Showing 99 results for gholami
Volume 19, Issue 2 (February 2019)
In this study, using volume of fluid method in open source software OpenFOAM, the phenomenon of evaporation in the porous medium was analyzed. At the beginning of the solution, the system consists of a water phase and a porous copper environment. In the next steps of numerical simulation and as a result of partial evaporation of water, the vapor phase appears as the second fluid phase. Water and vapor are assumed to be incompressible and incompatible, and the phenomenon of evaporation occurs unevenly. The interface between phases is modeled by the VOF method and the Lee model has been used to mass transfer between two phases of water and vapor. For surface tension between phases, the continuous surface force (CSF) method was considered. The comparison of simulation results with experimental results showed that the combined solver of porous medium evaporation would well estimate the rate of evaporation at different sections of the channel. In addition, the results of the wall temperature indicate that the channel is divided into two zones of heating and evaporation. In the region of heating, the temperature increases linearly with the channel length to reach saturation temperature. After the point of saturation, the wall temperature first remains constant and eventually forms an oscillatory shape, in which locally there are temperature jumps. The evaporated flow rate also increases at high intensity first, but in the end regions of the porous channel, its growth rate is slow.
Volume 19, Issue 6 (11-2017)
Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) is a sterile species and biotechnological method is suggested to improve different characteristic in this valuable plant. In this study, an efficient protocol was provided for callus induction and regeneration of saffron using thin cell layer explants. Longitudinally and transversally, thin cell layer explants with approximately 1 mm thickness of apical buds were cultured on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 6-BenzylAminoPurine (BAP) and 1-NaphthaleneAcetic Acid (NAA). The highest amount of callus induction (100%) was obtained from transverse thin cell layer explants of apical bud in MS medium containing 2 mg L-1 BAP and 2 mg L-1 NAA during 3 months incubation under dark condition at 20°C. The maximum percent of shoot regeneration (75%) was observed on the MS medium containing 0.5 mg L-1 BAP. The results of this investigation revealed that the thin cell layers from buds are suitable explants for regeneration.
Volume 19, Issue 10 (October 2019)
The aim of this study is the modeling of the solar chimney for achieving the relation between turbine output power and geometrical parameters. In this regards, 9 different models are determined based on the variety of chimney height and diameter for investigating the effects of geometrical parameters on the turbine performance. As well as, in order to improvement of system performance, the hydrophobic surfaces were evaluated with consideration of friction reduction by verification of slip condition on walls. The k-ε turbulent model was used to modeling turbulence flow and reverse-fan model was employed for simulating the turbine. For this purpose, the extracted data from the mass flow rate and velocity changes were validated with prior studies and then were compared in different pressure jumps in order to better comprehension of the performance of the turbine. The optimization was done through the defined models and it was observed that to have a better and optimized design, the geometrical parameters should have been considered in the system design simultaneously. Meanwhile, the chimney diameter should have been paid more attention as one of the most important design parameters. Also, the precise correlation was represented to estimate the turbine output power with respect to the height and diameter of the chimney. Furthermore, based on the applying of slip condition on walls for simulating hydrophobic surfaces, shear stresses reduction was done and it was revealed that the hydrophobic surfaces could have a positive effect on the performance of SCPP up to 5 percent.
Volume 19, Issue 12 (December 2019)
Biodegradable polymers have widespread usages in the biomedical field, such as stents, sutures, scaffolds, and implants. Due to the importance of behavior of these materials exposed to environmental effects, whether in nature or the human body, extensive researches have been carried out in the last decade that most of them are experimental results and very few are theoretical results. These researches have mainly been performed for specific loading and temperature conditions and so on. For this purpose, in addition to validating the theoretical and empirical relationships derived through the experimental results, the effects of more complex conditions can be considered using the finite element method and numerical solution. In this paper, an analytical relationship extraction method has been presented, as well as the abilities and weaknesses of biodegradable polymers have been investigated by presenting the experimental results of biodegradable polymers. A numerical and finite element analysis is also provided to analyze the behavior of biodegradable polymers. The theoretical analysis and numerical simulation of biodegradable polymers have been carried out using the neo-Hookean hyperelastic model. First, the relationship of stress, versus the stretch has been derived using the strain energy of neo-Hookean material. Next, by assuming a degradation parameter, changes in the properties of the material exposed to environmental effects, according to the time in Abaqus Umat subroutine have been applied to the model. Finally, the accuracy of the simulation has been studied by a comparison between the experimental results and theoretical analyses with numerical solutions.
