Showing 230 results for Dehghan
Volume 19, Issue 133 (February 2023)
The increase in the needs of the population for protein causes research on natural and plant products that can be a good substitute for animal proteins. Lentil is a rich source of proteincontaining 20/6 to 31/4% protein. As a result, trying to investigate the physicochemical properties of its protein and replacing animal proteins is considered important. In this research, the optimization of water and oil absorption capacity of Bilesawar green lentils was investigated using the response surface method and Design Expert 11 software. For this purpose, central composite design with three independent variables and 6 central points was used. 20 treatments resulting from the combination of three independent variables pH (8/5-10) and centrifugation time (20-60 minutes) and centrifugation temperature (4-30°C) were evaluated. The results showed the decreasing effect of pH and time on the water absorption capacity, indicating that with the increase of pH and time, the water absorption capacity decreased. Temperature and pH had decreasing effect and time had an increasing effect on oil absorption capacity. Applying the optimized conditions, the oil and water absorption capacity for the optimum point were obtained 1/235 and 1/373, respectively. For validation, optimized predicted and experimented data were compared using T student test (p<0/05).
Volume 20, Issue 1 (6-2017)
Objective: Considering the high incidence of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), it is necessary to research this illness and determine genetic markers associated with it. The role of DNMT I gene expression during treatment with mercaptopurine drugs in children with B-cell ALL (B-ALL) is important because its changes reflect the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the drugs. We have investigated the effect of mercaptopurine drugs on DNMT I expression in children with B-ALL.
Methods: This analytical study assessed 8 B-ALL children who referred to Tehran Children's Medical Center and 10 healthy children referred to the Yazd Central Laboratory by convenience selection in 2016. Blood samples were obtained before and after treatment, and extraction of total RNA from each sample was performed for real-time qPCR of the target gene (DNMT I). Simultaneously, we evaluated GAPDH, a housekeeping gene. Data from gene expressions were compared by the paired t-test, using SPSS-16 software.
Results: DNMT I gene expression was significantly decreased after mercaptopurine administration in children with B-ALL (P<0.02).
Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the mercaptopurine drug may affect DNMT I gene regulation. This epigenetic effect may explain the mechanism of drug action, possibly serve as a diagnostic factor, and a means of better monitoring for patients with ALL.
Volume 20, Issue 1 (January 2020)
Rehabilitation is a process in which the patient achieves his/her lost ability and individual independence in performing their daily activities using numerous facilities and equipment. About 30% of human life-threatening injuries are related to their hand. The human hand, as one of the most important organs of the human body in interacting with the environment, has the greatest role in maintaining individual independence in daily work. In this article, a rehabilitation system has been designed for hand tendon injury using observations of traditional rehabilitation of hand injuries after surgery and recovery period, and through a mechanism based on structures restricting undesirable degrees of freedom. The mechanism used in this design has been selected by considering conventional tendon injury rehabilitation exercises. In this way, the system can easily bend the finger over the marked joint by using a tendon shape mechanism, which applies force on the tip of the finger. The process of system designing is completed using a prototype to examine the method of operation as well as to obtain the required forces for choosing electrical elements.
Volume 20, Issue 1 (January 2020)
Modeling the movement of different parts of the body has been studied a lot in recent years. Body movement models such as fingers movements are good guides for designing different robots. Also, motion disability is one of the common diseases that have a great impact on patients' life quality. To treat the rupture of finger tendon, individual rehearsal rehabilitation exercises for each phalanx is required. In order to achieve this aim and take control of each phalanx movement, the mathematical model of the desired trajectory for each joint is necessary. The angle of each joint is measured with the help of a gyro sensor installed on a novel wearable rehabilitation robot proposed in this paper. The mathematical models of the phalanges motions are obtained by curve fitting. The model is applicable not only in the rehabilitation robots but also in the other robotic works. In most of the works in this area, the desired trajectory diagram was drawn and tracking of the trajectory was investigated. Thus, the desired trajectory formula should be fined for the other works. But in this work, the corresponding formula was found and it can help other researchers to easily use of these formulas for their work. To ensure the accuracy and efficiency of the calculated trajectories, the trajectories are implemented in a control system. In order to control this system, a suitable sliding mode controller was designed and the results of system controlling and trajectory tracking using this controller was obtained.
