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Volume 22, Issue 2 (summer 2022 2022)

This research examines the macroeconomic variables reaction and banking sector with the financial and monetary shocks using dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model (DSGE). Considering the banking facilities and utilization of seasonal data for the period 1991-2017, the banking sector behavior in the economic dynamics is studied. Therefore, the linear-logarithmic form of the equations is obtained after specifying the model, optimizing, and extracting the first-order conditions. The model is simulated under two different scenarios by considering bank facilities as two types of capital facilities and working capital, and not considering the facilities. The results show that by occurring financial and monetary shocks, the instant reaction of variables is consistent with the theoretical bases of the economy, which indicates the acceptable ability of the model in accurately fitting Iran's economy. Furthermore, comparing the moments of the simulated variables with the real data, the success of the model in simulating the governing facts of the economy is confirmed. Finally, the results show that banking facilities could reduce the range of economic fluctuations and increase the stability of the economy. This issue can be mentioned by the economic policymakers in order to reach economic sustainable development. 

Volume 22, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Startup valuation in venture capital investment has always been an important issue in negotiations between entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. Results of conducted researches on startup valuation have revealed difficulties and complexities in determining entrepreneurial projects value, especially in early stages of their development. It is due to the existing challenges and high degree of uncertainty about their future. Using real options analysis in this research, a new approach for determining startup companies’ value, considering uncertainties in the first round of financing and flexibility available to venture capitalists in making their investment decision was presented. Due to lack of analytical solution for the developed approach, the numerical method of Monte Carlo least squares simulation (Longstaff-Schwartz) was used to solve it, where percentage of ownership of the entrepreneur and venture capitalist was determined based on the results of the simulation. In addition, by comparing the results of the proposed approach with results of the net present value method, as it was emphasized in the literature, it was concluded that traditional methods do not have the required credit for valuing in early stage companies. Finally, there were suggestions for developing the approach under competitive interactions or developing it for other stages of investment.

Volume 22, Issue 3 (Summer 2019)

Aims: The present study aimed to evaluate the developmental rate of ovarian follicles and the incidence of cell death in grafted immature mouse ovarian tissue encapsulated and non-capsulated in sodium alginate.
Materials and Methods: Female (NMRI) mice (n=50) were divided into 3 groups as follows: Group A; the right ovary was removed and encapsulated in sodium alginate then transplanted under kidney capsule, Group B; the right ovary was removed and without encapsulation transplanted under kidney capsule, in both transplanted groups the left ovary was intact. Group C; control group, both ovaries were intact. After transplantation, in the first and fourth estrous cycles at proestrus phase. The morphology of the grafted ovaries, and the percentage of normal follicles were evaluated using hematoxylin and eosin staining. The incidence of apoptosis cell death was evaluated by anti-BAX immunohistochemical staining.
Findings: At first and fourth estrous cycle, almost 99.5% of follicles had normal morphology and no significant difference was observed between the groups. The follicular development and growth rate in the two grafted groups, was significantly higher than the control group, moreover, these rates were higher in the capsulated group than non-capsulated once (p<0.05). In spite of the presence of some BAX positive cells in the preantral and antral follicles, there was no remarkable reaction for BAX antibody in the primordial and primary follicles in studied groups.
Conclusion: Despite the high developmental rat and premature ovarian reserve depletion in grafted groups that can affect the longevity of transplanted tissue, while sodium alginate has a positive effect on the follicular development in grafted tissue.

Volume 22, Issue 3 (4-2020)

In Iran, allocating tractors and agricultural machinery to regions that have different characteristics has been a challenge. This study was carried out in order to develop an optimal and practical model for distribution of agricultural machinery throughout the country. Gini coefficient was used in order to investigate whether current status of tractor distribution is suitable. This coefficient confirmed that the current tractor power distribution is not appropriate since there were no relationships between Gini coefficient of distributed machinery power and crop production or farm area. Accordingly, two main techniques were applied to develop a suitable agricultural machinery distribution pattern; i.e. a Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and a Weight Restriction Data Envelopment analysis (WR-DEA) technique. A power distribution category was defined in order to show qualitatively how much machinery power should be sent to each province. The outputs of both FAHP and WR-DEA models showed that three and nine provinces need ‘much more power’ and ‘more power’, respectively, while four and three provinces need ‘absolutely no more power’ and are ‘currently suitable’, respectively. The sensitivity analysis revealed that none of the developed models was sensitive to the weights defined by a panel of experts. The similarity of the results obtained from both models implies that the provided agricultural machinery distribution pattern is reliable and can be used in the country.

