Showing 93 results for Razavi
Volume 20, Issue 6 (12-2020)
The need to solve the complex, nonlinear, and variable problems grows with time. Conventional mathematical models perform linear and constant analysis effectively. Although techniques that work on a particular model, capable of analyzing complex nonlinear and time-varying problems, however, they also face some limitations. Combining these with other issues such as decision making, etc., has inspired the development of intelligent techniques such as fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and expert systems. Intelligent systems mainly employ a combination of these techniques to solve very complex problems. Although both fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks have been very successful in solving time-varying nonlinear problems, each has its own limitations which reduces their use in solve of many of these problems. The roof global ductility, is a comprehensive reflection of various engineering demand parameters (EDP), such as story-drift, plastic rotation at member ends, roof displacement, etc. Careful estimation of this parameter will certainly lead to greater accuracy in the design of structural members. One of the methods which establish a good estimate of the nonlinear seismic response is the using of EDP parameters and measuring the seismic intensity index. The main purpose of this paper is to establish an accurate intelligent model related to the geometrical characteristics of the structure, performance level, the behavior factor and global ductility in eccentrically steel frames, under earthquakes near-fault. For this purpose, genetic algorithm is used. Initially a wide database consisting of 12960 data with 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, 15- and 20- stories, 3 column stiffness types, and 3 brace slenderness types were designed, and analyzed under 20 pulse-type near-fault earthquakes for 4 different performance levels. To generate the proposed model, 6769 training data were used in the form of adaptive-neural fuzzy inference system(ANFIS). Subtractive clustering and FCM methods have been used to generate the purposed model. The results showed that Subtractive clustering provides more accurate results than the other FIS. To validate the proposed model, 2257 test data were used to calculate the mean squared error of the model. The proposed model is an intelligent model in the range of data used, and can be used to estimate the global roof ductility of EBFs. To evaluate the efficiency and performance of the model, correlation coefficient and common error calculation criteria including RMSE and MARE were used. The correlation coefficient for the Subtractive clustering method was 0.888, based on intelligent model in the test data. In the other hand, the developed intelligent model can be used as a precise alternative to prediction of (μR) for EBFs under near-earthquakes. To evaluate the model’s efficiently and accuracy, various error criteria including Error, Mean Error, RMSE, MARE% and R were used between model values and real values, in the test data. From the results of this study, it can be pointed out that, the developed intelligent model can be used as an accurate substitute method to predict the (μR) for EBF structures, under near-fault earthquakes. The results of correlation analysis of the proposed model show that the proposed intelligent model has high accuracy.
Volume 20, Issue 136 (June 2023)
The survival of probiotics in food products face various challenges during the production process. One of the emerging processes in the production of food products is 3D printing. The effect of this process on the viability of probiotics has not been studied so far. In this research, the effect of micro-encapsulation on cell viability during the process of 3D printing and cookie baking (based on waste from confectionery products) was investigated. First, the conditions for the production of micro-capsules were optimized by modulating the percentage of sodium alginate and calcium chloride solutions. Then, the effect of micro-encapsulation with different concentrations of micro-capsules (10, 5, 0% w/w) on the firmness of the dough texture was also investigated as an important factor in the printability of the dough. Finally, the cell viability was evaluated during the printing and baking process (150°C and 180°C for 10 minutes). The results of the microscopic images showed that with the increase in the concentration of sodium alginate and calcium chloride solution, the uniformity and sphericity of the micro-capsule increases. The efficiency of alginate-based micro-encapsulation in this method was 89.41%. The optimal concentration of micro-capsules in order to have the desired printability of baked dough, was reported as 5% w/w. Microencapsulation increased the survival rate of probiotics during 3D printing and baking. The survival percentage of microencapsulated probiotics (T2) after 3D printing and baking (150°C temperature) was 96.86% and 62.58%, respectively. Meanwhile, the survival percentage for the sample containing free cells (T1) was reported 60.77% and 43.05%, respectively. However, no viable probiotic cells were observed in both free and encapsulated cells conditions at 180°C.
