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Hadi Dehghani Yazdeli, Mohammad Amiri,
Volume 3, Issue 12 (winter 2010)

Decoding Bibis` Narration Abstract Myths and mythical narration have several meaning and several values. This means that myths and mythical narration in meaning horizon of every tex and course , can be changed in term of surface structure and deep structure .Bibis`s narrations have two structures .one concerned custom of marriage and other depends on religious experience. Bibis` myth and narration such as " Bibi Shahr e Banoo " in Rey and " Bibi Shah Zeinab " in Yazdel e Kashan even if they have victimizing deep structure of fairies but in Islamic periods considering the recreation of stories again and also the form and appearance of restructured buildings are the indicator of religious matter and its joint to the holy time atleast tendency to it , " mysterious " , " awe " , and " splendor " which is at extreme the reason of revelation of descriptions of holly time. these signs and revelations in details and structure of narrator stories and related buildings is appeared . Key word : Bibi, sign,narration, religious experience ,myth .

Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2014)

This research has accomplished answering following question, what is the suitable model of customer equity what are the relationship between its variables. Survey method used for data gathering and data analyzed using correlation method. The statistical population consisted of Tehran branches Keshavrzi banks customers, which 384 samples selected using stratified sampling method and Krejcie and Morgan table. We used questionnaire for data gathering and LISREL software for data analyzing. Findings show that research model has three independent variables which are value equity, bran equity and relationship equity and two dependent variables which are customer equity and purchase intention. Also, the results depicted that relationship equity and value equity has greater effect on customer equity and brand equity does not have direct significant effect on customer equity. Also, customer equity drivers does not have any significant effect on customer purchase intention.        

Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2015)

The present study was to evaluate the impact of feeding level and fish size on the growth factors,carcass composition and digestibility of rainbow trout. Six experimental treatments were assigned by the use of three feeding levels (maintenance, medium and satiation levels) and two fish sizes (43.02 ± 2.93 and 231.32± 6.74g) according to a 3×2 factorial design.  There were three replicates for each treatment and the experiment lasted for 59 days. The results showed that there is a significant interaction effect between fish size and feeding level for body weight gain, final body weight and specific growth (p<0.05). Body composition (dry matter, energy, moisture, fat and protein) was affected by feeding level and size of the fish (p<0.05). However, the interaction effect between fish size and feeding level for body composition was not significant (p>0.05).The digestibility measurements showed that fish size and feeding level  changed  significantly digestibility of protein, lipid, energy and dry matter in rainbow trout (p<0.05). Maximum growth at satiation feeding level can reduce feed conversion ratio and increase waste production at both fish sizes.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (Winter 2021)

In this research, the possibility of asphaltene separation from the vacuum tower residue using the low cost industrial solvents such as 402, 404, 406, and 410 was investigated. In order to separate asphaltene the IP143/01 and ASTM D 3279-07 separation methods were utilized. In order to find the optimal state of asphaltene precipitation, Design of experiments software with three factors of residence time, the solvent-to-feed ratio and the volume percent of 406 solvent to the total solvent of 406 and 410 were used. The results showed that the effectiveness of each parameter in precipitating the asphaltene attributed to the ratio of solvent to feed, the ratio of solvent 406 to total solvent, and the residence time, respectively and there was a significant interaction between the basic parameters. The best asphaltene precipitation of 5.06% of 7.5% happens at the residence time of 36.97 hours, the ratio of solvent to feed of 35.95 ml/gr and the volume percent of 406 solvent to the total solvent of 27.20%. Asphaltene precipitation percentage for the optimal mixture of industrial solvents was 22.5% lower than the precipitated asphaltene from normal heptane solvent. However, according to the solvents price, industrial solvents (410 and 406) were approximately 50% cheaper than normal heptane, and hence on overall, there was a cost savings of more than 20%

Volume 4, Issue 10 (12-2016)

