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Volume 10, Issue 4 (Fall 2022)

Aims: The Electronic Health Record is a collection of medical information about a person's health status. The development of electronic health records has occurred worldwide, and developing countries, including Iran, have been no exception and have tried to take action in this regard. Therefore, this study aimed to review the types of Electronic Health Records designed in Iran.
Information & Methods: This systematic review was conducted without any time limitation until 12 June 2022 by searching the keywords "Electronic Health Record", and "Iran", and their synonyms in the Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, SID, and Magiran databases, and Google Scholar search engine. Published articles on the development or design of electronic health records in Iran were reviewed.
Findings: Among 28 papers, 11, 6, and 11 records were designed in Electronic Health Record, Electronic Medical Record, and Personal Electronic Record formats, respectively. Approximately 46% of the studies only designed electronic records but never implemented them, and the rest (54%) had completed the electronic record development. Among 15 implemented records, 7, 4, and 4 were in Personal Electronic Record, Electronic Health Record, and Electronic Medical Records formats, respectively. In addition, implementation platforms for records were in the form of web-based, mobile-based, and windows-based applications. Most of the minimum data set in the designed records were demographic data, medical history, therapeutic procedures, and laboratory tests.
Conclusion: Designing various Electronic Health Record systems for different diseases and clinical conditions can be an effective step toward developing a national Electronic Health Record.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (4-2011)

Abstract: Damage assessment of bearing members before rehabilitation is necessary. If the damage state of a member is expressed by a number called "damage index". One of the most popular damage indexes for reinforced concrete (RC) members is Park-Ang Damage Index model. This model has been established based on the experimental results of RC beams and columns with different modes of damage. It has considerable uncertainty based on its authors’ remarks. In this study, the precision of Park-Ang model for RC columns was improved by using some experimental results from the Peer's (Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research) data bank. The proposed model focuses on RC columns with specific sections and collapse modes.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (Vol. 11, No. 1 (Tome 55), (Articles in Persian) 2020)

The English language textbooks for learners with special educational needs play a crucial role in classifying knowledge in the learners’ minds and framing their axiological-epistemological systems. As a result, developing English language textbooks based on discourses of needs analysis can not only empower language skill abilities among these learners but also contribute to them to become active citizens. However, if the materials developed are silent on the learners’ needs in developing their practices may marginalize the learners as at risk educational groups. Very few studies have critically analyzed prevocational English language textbooks written for learners with special needs to see to what extent the content, conversations and image of these English language textbooks could meet daily affair realizations for learners with special needs.  Embedded in Laclau and Moffe’s Critical Discourse Analysis approach, the current study thus focuses secondary school prevocational English language textbook by ministry of education in grades seven, eight and nine. Findings showed that in the dominant discourse of these textbooks, there exists no symbol of body and life style representation of these learners. They have been selected either in ideal or token manners. Contents and images of these textbooks could not go beyond dichotomizing hegemonic discourses of society (normal-abnormal) and have reproduced power relations belonging to ordinary people. Normal affair is a social construct. Discourse representation and power relations dominant on curriculum patterns frame real worlds and life styles for learners with special needs. Thus, dearth of images and challenges of people with special needs are perceived as their absence in public domains and consequently neglecting multiple life styles of these groups. Hence, this study is of significance as it has some theoretical and practical ramifications for the materials developers and raises their awareness to redesign English language textbooks for these learners based on their needs.      

Volume 11, Issue 2 (9-2011)

Abstract: One of the most important goals of the experiments is to determine deformation and strength of the rock specimen under applying triaxial load. The status of failure condition is one of the subjects, which can be used in soil mechanic and foundation engineering applications. To investigate the effect of confining pressure on the triaxial test, the rock was considered as bonded-particles method and simulated by PFC3D program. To compare the mechanical behavior and failure pattern of the numerical and experimental results at uniaxial and triaxial tests at the same conditions, the Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and maximum axial stress were considered. On the other hand, the microcracks growth and change of failure pattern at the modeling of the uniaxial and triaxial tests with different confining pressures up to failure point were reported. According to the experimental work, the number density of microcracks decreases from starting value and remains almost constant up to the failure beyond that point. Comparison of the numerical and experimental results of maximum axial stress and the Poisson's ratio revealed a good accordance. The simulated Young's modulus was smaller in comparison with the experimental ones and the difference was about 36%, which seems to be due to absence of the pre-existing microcracks on the model. The initial number density of microcracks at the model was zero and increased while microcracking. Also the sudden increment around the maximum stress was observed, which is because of unstable growing of microcracks near the maximum stress. In all uniaxial and triaxial tests with different confining stresses, the number density of microcracks during the failure remained almost constant, which can be considered as a proof of failure occurring in the model. The experimental results indicated a similar trend as well.
Zahra Rajabi,
Volume 11, Issue 43 (Fall 2018)