Volume 20, Issue 2 (February 2020)
The torque feedback of the vehicle's steering wheel or driver perception of the steering wheel is one of the aspects of steering quality that has been investigated extensively in recent decades. In this paper, the driver model for sensing torque feedback or haptic interaction between the vehicle equipped with a steer-by-wire system (SWB) and the driver has been designed. The driver model consists of a preview model and a neuromuscular model. The preview driver model calculates the desired angle of the steering wheel to follow the path, and the neuromuscular driver model that can perceive real-time torque feedback determines the real angle of the steering wheel according to muscular system transfer functions to follow its desired angle. Calculating of torques on the steering wheel requires estimation of the tire-road forces. Whereas directly calculating the tire-road forces is too difficult, particularly in the lateral vehicle dynamics, suitable estimator to estimate these forces designed. The simulation results using the Carsim and Simulink software indicate that the driver model performance improved 63 % when torque feedback is enabled. So the designed driver model with torque feedback has an important role in controlling and vehicle steering in conducting double lane-change maneuvers.
Volume 20, Issue 138 (August 2023)
Pectin, which is made from citrus peel and waste, is one of the most commonly used compounds in the food industry. For large scale production, a combination of membrane-vacuum filtering has been suggested as an alternative to traditional methods of purifying the acidic solution for pectin extraction. This study investigates the main factors involved in membrane filtering system for separation of fibrous materials from an acidic pectin solution under vacuum. These factors which include: filter-aid-particle size, amount of filter-aid (perlite) added to the solution, and the vacuum level, affect, separation quality, volumetric flow rate, and energy consumption . A vacuum separation device was developed for this purpose in order to separate the fibrous material dissolved in solution. The independent variables were examined at three levels, the data were analyzed, and the optimum value for each variable was determined using the response surface method (RSM). Results revealed that increasing the vacuum level from 0.2 to 0.4 bar increases the flow-rate 6.5 folds, while, further increase in the vacuum level decreases the flow-rate. This indicates clogging of the paper filter and decreased flow-rate at vacuum level of 0.6 bar and perlite particle size of 100 microns. The evaluation results showed that thickness of the perlite layer has the greatest effect on the separation efficiency and when increased from 1 to 2 cm, increases the efficiency 2.5 folds. The maximum value of separation efficiency was obtained at a vacuum level of 0.2 bar, particle size of 20 microns and perlite thickness of 2 cm. The energy consumption of 60-micron perlite was 0.74 Wh in the optimal state, and the larger and smaller sizes of perlite had 4.5 times the energy consumption. These findings are applicable in the industrial scale implementation of a biomaterial separation system using vacuum membrane filtering.
Volume 21, Issue 4 (April 2021)
The sandwich panel is a combination of a soft core and two stiff, high-strength facesheets. In many cases, the connection between the facesheet and the core is considered as a critical point that can damages the integrity of the sandwich structure. In this study, the debonding toughness between the facesheet and the core in sandwich beams with grooved cores made of Kevlar 49/polyester facesheets and polyurethane foam core has been measured experimentally. The values of the strain energy release rate obtained at the onset of crack growth for the tested specimens are in the range of 340 (J/Square meters) and increase with the crack growth up to 500 (J/Square meters). One of the innovations of the present study is to investigate the effect of grooving the core of the sandwich panel on the resistance of the structure to the growth of interfacial cracks. The results show that by placing the groove inside the core of the sandwich panel, the interfacial crack stops during growth by hitting each groove and requires higher force to restart its growth. This phenomenon increases the resistance of this type of structure against the growth of cracks in the face/core area. In this research, a model based on cohesive zone theory was used to simulate crack growth in the tested specimens. Comparison of load-displacement curves obtained from the analysis shows that the proposed model has a good ability to predict the behavior of the structure under similar loading conditions.
