Showing 83 results for Rajabi
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The pragmatics is one of the main branches of linguistics that considers discourse coherence as the result of interaction between language users and text context. Hence, its subject is the study of the ability to use language and to construct context-related sentences to show how speech makes sense in situations. The pragmatics of language studies the meaning that the speaker conveys and the listener or reader interprets. In the meanwhile, protest and argumentation is a process of linguistic communication that the speaker uses in order to change the attitude and point of view of the audience and in the direction of the desired goals, makes his thought pursue and in this process of techniques and methods Benefits variety. In the present article, the techniques of argumentation were criticized and analyzed in a number of Nahj al-Balaghah proverbs in order to obtain a more accurate reading and understanding of these proverbs. To conduct this research, 95 samples of proverbs in which protest techniques were more common were analyzed based on the book (Al-Amthal wa Al-Hakam Al-Mustakhrajah) written by Mohammad Al-Gharavi. The results showed that Imam Ali (AS) by maintaining the laws of language evolution, in order to persuade and persuade his audience, from a variety of linguistic-rhetorical strategies, methods of persuasion, quasi-logical structures, rhetorical approaches, preaching, simile, allegory, irony and metaphor. Has used and artistically presented his desired moral, social and political concepts in the form of words that express the linguistic and cognitive ability of Amir Bayan (AS).
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Image schemas are macrocognitive patterns and structures that form the basis of our linguistic, mental and perceptual processes; and their function is based on the metaphorical-analogous relationship between visual experiences and frequent and everyday abstract concepts. In proverbs, like pictorial schemas, the use of metaphor-simile to convey a familiar mental concept between the speaker and the listener based on people's lived experiences is evident. Evans and Green have researched about image schemas and separated them into 8 types. One of these is the image schema of power. Since the precision in the structure of visual schemas can reveal the mental and cognitive structure of the users of a language, in the present research, the visual schema of power in Birjand's proverbs has been investigated in a descriptive-analytical way. Based on the results, out of the total of 1291 proverbs of Birjand, in 314 of them there are 7 types of visual schema of power; Most of them are of the type of blockage, enablement and counter force, which is proportional to the nature of the power schema; and found that between the frequency of the origin and destination areas of these schemas and cultural-environmental factors, and tools in removing obstacles, the importance of food and economic affairs to maintain survival, lack of plant diversity, desert and semi-desert climate of Birjand region has had a significant impact on the formation and continuation of proverbs with the schema of power, which emphasize the target areas of human relations, ethics and economy.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2014)
The effects of fish weight on salinity tolerance were studied in Caspian salmon (Salmo trutta caspius) parr. 180 fish (all with 2 years old but with three weights; 5, 15, 25g) were selected and they reared in freshwater (FW) and brackish water (BW; 13ppt salinity) for 10 days. The mRNA expression of two α-subunit isoforms of Na+, K+-ATPase (α1a and α1b) and NKCC co-transporters were studied in their gill tissue. In all three weight groups, the mRNA levels for the α1a isoforms decreased following BW exposure, whereas α1b levels significantly increased in 15g and 25g groups. In addition, NKCC gene expression were significantly higher in the groups of BW than FW in 15g and 25g weights (P<0.05). The reciprocal expression of Na+, K+-ATPase isoforms (α1a and α1b) during salinity acclimation suggests that they may have different roles in the gill of FW and BW fishes; ion uptake in FW and ion secretion in BW. In conclusion, in the Caspian salmon, between parrs with the same age, the group with the weight of 15g possesses better compatibility with BW than to other groups. After reaching to 25g, fish passed smoltification and they became more compatible with the FW environment and maybe lost its osmoregulation ability in saline or brackish water.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer 2014)
Haft-Owrang is one of the poems of the Ninth-Century poet, Abdol-Rahman Jami. An important illustrated version of Haft Owrang is called Sultan Ibrahim Mirza`s Version that is a master piece of Miniature, which has been illustrated by the artists of Mashhad school. The story of “Saint Josef's Survival from the Well” is one of the Haft-Owrang`s subjects illustrated by artists at the time.
