Showing 83 results for Rajabi
Volume 19, Issue 1 (January 2019)
In this paper, the effect of the angle of injection on the film cooling effectiveness with sinusoidal wave pulsation is investigated at various frequencies. Four angles of injection are selected at 20, 25, 30, and 35 degrees. The pulsed flow is investigated at 3 frequencies of 2, 50, and 500 Hz. Geometry was simulated in Gambit and numerical analysis was done by Fluent software. The SST k-ω model was used for modeling turbulence. The results showed that the injection angle between 20 and 25 degrees in the frequencies studied had the most film cooling effectiveness of the central and lateral line, especially in the areas far from the edge of the hole. Higher frequencies (500 Hz) increase the effectiveness of the film cooling at the lower initial distances of the hole. At far distances, the lower frequency (2 Hz) is the most effectiveness. As the frequency increases, the difference in the cooling efficiency of the central and lateral lines decreases at different angles. As the frequency increases, the interruptions of the flow-off and the flow-on are reduced, and as a result, the instantaneous effectiveness also has a slower variation than the lower frequencies. The blowing ratio of 0.5 had the most value in comparison with the blowing ratio of 0.75 and 1 in all angles and frequencies.
Volume 19, Issue 3 (11-2016)
Objective: Candida albicans (C. albicans) is an opportunistic yeast that can lead to pathogenesis in immunocompromised individuals and under suitable conditions. Medicinal plants ingredients such as camphor can reduce the expressions of genes involved in virulence of the fungi through their antifungal properties. The products of INT1 and EFG1 are implicated in inducing filamentous growth and adhesion of C. albicans to the host tissues. Both of these characteristics are very important in its virulence. The present study focuses on the evaluation of the effects of camphor on INT1 and EFG1 expressions at three time points of treatment (24, 48, and 72 hours) via real-time PCR.
Methods: We prepared serial dilutions of camphor (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, and 512 mg/ml) and co-cultured them with 1.5×103 cells/ml of a C. albicans ATCC 10231 suspension for 48 hours at 350C. Next, we determined the MIC50/90 and MFC. C. albicans cells were treated with the MIC50 concentration of camphor for 24, 48, and 72 hours. RNA from C. albicans was extractedbefore and after treatment, back translated into cDNA, and analyzed with real-time PCR.
Results:MIC50, MIC90 and MFC of camphor were determined at 16 mg/ml, 32 mg/ml and 64 mg/ml, respectively. Evaluation of gene expression changes in yeast showed that camphor reduced the INT1 gene expression about 87% at 24 hours, 97% at 48 hours, and 86% at 72 hours after treatment compared to the untreated sample. EFG1 expression reduced about 58% at 24 hours, 93% at 48 hours, and 49% at 72 hours after treatment with camphor.
Conclusion: In recent years, advancements have been seen in herbalism due to the increased drug resistance and adverse effects of chemical drugs. These plants may efficiently act as antifungal agents. The results of this study have shown that the use of camphor can significantly reduce the expression of virulence genes INT1 and EFG1 in C. albicans.
Volume 19, Issue 11 (November 2019)
In this paper, a simple, practical and versatile model has been developed for a self-activated acoustic driven spherical swimmer that its surface may oscillate partially at dipole state (first mode of vibration). Regard to the nonlinear acoustic effects, the net acoustic radiation force exerted on the device is analytically derived and the non-zero states are approved. Considering hydrodynamics effects assuming low Reynolds number operating condition, the effects of active section angle and frequency of operation on the force, velocity and requirement power of swimmer are discussed. It is shown that comparing with many types of artificial and natural living matter swimmers, the swimming velocity of the developed model is satisfactory. The challenge of the random walk due to host medium fluctuations is discussed, and it is shown that the developed model can overcome the ubiquity of the Brownian motion, as well. Due to the simplicity of the developed model which leads to computing the swimmer features (such as force, velocity, etc.) analytically, this study can be considered for development of contact-free precise handling, drug distribution and delivery systems, entrapment technology of active carriers and the self-propulsive controllable devices which are essential in many engineering and medicine applications.
