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Omid Tabibzadeh Ghamsari,
Volume 17, Issue 66 (8-2024)

Malakout is a postmodern novel, and what is important in the analysis of a postmodern novel is related mostly to the description of certain literary techniques, which are used to emphasize the futility of the old meanings. These works have characteristics that without paying attention to them, one cannot expect a logical evaluation of the work. Some of these postmodern features and techniques which are very important in this novel and will be discussed here are as follows: meta-fiction, intertextuality, fragmentation, black humor, pastiche, temporal distortion, minimalism, and finally grotesque.
Extended Abstract
Bahram Sadeghi first published his short novel Malkout in a journal in 1340/ 1961 (Sadeghi, 1961). He made some additions and corrections in it shortly after that publication, but he himself did not take any action to republish the work. About 10 years later, Abolhasan Najafi, Sadeghi’s friend and master, edited this novel and some other short stories by Sadeghi and published them all in the form of a collection of Bahram Sadeghi's works. Since then, this novel and other short stories have been published several times by various publishers.
The first chapter of the novel Malkout by Bahram Sadeghi has an epigraph that is in fact a verse from the Qur'an:فَبَشِّر هُم بِعذاب الیم  [Give them good news of a painful torment] (Q 84: 24). “فَبَشِّر” in Arabic means “give good news”, but in this verse, the word "good news" is used to express painful and tormenting news! Here we are dealing with a so called sarcastic metaphor, and the novel Malkout by Bahram Saldaghi (1340/ 1962) can be considered altogether as an extended form of this sarcastic metaphor (see also Aslani, 2019; 2021).
The fact is that Malakout is a postmodern novel, and neglecting this fact has caused many critics of the novel to pay more attention to its epistemological details rather than to its ontological nature. What is important in the analysis of a postmodern novel, rather than revealing its meanings, is related to the description of certain literary techniques, which are used to emphasize the futility of the old meanings. Malakout, like detective novels, has many secrets and there are many clues with the help of which one can unravel some of its mysteries and riddles (Shiri, 2005; S’edi, 1992). If the mysteries and riddles in detective novels are finally solved completely, the solution of many mysteries of Malakout, like many other postmodern novels, are due to the readers themselves. Each reader must solve the mysteries and riddles in his or her own way and gives his or her own meaning to the novel (Ebrahimi Fakhari, 2019).
Apart from the importance of the reader's role in the interpretation of the novel, these works have other characteristics that without paying attention to them, one cannot expect a logical evaluation of the work. Some of these postmodern features and techniques which are very important in this novel and will be discussed here are as follows: meta-fiction (Waugh, 1984), intertextuality, fragmentation, black humor, pastiche, temporal distortion, minimalism, and finally grotesque (Lehmann 2005; Barry, 2002; Imhof 1986; Imhof 1986).
Malkout can be seen as a satirical imitation of texts such as the Old Testament and the New Testament, and Ykolia and her Loneliness (Modarresi, 1334/ 1955). One of the most important features of postmodern novels is satire and ridicule of moral beliefs and social and cultural institutions ruling the society (Safi Pirludje, 2015; Hutcheon, 1988; Genette, 1980); Sadeghi by using techniques such as meta-fiction, black humor, pastiche and grotesque, mocked the images of mythological characters such as Jehovah, Satan, Ab (Father or Christian God) and Christ. He mocked the authority of the strongest cultural institutions of his time, which ironically and day by day were to take a greater importance and power so that they finally took the upper hand in Iran.
This novel is the first successful post-modern novel in the Persian language, and apart from its aesthetic values and literary importance, it shows the great power of the Persian language in expressing new mentalities and creating new spaces that have not had the slightest history in this language. The modern Persian novel started with the Blind Owl of Sadegh Hedayat, and Persian novel with Malkout Bahram Sadeghi stepped into another completely new stage called postmodern (see also Ghasri 2022; Nadjafi 2020; Honarmand 2011).
Aslani, M. R., 2019, Bzmnde-h-ye Qaribi Āshen…, Tehran, Niloufar Publisher.
Aslani, M. R., 2021, “Jvednegi”, Bahram Sadeghi; Trikh-e shafhi-ye Dastn-Nevisn-e Iran, edited by Hamed Ghasri, Tehran, Kettab-e Sarzamin.
Ebrahimi Fakhari, M. M., and Sharifnasab, M., 2019, “Barresi-ye Sdze-ye Modern dar Bouf-e Kour-e Sadegh-e Hedayat”, Naqd Va Nazari-je-je Adabi, vol. 4, Winter, No.2.
Genette, G., 1980, Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method, translated by J. E. Lewin Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press.
Ghasri, H., 2022, Bahrm Sdeghi; Trikh-e Shafhi-e Dstn-Nevisi Iran, Tehran, Ketb-e Sarzamin.
Honarmand, Saeed, 2011, “MALAKUT”, in: Encyclopædia Iranica, online edition, 2011, available at (accessed on 16 October 2017).
Hutcheon, Linda, 1988, A Poetics of Postmodernism, London, Routledge. pp. 202-203.
Imhof, Rüdiger, 1986, Contemporary Metafiction – A Poetological Study of Metafiction in English since 1939, Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag.
Lehmann, H. T., 2005, Post-dramatic Theatre, Rutledge.
Lewis, Barry, 2002, “Postmodernism and Literature”, in: The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism, edited by Stuart Sim, Routledge, pp. 121-134.
Modarresi, T., 1971, Yakoliy va Tanh’i-ye ’u, Tehran, Nil Publisher.
Nadjafi, A. H., 2020, Goft-o-go b Abol-Hasan Nadjafi, ed. By Omid Tabibzadeh, Tehran, Niloufar Publisher.
Sadeghi, B., 1961, “Malakout”, Ketb-e Hafte, No. 12, 7-100.
Sadeghi, B., 2000, Malakout, Tehran, Ketb-e Zamn.
Safi Pirludje, H., 2015, Ravyat Padzuhi dar Zamn; Sanjesh-e Ravesh-h-je Ghesse-Gu’I va Dstn-nevisi dar Frsi, Tehran, Padzuheshgh-e Olum-e Ensni va Motle’t-e Farhangi.
Shiri, Gh., 2005, “Pasmodernism va Maktab-e Dstn-nevisi-ye Esfahn”, Majale-ye Daneshkade-ye Adabijt-e Dneshgh-e Esfehn, Vol. 2, 43, Winter, 167-198.
S’edi, Gh., 1992, “Honar-e Dstn-Nevisi-ye Bahram Sadeghi”, Kelk, No. 32 and 33.
Waugh, Patricia, 1984, Metafiction – The Theory and Practice of Self-Conscious Fiction, London, New York: Routledge.