Volume 20, Issue 3 (Autumn 2020 2020)
The interaction between institutional quality and the mechanism of oil shock diffusion might have a significant effect on macroeconomic dynamics in an oil-exporting country. The literature lacks a formal model to address the role of institutional quality in the economic performance of an oil-rich developing economy. Using a new Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) framework, this study develops a model to investigate the response of macroeconomic variables to changes in institutional quality resulted from oil shocks in Iran as an important oil-exporting country. Our modeling allows us to show how institutional quality and oil revenues affect households, firms, government, and the central bank. The model is solved and calibrated for the period 1959-2017. The results indicate that the destruction of institutional quality caused by a positive oil shock prevents the Iranian economy from reaping the fruits of an increase in oil revenues. Oil revenues and their shocks by destroying the institutional quality through the expansion of rent-seeking activities, increasing transaction costs of production, reducing the impact of government spending, and diverting monetary and fiscal policies from the targets result in negative effects on Iran's non-oil production in the long run. To reduce the destructive effects of oil shocks on institutional quality in the Iranian economy, we suggest the policymakers in Iran reduce the dependency of the government budget on oil revenues.
Volume 20, Issue 4 (10-2018)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of inulin (IN) and resistant dextrin (RD) as fat replacer and prebiotic on gluten-free biscuit and its dough. To make the gluten-free biscuits, we used rice flour, corn flour and corn starch in the proportion of 3:1:1, respectively. The influence of prebiotics on the dough properties was studied via texture profile analysis including firmness, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, gumminess and springiness. Biscuit quality was assessed by spreading behavior, texture and surface characteristics, chemical properties, and sensory evaluation. Compared to the control, a significant increase in firmness (17.04 N to 52.85 N), cohesiveness (0.49 to 0.65) and gumminess (8.45 N to 32.71 N) of dough (except RD25) was observed when substitution percent of fibers increased. Adhesiveness and springiness did not have significant changes. Enhancing of fat replacement percentage caused significant changes compared to the control in hardness (9.60 to 24.52 N) and L* (58.79 to 56.94), a* (8.99 to 9.71), water activity (0.225 to 0.096), moisture (4.97% to 4.12%), total fat (12.65% to 3.90%), peroxide index (1.89 to 0.90 meq/kg), fiber (2.02% to 9.51%), carbohydrate (76.49% to 84. 63%), and calorie (443.38 to 396.52 Kcal). The consumers did not find significant differences in acceptability between the control biscuits and the biscuits with 25% of fat replaced by RD and IN except color and flavor that were better than the control. Gluten-free biscuits containing IN25 and RD25 were similar to the control biscuits, and they could have additional health benefits derived from IN and RD presence.
Volume 20, Issue 4 (11-2020)
Ingredients in agricultural pesticides are a group of chemicals and synthetics that are widely used in the industry. The constant entry of these substances into water resources produces very high levels of pollution, which poses a threat to aquatic environments and their organisms. Among the pesticides used in agriculture are organophosphorus, carbamate and pyrithioide pesticides. Organophosphorus and carbamates have the highest levels of consumption to deal with plant pests. In this study, the photocatalyst was synthesized by ball mills method. In this method, oxide and iron oxide nanoparticles were rotated in half steel compartment (40.5 g of oxide and 80 g of iron oxide) for 12 hours in a high-energy satellite mill at 300 rpm. The weight ratio of the catalyst to 10 mm spheres is 1:20 and for each 15 min rotation, 5 min rest and a total of 16 h cyclical rotation was performed in the device to complete the nanocomposite synthesis process. Heat treatment was carried out for 1 hour by a muffle furnace at 700 ° C. Also, this nanocomposite were characterized with the analysis of XRD, XRF, DRS and FTIR. The XRD analysis showed the hexagonal structure of nanocomposite with using of Debay-Scherer relationship, the crystals size of ZnO/α-Fe2O3 nanocomposite was calculated about 10.66 nm. SEM images showed the Fe2O3 nanoparticle Placement between ZnO nanoparticle. Result of DRS revealed that band gaps of the ZnO and Balmiled iron oxide and heated was 1.878 eV. By FTIR analysis, peaks of Zn-O and Fe-O were observed in the nanocomposite. According to EDX analysis for the weight values of Zn and Fe and O of ZnO/α-Fe2O3 nanocomposite was 5.30% and 55.8%. According to XRF analysis, the weight values of Zn and Fe in ZnO/α-Fe2O3 nanocomposites were 77.33% and 61.13%, respectively. The photocatalytic activity of the synthesized ZnO/α-Fe2O3 nanocomposite under UV irradiation was analyzed by two 8 watts UVC lamps for mineralization of organic carbamate pollutants from agricultural wastewater. In this design ZnO/α-Fe2O3 nanocomposite concentration, pH and radiation time were considered as effective quantitative variables and the type of catalyst consumed as effective qualitative variables. Reaction rate reached best at 0.0043 min-1 in the best conditions, including modified oxide and catalyst concentration of 1 gr/l and two 8W UV lamps and pH = 8 for 3 hours.