Volume 19, Issue 12 (December 2019)
Co-firing of biomass and fossil fuels in industrial furnaces is a suitable way to reduce the environmental impact from human activities, with acceptable investment. In this paper, the results of numerical simulation co-firing of sulfide concentrates and three auxiliary fuels including gasoil, kerosene and sawdust biomass are compared in the flash furnace copper smelting. For modeling of turbulent flow and combustion, RNG, k-ε model and probability density function model (pdf) have been used, respectively. This study has been carried out to investigate the furnace temperature and combustion pollutants distribution. The numerical simulation results show that the flame temperature resulting from the combustion of diesel fuel and sawdust as auxiliary fuel is the highest and lowest, respectively. In biomass combustion, despite that the flame temperature is low, but the NOx mass fraction increases because there is nitrogen in the sawdust chemical composition. Also in sawdust combustion that the oxygen content is high, the SO2 and SO3 sulfur pollutants increase in the high temperatures regions of the furnace and the lower temperature of the auxiliary fuel burner, respectively. Because SO2 is formed at high temperatures (> 1273K) and oxygen-rich and SO3 species is produced at relatively low temperatures with excess oxygen. The amount of CO emissions in sawdust combustion is much lower than the amount of combustion of diesel and oil.
Volume 19, Issue 130 (December 2022)
In this research, the effects of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) contains lemon peel and walnut shell essential oils as edible coatings on the shelf life and postharvest losses of mushrooms were studied. Mushrooms were stored at 4 °C for 12 days and physicochemical characteristics were analyzed after 0, 4, 8 and 12 days of storage. During cold storage, the uncoated mushrooms showed rapid weight loss and total soluble solid changes while mushrooms treated with CMC coating containing lemon peel and walnut shell essential oils significantly (p<0.05) delayed these phenomena. Although firmness of both coated and control samples decreased throughout storage, the use of CMC-essential oils coating significantly (p<0.05) reduced the loss of firmness in mushroom samples. The L* value changes of the mushrooms coated with CMC-essential oils was lower than that of others. A significant (p<0.05) decrease in L* value and a significant (p<0.05) increase in a and b values occurred in all mushrooms during the maintenance period. The use of edible coating led to significant (p<0.05) decrease in number of microorganisms of the mushrooms during all days of storage. Incorporation of the essential oils into CMC coating solution caused increase in microbial quality of the coated samples. Using the CMC coating containing 3% lemon peel essential oil led to significantly increasing (p<0.05) of sensory parameter scores, so that the treatment containing 3% lemon peel essential oil had the highest acceptability score compared to control and other treatments.
Volume 20, Issue 2 (February 2020)
In this research, the effect of square wave pulsating air on temperature distribution and film cooling effectiveness of flat plate at different frequencies and blowing ratios is experimentally and numerically investigated. Hot air is injected through the holes at an angle of 25 degrees. Square wave pulsed flow is generated at four frequencies of 2, 10, 50, 100 Hz, and five blowing ratios of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.4 and 3. To study the film cooling, Navier-Stokes equations are solved by a Reynolds average method. The SST k-ω model was used for turbulent modeling. The results showed that the film cooling effectiveness decreases with increasing of blowing ratio along with an increase in its rate of changes. The difference of centerline film cooling effectiveness between the numerical and experimental values decreases with increasing distance from the edge of injection hole. In general, pulsating decreases film cooling effectiveness in comparison with steady-state. The lift-off of the local jet increases under pulsation. In the pulsating state, the overall film cooling effectiveness decreases by increasing the blowing ratio at a constant frequency. On the other hand, increasing the frequency increases the overall efficiency of film cooling. The maximum averaged centerline effectiveness was obtained at a frequency of 100 Hz and a blowing ratio of 0.5 and the minimum value was obtained for a frequency of 2 Hz and a blowing ratio of 3. For pulsed flow, the maximum and minimum differences of the averaged centerline film cooling effectiveness between experimental and numerical results were 25.55% and 0.717%, respectively.