Volume 19, Issue 76 (4-2022)

In this study, the authors have tried to identify the types of exaggeration and study and analyze it in ritual poetry, the reasons for its entry and expansion in this literary genre in order to save poets and orators from falling into such a trap. Our target population in this study is a selection of ritual poets whose poems have had such damage more prominent; Attributing the special attributes and names of God to the Imams (as) and fabricating mythical stories and exaggerating in making people hope for the intercession of those great people are examples of content harms that in this research have been tried to deal with analytical-descriptive method.

Volume 28, Issue 3 (7-2021)

This study, is a semantic attempt to find out if there is a significant difference in the linguistic representation of Iranian and British war literature in the Iran-Iraq war (known as The Imposed War (of Iraq against Iran)) and World War II. Authors chose these two wars for two reasons: 1. In both cases, the war was defensive for both countries, and 2. both wars lasted for almost the same period: The Imposed War lasted for 8 years, and World War II lasted for 6 years. Given the aforementioned similarities, we seek to compare the linguistic representation of ideologies that had governed in Iranian and English societies (i.e. Islamic ideology vs. liberal democracy and the monarchy). In this study, we ask if there is a significant difference in the linguistic representation of these two wars. We seek to 1. Describe the linguistic iconization of war based on the source domains of metaphors, and 2. Describe the ideological similarities and differences of war using linguistic representations. The views of Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, and Carl Gustav Jung have been used in the psychoanalytic analysis of these novels.

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