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Volume 8, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Today, developed and developing countries are focusing more on environmental issues and development. The present study aims to provide a model for the establishment of green human resources management in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. The purpose of this research is in the field of applied research, and since it describes the variables and relationships between them, the recognition of the status quo and finally the presentation of the pattern of deployment, is descriptive-survey method. The statistical population of this research includes relevant experts. In order to reach the consensus, 27 people were studied by interview method and the required information was collected. To analyze qualitative data and to extract factors affecting HRM and its influential factors, the method of analysis of the theme (theme analysis) was used. Structural-interpretive modeling has been used to identify the relationships between variables and the deployment of green human resources in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. The findings of the research include explaining the green human resources management model in the entrepreneurship ecosystem and analyzing the results of infiltration-correlation; the existing model is a model for different businesses with the aim of establishing a green human resource management in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. The research findings show 18 dimensions for the establishment of green human resources management. The research results indicate the impact of green human resource management on entrepreneurship ecosystems and green thinking and sustainable development, and ultimately globalization.

Volume 8, Issue 5 (No. 5 (Tome 40), (Articles in Persian) 2017)

Typology of language is 250year old. It is a systematic study of variations among languages and the presupposition of this definition is to consider some general principles governing language diversities (Comrie, 2001: quoted by Dabir-moghaddam). Word order is one of the integrated fields in determining differences and similarities in typology. Hawkins is one of the eminent linguists who has been the most influential figures of this branch specially word order. In addition to his vast knowledge in Generative Grammar, he had presented principles and universals related to word order (Hawkins, 1983:10). Dialectical studies have expanded greatly over the recent decades in Iran so that many linguists and typologists began to record and study the Iranian languages and dialects, they carried out many studies in the field of different dialects. The purpose of this study is to introduce Hawkins' theories, principles and universals related to word order, besides comparative analysis of word order between Azeri and standard Persian. This study was performed based on practical researches, theoretical framework and data collected through questionnaire in the analytic-descriptive method, also its conclusions prove the identity of Hawkins' some approaches on these two languages as well as verifying the similarities and differences about word order.                                                

Volume 8, Issue 15 (Spring & Summer 2021)

One of the means of translating the Quran is to pay attention to the origin of the meaning of the words of the verses, which paves the way for explaining the meaning of the text. To understand the main words in the verses, the principle of basic meaning, etymology and its meaning in different contexts should be considered. One of the most frequent words in the Holy Quran is the words taken from the article "Nafaq" in a way that for finding an equivalence, the two words "charity" and "hypocrite" are always considered independent due to semantic distance and positive and negative emotional connotation because of not paying attention to the derivation from the principle of matter, and they show the meanings away from the basic meaning. The present research seeks to answer the questions in a descriptive-analytical method, what semantic course has the article "Nafaq" gone through and what components has it in this course? And what is the semantic relationship between the derivatives of this article? The findings of the research indicate that in pre-Islamic Arabic texts and their common scientific language, the word "Nafaq" was used in the meaning of "hole". The Holy Quran created a special culture for the meaning of this word and based on meanings of the hole and the rift, the three words "hypocrite", "charity" and "alimony" has been conceptualized from the article "Nafaq". The difference is that in Quran and in the light of the prototype view, the meanings of "Nafaq" are more limited and it is used in the two areas of charity and spending wealth, as well as hypocrisy and duplicity in beliefs. Based on the original prototype in the scientific language, these meanings have been illustrated and conceptualized in a way that it is necessary for the translators to pay attention to these conceptualizations in the translation of the Quran.
Peyman Dehghanpour,
Volume 8, Issue 32 (Winter 2015)