Volume 20, Issue 3 (March 2020)
Welding residual stresses decrease designing stress in natural gas transmission pipes with large diameter under high internal pressure. The outside diameter and wall thickness of API X70 steel in this research are 1423 and 19.8 millimeter. Hole drilling is the most common technique in order to measure residual stresses. Because of large diameter of this pipe, its transportation to conduct hole drilling test is a big problem so cutting a finite sample is desired. In this study standard dimension of this sample plate is analyzed and simulation of welding process is done from which and residual stresses in different directions are obtained. Residual stresses in the thickness direction is presented for the first time. The results showed separating a finite sample with the size of 320×440 millimeter is appropriate to do hole drilling test. The location and amount of the maximum residual stress is evaluated and compared for both simulation and experimental samples. Variation in hoop and longitudinal residual stresses on both internal and external surfaces of pipe samples are investigated. Also validation of simulation results with the experimental results of the same pipe is perfomed. Maximum residual stress (460MPa) is measured on inner surface of the pipe (96 percent of yield stress) which is reduced to 200MPa (42 percent of yield stress) after hydrostatic test. Because residual stress after hydrostatic test is lower than half of yield stress, hole drilling technique is validated after hydrostatic test.
Volume 20, Issue 9 (September 2020)
In the current study, shear compaction processing was used for the recycling of aluminum machining chips and direct converting of them to bulk parts. In this processing, machining chips are first loaded in a cylindrical chamber, then a rotating tool with a defined rotational speed and aligned axis with the chamber is placed on the chips, in the following, the temperature inside the chamber increases due to the friction. Then, the process continues until all chips are transformed into a bulk part. After producing the samples, properties such as density, porosity, microstructure, hardness, and wear of the recycled parts were examined. The results showed that there is a possibility of transforming aluminum chips into a completely bulk part without porosity, with a density of about 2.67g/cm3 and hardness of more than half of the base metal via shear compaction process. The amount of heat during the process leads to the consolidation of the chips and nucleation of new grains with dynamic recrystallization. Finally, a review of the total results and properties of the recycled samples showed that they could be used as a industrial part directly or after a secondary process.
Volume 20, Issue 139 (September 2023)
In this study, chitosan-coated nanoliposomes in ratios of 9-1, 8-2, 7-3 and 6-4 lecithin-cholesterol, were prepared using thin-film hydration method, as a practical delivery system for encapsulation of caffeine. Then, the particle size and zeta potential were measured to determine the characteristics of the produced particles. Average particle size (average hydrodynamic diameter) and particle size distribution for different lecithin-cholesterol ratios were in the range of 135.5-533.5 nm and 0.31-0.41, respectively. Zeta potential values were also obtained in the range of +40.96 to +50.5. After determining the encapsulation efficiency, FTIR method was used to investigate possible reactions between caffeine and nanoliposome wall materials. The morphology of chitosome with 9-1 ratio of lecithin-cholesterol loaded with caffeine, was shown by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The stability of the chitosomal sample with a ratio of 1-9 lecithin-cholesterol was evaluated through visual observation of precipitation formation and calculation of the amount of release of encapsulated caffeine during 60 days of storage at ambient temperature. The results obtained in this research showed that nanochitosomes are an efficient system in maintaining and releasing caffeine.
