Showing 92 results for irani
Volume 13, Issue 3 (6-2013)
In this study random vibration of a cantilever tapered beam under distributed stationary stochastic excitation with Gaussian probability density function is investigated. early free vibration analysis is performed to obtain the mode shapes of beam in form of Bessel functions, then the response is described in summation of mode shapes, and auto correlation of response is shaped by considering the mode shapes of tapered beam, also spectral density matrix of excitation is derived with cooperation of mode shapes and two dummy variables. in next step by means of frequency response and taking Fourier integral of autocorrelation of response, spectral density of displacement is computed and by using spectral density of displacement, variance of random displacements for various positions along the beam are achieved. Finally elasticity equation is applied to derive random strain and stress of beam. Comparing the variance of random stress with yield stress of beam leads to obtain probability of beam failure.
Volume 13, Issue 6 (January & February 2023 2022)
Although the hearing skills of children with hearing loss are improved with the help of hearing aids, cochlear implants, and speech therapy, they have difficulties understanding and producing language because of their delayed hearing onset. Considering that these children go to school with their hearing peers, it is needed that their oral language performance be compared with the hearing students. Hence, the present study analyzed and compared the oral language skills of children with hearing loss having hearing aids and cochlea implants, with their hearing counterparts. For this purpose, 39 children aged 6-8 years were examined by the Told-p:3 test. The participants included 16 hearing children, 13 children with cochlear implants, and 10 children with hearing aids. The data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests. The results showed no significant difference in syntactic and semantic skills of children having hearing aids and cochlear implants. However, the findings indicated a significant difference between hearing children and children with hearing loss ones having hearing aids and cochlear implants in their semantic and syntactic skills. Therefore, it is needed that children with hearing loss go through verbal-auditory rehabilitation training until they reach the hearing level of hearing children. Neglecting this issue can have detrimental effects on their educational achievements and future job performance.
- Introduction
Today, in the Iranian context, children with any kind of physical-motor and hearing disabilities go to public schools to study with other students if they have normal IQs. Although the language skills of hearing-loss children are improved with the help of hearing aids, cochlear implants, and speech therapy, because the onset of hearing in these children is delayed and given that the education of hearing-loss children is done in public schools, it is necessary that the quality of oral language and, consequently, the quality of the written language of deaf children in comparison with their hearing peers be carefully examined. Therefore, in the present study, the quality of oral language in hearing-loss children with their hearing counterparts has been analyzed and compared.
2. Method
In this study, oral language of hearing and hearing loss children was compared from two aspects of listening and speaking. For this purpose, 39 children aged 6-8 years, including 16 hearing children, 13 children with cochlear implants, and 10 children with hearing aids were examined by using the told-p3 test. Deaf children had pre-lingual deafness and had received hearing aids or cochlear aids before the age of two, and have gradually been able to speak with auditory-verbal rehabilitation training. The Told-p3 test was used for data collection. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics for all variables. For inferential statistics, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to examine the difference between the means in all three groups of children, and then the Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the groups.
3. Results
The gathered data were analyzed using SPSS. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The results showed no significant difference in syntactic and semantic skills of children having hearing aids and cochlear implants (P.>0.05). However, the findings indicated a significant difference between hearing children and children with hearing loss ones having hearing aids and cochlear implants in their semantic and syntactic skills (P.<0.05). These children had a significantly worse performance than that of hearing children in receiving and understanding the meanings of words and sentences, providing verbal definitions of words and recognizing them, and understanding and applying the forms.
4. Conclusion
The findings of the study showed no significant difference in the quality of oral language between children with cochlear implants and hearing aids. However, there was a significant difference between hearing children and the two groups of hearing-loss children in the quality of oral language in terms of listening and speaking. Accordingly, because deaf children have poorer performance than that of hearing children, not paying enough attention to this issue can have detrimental effects on their educational achievements and future job performance. Therefore, the policy of teaching hearing-loss children in public schools along with hearing peers needs more reflection by educational policymakers. It is suggested that hearing loss children be helped by different interventions and rehabilitation programs before they start their education with their hearing peers.
