Showing 701 results for mohammadi
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The need to address reading skills in language teaching is important because it is related to the other three skills (listening, speaking and writing) and ultimately affects the main goal of language teaching, which is the ability to create effective communication. Now, given the presence of all mobile phones and laptops, questions arise, to what extent are electronic opportunities included in the educational content of the Russian language in Iran? Аanswering this question, as well as analyzing questionnaires with eleven main questions regarding the inclusion of new technologies, cultural topics, playing with proverbs and other issues raised in the teaching content of the reading lesson, as well as questions about whether such materials are included in the reading textbook or not, we came to the conclusion that there is an acute lack of new technologies and other things in the educational content of reading. Therefore, the authors of this study propose new ideas in the educational content of reading to solve existing problems and improve the educational process of teaching reading in Russian at the undergraduate level.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
This paper investigates the two discursive systems of performance and tension in the poem "Katibeh" of “Akhavan Sales”. The performance-oriented narrative system is formed based on the external lake with the focus on "performance". While the tension system originates from an inner-emotional lake and has an interactive relationship with the performer’s knowledge of existence. Due to having the content of narrative discourse," Katibeh " includes value-oriented performance and tensions, in which, the dominant systems are capable to investigate semiotics. This research aims at showing the fundamental aspect of meaning making of this poem and how the meaning appears in theinitial comprehension of the discourse among the unique signs.
For this purpose, the research has determined the types of discourse system such as performance system, tense-emotional system and the techniques of concept elaboration, connection with contacts message sending in the poem "Katibeh" using a descriptive-analytical method. The results of the research indicate that the teller has succeeded in producing the intended mental meaning -philosophical despair and being defeated by destiny- and conveying it to the reader with the artistic arrangement of the parts of the language. When the subject is faced with the "Katibeh" he becomes tense with himself, and due to his inability to get out of this tension and realize the secret of the "Katibeh", he finds almost all performances impossible under high emotional pressure.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Classroom interaction improves the learning process by enhancing opportunities for learning since both instructors and learners are involved in various speech acts. Speech act refers to a functional unit in the form of an act assisting individuals to perceive or promote things with words in interaction. Thus, the current study investigated classroom interaction in terms of types and functions of speech acts performed by Iranian English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers and learners. The data for the study came from audio-recording of twelve 90-minute sessions taught by six experienced Iranian teachers. To analyze the conversational data, Finocchiaro and Brumfit’s (1983) model was used to examine various types of speech acts and Walsh’s (2006) SETT was employed as a framework to explore the functions of speech acts. Following the data analysis, it was unfolded that directives were the most frequent speech acts, including suggestions, requests, warning, and giving instruction, accompanied by interpersonal and personal ones. As to the functions of speech acts, the most frequent mode was the materials mode (42%), followed by skills and systems mode (34%), classroom context mode (16%), and managerial mode (8%). The overall findings indicate the central role of the teacher in teacher-fronted classes in Iran as the most speech acts, i.e. about 79%, were performed by teachers in the form of requestive, suggestive, and advisory to control and promote the learning process. By carrying out the current study, it is hoped that readers gain more insight regarding the pragmatics territory, most notably speech acts.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
After scrutiny the problem of time in Persian verbs, the writers of present essay proceed to revise the usage of auxiliary and modal verbs and by putting forward and criticizing the paroles of writers of Grammar about this subject, reject the difference of these two verbs and expressing the similarities of them in language and showing that modal and auxiliary verbs have the same usage; Then by presenting the verb 'willing' as auxiliary (but not modal) verb in verbs like "would to go" and "was going to go" and etc. putting forward the existence of the time of "future in the past" in Persian language and compering it with some time with the same name in English language. The writers believe that the time "future in the past" is not only a time but in combination with other times it can create some new times in it's subset.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