Volume 21, Issue 1 (3-2021)
A large main shock may consist of numerous aftershocks with a short period. The aftershocks induced by a large main shock can cause the collapse of a structure that has been already damaged by the preceding main shock. These aftershocks are important factors in structural damages. Furthermore, despite what is often assumed in seismic design codes, earthquakes do not usually occur as a single event, but as a series of strong aftershocks and even fore shocks. In other word, structures that are located in seismically active regions often may be subjected to successive earthquakes which occurred with significant PGA in a short time after each other. For this reason, this paper investigates the effect and potential of consecutive earthquakes on the response and behavior of reinforced concrete structures. For this purpose, the response modification factor (R factor) which is one of the significant parameters in the structural design of buildings and decreases the lateral forces induced by earthquakes, is calculated and estimated for reinforced concrete moment frames under critical single and successive earthquakes. Thus, three reinforced concrete moment frames with 5, 7, and 12 stories are designed according to Iranian seismic codes (standard No. 2800) and modeled in Opensees software. After the design of the samples, critical seismic scenarios with/without successive shocks are selected from “PEER” center. Consecutive earthquakes not only occurred in the similar directions and same stations, but also their real time gaps between successive shocks are less than 10 days. In the following, R factors of RC moment frames are calculated from the results of incremental dynamic analysis (IDA(, time history and nonlinear static analysis (pushover). The results show about 20% reduction in the R factor and, also increment of damages under successive earthquakes comparing to the individual one. Finally, the idealized multilayer artificial neural networks, with the least value of Mean Square Error (MSE) and maximum value of regression (R) between outputs and targets were then employed to estimate the R factors. Theses artificial neural networks are designed based on the features of frame properties, successive earthquakes. Comparison of predicted R factors with real values indicates the adequate ability of networks in estimation of the results. So that, the average error for the artificial neural network model for predicting the calculated results from IDA, Pushover and Linear Analysis is less than 4%. To be more specific, more than 73% and 93% of the simulated R factors are within ±5% and ±10% of the real values for artificial neural network model. This is an indication that the networks have learned to generalize the unseen information well and reflects good precision in simulating. Moreover, it can be seen that the values simulated by the artificial neural network model spread around the 45 degree line which implies neither over-estimation nor under-estimation.
Volume 21, Issue 3 (5-2019)
Planning for optimal distribution of Zayandehrud Dam water to six Irrigation Networks (INs) located downstream of this dam was carried out based on a hydro-economic model under water scarcity conditions. The hydro-economic structure was developed through coupling the hydrologic simulation model (MODSIM) and economic optimization modelling approach (Positive Mathematical Programming, PMP). Water distribution priorities to the INs are based on the economic value of water used by crops in the current cropping pattern under different scenarios of normal (base year, 2014-2015) and drought conditions. Results showed that, in addition to the change in the priorities of water distribution throughout the six INs, the existing cropping patterns should also change. The order of water delivery to the six INs starts from Rudasht IN and ends with the Traditional IN. Also, the highest reduction in the area under cultivation in the base year, compared to the optimum cultivation, is related to alfalfa (in Nekoabad and Mahyar-Jarghouyeh INs), clover (in Rudasht and Abshar INs) and forage corn (Borkhar and Traditional INs). Beans cultivated area increases by 14 and 21% for Abshar and Rudasht INs, respectively. Based on the results, the economic value per m3 of water will rise on the average, if water is allocated on the basis of its shadow prices. Moreover, under drought conditions, the highest and the lowest increase in the economic value of water will take place in the Nekoabad IN (4,660 Rials m-3) and Rudasht IN (3,890 Rials m-3), respectively.
Volume 21, Issue 83 (4-2024)
After Aristotle that was the first theorist of plot, in recent decades, Propp was the first theorist that start searching for common frameworks and patterns in the plot, especially in folktales; And these studies continued after him. Norman Friedman is one of the contemporary narratologists who has studied the structure of the plot, influenced by the methods and views of Aristotle and Propp; and based on the three main components of Aristotle's view, namely action/ fortune, character and thought, he has introduced 14 types of plots. Since structures and themes are generally repetitive in folk tales, in the present study, the types of plots in Nakhshabi's Touti Nameh stories, which are folk works of the 8th century, have been studied in a descriptive-analytical manner based on Friedman's view; While introducing a new perspective to narratology research, find out which one of the 14 types of plots is used in the Touti Nameh. Based on the results, in the 75 main and sub-stories examined, all types of Friedman plots are used, and this shows the richness and structural variety of the plot in this work; It was also found that there is a significant relationship between the use of some of the most frequent types of plots of fortune and character in stories.