In recent years in Iran, the development of interdisciplinary studies has caused a variety of attitudes toward literary topics to be created especially in literary criticism. However, in these studies use of interdisciplinary capacities for a more accurate understanding and creating transformation in other literary fields such as rhetoric and classical aesthetics of Persian poetry has largely been neglected. Therefore, the present research seeks to address allusion topic in rhetoric by a descriptive-analytic approach and to identify and introduce this rhetorical element based on new interdisciplinary studies approaches and literary criticism. The results of the research indicate that allusion despite its apparent simplicity is one of the most complex and multilayer elements of the rhetoric that can be examined and looked up using the modern achievements of various disciplines such as linguistics, semiotics, sociology and some theories and discussions of literary criticism

Volume 12, Issue 1 (Number 1 - 2010)

Vibration generated by vehicles during road transport has an important effect on the agricultural products damage process, particularly vegetable and fruit. Modulus of elasticity is one of the most important mechanical properties of fruits and its variation can be described as one of the damage criteria during transportation. This research was conducted to evaluate the effects of vibration parameters (frequency, acceleration and duration) and fruit position in the bin, on watermelon damage. At first, vibration frequency and acceleration were measured on the different points of a truck-bed in order to obtain the range of vibration frequency and acceleration distribution during transportation. Second, a laboratory vibrator was used to obtain some factors influencing damage during watermelons transportation. The damage was described as a difference in the modulus of elasticity of the watermelon (flesh and hull) before and after the test. According to the results measured on the truck-bed, the vibration frequency mean values were 7.50 Hz and 13.0 Hz for 5-10 Hz and 10-15 Hz frequency intervals, respectively. Furthermore, vibration acceleration mean values were 0.30 g and 0.70 g for 0.25-0.50 g and 0.50-0.75 g intervals, respectively. Vibration frequency and acceleration mean values were used for vibration simulation. Vibration durations were 30 and 60 minutes and damage was measured for watermelons at the top, middle and bottom positions in the bin. Laboratory studies indicated that, vibration frequency, vibration acceleration, vibration duration, and fruit position, which were taken into consideration as controlled variable parameters, significantly affected the damage (P< 0.01). Damage to the watermelon flesh was higher than watermelon hull. Vibration with a frequency of 7.5 Hz, acceleration of 0.70 g, and duration of 60 minutes caused higher damage levels. Fruits located at the top of the bin showed more damage than those in middle and bottom positions (P< 0.05).

Volume 12, Issue 3 (12-2012)

Considering that once-through Benson boiler is one of the most crucial equipment of a thermal power plant, occurrence of any fault in its different parts can lead to decrease of the performance of system, and even may cause system damage and endanger the human life. In this paper, due to the high complexity of the system's dynamic equations, we utilized data-based method for diagnosing the faults of the once-through Benson boiler. In order to enhance the fault diagnose (FD) system proficiency and also due to strong interactions between measurements, we decided to utilize six one-class support vector machine (SVM) algorithms to diagnose six major faults of once-through Benson boiler. In the proposed structure, each One-class SVM algorithm has been developed to diagnose one special fault. Finally, we carry out diverse test scenarios in different states of fault occurrence to evaluate the performance of the proposed FD system against the six major faults of the once-through Benson Boiler under conditions of noisy measurement.


Volume 12, Issue 4 (11-2012)

Numerical simulation of turbulent flow and heat transfer in film cooling from a cylindrical hole in three-dimensional case is considered. For this purpose, turbulent heat flux term of energy equation is usually modeled by simple eddy diffusivity model with constant turbulent Prandtl number, while experimental and numerical researches show that the prescribed constant value of turbulent Prandtl number is far from reality. In the present study, second moment closure (SMC) models with wall-reflection term is applied for modeling the turbulent flow and heat transfer in film cooling flow. Comparison between the numerical and experimental results show that the explicit algebraic second moment closure models have more ability to better prediction of temperature field in film cooling. In addition, turbulent Prandtl number distribution for film cooling has been investigated. The range of this parameter for the desired geometry has been identified from 0.1 to 0.95 in the near of injection hole to far from it respectively. Finally, in order to enhance the capability of simple eddy diffusivity model in simulating film cooling heat transfer, the value of 0.7 has been proposed for turbulent Prandtl number instead of the common value of 0.85.

Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2023)

Root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne spp. cause 5% of the global crop losses. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are a potentially effective nematicide. There are many methods to synthesize metallic nanoparticles, including using organic compounds, which are clean and environmentally friendly. In the present studies, the efficacy of as-synthesized AgNPs using Malva sylvestris extract (Ms-AgNPs) on egg hatching and mortality of the second-stage juveniles (J2) of M. javanica in vitro, and on the growth parameters of nematode infected tomato plant under greenhouse conditions was investigated. The results showed that increasing Ms-AgNPs concentration decreased the hatching rate and increased the mortality of J2. Ms-AgNPs at 107, 164 and 250 ppm reduced J2 numbers by 30, 50, and 70%, respectively, and were established as lethal doses for nematode control. Ms-AgNPs at a dosage of 250 ppm reduced the number of eggs in the root system and the nematode reproduction factor by 60.4 and 56.3%, respectively, and increased shoot length and shoot fresh weight by 11.2 and 14%, respectively. Ms-AgNPs at a very low concentration reduced the population of M. javanica without causing any harmful effects on tomato. Therefore it can be used in nematode control strategies due to its environmentally friendly composition.


Volume 13, Issue 1 (4-2013)

This paper discusses about the effects of square wave pulsation on the turbulent flow and heat transfer from slot jet impinging to a concave surface. The RNG k-ε turbulence model is applied for modeling the turbulent flow and heat transfer filed in the present 2-D slot jet flow. The effects of jet Reynolds number, nozzle to surface distance and pulsation frequency on time-averaged Nusselt number distribution are studied carefully. Results show that applying the pulsating jet in the range of 10 Hz to 50 Hz can increase heat transfer from the concave surface in comparison with the steady jet. Increasing jet Reynolds number ranged from 4740 to 9590 significantly increases the time-averaged local Nusselt number. Also, in steady jet, decreasing the nozzle to surface distance, consequences increasing the Nusselt number near the impingement zone. While in pulsating jet, it causes both increasing/ decreasing the Nusselt number all over the concave surface.

Volume 13, Issue 3 (July & August 2022 (Articles in English & French) 2022)

There is dearth of research on disclosing the ethos of Appreciative Inquiry (AI)-based pedagogy application in language education settings (Johnson, 2014), especially amid the Covid-19 pandemic era. To disclose the ethos in AI-based pedagogy as an appropriate pandemic pedagogy, the present study attempts to uncover the Iranian EFL learners' narratives on their lived experiences of a pedagogical shift in an English language school in northern Iran when dealing with an online class during the pandemic. Embedded in 4-D ethos of AI-based pedagogy, namely Discovery, Dream, Design, and Destiny, this study utilizes data from observational field notes and interviews in shaping narratives. It was shown that the online language lesson agenda is a dynamic resource that emerges from content development and can be planned to confirm the learner's knowledge. More creative ways of learners' assessment are also yearned for to neutralize cheating possibilities. In addition, new modes of meaning in language education are envisaged to be designed. Learners position themselves as enriched multimodal text repertoires in a dynamic not static language community of practice. The current study has some implications for online language practice, especially in periods of crisis such as a pandemic.   

Volume 13, Issue 13 (First Special Issue 2014)

In this study, various amounts of clay nanoparticles and titan nanoparticles (1, 3 and 5% wt.) were introduced into a vinyl ester resin matrix by high shear mixer. The influence of these nanoparticles on the mechanical properties (tensile strength, tensile modulus, flexural strength, flexural strength and fracture toughness) is investigated. To investigate the structure of nanocomposites, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) tests are done. The XRD test shows that the structure of clay-vinyl ester nanocomposites is exfoliated. The results of tensile, flexural and fracture toughness experiments show that clay is better than titan in the improvement of the mechanical properties. Clay- vinyl ester nanocomposite with 1% wt. of clay has the better mechanical properties than others samples.