Volume 20, Issue 137 (July 2023)
Honey has been in the interest of mankind for a long time due to its favorable nutritional, medicinal and organoleptic properties. The reputation, price and high demand for this complex matrix of nutrients with antioxidant properties have increased the possibility of adulteration. In this study, 12 samples of natural honey were collected from the farms of Mazandaran province, and their physicochemical and antioxidant properties were compared with 12 commercial honey samples purchased from market in Sari. Honey samples were compared in terms of pH, acidity, moisture, and ash content, electrical conductivity, hydroxymethyl furfural, sucrose content, glucose, fructose, fructose to glucose ratio, refractive index, viscosity, content of total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. The results showed that in terms of average pH, acidity, total phenol, moisture, electrical conductivity and ash, almost all natural and commercial samples were within the standard range. The sucrose content and hydroxymethylfurfural in none of the commercial samples was within the standard range. Only three natural honey samples had sucrose content less than 5%. Ten samples of natural honey had less than 40 % hydroxymethylfurfural. Although total reducing sugars in natural and commercial honey samples had no statistically significant difference (p<0.05), all of the natural honey samples and three commercial honey samples had fructose to glucose ratio higher than 0.9. Considering the lower quality of commercial honeys, it is suggested that the inspection organizations pay more attention to the production units of this product.
Volume 20, Issue 141 (November 2023)
In this study, the effect of ultrasound and temperature at three different levels—30, 50, and 70 °C on the amount of phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties of the extract obtained from the byproducts of three date byproducts—Kabkab, Mozafati, and Sayer were evaluated. In order to conduct a comprehensive assessment of antioxidant activities, three methods including DPPH and H2O2 radical scavenging activities, and ion chelating ability were employed. The Pierson analysis was used to examine the correlation between polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant activities. According to the results, the use of ultrasound treatment enhanced the amount of extracted polyphenols and flavonoids in all date varieties. Furthermore, the polyphenol and flavonoid contents were found to increase up to 50°C during extraction, but subsequently decreased. The highest amount of polyphenols and flavonoids was achieved using the ultrasound treatment in 50° C in Sayer variety, 4.64 ± 0.07 mg Gallic acid/g and 0.326 ± 0.0112 mg quercetin/g, respectively. DPPH and H2O2 radical scavenging activities were increased after ultrasound treatment at 50°C but then decreased (P<0.05). Maximum H2O2 scavenging activity was observed in Mozafati variety. The iron chelating ability decreased after extraction with ultrasound treatment at 30° C and then increased significantly (P<0.05) until reached the maximum amount of 40.433 ± 0.802% in Sayer variety. Results showed a strong correlation between polyphenols and flavonoids with antioxidant activities. Therefore, the antioxidant properties of the tested date byproducts are likely to derive from their polyphenolic content, making them an economical source of these bioactive compounds.
Volume 20, Issue 145 (March 2024)
The drying process is one of the methods of processing vegetables and fruits, helping to reduce the volume of the product, facilitate transportation, increase preservation ability, and reduce microbial activities. As a fast and effective heat source with thermal and non-thermal effects, microwaves can directly affect food and thus accelerate physicochemical reactions and drying rates, and produce high quality dried products. The purpose of this research is to use microwave pretreatment to increase the mass transfer rate in the drying process of carrot slices and to model the process using the genetic algorithm-artificial neural network method. In this study, the effects of microwave treatment time at five levels of 0, 15, 30, 45, and 60 seconds on the drying time and moisture content of carrot slices were investigated in three replications. This process was modeled using the genetic algorithm-artificial neural network method with 2 inputs (microwave processing time and drying process duration) and 1 output (moisture percentage). The results showed that by increasing the microwave treatment time, the rate of moisture removal from the samples increased and thus the drying time decreased. Different training algorithms were evaluated and the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm was chosen as the best algorithm. Based on modeling data analysis, the Perceptron artificial neural network with 2-5-1 structure is the most suitable network to predict the moisture content of microwaves-treated carrot slices. In this study, the values of mean squared error (MSE), normalized mean squared error (NMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and correlation coefficient (r) for predicting the moisture content of carrot slices during drying process were equal to 5.298, 0.006, 1.650, and 0.997, respectively. The results of the optimal neural network sensitivity analysis showed that the drying process duration was the most effective factor in predicting the moisture content of carrot slices.