Volume 22, Issue 4 (winter 1401 2022)

In order to evaluate the socioeconomic development, various criteria are used to evaluate the livelihood, welfare, and social changes of human life. The economic progress is one of the important dimensions of development. The social dimension of development, which leads to the creation of justice for different members of a society, is another important aspect of development, and the realization of this goal requires planning. Land planning, which seeks to pay attention to regional potentials and differences, is a step in this direction. Ignoring these capabilities will lead to resources waste, intensifying regional dualities and negative consequences. For this purpose, the aim of the current research is to identify the key sectors of the economy of Yazd province based on the multi-regional input-output table. The innovation of the current research is to investigate all the economic activities of Yazd province and national economy and to identify the key parts of the two regions.

In the current research, we seek to identify and evaluate the key economic sectors of Yazd province and national economy using traditional methods, elasticity of final demand, data envelopment analysis (DEA) and finally a multi-ranked index using multi regional input-output table. In this article, the Central Bank's 2016 input-output table was used, which was the most up-to-date official statistical data table approved and available at the time of the research. Also, the regional input-output table of 2015 Yazd province and national economy has been extracted from the updated input output table of Central Bank and regional accounts of the same year by using specific Flegg location quotient (SFLQ) method. The input-output table of the Central Bank, according to the production and economic structure of the two regions, and using the ISIC classification method, has been aggregated into 20 sectors.

Results and Discussion:
The results of the present research show that in the traditional method, in total, the section "Manufacturing metal factory products except machinery and equipment" and three sections "Manufacturing paper and paper products and printing", "Manufacturing products from rubber and plastic" and "Manufacturing metals" "Basic" are respectively known as the key sectors of Yazd province and other national economies. In the final demand elasticity method of Yazd province, the sections "Manufacture of motor vehicles and other transportation equipment", "Manufacture of clothing, processing and dyeing of fur, tanning and polishing of leather and other leather products" and "Manufacture of unclassified machinery and equipment in Other" and for the rest of the national economy, the sectors "Manufacturing textiles", "Manufacturing basic metals" and "Manufacturing non-metallic mineral products" are ranked first to third. In the third method, known as data envelopment analysis method, in Yazd province, the "Manufacturing of motor vehicles and other transportation equipment" sector and in other national economies, the "Manufacturing of paper, paper products and printing" sector are known as key sectors.
In a general summary using a Multi Ranking Index (MRI), in Yazd province, "Textile manufacturing", "Clothing manufacturing, fur processing and dyeing, tanning and polishing of leather and other leather products", "Wood manufacturing and wooden products", "Coke manufacturing, Products from the refining of petroleum and nuclear fuels and the manufacture of chemical materials and products", "Manufacture of basic metals", "Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified", "Manufacture of motor vehicles and other transport equipment", "Manufacture of furniture and articles Not Elsewhere Classified", "Water, Electricity and Gas", "Construction", "Transportation" and at the level of other national economy sectors "Clothing manufacturing, processing and dyeing of fur, tanning and polishing of leather and other leather products" , "Making wood and wooden products", "Making paper, paper products and printing", "Making rubber and plastic products", "Making basic metals", "Manufacturing, repairing and installing subsidized, electronic and optical products, manufacturing, repairing and installation of electrical equipment”, “Manufacture of furniture and articles not elsewhere classified” are identified as key sectors.

The findings of the present research indicate that the use of different criteria can show a different picture of the economic performance of the sectors. Using traditional methods, key sectors are industry-oriented. In the final demand elasticity method, the priority of the sectors is determined based on the importance of each sector, and in the data envelopment analysis method, the results are estimated based on the efficiency value of each sector. These results show the importance of paying attention to choose the right method in the evaluation of key sectors. Although the key sectors determined using different methods are different, the common point of all three methods is that the key sectors of Yazd province are industry-oriented. Therefore, according to the criteria used in the three methods, it can be seen that the province is well industrialized and the role of industry in the economic structure of the province is dominant.