The Iranian TV series, Gohar-e Kamāl (1998), is written and directed by Abbas Ranjbar and was shown on IRIB. Parts of this TV series resemble Abbas Maroufi’s novel Sāl-e Balvā (1992); nevertheless, there are no references to this novel in the credits of the show. This article studies Maroufi’s novel and Gohar-e Kamāl and points out some possible influences of Maroufi’s novel on Ranjbar’s series. As the screenwriter, Ranjbar borrows certain phrases and dialogues from the novel. Furthermore, some of his characters, such as “Raziye Nobakht,” “Hatam Khanpour,” and “Ghobad” are modeled after characters such as “Noushafarin Niloufari,” “Hosseina Kouzeh-gar” and “Dr. Masoum” from the novel. However, certain themes and motifs of the novel have been modified so that they comply with the cultural norms of society.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Aims: The Mesd is a universal inhibitor and has therapeutic effect against triple negative breast cancer. The peptide derived from carboxyl terminal, similar to protein, acts as an inhibitor of the pathway. The aim of this study was to investigate the probable binding sites of Mesd and its peptide derived from carboxyl terminal on LRP6 first and second beta-propeller domains from a structural point of view in drug design.
Materials & Methods: This experimental study was conducted, using blind and site-directed molecular docking simulation with ClusPro and Haddock and molecular dynamic simulation. The binding sites of Mesd and the peptide on the first and second beta-propeller domains of receptor LRP6 were investigated and the selected complexes were structurally analyzed.
Findings: Extensive levels of Mesd protein were found to interact with LRP6 and the levels involved in the peptide were much lower. The binding region of Mesd to LRP6 was from the carboxyl terminal. The binding region of the peptide and the protein on LRP6 was a similar region between First and Second Beta-Propeller Domains of LRP6. The RMSD and RMSF chart of the Mesd complex and its peptide was approximately the same with the first functional domain of the LRP6 co-receptor.
Conclusion: The binding region of the peptide and the protein on LRP6 is not completely similar, but according to molecular simulation of selected complexes, the pattern of the inhibition mechanism is common and emphasizes on inter domain motion control from a structural point of view. Interactive region of each ligand is similar to a region of the co-receptor, which has maximum flexibility. Molecular docking simulation of Mesd and co-receptor shows important role of carboxyl terminal of the protein to bind to LRP6.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (10-2019)

Considering the vital role of Environmental factors alongside industries’ efforts on effective and efficient use of resources as well as nowadays’ social issues, lead to serious attention to sustainable development. On the other hand, the intensity and necessity of environmental considerations in the steel industry, which has decades of history in Iran, has always been emphasized. Therefore, this paper aims to elaborate the underlying factors of steel industry sustainable development. To this aim, based on prior studies and interviewing experts, the underlying extracted factors scrutinized through ISM approach in order to develop a coherent structure. In the following, the structured factors clustered by MICMAC analysis. In addition, their mutual affects and importance weights, derived by employing ANP on the ISM developed structure. Findings depict that inventory, occupational accidents, human safety and welfare are the most effecting factors of steel industry sustainable development.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)

Hedayat and Kafka Man is the only being who thinks about his being. This principle is the basis of a kind of philosophical worldview known as existentialism or existentialism. In this view, man has limited existential possibilities to get rid of internal contradictions and contradictions and escape from meaningful existence. Therefore, in the face of existence, man experiences the feeling of non-suspension, suspension, and suffering, and existential apprehensions. In explaining this feeling, some existential thinkers such as Kafka, by choosing the language of narration and the symbolic structure of fiction to the dry and specialized issues of existentialism, gave an artistic character, and some contemporary Iranian writers chose this method and attitude. Since the views in this field emphasize the influence of Hedayat from Kafka, the purpose of this article is to compare and contrast one of the manifestations of this philosophical worldview in the most prominent literary works of these two authors. To this end, the components of existential "apprehension" in the four stories of Kafka and Hedayat were examined and it was determined that semantics, identity loss, loneliness, suspense, doubt, fear, and eternal condemnation, mental and objective actions of the characters of each story. They have formed two writers. In addition to the influence of guidance and the commonality of the two authors in the principle of "apprehension", the stories of guidance are mostly related to the apprehensions of epistemology and psychology. But Kafkachr's novels show deep religious apprehension.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (No. 2 (Tome 44), (Articles in Persian) 2018)