This paper is going to compare Jami's poems with the paintings of "Saint Josef`s survival from the well", attributed to Mozafar–Ali by descriptive-comparative method. It studies whether the literary style and figures of speech of Jami have affected the illustration of this painting, and measures the percentage of this influence through quantitative scales. It concludes that 22% of paintings are in line with the poems, while 78% of them are not. This shows the freedom of illustrators in their act of illustrating, their independency towards the poems, and their use of imagination, environment, and visage in creation of these works.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (Issue 3 - 2014)
Aim: This study aimed to investigate the beliefs toward sexual health among couples attending marriage counseling centers, based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) as a theoretical framework.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 416 couples, aged 14 to 40 years, who referred to a marriage counseling center in Kermanshah in 2014. They were recruited through a simple random sampling method. The data gathering tool consisted of a self-administered questionnaire based on the HBM constructs and some demographic characteristics. Data were analyzed with SPSS-18 software using independent t-test, one way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation. Findings: According to the results, the level of perceived susceptibility of the consequences of unsafe sexual behaviors and perceived barriers among couples were not satisfactory; however, perceived severity and benefits were reported in a relatively good level. Internet and friends were the most important cues to action related to sexual health.
Conclusion: Results demonstrated that the framework of the HBM is useful for investigation of sexual health related beliefs among couples. Thus, design and implementation of interventions based on the results of present study may be effective in promoting knowledge and beliefs toward sexual health among couples.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (8-2017)
This comparative study, based on the Slavic approach, explains the features of utopia in the poems of Sohrab Sepehri and Nazak al-Mulaakeh, two Persian and Arabic poets, and analyzed and analyzed the aspects of their sharing and differences with regard to the descriptions of the two poets at content level. The results of the research show that both the poets have taken refuge in their imaginative and poetical uranium to escape the reality of their community; and because of their romantic tendencies and similar social conditions, they have both common themes such as escape from poverty and The cruelty and attention is given to the world of childhood, nature and the countryside. But the different tendencies and experiences of the two poets have brought the utopian utopia closer to reality, giving it a national and socio-ethical dimension, and made Sohrab utopia more cryptic, mystical, moral, and transnational and global.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (Number 4 - 2000)
There are instances in which it is desirable to determine relationships among fruit
physical attributes. For example, fruits are often graded on the basis of size and projected
area, but it may be more suitable and/or economical to develop a machine which grades
by mass. Therefore, a relationship between mass and dimensions or projected areas and/
or volume of fruits is needed. Various grading systems, size fruits on the basis of specific
parameters. Sizing parameter depends on fruit and machine characteristics.Models for
predicting mass of orange from its dimensions and projected areas were identified. Models
were divided into three classifications: 1- Single and multiple variable regression of
orange dimensions (1st classification). 2- Single and multiple variable regression of projected
areas (2nd classification). 3- Estimation of orange shape; ellipsoid or spheroid based
on volume (3rd classification). Ten Iranian varieties of oranges were selected for the study.
3rd classification models had the highest performance followed by 2nd and 1st classifications
respectively, with R2close to unity. The 2nd classification models need electronic systems
with cameras for projection whereas, 1st classification models are used in the simple
mechanical systems, except multiple variable ones, of and 3rd classification models need
more complex mechanical systems. Among the systems that sorted oranges based on one
dimension (Model 2), system that applies intermediate diameter suited better with nonlinear
relationship as: M = 0.07b2 – 2.95 b + 39.15 with R2= 0.97.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)
Aim: Insufficient physical activity in women exposes them to problems such as overweight, diabetes, depression and cardiovascular diseases on top. In between, employees have minimum physical activity due to type of their job. The goal of this study was determining psychological factors effective on the physical activity of women working in University of Tehran based on the theory of planned behavior.
Methods: The research population included female office workers from the University of Tehran, who were selected through a call at this university in 2014 for this descriptive analytical cross-sectional study. For data gathering, a questionnaire was used with acceptable validity and reliability including demographic information and constructs of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as well as International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Data were analyzed using SPSS21. The statistical bivariate correlation test and stepwise regression test were employed at the significance level of 0.05.
Findings: In this study, behavioral intention had a positive and significant relation with perceived behavioral control (P=0.000) and attitude (P=0.042). Also behavioral intention had a positive and significant relation with physical activity (P=0.000). Stepwise regression analysis was used to evaluate important factors effective on prediction of behavior and intention; it determined 40% of intention variance (R2= 0.408).