Volume 13, Issue 15 (Third Special Issue 2014)
In this study a new approach for investigating the flutter speed of nonlinear aeroelastic systems is proposed. In this approach, the compatibility of nonlinear random vibration analysis based on the statistical properties of response is used and extended to the nonlinear aeroelastic systems to analyze the instability of these systems with using neither time domain analysis nor limit cycle oscillations. To this aim a 2-degree nonlinear airfoil with cubic torsional spring under quasi steady flow is considered as an aeroelastic system. At first, one random Gaussian white noise is added to the aerodynamic lift force then the statistical linearization and the random vibration analysis of the nonlinear systems are used to obtain a nonlinear map of response-variance with flow velocity as the control parameter. This nonlinear map leads to a nonlinear algebraic equation which consists of two parameters as the flow velocity and variance of the response. By solving this nonlinear equation for various flow velocities, the flutter speed is considered as the maximum of response-variance. Finally the jump phenomenon is also investigated where tangent bifurcation occurs.
Volume 13, Issue 57 (0-0)
Despite numerous kinds of cheeses they can be categorized into two main groups namely Traditional and Industrial. In Semnan province, north central of Iran, varieties of traditional dairy foods are produced among which Aroushe cheese is the most popular. In this study, Aroushe cheese is produced based on the traditional procedure and predefined condition and then its chemical, reological and sensory properties are characterized. This product is a processed cheese that is produced through simultaneous mixing and heating of the crude for a relatively long time (3-4 h). According to the presented results, the fat, protein and moisture of Aroushe cheese are 35%, 42% and 5%, respectively. Therefore, the shelf-life may be expected to be too much longer than other conventional cheese even in room condition. Based on the reology data of this study, G' is greater than G" at any given point, that means the elastic component dominates over the viscoelasticity which indicates a viscoelastic solid behavior. Finally, the micro-structure and color of Aroushe cheese are determined by SEM and Hanterlab.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (FALL 2023)
Resistance to chemotherapy drugs always has been an obstacle in the definitive treatment of cancers. Therefore, the discovery of molecular events leading to drug resistance improves therapeutic methods. Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are a group of molecules that regulate intracellular events, including carcinogenesis and drug resistance pathways. For example, the competitive network of endogenous ncRNAs (ceRNA) regulates the mRNA expression of target genes by binding to miRNAs and limiting their regulatory effect. So far, limited studies have been reported on the role of ceRNA in drug resistance in ovarian cancer. In this study, large-scale RNAseq sequencing data obtained from cisplatin-resistant and sensitive cells were used to search for ceRNAs that are possible regulators of drug resistance in ovarian cancer. For this purpose, the A2780 sensitive and resistant cisplatin ovarian cancer cell line was selected, and the SRA data prepared by RNAseq method was screened. During this process, lncRNAs, microRNAs and mRNAs with expression changes were separated and classified. In the bioinformatic analysis of resistant and sensitive cells, 16 mRNAs, 10 lncRNAs, and 149 miRNAs were overexpressed, and 622 mRNAs, 263 lncRNAs, and 177 miRNAs were underexpressed. These genes were involved in 57 cellular pathways, and by mapping the regulatory ceRNA network, ZNRF3-AS1-miR-33-DUSP1 and ZNRF3-AS1-miR33-HSPA2 axes were identified as potential ceRNA networks involved in cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer.
Volume 14, Issue 6 (9-2014)
Ductile iron pipes are widely used in modern drinking water and wastewater networks. They often produce by horizontal centrifugal casting process. In this reasearch, the finite element base package ANSYS software has been used for thermal simulation of horizontal centrifugal casting process of ductile iron pipes.The simulation includes obtaining temperature distribution of mold and cast during different temperature cycles. In the simulation, latent heat due to solidification, temperature-dependent thermo-physical properties of material, heat transfer coefficient in metal-mold interface due to mold coating and air gap and thermal boundary conditions proportional to practical conditions, are considered. In this paper, pouring process to get transient thermal distribution in main body of mold and cast are also simulated. The results of the thermal simulation show good agreement with the experimental results conducted in this study and literature. The results can be used as input data for the numerical model to estimate thermal fatigue life of a permanent mold. The results of simulation have shown that, the thermal resistance of the air gap and mold coating has a significant effect on the temperature distribution in the pipe and the mold. Pouring process causes temperature gradients in the axial direction in the mold and the cast.