Aim of the Research: Looking at the attitude of semantics, the present study aims to investigate some of the most practical prepositions, such as /læ/­, /wæ/, /­wægærd / and /­wæpi­/ in Kalhori Kurdish within principled-polysemy approach (Evans & Tyler, 2004a, 2004b; Evans & Green, 2006).
The Methodology of the Research: The nature of the method of this study is analytic-descriptive and its type is corpus-based. The Selected corpus has been obtained from interviews with the speakers of this dialect from Kurdish language, and their originality have been approved completely that  this study has focused on some samples for each distinct meaning due to the limitaition of its pages.
Research Question: This research has done to explore and determine the distinct meanings of the prepositions /læ/­, /wæ/, /­wægærd / and /­wæpi­/ in Kalhori Kurdish within principled-polysemy approach. Thus, the author has represented them in a semantic network seperately.
Research Results:  In this regard, the research results show that the prototypical meaning of the preposition /læ/ coming to the speakers' mind immediately is "from" having eighteen distinct meanings and five semantic clusters, such as; "contrast cluster", "collocation cluster", "polysemy cluster", "time-space cluster", and "metaphoric cluster" in its own semantic network. with conducted careful studies, it was found that, in some cases, Kalhori speakers use the preposition /læ/ in the place of /wæ/ in those contexts with those meanings interchangeably, but in addition to these meanings the preposition /wæ/ is used in two other different meanings, i.e; the meanings "by" and "to", in which the preposition /læ/ can't be used.  So, /wæ/ has twenty one distinct meanings. The prototypical meaning of the preposition /wægærd/ is "with" having eleven distinct meanings and three semantic clusters, such as; "collocation cluster", "contrast cluster" and "metaphoric cluster" in its own semantic network. The prototypical meaning of the preposition /wæpi/ is "to" having five distinct meanings and two semantic clusters, such as; "contrastive cluster" and the meaning "about" in its own semantic network.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2018)

Aims: Antioxidants in sesame oil, including tocopherols and sesamin have greatly increased the shelf life of it against heat. Following the increase in the expression of the cytochrome P450 enzyme encoder (CYP81Q1), the content of sesame is increased in different stages of development of sesame seeds. The aim of this study was cloning, sequencing, and bioinformatics study of CYP81Q1 gene of Iranian sesame (Seamum indicum L.) cultivar.
Materials and Methods: In the present experimental research, DNA was extracted from leaves and stems of Karaj1 sesame cultivar and the target gene was amplified by PCR. Gene was cloned in binary vector pBI121 and confirmed by 3 methods, including enzymatic digestion, PCR, and sequencing. Then bioinformatics characterization of this gene was studied and the Ramachandran plot was drawn on the three-dimensional structure of the gene.
Findings: Cloning was confirmed. DNA sequencing results confirmed the cloned segment. Molecular weight and predicted isoelectric point of the protein were 57021.3 Dalton and 8.46, respectively. The three-dimensional structure of the protein had a good stroke chain. The sequencing result of this gene showed a difference in the 23 nucleotides of this gene in sesame seeds of Karaj 1 (access number KP771974.1) with a reported sequence in the NCBI gene bank (access number AB194714.1), which resulted in the sequencing of the CYP81Q1 gene in Iranian sesame (Karaj 1) at this database.
Conclusion: Based on nucleotide sequencing, the target gene has 1521 base pairs, and differs from 23 nucleotides with the sample registered at the NCBI World Bank. This gene encodes a protein length of 506 amino acids. This protein is very similar with the registered protein in NCBI.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)