Conclusion: The results of the study showed that constructs such as attitude and perceived behavioral control can be effective on the behavioral intention and physical behavior of female employees; therefore, these factors must be seriously considered in educational planning for this group of the society.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (Number 4 - 2001)
The harvested walnut has a relatively high moisture content of 30% compared with the
safe storage moisture content of 8%. One of the common means of reducing the moisture
content is by drying. For design of drying and other aeration systems for agricultural
products including walnuts, the relationship between the drop in pressure and airflow velocity
must be known. An airflow resistance apparatus was designed and manufatured to
measure the airflow resistance of walnuts. This apparatus consisted of an air compressor,
a rotameter, a cylindrical bin and an inclined U-tube manometer. The pressure, drops at
airflow velocities of 0.085 to 0.55 (m3/s)/m2, were measured at a constant depth of the nuts.
Airflow resistance equations were fitted to the measured data. The results showed that, by
increasing airflow rates, an increased drop in pressure was achieved through out walnut
column. To study the effect of walnut moisture content on airflow resistance, the drop in
pressure was measured at different moisture contents levels of 8.6%, 15.5%, 21.3% and
27%. Results indicated that the drop in pressure decreased with increasing moisture content,
especially for high airflow rates.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2018)
The objective of this study was to identify the species of thrips associated with rice crops in order to determine population fluctuation of the dominant species. Studies were conducted during the month of April to August in the year 2017 form different growth stages of rice in Babolsar city, Mazandaran Province (Northern Iran). Samplings were done from four fields located at two sites, KeyxaMahalle and MirBazar. A total of seven species of thrips belonging to four genera and two families (Thripidae and Phlaeothripidae) were identified. Amongst them, Haplothrips eragrostidis Priesner was the dominant species accounting for 75.47% in abundance. This was followed by Thrips hawaiiensis Morgan comprising 6.47%. The other species include Anaphothrips sudanensis Trybom, Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom), F. tenuicornis (Uzel), Thrips tabaci Lindeman and Haplothrips flavicinctus (Karny) which comprised of4.85%, 4.32%, 4.31%, 4.04% and 0.54% respectively. The maximum number of thrips species was found in the middle of July and minimum in the month of May. Assessment of thrips abundance in rice fields were started at the beginning of dough stage and were continued until complete maturity.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (7-2021)
Research Subject: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer in the world with the highest mortality rate in women. Chemotherapy is the typical therapy for the cancer. However, it has side effects due to damage to healthy cells. Targeted drug delivery by nano carriers to the cancerous cells reduces the toxic side effects on normal cells. Serum albumin is a widely used drug carrier because of its availability, ease of preparation, and binding ability to various ligands. Attachment of iron oxide nanoparticles to albumin can control their distribution by applying an external magnetic field.
Research Approach: In this study, albumin nanoparticles attached to superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) were synthesized and loaded with 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) anticancer drug by using the desolvation technique. The produced nanoparticles were characterized in terms of size, surface charge, and drug entrapment, by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The cytotoxic effects of 5FU-loaded magnetic albumin nanoparticles and free 5FU on MCF7 cells were evaluated with the MTT assay. The internalization of nanoparticles in MCF-7 cells was confirmed by Prussian blue staining. In the end, the effects of nanoparticles on cell cycle and apoptosis were evaluated by flow cytometry using propidium iodide.
Main Results: The mean particle size and zeta potential of 5FU loaded albumin nanoparticles and albumin magnetic nanoparticles were 220 nm, -25.8 mV, and 221 nm, -28 mV respectively. Drug entrapment efficiency and drug loading efficiency were also, 20%, 1%, and 15.8%, and 0.06% for albumin nanoparticles and magnetic albumin nanoparticles in turn. The drug-loaded magnetic albumin nanoparticles showed higher cytotoxicity than the free drug on MCF-7 cells. The flow cytometry cell cycle analysis showed more cytotoxicity of albumin nanoparticles in comparison with other groups. According to these results, it can be said that 5-FU loaded magnetic albumin nanoparticles were more effective and deserve further studies in the cancer treatment.