One of the most important Turkish tribe in Iran is Qashqai. This tribe has had its own culture, literature and language. It seems that in the process of modernization and Homogenization in Iran, this culture especially its literature is vanishing. Then, it is necessary to do some researches to protect it from being destroyed. Qashqai tribe has rich oral literature and culture whose stories are a part of it. Since up to now, no study with structural approach has been performed on these stories; we have examined ten stories as case study. The Methodology of the study is based on morphological model of Vladimir Propp, Russian formalist researcher. For this purpose, at first, all stories are analyzed and then each story’s model is mentioned with combination of their motions. This study shows that Qashqai tribe’s stories has the ability of structural study and to great extent is compatible with Iranian stories.
Mohammad Taghavi, Elaham Dehghan,
Volume 4, Issue 13 (Spring 2011)

Volume 5, Issue 2 (summer 2024)

Goals: The emergence of new issues in various economic, social and political fields, physical and environmental issues in cities, forces urban management to respond effectively and actively. Extensive developments in the Tehran metropolis have led to more attention to urban green space as green infrastructure , and planning for managing the development and protection of urban green areas has been put on the agenda. Therefore, the development policy of this field or use in the future has been in the focus of attention. Therefore, with the aim of identifying the driving forces affecting the future of Tehran's green spaces, this research tries to take an effective step in this direction by using the intellectual base of future research and foresight.
Methods: This study is analytical and exploratory in nature and uses the environmental scanning method based on the STEEP model, document study, holding brainstorming sessions and distributing questionnaires among experts and elites.
Findings: In this research, 32driving forces affecting the future of Tehran's green space in 6 categories, including 3 driving forces in the technological field, 6 driving forces in the demographic and social field, 8 driving forces in the environmental field, 6 driving forces in the economic field, 4driving forces in the political-institutional field and 5 drivers were identified in the field of physical and urban development.
Conclusion: The results of this research show that the environmental, economic and demographic and social axes have a more effective role in the future of the green space of Tehran.

Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2015)

Employees form an image of an organization's support and as results, attention to organizational goals and their realization. Their psychological empowerment allows organizations to be more flexible and responsive to changes. On the other hand, organizations need employees who are willing to step beyond the formal requirements of a job. Due to importance of these factors, this study examines the relationship between psychological empow­erment on job performance, with organizational citizenship behavior as a mediator. Statistical population is employees of Alborz Insurance Branches in Tehran that are a total of 270. The simple random sampling used and according to Cochran formula a sample of 159 were selected. To collect required data, a standard ques­tionnaire of Chiang and Hsieh (2012) was used. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling based on Lisrel was used to assess the structural mo­del. Results of testing hypotheses suggest that OCB mediate the relationship betw­een psychological empowerment and job performance and perceived organi­zational support has effect on job performance, but this effect was not accepted on OCB. Also, psychological empowerment has effect on job performance and OCB, and OCB has effect on job performance. 

Volume 5, Issue 4 (No.4 (Tome 20), (Articles in Persian) 2014)

In the present study, which has been done from critical discourse analysis perspective, the authors focus on the media news, since it is the media that puts as a topic of discourse analysis more than other texts. The general purpose of the present paper is based on an analytical framework in order to study the order of the contemporary media discourse. The authors intend to analyze the nonverbal factor influences on the choice of words used in the media news. In general, the data, which have been used in this research, are Persian news of four radios including Iran, USA, Farda, and Israel. The authors are going to analyze them in the framework of the strategies such as lexical generalization, address forms, and over lexicalization. The methodology of the research is comparative  in which the shared news of the studied radios are compared to each other.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (Fall 2020)

Aim: Pain is a common phenomenon among emergency patients which may lead to chronic pain conditions and alteration of physiological function. However, it is widely reported that proper pain assessment and management, which is often accomplished by adequately trained nurses, reduce the suffering of patients. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitude of the nurses towards pain management.
Method and Materials: This study has been performed among 187 nurses who working in emergency wards of hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS). Data has been gathered via the Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain (KASRP) tool. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze data through SPSS software version 16.
Findings: Totally, 187 emergency nurses including 91 female (48.7%) and 96 male (51.3%) entered into the study and completed the questionnairethe study findings showed that most of the nurses (about 57.2%) had low average knowledge and attitude towards pain management. The relationship between knowledge/attitude of nurses with number of assigned patients (p=0.028) and the gender of nurses (P=0.034) were significant.
Conclusion: The study results demonstrate that nurses have low average knowledge and attitude towards pain management which is one of the most important obstacles for efficient pain management.

Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)

In this study, impact of work climate and social network size on the volunteers’ motivation were investigated through the application of self-determination theory. This research type is applied and research method is Descriptive. In this study Active volunteers of Tehran Red Crescent Society were selected as Statistical population. Sample size was estimated 146 using Cochran Formula. Two stage Cluster sampling method used for sampling. For gathering data standard questionnaires were used. For testing hypotheses, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using LISREL software were employed. Results showed that the work climate has positive effect on volunteers autonomous and controlled motivation while the needs satisfaction acts as a mediator. Also the results showed that the social network size has positive effect on the volunteers’ autonomous motivation and negative effect on the volunteers’ controlled motivation and the needs satisfaction acts as a mediator of both impacts.
Peyman Dehghanpour,
Volume 6, Issue 22 (Summer 2013)

After the published of the symphony of the dead (1989), many of critics pointed to influence the Abbas Maroufi's novel of The Sound and the Fury William Faulkner. Twenty three years after the publication of this novel, today, some of critics repeat the influence to various forms. Perhaps with publish of the eternity to eternity (Analysis novel " symphony of the dead "), especially the essay "Is the symphony of the dead influence of Sound and the Fury? " by Elham Yekta and of the Sound and the Fury to symphony of the dead by Javad Eshaghian and other essays that describe comparative study of these two novels, does not need to study again. Furthermore, Nader Ebrahimi (1936-2008), in an interview as " Soak in the story" (1997), without any reference to the symphony of the dead, author of the novel imputed to "plagiarism", it's not about the Sound and the Fury, but Another time, i was loving the city (1966). In this paper, with attention to the principle of "angoisse de l'influence", as the conscience of writers, with emphasis on polyvalent, we answer to imputation the of Nader Ebrahimi about symphony of the dead and why and how the Abbas Maroufi influence of Another time, i was loving the city.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (No.1 (Tome 29), (Articles in Persian) 2016)

The present research is aimed to evaluate the working memory (WM) in Persian words (as a L2) in comparison to it in Chinese words (as L1) in Chinese Persian learners. Thirty learners at Dehkhoda institute were chosen as the study sample. Sampling has been relied on the available subjects who took part in the visual n-back task which was specifically designed to measure WM. The participants had to press the congruent key (predetermined number 1) if the stimulus was the same as the one presented just before, and pressed incongruent key (number 2) if it was not. Then they took part in the stroop test. In psychology, the Stroop effect is a demonstration of interference in the reaction time of a task. the stroop test here included 40 stimuli- a pseudorandom selection of 20 Persian words and 20 Chinese words, selected among four main color which was written with incongruent ink. The participants had to press the key predetermined the color of the word- not ink-. Accordingly, the score of their WM “accuracy”, WM “mean respond time”, attention bias “accuracy” and attention bias “mean respond time” have been calculated separately for both languages and compared with paired samples T test. Results illustrate a meaningful difference between L1 and L2 among the selective attention mean respond time, WM accuracy and WM mean respond time, and didn’t illustrate meaningful diference between L1 and L2 among selective attention accuracy.

Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)

Aims: The use of plants for treatment and food returns to ancient times. This study was conducted to examine the essential oil composition and antioxidant activity of the essential oil of Artemisia sieberi Besser at 3 phenological stages and effect of grazing livestock on these properties.
Materials & Methods: For this purpose, 5 shrubs from two sites (under grazing site and enclosure site) were selected randomly at 3 phenological stages. In laboratory operations, essential oil of the species was extracted in by SDE method.
Findings: The results of GC/MS analysis indicated 45 compounds for grazed site with essential oil content 98.73%, and 42 compounds for enclosure site with essential oil content 98.54%. Also, α-tujune (21.63%), α-Pinene (19.53%), and Camphene (10.34%) were the main compounds in the enclosure site and α-tujune (23.70%), α-Pinene (20.33%), and Camphene (12.60%) were the main compounds in the grazed site. The results of screening antioxidant activity using two assays (DPPH and β-carotene-linoleic acid) showed that the free radical scavenging activity of essential oil (IC50 µg ml-1) in the first phenological stage (vegetative stage) was more than other phenological stages in two sites. Also, the inhibition of essential oil in the grazed sites had a significant difference with essential oil's inhibition in the enclosure site.
Conclusions: Effect of grazing on the composition and properties of the essential oil of this species can be considered in the planning of livestock grazing management. We wish our future research on this plant leads to the finding of new natural antioxidant compounds.

Volume 7, Issue 3 (No.3 (Tome 31), (Articles in Persian) 2016)

The purpose of this research is to analyze Differential Adpositional Case Marking (DACM) in Vafsi within OT framework by using the generalization of Aissen’s (2003) Differential Object Marking (DOM) model. While Bossong (1985) has traced DOM in more than 300 languages, DACM has not been investigated typologically, yet. DACM, as a branch of Differential Case Marking (DCM), questions the effect of semantic and/or pragmatic features on case marking of object of adposition. Evidence from Vafsi (Stilo, 2004) suggest that animacy in object of adposition (OA), affects its case marking; i. e. human and animate OAs in Vafsi will be oblique case-marked, while inanimate OAs are direct (nominative) case-marked. DACM OT model is developed using Prince and Smolensky (1993), Smolensky (1995) and the generalization of Aissen’s (2003) DOM OT model. The constraints hierarchies are extracted using formal devices of harmonic alignment and local conjunction.

Volume 7, Issue 3 (Summer 2019)

Aims: One of the herbal indices that effects on the livestock grazing behavior is the herbal compounds including the essential oils, so the aim of the present study is the comparison of three Artemisia species in terms of the composition of essential oils coincident and the relationship between livestock grazing time from these three plant species.
Materials and Methods: Three Artemisia species (Artemisia sieberi Bess., Artemisia kermanensis Podl., and Artemisia khorassanica podl.) in the natural from habitats with similar conditions were studied. Five plant stands were selected randomly from each species and the essential oils were obtained by SDE of air-dried samples and the essential oil were analyzed by GC-MS.
Findings: About 88% of essential oil compounds in these three Artemisia species were common and Artemisia kermanensis Podl. had more essential oil percentage (98.47%) and Artemisia sieberi had the lowest essential oil percentage (73.21%) while the rate of grazing on the Artemisia sieberi Bess. was higher compared to two other species in the same vegetative stage. Also, 6% of the compounds were observed only in the Artemisia kermanensis species, which is probably the presence of these compounds are the reason for the lack of feeding by the livestock of this species.
Conclusion: The selection of livestock for grazing of these three species to be highly relevant to their essential oil compounds, although the amount of these compounds has decreased in the third phenological stage, preventing livestock feeding on these species in the first and second stage of vegetation. Livestock grazing planning based on essential oil combinations can be a new horizontal in rangeland management. It seems the biochemical defense in the plants with essential oil is a way to combat animal grazing.

Peyman Dehghanpour,
Volume 7, Issue 27 (Fall 2014)

One of the texts that has played an important role in the conception of Maroufi’s Symphony of the Dead (1989) is Ardabil dar Gozargah-e Tarikh[1] by Baba Safari (1920-2003). The two texts are so much interwoven that at times it becomes impossible to distinguish Safari’s voice from Maroufi’s. Although Marouf’s novel is not a historical one, it depicts the events occurring in Ardabil between 1934 and 1976.  At first look, Ardabil seems to be whatconnects the two works. But beyond this, Maroufi not only reconstructs some of the historical events narrated in this book, but also creates some of his fictional characters borrowing from the descriptions of the historical figures that Safari has brought into life in his book. This article studies the influence of Safari’s historical work on Maroufi’s novel.  
[1]. Ardabil in the Passageway of History

