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Showing 43 results for Literary Criticism

Volume 8, Issue 31 (9-2011)

Javad Dehghanian,PH.D.
This paper tries to review the most important story of Kalileh and Demneh i.e. lion and cow in order to achieve a new reading from the anecdote based on symbols of inner text. With this perspective, in the process of review and analysis, audience encounters to this basic question as: whether this text can be trusted and that can be read and accepted based on the desire of the author?” The trend that was prevalent in literary researches so far has emphasized exactly in the author’s reading. Author believes that there is abundance of symbols/signs in this story that make the audience unfaithful towards the text.
This story has four main characters whose share in the advancement of the story is not the same. Most fictional dialogue and interaction occur between lion and Kalileh and Demneh.  Shenzbeh plays the role les than others and is almost a passive character. It seems that a different interpretation of text can be achieved through a careful insight on the dialogues between the characters and their actions.
In this new reading, new and diverse images emerge from the characters and utmost from the narrative. This could be a model from cardiac function and various instances in traditional system as well as help review other texts.
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Volume 8, Issue 32 (12-2015)

Abstract The present study aims to determine the citation status in the articles of the Journal of Literary Criticism. This study applies a survey method with a citation analysis approach. All articles published in this journal during 1387-1393 are studied. The co-authorship shows that researchers tend to single productivity. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad was the most productive. Most co-authorship between institutions was conducted by Tarbiat Modares University. The average of citations for each article was 21.1 percent. Most of the citations were to books (76.24%) and then to journals (21.16%). Most of the citations were to Persian sources (69.05%). Sirus Shamisa, Mohammad Reza Shafie Kadkani and Tzvetan Todorov were the most cited writers. Mohammad Nabavi was the most cited translator. "Structure and Interpretation of the Text" was the most cited book. "The Journal of Literary Criticism" and "New literary History" were the most cited journal. "The Journal of Literary Criticism" and "New literary History" were the most cited journal.

Volume 9, Issue 38 (5-2021)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the status of women and their role in literature of Qajar era in classic religious schools. We have selected seventy fairy tales from popular folk tales in the Qajar era. The conceptual model of this research is a combination of literary and sociological theories as well as qualitative research method and content analysis. After reading the textual body and extracting the data, we used the conceptual model of the study to examine the actions of women in the stories. The aim was to explain the various roles of women in stories. The findings show that considering the predominance of masculine discourse and gender-biased mentality, the political and social role of women in stories is prominent and their cultural, educational, and legal roles are very limited. The rest of the women's roles are located these two maximum and minimum poles.

Volume 10, Issue 41 (12-2013)

If we consider literature a pervasive and manifold construct, which is in need of interpretation, and if we consider psychology a knowledge capable of interpreting some aspects of literary works, we can notice that the relationship between psychiatry and literature can be the cooperation between two forces for discovering a world, which has remained hidden and unknown under the shade of the language of literary works. Therefore, the Farsi language scholars have carried out many studies so far on the basis of psychological criticism perspectives. The results show that those performing such research have mainly utilized Freud, Adler, Lakan and especially Yung theories in the criticism of literary works. Although these papers present useful information, most of them suffer deficiencies resulting from insufficient information or carelessness of the authors or their extreme biases. For example, sometimes an author has tried to exercise a bias for a specific literary work and through matching it with positive aspects of a specific theory to appreciate and praise that work. At some other times, an author has tried to find evidence based on an unreasonable certainty in the theory to make him/her able to warrant the disruptive and the unhealthy character of the author and different characters in his/her work.
Sometimes, the author tries to tie two things, which are not related by any means in order to present an innovative writing. Overall, these biases make serious damages to the psychological criticism of Farsi literary works. By investigating the discourses written in this regard in Farsi, this paper investigates in detail the literary-psychological criticism in Iran and presents its weak and strong points.

Volume 10, Issue 48 (12-2022)

As a reflection of the collective unconscious and human psychological struggles, folk tales are one of the best sources of psychoanalytical analysis, especially the theories of children's gender. By projecting many of their conflicts on the characters of the story, the audience of these fairy tales - especially children - can externalize their aggressive impulses and achieve a kind of psychological and emotional integration while symbolically experiencing some of their repressed emotions. Sigmund Freud, as the founder of psychoanalysis, has repeatedly emphasized the importance of classical folk literature and has built many important concepts of this knowledge on myths and legends. One of the key concepts in the psychoanalytic theory is the Oedipus complex, which is, according to Freud, the responsibility of every child who steps into the arena of existence to overcome it. On the other hand, the Kurdish language has one of the richest popular literatures due to its dialect diversity and pristine geography. In this article, the author analyses the legend of Shirzad Shirpanj from Kurdish folk literature from a psychoanalytical perspective and demonstrates the extent to which this story conforms to the theory of the Oedipus complex and what solutions it offers to overcome this fateful path. In this story, the Oedipal conflict started in the dominance of the son and father competition, and finally, with the acceptance of the father's position and the decline of the Oedipal impulses, psychological maturity and inner peace emerge.
Zahra Rajabi,
Volume 11, Issue 43 (12-2018)