Keywords: Albumin magnetic nanoparticles, 5-fluorouracil, targeted drug delivery, MCF-7 cell line
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2019)
A survey of Braconinae wasps was conducted at five sites, represented by various agroecosystems, rangelands and forests in Western Iran (Hamadan province) during 2015−2016 with a series of light and Malaise traps. Fifteen species belonging to three genera (Bracon Fabricius, Glyptomorpha Holmgren and Pseudovipio Szépligeti) were identified, among them five species, viz. Bracon concavus Tobias, B. fumigidus Szépligeti, B. iskilipus Beyarslan & Tobias, B. moczari Papp and B. novus Szépligeti, were recorded for the first time from Iran. 15 species are new provincial records for Hamadan.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2016)
The effects of Pediiococcus acidilactici and Lactococcus lactis was evaluated on survival rate and some immunological parameters of L. vannamei during three months of cultivations. Treatments included control group, Pediococcus and Lactococcus treatments and probotic treatmentsfed at 1×109 cfu g-1. The results indicated that probiotics increased the survival rate (P<0.05). The best immune performance was shown in the probiotics treatments; phenoloxidase activity, proteins, and globulin hemolymph showed significant difference compared to the control treatment (P<0.05), whereas there were no significant influence on lysozyme activity (P≥0.05). In general, pediococcus treatment showed the best performance in enhancing the immune responses and survival rate.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2017)
Growth indices (WG and SGR), food (FCR) and protein efficiency (PER and PCE) of fingerling Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus,were evaluated in 3 synchronous examinations with 12 treatments in triplicates. Groups of control, canola meal (at rates of 25, 50, 75 and 100%), cottonseed meal (at rates of 15, 25, 35 and 45%), as the replacements of expensive protein sources (fish meal and soybean meal), and azolla (at rates of 13, 21 and 29% of diet) were studied. Growth indices, total food intake and protein intake of the control were the highest of all. They decreased with increase in plant protein in every group (p<0.05). FCR and protein efficiency indices didn’t show significant differences (p>0.05) between control and canola meal (at rates of 25 and 50%), cottonseed meal (at rates of 15, 25 and 35%) and azolla (at rates of 13 and 21%). Total food intake, protein consumption and growth indices decreased, because all plant protein ingredients were unpalatable. If the problem of palatability is solved, it seems that the expensive protein sources replace with canola meal and cottonseed meal at the rates of 50 and 35% respectively, and azolla can be used at the rate of 21% in diets.
Volume 6, Issue 8 (9-2021)
This component is more significant in the relationship between the humanities in general and history in particular with literature. This paper seeks to illustrate this convergence by comparing the metaphorical "Mass City" in the context of history and mythology.
The story of the city of the Mass is one of the tales quoted in thousand and One Nights and in addition to some of the works of Arab geographers, it also comes as a true historical text. The mission of Musa Ben Nassir to Africa, besides introducing historical events into the world of legends, also makes him a legendary figure. That's why he has two personality dimensions: Historical and legendary. As for the city of Mass, it is possible to make such an image. It is certain that every narrative and historical personality does not enter the legendary area. Therefore, the study intends to extract the legendary signs of the historical plan of the Moses mission to conquer the Maghreb and Andalusian lands, and examine it in the narrative of the city of Mass in one thousand and one nights. the result shows a series of factors such as the distinguished personality of Moses, the pretentiousness of the Maghreb and Andalusia, successive conquests and countless victories of spoils has changed the event and transmitted it quickly from the historical text to the legendary text. The method used in this descriptive-analytic study is based on the American Comparative Literature School.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (Summer 2022)
Aims: The purpose of this study was to examine the inter- and intra-rater reliability of corrective exercise specialist raters assessing movement and postural impairments of transient Low Back Pain (LBP) developers during Prolonged Standing Protocol (PSP) which called Pain Developers (PDs).
Method and Materials: Twenty-four subjects developing transient LBP during prolonged standing (9males, 15females) between 17-85 years of age, were examined by 2 corrective exercise specialists. In order to control the effect of repeated testing on intra-rater reliability, both raters assessed the subjects at the same time. To assess inter-rater reliability, one of the raters assessed the subjects one week later. Examination findings were recorded independently, without discussion. Inter- and intra-rater reliability were indexed by the percent of agreement and kappa coefficient.
Findings: Overall, the kappa values for intra- and inter-rater reliability of the items ranged from 0.12 - 0.86 and 62.5 - 1.00, respectively.
Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate these clinical test items as a reliable tool for corrective exercise specialists. They can reliably utilize these test items for identification of movement and alignment impairments that need to be modified in order to prevent the onset of LBP in in healthy-back PDs.
Volume 7, Issue 4 (Fall 2022)
Aims: Tightness of the hamstrings and hip flexors are two well-known disorders in people with Low Back Pain (LBP). According to the kinesiopathological model, these two disorders may have occurred before the onset of pain and may be predisposing factors for LBP. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of the tightness of these two muscles in men who were identified as prone to LBP through the Prolonged Standing Protocol (PSP).
Methods and Materials: This study was a descriptive comparative cross-sectional study in which the statistical population included men prone to LBP aged between 18 to 75 years. The criterion for identifying men prone to LBP was reporting at least 10 mm of pain on a 100 mm Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Thomas test was used to assess hip flexors muscles length. Straight Leg Raise (SLR) test was used to assess hamstring length.
Findings: The results of this study showed that hamstring tightness rate among men prone to LBP was 63% and hip flexor muscle tightness in this group was 35%. According to these results, hamstring tightness can be considered as a common disorder in men prone to LBP, and its identification as well as its correction in men can be one of the ways to LBP improvement.
Conclusion: Based on these results, it can be explained that hamstring tightness is one of the most common disorders in men prone to LBP, and its identifying and correcting in time, can prevent and improve LBP.
Volume 10, Issue 1 (Number 1 - 2008)
Knowledge of airflow resistance is an important consideration in designing an appro-priate ventilation system and for proper fan selection. An airflow resistance device was designed and fabricated to measure the airflow resistance of potatoes. The device the composed of an air compressor, a rotameter, a cylindrical bin to contain the potatoes and an inclined u-tube manometer. Airflow resistance of potatoes was measured as a relation-ship between the airflow rate and pressure drop per unit depth (Pa/m) at 12 airflow rates of 0.085 to 0.55 m3/s/m2. Two airflow resistance models, namely, Shedd’s and Hukill and Ives’, were fitted to measured data by using PROC NLIN of SAS. The effect of potato size below 120 g (small), at or above 120 g (large) and unsorted (mixed size), and bed depths of 25, 50, 75 and 100 cm of potatoes on resistance to airflow was determined. Results showed that the airflow resistance of small size potatoes for a 100 cm bed depth was 1.6 times higher than that for large size potatoes, and as the bed depth of potatoes was increased, the airflow resistance was increased.
Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2010)
This paper presents a finite element solution for the static analysis of a multi-layers beam with and without piezoelectric layers. The beam is under large deformation. The virtual work principle and the Lagrangian update method (LUM) have been employed to study the static behavior of piezoelectric beams. Four-nodes element with two displacement degrees of freedom and one electrical degree of freedom has been used in this analysis. Finally, in order to prove the validity of the presented formulation and the solving process, the results are compared with the other available data.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (Fall 2022)
Aims: COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy is a public health concern in the world. The present study aimed to determine the prevalence of vaccination hesitancy and its relevant factors using the health belief model among people in northeast Iran.
Instrument & Methods: The present cross-sectional study examined 626 people using convenience sampling. Data were collected through an online survey using a questionnaire based on the health belief model at intervals of 10 September 2021 and 15 October 2021. Data were analyzed by using SPSS 16.
Findings: Overall, 70.6% of the samples reported that they would use the vaccine for free after it becomes available. Health belief model constructs predicted 40% of the variance of vaccination behavioral intention. The results indicated that the perceived barriers were significantly related to using the vaccine, thereby reducing the probability of using the vaccine by 10% (Relative Risk Ratio=0.90, 95% CI: 0.82-0.99). Perceived benefits (Relative Risk Ratio =1.21, 95% CI: 1.11-1.32), perceived susceptibility (Relative Risk Ratio =1.54, 95% Cl: 1.23-1.92), and behavioral intention (Relative Risk Ratio =3.06, 95% CI: 2.23-4.20) had a significant relationship with the probability of using the vaccine.
Conclusion: About one-third of the participants had COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy. Interventions are necessary to increase compliance with vaccination, especially among people with low education levels. The health belief model constructs have a high power of predicting hesitancy and acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination and can be used in intervention programs.