The aim of the present study was to identify the phytoplankton species which producing domoic acid and okadaic acid toxins in coastal waters of Banar Abbas city, and to determine the concentration of domoic acid and okadaic acid toxins in water and shellfish samples.Water sampling was performed in winter 2015 and summer 2016 from coastal areas overlooking the discharge of municipal and industrial effluents. Shellfish were collected from the coasts of Bandar Abbas and Bandar-e- Lengeh. Phytoplankton toxins were measured by kit method and instrumental analysis based on ELIZA method.Pseudonitzschia delicatissima, Pseudo-nitzschia pungens and Pseudo-nitzschia seriata were identified in the production of domoic acid, while Dinophysis caudate and Prorocentrum Lima were recorded as okadaic acid producers in the coastal waters of Bandar Abbas. Water-soluble okadaic acid showed significantly higher concentrations than domoic acid. Instudied shellfish samples (Circenita callipyga, Barbatia candida, Telescopium telescopiumandThalessa savignyi), the measured concentrations of okadaic acid ranged from 59.8 ± 2.38 to 121.96 ± 28.25 μg / kg. This value for domoic acid was from 0.85 to 83.59 ± 38.72 μg / kg.Compared to the guideline values, the observed concentrations of okadaic acid and domoic acid toxins in the studied shellfish were lower than the allowable level.  But this value was recorded for the water-soluble domoic acid above the allowable value, which requires continuous monitoring to achieve the quantitative and qualitative pattern of phytoplankton toxins in order to support the safety of the marine ecosystem users in Hormozgan province.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2024)

Aims: The primary objective of this study is to examine the relationship between alexithymia and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among patients experiencing varying degrees of Chronic Pain (CP).
Method and Materials: This study utilized a descriptive causal-comparative approach. The participants were drawn from patients referred to pain and physiotherapy clinics in Tehran from 2022 to 2023. Out of 300 CP patients, 150 patients with high CP levels and an equal number with low CP levels were purposively chosen. The participants completed the Graded Chronic Pain Scale (GCPS), Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire (PAQ), and Post- traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL). Data analysis was performed using SPSS-24 software, employing multivariate analysis of variance.
Findings: The findings revealed a significant difference in the levels of alexithymia and PTSD between the two groups (P<0.001). Patients with high levels of CP demonstrated increased negative-difficulty identifying feelings (F=241.87), positive-difficulty identifying feelings (F=389.01), negative-difficulty describing feelings (F=190.61), positive-difficulty describing feelings (F=347.81), general-externally orientated thinking (F=376.28), re- experiencing (F=246.75), avoidance (F=100.74), negative alterations (F=378.01), hyper-arousal (F=388.46), and emotional numbness (F=388.47) compared to their counterparts(P<0.001).
Conclusion: These findings underscore the intricate relationship between CP, alexithymia, and PTSD. Therefore, the need for comprehensive assessment and management strategies addressing the interplay of these factors in patient care is highlighted.

Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2021)

Aims: The global need for water-conserving increasing in arid and semi-arid areas and water preserving by improving vegetative cover in rangelands by reducing the erosion effects is a rational justification for the performance of underground dams. This research aimed to locate underground dams using GIS integrated with the fuzzy algorithm.
Materials & Methods: The data layers included geology, LU/LC, streams, villages, water resources, and slopes of the Sarakhs region, Iran, were prepared and standardized by the sigmoidal membership function.
Findings: Almost 98% of the final maps were in the fuzzy range of 0 to 0.5. This means that suitable locations for constructing underground dams with the fuzzy range of 0.5 to 1 found in less than 2% of the Sarakhs basin.
Conclusion: The superiority of fuzzy method for more scalability from other overlaying methods comes from this fact that in the second step of site selection and in the different management scenarios, we can take advantage from multiple fuzzy ranges.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (No. 4 (Tome 46), (Articles in Persian) 2018)

    This paper aims at investigating and analyzing the coverage of Greenbergian universals in word order and inflectional categories within Razan, Tabriz and Istanbuli dialects of Turkish. The selected Iranian Turkish varieties are located in the western and northwestern regions of Iran and Istanbuli Turkish is placed in Turkey. To achieve the research goals, the data gathering has been performed via interview, voice recording and transcription. In continue, all the 45 Greenbergian universals have been examined on the selected data. In spite of their geographical distances, the research results demonstrate syntactic, morphological and typological similarities among the three varieties under consideration; although some differences are observed and notified therein, the most important one in the lexicon part. The data analysis illustrates the application of 18 universals within the data, among which around 40 percent are confirmed; although the percentage varies in syntactic, morphological and typological areas, which is demonstrated within the paper.