In recent years in Iran, the development of interdisciplinary studies has caused a variety of attitudes toward literary topics to be created especially in literary criticism. However, in these studies use of interdisciplinary capacities for a more accurate understanding and creating transformation in other literary fields such as rhetoric and classical aesthetics of Persian poetry has largely been neglected. Therefore, the present research seeks to address allusion topic in rhetoric by a descriptive-analytic approach and to identify and introduce this rhetorical element based on new interdisciplinary studies approaches and literary criticism. The results of the research indicate that allusion despite its apparent simplicity is one of the most complex and multilayer elements of the rhetoric that can be examined and looked up using the modern achievements of various disciplines such as linguistics, semiotics, sociology and some theories and discussions of literary criticism

Volume 11, Issue 43 (6-2014)

of Intra-Media Excerpts
Zahra Hayati,PH.D.
In literary and cinematic comparative studies, a question which springs to mind is whether the cinematic techniques or elements of cinematic style can be compared with literary techniques; in addition to narrative elements and comparison of literary tales with film scenarios? In case of feasibility of such comparison, what is to be concluded from this study? Aesthetics is a common process that can be studied in the artistic expression of two different media. To make sense and formulate tacit reasoning with the cinematic style elements shapes the pivot of comparison. For instance, conveyance of meaning or particular definitions have been known via audio signs or signs of color and light in cinematic criticism. The premise of the study is that if the possibilities of definitions are analyzed in literary texts with markers that are close to cinematic style elements; the literary text is read in another manner, and its latent meanings could be discovered or a new definition could be presented by the reader for the text. Given that the discovery of meaning or creation of meaning are under the heading of recent definitions of literary criticism, it can be said that comparative study of literary and cinematic techniques at times materializes criticism through reading the text with a special approach and upon perception of its meaning. In a number of comparative studies that have been covered by literary and cinematic critics in recent years, cinematic markers have been instrumental in study and research of literary texts. Recitation of a literary narration based on consideration of terms of presentation of narration with descriptions founded on movement, color, sound, music, decorations and …etc. at times leads to discovery of relation between the format and the content. For instance, repeated elaborations on public places by the narrator can manifest that domination of the general picture of a story at times is due to solitude of the character and his contradiction with the surrounding environment. Also, the confrontation of the moods of a sad character in closed environments to the happiness of public places in the view of the story’s character can grant a semantic structural role to contradictions of general manifestations and major manifestations and for instance state the sense of solitude of a character toward the other world.
Kavoss Hassanli, Nasrin Zadehhasan,
Volume 11, Issue 44 (4-2018)

One of the important measutres in exploring the evolution of literary criticism in Iran is the review of critical works with the aim of identifying their stregths and weaknesses along with quality evaluation. Given the need for such an attitude in the realm of literary research, the authors resolved to evaluate the critical approach assumed by Mohammad Hoghoogi, one of the most renowned pioneers of New criticism in Iran. Hence, his critical works have been studied using content analysis and descriptive-analytical approaches and their characteristics have been explained. According to the finding, Hoghooghi is mostly concentrated on formal features and morphology of literary work and his critiques are majorly structured on three principles, namely language and diction, settings and idea, and form and structure which are commonly referred to as Hoghooghis critique traingle. Such formalistic propensity along with his interest to structure have led some of his interpretations to become roughly superficial or enthusiastic, and though approximating modern and scientific criticism, his critiques go to ex tremes in some cases and fail to demonstrate the true value of literary work.
Mohammad Reza Hajaghababaei, Samane Abbasi,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (10-2019)

In the literary tradition of Iran, literary criticism was never conducted in a systematic wayand what remains bearing the title of “criticism” is mostly the result of the critic’s impression of the text which, instead of having a scientific approach, relies mostly on their literary taste. Starting from the end of Qajar period and with the various cultural and social developments at the time, criticism also experienced changes and literary critics attempted to involve scientific perspectives in their criticisms more and to avoid impression-based and idiosyncratic criticism. A growing number of press were utilized by literary critics of the time to publish their critical articles. Literary critiques published in the first Iranian press can be classified into three categories, namely theoretical discussions about literary criticism, criticism of a literary genre or trend, and criticism of literary works. In theoretical discussions, the critics elaborated on the literal and terminological definition of literary criticism and its purpose, and, outlining the necessary characteristics of a literary critic, focused on the relativeness of criticism, explaining its types, and role of the press in promoting literary criticism. In articles that focused on a particular literary genre or trend, criticism of modernists as well as of the research into literary works, and discussion of the nature of poetry and novel are more prominent. In criticisms of literary works, in addition to the content and verbal and literary features of the works, the critics sometimes focused on the moral and personal characteristics of the authors as well.
Shokouh Fourjanizadeh, Mahboubeh Khorasani, Morteza Rashidi,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (10-2019)

Structuralism is one of the most important areas of the modern literary theory, which has contributed to the creation of new subjects, the evaluation of similarities and differences, and the possibility of the analysis of the Persian literary texts based on standard universal models. Recently, Western literary theories have been increasingly used in the analysis of many literary research studies in Iran, aiming to shed some light into the hidden aspect of literary works and provide new insights. And few studies have ever not used structural and morphological approaches in their literary analysis. Based on a review of the Persian literary morphological studies conducted in different decades, the present study aimed to analyze the growth of them qualitatively and quantitatively and also to analyze their literary genres. Further, it investigated the degree to which Propp’s morphology theory has been used in a standard scientific way in these texts. Finally it was concluded that the inappropriate and mechanistic applications of Propp’s morphology theory in the Persian literary texts have led to inappropriate theory selection, simplification story elements, disregarding the goal and context of the theory, repetition of the method, poor introduction, and unrelated conclusion.