Volume 14, Issue 7 (Supplementary Issue - 2012)
This study was conducted to determine the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices) symbiosis on mineral uptake of two pistachio cultivars (Pistacia vera cv. Qazvini and Pistacia vera cv. Badami-Riz-Zarand) grown in the greenhouse under different drought stress levels. Drought stress (DS) reduced the mycorrhizal colonization in both cultivars as well as nutrient uptake. The mycorrhizal plants had higher P, K, Zn and Mn concentrations than non-mycorrhizal plants regardless of soil moisture conditions while Cu and Fe concentrations were unchanged. Distribution of elements was affected by AMF treatments where all except P were accumulated more in leaves than in roots. Contrastingly, under drought conditions, the absorbed elements tended to remain in root tissue. In the case of P and Mn uptake, Qazvini was superior in comparison with Badami. In conclusion, it is suggested that AMF inoculation improves drought tolerance of pistachio cultivars at least in part through the enhanced uptake of slowly diffusing mineral ions such as PO42- and Zn2+. Moreover, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization provides better osmotic adjustment which can be correlated with K+ accumulation in top portions of inoculated plants. Results of this study also emphasized that ‘Qazvini’ cultivar may be more tolerant to drought than ‘Badami’.
Volume 14, Issue 10 (1-2015)
In this paper, differential quadrature element method (DQEM) is used to analyze the free transverse vibration of multi-stepped rotors resting on multiple bearings. Timoshenko beam theory is used to show the gyroscopic effects; Also each bearing is replaced with four springs; two translational and two rotational acting on two perpendicular directions. Governing equations, compatibility conditions at the each step and each bearing and external boundary conditions are derived and formulated by the differential quadrature rules. First, convergence and versatility of the proposed method are tested by the presented exact solutions. Then, the Campbell diagram is derived for a desired case study and variation of natural frequencies is investigated versus angular velocity of spin. The most advantage of the proposed method is being less time-consuming in comparison with the other methods, especially for cases with high number of steps and bearings. Accuracy of the proposed method is confirmed by the presented exact solutions and effect of angular velocity of spin on natural frequencies (Campbell diagram) is investigated. Comparison of the proposed method with the exact solutions revealed the convergence and accuracy of the proposed method.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (4-2012)
Objective: The aim of the present study was the production of recombinant lentviruses that express miR-16. After transduction, altered expression levels of miRNA and its target protein were analyzed. Methods: A DNA fragment that contained the miR-16 precursor was cloned in a lentiviral plasmid. Lentiviral vector particles were produced by transient calcium phosphate co-transfection of 293T cells with the combined lenti-miR, structural and packaging plasmids. Viral supernatants were harvested and concentrated by ultracentrifuge. Virus titration was determined by fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry. Altered expression levels of miR-16 were evaluated by real-time PCR; its protein target was evaluated by Western blot. Results: The identity of DNA was established by colony-PCR, enzymatic digestion of positive clones, and DNA sequencing. After co-transfection of 293T cells with the combined lenti-miR, structural and packaging plasmids, viral particles were concentrated and the virus titer determined. Maximum expression of the GFP reporter gene was obtained in more than 80% of the cells transduced with lentivirus at MOI=1. Real-time PCR assay showed that miR-16 expression levels significantly increased in transduced cells compared with the control group. As shown by Western blot analysis, miR-16 overexpression downregulated Bcl-2 expression at the protein level. Conclusion: This lentivirus expression system could be considered as a tool for efficient delivery of produced miRNAs to cells.
Volume 15, Issue 4 (6-2015)
The purpose of this study, control and monitoring of a rehabilitation robot with two degrees of freedom (2-DOF) for rehabilitation of the lower limbs of patients with loss of ability for movement due to injury, disease, stroke or surgical operations. After determining the movements, that is included flexion-extension movements of the knee and hip joints, the performance of the mechanism was investigated using dynamic analysis and simulation. Then, a programmable logic controller (PLC) was employed to control the robot performance. Finally, the accuracy of PLC program was guaranteed by monitoring the robot. Passive, assistive and resistive exercises were considered in programming the controller. In assistive exercises, the forces needed by the patient to perform the movements were actually set automatically by using the feedback data provided by the patient's forces. In addition, to perform the resistive exercises rather than using actual weights, negative loads were employed. The results obtained represent considerable accuracy to perform the movements and create safe conditions for the patient. Also, high flexibility in programming has provided the possibility to perform a wide range of rehabilitation exercises.
Volume 15, Issue 4 (6-2015)
Neurological diseases such as cancer, damage blood brain barrier and consequently cause more permeability in tissues. In general if there is damage to the brain tissues, the contrast agent used in MRI, diffuses outside the capillaries and the MRI picture brightness changes. The purpose of this paper is to show the effects of different parameters on the contrast agent diffusion in the brain capillary. In this study, the lattice Boltzmann method with multi-relaxation time (MRT) is used to simulate the flow in the capillary and porous media around it. The results show that the porosity in extravascular tissues (it shows the tissue damage), the kind of contrast agent and capillaries curvature have impact on the contrast agent diffusion in the tissues. The presented results show the effects of curvature on shear stress and thus on mass transfer in the capillary. It should be noted that the presented results have been evaluated by previous statistical and analytical results for flow in the damaged brain capillary with different permeability. It has been shown that the lattice Boltzmann method is able to simulate the complex problems especially in porous media.