Volume 10, Issue 1 (6-2010)

Abstract Due to various deficiencies, inadequate lateral stiffness, weak design and weak construction, many reinforced concrete buildings are highly damaged during the major earthquakes. One way to retrofit these buildings is to improve the behavior and to prevent the total collapse of the reinforce masonry infilled walls in order to make them behave such as structural walls with composite materials. In this study, the concept of equivalent strut is investigated by finite element modeling and behavior of the compression strut and tension tie is presented to model unretrofit and retrofit masonry infilled walls. Analytical pushover results show great accordance with experimental results.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (10-2021)

 Gut bacterial symbionts have an essential role in the nutrition and fitness of xylophagous insects. These bacteria produce several enzymes like cellulase and laccase which are important in industrial applications. In this study, laccase-producing bacteria were isolated and identified from the gut of the wood borer leopard moth. Four novel laccase positive strains were isolated using guaiacol-containing agar plates. Among the strains of dc4f, le2f, lc2, and lb8, the strain le2f displayed high laccase activity of 0.059 U ml-1 toward syringaldazine as a typical laccase substrate. The isolates were identified based on biochemical tests and 16S rRNA gene sequencing analyses. Nucleotide BLAST analyses of 16S rRNA gene sequence exhibited that the strains of dc4f, lb8, lc2, and le2f, had the most similarity (with more than 98% identity) with Enterobacter sp. strain W-6 16S (ACCN: MK505390), Serratia liquefaciens strain N112 (ACCN: MK629784), Brevibacterium sp. strain 773 (ACCN: MH777897) and Staphylococcus sciuri strain KSI 708 (ACCN: KC113150), respectively. Overall, the current study is the first research on alkaliphilic bacterial strains from the gut of leopard moth with laccase activity.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (Number 2 - 2008)

In order to increase grain yield, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and nitrogen apparent recovery fraction (NARF) in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), this experiment was carried out with 5 or 6 treatments and 3 or 4 replications in 14 locations at 22 different sites in Iran during the 2004-05 growing season. The experiment was designed as a completely randomized block. The effect of N sources and timing on the grain yield, protein content, NUE and NARF of the current best adapted cultivars of different regions were evaluated. The treatments included T1= the control; T2= 150 kg ha-1 of N as urea in 3-split applica-tions; T3= 150 kg ha-1 of N as urea in 2-split applications; T4= 150 kg ha-1 N as SCU as the base fertilizer; T5= 1/3 N as SCU as the base fertilizer +2-split urea applications and T6=1/3 N as complete fertilizer as the base fertilizer +2-split urea applications. Protein content, NUE and NARF were calculated by measuring grain yield, N% and N-uptake. While the average grain yield and protein% for the control plots were 2,840 kg ha-1 and 10.03%; the yield and protein for T2, T3 and T4 were 4,160 kg ha-1 and 11.66%; 4,278 kg ha-1 and 11.78%; and 3,921 kg ha-1 and 11.60%, respectively. Grain yield and protein content for T5 were 4,330 kg kg-1 and 11.89%. Yield of 4,674 kg ha-1 and protein content of 12.01% were ob-tained by substituting complete fertilizer with 1/3 urea (T6). The grain yield for T6 was significantly different from T2 for various reasons, including higher levels of available P, K, S, Zn, lower N-leaching and appropriate N-timing. NUE for T2, T3, T4, T5, and T6 was measured to be 8.8, 9.6, 7.3, 9.9, and 12.2 kg kg-1, respectively, and NARF were calculated to be 23.2, 25.3, 19.4, 26.3 and 31.6%, respectively. While the superiority of complete and SCU fertilizers over pre-plant urea has been proven, especially in the light-textured soils, it is highly recommended that the experiment be further tested and evaluated, since this practice has been increased the grain yield up to 12%, NUE up to 39 kg kg-1 and NARF up to 36% in comparison with the best wheat growers’ N-fertilization practice.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2010)