Volume 12, Issue 47 (6-2015)

Ahmad Razi. PH.D.
Abdullah Raaz
The sociological criticism of literary texts intends to go beyond some of the apparent and contextual similarities and to present a critical interpretation of the reality that is reflected in the literary text. Within each of the approaches for sociological criticism of literature, the relationship between the literary text and societal realities is at times depicted within the framework of an intricate and indirect framework, while at other times being displayed as an analogous and direct relationship. Given the promotion of sociological criticism of literary texts, and a rise in inclination toward sociological criticism of literature in Iran; assessment of the works and accomplishments of the researchers of this domain for presentation of a true image of the current situation and perception of its capacities and shortcomings is a must.
In this article, via adoption of descriptive-analytical methodology, efforts have been made to take into account the scientific articles which have been published in this domain in Iran in the past two decades. Also efforts have been underway to select thirty articles to study the quality of literary text, and the level of precision in purposeful implementation of the theories, in a bid to identify the most important shortcomings and defects of the sociological research on literature in Iran, and to analyze the factors that impact this trend.
According to findings, the sociological studies on literary texts in Iran, despite their diversity, lack creativity in implementation of theories. One of the other shortcomings in this realm is the fragility of critical thoughts; focus on a shallow presentation of relationship between the text and community; indifference toward the structural relationship and concurrently maintenance of a dialectical relationship between the form and content of the literary text; severalty of theories; an inappropriate understanding of the relationship between the text and theory; fragility of methodology; an inclination toward diminution; misunderstanding of texts; and lack of unity between the theories and implementation of theories.

Volume 12, Issue 48 (9-2015)

 Narges Baqeri. PH.D
Parivash Mirzaian
This article pays a glance at literary studies carried out between 1934 to 2012, which have revolved round women; manifesting these studies’ terms, frequencies, repetitions, absences, and neglected aspects. Moreover, efforts have been made to readout and analyze graphs and tables. The consideration of these studies has experienced a rising trend. Female researchers have carried out the majority of studies on women in Iran’s literature. Also, based on figures, the majority of studies have been conducted on classical poems, mainly the collection of Ferdowsi’s poems, Shahnameh. Meanwhile, a shortage of scientific studies on women is evident in the classical poems of women. Among the prose texts, One Thousand and One Nights has allocated the highest number of studies, and researchers revolving round women have been warmly welcomed in the domain of tales. Simin Daneshvar, as the first Iranian female author has contributed the majority of studies in this realm. In the contemporary poetry, the shortage of studies on the classical poems composed by women is not sensed, and the majority of such contemporary poems have been criticized and studied. The poems of Parvin Etesami have achieved the highest figures, as poems which bond classical and contemporary poetry.

Volume 13, Issue 61 (3-2026)

Archetype criticism is a combined and interdisciplinary approach that shows how the collective unconscious of Jung is present in literary works. Similarly, folk literature is considered one of the most appropriate manifestations of archetypes. In line with this principle, the Taleb and Zohreh system is one of the indigenous stories that emerged from the folk culture of Mazandaran, and among the common people of Mazandaran, some have considered this lyrical system to be the story of Taleb Amoli, a famous poet of the Indian style. Considering the similarities observed between this system and archetypes, this study examines it based on archetype criticism using quantitative and qualitative analysis methods and based on the views of Carl Gustav Jung, and the extent and manner in which the poet uses archetypes such as anima, mask, shadow, travel, and water are measured.
Literature review
The Taleb and Zohreh poetry has not been studied with the approach of archetype criticism so far; however, there are some related studies such as Falah (2012), Majd (2006), and Mehdipour (2013).

Research questions
The following research questions were raised:
Which archetypes are more prominent in the Taleb and Zohreh poetry?
From the perspective of archetype criticism, what analysis can be provided for the archetypes manifested in the Taleb and Zohreh poetry?

Among the most important archetypes used in the Taleb and Zohreh system, we can mention anima, travel, mask, shadow, and water, which appear more in this story and can be searched and examined from the perspective of archetype criticism in this work. Many of the ideas used in the Taleb and Zohreh system are examples of archetypes that largely correspond to global patterns. It seems that the poet intended to use these elements to better advance the story and explain the story better, and thus have a greater impact on the audience.

Data collection
The data collection for this article was carried out using the analytical-descriptive method and through library studies.