Volume 8, Issue 2 (Spring 2022)

Backgrounds: In recent years, Enterococcus species have emerged as a leading cause of nosocomial infections worldwide. The aim of this study was to determine the virulence biomarkers and antibiotic resistance profiles of Enterococcus spp. collected from a main tertiary teaching hospital in Bandar Abbas, Iran.
Materials & Methods: A total of 71 Enterococcus were isolated from clinical specimens of patients in different wards of a hospital. Enterococcus spp. were verified by detecting ddl gene using PCR-based method. Virulence-encoding genes including gelE and cylA were detected using PCR. Antibiotic resistance was assessed using the disk diffusion assay, and vancomycin resistance was identified using the E-test method.
Findings: Among Enterococcus isolates, 50 and 21 isolates were identified as E. faecalis and E. faecium, respectively. Most of the Enterococcus species were isolated from urine, followed by wound samples. The most prevalent virulence genes among E. faecalis isolates were cylA (60%) and gelE (30%); also, 19 and 14% of E. faecium isolates were positive for cylA and gelE genes, respectively. Many isolates of E. faecalis (84%) and E. faecium (76%) were resistant to one or more antibiotics and showed high resistance to gentamicin and ciprofloxacin.
Conclusion: This study revealed a high prevalence of ciprofloxacin and gentamicin resistance and a high frequency of virulence genes among E. faecalis isolates. Due to the high prevalence of MDR Enterococcus strains, control measures are necessary to prevent the emergence and transmission of these strains in different hospital wards.

Volume 8, Issue 3 (3-2019)

Despite the growing body of research acknowledging that strong brands are critical for firms' long - term competitiveness, little research examines how firms should manage their brands internally to maximize their value and the brand performance. The aim by present study is to examine the role the role of market orientation, brand management and marketing innovation in improving brand performance. Population of study consists of active firms in the country's food industry and size of sample is 222 obtained through stratified random sampling way. Data gathering toll is the standard questionnaire, for whose reliability Cronbach alpha was applied. Present study is an applied study in terms of purpose and in terms of collecting data it is regarded as a descriptive survey. Considered model was studied using structural equations modeling. The findings show that brand management system helps companies achieve brand performance better than competitors, and market orientation and marketing innovation are two of the key constituents of the system's development. In this study, the brand management system was considered as an intermediate variable for achieving better brand performance.

Volume 8, Issue 3 (Summer 2022)

Backgrounds: This study aimed to assess the molecular characteristics of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains isolated from community-acquired (CA) and hospital-acquired (HA) infections in Bandar Abbas, southern Iran.
Materials & Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 110 S. aureus strains isolated from 59 outpatients and 51 inpatients during 2018-2019. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed using disc diffusion method. Epsilometer test was used to measure vancomycin minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Cefoxitin disc (30 μg) was used to screen MRSA isolates. The presence of mecA gene was examined by PCR method.  Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) types were detected in S. aureus isolates using multiplex-PCR. Chi-square and Fisher's exact tests were used to analyze the results.
Findings: Out of 110 isolates, 45 (40.9%) isolates carried the mecA gene: 20 (39.2%) isolates from inpatients and 25 (42.4%) isolates from outpatients. MRSA isolates showed the highest resistance to azithromycin (69.8%), tetracycline (60.4%), and clindamycin (32.1%), respectively. Vancomycin MIC against MRSA isolates ranged from 0.75 to 5 μg/mL. SCCmec type I, III, IV, and V were detected in 20 (44.4%), three (6.7%), 16 (35.5%), and six (13.3%) isolates, respectively.
Conclusion: The predominant SCCmec types were type I and type IV, which were detected in CA- and HA-MRSA isolates, respectively. No significant difference in the presence of SCCmec type III and antibiotic resistance was found between CA- and HA-MRSA isolates, indicating the possibility of cross-infection between these isolates. Developing appropriate treatment protocols to prevent the spread of MRSA infections in the community is currently an urgent need.

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