of a region can create an architecture that is consistent with it. Therefore, in this paper, the architectural compatibility of the village of Meymand Troglodytic has been identified as the key element of the research. The main purpose of this study is to determine the degree of adaptation of the climate element of temperature to the architecture of Meymand Troglodytic village in the heat period.
Methods: Correlation research method based on field measurements was used. Field measurements were performed on 3 August and 4 August 2019 as representative of the heat period. The temperature variable in the village of Meymand was collected by a data logger and it should be noted that the measurements were made at 6 am and 3 pm to obtain maximum and minimum temperatures.
Findings: The results of the Givoni bioclimatic diagram showed that there was a significant difference between the minimum and maximum temperatures on harvest days. Architectural findings of Meymand Troglodytic village showed that the excavated buildings in the mountain utilize high heat capacity of the soil, which can be most consistent with the climate element in the heat period. Also, the presence of suitable horizontal and frame shades, lack of high openings are other important physical factors in accordance with the climate of Meymand village in terms of temperature.
Conclusion: In conclusion, it can be said that almost all of the buildings in the village of Meymand are associated with the climate element of temperature during the heat period.

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