Analysis and discussion
Today, with the emergence of new branches of literary criticism, various approaches to reading literary texts have been formed, which makes it possible to analyze various dimensions of the text and expand the scope of understanding the meaning of the text. One of these approaches is archetypal criticism, which is the result of
Soolmaz Moeini, Ahmad Razi, Reza Cheraghi,
Volume 14, Issue 54 (7-2021)

The environmental criticism that emerged in response to the environmental crisis, traces the origins of many environmental problems in its cultural roots and by bridging the gap between science and culture, seeks to halt or slow down the growing trend of the environmental crisis. This criticism has attracted the attention of Iranian researchers in the last decade, but it seems that this type of research in Iran is still far from international standards. Due to its connection with political and economic issues and many other complexities, this criticism has its own special capacities, but since less attention is paid to its contexts and fundamental issues in Iran, it has become more decorative and its various principles and dimensions have not been considered. In order to bring the principles of this criticism closer to its global meanings in Iran, this study tries to investigate and survey the problems and shortcomings of this criticism with its strengths and weaknesses by reviewing the perspectives of prominent global theorists and evaluating a number of articles published in Iran on ecological criticism. The result of the study reveals that the lack of proper understanding of the concept of ecocriticism and the environment, ignoring the value and inherent position of the non-human world regardless of the humanistic view, ignoring the interdisciplinary aspects of ecological criticism, the lack of pragmatic and practical dimension of criticisms and the wrong choice of works for this criticism are some of the problems that environmental criticism faces in Iran.
Research Background
Environmental criticism was introduced to the Iranian scientific community in 2008 with a study by Davood Emarati Moghaddam in introducing the book “Ecocriticism” by Greg Gerrard. Later on, some studies entitled “An Introduction to Ecocriticism” and “The Theory of Literary Ecocriticism – An Introduction to New Research Schools in Studying and Analyzing the Form and Content of Literary Works” by Masih Zekavat (2011), “An Interdisciplinary Movement between Environment and Literature” by Mohammad Naser Maududi (2011), “Ecocriticism, a New Approach in Literary Criticism” (2012) and the books “Ecocriticism” (2013), “About Eco-Criticism” (2013) and “Green Literature” (2015) by Zahra Parsapour introduced Ecocriticism and some of its dimensions and contexts.
Objectives, Questions, Assumptions
The history of the presence of nature in Persian and world literature is as old as literature itself and their nexus is inseparable. As a result, many researchers have analyzed this relationship based on the poet and the writer's interest in nature and their impression from the environment, but the problem is that most of these studies have been published under the title “Environmental Criticism”. Now the question is if expressing the interest and respect of a poet or writer towards nature can be considered as an environmental criticism, or whether this is a new problem that has not been addressed before. What kind of approach and perspective towards these works can place them within the sphere of environmental criticism? What is new about this criticism, and what sets it apart from the old approaches towards nature? Are the ecological studies or environmental criticism that is known in Iran correctly interpreted? What are the problems and shortcomings of addressing this criticism in research in Iran and what are the missing subjects in this field? 
This study critically examines fifteen articles published under the title of “Ecological Criticism in Iran”, and deals with the problems and shortcomings of such studies in Iran and tries to introduce this type of criticism correctly and offers suggestions for improving the situation of ecological criticism.
The basis of the problems of environmental criticism in Iran is related to the problems of translation and also a group of intellectuals’ presumptions, thinking environmental criticism is not yet a serious issue. First of all, it is required to provide a definition of environmental criticism. In addition, the necessities of environmental criticism should be taken into consideration as well.
If this criticism is a study of the relationship between human and inhuman world in literature, it is necessary to know the essence and the meaning of the inhuman world and the extent of its boundaries in ecocriticism. Ignoring it in many local and foreign studies has made it fundamentally difficult to properly understand this type of criticism. The interdisciplinary aspects of environmental criticism, the intrinsic value of nature, choosing the right work and author for an analysis and being pragmatic and practical are some of the principals that should be considered in environmental criticism.
Studying these fifteen articles published in the field of ecocriticism in Iran reveals that many of these articles have difficulty not only in providing a correct definition and an accurate knowledge of the work, but also in complying with the requirements of environmental criticism. Accepting the environment and nature as an independent entity beyond the humanistic view was not observed in the studies, and although the practical and pragmatic ideals are the two basic features of ecological criticism and a guarantee for saving the environment, they have not been reflected in Iranian environmental studies as they should have been. Translating basic texts and resources in the field of environmental criticism and combining it with indigenous cultural features in the country is essential to recognize the extensive dimension of this framework. It can also pave the way not only for solving the current problems, but also for enhancing the effectiveness of studies in protecting the environment and creating a culture to prevent its destruction.

Volume 14, Issue 56 (9-2017)

Literary criticism is one of the important brance; hes of literary sdience whose indigenous criteria and norms are spontaneously seen in Persian literature. Therefore, it is necessary to extract criteria of literary criticism by criticizing and reviewing these texts and to put them in sets coherently to be used as an effective and reliable tool in the criticism of Persian literature. The present article is part of research which in the form of a PhD thesis seeks to extract the norms of literary criticism from Persian prose texts. By criticizing and reviewing the book " Altawassul – Ela- Altrassul" in an analytical_ descriptive manner, this article introduces, criticize and analyzes the criteria of literary criticism in this book. The present study shows that the norms of literary criticism of the book can be divided into four categories of text criticism, the need to pay attention to the audience position, author criticism and critique criticism. Influence of criteria of literary criticism in Arabic literature, using the poetry theory of Abdolqaher Jarjani and the author's personal acquisitions are the source of criteria of literary criticism in this book. The present study shows that the criteria of literary criticism in this book have some similarities with thoughts of hermeneutics, views of formalists and the theory of coherence of Holliday. These similarities indicates the effectiveness of the book's critical theories in today's literary criticism which unfortunately has been neglected and unused.
Alireza Mohammadi Kalesar,
Volume 14, Issue 56 (12-2021)