In this article, “reduplication” is studied in Hawrami language. The data of the research is obtained in a fieldwork and in conversation with the speakers of a variety of Hawrami called "Hawrami-e Takht" (Hawrami of Takht), which is spoken in a number of villages in Sarvabad county of Kurdistan province in Iran. The main goal of the research is understanding functions of reduplication in Hawrami, and also to know the differences of functions of this phenomenon in that language in comparison to other Iranian languages, namely Persian. The analyses and studies of the research indicate that “complete” and “incomplete” reduplication in Hawrami have various manifestations, but complete reduplication of verbs seems special to Hawrami, and no parallel can be found for it in Persian. In addition, examination of some constructions resulting from incomplete reduplication in Hawrami, shows that inflectional sign of grammatical gender, which in its absolute form, appears in feminine gender, is lost or appears in a different way in the construction resulting from reduplication. Regarding some parts of the data and analyses of the research, it is possible to say that this research also confirms that reduplication has similar functions and mechanisms in human languages.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The simile formation process is based on the combined function of the two paradigms of selection and combination; Selection of phenomena and their combination, which is done with the purpose of conceptualization and Meaning production. Each of the simile components in both axes of selection and combination act as a network in the meaningful communication; Therefore, the communication of the simile components creates a special semantic system. In this system, each of the components is considered as a sign and plays a certain semantic role. The issue of this research is to investigate the symbolic system of simile and explain the process of signification of its components. The aim is to determine how a discourse system emerges in the form of analogy and the process of producing meaning in it. For this purpose, it is shown in the analytical-explanatory method how the poet, in the role of the subject, interacts with the “simulated” as an object in a special situation, and the result of this interaction is the mental perception that is determined by the “simulated to”. The result of the research shows that simile has a symbolic system and this system is associated with discursive, phenomenological-perceptual aspects and dynamic flow of meaning.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
This study examines the cognitive processes underlying the comprehension of second language idioms using two different visual instructional techniques, visual representation of literal meanings versus virtual meanings of each idiom’s visual representation. For this reason, two environments (positions) (PFL vs. PSL), two different terms (opaque vs. transparent), and two different sufficiency levels (intermediate vs. advanced) are considered, which involves common teaching methods that use dual coding theory as two different visual techniques with verbal support to teach different types of idioms. The statistical population were 67 second language learners and 63 foreign language learners who participated in this study. A term comprehension test was used before and after the training. The results of repeated measure variance analysis based on pretest-posttest comparisons showed that understanding of SL idioms is different according to the learning environment, teaching technique and the type of idiom. However, it sounds that the level of sufficiency doesn’t affect any group’s comprehension outcomes. The results show that in the SL environment, the figurative technique was more successful than the literal technique. While in the FL environment, using the literal technique compared to the figurative technique, got better scores for the language learner. PSL learners were better than PFL learners in learning terms with opaque meanings, while PFL learners performed better in learning terms with transparent meanings. The results of this investigation support the Dual Idiom Representation Model, which states that PSL learners activate their existing lexical entries and understand them figuratively, while PFL learners must analyze the idioms.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Despite all the efforts of professors and students, learning the four language skills of French in academic institutions has always been accompqnied by challenges. One of these skills is written production, in which students make numerous mistakes. We believe that identifying and analyzing areas of error can be effective in improving their writing skills. In the present study, using an analytical-descriptive method, the written productions of a group of students on a B1 level topic were examined. The data collection tool is the DELF B1 evaluation grid with ten criteria for writing correction. The participants in this study show that 42 percent of students had very good and good averages, and 58 percent had average and weak scores. The target population of this study performed acceptably in only three skills-coherence and logical structure, the ability to present events, and adherence to the topic-out of the ten criteria in the evaluation grid. However, they have not yet achieved the necessary skills in the other seven criteria. The areas of errors revealed in this research could serve as topics for further studies to extract and analyze errors in each domain.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
