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Volume 18, Issue 3 (5-2018)

With the advent of shape memory alloys (SMAs), several commercial and industrial applications were proposed due to their superior mechanical and biological properties. Among these materials, Nickel-Titanium (NiTi) alloys are widely applied and well-researched since they are characterized not only by good thermal and mechanical properties but also by excellent biocompatibility compared to other SMAs. In most of the applications, the structural components and devices made of NiTi SMAs work under cyclic thermomechanical loading and one of the major limitations facing the industrial use of this alloy is the degradation of the material when subjected to cyclic loadings (i.e., training). In this study, pseudoelastic training procedure in NiTi shape memory alloy and the resultant two-way shape memory effect are studied using in-situ electric resistivity measurement. At first, variations in the residual strain and in the electric resistivity during pseudoelastic training method are revealed. Then, by measuring the electric resistivity after training procedure (upon specified thermal cycling at stress-free condition) as well as the induced two-way shape memory strain, the effects of residual martensite and dislocation (plastic deformation) on the residual strain are investigated. The obtained results show that about 33% of the residual strain accumulated in 100 pseudoelastic cycles can be ascribed to the residual martensite and about 67% of the residual stain is attributed to the dislocations (plasticity).

Volume 18, Issue 112 (May 2021)

Malva sylvestris belongs to Malvaceae familyThe biological active compounds of Malva sylvestris describe probably it’s biological activities and therapeutic activity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the antibacterial effect of Malva sylvestris on some pathogenic bacteria “in vitro”.In this study, the extraction was carried out by the maceration method. The pour plate method and disk diffusion method were adopted to determine the susceptibility of the pathogenic strains against Malva sylvestris extracts. The broth microdilution and fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) were employed to determine antimicrobial effect. The minimum bactericidal concentration was measured by pour plate method. The concentration 100 mg/ml of the ethanolic extract showed the best result on Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus (p<0.05).  Enterobacter aeruginosa was resistant to most of the aqueous and ethanolic Malva sylvestris extracts. Minimum inhibitory concentration of the ethanolic extract of Malva sylvestris for Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Enterobacter aeruginosa were 8, 8, 64 and 64 mg/ml, respectively and the aqueous extract were 16, 32, 128, and 128 mg/ml, respectively.The ethanolic extract of Malva sylvestris had more inhibitory effect than the aqueous extracts on pathogenic strains. Furthermore, aqueous and ethanolic Malva sylvestris extracts showed greater inhibitory effect on gram-positive bacteria in comparison with gram-negative bacteria.

Volume 18, Issue 119 (january 2021)

Doogh is a traditional Iranian drink prepared by adding water and salt to yoghurt and sometimes flavoring. Instability a major problem which is the result of low pH (<4.00) and aggregation of caseins. The aim of this project is to distinguish the effect of psyllium husk hydrocolloid on the stability and sensory properties of Doogh. In addition, two different edible color added to the product to enhance sensory properties by vision attraction. Hydrocolloid added in three concentration (0.25, 0.75 and 1.25%) and edible colors (β-lain and curcumin) were used for 5, 10 and 15% in samples. Serum separation, zeta potential, flow behavior, Colorimetry and sensory properties was measured during this research. Results obtain that as the concentration of hydrocolloid increase, instability in Doogh decrease and the most stable sample contains 1.25% hydrocolloid (the highest) and 5% color (the least), measurements of zeta potential also showed the same results. In sensory analysis, hydrocolloid and color at the level of 1.25% and 10%, respectively, achieve the highest scores.  Viscometry measurements showed that, Newtonian behavior of Doogh samples isnchr('39')t affected by hydrocolloid concentration. Finally, we conclude that the best sample, that shows the best results in all measurements, contains 0.75% hydrocolloid and 10% for both edible colors.