Although the theme of a work has an important role in literary and art criticism, it has been less discussed as a methodological process. Persian researchers are more concerned with explication and introduction of the theme of literary works than to discuss the processes, methods and strategies of discovering and understanding the theme. This paper, relying on examples of literary and art criticism, introduces two thematising processes: direct and indirect. The first and prevailing process obtains themes through the evident signs and explicit meanings of a text. Three of these evident signs include the direct utterances of the text, elements of fabula, and literary conventions. This process usually displays familiar themes. In contrast, the indirect process achieves the theme of a work by relying on implicit and constructed meanings, using strategies such as the concepts of literary theories, formal devices, extracting non-objective motifs, or combining these. The second type of themes, due to their strangeness, must be justified by a critic precisely and for this reason, they display that the critic is aware of his/her strategies.

Extended Abstract
Theme is one of the most current concepts and tools in literary and artistic criticism. Theme and thematic view contribute to the various types and levels of criticism; from the simplest dialogues to professional literary studies and analysis (Scholes, 2018: 22- 23). The effect of the theme can be seen in analytic works in literature and art; for example, the analysis of our everyday dialogues, talking about a movie or novel, introducing a work in social media, and people’s evaluations of a literary work or genre. Also, theme has a central function in academic studies. One of the current issues in academic papers, at least in Persian language and literature, is a direct or indirect discussion of the theme of literary works.
In education, an important part of the knowledge students learn is also the themes of the literary works. It can be said that, even curriculums and courses in Persian language and literature, are based on the categorizing of literary texts drawn from their themes. This view to theme and current discussion about theme is a part of the concept that is called “content knowledge” (Linkon, 2018: 19- 28). Therefore, here we have lost “Strategic knowledge”; a type of knowledge that focuses on the process of obtaining these themes. In other words, among the dense articles, theses, curriculums, and common discussion about themes of literary works, there are very few discussions about how to gain these themes. In this paper, I have tried to achieve this aim. In other words, although the theme of a work has an important role in literary and art criticism, it has been less discussed as a methodological process. Persian researchers are more concerned with explication and introduction of the theme of literary works than to discuss the processes, methods and strategies of discovering and understanding the theme This paper, relying on examples of literary and art criticism, introduces two thematising processes: direct and indirect. My aim, in this article, is to discuss about processes and strategies of constructing of theme via readers and critics rather to discuss about the instances of concrete themes.
Some of the theoretical studies about theme deal with definition of this term and its difference between theme and other similar or correlative terms (Parsanasab, 2009; Taghavi & Dehghan 2009; Sami’i Gilani, 2007). Babak Mo’in (2015) also in his article introduces the concept theme in French thematic theorists’ point of view. Because of its reliance on the thermalizing processes, above article is related to my research.
 In this article, I have exploited Bordwell (1989) and his results about theme and interpretation. He introduces current norms and procedures in finding and constructing themes and meanings in the history of film studies.  With regard to the ideas, theories, and definitions of theme, in this article I want to answer these questions: How do we achieve the theme of works? Is a theme an objective matter or subjective one? Is critic’s awareness of the process of making theme affective on the thematic research?  

Some of the results of this paper are: various processes of thematising and making theme can be categorized in two main groups: direct processes and indirect processes. The first and prevailing process obtains themes through the evident signs and explicit meanings of a text. Three of these evident signs include the direct utterances of the narrator or fictional characters in the text, elements of fabula (events and persons presented in the deep structure of text), and literary conventions (genre, schools, theories, or some current conventions in literary or artistic institutions). This process usually displays familiar, canonical and traditional themes. Because of their familiarity, these themes don’t need to be explained or justified by critics. In contrast, the indirect process achieves the theme of a work by relying on implicit and constructed meanings, using strategies such as the concepts of literary theories (like sexual or political concepts), formal devices and their meanings (like focalization, metalepsis, or parody), extracting non-objective motifs (like reflection or pretense), or even combining these strategies. The second type of themes, due to their strangeness, must be justified by a critic precisely and for this reason, they display that the critic is aware of his/her strategies. Finally, relying on the second process of theme making and thematising, I introduced the themes of some of the literary and cinematic works such as Hafiz’s poems, Birds by Alfred Hitchcock, and Invasion by Sharam Mokri.