This study aims to investigate the representation of gender and intercultural competence in the images and texts of 15 Iranian secondary school English coursebooks, published over six decades. Gender representation was investigated using the framework proposed by Dahmardeh and Kim (2020), and the scale developed by Solhaug and Kristensen (2020) was used as the criteria for investigating intercultural competence. The data were coded and counted using manifest content analysis. The results showed that Iranian English coursebooks mentioned males and females unequally in their texts across different decades, with one gender being represented more in each decade. Regarding gender representation in the images, males were represented more than females in almost all decades. The representation of males and females in the books published in the 1970s was almost equal, followed by extreme and sudden changes in gender representation in the 1980s. However, the books published in and after the 2000s presented a balanced picture of males and females. The coursebooks dealt with intercultural competence in their texts and images very rarely, limiting this concept to religious issues and neglecting other aspects. In fact, the coursebooks addressed only one category out of the 11 categories. Finally, the study ends with implications for coursebook authors, materials designers, teachers, students, and teacher trainers.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)
Microcredit plays a vital role in the food security of rural households. However, to the best of our knowledge, the effects of microcredit on improving the food security of households have not yet been well studied and understood in Iran. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the success of microcredit programs on enhancing the food security of rural households in Zehak county using the propensity score matching method and bootstrap algorithm. For this purpose, two food security indices, including the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) and the Food Consumption Score (FCS), are used. The results revealed that 100% of the households face food insecurity. The prevalence of food insecurity was 20.0%, 42.5%, and 37.5% for mild, moderate, and severe food insecurity, respectively. In addition, 30% of households are in poor status of food consumption. Our findings emphasize the positive and significant role of microcredit in improving food security. The results showed that microcredit decreased the HFIAS index of the recipient households by 24.31-27.81% and increased the FCS index by 25.87-31.45%. Therefore, policy-makers and decision-makers should promote and strengthen governmental and non-governmental organizations providing microcredit. It is also recommended to provide information and reduce collateral restrictions to increase households' access to microcredit.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)
The present study was aimed to investigate the effect of predicting variables of quality of life (hexagonal capitals, place attachment, benefiting of governmental services) and psychological coping strategies of Iranian farmer families facing climate variability. The method this research was survey, and the current research was analyzed using structural equation modeling. The participants were all farmer families living in the villages. The data were collected with a questionnaire and a stratified random sampling method. Findings revealed that variables of the proposed model were able to explain 69% of the changes quality of life under climate variability conditions. The results demonstrated that hexagonal capitals and place attachment had a positive and significant impact on psychological coping strategies and quality of life of farmer families. The implementation of specific interventions with the aim of farmers’ capitals reinforcement, paying attention to rural infrastructures and psychological interventions in order to enhance the resistance capacity of farmer families against climate variability has been recommended.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)
The increasing demand for food, especially poultry products, highlights critical challenges to food security. In this context, agricultural entrepreneurship in the poultry sub-sector plays a vital role in addressing these challenges by enhancing food supply and contributing to economic growth and development. This study specifically focuses on fostering entrepreneurship within the poultry industry in Mashhad, emphasizing its pivotal role in Iran's economy and its contribution to food security. Using an exploratory research method along with SWOT and Ordinal Priority Approach (OPA) analysis, 18 factors influencing entrepreneurship in the poultry industry were identified and weighted, leading to the development and ranking of 14 strategies. The results indicate that strategies such as transferring the tasks related to the poultry industry from the government to the private sector (SO) and using the capacities of knowledge-based companies for innovation in the supply of poultry input (WT) have the highest scores. In contrast, strategies such as organizing workshops and training courses (WO) and hiring skilled labore (ST) have lower scores. The findings suggest practical concepts for poultry entrepreneurs, including branding, technology adoption, establishing international animal welfare standards, collaborating with knowledge-based companies, and privatization under government supervision. These strategies can foster regional development by promoting entrepreneurship, which in turn can increase employment, economic growth, and productivity, ensuring a balanced distribution of opportunities and resources