Volume 21, Issue 147 (May 2024)
Date palm seed is a rich source of minerals, fiber, carbohydrates, and contains high levels of antioxidant compounds, making it a cost-effective and beneficial ingredient for formulating food products in the country. The current research was conducted to investigate the mineral contents in the seeds of 15 cultivated date palm cultivars in Khuzestan province including native cultivars (‘Fersi’, ‘Satmaran’, ‘Zahidi’, ‘Deiri’, ‘Belyani’, ‘Bereim’, ‘Barhee’, ‘Sowaidani’, ‘Asharsi’, ‘Hallawi’, ‘Owaidi’, and ‘Piarom’), and imported cultivars (‘Medjool’, ‘Deglet Noor’, and ‘Thoory’), at the Date Palm and Tropical Fruits Research Center of Iran. These cultivars were analyzed using a completely random design with three replications. The results showed, there are significant differences in the mineral contents, including Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Na, K, and Ca in the seeds of different date cultivars. K had the highest content in date palm seeds compared to other elements, followed by Ca, Na, Zn, Fe, Mn, and Cu. The highest levels of Fe and Mn elements were observed in the seed of the ‘Deiri’ cultivar, while the highest levels of Cu and K were found in the seeds of the ‘Medjool’ cultivar. The ‘Deglet Noor’ cultivar had the highest contents of Na and Ca in its seeds. Also, the highest concentration of zinc element was detected in the seed of the ‘Barhee’ cultivar. In different date seeds, the highest positive and significant correlation was observed between Ca% and Na%. Based on the cluster analysis results, regarding seed mineral contents, the examined date palm cultivars were classified into four main groups. Overall, the seeds of examined date palm cultivars, contained significant but highly variable amounts of minerals, and the use of seeds from the ‘Deiri’ and ‘Barhee’ (native cultivars) and ‘Medjool’ (imported cultivar) is recommended as important components in the production of functional food products in the country.
Volume 22, Issue 5 (7-2020)
This research studied changes in antioxidant enzymes activity,
Total Soluble Proteins (TSPs), Malondialdehyde (MDA), and proline content in the leaves of three olive (
Olea europaea L.) cultivars (Amphisis, Gorgan, and Manzanilla) at five different dates, and investigated their relationship with cold tolerance. The results revealed that cold-acclimation dramatically increased cold tolerance. Furthermore,
antioxidant enzymes activity, MDA, TSP, and proline content increased throughout the acclimation stage, whereas they declined in the de-acclimation stage. The ascorbate peroxidase, catalase, peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase activities in the leaves tissues correlated with the alterations in cold tolerance. Higher TSP, greater antioxidant enzyme activities, and more proline content together with
lower MDA content in Amphisis cultivar led to relative improvement in cold tolerance capacity of this cultivar.
Our results showed antioxidant enzymes activities, TSP and proline content could be useful indices to screen cold tolerance in olive cultivars.
Volume 23, Issue 0 (Special issue 2021)
Volume 23, Issue 0 (Special issue 2021)
Since the emergence of the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in December 2019, various drugs have been proposed as antiviral agents for treating the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) patients. Among the very first drugs to be utilized in the clinic were the aminoquinolines chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). At the time this work started, the US FDA and EU EMA had given emergency approval for the use of chloroquine and HCQ in COVID-19 patients. Chloroquine and HCQ have been commonly used for treating malaria and various autoimmune diseases. Additionally, both drugs have been shown to exert other therapeutic effects, including antiviral effects against SARS and MERS causing viruses. The exact antiviral mode of action of Chloroquine and HCQ is unclear even though these drugs exert a broad range of antiviral effects. HCQ is classically considered as an inhibitor of endocytic pathways through elevation of endosomal pH, its detailed molecular mechanisms of action as an antiviral compound remains elusive In-vitro studies show that both drugs can block the viral replication of SARS-CoV- 2 in cell cultures, but a high-level assessment suggested that calculated extracellular lung concentrations are well below the in vitro efficacy values and therefore the drug has low potential for in vivo activity at standard dosing regimens.
Volume 23, Issue 2 (February 2023)
The critical Crack Tip Opening Angle (CTOAc) is considered as a convenient parameter to characterize the crack arrest toughness of natural gas pipeline. Load-displacement curve is a comprehensive reflection of geometry, mechanical property and fracture behavior of a loaded specimen, so it would be highly advantageous to deduce (CTOAc) from load-displacement curve directly. From force-displacement curves, maximum force of 209kN and 207kN were obtained for experimental and numerical data, respectively. In this article, a combination of load-displacement and deformation of the drop weight tear test specimen was used to calculate the critical crack tip opening angle. For this purpose, the simplified single-specimen test method was used. The (CTOAc) is dependent on the slope of the steady-state crack growth region and the plastic rotation factor. Firstly, based on the fact that load decreases linearly with the increment of displacement during steady-state crack growth, the slope of the experimental load-displacement curve of API X65 steel in the steady-state crack growth region was obtained as 21.583. Secondly, by modeling the drop weight tear test in Abaqus software and using two methods of mises stress and neutral axis, the plastic rotation factor was obtained as 0.5688 and 0.5651, respectively. Finally, these
parameters were used and the critical crack tip opening angle was determined as 12.00 and 12.08 degrees.