Volume 20, Issue 5 (May 2020)
Two-stage centrifugal separators are the last generation of gravity separators for the separation and upgrading of minerals. Gravity upgrading techniques are methods by which a mixture of particles with different dimensions, shapes, and masses can be separated by gravity, centrifugal force, and other forces by the flow of fluid, especially water (or air). The fluid flow inside such separators is always turbulent. The selection of a suitable turbulence model is an important stage for the prediction of the fluid flow pattern in numerical simulation. The purpose of this research was to find the suitable turbulence model for the prediction of hydrodynamic parameters in a two-stage centrifugal separator using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling. For this purpose, multiphase simulation of the separator has been performed using five turbulence model including k-e, renormalization group (RNG k-e) and Reynolds stress model (RSM). Air core pattern, velocity distribution and partition curve of discrete phase were used for evaluation of the effect of turbulence model on the flow field. The results of the CFD simulation were validated using experimental data. The difference between the results of RSM simulation with the experimental results for fluid recovery, air-core size in the first and second stage of separator were 4.73%, 4.3% and 5.2%, respectively. The results of turbulence models of k-e and RNG k-e were not in accordance with the experimental results.
Volume 20, Issue 8 (August 2020)
The study of turbulent boundary layer trailing edge noise as one of the most important aerodynamic sound generation mechanisms is a fundamental issue in design and production of equipment with minimum noise. In the present study, the utilization of finlets as a turbulent boundary layer trailing edge noise control technique is investigated. For this purpose, a flat-plate model, equipped with surface pressure transducers has been designed and built and the main parameters of trailing edge noise including the surface pressure spectra, the spanwise length scale, and eddy convection velocity in the trailing edge region have been measured. Moreover, in order to study the structure of the boundary layer flow downstream of the surface treatments, a single hot-wire anemometer has been used. The results showed that the presence of finlets leads to a significant reduction in the surface pressure spectra at all frequency ranges except for frequencies close to the maximum surface pressure spectrum. Furthermore, passing the flow structures through the finlets, although did not create significant changes to the spanwise length scale at high frequencies, however, they have led to an increase at low to mid frequencies. Finally, the Amiet-Roger model has been used to evaluate the changes in far field trailing edge noise due to the presence of the finlets and the results show the effectiveness of finlets in reducing trailing edge noise over a wide range of frequencies.
Volume 20, Issue 80 (4-2023)
The main question of this paper is to explain the role of the literary institution in the context of power relations and in particular the arrival of Iranian society into the era of Pahlavi rule. In the meantime, based on Ernest Cassirer's comments, the late literary works of the Qajar period until the first Pahlavi era was evaluated. Contrary to the prevailing approaches to text as abstract, neutral, inactive, and merely reflective of a subject or matter, Cassirer believes that texts as a system of signs are, above all, a set of practices that have the capacity to be the position of agency. On this basis, he believes that the mental construction of the new world is still influenced by myths that are produced and reproduced in various ways and with specific purposes. The results obtained and described by these works show that literature in this period, by creating a particular kind of myths and then expanding and diffusing the mythical insights into heroism and nationalist discourse, provided the basis for the emergence of the First Pahlavi rule.