Volume 19, Issue 8 (August 2019)

Today, nanofluid is attracting intense research due to its potential to augment the heat transfer rate and the cooling rate in many systems. On the other hand, new research progresses indicate that graphene nanofluids even in very low concentrations could provide higher convective heat transfer coefficient in comparison to the conventional nanofluids. For this reason, we used nanofluid containing the CoFe2O4/GO nanoparticles as working fluid to perform experimental investigation of its effect on laminar forced convective heat transfer in the flow passing through a copper tube, which is under a uniform heat flux. It should be noted that utilizing magnetic field on nanoparticles is one of the active methods for improving the heat transfer rate. To achieve this objective, the effect of external magnetic field intensity and also the effect of applying different frequencies on the improvement of heat transfer in Reynolds number and different concentration is also investigated and the optimum frequency were obtained. The results showed that the heat transfer of the studied hybrid nanofluid has been improved in the presence of constant and alternating magnetic fields and the amount of heat transfer increment, due to an alternating magnetic field, is more significant compared with a constant magnetic field. The results also show that in the absence of magnetic field, using ferrofluid with concentration of φ=0.6%, improves the average enhancement in convective heat transfer up to 15.2% relative to the DI-water at Re=571, while this value is increased up to 19.7% and 31% by using constant and alternating magnetic field, respectively.

Volume 19, Issue 10 (October 2019)

Gas turbines have a wide range of application in different industries. There are different models of the gas turbine for its analysis and diagnosis. In this paper, a hybrid model is considered for the gas turbine. This model combines thermodynamic relations and data-based equations which cause to eliminate dynamic loops of thermodynamic relations. Also, the compressor performance curve is considered in the proposed model which leads to noticing physical and geometric characteristic of a gas turbine. The model is dynamic and nonlinear that cause to adapt to a different condition and increase the accuracy of modeling. The model is accurate, simplified and nonlinear state space form. For these reasons, the model is suitable for analyzing of controllers and observers. The proposed controller is a new sliding model controller for implementing in the model. The controller is based on the l_1 norm and frequency analysis. Since the sliding mode is robust and the l_1 norm is optimizer than the l_2 norm, the controller tracks fuel command with acceptable accuracy and minimizing the control fluctuations.
Also, the data that is used in this paper is the data of an industrial gas turbine (IGT25) of Iran's national turbine which is logged in different ambient and functions conditions.

Volume 19, Issue 122 (April 2022)

Promising secondary metabolites of brown algae have been given particular importance, due to their various biological activities. In the present study, two extraction methods including maceration and ultrasound were performed to prepare extracts from brown algae including Padina distromatic, then, aimed to evaluate antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-Alzheimer’s activities of extracts. Padina algae extract prepared by ultrasound method had higher total phenol (43.25 mg GAE/g) and flavonoid content (24.59 mg QE/gDA). However, the maximum antioxidant activity was observed in algae extract prepared by maceration method. Padina algae extract prepared by ultrasound method had the highest inhibitory activity of acetylcholinesterase and the strongest inhibition of nitric oxide production was observed in this extract. Escherichia coli and Listeria innocua bacteria were more resistant to Padina algae extract than other microorganisms and the results of microbial test showed that Padina algae extract prepared by ultrasound method was more antimicrobial than maceration method. Collectively, the obtained results provide valuable evidence for antioxidant, anti-Alzheimer, and antimicrobial activity driven by Padina distromatic extracts which can highlight their possible approach in the therapeutic utilization.

Volume 19, Issue 123 (May 2022)

In recent decades, the demand for the use of functional compounds in food and pharmaceutical products has increased. The aim of this study was to compare the phytochemical compounds and antioxidant, anti-Alzheimer's and antimicrobial properties of Padina distromatic and Sargassum angustifulium algae extracted by ultrasound. The results showed that butanoic acid was the most important substance in Padina and Sargasum extracts. Total content of polyphenols, flavonoids and IC50 index of Padina extract and sargasum 43.45 and 46.63 mg GAE/g, flavonoid content 24.59 and 55.40 mg QE/g and IC50 index 10.38 and 30.77 g/ml respectively. The inhibitory activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) of Padina and Sargassum algae extracts was 42.5% and 25.16%, respectively. Nitric oxide (NO) inhibitory results showed that nitric oxide inhibitory activity increased with increasing the concentration of both Padina and Sargassum algae extracts (from 50 to 400 mg / ml). However, Padina algae extract had the strongest NO inhibitory activity at all concentrations. Padina extract had more antimicrobial properties compared to the algae extract of sargassum. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of Padina extract at 12.5 mg/ml was obtained on Staphylococcus aureus. Padina extract at 50 mg/ml had a bactericidal effect on Staphylococcus aureus. Finally, Sargassum extract should be used as natural antioxidant and Padina extract as natural anti-Alzheimer's and antimicrobial components. 