Volume 23, Issue 2 (5-2023)
Asphalt mixtures and bitumens are faced with different traffic loading and thermal stresses during their lifetime. Due to their viscoelastic behavior, these materials exhibit different mechanical properties at different temperatures and traffic loading. Viscoelastic properties of bitumens are commonly expressed using the master curves of complex shear modulus (G*) and phase angle (δ) generally created by the horizontal shifting of the frequency sweep test results using shift factors. There are several methods for evaluating temperature shift factors, such as Williams, Landel, and Ferry (WLF) equation, modified Kaelble method, Log-Linear approach, and LCPC method. The LCPC method, developed using the Kramers-Kronig relationship, can be used to accurately evaluate the shift factor of bitumens, mastics, and asphalt mixtures. This study investigated the possibility of generating the master curves of bitumen based on temperature sweep test results rather than frequency sweep test results. Two types of bitumens were investigated in this study, neat bitumen with an 85-100 penetration grade (PG 58-22 performance grade) and SEPS modified asphalt binder with SEPS polymer content of 2, 4, and 6% by weight of the total binder. Temperature sweep tests were performed on all types of bitumens in a range of temperatures between 30 and 90 °C and the frequency of 1.59 Hz. Also, frequency sweep tests were performed on all kinds of bitumens in a range of temperature between 10 and 60 °C and a range of frequency between 0.1 and 100 Hz. The LCPC method was also investigated to calculate the shift factors for the master curves of complex shear modulus and phase angle, and the master curves of viscoelastic properties for all bitumen types are made based on temperature sweep and frequency sweep test results. The results indicated that the SEPS polymer could effectively increase the complex shear modulus and reduce the magnitude of phase angle. So, this polymer improved the rutting resistance of SEPS polymer-modified binders and led to better high-temperature performance of binders. In addition, the LCPC method effectively produced a valid and accurate form of the master curve using temperature sweep test results similar to the master curve using frequency sweep test results. Furthermore, the master curves of complex shear modulus (G*) and phase angle (δ) derived from temperature and frequency sweep test results exhibited comparable patterns and values. By plotting the value of complex shear modulus and phase angle obtained from the temperature sweep master curves versus the complex shear modulus and phase angle obtained from the frequency sweep master curves at the same reduced frequency, it was observed that all points were scattered in the vicinity of the y=x line. It was indicated that the master curves created based on temperature sweep test results have an acceptable approximation and accuracy with the master curves created based on frequency sweep test results. As a consequence, it may be preferable to generate the master curve of viscoelastic characteristics of bitumens using the results of the temperature sweep test, which is faster and more accurate in some conditions, compared to the results of the frequency sweep test.
Volume 23, Issue 3 (Fall 2019)
Introduction: "Understanding and evaluating of spatial planning system" without recognizing of "planning and development system" of countries and without the Understanding of similar situations and lessons learned from others' experiences are not achieved to goals. In This paper isn’t "deliberately" used the experiences of advanced and developed industrial countries, and focus on "developing countries. " Because based on realistic approaches to development, the experiences of similar countries provide more appropriate territorial development strategies to the decision takers. Therefore, four countries (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and Malaysia) have been selected for this assessment and analogy because based on social, economic, political and . . . characteristics, there is a greater relative and homogeneous relationship between the Islamic Republic of Iran and these countries, which is the main reason for this choice and comparison
Methodology: . In this analogy, two types of cognition include: basic knowledge (general and geographical status, economic and internal divisions), and special recognition (macro planning system and spatial planning system) were obtained from four countries and analogy with Iran. The method of research was descriptive-analytic and based on documentary and library studies that was completed by comparative analogy. First, the experienced international components were identified in the comparative evaluation knowledge and then based on the conditions of Iran and four Muslim countries The other seven and four components in the "content" and "procedural" dimensions for the concepts of "planning" and "spatial planning" were formulated and a comparative analogy was made for the situation in the five countries.