Volume 21, Issue 1 (3-2021)
Concrete is the most widely made construction material in the structural engineering world. Advantages such as high compressive strength, availability of raw materials, and low preparation cost make concrete one of the most important used construction materials. Under harsh environmental conditions, aggressive agents such as sulfates and chlorides penetrate the concrete through these cracks to damage the concrete. While concrete cracks are not only expensive to repair, they are often hard to detect as well. It is now identified that the strength of concrete alone is not sufficient, the degree of harshness of the environmental condition to which concrete is exposed over its entire life is very important. Self-healing concrete is a type of concrete that has the ability to repair itself without the need for an external agent during cracking. Concrete containing microorganisms has self-healing properties. The self-healing agent contains a specific concentration of bacteria with a nutrient in the concrete that produces calcium carbonate while the water and environmental conditions are suitable for the concrete. In this research, four different specimens of concrete have been made. Concrete containing microorganisms is made in two different concentrations of bacterium bacillus pasteurization (107,109 cells/ml) and calcium lactate nutrients and is compared with concrete containing silica fume, concrete containing latex and control concrete. In all four specimens, the same mix design was used with a water/cement ratio of 0.48 and containing silica fume, latex polymer, and calcium lactate, which replaced cement in different percentages. Specimens were subjected to compressive, flexural, and tensile strength tests at 7 and 28 days of operation, and the results were compared. The results showed that the best performance among all specimens for concrete containing silica fume and self-repair agent (bacteria and brain material) increased compressive strength and reduced tensile and flexural strengths compared to the controlled specimens. The use of a self-healing agent in concrete increases the compressive strength of concrete, but this increase is not as great as the increase in silica fume. Bacteria with a higher concentration have a negative effect on the compressive strength of concrete so that more use of bacteria in concrete increases the compressive strength to such an extent that it even reduces the compressive strength compared to the concrete strength of the control specimens. The self-healing agent reduces the flexural and tensile strength of concrete, as opposed to silica fume but they are better than latex and produce better results.
Volume 21, Issue 3 (5-2019)
Fifteen endemic ecotypes of the fenugreek were evaluated under well-watered and water deficit stressed conditions in the lysimetric system. Results of analysis of variance revealed that there was significant genotypic diversity for all of the traits, except root branch number. Also, ecotype × water treatment interaction was significant for all traits, except days to ripening, canopy temperature, and grain weight. Based on structural equation modeling, predictors in the causal diagram could explain 59%, 29%, 65%, and 51% of the total variation of dependent traits consisting root length, stem diameter, shoot dry weight, and percent assimilate partitioned to grain, respectively. These dependent traits had high broad sense heritability and explained 100% variation of grain weight. Transpiration efficiency had a positive effect on grain weight through stem diameter, root length, shoot dry weight, and percent assimilate partitioned to grain. Results of membership function value of drought tolerance index and heat map clustering revealed that Jahrom ecotype was a highly drought susceptible ecotype, and Yazd and India were drought susceptible ecotypes. Also, Tiranchi and Shiraz were identified as drought tolerant ecotypes. Overall, under water stress conditions, the drought tolerant ecotypes had deeper roots than the other ones. Therefore, these ecotypes might be considered as donor parents in fenugreek breeding programs.
Volume 21, Issue 3 (5-2021)
Sustainability helps the environment by reducing the consumption of non-renewable natural resources. Concrete uses a significant amount of non-renewable resources. Efforts aimed at producing environmentally friendly concrete can play a major role in securing sustainable construction. Candidate technologies for sustainable concrete materials include the incorporation of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) such as fly ash, silica fume and granulated blast furnace slag as a partial replacement for portland cement; the incorporation of recycled materials in concrete production. As a result, an experimental investigation was conducted to study the hardened properties of concrete constructed with 10% and 15% recycled tires (coarse and fine) as well as 6% silica fume. This experimental program consisted of ten mix designs. The hardened properties (compressive strength and tensile splitting strength) of concrete were compared with the provisions of the international design codes (U.S., Australia, Canada, Europe, and Japan). Results of this study show that using coarse recycled tires in the mix designs decreases compressive strengths between 35% and 45% and splitting tensile strength up to 20%. To overcome inferior hardened properties of recycled tire concrete mixes, silica fume (6%) has been added to the recycled tire concrete mixes. Results of the mixes including both recycled tire concrete and silica fume show better hardened properties compared with the mixes without silica fume, but still the hardened properties of the mixes with recycled tire and silica fume are less than the conventional concrete.