Volume 20, Issue 4 (10-2018)

ZnO is extensively used in a wide range of industrial applications. Hence, considerable accumulation of this substance occurs in the environment. The objective of the present study was to compare and characterize the growth of model tobacco plant at different ZnO levels in various rooting media (i.e., water-based, perlite-based, and sand-based). In soilless medium (especially water-based), ZnO levels lower and/or higher than 1µM showed negative impacts on fresh weights, some of leaves indices, and number of flowers and fruits. In soil-based media, 250 and 500 mg ZnO kg-1 often scored the highest values for the mentioned indices. However, all evaluated indices were much higher in water-based than the other two media. Flavonoids, antocyanins and FRAP capacity increased at highest levels in soil-grown and perlite-grown media, but Zn content was the same for all concentrations in soil-grown plants. Photosynthetic pigments decreased at 1,000 mg kg-1 in soil-based media. Overall, the sensitivity to small changes in ZnO levels was much higher in water-based compared to the other two media, while ZnO supply resulted in improvement of some parameters in soil-based media. Soil and perlite possess certain experimental limitations (e.g., surface absorption, unfavorable pH, low gas exchange, limited spread of roots and insoluble Zn-complexes), while water-grown plants were comparatively better than the other media in terms of experimental control and handling. These results show different effects of ZnO levels in different media and also suggest the water-based medium as a possible alternate for future accurate investigations of Zn trials.

Volume 20, Issue 138 (August 2023)

Microencapsulation of bioactive compounds in lipid carriers, such as liposomes, in addition to improving stability during storage by increasing bioavailability and controlled release, increases the efficiency of these compounds in vivo. The studies conducted on Padina algae show the existence of a high level of phenolic and antimicrobial compounds. Also, this alga has a significant amount of polyphenols with antioxidant and anti-AChE (acetylcholinesterase) properties, which can be used as a supplement to improve neurological disorders. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to produce and investigate the structural properties of nanoliposomes containing Padina algae extract using the heating method. The particle size of nanoliposomes produced at varying levels of lecithin and loaded extract was obtained in the range between 318 and 60 nm. The resulting values ​​for the polydispersity index and zeta potential indicate the uniformity of the produced particles along with the high electrostatic repulsion between the particles. The ability to load liposome particles at the lowest level of wall substance and the highest concentration level of the extract reached 52.8±0.3% in this research. Evaluation of the morphological characteristics of the structure using a transmission electron microscope shows the formation of uniform particles with a spherical geometry. The results of this research show the ability to produce a liposome structure containing Padina algae extract with suitable structural properties. These results can improve the prospect of possible use of this extract with a therapeutic approach.

Volume 20, Issue 142 (December 2023)

The presence of methicillin-resistant (MRSA) and vancomycin-resistant (VRSA) Staphylococcus aureus in food raises a public health concern. This study aimed to investigate the antibacterial and anti-biofilm activity of some Lamiaceae essential oils including Melissa Officinalis, Salvia officinalis, and Mentha piperita against MRSA and for the first time on VRSA strains. For this purpose, the disk diffusion test, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC), minimum biofilm inhibitory concentration (MBIC), and minimum biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC) were determined. Then, M. Officinalis essential oil compounds were investigated against PBP2a, agrA, and Bap proteins using AutoDocK Vina. Finally, pharmacokinetic properties were investigated using ADMETsar and SwissADME servers. Based on the obtained results, the MIC and MBC values of M. Officinalis essential oil against MRSA strain were equal to 0.05 and 0.112 mg/ml, and against VRSA strain were equal to 1.8 and 2.5 mg/ml, respectively. The MBIC and MBEC of M. Officinalis essential oil against MRSA strain were equal to 0.03 mg/ml and 0.112 mg/ml, and against VRSA strain were equal to 0.9 mg/ml and 3.2 mg/ml, respectively. The results of molecular docking showed that β-Caryophyllene had a greater binding affinity to PBP2a protein either in the active site or in the allosteric site (-6.6kcal/mol). On the other hand, the effective compounds of this essential oil, especially citronellol, thymol, and citral, were acceptable in terms of pharmacokinetic properties. Since natural antibiotics can be an alternative to conventional antibiotics in the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus food-borne diseases, the results of this study showed that Melissa Officinalis essential oil is effective on the growth and biofilm of MRSA and VRSA strains, and it can be used as a drug candidate in the prevention and treatment of infections caused by antibiotic-resistant strains of this bacterium.