Volume 22, Issue 3 (4-2020)
Grape is the key product of Qazvin Province and a vast amount of it is annually lost during supply chain due to various causes. This study, therefore, aimed at examining the effective and significant causes of grape losses in supply chain in Qazvin. First, to identify the main causes of the grape losses and to develop the research framework, data was gathered through some qualitative methods. Twenty-three grape growers, researchers, and experts were interviewed by research team as the key informants. Meanwhile, grounded theory techniques were employed for data analysis simultaneous with data collection processes to develop the final theory and model. In second part, the study's hypotheses and research model were formed based upon the developed theory. Then, to examine the research model, Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling and Important-Performance Matrix Analysis techniques were used. The population involved/affected in this part was grape growers from five districts of Qazvin Province. The sample consisted of 380 grape growers who were selected through stratified random sampling. A questionnaire was utilized for data collection and data was analyzed with the Smart-PLS 3.0. Main findings show that “management practices and resource and equipment” had significant effect on the grape losses. In accordance with Important Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA), “extension and advisory services and management practices” are of paramount prominence. Moreover, in indicators level, providing on-farm participatory training, intelligible educational programs in local media, and financial resources, had the utmost importance in mitigating grape losses.
Volume 22, Issue 4 (7-2022)
Response modification factors are used to reduce the lateral loads in "force-based design" method. Naturally the calculated lateral displacement (drift) of the structures in the linear static analyses is smaller than actual values. Hence, deflection amplification factor (Cd) is needed to consider a realistic estimation of nonlinear displacements. Most seismic design codes such as ASCE7 and standard No. 2800- 4th version propose this factor for different lateral bearing systems. This paper evaluates the proposed deflection amplification factor for dual system of special reinforced concrete moment-resisting frame with/without shear wall. For this purpose, a set of 2D reinforced concrete frames with 3, 7 and 11 story are designed based on standard No. 2800 (4th version) and implemented in Opensees software in each case without considering the soil- foundation- structure interaction. In this regard, beams and columns are modeled using concentrated plasticity method with “Elastic Beam Column Element” in the middle and “Zerolength Element” at the end of elements. Moreover, “SFI-MVLEM” element is used for modeling of shear walls. Nonlinear behavior in two ends of the beams and columns is assigned by “Modified Ibarra- Medina- Krawinkler Deterioration Model with Peak-Oriented Hysteretic Response” model which has been developed by Ibarra et al. (2005). This model is defined using the proposed equations by Haselto et al. (2007). Uniaxial behavior of steel reinforcements and concrete sections are simulated by Steel02 and ConcreteCM, respectively. Studied frames are verified using Hatzigeorgiou and Liolios (2010) and Liu et al. (2020) study for special moment-resisting frame with/without shear wall, respectively. In addition to linear static analysis (LSA), linear and nonlinear dynamic analyses (LDA and NDA) are applied to 3, 7 and 11 story frames with two lateral bearing systems. In this regard, 22 far-field ground motion records which have been introduced in FEMA P695 are used as seismic scenarios. These records are scaled based on Standard No. 2800 to have identical spectral acceleration with the design spectrum for the fundamental period (T) of each studied frames. For this purpose, each record is normalized to its peak ground acceleration and records are scaled so that the average acceleration spectrum of all records was above the design spectrum in 0.2T to 1.5T range. In order to evaluate the deflection amplification factor and Cd/R, maximum drift of roof and other stories is used for each frames due to concentration of structural damage in certain floors of a multi-story structures and, consequently, creating larger lateral displacements in those floors. The calculated Cd coefficients are compared to the proposed values in ASCE7 and standard No. 2800 (4th version) for all special reinforced concrete moment-resisting frames with/without shear wall. This comparison shows that the Cd coefficients which have been proposed in above-mentioned seismic design codes are not appropriate and more realistic estimate of the structural performance in earthquake has demanded larger Cd values. Moreover, Cd and Cd/R values are changed with the height of special reinforce concrete frames with/without shear wall. Finally, adequate values of deflection amplification factors are proposed for these frames with/without shear wall in this paper.