Volume 21, Issue 2 (3-2019)
In this study, two widely used artificial intelligence techniques, i.e. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), were applied for global solar radiation (GSR) prediction in Isfahan Province, Iran. Different sets of meteorological data were used as inputs to specify the best set of inputs. Relative humidity and precipitation had an unfavorable effect on radiation prediction, while the number of days, sunshine duration, minimum temperature, maximum temperature, daylight hours and clear-sky radiation were effective parameters to determine GSR. Using the mentioned parameters as inputs, 6-5-1 architecture had the best performance without overtraining. In ANFIS models, ' triangular-shaped' had the highest performance amongst different types of membership functions. Resulted correlation coefficients and errors showed that ANN was generally better than ANFIS for this purpose.
Volume 21, Issue 150 (August 2024)
The study was conducted exploit the proteins of the pods of some types of plants, such as Prosopis juliflora pods, that are considered by-products in many countries and considered a good source of protein in the preparation of protein hydrolysers and evaluating their effect on inhibiting brown discoloration of apple slices and compared with anti-browning agents (ascorbic acid, acetic acid, and sodium chloride) when stored in the refrigerator for 0, 5 and 8 days. The chemical composition of the moisture, protein, fat, ash, and carbohydrate of the P. juliflora pods was estimated, then the hydrolysis process was carried out using the enzymes trypsin and papain for 300 minutes. Amino acids and FTIR analysis of protein hydrolysates were determined. Significant changes (p≤0.05) in pH, total soluble solids, and non-significant changes in titration acidity of apple slices treated with protein hydrolysis and anti-browning agents were studied and significantly decreased (p≤0.05) in the activity of polyphenol oxidase until the end of the storage. The brown coloration decreased when treated with protein hydrolysates compared to other treatments, but non-significant changes. As a result, apple slices can be preserved with protein hydrolysers for several days in the refrigerator.
Volume 21, Issue 157 (March 2025)
The purpose of this research was to study the inhibitory effect of different levels of black seed ethanol extract on the growth of mold in lactic cheese. For this purpose, first, one kilogram slices of ready-made cheese and different concentrations of the extract (including: 0, 1, 2 and 3%) were taken. added to them. The physicochemical, textural and sensory characteristics of the samples were evaluated on days 1, 15, 30, 45 and 60. The results indicated an increase in the pH of the samples compared to the control sample. The amount of moisture in the samples first decreased and then increased during storage. The results related to cheese texture hardness showed that the highest and lowest texture hardness was related to 0, 1, 2, and 3 percent extracts on the 60th day and the control sample on the first day, respectively. Also, the highest amount of elasticity was found in the sample of 3% black seed extract on the 60th day and the lowest amount in the control sample on the first day.There was a significant difference in the amount of phenolic compounds in cheese samples with black seed extract compared to the control sample (P<0.05). Examination of microbial characteristics showed that mold and yeast counts were negative in all samples.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (Spring 2018)
Comparative advertising is one of the current methods of advertising goods and services. This method has been established Based on comparing products and services in the essential characteristics such as quality, raw materials, the effectiveness of the product or external elements such as price and warranty period. Comparison can be either explicit by mentioning the name and trademark of a competitor or it can only imply the comparison with other trademark. Different approaches have been adopted in different legal systems in relation to this phenomenon because on the one hand, comparative advertising can be effective in informing consumers and protecting their rights, and on the other hand it may overshadow the rights of other competitors. At first it was the French lawyers and their jurisprudence, that according to the general rules of civil liability and prohibition of misleading advertising Law, consider the comparative advertising as an example of unfair competition and so it was prohibited and punishable. However, eventually french Laws have been reformed and the this kind of advertising – by adapting some legal requirements- became legitimate. in European ::union:: comparative advertising had a similar story and after the ban, eventually with the guidelines issued by the European authorities, in compliance with the limits and conditions set forth in the guidelines, was legitimate. In Iranian Law and Islamic jurisprudence, there is no specific rules on this matter, but according to the general rules of Islamic jurisprudence, comparative advertising can be accepted as a legitimate method of conduct.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (3-2022)