Volume 21, Issue 6 (10-2019)

This study primarily aimed to identify and suggest appropriate rapeseed cultivars and their optimum sowing time. A factorial split-plot experiment was conducted in a complete randomized block design with three replications during two years (2014-2016). The study was carried out using six rapeseed cultivars, namely, Elvis, HL2012, L155, KR2, HW113 and Danob, three sowing dates (October 7, 17, and 27), and two concentrations of glycinebetaine (0 as control and 0.2%). The sowing dates and the GlycineBetaine (GB) were allotted to main plots and the six cultivars were allotted to subplots. The HL2012 cultivar had the highest seed yield (4,584 kg ha-1), seed oil content (44.6%) and seed oil yield (2,060 kg ha-1), which were achieved optimally in the first sowing date. Application of GB increased the average seed yield from 4,089 to 4,419 (kg ha-1), seed oil from 44 to 44.4% and seed oil yield from 1,818 to 1,976 (kg/ha). The amounts of proline and soluble carbohydrates in the plants increased from the first to the third sowing dates. The early sowing date and the application of GB had positive effects on the quantity and quality of rapeseed oil. The results of cluster analysis showed that three of the six cultivars could be suitable for cultivation in Karaj, Iran.

Volume 22, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Aims: Glioblastoma multiforme is a type of brain cancers that do not respond well to treatment. The poor prognosis of this disease is due to the presence of radiation resistance and chemotherapy. The purpose of the present study was to produce miR-579 precursor carriers and investigate the effect of increased expression of miR-579 on the expression of BAX and CDKN1A genes in the glioblastoma cell line.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, in order to produce recombinant lentiviral vectors, a gene containing the miR-579 precursor sequence was cloned into the plasmid. The recombinant structure was transmitted to the cells of HEK293T with and pMD2 plasmids. Viral particles were concentrated using Ultra Centrifuge. Viral titration was calculated by flow cytometry. The viral particles produced were transferred to the A-172 cell line. Finally, by using Real-Time PCR, changes in expression levels of miR-579 and BAX and CDKN1A genes were investigated.
Findings: The presence of miR-579 gene precursor in the plasmid was confirmed by colony PCR and sequencing methods. The study showed that the level of miR-579 expression in infected cells with the recombinant virus was found to be up-regulated compared to the control group. miR-579 increased the BAX gene expression by three times. But, there was no significant change in the expression of CDKN1A gene expression.
Conclusion: Increased expression of miR-579 in the A-172 cell line could increase the expression of BAX gene. However, the CDKN1A gene expression does not change significantly.

Volume 22, Issue 2 (3-2020)

Drought stress is one of the environmental factors influencing crops growth, development, and production. Two field experiments were performed in Karaj, Iran, to evaluate the drought tolerance indices of 17 winter rapeseed genotypes in 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 growing seasons. The factorial arrangement of treatments was set up as RCBD with three replications. To identify drought tolerant genotypes, several indices were used based on grain yield under normal and deficit irrigation conditions. Yield results showed that cultivars Artist (504.325 g m-2) and L72 (391.525 g m-2) were the superior treatments under normal and deficit irrigation conditions, respectively. According to correlation results, 3-D graphs were drawn based on Geometric Mean Productivity (GMP) and grain yield under normal irrigation and deficit irrigation to categorize the winter rapeseed genotypes in both years. In the first year, Zorica and Lauren were in group A, while in the second year; Mercure, SW102, L72, and HL3721 were in group A. Therefore, they had superior performance and stable grain yield under both irrigation conditions. Biplot diagram showed Lauren (first year) and Mercure (second year) were superior regardless of stress conditions. Altogether, under normal irrigation, Artist genotype, and under stress condition, Mercure, L72 and HL3721 genotypes could be used for cultivation.