Volume 22, Issue 6 (11-2020)

In order to compare the effect of three nutrient solution replacement methods in an NFT system and pruning on hot pepper, a factorial experiment was conducted. Factors included nutrient solution replacement method (complete nutrient replacement, partial nutrient replacement according to EC, and partial nutrient replacement according to plant requirements) and pruning (pruning and non-pruning). Results showed that the highest vegetative growth was recorded in plants fed by complete replacement of nutrient solution, while plant fed based on EC showed the lowest vegetative growth and nutrients concentration. Leaf Chlorophyll a (Chl a) and Total Chlorophyll (TChl) decreased in plants fed according to EC control and plant requirements compared to complete replacement of nutrient solution. All these traits were higher in non-pruned plants than in pruned plants. Fruit yield decreased in plants fed based on nutrient solution EC and plant requirements, and pruning treatment decreased these traits, but the highest single fruit weight belonged to pruned plants fed based on plant requirements. The highest fruit carotenoid content, Total Soluble Solids (TSS), and vitamin C were recorded in plants fed according to nutrient solution EC, and these traits were higher in the pruned plants compared to non-pruned ones. The results also showed that pruning caused a reduction in plant growth and fruit number, therefore, it is not recommended for hot pepper cv. Sentela.

Volume 23, Issue 1 (4-2019)

Measurement and measurement is vital for any organization. The management and performance appraisal system as one of the management processes play a key role in realizing the goals and missions of the organization. The purpose of this research is to identify the effective factors of multilevel performance management of the Applied Higher Education Institution of Applied Water and Power industry which are based on a balanced scorecard. The present research is applicable to the purpose. The research method is exploratory blend. The statistical population of the research is the experts of the Applied Higher Education Institute of Water and Power Industry, which has at least 5 years of education management experience and has a master's degree. By using a targeted and judgmental sampling method, an interview was conducted with experts from the statistical community, After 15 interviews with experts on the subject of research, theoretical saturation was obtained.The results of the interview were analyzed by the three-step coding method and were identified and presented at three levels: individual, group, and organizational levels in the form of four dimensions of the balanced scorecard.

Volume 23, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)

Aims: No definitive treatment or effective vaccine has been suggested against the East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) virus which indicates the growing importance of the study of this virus. Amongst all MERS proteins, glycoprotein S has always been the main candidate for vaccine research against this virus, due to its function and structure. The aim of the present study was to investigate the structural, functional, and immunological properties of S protein using bioinformatics software that paves the way for designing an effective vaccine against this virus.
Materials & Methods: 35 glycoprotein S sequences of MERS were obtained from Genbank and amino acid changes were investigated. In addition, sequences were analyzed by various software for post-translational changes. Five types of software were used to evaluate the immunologic and allergenic properties. Finally, different structural aspects of this protein were predicted by SOPMA software.
Findings: The highest prevalence substitutions were found in amino acids of 95, 123, and 696 and the results indicate that there are four B-cell epitopes in glycoprotein S, and this protein has been affected by post-translational changes, including glycosylation and phosphorylation. This protein has no allergenic properties and the majority of its structure contains Alpha helix.
Conclusion: Glycoprotein S, especially in the RBD region of S1, has a high potential to induce the host immune system and the other features mentioned protein make it appropriate for the production of recombinant protein, including stability in host cells. Therefore, the use of glycoprotein S, especially S1, is recommended as a suitable candidate for vaccine design.

Volume 23, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)

Aims: Many inhibitors have been introduced for the treatment of HIV-1 infections; however, most of these efforts have been failed due to the presence of resistant strains. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the treatment-resistance mutations in the HIV virus integrase gene and the effect of these mutations on the structure, function, and physical and chemical properties of this enzyme using bioinformatics software.
Materials & Methods: 36 HIV-1 integrase sequences form Iranian patients were obtained from the NCBI Genbank. After determining the mutations compared to the reference sequence, its post-modification and physical and chemical properties were described. Sequences subtypes, as well as the second and third structures, and possible interactions of this enzyme with the main inhibitors of the integrase were examined.
Findings: The analysis of selected sequences indicated a number of mutations in this protein. The subtype of most of the samples was A1 and the results of the analysis of the interaction showed that the mutations in the samples had no significant effect on the interaction of inhibitors with the integrase enzyme.
Conclusion: The binding site of these inhibitors is often found in the catalytic domain of integrase enzyme, and the results of this study depicted that most mutations were located outside this region, and this may be the main reason for the failure of these mutations to affect the interaction of inhibitors and integrase enzyme. Generally, the findings of this study suggest that anti-HIV inhibitors of HIV-1 can be used as an effective way to control this disease for Iranian patients.