Volume 21, Issue 3 (Autumn 2021 2021)
Dependency of Iranian Economy on oil revenues has provided conditions for imposing further sanctions on Iran. One way for Iran to get rid of sanctions is to sell its oil in currencies other than US dollar. In this regard, this article evaluates the risks for Iran if it, in selling oil, substitutes US dollar with currencies of its oil importing countries. We firstly apply Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and Self-Exciting Threshold Autoregressive (SETAR) models on Yuan and Rupee data for the period of 1990:01-2019:05 as well as on Euro data for the period of 1999:01-2019:05 and then based on the estimated models, forecast losses and gains for the period of 2019:06-2021:12 if Iran sells oil to China, India and Europe and receive payments respectively in Yuan, Rupee and Euro. Our forecasts indicate that selling oil to India and China and receiving oil revenue in Rupee and Yuan respectively will significantly decrease value of oil exports in range of 5-23 percent due to very likely devaluation of these currencies vs. the US dollar. Therefore, Iran must firstly use in its oil transaction relevant diplomacy with its oil importing countries, requesting them to share in risks of devaluation of their currencies vs. US dollar. Secondly, as a particular example, this article shows that political decisions may bring in economic consequences for the country. Therefore, Iranian authorities are expected to consider economic consequences of their political decisions more seriously and with sufficient transparency.
Volume 21, Issue 4 (7-2019)
The aim of the study was to evaluate the sole and interactive effect of drip irrigation regimes (50, 70, and 100% of Crop Water Requirement, CWR) and different mulches [No Mulch (NM); Mood Chip Mulch (WCM); Composted Wood Chip Mulch (CWCM), and Plastic Mulch (PM)] on some morphological and physiological traits of tomato, Water Use Efficiency (WUE), and soil properties (soil moisture and temperature) under field conditions. Results showed that yield and its components were significantly influenced by different levels of irrigation. Different mulches increased fruit yield by 12–46% over non-mulch conditions. The highest marketable yield (5.78 kg plant -1) and total yield (5.77 kg plant -1) were obtained by the plants under the highest water level (100% CWR) along with PM and WCM, respectively. The lowest percentage of cracked fruits and blossom-end rot fruits was observed in the plants under 100 and 70% CWR along with WCM. In addition, the highest WUE (18.27 kg m-3) was obtained with 70% water application under WCM. In general, the study revealed that drip irrigation with wood chip mulch had a significant role in increasing the yield of tomato and saving irrigation water under field conditions.
Volume 21, Issue 4 (April 2021)
In the present study, the wake flow field of a submarine model was investigated experimentally in a wind tunnel. The experiments were conducted to determine the effect of the location of control surfaces on the wake inflow to the impeller of the submarine. In order to investigate the effect of the location of control surfaces as the most important innovation of the present study, the aforementioned surfaces were installed in three longitudinal positions X/L=0.89, 0.92, 0.95 on the heel of the submarine model, and the wake flow was measured at position X/L=1.7 and the Reynolds number 6*10^5 by a five-hole probe and a hotwire anemometer. Finally, the longitudinal position X/L=0.95 was selected as the optimal location for the stern planes to improve the wake inflow to the impeller in terms of reducing its total area and the least amount of turbulence and non-uniformity. The results obtained during this study showed that arriving of the holder basechr('39')s wake to the stern area increases the area and average velocity and subsequently reducing the non-uniformity of the wake flow.