Volume 22, Issue 3 (Summer 2019)

Aims: Nef protein has been considered as an attractive target for the development of therapeutic HIV-1 vaccine. Furthermore, strong immunological properties of heat shock proteins (HSPs) led to their use as for subunit vaccine candidates. In the current study, the generation of Hsp20-Nef fusion protein was performed in E. , and in BALB/c mice.
Materials and Methods: At first, of Hsp20-Nef recombinant protein E. BL21 and Rosetta strains by SDS-PAGE and western blotting using anti-Nef monoclonal antibody. Then, the recombinant protein was purified by a reverse staining method. Finally, its potency was evaluated to elicit antibody response against HIV-1 Nef antigen using indirect ELISA in mice.
Findings: Our data showed a clear band of ~1230bp related to Hsp20-Nef fusion on agarose gel indicating the correct gene cloning in pET28a vector. The expression of Hsp20-Nef protein was confirmed as a clear band of ~47 SDS-PAGE and western blotting. In the immunological assay, the Hsp20-Nef protein and also the Nef protein emulsified with Freund’s adjuvant significantly enhanced the level of total compared to other groups. Moreover, of Hsp20-Nef was higher than Freund’s adjuvant/Nef in protein regimens (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The Hsp20-Nef fusion protein was effectively expressed in E. and significantly induced antibody response against HIV-1 Nef antigen.

Volume 22, Issue 6 (11-2020)

The different aspects of using dietary supplements such as prebiotics in aquaculture and their effects on innate immune response, and especially their vertical transmission, are of a grave importance. To address such issues in both horizontal and vertical transmission of boosting immune system, the present study was designed to investigate the effect of different levels of dietary Agrimos® on the innate immune-related gene expression [Lysozyme (Lyz) and Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNFα)], DNA methylation, and three Histone MethylTransferase [HMTs (H3K4, H3K9, H3K27)] activities as well as growth performance in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Three hundred and sixty healthy 24-days-old zebrafish were randomly distributed in twelve aquaria assigned to four groups. Zebrafish were fed with either control diet or a diet supplemented by different levels (0.2, 0.4, and 0.8%) of Agrimos® for 90 days. The offspring of each treatment was assessed to find the potential of vertical transmission of immunity by using this dietary prebiotic. At the end of the experiment, gene expression studies revealed significant up-regulation (P˂ 0.05) of TNFα and Lyz genes in 0.2 and 0.4% Agrimos® fed fish compared with the control group. Although our findings showed that supplemented diet reduced DNA methylation (P˂ 0.05) in Agrimos® treatments compared with the control, there was no significant change in all three HMTs’ activities among experimental groups (P> 0.05). The result shows the successful transmission of Lyz gene expression as an innate immune response to the offspring of the treated adults and supports a direct role of DNA demethylation in the regulation of these candidate gene expressions, suggesting possible role of diet on regulating the epigenetic processes.

Volume 23, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)

Aims: Despite the efficacy of current therapies against HIV-1 infection, these methods are not a permanent treatment because they cannot prevent the return of viremia from latent cell reservoirs. On the other hand, the virus may become resistant to these drugs. Therefore, providing safer and more effective therapeutic strategies, such as inhibition of genes by siRNA, is essential. The successful therapeutic application of siRNAs requires an efficient delivery system to target cells.
Materials & Methods: In this study, a specific siRNA was designed against the HIV-1 nef gene. Then a stable HEK293 cell line expressing HIV-1 nef was developed and after fabrication and evaluation of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) coated with trimethyl chitosan, the efficiency of nanoparticles for delivering siRNA into the cells and inhibition of nef gene was investigated.
Findings: Iron oxide nanoparticles (spherical-shaped with an average size of 85nm and the average zeta potential of +29mV) were significantly effective in transporting siRNA into HEK293 cells compared to control groups and at the same time had low toxicity to the cells. In addition, SPION-TMC containing anti-nef siRNA inhibited about 85% of the expression of this gene in stable cells (compared to control cells).
Conclusion: The optimized SPION-TMC nanocarriers can be used as a promising approach in HIV-1 infection therapy. However, pre-clinical in vivo evaluation of the drug/siRNA delivery system efficiency remains to be conducted.