Volume 23, Issue 3 (10-2019)

Today, according to the international significance of sustainability, scholars aim to develop sustainability assessment models within the banking industry. Since that, the banks affect the development of sustainability within the countries both directly and indirectly. The purpose of the present study is to provide a comprehensive Assessment Model for the Iranian banking system, which evaluates the bank's sustainability through different aspects. Therefore, as implied research with a descriptive mixed method, the study employed a Meta-synthesis approach in order to obtain codes, themes, and categories of sustainability in the banking industry. In the following, ISM structured a network of relationships between the themes as a model while ANP helped to determine the weights of the themes and categories. Ultimately using the content analysis, the sustainability information of the banks extracted to feed the provided model, which lead to the sustainability computation of 27 governmental and non-governmental Iranian banks. As a result, Pasargad Bank ranked first, while Ayande and Melli Banks ranked second and third respectively. Moreover, it became clear that the average sustainability score of non-governmental was higher than governmental banks, while most of them neglect the environmental issues, which needs to be considered in their strategies

Volume 23, Issue 6 (11-2023)

Due to the mechanical behavior of brb braces and concrete frames differing, combining these shows complex behavior in a seismic. It can be used to dual system Brb-Rcf in a concrete moment frame to Improve structural responses. Considering that the behavior of the BRB brace in compression and tension is similar; It can solve the unbalanced force in the Double-K bracing system. The desirability of the Double-K arrangement and its combination with the RCF system as a dual system should be investigated in order to investigate the possibility of using Double-K braces in the RCF system and reducing residual deformations in the case of the dual system. For this purpose, a series of buildings have been analyzed and designed in three structural systems: Rcf, dual frame with brb brace, and bare frame with brb brace according to relevant valid regulations. The pushover and time history analysis have been done, and the capacity curves, base shear, and residual deformation have been investigated and studied. Adding brb braces to the concrete moment frame and dually using them increased the structure's capacity. In the studied structures, from 84% increase capacity in 4-story structure to 94% increase capacity in 12-story structure. This increase is due to the interaction of the concrete moment frame and the brb braces in a dual system. Also, the use of brb braces has made the structure repairable. Because in the concrete structure of the moment frame and the bare frame, the failures were concentrated in the beams and a little in the columns, respectively, but in the structure with Brb-Rcf, the losses were mainly transferred to the braces, which are easily replaceable. Also, the reduction of residual deformation of the structure reduces causes the cost of repair and reconstruction in the structure. Investigations on the formation of hinge showed Due to the Double-K brace that no hinge was formed in the middle of the columns. the losses were mainly transferred to the braces, which are easily replaceable. Also, the reduction of residual deformation of the structure reduces causes the cost of repair and reconstruction in the structure. It was also observed that the structure in combination with the brace in the Brb-Rcf system is designed more economically and with fewer consumables. It is shown in the structure of 8, 4 & 12 story; that the base shear has increased in the frames with brb braces and this increase has been greater in the dual system due to the bending frame and the brb braces. Also, in the hinge, it was observed that the failures of the double structure were less and the types of failures were better according to the replaceability. In general, due to less failure and more base shear that the dual system  structure has, it can be said that the stiffness and resistance due to the interaction of the bending frame and the non-buckling brace has increased, which is the result of the good performance of the dual structure. By comparing the base shear, the suitability of these values ​​with the bearing analysis is clear, so that there also the results showed the increase of the base shear due to the interaction of the frame and the non-buckling brace.

Volume 23, Issue 10 (October 2023)

Currently, dissimilar metal joining processes are receiving considerable attention in various industries. The objective is to create composite structures that are both high-strength and lightweight, ultimately reducing the weight of the final product. Researchers have recently proposed friction drilling as a new method for creating joints between dissimilar metal sheets. This innovative technique offers potential advantages in achieving the desired outcomes. In this process, metal sheets are placed on top of each other and simultaneously subjected to friction drilling. As a result, this process not only creates an effective space for tapping but also establishes a frictional joint between the two sheets. Research has shown that preheating up to 350°C can have desirable effects on reducing the gap between the two sheets in the vicinity of the created joint between aluminum and stainless steel using the above-mentioned method. In the upcoming work, the effect of preheating on tool wear in simultaneous friction drilling of aluminum sheet AA6061T6 and stainless steel AISI304L using a tungsten carbide drilling tool has been experimentally analyzed, and the findings indicate that increasing the preheating temperature up to 350°C leads to a 13.77% increase in tool adhesive wear and a 0.46% increase in tool abrasive wear.