Volume 13, Issue 15 (Third Special Issue 2014)

Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) is one of the techniques for heat transfer enhancement. In current study, the enhancement of natural convection heat transfer inside a vertical tube is experimentally investigated under applying a strong electrical field (EHD). For this purpose, a wire electrode with positive polarity is used along the pipe axis while the inner surface of tube is connected to the ground. EHD disturbs the thermal boundary layer by generating ionic wind which flows from wire electrode to inner side of tube and causes the heat transfer enhancement. In this study, the effects of wire electrode diameter and also electrical field on heat transfer enhancement are investigated. Obtained data are reported as local Nusselt number along the pipe axis and mean Nusselt number. The results show that decreasing the wire electrode diameter increases the heat transfer of tube. In addition, increasing of electrical current due to strong electrical field, increases the Nusselt number. At the lowest wire electrode diameter, the highest Nusselt number was observed which was 2.03 times more than the case that no electrical field was applied.

Volume 14, Issue 7 (10-2014)

In this paper, a scanning electron microscope (SEM) is used for microstructural investigations of a woodlouse shell. Finite element (FE) method is employed to study the dynamic behavior of the shell subjected to the impact of a cone-shaped projectile. Despite of small thickness, the shell, as a composite material, enables the insect to bear large external forces. The woodlouse is also able to roll up into a complete sphere to protect itself from danger. In order to study this defense mechanism, the external loads are applied to the shell in different configurations: when the shell is in (1) normal and (2) rolled-up forms. The simulations are performed at different velocities and at different impact angles. Comparisons of the results obtained from different simulations indicate that the defense mechanism of the woodlouse has an important role in decreasing the stress concentrations. Indeed, it is a defense mechanism which effectively increases the load-bearing capacity of the insect shell. The results of the present research may be useful in the design and manufacture of modern engineering structures with a high strength to weight ratio.

Volume 14, Issue 10 (1-2015)

The nitrogen oxide emission is known as a potentially hazardous pollutant in reacting flows. To improve this process, it is of fundamental importance to take into consideration environment protection through reduction of fuel consumption in addition to increasing combustion efficiency. The control of NO emission from the combustion process is an important design criterion in modern gas turbine technology. In the present work a two-dimensional combustion simulation is developed for a model gas turbine combustion chamber. The k−ε turbulence model and the eddy dissipation concept model are applied for flow predictions and reaction rate simulation respectively. The flow field pressure linked equations are solved using the SIMPLE algorithm. In the present work, the thermal and prompt NO formations are estimated and calculated for three different methane, propane and pentane fuels. Also the effects of equivalence ratio and primary aeration on nitrogen oxide emission are considered. Results of numerical simulation show that the nitrogen oxide emission significantly affected by the equivalence ratio for all three type of fuels. Also by applying primary aeration the averaged nitrogen oxide production can be significantly reduced.

Volume 14, Issue 14 (Second Special Issue 2015)

This paper investigates the effects of constructional elements on the biomechanical behavior of desert locust hind wing. First, the microstructure of the insect wing is investigated using scanning electron microscope. The results of the scanning electron microscopy are used to develop finite element models of the wing with different constructional elements. The presented models are studied under the inertial and aerodynamic loads applied during flight and the obtained stresses and displacements are assessed. The results show that longitudinal veins, longitudinal and cross veins, corrugations, corrugations and longitudinal veins and finally a combination of corrugations and longitudinal and cross veins cause averagely 4, 25.75, 4.34, 184.54, 768.5 times decrease of the achieved principal stresses in comparison with a wing without the mentioned constructional elements. Constructional elements of the locust wing play an important role to uniform the pattern of stress distribution in the wing during flight. Further, the existence of the mentioned constructional elements causes a decrease in the variation of the stress within a stroke-cycle. In addition, it is shown that the inertia and aerodynamic forces have less effect on the wing deformation than the elastic ones. The results of this research may be helpful in the development of lightweight structures with high strength.