Volume 24, Issue 4 (Winter 2020)

In order to tectonic analysis northwestern Zagros, we have used fractal geometry against classic geometry and fuzzy logic instead of Aristotelian classic logic to evaluate natural landscapes with non-integer dimension and the complex nature of tectonic processes. The fractal dimension (FD) has been applied to determine anomaly or normality of surface rupture (faults) pattern in association with drainage network that can show the maturity of structures. In other hand, uncertainty of fuzzy logic has been applied to specify the potential of tectonic activity by using morphotectonic factors. At the end, we have compared results of these two methods with surface epicenters of earthquakes.
To calculate the FD of faults and drainage network using box-counting, the area was divided to 6 boxes that contain main fault trends horizontally and vertically. In fractal method each box is covered by several network (grid) that their side length (quantity of Size) is decreased at every grid level. Then the relation between reciprocal of side length and boxes containing linear feature (quantity of Number) was drawn Logarithmically as a linear regression that shows FD. In fuzzy model, six main effective factors were determined and 12 layers were produced base on their importance in tectonic analysis. The membership degree of these layers’ effective parts by fuzzy functions were determined and then they were overlaid by fuzzy operators like gamma with different powers.
Results and  Discussion
Calculating number-size quantity using box-counting method for faults and drainage network shows both partial and overall FD changes. As partial changes are close,  yjey indicate the existence of the self-similarity components. Based on partial FD, there are three communities: back ground with FD larger than slope of linear regression, threshold community with repeating component, and anomaly community with FD value more than three. Based on overall FD, development of faults and drainage network  have not entered to chaos phase. The comparison of mean value of fuzzy zoning with different gamma powers for each box indicates that 0.7 power of gamma has the most correlation with overall FD of boxes.
Areas of high value of FD for faults and low value for drainage network are more tectonically active. Here the box labeled A which represent western parts of Kermanshah in folded Zagros, has the highest FD value of faults (1.32) and lower FD value of drainage network (1.432). Epicenter evidences of earthquakes for example 7.3 magnitude earthquake of Ezgeleh, confirm the FD results; whereas, the box labeled E near Dezful Embayment shows the lowest FD value of faults (1.07) and highest FD value of drainage network (1/470). Overlaying fractal boxes (A to F) with fuzzy exports (gamma 0.7) are in line with these results and represent more potential of tectonic activity for northwestern parts of area (box A).
Keywords: Tectonic, Northwestern Zagros, Fractal, Fuzzy.Introduction
In order to tectonic analysis northwestern Zagros, we have used fractal geometry against classic geometry and fuzzy logic instead of Aristotelian classic logic to evaluate natural landscapes with non-integer dimension and the complex nature of tectonic processes. The fractal dimension (FD) has been applied to determine anomaly or normality of surface rupture (faults) pattern in association with drainage network that can show the maturity of structures. In other hand, uncertainty of fuzzy logic has been applied to specify the potential of tectonic activity by using morphotectonic factors. At the end, we have compared results of these two methods with surface epicenters of earthquakes.
To calculate the FD of faults and drainage network using box-counting, the area was divided to 6 boxes that contain main fault trends horizontally and vertically. In fractal method each box is covered by several network (grid) that their side length (quantity of Size) is decreased at every grid level. Then the relation between reciprocal of side length and boxes containing linear feature (quantity of Number) was drawn Logarithmically as a linear regression that shows FD. In fuzzy model, six main effective factors were determined and 12 layers were produced base on their importance in tectonic analysis. The membership degree of these layers’ effective parts by fuzzy functions were determined and then they were overlaid by fuzzy operators like gamma with different powers.
Results and  Discussion
Calculating number-size quantity using box-counting method for faults and drainage network shows both partial and overall FD changes. As partial changes are close,  yjey indicate the existence of the self-similarity components. Based on partial FD, there are three communities: back ground with FD larger than slope of linear regression, threshold community with repeating component, and anomaly community with FD value more than three. Based on overall FD, development of faults and drainage network  have not entered to chaos phase. The comparison of mean value of fuzzy zoning with different gamma powers for each box indicates that 0.7 power of gamma has the most correlation with overall FD of boxes.
Areas of high value of FD for faults and low value for drainage network are more tectonically active. Here the box labeled A which represent western parts of Kermanshah in folded Zagros, has the highest FD value of faults (1.32) and lower FD value of drainage network (1.432). Epicenter evidences of earthquakes for example 7.3 magnitude earthquake of Ezgeleh, confirm the FD results; whereas, the box labeled E near Dezful Embayment shows the lowest FD value of faults (1.07) and highest FD value of drainage network (1/470). Overlaying fractal boxes (A to F) with fuzzy exports (gamma 0.7) are in line with these results and represent more potential of tectonic activity for northwestern parts of area (box A).
Keywords: Tectonic, Northwestern Zagros, Fractal, Fuzzy.