Volume 23, Issue 10 (October 2023)

In this research, the effect of parameters of cutting speed, feed rate and machining time at constant cutting depth on tool wear and its effect on the surface roughness of hardened steel 4140 and machining forces were investigated. First, 4140 steel was prepared and its hardness was increased to 45 HRC under heat treatment, and then the TCMW 16T304 H13A tool was prepared from uncoated cemented carbide for machining. The design of the experiments was carried out in a full factorial manner. The analysis of the results was done from the analysis of variance test and the graphs related to the experimental results, based on these results, the advance rate had the greatest effect on the surface roughness and machining shear force, and the machining time had the greatest effect on the machining advance force and Cutting speed also had the greatest effect on tool wear. The highest amount of tool wear was equal to 0.89 mm and the lowest amount of tool wear was equal to 0.41 mm. The best surface quality was measured as 0.372 μm and the highest surface roughness was measured as 1.154 μm. The maximum shear force was 172.7 N and the minimum shear force was 54.2 N. The maximum forward force was equal to 156.59 N and the minimum forward force was equal to 45.86 N.

Volume 23, Issue 10 (October 2023)

The ability to predict tool wear during machining is a very important part of diagnosis, which makes it possible to replace the tool at the appropriate time. Therefore, in this research, the artificial neural network approach was used to predict tool wear. First, hardened steel 4140 was turned with uncoated cemented carbide tool TCMW 16T304 H13A and with input parameters including cutting speed, feed rate and machining time in three different levels and with constant cutting depth, and the amount of tool wear was measured. And the experimental test results were used to train and validate the artificial neural network. The optimal neural network architecture was obtained with 3 nodes in the input layer, two hidden layers with 12 and 36 nodes in the first and second hidden layers, and 1 node in the output layer to predict tool wear. The prediction values of the artificial neural network model were compared with the experimental results and the average error percentage of the validation data was calculated as 3.32%.

Volume 23, Issue 10 (October 2023)

When working with hardened materials, it's important to control and optimize the surface roughness and machining force. To achieve this, we can use intelligent methods that are based on prediction and optimization models. In this study, an artificial neural network was used to evaluate the surface roughness and machining force of hardened steel 4140 by analyzing cutting speed, feed rate, and machining time. A full factorial method was used to carry out 27 experiments, and an uncoated cemented carbide tool TCMW 16T304 H13A was used to measure surface roughness and machining force during turning. An artificial neural network model with two hidden layers was selected as the optimal architecture for separately predicting surface roughness and machining force. The predicted values were then compared with the experimental results, and the average error percentage for validation data was calculated as 4.25% for surface roughness and 5.11% for machining force. Finally, the optimal cutting parameters were selected to minimize surface roughness and machining force.

Volume 23, Issue 12 (December 2023)

To investigate the effect of relative humidity percentage on heat transfer and distribution of droplets in the condensation phenomenon, a test device with the ability to provide and control different environmental conditions was made, and therefore, the hydrophilic (copper) and hydrophobic (Teflon coating on copper) surfaces were measured under controlled environmental conditions. In all the tests, the inlet air flow rate, inlet air temperature, air temperature reaching the test surface, water temperature, water surface height, and test surface temperature were kept constant at specific values using PID control. Each test's relative humidity values of 80, 88, and 96% have been determined and controlled. The results of the transient investigation of heat transfer show that it takes time for the condensation phenomenon to occur, and the higher the surface hydrophilicity and relative humidity, the shorter this time will be. Also, the average heat transfer for 60 minutes was calculated. It showed that the average heat transfer coefficient increases with increasing humidity. Under the same environmental conditions, the heat transfer coefficient on hydrophilic surfaces is higher than on hydrophobic ones. In the graphical analysis of the droplet size, it has been observed that the most oversized droplets on hydrophilic surfaces at relative humidities of 88 and 96% are in the hydraulic diameter range of 0.35 to 0.4, and on hydrophobic surfaces are at relative humidities of 80 and 88% in the hydraulic diameter range of 0.2 to 0.25 mm.