Volume 22, Issue 5 (12-2022)
Most seismic hazard assessments are usually performed only with consideration of the initial shock in the technical literature of structural and earthquake engineering. While the magnitude of aftershocks that occur after the main earthquake, may be enough strong to cause a lot of damage to the structures. Most aftershocks increase the structural damage caused by the main earthquake because of cumulative damage and increased vulnerability may seriously threaten the safety of residents. The structures are designed for solely a single earthquake – design earthquake – based on the existing seismic design codes. For example, these codes did not provide specific values for the actual relative displacement under successive earthquakes to assess the structural damages. Therefore, considering the effect of multiple shocks consist of fore-shock and main-shock or main-shock and after-shock seems necessary. Moreover, the construction of a new building is not economic and requires a lot of time, which is not easily available to many communities. Hence, the design of structures considering the some capabilities such as replacement of damaged elements can improved significantly the performance of structures after severe successive earthquakes. However, most of the proposed structural systems are not generally repairable while replacing several damaged members under the earthquake, can be very economic and applicable. The linked column frame (LCF) as a relatively modern lateral bearing system, is a type of dual systems; the recent emergence of this structural system has reinforced the need for multiple seismic studies. For this reason, LCF is selected in this paper and the deflection amplification factor (Cd) for this system is evaluated under critical earthquakes with seismic sequences. This coefficient is calculated based on the linear displacements obtained from linear static analysis and actual values from nonlinear analysis. In this regard, 18 steel frames equipped by the linked column frame as lateral bearing system, with 3, 7, and 11 stories are designed based on the Iranian earthquake design code (Standard No. 2800, 4th version – 2014). These frames are implemented in Opensees software and have been subjected to linear static, linear, and nonlinear dynamic analyses using critical earthquakes with/ without seismic sequence phenomenon to calculate the deflection amplification factor (Cd) and Cd/R for each of them based on Uang methaod. In order to better investigation of the mentioned coefficient, the effect of various parameters such as the length of the connection beams as well as the flexural or shear behavior of the connection beams have been considered. Thus, after the evaluations, the findings indicate an increase in Cd and Cd / R values, for the linked column frame with the connected column exposed to successive earthquakes. The increase of this coefficient has been more in short-frame frames. So that the most increase which hase been related to the 3-story frame with shear behavior and 2-meter linked distance, is about 11 percentage under the successive earthquakes. Also, the average results which have been obtained from consecutive earthquakes reveal that the proposed values for Cd coefficient in the technical literature are not sufficient, and larger values have been demanded.
Volume 23, Issue 2 (3-2021)
The Severe strain of Beet Curly Top Virus (BCTV-Svr) and Beet Curly Top Iran Virus (BCTIV) are considered as the main causal agents of sugar beet curly top disease in Iran and mixed infections of BCTV-Svr and BCTIV usually occur in nature. As the use of resistant cultivars is the safer and stable tool for management of the disease, the objective of current work was to identify sugar beet genotypes resistant to both agents. To this end, the reaction of thirty-eight sugar beet genotypes to infection by each of BCTV-Svr and BCTIV was separately evaluated using their infectious clones under the greenhouse condition. Incubation period, recovery, and disease severity index were considered for selection of resistant genotypes. As a result, ten and seven sugar beet genotypes resistant to, respectively, BCTV-Svr and BCTIV were selected. To evaluate the resistant genotypes, the experiments were repeated under greenhouse condition. In the field experiment with natural infection of viruses, the resistant genotypes were assessed and six sugar beet genotypes (S1 91019, S1 91022, S1 91023, S1 91028, S1 91029, and S1-91041) resistant to BCTV-Svr and BCTIV were identified; which could be used in future breeding programs.