Results and discussion: according to the findings in the theoretical field (documentary-content), the macro-planning system of most of the studied countries is similar and in line with the more advanced industrial countries with some weaknesses, but in the field of action (process-outcome) the existing differences are very tangible. The situation in the urban planning of these countries has been weaker than their large-scale planning. In spatial planning at urban and metropolitan levels for planning and optimized spatial management, most often pursue the goal of sustainable development in varying degrees, and it is a way of responding to their challenges, but because of government features, lack of practical motivation and the lack of evaluation, monitoring and lack of cultural contexts in achieving the goals, they have a lot of obvious weaknesses.
Conclusion: The final findings showed that in the "macro planning system", all countries have a continuous planning horizon with distinct periods, a dominant economic approach, low participation, and a strong, but not executive, discursive chastiality. Iran, in terms of a theoretical approach similar to Saudi Arabia, Similar participation of Egypt and Saudi Arabia in the actors of development similar to Egypt and almost Turkey, and in other components, is the same as that of any other country. In the "Spatial Planning System", Iran has been involved in the components of the hierarchical levels of planning
Volume 25, Issue 1 (1-2023)
There is a growing concern in countries around the world, including Iran, about the effects of extreme climate change, diversification, and events on food production, food security, and livelihoods. The link between climate change and food security in the Iranian food system is the subject of this article. This review, based on the available literature, used the food system approach to achieve a broader view on issues related to food security in Iran. To this end, this study investigated climatic challenges facing food security in Iran with a focus on two essential products in Iranians’ food basket, namely, wheat and rice: Decreased agricultural productivity, food losses along production and distribution chains, postharvest loss, low resilience of poor people in rural areas, and the prevalence of malnutrition among children. The results showed that in addition to measures, such as making food production systems resistant to climate change and the necessary changes in existing food systems to adapt to the consequences of climate change, achieving food security requires a long-term vision to transform the Iranian food system. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop a climate-smart agriculture system that encompasses all aspects of food system security. Except for investigating the productivity of some essential components of this food basket, the results showed that there are scant studies on the effects of climate change on the food system of Iran.
Volume 25, Issue 3 (Summer 2022)
The purpose of this study was comparison study on antibiotic resistance profile and multiple antibiotic resistance index (MAR Index) in the Campylobacter spp. isolates from domestic animals and water. To performing the study, 392 fecal and water samples were collected from poultry (182), cow (141), sheep and goat (41) and tap water (28). All samples were subjected for isolation of Campylobacter spp. using pre-treatment-Kapandis Baseri (prêt KB) method and the isolates were confirmed by sequencing of 16srRNA genes. Furthermore, Campylobacter isolates were assessed for antibiotic resistance profile and multiple antibiotic resistance index (MAR Index) by using disk diffusion method. The results indicated that Campylobacter spp. isolated from 50 samples. The isolation rate was highest in poultry (37/50) and lowest in goat (2/50). 36 isolates were identified as Campylobacter jejuni and the rest (14 isolates) were identified as Campylobacter coli. All of C. jejuni and C. coli isolates found resistant to amoxicillin/clavulanic, erythromycin and chloramphenicol and all sensitive to ciprofloxacin, kanamycin, gentamicin, streptomycin, tobramycin, tetracycline and imipenem. 36% of C. jejuni and 14% of C. coli had multiple antibiotic resistance index 0.2 and upper. Therefore, based on foregoing evidence, all of the isolates were resistant to antibiotics, therefore, human infection with Campylobacter spp. via utilization of animal origin products is possible.
Volume 26, Issue 1 (Spring 2022)
Many studies emphasize the various components of smart cities, the speed and nature of their governance processes, and the diverse claims to the legitimacy of smart city governance. These indicate that the definitions and conceptualization of smart cities in developing countries are probably darker and can benefit from a regular combination of knowledge. In addition, the digital world's approach to non-digital issues such as social justice, politics, ideology, legality, and regulation suggests that smart city development governance is intertwined with many layers of complexity. It can be more complicated for some developing countries that are still meeting the basic needs of all citizens. The complexity of governance issues that developing countries have with different countries shows that a regular review of the literature is critical to discover what is available in the existing literature on growing smart cities in developing countries. In this regard, the present study examines and analyzes participation in urban decision-making, emphasizing smart urban governance in Tehran.