Due to the significant advantages of the performance-based seismic design method, such as the possibility of determining the possible damage and financial and human losses of residents and neighbors of the structure, this method has been widely welcomed. However, since this method requires more sophisticated analysis than conventional force methods, sometimes the simple force method is preferred by some professional engineers. The main purpose of this article is to combine the two methods of force-based and performance-based and to develop a hybrid method in order to use the advantages of both this regard, frames with 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 20 story with 3 bays with a width of 5 meters have been considered. The length of the link beam is defined as another parameter affecting the response, 1, 1.75 and 2.50 meters. The studied models have been developed by designing the method of load and resistance factor design method, for 3 performance levels of immediate occupancy, life safety and collapse prevention, as well as the first occurrence of the plastic joint. The final models are analyzed under 20 pulse-type near-fault records using time history analysis. To generate the expected database, 12,960 time history analyzes were performed based on an incremental dynamic analysis platform. In this regard, a unique frame is continuously and repeatedly affected by a single accelerometer by multiplying the accelerometer by an SF coefficient. In each iteration, the maximum displacement in the frame is compared to the target range of ASCE41-13 code. The analysis operation is continued until the expected numbers are reached and then stopped. For each of the frames, 4 different acceptance levels are defined to consider different performance levels. Finally, using the genetic algorithm, the corresponding experimental relationships are presented to determine the behavior factor, local and global ductility. The proposed relationships are influenced by geometric characteristics such as the number of stories, the stiffness ratio of the columns, the slenderness of the braces, the length of the beam and the ductility levels. The first ambiguous issue that has been less mentioned in previous research is the use of near-fault field records in the development of a hybrid functional seismic design method. After generating 12960 data from an innovative time history analysis, two intelligent adaptive neural-fuzzy models have been used to calculate the coefficient of behavior and ductility of the structure. In order to create the best and most accurate model, Fuzzy C-Mean clustering (FCM) and Subtracting clustering methods have been used. Based on the results, the model created based on Subtracting clustering provides more accurate results than the other model. The results of hybrid seismic design in comparison with the force method and equivalent time history show the acceptable accuracy of the method introduced in the field of hypotheses. The obvious advantage of using a hybrid seismic design method compared to force methods is the possibility of selecting an expected performance level, which leads to design control and more accurate estimation of response values of quantities such as global ductility, local ductility, inter-story drift
Volume 22, Issue 4 (Winter 2019)
The game theory an interdependent decision-making theory in which, decision-makers have conflicting preferences and the outcome of their decisions cannot be determined by one party or actor alone. The roots of this theory is derive from the decision theory (Samsura, Van der Krabben, & Van Deemen, 2010: 565). However, there is a clear distinction i.e. the decision theory usually analyses decision-making processes from the one player’s point of view, while the game theory emphasizes its analysis through the interaction among many players. Since the game theory focuses on situations in which interactions and interdependency play a role, it can be seen as an extension of the decision theory (Samsura et al., 2010: 564). In other words, the game theory, or the so-called ‘‘interactive decision theory’’, is derived from the decision theory (Tan, Liu, Zhou, Jiao, & Tang, 2015: 17).
The term ‘game theory’ stems from the resemblance of collective decision-making situations to well-known parlor games like chess, poker, and monopoly (Aumann, 1989). Because of its focus on conflicting preferences, the game theory is often defined as a theory of conflict. Aumann has even referred it as ‘Interaction Decision Theory’, since this accurately describes the content and focus of the theory (Samsura et al., 2010: 656).
The game theory is a powerful tool in understanding the relationships that are made and broken in the course of competition and cooperation. It has been widely used in the fields of natural and social sciences, especially in economics after the 1920s, with the groundbreaking work of Von Neumann and Morgenstern (1944), which is considered as ‘‘the classic work upon which the modern-day game theory is based’’(Von Neumann & Morgenstern, 2007: 14). The increased interest in the game theory among social scientists is partly due to the fact that it can solve social problems through finding out optimal solutions in a conflict situation (Tan et al., 2015: 17).
Since then, the game theory has been profoundly influencing other fields in natural sciences, such as biology, physics, and computer science, as well as social sciences, including anthropology, psychology, sociology, politics, and philosophy. The increased attention to this theory especially in social sciences is based on the idea that it can provide solid micro-foundations for the study of collective decision-making processes and structures and social change (Samsura et al., 2010: 565). Urban planning and, in particular, metropolitan and urban management is also one of the branches of social sciences in which the proposed theory is capable of playing a vital role. As such, the present study seeks to answer the following questions
- How is the narrative of the game between actors of urban management field producing and reproducing?
- What are the most likely possible outcomes and remedies of the current situation?