Volume 15, Issue 7 (9-2015)
In this paper flutter phenomena for a cropped wing with an external store using numerical and experimental methods in a subsonic and incompressible flight regime has been studied. Wing structure was modeled base on von Karman plate theory. A 3D time domain unsteady vortex lattice method was used for wing aerodynamic model and a slender body aerodynamic theory was used for store aerodynamic model. Finally, the aeroelastic governing equations with considering vibratory wing motion has been solved. The experimental tests were performed in an incompressible subsonic wind tunnel. Comparison of experimental results with theoretical analysis shows good agreement with each other especially in calculation of aeroelastic behavior of the wing. In continue, the effects of some parameters such as wing thickness, wing aspect ratio, store position, weight of the store, aerodynamic of the store, store vertical distance from under wing, and center of mass of the store on both flutter speed and instability boundary of the wing have been studied analytically and experimentally. The results show with both increasing aspect ratio and decreasing wing thickness, flutter speed will be decreased. Moreover, change in store position effects on flutter speed of the wing/store configuration. Aerodynamic of the store has no significant effect on flutter speed of the wing/store configuration and increasing store weight leads to increasing flutter speed. Change in center of mass of the store influences on flutter speed.
Volume 15, Issue 8 (10-2015)
In this research an inverse design algorithm, called ball-spine algorithm (BSA) is developed on a 90-degree bend duct between the radial and axial diffuser of a centrifugal compressor with viscous swirling inflow to bend duct. The shape modification process integrates inverse design algorithm and a quasi-3D analysis code. For this purpose, Ansys CFX software, is used as flow solver and inverse design algorithm is written as a code inside it. Shape modification is accomplished for viscous and inviscid flow to check the effect of viscosity on convergence rate. Also, the effect of swirl velocity in shape modification process is investigated, by considering increased pressure as the target parameter. The algorithm reliability for swirling flow is verified by choosing different initial geometries. Finally, aerodynamic design of the bend duct with BSA is accomplished to reduce losses in 90-degree bend. Shape modification process is carried out by improving the current wall pressure distribution and applying it to the inverse design algorithm. Results show that convergence rate and stability of BSA are favorable for designing ducts with swirling viscous flow. So that, the pressure recovery coefficient of the 90-degree bend duct is 4%increased.
Volume 15, Issue 11 (1-2016)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate theLow-Density Lipoproteins (LDL) mass transfer in vessel walls using the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM). High Schmidt number of LDL leads to numerical instability of LBM.In order to solve this problem, LBM and finite volume method (FVM) are combined.In this hybrid method, the blood velocity field is solved by LBM using the single relaxation time, SRT, model and FVM has been used for LDL concentration equation. LBM is able to simulate flow and mass transfer for the Schmidt number, Sc, up to 3000 only if the time consuming multi relaxation time is used. However, the purposed hybrid method suggested in this article can be used to solve the problem for Sc as high as 107. Good agreement between our results obtained from the hybrid simulation and the available results in the literature and noticeable decrease in CPU time compared with when the LBM is used for both flow and mass transfer, indicates the ability of the hybrid method.Finally, the hybrid methodis used to simulate the mass transfer of LDL particles and investigate the effective factors for increasing the surface concentration, such as the size of LDL particles, wall suction velocity, wall shear stress, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids behavior and change of concentration boundary layer with various Schmidt number.
Volume 15, Issue 12 (2-2016)
This research investigates notch effect on fatigue life of HSLA100 steel which is widely applicable in the marine industry. Experimental tensile tests and rotating bending fatigue tests were performed on both smooth and notched cylindrical specimens and the corresponding mechanical properties and S-N curves were obtained. To better investigate the notch and also size effect on fatigue life of the specimens, two different notch geometries and specimen dimensions were used. To calculate the fatigue strength factor, stress distribution under bending load is simulated for smooth and notched specimens. Then, the stress distribution under bending load is converted to stress distribution under rotating bending load using an in-house developed code. Finally, using an in-house developed code, the fatigue strength factor of the specimens is calculated by weakest link theory. In order to better investigate the weakest-link theory, in calculating the fatigue strength factor, this factor is calculated from the classical methods and compared with experimental results. Finally, Comparison of theoretical with experimental results shows that the weakest-link theory gives better predictions than other classical methods and the results are closer to experimental ones. Also, Weakest-link theory uses the finite element results to predict notch effect. This facilitates the use of this theory in fatigue design of complicated specimens.