Volume 1, Issue 1 ((Articles in Persian) 2010)
Using of language skills has long been among the most conspicuous weak points of learners of Arabic language as a foreign language. By interviewing some professors and experts of Arabic language teaching, a number of topics were recognized as worthy to be investigated further as sources of weakness. These topics include “sources of boredom and tiredness of students in learning Arabic language”, “the appropriateness of existing instructional materials”, the appropriateness of the teaching methods”, “the sources of students motivation”, “ the effect of teaching methods on motivating students” in general and “ the appropriateness of methods for teaching listening” in particular. A researcher made questionnaire was used to elicit the viewpoints of students and professors regarding each of the above-mentioned topics. The results indicated that learners of Arabic language are not de-motivated but bored and tired due to the overall teaching context, in which they are learning this foreign language. Among the major sources of this boredom are “inappropriate teaching methods”, inappropriate instructional materials” and “inappropriate techniques in teaching listening comprehension”.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2010)
Evaluation of Liver Enzymes’ Level in Blood Serum of Crystal Addicts
Introduction: Crystal or dimetamphetamine is one of the harmful substances which are imported to Iran in the last few years. Crystal is made of pure heroin. Its harmful effects are more than heroin. Addiction to crystal can produce psychological and organ damage. In order to find out which part of body could be affected, examination of enzymes is useful. Liver is one of the organs which can be infected by drug abuse. Liver function test can be used to show these harmful effects. The aim of the present study is to exanimate of the effects of crystal abuse on liver enzymes such as Aspartat transaminase, Alanine transaminase and Alkaline phosphatase in crystal abusers.
Materials & Methods: The current study is a case-control and cross-sectional study on 105 crystal addicted as case group who had referred to addiction treatment center for the first time and 100 healthy people as control group. The activity of enzymes was measured by callorimetery-spectrophotometry method. Results were analyzed by T-test exam and SPSS-16 software.
Results: results show that using crystal increases the level of AST, ALT and ALP and there is a significant relationship between crystal abuse and the level of ALP (p=0.027). In addition, there is a significant relationship between duration of crystal use and the level of ALP (p<0.05).
Conclusion: comparing with AST and ALT levels, ALP level is more affected by crystal abuse.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2013)
Comparative mythology partly is a one of the modern courses, which have been used broadly from the second mid-nineteenth century. On the one hand, the relation of this approach has become firm in the comparative literature, and fixed in the mythical critic, on the other. Though at first, the necessity recognition of world's nations myths was introduced widely and comparatively by the European’s and broad researches were done by them, especially in the field of European nations (Rome and Greek's) myths, but the extent of this approach in the Islamic nation's myths did not progress, except of some small and separated surveys on myth motives. In 2000 AD, Hossein Mojib Al-Mesri, by understanding this poverty research, in “Comparative research in Arab, Iran and Turk's myths”, took the first step in comparison of Iranian, Arabic and Turkish's myths. It is wonderful that, even after a decade, researches did not refer to this. Mojib Al-Mesri, in this comparative research, has studied every Iranian, Arabic and Turkish's myths in three separate parts. However, this book does not operate according to the twentieth century mythical critic approach, but in Iran's myths study, it exhibits modern conclusions and achievements in comparative mythology and in this way, compares unfamiliar Arabic and Turkish's myths with similar Iranian samples that have not been studied in any research so far. This paper has tried firstly to clarify the myth relation and functioning of mythology in comparative literature and then introduce Hossein Mojib Al-Mesri's achievements. Then in a more limited scope, it reviews his theories that he received from Iran's myths. In the end, it shows the existing common points between Persian myths with Arabic and Turkish samples in two sections of religious and historical myths. The purpose of this essay is revealing the potential capabilities of Islamic nations' myths. It also recommend the necessary changes, which must occur in one-sided and unilateral views of Iranian or Non Iranian mythologists.