The present study is descriptive-analytical. In terms of purpose, it is in the category of applied research. The information required for this research has been collected in two ways: library and field. In the field method, the collection of primary data according to the research questions has been done by designing a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. The statistical population of this study includes municipal employees in 22 districts of Tehran with a population of 500 people. The method of selecting specialists was the snowball technique, in which the available expert was asked to introduce experts who were aware of the research topic. However, few of them were fully aware of the research topic. Therefore, the researcher used the snowball sampling method to identify subject-aware samples, and he continued to do so until all familiar examples of smart urban governance were identified. The sample consisted of 15 employees of Tehran Municipality. The data collection tool was a questionnaire; its validity was confirmed as face validity as well as divergent validity (divergent validity results are presented in the findings section). In order to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha and combined reliability were exerted, and, considering the results presented in the research findings, the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed.
Results and discussion
The value of t-statistic obtained for the effect of participation in decision-making on smart urban governance is equal to 20.843, which is higher than 1.96. Therefore, the effect of participation in decision-making on smart urban governance is confirmed. On the other hand, the value of the obtained path coefficient is equal to 0.622, which is a positive path coefficient, which shows the direct impact of participation on decision-making on smart urban governance. It can also be said that participation in decision-making can explain 38.6% of the variance of the dependent variable, i.e., smart urban governance. The t-statistic value obtained for the effect of political control on smart urban governance is equal to 2.615; also, it equals to 13.870 for the effect of social participation on smart urban governance, which are greater than 1.96; hence, the effect of components of participation in decision-making on smart urban governance is endorsed. On the other hand, the values of the obtained path coefficients for the effect of political supervision and social participation on smart urban governance are 0.132 and 0.584, respectively, which are positive path coefficients, indicating a direct effect. Components of decision-making are based on smart urban governance.
Citizens' participation in decisions can have many positive effects. Accordingly, this issue was examined with emphasis on smart urban governance in Tehran. The results of the research show that participation can be effective in two ways in the direction of urban decisions for smart urban governance, one in the form of participation with political supervision and the other in the form of social participation. Both variables indicate the significant importance of participation. In fact, it can be said that participation is both politically and socially influential. The realization of this type of citizen participation in urban development is possible in different ways, such as the political activity of residents, importance of residents for politics, share of female representatives in city administration, number of representatives per resident, number of political parties per resident, strategic insight, responsibility for problems related to urban governance, consensualism according to urban culture and identity, social participation based on the principles of smart governance, interaction with citizens, cooperation, appropriate opinion polls on citizenship rights, and social inclusion. Therefore, it is necessary to provide contexts and capacities to help change their lives in cities, and this can be achieved through the above.
Volume 26, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)
Kidney transplantation is one of the best treatment methods for people with chronic kidney failure, and a large number of kidney transplants are performed worldwide every year. Pathogens that commonly infect kidney transplant recipients are viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. Among these, viruses are considered one of the biggest life-threatening factors in kidney transplant recipients. The reactivation of herpesviruses from the latent state often occurs in conditions of weakening the immune system, including after kidney transplantation. Infection with herpesviruses is still one of the main causes of complications and death for most kidney transplant recipients. Rapid diagnosis of active infection of these viruses in kidney transplant patients has a significant impact on the use of appropriate treatment strategies to reduce complications and transplant rejection. For this reason, this review aims to provide information about the preventive strategies, diagnosis, and treatment of herpesviruses infections in kidney transplant recipients. In this brief review, we have updated the information presented in previous articles and adjusted it based on recent advances, updated clinical guidelines, and common post-transplant tactics to minimize the risk of infection.
Volume 27, Issue 4 (12-2023)
Nowadays, coercive criminal policy and harsh or terrible punishments have been replaced by friendship, adjustment and flexibility. Perhaps the reason for removing the death penalty (as an illegitimate child of royal governments) and turning to the deprivation of liberty (imprisonment) can be seen as the result of not fulfilling the goals of punishments, the usefulness and rehabilitation of criminals. Primiarily, the substitution of imprisonment for severe corporal punishment was very promising. The unfavorable use of custodial punishment turned this hope into despair. According to the Criminal Policy and Justice Department's research, until December 2021, approximately 11.5 million people have been in prison around the world! Therefore, criminal justice policymakers tried to provide strategies and policies to reduce the criminal population of prisons. This caused the emergence of new strategies in societies, including the First Step Act in US. The present article, with a descriptive-analytical method, aims to analyze the strategies of the above-mentioned law and the feasibility of its application in Iran's legal system. The research results showed that some strategies of this law, such as "risk assessment system, rehabilitation of prisoners, use of more facilities for prisoners, changing the status and serving the sentence outside of prison" are in accordance with the current policies of Iran and application of them, is considered as an effective strategy in reducing the prison's criminal population.