Mehdi Dadkhah Tehrani,
Volume 15, Issue 57 (7-2022)

‘Resāle-ye- Irād” written by Mirza Fathali Akhundzadeh, Iranian intellectual of the Qajar period, essentially involves a fictional and critical dialogue between Reza Qoli Khan Hedayat and Akhundzadeh about the historical text of "Rawdhat al-Safāye-Nāseri" and some of its historiographical issues. Akhundzadeh strongly criticizes Hedayat’s approach and method of historiography. In this controversial dialogue, due to the fact that Reza Qholi Khan Hedayat is a poet, the misuse of his poems in the text, is the main topic of this debate.
Extended Abstract
Reza Qolikhan Hedayat, entitled Lalah Bashi, was a thirteenth-century writer, poet, and historian in Iran during the reigns of Mohammad Shah and Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar. "Rawdhat al-Safa-ye-Naseri" is one of the most important histories of Qajar period. This historical book is actually called "Appendices to Rawdhat al-Safa", which is actually written in the following of the book "Rawdha al-Safa" by Khvandmir. ‘Resāle-ye- Irād” written by Mirza Fathali Akhundzadeh, Iranian intellectual of the Qajar period, essentially involves a fictional and critical dialogue between Rezaghili Khan Hedayat and Akhundzadeh about the historical text of "Rawdhat al-Safaye-Naseri" and some of its historiographical issues. Akhundzadeh strongly criticizes Hedayat’s approach and method of historiography. In this controversial dialogue, due to the fact that Reza Qholi Khan Hedayat is a poet, the misuse of his poems in Rodhat Al-Safa Naseri is the main topic of this debate. This controversial dialogue between Akhundzadeh and Hedayat in “Resāley-e Irād” is one of the most important polemical tensions in the history of literary criticism and historiography criticism in Iran. This article will show the internal possibilities of this generic debate in recognizing the foundations of Persian literary criticism and historical historiography criticism.

Mahdi Rahimpoor,
Volume 16, Issue 62 (10-2023)