The problem structuring methods, among new approaches to operations research, believe that the most important step in solving a problem is to identify it. As such, they try their best to investigate the problem by identifying various factors, revealing and hidden relationships between them, and avoiding simplicity and unrealization. Since the game theory is one of the most important of these methods, the present research applies it to introduce and describe the gaming in the field of metropolitan management. By completing the initial assumptions, analysis and determination of the stable status is done using the GMCR+ software.
Results and Discussion
In the first step, people active in managing metropolitan areas are identified and categorized into four main groups: state-government institutions, public-government institutions, public institutions and private sector institutions. Thereafter, alternative metropolitan management actors are listed and finalized with initial reviews and their limitations. In real terms, all theoretical situations and conditions of games (i.e. 512 games) are not possible, and limitations make it to reduce the possible status. The final step in the field of game modeling is to determine priorities and possible preferences for each actor, for which, the prioritization of alternatives was used. The model analysis is based on the stability and balance of the actors. Based on the results of 24 statuses, 4 are equilibrium and 2 statuses are semi-stable.
The results show that there are 24 statuses, 4 equilibrium statuses, and 2 semi-stable statuses among different mode of actions in the areas of metropolitan area management. Status 15 is considered as the most stable one. Based on Nash Equilibrium (R), General Metarationality (GMR), Symmetric Metarationality (SMR), Sequential Stability (SEQ), Limited-move Stability (LM), and Non- myopic Stability (NM) all actors are most beneficial. State-government actors with structural reforms, gradual changes and the necessity of reviewing laws and regulations, as well as recognizing the concept of metropolitan area with respect to political divisions of the country, can provide a structure and an effective state for managing metropolitan areas. Public-government actors can help improve the current state of affairs by facilitating and organizing structural reforms or setting up a regional metropolitan management council. This should be done by removing the weak horizontal interactions among stakeholders in metropolitan region and unhealthy competitions of cities and settlements located in the metropolitan region. People's institutions can also play an active role in managing metropolitan areas with their attempt to participate and influence the management. Furthermore, the principle of confidence as a link between social elements that makes social capital essential, and this can be achieved through decentralizing and distributing powers among all actors and stakeholders.
Volume 22, Issue 159 (May 2025)
Pectin as a hydrocolloid located in the cell wall of plants can be a secondary product in food industry processing. Canola after de-oiling has high amounts of pectin. To extract pectin from rapeseed meal, the comparison method of enzymatic hydrolysis extraction was used with and without the presence of microwaves (with power of 600 W at three times 1, 3, and 5 minutes). The effect of microwave irradiation time on extraction performance and physicochemical and mechanical characteristics of extracted pectin was investigated. Physical, mechanical, and chemical characteristics showed that the presence of the microwave process improved the functional properties of the extracted pectin and facilitated the extraction process (p<0.5). The highest yield of pectin extraction was 9.1% (W/W) in 5 minutes of radiation with 600 W power in the microwave-assisted process with 600 W power. This auxiliary process affected the degree of esterification and galacturonic acid content of pectin so that it can form a gel in the presence of low sugar amounts and is suitable in diet products. The content of galacturonic acid in all samples was higher than 60%, which indicates a high gel formation capacity. Pectin extracted during 5 minutes of microwave irradiation with 600 W power presented the best characteristics with the maximum content of galacturonic acid (76.51%), the highest emulsifying activity (58.01%), and emulsion stability (95.03%). The presence of the microwave-assisted process reduced the surface tension values of the pectin aqueous solution (43.11% in 5 minutes of irradiation) and affected and improved the foaming capacity of pectin (the highest value in 5 minutes of irradiation was 84.13%). Irradiation during microwave time caused significant changes in pectin properties, such as intrinsic viscosity, mean viscosity, and water holding capacity, to form a higher-quality gel.
Volume 31, Issue 1 (1-2024)
The term “free zone” refers to designated areas in which companies are taxed very lightly and it enhances global market presence by attracting new business and foreign investments. For over a century, governments around the world have sought to boost and exploit the economic power of their particular regions and zones by designating them as “special” or “free” economic zones. The trend of establishing such zones or areas have gained momentum in the last four or five decades with countries accounting for small businesses and millions of direct or indirect jobs. The Middle East, especially the countries in the Persian Gulf, for some and other reasons, have particularly embarked on such a trend. The current paper tries to highlight benefits and challenges faced by free trade zones in Iran, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, taking into account recent global financial crises.