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Showing 93 results for Razavi

Volume 16, Issue 92 (october 2019)

Apples are an important source of polyphenols in the human diet and the consumption of this fruit has been linked to the prevention of degenerative diseases. This study deliberation of the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of some cultivars of apples cultivated in Zanjan province were measured as a suitable strategy for their evaluation in 2017. The total phenol content, total flavonoid, anthocyanin, chlorophyll, carotenoid, antioxidant properties, pectin, soluble solids, total acid and flavor index in the skin and pomace of nine apple cultivars (Malus domastica) including "Top Red", "Granny Smith", "Dellbar Stewal", "Golden Primorz", "Idared", "Red Delecious", "Red Starking", "Jonagold" and "Golden Delicious" were evaluated and clustered. According to the cluster analysis based on the accumulation of phenolic substances in the skin of fruits, there was no significant difference between Granny Smith and Red Delecious cultivars and had at least a significant difference with Top Red. The results showed that the amount of phenolic compounds in fruit skin was higher than pomace, and the amount of these compounds were distinct in various cultivars. The highest amount of total phenol, chlorophyll, carotenoid, flavonoids and anthocyanin was measured in fruit skin. As the final result, the highest amount of skin phenol (6.4, pectin (2.31%), skin chlorophyll (80.82 mg.g-1) and antioxidant properties (83.73%) were observed in Granny Smith variety compared to the others.

Volume 17, Issue 1 (1-2015)

Saturated fat consumption increases the risk of both coronary and cancer diseases. Therefore, fat reduction in UF-Feta cheese (≈ 45% FDM) is favorable but, unfortunately, it has some negative effects on the texture and sensory characteristics of the cheese. In this research, response surface methodology was employed to study the probably improving effects of WPC80 (0-20 gr kg-1), lecithin (0-2 gr kg-1) and a mixture of xanthan and guar (0-1 gr kg-1) on sensory and instrumental texture characteristics of low-fat UF-Feta cheese made from 6% fat retentate. Lecithin and xanthan-guar had positive and WPC80 had negative effects on hardness, chewiness, and gumminess of the cheeses. Furthermore, results showed lecithin had negative effects on taste, acceptance, and appearance and positive effects on sensory texture. The taste was improved by WPC and xanthan-guar enhanced sensory texture and acceptance scores. Finally, multiple response optimization method was used to determine optimized formula of low-fat cheese (19.47 gr kg-1 WPC80, 0.5 gr kg-1 xanthan-guar and 0.13 gr kg-1 lecithin). A cheese sample produced based on optimized formula and full fat cheese had similar sensory and instrumental texture.

Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2017)

In this paper, minimum-time low-thrust planar orbit transfer problem is solved by fuzzy optimal control. Trajectory dynamic restricting assumptions and using analytical averaging method, the governing equations of orbit transfer problem in its desired form with constant acceleration magnitude is achieved. Then, using Euler discretization method, the whole differential dynamic equations, performance function and transversality conditions are represented in a discrete form. Calling membership function concept of fuzzy environment, this algorithm transfers classical optimal control including performance index and trajectory transversality conditions associated with uncertanities to fuzzy environment. Thereafter, introducing slack variables all the inequalities change to equality conditions. Applying Bellman-Zadeh approach, optimal control problem turns to parameter optimization problem which then is solved by Lagrange multipliers technique. Finally, solving the set of nonlinear algebraic equations made by optimality necessary conditions simultaneously is achieved by nonlinear programming method. Numerical fuzzy optimal control results are validated with available analytical results which show the priorities of this method in orbit transfer trajectory optimization in presence of uncertainities. FOC approach is categorized into direct methods for solving optimal control problems, while it is far from their defects e.g. curse of dimensionality and burdensome computational load so that it applies fuzzy approach and expert knowledge to simply solve the problems.

Volume 17, Issue 2 (6-2014)

Objective: Infectious microorganisms are major sources of illness and death worldwide, and the leading cause of death in neonates. Effective vaccination of this age group is of particular importance. The lack of a response and greater susceptibility to tolerance are two major features that limit the effectiveness of vaccines in neonates. In this study we compare the cellular immune response generated following antigen injections at different times of life in newborn mice to that of adult mice. Methods: Adult and different age neonate mice were vaccinated with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). One week after the last injection, cellular immunity was assayed on spleen cells that targeted EL4 infected cells using lactate dehydrogenase cytotoxicity assay. Results: Antigen injection induced a decreased immune response in newborn mice compared with mice that had been immunized with subsequent injections.  In the adult group, due to the evolution of the immune system, we observed a stronger immune response. Conclusion: Immunization of newborn mice may induce a reduced response when compared to adult vaccinations. However this can be corrected by the administration of additional booster doses.