Volume 25, Issue 1 (1-2023)

The persistence effects of Silica Nanoparticles (SNPs), namely, Nanosav and Aerosil®, were evaluated on several pulses for controlling Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). For this purpose, one kg of each pulse was treated with four concentrations (50, 100, 200, and 300 mg kg-1) of each SNPs. The sampling was tested after 0, 2, 4, and 6 months’ storage period following the treatment. Adults were introduced to these samples and the number of dead adults was counted 1, 2, and 4 days after the exposure to the treated pulses. The percentage decrease in F1 progeny was calculated 42 days later. The mortality was 100% in black gram, cowpea, green gram, and chickpea when treated at a concentration of 300 of both SNP formulations in 0-month post-treatment four days after the exposure. No progeny was observed in lentil treated with 300 mg kg-1 of Nanosav in 0-month post-treatment. Another experiment was conducted to calculate SNPs adherence to the seeds. The highest adherence was on the black gram with 86 and 99.5%, in Nanosav and Aerosil®, respectively. Our results indicated that two SNPs had insecticidal activity against C. maculatus and can be used effectively in integrated pest management program of C. maculatus in stored pulses.

Volume 26, Issue 3 (5-2024)

Various culture media contain a variety of materials that affect plant growth and development. Finding the best media culture among the various materials is thus critical to plant productivity. This study was conducted based on a completely randomized design using eight treatments and three replications. The treatments included the ratios 30:10:60 of perlite-vermicompost-coco peat, peat moss-vermicompost-palm peat, coco peat-vermicompost-palm peat, perlite-vermicompost-palm peat, and the ratios 30:70 of peat moss-palm peat, coco peat-palm peat, perlite-palm peat, and vermicompost-palm peat. Cucumber seeds were planted in pots containing these culture media under greenhouse conditions. After the four-leaf stage, the morpho-physiological responses of the seedlings were evaluated. According to the findings, when compared to perlite-vermicompost-coco peat medium, peat moss-vermicompost-palm peat increased shoot fresh weight by 5.5-fold, root fresh weight by 4.5-fold, root dry weight by 5.8-fold, shoot dry weight by 7-fold, stem diameter by 1.7-fold, shoot length by 2.3-fold, root length by 1.3-fold, and leaf area by 3.8-fold. However, compared to seedlings grown in peat moss-vermicompost-palm peat medium, the amount of auxin and reactive oxygen species decreased while total soluble sugars and peroxidase increased in perlite-vermicompost-coco peat medium. Our findings indicate that the composition of peat moss-vermicompost-palm peat can be used as a beneficial medium to improve quality of cucumber seedling under greenhouse conditions.

Volume 26, Issue 4 (Winter 2023)

Environmental and climatic factors have been found to play a fundamental role in the formation of ancient societies. The Godin III period or the New Bronze Age (1400-2600 BC) has actually been the most important Bronze Age stage in western Iran, which played a key role in the cultural structure and urban formation. The main goal of this research is to reveal the spatial distribution of the Godin III period in relation to climatic conditions and geography of Lorestan province’s Silakhor plain. The results of the spatial autocorrelation analysis indicate that the spatial distribution of Godin III followed a linear cluster pattern, with two climatic factors of precipitation and vegetation being the most important environmental elements. The frequently distributed ancient sites of the Godin III period have a spatial correlation of 0.75 with vegetation in Silakhor Plain showing that more than 75% of the investigated sites fall into the maximum rainfall category. The results dedicated that 90% of the investigated sites are located less than 1 km away from permanent rivers, especially the Silakhor River. Rainfall, vegetation, and surface water sources have created a linear cluster spatial distribution pattern for ancient sites of the Godin III period at the lowest elevation level. The results indicate that the lowest elevation provided the main platform for the Godin III period thus there was the absence of a major threat from the foreign enemy to the mind.

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