Volume 24, Issue 2 (6-2020)

One of the new approaches to development is the good governance model, which can be achieved through e-governance. Given the extensive literature and the lack of a comprehensive and indigenous model for good e-government in the country, the present study aims to design a model for the establishment and development of good e-governance based on systematic review of articles and their analysis using a Meta-synthesis method. For this purpose, after searching the databases in the period of 2000 to 2018, finally 85 articles were selected and by analyzing their content, the relevant dimensions and codes were extracted and the importance and priority of each was determined using Shannon entropy. Based on research findings, Information and communication technology codes, Human resources with knowledge and skills in the use of information and communication technology, Confidentiality of information, network security, credibility and reliability of information, the reality of security laws, the validity of the information provided, the entry of legal procedures and civil society oversight of e-government performance, ease and convenience of citizens in using services and access to government information and the reduction of government spending were the most important factors among the 19 dimensions of establishing and developing good e-governance. Finally, After the research steps, the model of establishing and developing good e-governance was presented in three stages of reviewing and identifying the requirements, establishment and development of good e-governance.

Volume 24, Issue 2 (3-2022)

Extension and educational programs use various measures to advise farmers on adapting to climate change. Satisfaction with these programs is a tool to study their effectiveness. In this respect, studying the factors influencing satisfaction with extension and educational programs can help planners and policymakers of the agricultural sector in general, and agricultural extension in particular, to improve the quality of these programs. Therefore, the present paper explores the factors influencing satisfaction and loyalty in extension and educational programs. The statistical population was composed of all participants of these programs in Fars Province, Iran. A total of 150 participants was estimated as the sample size. Participants were selected through random sampling. Data collected from the participants were analyzed by structural equation modeling. The results showed that the research variables had optimal validity and reliability. The variables of appropriate extension packages and perceived value were among the most important factors dictating satisfaction with extension and educational programs. In addition to these two variables, other factors including image, emotions, perceived economic return, and tangibles of the educational programs had direct impacts on satisfaction and indirect impacts on loyalty to these programs. Research findings can help farmers to adapt to climate change.

Volume 24, Issue 3 (10-2020)

Crises are always the hardest test for every management theory. There are few management theories that work in the face of severe crises. As a result, organizations and managers in practice, during major crises, suspend many of their functions, dimensions and tasks. Meanwhile, the field of decision-making has a special status, because this field can’t be closed at all. Accordingly, practical theories of decision making in crisis are one of the most essential needs of any organization in times of crisis. In this regard, we tried to explain the application of PANDA decision-making strategy in critical situations. To this end, the corona crisis was chosen as the focus area. The Corona crisis, as one of the most important human crises that is currently affecting the whole world, is the best option for this purpose. In order to narrow the scope of the research, the decisions of the National Anti-Corona Headquarters of Iran were selected as our cases. Therefore, multiple case study method was selected as the method of the present study. The results of this study show that the characteristics of consequentialism, multiple feedback, speed of action and systematic attitude are the four main characteristics of Panda method that make this method especially suitable for critical situations.

Volume 24, Issue 3 (5-2022)

 Pomegranate is a popular fruit, rich in antioxidants and minerals but sensitive to postharvest storage. The efficiency of 5 and 10 mM γ-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) combined with 0.5% carnauba wax as edible coating was investigated on extending the cold storage life of pomegranate fruit (Cv. Malas Saveh) after 45 and 90 days. Coatings maintained fruit freshness, inhibited the chilling injury symptoms, reduced peel malondialdehyde formation (minimum of 0.74 nM g-1), reduced loss of aroma/taste, and increased aril antioxidant activity (maximum of 94.9%). Aril anthocyanin content was more stable in 5 mM GABA coated than uncoated fruits. However, the coatings caused more weight loss on 45th day (11.0% in 10 mM GABA and 8.3% in the control). This parameter was similar in coated and uncoated fruits after 90 days. Aril phenolic content in coated fruits was higher on 90th day but not on 45th day (maximum of 0.08 mg.100g-1 in the control on day 45). Aril lightness increased in the control sample on 45th day while coated fruits were more similar to harvest time. After 90 days, the control and treated samples were similar. The color scales (a*, b*, and Chroma) values of peels and arils declined by storage without any significant effects of coatings. Peel and aril Hue did not change by storage time or coatings. Results suggested some benefits of coatings for retaining the postharvest quality of pomegranate fruits.

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