Volume 21, Issue 6 (June 2021)
The aim of this study is to improve the strength properties of glass-aluminum multilayer hybrid composite using AA1050 aluminum sheets processed by the accumulative roll bonding (ARB) process. Also, the effect of different cycles of ARB process on the strength properties of hybrid composite has also been investigated. At first, the ARB process was applied on the AA1050 sheet. Afterwards, the microstructure and tensile properties of the ARB deformed sheets were investigated. Then, the ARB processed AA1050 sheets were used to make glass reinforced aluminum laminate (GLARE). In the end, the tensile properties of the GLARE composite were examined. By the progress of the ARB process, the hardness and strength of the sheet increased. The elongation of the first cycle processed specimens dropped drastically. But, by increasing the process cycles, the elongation increased gradually. The use of the ARB processed aluminum sheet in the manufacture of GLARE composite significantly improved the tensile strength of the GLARE. In the GLARE made of annealed aluminum, most of the elongation of the aluminum layer occurred after the breaking of the glass fibers and in conditions outside the GLARE composite; as a result, the reduction of the sheet elongation during the ARB process caused the simultaneous failure of the metal layers and the glass fibers during the tensile test of the GLARE. Hence, this event did not reduce the ductility of the composite. In other words, the total energy absorption and fracture toughness of the aluminum layers occurred when the GLARE had not failed.
Volume 21, Issue 6 (12-2021)
In this paper, solution of inverse problems in a plane linear elastic bodies are investigated. For this purpose, sampling method in frequency domain is introduced for cavity/crack detection in a structural element such as plate. This method is categorized as a qualitative approach to image the geometrical features of unknown targets. This goal is followed by partitioning the investigated region into an arbitrary grid of sampling points, in which a linear equation is solved. The main idea of the linear sampling method is to search for a superposition of differential displacement fields which matches with a prescribed radiating solution of the homogeneous governing equation in Ω(D), for each sampling point. Although this method has been used in the context of inverse problems such as acoustics, and electromagnetism, there is no specific attempt to apply this method to identification of crack/cavities in a structural component. This study emphasizes the implementation of the sampling method in the frequency domain using spectral finite element method. A set of numerical simulations on two-dimensional problems is presented to highlight many effective features of the proposed qualitative identification method.
Volume 21, Issue 84 (4-2024)
Since its establishment in the 1960s, the Children’s Book Council(CBC) has endeavored to elevate Iranian children’s literature by setting criteria for evaluating and selecting the best works. Given the significance of literary awards and distinguished books in shaping readers’ minds and guiding the literary community, this paper examines the criteria set forth by this institution and the extent to which they align with the award-winning works of the 1970s. This analysis critically evaluates the Council’s performance during this influential decade and revisits a pivotal period in the history of children’s and young adult literature, as well as the history of Persian poetry criticism. During this decade, three works by Mahmoud Kiyanoush—The Green Indian Parrot, Silver-Winged Golden Beak, and The Garden of Stars—were selected by the Council. The selection of three works by Kiyanoush indicates that the Council, both theoretically and in its practical application of production and creation criteria, was influenced by this poet’s ideas. Based on the Council’s reviews and the findings of this research, the criteria for poetry criticism underwent significant changes in this decade compared to the previous one. A reliance on artistic originality and poetic essence, as well as a focus on a child’s perspective, were the most important criteria during this period. This approach to children’s poetry played a crucial role in the transformations of subsequent decades.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (Spring 2022 2022)
Iran with arid and semi-arid climate needs to save water and energy resources. In this study, the two regions of Isfahan and Yazd as two critical points in terms of water and energy have been studied. In this research, the two-region Input-Output model is used to measure and analyze the water and energy relations between the economic sectors of Isfahan and Yazd provinces and the link model is used to investigate the hybrid flow of two sources and the extent of link effects in each region in 2016. The results of combined water and energy flow indicate that the two sectors "water, electricity and gas" and "agriculture" are the most consuming sectors or the most effective sectors in terms of consumption in two regions, so that the most important management node in the relationship between water and energy are considered. Also, the calculations made in the total flow section of the two sources of water and energy indicate that the two sectors "water, electricity and gas" and "coke production, products from oil refining and nuclear fuels, and manufacturing of chemical materials and products” account for the highest output (export) and input (import) of water and energy from other sectors, respectively. In addition, "Building" and "water, electricity and gas" are the most important sectors in water and energy imports, respectively. The total flow of water and energy resources between Isfahan and Yazd provinces indicate that each economic sector of Isfahan province is an exporter in the field of water and energy importing from other sectors, and each economic sector of Yazd province is an importer in the field of water and energy.