Volume 23, Issue 4 (10-2023)
Eccentrically braced frame (EBF) is known as a lateral force resisting system in steel structures which dissipate the earthquake energy through the links. The importance of this issue increases when the structure is exposed to successive earthquakes because in the seismic active zones, a large earthquake may consist of numerous successive shocks (foreshock or aftershock) which can lead to permanent displacements and resistance loss in these frames. In a seismic scenario, the most damage will often occur in the link beam – as the structural fuses – and the other members will remain in the elastic region, while the link beams may fail under successive earthquakes in most of the structures and other members such as adjacent beams, columns and braces, will behave non-linearly. This paper evaluates the energy dissiption of links in high strength frames with 304L series steel link beams in an area with a high seismicity risk under different critical scenarios with/without seismic sequence phenomenon. In these links, there will be no risk of corrosion. The highest energy dissipates in the Links of EBF frames, so by examining the energy dissiption in this member, it is possible to judge the energy dissiption of the entire frame. In this regard, 2D eccentrically braced frames with a variety of materials were designed based on the Iranian earthquake design code (Standard No. 2800, 4th version – 2014), modeled in Opensees software. For this purpose, "Force Beam-Column Element" has been selected for the implemension of beam and column elements. Brace elements are modeled using "Trust Element". Moreover, a behavior curve is defined with the Parallel material command to introduce the end elements of the link length. Also, the "Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Material" model has been assigned to the material model of the Parallel material. Link elements are implemented using an element with concentrated plasticity. To define the shear behavior of links, two zero length elements have been used, and the behavior curve of parallel materials has been defined for them based on the study of Eskandari and Vafai in 2015. Based on Hoveidai's proposal in 2019, the Ramberg-Osgood model has been used for the cyclic response of stainless steel materials in Opensees software and the Steel02 model has been used for the st37 and st52 materials. In the following, seismic scenarios with and without seismic sequence are selected based on effective peak acceleration (EPA) which has been suggesteb by Rajabi and Ghodrati Amiri in 2020. In order to nonlinear dynamic analysis of the studied eccentrically braced frames, single and successive earthquakes should be scaled based on the design spectrum. For this purpose, the suggested spectrums in Standard No. 2800 and proposed methodology by Abdollahzade in 2019 have been used, respectively. The results indicate that the amount of energy dissiption through links increases between 2 and 3 times after the consecutive earthquakes compared to the main shocks while after the seismic sequence, a lower average energy dissiption ratio has been reported for this frame. Also among the studied frames, the high-strength frame with stainless steel links has a higher energy loss of 10.4% compared to normal frames and 31.6% higher than frames with stainless links under seismic sequence. Therefore, the using of this type of material can be suggested for all or some members of normal eccentrically braced frames, especially in active zones with high seismic risk.
Volume 24, Issue 3 (8-2024)
Nitrates and sulfates are commonly present as common pollutants in most natural waters. Sometimes, human activities such as excessive use of chemical fertilizers, lack of proper control over water sources, and improper treatment of industrial wastewater cause an increase in the concentration of these types of pollutants in surface and groundwater. This study focuses on the efficient removal of nitrates and sulfates from contaminated water using a combination of permeable reactive barriers (PRB) containing zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) and an electrokinetic (EK) process. In this research, which was carried out on a laboratory scale, by using the PRB system, the nitrate, and sulfate in the polluted groundwater were removed, and simultaneously, with the help of the EK process, the early saturation of the bed was prevented and system performance time is increased. To check the system efficiency, various parameters on the system performance were investigated, and the optimal conditions were determined to grow the system performance time. Additionally, the experiments were repeated using PRB containing granular activated carbon for comparison. The results reveal that the substrate containing nZVI exhibited superior performance in removing nitrates and sulfates from groundwater compared to the modified activated carbon. According to the results, the best system performance was obtained at pH 7, initial nitrate concentration of 200 mg/L, initial sulfate concentration of 450 mg/L, 2.14 gr of nZVI per Kg of sand, and a potential difference of 20 volts. Under these conditions, the use of the PRB containing nZVI not only extended the system operation time by 35 hours for sulfate removal and 30 hours for nitrate removal but also increased the system's removal efficiency by 13% for sulfate and 10% for nitrate after 80 consecutive hours of use, compared to the PRB containing modified activated carbon. Overall, this research contributes to the development of more effective strategies for the simultaneous removal of nitrate and sulfate from contaminated groundwater, using a combination of PRB with nZVI and the EK process.