Volume 1, Issue 1 (9-2015)
In Iran, a total of 12 species of Coccomorpha from five scale insect families have been recorded on Artemisia spp. (Asteraceae): Acanthococcidae (1), Coccidae (3), Diaspididae (4), Ortheziidae (1) and Pseudococcidae (3). In this study Peliococcus chersonensis (Kiritshenko), Pelionella grassiana (Goux) (Pseudococcidae) are redescribed and illustrated based on adult females to show their morphology in Iran, and also Rhizococcus borchsenii (Danzig) (Acanthococcidae) are newly recorded for the first time from Iran. Species that have been previously collected or recorded on Artemisia in Iran are listed and information is given about host plants and global distribution for each species.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (12-2015)
The studied specimens of the family Asilidae collected from various locations of East Azerbaijan province during 2011-2014. Nine genera and thirteen species of the family Asilidae are recognized. Two species Antipalus varipes (Meigen, 1820), Engelopogon goedli (Loew, 1854) are reported as new records to the Iranian fauna.
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2016)
Introduction: Quality of life plays a considerable role in individual and social health. Low back pain is the most common musculoskeletal disorders and cause negative impacts on various aspects of life. The aim of study was to compare the quality of life of students with and without low back pain.
Methods and Materials: This was across-sectional study performed among students at the Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, and west branch in Tehran., Iran. 200 students took part in the study and the SF-36scale was used to assess the quality of life of the participants.
Findings: The mean score of overall quality of life, physical, and mental health of the participants were 67.87 ± 19.07, 72.36 ± 21.53, and 63.20 ± 21.34 respectively. There was a significant relationship between quality of life and socio-economic status (p = 0.007), physical activity (p = 0.002) and smoking (p = 0.007). About %60/3of all participants (N = 114) reported back pain history. There were significant relationship between quality of life and low back pain (p = 0.0001).
Quality of life in students with back pain was less than those without back pain.
Conclusion: Considering the underlying factors affecting the quality of life of students, this study showed low back pain could also diminish the quality of life of the students.
Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2012)
The dry bubble disease, caused by Lecanicillium fungicola, is an important fungal disease of white button mushroom in Iranian mushroom production farms. Twenty-three isolates of the pathogen collected in Iran and identified as L. fungicola var. fungicola, were compared for genetic polymorphism, diversity in growth rate and virulence. Ten Universal Rice Primers (URP) were used to evaluate the genetic diversity of L. fungicola var. fungicola. URP analysis showed that the genetic diversity of Iranian isolates was low (average 10 % over the 10 primers used) and that they were almost clonal. Relative correlations between geographical origins of isolates and molecular grouping were observed but there was no correlation between mycelial growth rate, virulence assays and URP patterns. Significant differences were observed between isolates based on mycelial growth rate and virulence assays. The high level of genetic homogeneity is attributed to the effect of fungicides used for control of the mushroom diseases which might have imposed a significant selection pressure on the fungal populations.
Volume 1, Issue 4 (10-2016)
Background: Today, chronic low back pain is one of the growing worldwide problems, which caused in the reduction of individuals’ physical, mental, and social functions. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of training programs on functional disability in female patients with low back pain after 6month follow-up of the training intervention strategies.
Methods and Materials: This quasi-experimental study was carried out in rheumatology research center of Tehran University of Medical Science. A total of 27 female patients suffering from low back pain participated in this study. All the participants were divided into groups of 6 to 8 members and provided with a 4-hour training session of physiotherapy and psychology, followed by telephone counseling after one and two months. In order to collect required data and evaluate females’ functional disability, two questionnaires were employed: Roland-Morris Disability Assessment Questionnaire (RDQ) and Quebec Back Pain Disability Questionnaire (QDS). The questionnaires were completed at the beginning of the study-as the pretest, and 6-month follow up as the posttest. Data were analyzed through paired samples t-test using SPSS software version 16. A significant level of P< .05 was considered to compare the information.
Results: The results of the current study show that during the 6 months intervention program, the physical disability was significantly improved in terms of two aforementioned scales.
Conclusion: It seems that training intervention program along with the follow-up and phone counseling have significant effects on improving physical function of patients with chronic low back pain.