The subject of literary criticism has been of great importance in the subcontinent, and many critics have written criticism on both poetry and prose. Many critics and their works have been introduced or even published, but some are still preserved in manuscript form in various libraries. Generally, the written reviews are in prose, but among the existing works, reviews are also written in poetry, which is interesting in its own way. Sheyda Fathpouri, Munir Lahori and Abdul Baghi Sahbai are among the prominent critics of the subcontinent who have tried to experience criticism in the form of order, which seems to have been remarkably successful. Although the regularity of their criticism has caused some limitations. Despite the very valuable works that have been written in the field of literary criticism in the subcontinent, with the identification and discovery of different and innovative works in this field, the scope of literary criticism in the subcontinent becomes wider and more obvious every day, and it shows that this category is of great importance among writers, scholars and writers of that country have been blessed. In this article, we have first introduced the critical accounts of the poem, and then we have pointed out the motives of some of these critics in writing their criticisms, and then we have examined and analyzed these criticisms.
Extended Abstract
Although the knowledge of literary criticism is new and belongs to the last century, but by searching and identifying the past sources, we can see its traces in the ancient works and some writers and critics who professionally dealt with literary criticism. The history of literary criticism in the history of Persian literature has been more or less investigated and books have been written in this field. But what is very important in this context is that this topic enjoyed a lot of prosperity and prestige in the subcontinent, and there were great critics in that land who gave credibility to the topic of literary criticism in Persian literature by writing important works in this context. One of the wonders of literary criticism in the subcontinent is that, in addition to numerous works of criticism, which are written in prose, in a few cases we also come across criticism in verse, which is interesting in its own way. In the subcontinent, some critics have criticized poems or works that have useful points and, in addition to the content of the criticism, are also interesting in terms of structure and appearance.
History of criticism and literary theory of poetry in Persian literature
Literary criticism and theory of poetry in a broad and independent way does not exist in Persian literature. Perhaps some literary debates and controversies in the form of poetry, which has a long history in Persian literature, can be related to the category of criticism to some extent. The most famous of these literary controversies took place between Onsori and Ghazayeri Razi. In addition, some poets have made a general comment about the whole poem, the poetry of other poets, as well as praising their own poems, from a single verse to a complete poem. Even if these can be defined under criticism, they are still completely different from what some critics of the subcontinent have written. The critics of the subcontinent used to criticize poems in a professional manner and pointed out important points in the correction of verses.
Poetry criticism among critics of the subcontinent
As mentioned, some critics of the subcontinent, who are also Persian-speaking poets of that land, have presented their criticism in verse based on their own taste. The story begins when Haji Mohammadjan Qudsi Mashhadi (990-1056 AH), a famous poet of the Indian style, sang an ode in the memory of Imam Reza (PBUH). Sheyda Fathpouri, who was one of the well-known poets of that era, wrote a poetic criticism in the same weight and rhyme of the Qudsi ode and raised objections to some of its verses. After him, Munir Lahori, one of the famous Indian writers, poets and critics, gave a brilliant answer in the same weight and rhyme. Abdul Baqi Sahbai, one of the poets and critics of that period, once again attacked Sheyda with the same weight and rhyme and defended Qudsi. After them, Arzoo wrote the treatise Dad-e Sokhan based on these criticisms and as a "trial" between these critics in prose, and to a large extent he took the side of Qudsi and sometimes Munir. Of course, due to the fact that the critics have restricted themselves to respect the weight and rhyme, in some cases there is a weakness in the verses or filling, but in general they have achieved their purpose and at least they have been able to create a new wave in literary criticism.
Values of systematic criticism format
Perhaps, the main reason for choosing "order" for criticism is a kind of complicity. Because it is very difficult to write a review in verse and in a specific weight and rhyme. In other words, the critics criticized the poem in verse form in order to show off their knowledge and grace to the poets or other scientific rivals. Dealing with poem criticism from another aspect is also noteworthy, and that is the category of defamiliarization. This means that usually the written criticism of an artistic work is usually in prose, but the critics of the subcontinent, like the poets of that land, whose poems we have often witnessed defamiliarization in matters related to the aesthetics of poetry, have welcomed a kind of deconstruction or defamiliarization, which consists of the same criticism is the poem.
The Critics
Sheyda Fathpouri is one of the poets and critics of the 11th century, who is especially famous for his criticism of Qudsi's ode. Sheyda liked the old style in poetry and did not believe in the new style in poetry. He criticized 20 verses of Qudsi's ode in the form of 43 verses.
Munir Lahori (1054-1019) is a well-known poet, writer and critic of the subcontinent who was born in Lahore. Munir was also among the critics who, although he wrote poetry in the "new way" at first, but later changed his style and wrote poetry in the old way. He was one of the fans of the old style, and for this reason, he attacked four Persian-speaking poets of the new style in Siraj Munir and defended several advanced poets. Munir is the first person who responded to Sheyda's criticism of Qudsi and in the form of about 90 verses, he rushed to Sheyda in defense of Qudsi. His criticisms, which in some cases had a sharp and biting tone, were centered on rhetorical and grammatical points, of course Arzoo answered a significant number of them.
Mir Abd al-Baghi Sahbai (died 1094 AH), a poet and writer of the subcontinent, who is less famous than the previous critics. He is also one of Sheyda's critics, but Sahbai's criticism does not have a high analytical power compared to Mounir's and Sheyda's criticisms, as well as Arzoo's, however, new points can also be found in his criticism. Also, the criticism of Sahbai's poems is of great importance in the study of the tradition of literary criticism in the subcontinent.
Arzoo (1169-1099 AH), the most famous critic of the subcontinent, who has many works in various fields of rhetoric, linguistics, tazkira, description of literary texts, etc., has three very important books in the field of literary criticism; Tanbieh al-Ghafilin, Siraj Munir and Dad-e Sokhan said that the subject of the recent treatise is a response to these criticisms of the poem and in a way a defense of Mashhad's sacredness. While quoting these poetic criticisms, Arzoo has tried to answer them in a scientific, precise and fair manner.
The main motivations of Sheyda from Qudsi criticism
The root of Sheyda's criticism can be found in several other cases. One is his poetic taste and style; In such a way that Sheyda, contrary to the common style of his contemporaries, was inclined to the old style and simplicity and moderation of their poetry in terms of the use of metaphors. Another important issue is that Sheyda is the leader of a literary movement in India that believes that the Persian language and literature are not only for Iranians, and that Indian-origin professors of Persian literature are experts in this field and have the right to occupy it. Also, Sheyda believed that Iranians do not believe and pay attention to Indian poets and do not value the poets of this region in terms of poetry and literature. These factors can be seen as an introduction to his enmity with a poet like Qudsi who was Iranian. The majority of Sheyda's criticisms in this criticism are related to lexical, rhetorical and "everyday language" or colloquial issues, and sometimes legal and philosophical issues, which are often not free of mistakes. From this criticism of Sheyda and also the responses of the protestors, it can be seen that his criticisms were not without bias and mostly because of the lack of attention of Iranian poets to him. It is also clear from Arzoo's reviews of Sheyda that, due to Sheyda's strong relationship with the old style and lack of belief in the new style, he is not very familiar with the stylistic characteristics of the poetry of this period, especially in terms of the use of metaphors, or at least he is not interested in this style.
Some axes of critical criticism Sheyda
Sheyda has paid attention to many minor and major issues in his criticism of Qudsi verses. From the lack of meaning in the verse to dealing with legal and philosophical issues. Here we only discuss the main and most important points of Sheyda's criticism of Mashhadi's Qudsi ode: Lack of semantic connection in the structure of holy poetry, ignoring everyday language, failure to pay attention to grammar and language points, incorrect combinations in Qudsi poetry and not having a document and history in using some phrases and combinations.
Poetry criticism in the subcontinent has been successful with all its structural limitations, and critics have presented their criticisms regardless of poetic limitations. Another issue is that by carefully detailing the content of the reviews, it can be concluded that critics have attached more importance to formalism in poetry. If we pay attention to the axes of Sheyda's criticism and other people's answers, we can clearly see this approach to structure and form. Also, based on these reviews, we can see that people like Sheyda and Munir had no belief or interest in the new way or the basics of Indian style, but people like Arzoo and to some extent Sahbai believed and were interested in this style. Another thing is that since the vast majority of written criticisms in the subcontinent are in prose, writing poetry criticism is a kind of norm avoidance and highlighting, which is one of the characteristics of Indian poets in poetry. Another issue is that although compared to the prose criticisms written in the subcontinent, the poetry criticisms have occupied a much smaller volume (perhaps ten percent), but those criticisms cannot be ignored, and certainly in the review of the history of literary criticism in the Persian language and literature, these systematic reviews should also be evaluated.