Volume 24, Issue 4 (Winter 2024)
Aim and introduction
The conventional notion of the permanent income hypothesis is that individuals aim to smooth their consumption over time, demonstrating resistance to fluctuations in income. This foundational concept assumes that individuals utilize savings or credit when faced with expected income changes or temporary income shocks, preserving their ultimate well-being. However, empirical evidence challenges this hypothesis, revealing that consumers often exhibit responsiveness to income changes, both expected and temporary. This phenomenon is called "excess sensitivity of consumption". Various factors underpin this apparent excess sensitivity of consumption, encompassing demographic dynamics, labor market decisions, reliance on aggregated data, superior information within households, income measurement inaccuracies, and liquidity constraints.
This study employs the Panel-IV method to estimate the coefficient of excess sensitivity of consumption. It utilizes two financial development indicators, namely access to financial services and financial depth, to evaluate their impact on this coefficient. The significance of this investigation lies in the Iranian economic history, which witnessed financial development in the late 1990s, followed by a financial downturn. The data are derived from household income and expenditure surveys conducted by the Iranian Statistical Center. The analysis encompasses the years 2004 to 2020. These surveys incorporate data on various aspects of household’s financial information, including the amount and number of loans received and essential details about their employment status.
Due to the cross-sectional nature of the data, it is imperative to use a pseudo-panel approach, providing several advantages. First, it eliminates the individual-specific measurement errors. Second, it mitigates the issues arising from the short time series data, which can lead to estimation errors. Previous research has estimated the coefficient of excess sensitivity of consumption. However, this study contributes by examining the effects of financial development on consumption smoothing in the Iranian economy. Notably, previous research in Iran focused solely on estimating the coefficient of excess sensitivity of consumption without investigating the influence of financial development.
The findings indicate the excess sensitivity of consumption coefficient is 0.266 for the Iranian households. In practical terms, a 10% expected increase in income results in a 2.66% increase in consumption. This finding indicates liquidity constraints faced by the Iranian households. Such constraints may manifest as limitations on borrowing amounts or high interest rates, leading individuals to opt for non-borrowing. The examination of financial development reveals a negative and significant relationship between improved financial access and depth and the coefficient of excess sensitivity of consumption. Specifically, a 10% improvement in the average loan amount and loan-to-income ratio (financial depth indicators) results in 12.5% and 13% reductions, respectively, in the coefficient of excess sensitivity of consumption. Additionally, a 10% enhancement in the average number of loans received by households (financial access indicator) leads to an impressive 20.5% reduction in the coefficient of excess sensitivity of consumption.
Discussion and Conclusion
This study challenges the traditional concept of permanent income hypothesis while emphasizing the importance of understanding excess sensitivity of consumption in economic research. Furthermore, it underscores the role of financial development, characterized by improved access to credit and financial services, in diminishing households' vulnerability to income fluctuations. These results hold substantial implications for policymakers and researchers alike, offering insights into addressing income volatility and its effects on household consumption in Iran and similar economies
Volume 24, Issue 6 (June 2024)
Objective: Advances in microelectromechanical (MEMS) technologies over the past few decades have contributed to the rapid development of a wide range of microfluidic devices with different functionalities. Fluids are driven through microfluidic systems, therefore, in the current research, it is intended to parametrically investigate the effects of the main parameters, namely length, width and angle of attack of valves, piezoelectric length and applied voltage. Method: The approach of the present research is applied and analytical-experimental with numerical simulations where the tensile force is calculated using COMSOL Multiphysics software and the equations are calculated using the fully coupled algorithm in COMSOL Multiphysics. Findings: The results of the present research show that the main parameters significantly affect the performance of the designed micro pump. So that the applied voltage is 400 volts, the angle of attack is 45 degrees and the width of the valves is 6 micrometers, respectively for the piezoelectric length of 4, 2 and 5 mm, the flow rate is 6. 0.6, 9.6 and 16.6 microliters per minute are obtained. For valve widths of 6 and 8 micrometers, optimal attack angles of 60 and 65 degrees, the corresponding flow rates are 11.11 and 5.9 microliters per minute, respectively. Conclusion: Based on the results of the present research and the investigation of the behavior of the micropump and its output flow rate changes in different working conditions, as the length of the valves increases, the flow rate provided increases. Finally, there is a favorable condition for the width and angle of attack of the valves. This optimal width does not depend on the flow speed.