The most important application of explosive welding in cylindrical geometry is cladding of cylindrical surfaces in order to increase corrosion and wear resistance and also improving the mechanical properties of bimetal product. In this study, the explosive welding of bimetal tubes made of steel and Phosphor-Bronze was investigated using two explosives (TNT and Amatol 5-95) with different explosion velocity. At first the explosive window of two metals was achieved using the theoretical-experimental relations, and then using different experiments, the key role of explosion velocity and also the position of selected parameters of explosive window in the metals weldability were determined. At the end, the successfull method of manufacturing of this bimetal tubes is presented and commented upon.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (Spring 2022)

Aims: This study has been done to investigate the hydrogeological drought and groundwater quality changes over the time in Semnan and Damghan plains.
Materials & Methods: In this research, the groundwater level and groundwater quality changes in of these plains has been evaluated using monthly piezometric wells data for April as groundwater-recharging month and October as groundwater-discharging month and six groundwater quality factors including pH, Chloride (Cl-), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Calcium (Ca2+) and Magnesium (Mg2+) were considered to determine groundwater quality changes. Groundwater Resource Index (GRI) and Groundwater Quality Index (GQI) were used to determine hydrogeological drought and changes in its quality, respectively, in studied plains from 2004 to 2018.
Findings: The results illustrated that the trends of groundwater level and GRI are decreasing and there is no steady trend for these indices over the studied period and GRI value is totally higher in city surrounding regions in both plains. According to results of GQI, EC and TDS factors have the highest effect on the groundwater quality, respectively, compared to other factors. GQI value is higher in central and northern parts than compared to other parts in Semnan plain, while in Damghan plain, GQI value in central and western parts is higher than eastern parts.
Conclusion: The correlation between GRI and GQI showed positive results in both plain with 0.542 in Semnan and 0.672 in Damghan, which reflects that the groundwater quality changes with groundwater level changes

Volume 10, Issue 3 (Vol. 10, No. 3 (Tome 51), (Articles in Persian) 2019)

The present research aims at investigating the polysemy of the conjunctions "Ɂæma" and "væli" in persian language based on principled­–­polysemy approach (Evans & Green, 2006).The methodology used in this qualitative research is descriptive­-analytic, and its type is corpus-based. the selected corpus has been obtained from interviewing with Persian speakers, newspapers and Persian grammarians books, analyzed by using cognitive approach, and their originality have been approved completely. It's worth mentioning that the authors have limited only a few samples of each meaning for distinct meanings of these two conjunctions, and each one has been drawn into a semantic network separately. This study has been done to explore and determine the distinct meanings of the conjunctions "Ɂæma" and "væli" in Persian language within principled-polysemy approach. Thus, the author has represented them in a semantic network separately. In this regard, the research results showed that the prototypical meaning of the conjunction /Ɂæma/ coming to the speaker's mind immediately /væli/ has fourteen distinct meanings and two semantic clusters in its own semantic network. Also, the prototypical meaning of the conjunction /vali/ is /Ɂæma/ having eight distinct meanings and two semantic clusters in its own semantic network.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (1-2021)

The purpose of this research is developing a model for competencies of strategic management and organization consultants. The research method is qualitative and in accordance with the emerging Glaser approach of grounded theory. 21 strategy consultants participated in this research who have been selected through purposeful sampling and snowball approach. Semi-structured interviews were used for data collection and MAXQDA version 10 software and triple coding were used for data analysis. The results indicated that the competencies of strategy consultants, includes personality competencies, general management competencies, general consultancy competencies, and specialized competences of strategic management and management consulting. These competencies are necessary for consultants to be successful. At the lowest level are personality competencies. These are the competencies that are useful to success in any field of activity, but they are vital for strategy consultants. Managerial and consulting competencies are at the second level of the pyramid that are essential for any managers and consultants. At the highest level of the pyramid, there are two categories of strategic management and management consulting competencies. Strategic management competencies are common to all who are involved in formulating, implementing or controlling organizational strategies. Management consulting competencies are also common in all strategic management consultants who deal with top-level managers in an organization.

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