Volume 15, Issue 2 (3-2013)

In order to determine the effects of fish size and weight on its salinity tolerance, the chloride cells (CCs) immunolocalization changes were examined in Caspian salmon (Salmo trutta caspius) parrs, with the same age (about 2 years old) but different types (type A: 4.88 g, 8.36 cm; type B: 14 g, 11.84 cm; type C: 24.05 g, 14.08 cm). Fish survival rate, blood osmolality, gills CCs histological and immunohistochemical changes were investigated following their transfer from freshwater (FW) to the Caspian Sea water (CSW). The survival rate increased in larger sizes and blood osmolality showed a tendency to increase in parallel with salinity. After 10 days in CSW, some abnormalities were observed in gill structure such as: lamellae cohesion, lamellae rupture and separated lamella from filament epithelium that were shown in all types. These abnormalities in type B were less than the other types. Gill CCs were observed on the gill filament and lamellae. In direct transfer of Salmon parrs to the CSW, changes in number, sectional area, and the surface occupied by CCs in the gill tissue were observed in all the three types. In the type B, the number of CCs did not change, however, in the type C, they decreased, while in the type A, there was significant increase. But in the CSW, the occupied surface by gill CCs in the type C, was reduced significantly compared to other types. According to the present results, among the Salmon parrs with the same age, the fish with type A lacked osmoregulation, while the type B had better compatibility with the CSW. However, after reaching the size of the type C and considering osmultification, it is probable that the type B fish would become compatible with the fresh water environment and they will not have osmoregulation ability in saline water for the long term.

Volume 15, Issue 2 (4-2015)

In this paper, the dynamic plastic buckling of axisymmetric circular cylindrical shells subjected to axial impact is investigated. The von Mises yield criterion is used for the elastic-plastic cylindrical shell made of linear strain hardening material in order to derive the constitutive relations between stress and strain increments. Nonlinear dynamic circular cylindrical shell equations are solved with the finite difference method for three types of boundary conditions and two types loading. Two types of loading are stationary cylindrical shells impacted axially and traveling cylindrical shells impacted on a rigid wall. The growth and improvement of axial and lateral strains and buckling shapes of cylindrical shells are investigated for different boundary and loading conditions, from the viewpoint of stress wave propagation. It is found that the total length of cylindrical shell is affected by the plastic deformation when the plastic wave reaches unimpacted end. Also it is found that shortening and energy absorption are independent of loading and boundary conditions. The buckling shapes are affected by loading and boundary conditions; also peak loads at impacted and unimpacted ends are affected by loading conditions and are independent of boundary conditions. The presented theoretical results are compared with some experimental results and good agreement is obtained.

Volume 15, Issue 2 (6-2012)

Objective: Dermatophytosis is one of the most common pandemic fungal infections that is a major health problem in cities and villages. This study aims to evaluate PCR sensitivity and accuracy in the detection of nail dermatophytosis compared to conventional direct and culture detection methods, and performs an assessment of Trichophyton rubrum in patients suspected of having nail dermatophytosis. Methods: This experiment was a descriptive-experimental study carried out on 71 nail samples obtained from patients with suspected nail dermatophytosis. All clinical samples of nails or chips were divided into three sections and each section underwent direct examination, culture and molecular tests. In the molecular test, we used fungal rRNA universal primers (ITS1 and ITS4) and Trichophyton rubrum-specific primers. Results: In this study, for the first time in Iran and based on a modified protocol, DNA was directly extracted from tissues of infected nails in less than five hours. Additionally a comparison of the results obtained from routine laboratory methods such as direct examination and culture with PCR verified the high sensitivity and accuracy of PCR compared to the other studied methods. Conclusion: PCR, as a rapid, accurate method, can be a good replacement for conventional culture and direct examination.

Volume 15, Issue 2 (May & June 2024)