Haleh Kiany,
Volume 16, Issue 63 (12-2023)

The discipline of literature in the prestigious universities of the world is progressing with up-to-date and practical topics. In the new era, the university has become an entrepreneurial institution that focuses on the production of thought, innovation, idea-centeredness and creativity, the use of interdisciplinary capacities and having thinking in interaction with the world. Meanwhile, the academic field of literature in many advanced universities is trying to address the new approaches of university, a topic that is reflected in the study of literature topics in this university. Nevertheless, these universities continue to seek greater academic legitimacy. The debates that began 150 years ago in areas such as the definition of literature as an academic discipline and the scientific nature of literary research are still ongoing. Stein Haugham Olsen is a professor of English literature and the author of many books and articles in world-renowned journals on the philosophy of literature, literary aesthetics, and so on. In this article, he seeks to examine the evolution of "literary studies" and traces this discussion from the discussions that began in the 1880s at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge on the academic nature of literature and literary criticism to recent decades. Olsen's article emphasizes that literary studies, if it seeks to discover the meaning of literary works, to obtain that meaning in any way with any theory, is ultimately what any good reader can do.

Leila Atefepour, Zahra Parsapoor,
Volume 16, Issue 63 (12-2023)

Coined by Simon C. Estok, ecophobia is a prominent and new approach to ecocriticism and environmental ethics, mainly defined as irrational and groundless hatred of the natural world. The ecophobic reading investigates unwanted human biases towards the environment based on irrational fear and hatred of bio-environmental manifestations in literary works. Ecophobia originates from the duality of self/other, leading to xenophobia in the shadow of an irrational fear of the other, i.e., a woman, race, or other species, in this Coined by Simon C. Estok, ecophobia is a prominent and new approach to ecocriticism and environmental ethics, mainly defined as irrational and groundless hatred of the natural world. The ecophobic reading investigates unwanted human biases towards the environment based on irrational fear and hatred of bio-environmental manifestations in literary works. Ecophobia originates from the duality of self/other, leading to xenophobia in the shadow of an irrational fear of the other. Naturophobia, misogyny, racism, and speciesism occur in a context of xenophobia, and many human behaviors in the face of nature and other human beings arise from fear, and this xenophobia leads to domineering behaviors. After presenting theoretical foundations, the study sought to explain the ecophobic components in literary works and how to apply ecophobia in literary criticism. Ecophobia reads literary works anew, trying to improve this relationship by analyzing and examining the relationship between humans and nature in an ecophobic context and expressing the origins of these fears. The research result demonstrates that two distinct types of ecophobia in literary works can be identified. By displaying neglected environmental fears, those works can play a significant role in correcting human relationships with the environment and making us sensitive to our behavior with the Earth.
Extended Abstract
Coined by Simon C. Estok, ecophobia is a prominent and new approach to ecocriticism and environmental ethics, mainly defined as irrational and groundless hatred of the natural world. The ecophobic reading investigates unwanted human biases towards the environment based on irrational fear and hatred of bio-environmental manifestations in literary works. Ecophobia originates from the duality of self/other, leading to xenophobia in the shadow of an irrational fear of the other, i.e., a woman, race, or other species, i.e., nature. Naturophobia, misogyny, racism, and speciesism occur in the context of xenophobia, and many human behaviors in the face of nature and other human beings arise from fear, and this xenophobia leads to domineering behaviors. After presenting theoretical foundations, the study sought to explain the ecophobic components in literary works and how to apply ecophobia in literary criticism. Ecophobia reads literary works anew, trying to improve this relationship by analyzing and examining the relationship between humans and nature in an ecophobic context and expressing the origins of these fears. The research result demonstrates that two distinct types of ecophobia in literary works can be identified. The first type determines a mythological and historical attitude based on the fears and worries of the past about nature and its phenomena. Expanding our knowledge, understanding, and facilities could have eliminated most fears and worries of phenomena such as earthquakes, floods, storms, droughts, darkness, predatory animals, and even natural changes in the human body, such as illness and aging. Thus, this criticism can bring these fears from our collective unconscious to the level of consciousness and even replace ecophilia with ecophobia in that context. The second type identifies the fear and worries that literature creates in us with all its imaginative and rhetorical capacity to warn about the dangerous phenomena and processes that quietly and secretly take shape and make us aware of the present and future environmental dangers. Such works can play a significant role in correcting the relationship between humans and the environment by showing neglected environmental fears such as water pollution, waste accumulation, nuclear contamination, and species extinction and make us sensitive to our actions with the Earth. Altogether, as the writers try to remove the baseless and unnecessary environmental fears in today's world, enlightening and giving the necessary warnings about the upcoming dangers in terms of human interference in nature, in some of their literary works, they depict our love and need for the nature. Accordingly, various artistic expressions of ecophilia in literary works can create a caring and eco-friendly attitude in the reader by using imagination and emotion effectively. Ecophobic criticism leads to identifying the emotional ethics of texts in terms of what values of nature the text conveys to the reader and what view and feeling it establishes in him/her towards nature phenomena.

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