Volume 15, Issue 76 (0-0)
Volume 16, Issue 1 (Spring 2016 2016)
In urban and regional economics’ literature, according to the concepts of new economic geography model (NEG) and endogenous growth model, spatial agglomeration of economic activities and economic growth are interrelated processes. In the endogenous growth models, how to create new economic activities through innovation is checked. Moreover, the NEG model aims to investigate how to establish these new economic activities, and cause of their concentration. Therefore, innovation, location and growth are interconnected processes within the NEG model. This article examines theoretically and experimentally the effects of economies of industrial agglomeration on economic growth in Iran’s provinces. In theoretical section, a NEG model has been presented. It shows that the agglomeration of industrial activity affects the economic growth. In the experimental section, a model has been estimated by applying Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) using provincial data during 2000-2009. The results indicate the positive and significant impact of industrial agglomeration on economic growth in provincial level in Iran. Also, the amount of industrial agglomeration has been calculated by Maurel-Sedillot index within the 2-digit ISIC codes, which shows that the other transport equipment industry (code -35) has the largest agglomeration, and printing and publishing industry (Code -22) has the smallest agglomeration.
Volume 16, Issue 3 (9-2012)
In order to ensure sustainable activities, companies independent upon working with defrent supplier's .In the manufacturing industries, raw material and assembly parts main comprise as much as 70 percent of production cost. For that, a purchasing department can play a vital role in reducing costs, and a purchasing manager's skill in performing his/her responsibility of choosing proper suppliers can greatly contribute to achieving that goal. This article focuses on the above-mentioned subject due to the importance of supplier choice for companies. Since the first times in history when the need for choosing proper suppliers was felt, many different methods and strategies have been utilized for such a task. Because of nature of that challenge, decision makers are faced with more than one criteria and high number of such criteria makes the challenge even more complex for them. Multi-criteria decision making has frequently been one of the approaches used by decision makers in the evaluation and selection of suppliers. In the research of this thesis a model of fuzzy multi-criteria and non-additive fuzzy integral has been presented for the supplier selection. The advantage of this model is that with the aid of Fuzzy Analytic Network Process the effects of the criteria on each other can be analyzed and with the fuzzy measure and fuzzy integral methods these interdependent relation between effects can be eliminated.
Volume 16, Issue 4 (6-2016)
The variation of wall shear stress (WSS) in the microvessels may damage the endothelial layers. It also changes the mass diffusion and sediment and may be considered as an important factor in the formation of the fatty plaques and causing heart disease. According to the importance of the issue, the aim of this paper is to study the effective parameters on the wall shear stress in microvessels. In this paper, the hybrid method, combined lattice Boltzmann and immersed boundary methods is used to simulate the red blood cell (RBC) motion in the plasma flow. It should be mentioned that red blood cell has significant effect on WSS, in this regard; the present results show that the blood rheological behavior has the important effect on WSS. The results also demonstrate the effect of stenosis severity and RBC location in different regions on wall shear stress and consequently causing heart, coronary disease. It should be noted that the presented results have been evaluated by previous numerical results for microvessels and the results show the ability of lattice Boltzmann method to simulate complex problems especially for modeling the deformable solid objects suspended in the fluid.
Volume 16, Issue 5 (9-2014)
Trissolcus grandis (Thomson) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) is the most important egg parasitoid of the common sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps Puton (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) in Iran. Demographic characteristics may be used for preliminary screening of parasitoid species or populations as well as for predicting their efficiency under different physical conditions in the field. In this study, the demography of two northwestern populations of T. grandis was studied under five constant temperatures including 20, 23, 26, 29, and 32±1°C, at 50±5% RH and 16:8 h (L: D) photoperiod. The two populations responded differently to the temperatures, thus, many life history parameters were significantly affected not only by temperature itself but also in interaction with population. The highest value of intrinsic rate of increase for the Marand population was 0.344±0.057 females/female/day that occurred at 26°C. The same rate for the Tabriz population increased regularly with temperature increase and the maximum value (0.368±0.063) was obtained at 29°C. Further increase in temperature led to a negligible change in the value of this parameter. As a whole, the Marand population seemed to be adapted to cooler conditions compared to the Tabriz population