One rich educational trait in Iranian culture is to respect the aged ones and keep their dignity, enjoying their lived experiences. Here, the concept of age is defined as an identity representation with a positive connotation which signifies enriching experience / knowledge. In keeping with, the main objective of the present study was to disclose how ageism as a social-ideological construct not a biological concept has been represented in English language schooling textbooks. Theoretically framed in Laclau and Muffe Critical Discourse Analysis based on Foucauldian reading, the current study was to do a content analysis of English language textbooks in Iranian junior and senior secondary schooling systems (Prospect and Vision series). The researchers extracted the dominant discourses represented in the exercises, images and contents of the textbooks based on frequency and the related categories. Findings spelled out a kind of “otherness” represented a kind of “otherising” discourse in the textbooks. The elders were represented in three aspects of “absentism” “a negative issue” or “token construct”.  Indeed, when present, they were also misrepresented as sick or disabled ones or persons with token /socially passive role. They did not enjoy a dominant discourse and the youth were the subject of the discourses. Curriculum developers are thus needed to revisit their readings on ageism construct to provide a positive definition on it, framing educational justice demanded in Fundamental Reform Document and its Islamic-Iranian ethos.  
1. Introduction
This article employs a Foucauldian lens to critically analyze the discourse of English language teaching materials in junior and senior high school, particularly the Prospect and Vision series. These materials are developed within the framework of the fundamental reform document in education, with a specific focus on transforming English language instruction in schools. The cornerstone of this analysis lies in fostering equity-based relationships and dialogues among social subjects, defined as an educational mission in educational reform. Specifically, the promotion of social inclusivity are highlighted as fundamental goals of the educational transformation system.
 The integration of language learning and social inclusivity, rooted in the recognition of various social identities, underscores the significance of this approach. Within this context, the delicate situation of the elderly accentuates the imperative need to pay heightened attention to this demographic identity. This approach holds profound significance from two perspectives. Firstly, it underscores the importance of examining how the content of these books can encourage greater inclusivity among the elderly and promote their participation in public spaces, consequently transforming them into active agents in power dynamics. Secondly, it explores how the themes within these books contribute to enhancing the public perception of elderly identity among various social strata, especially the target audience of these instructional materials, and how they shape a knowledgeable discourse.
Research Question(s)
The main research question of this study can be formulated as follows:
  1. To what extent does the discourse on age in these textbooks align with the Iranian conceptualization of this term?
  2. Have these educational materials succeeded in deepening identity formation and societal inclusivity for their target audience, or have they merely remained superficially focused on cognitive linguistics?
2. Literature Review
In the realm of literature on educational studies, discussions on discrimination have predominantly focused on issues of race (Nelson 2002) and gender (Táboas-Pais & Rey-Cao 2012)., overshadowing the equally important matter of age-based discrimination. While racial and gender inequalities intensify disparities among skin colors, ethnicities, and genders, age-based discrimination brings forth a distinct polarity between the marginalized and the central, emphasizing the dichotomy of old and young. Existing theoretical and empirical observations in educational studies, particularly in the analysis of textbook content, have predominantly delved into racial discrimination and gender inequality.

3. Methodology
This study adopts a focauldian critical discourse analysis approach, aiming to liberate the discourse surrounding the aging body from the shackles of stereotypical power dynamics and negative connotations. By transforming "natural necessities" into "socially constructed possibilities," this approach seeks to redefine the concept of "age." The authors employ the critical discourse analysis method as an effective tool in scrutinizing English language teaching materials. Indeed,  this study is framed in Laclau and Mouffe’s theory who have endeavored to make Foucault's discourse approach more practical and have applied it in analyzing social concepts such as historical constructs. The underlying theoretical idea of the discourse theory is that social phenomena are never entirely fixed. Meanings are never permanently stabilized, opening the door for perpetual social struggles over definitions of society and identity. The analyst's task is to reveal the flow of these struggles over the stability of meaning at all social levels. In conclusion, this critical discourse analysis aims to shed light on the discourse surrounding age in English language teaching materials. By challenging the naturalization of societal constructs and redefining the meaning of age, this approach seeks to contribute to a broader understanding of identity and foster societal inclusivity. It questions the extent to which these educational materials have succeeded in transcending linguistic cognitive aspects to promote a deeper sense of identity and societal integration for their intended audience.

4. Results
The results in this article have demonstrated that a form of discursive polarization between the elderly and the youth has taken place in most sections of the textbooks, in a way that everything related to the world of the youth is perceived as positive, and the associations of the elderly world are relatively negative. In the mentioned textbooks, the element of experience as a motivating force for the elderly has often been ignored, and they have been represented in a passive imagery, akin to a child, as if "experience" is no longer a guiding light for the future.
Furthermore, in this article, it is evident that the elderly have been represented in some aspects like "absence/negative matter," "childishness,". In most daily routine activities, the elderly are absent. Even when present, they are portrayed in a negative and ailing manner or have a performative/passive function. In this sense, the access of the elderly to the dominant discourse of textbooks has been severed, and adolescents and middle-aged individuals have occupied a central position as the subject of discourse. It is essential for curriculum planners to clearly define the discursive concept of age, directing it towards societal acceptance and human dignity.
In conclusion, this study reveals that despite the linguistic success at the cognitive level, the mentioned textbooks have shortcomings in the societal and identity-forming stage for the audience and have failed to align with the prospects of national curriculum planning and the Fundamental Reform Document in education . A discursive approach to the concept of curriculum planning will thus assist the authors of textbooks in achieving the goal of educational justice and formulating an egalitarian discursive framework (as emphasized in the Fundamental Reform Document).

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