Volume 17, Issue 3 (Fall 2013)

The geography of elections is one of the branches of the political geography, which studies the aspects of the geography of elections such as spatial organization of elections, spatial diversity in voting patterns and the impact of spatial and environmental factors in the voters’ decisions. The factors that influence elective decision making conditionally, geographically and spatially are extensive. One of the factors that is able to influence the extent of voting of the people in many countries is the types of the people's ethnicity. The neighborhood phenomenon is a significant factor in the political behavior of citizens and also in creation of the spatial patterns of elections. It means that the residents of a particular place (local area, town, city, and province) make sympathy with the candidate who was born in that place, so people think that this candidate can understand their problems well. Therefore, people vote in favor of him. This survey examines the role of neighborhood ness in the voting patterns of Iran’s tenth presidential elections. The method of this research is descriptive-analytic. In order to explain the subject, the GIS software was used for drawing the elective maps. The results of this study showed that neighborhood need had a significant impact in the 10th presidential elections’ voting patterns.    

Volume 17, Issue 12 (2-2018)

In this study a novel solution method for dynamic analysis of clamped-free shape memory alloy beams is presented. It is assumed that the beam is entirely made of shape memory alloy. Based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory the governing equations of motion and corresponding boundary conditions are derived by using extended Hamilton principle. In the derived PDEs the transformation strain is behaved as external force that changes with time and position. The Galrkin approach is employed to convert PDEs to ODE system equations of motion. The derived equations of motion are solved by using Newmark integration method. The shape memory alloy constitutive model that presented by Souza is applied for specifying the phase of material all over beam. The transformation strain as internal variable that is coupled with states of equations of motion is identified in every time and every position of beam by using return map algorithm. A parametric study on the control variables has been adopted and the results of parametric study are discussed. The results show that the hysteresis damping is increased by increasing the operating temperature. Moreover the damping of system is faster by increasing the initial displacement in free vibration.

Volume 17, Issue 103 (September 2020)

As one of the most important nuts, hazelnut (Corylus avellana L. ) contain a valuable set of antioxidants and nutrients. The quality of hazelnut kernel was strongly affected by kernel compounds. The antioxidant capacity and biochemical compounds depends more on the cultivar, climatic conditions and the interaction between climatic conditions and genotypes. The present study was conducted to determine the quality properties including vitamin C, antioxidant activity, total phenol, flavonoid and mineral element in 11 cultivars and genotypes included seven imported cultivars (Ronde dupimont, Negreta, Segorbe, Sivri, Morfineski, Fertile decotard and Sochi), and four local Iranian genotypes (Eshkevar1, Eshkevar2, Eshkevar3 and Eshkevar 4) in the Rudsar Eshkevarat region in 2017. Analysis of variance results were showed that there was significant difference (P≤0. 01) among examined cultivars for all characters and showed high genetic variation in all of the studied cultivars. Correlation analysis showed the existence of significant positive and negative correlation among some important traits. According to the cluster analysis dendrogram performed by "Ward" method, cultivar and genotypes of hazelnut in Euclidian distance 27 were classified into four clusters.

Volume 17, Issue 104 (October 2020)

Kaymak or Sarshir, a traditional dairy product, is served in Iranian breakfast. The aim of this study was to investigate the fatty acids profile, physicochemical properties (texture, color, pH, acidity, the content of dry matter, fat and protein) and organoleptic aspects of Gilanvand and Dalirankaymaks in comparison to the heavy cream. To study more closely the texture and appearance differences of these products, scanning electron microscope (SEM) images were also prepared. The obtained results showed that the contents of fat and dry matter in heavy cream were higher than the kaymaks; however, Gilanvandkaymak had the highest protein content, acidity, and b*-value. Based on the study of the fatty acids profile, palmitic acid and cis-oleic acid were recognized as the most dominated saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, respectively. Microstructural analysis of SEM revealed that the structure of the protein in the fat field was compact, irregular and abundant in Gilanvandkaymak which influenced the product properties. The hardness, gumminess, and adhesiveness of the heavy cream were highest in comparison to the kaymaks. The Gilamvandkaymak obtained higher scores in evaluating the taste and total acceptance. In conclusion, it can be mentioned that the Gilamvandkaymak will have high potential in marketability by considering its higher protein content as well as total acceptance.

Volume 18, Issue 2 (3-2016)

Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides s. l. is one of the most important diseases of citrus in northern Iran. To study the genetic structure of C. gloeosporioides s. l. from citrusspp., infected samples were collected from three citrus cultivating regions of northern Iran, during the summer of 2009. Fifty one monoconidial isolates were used as the objective of REP- and BOX-PCR fingerprintings. Eight fingerprinting groups were observed in the constructed phenogram. The largest proportion (94.37%) of total genetic diversity (Ht) was attributed to diversity within populations (Hs). Estimates of Nei’s genetic similarity and distances exhibited the high level of similarity among three populations. The value of gene flow, NM= 8.4, indicates that there is low limitation to gene flow among these geographically distant populations, which make these groups genetically homogenous. The results indicate that the three geographic populations are not developing independently and can be part of a Mega-population. Forty three isolates were divided into 19 groups in the phenogram constructed by combination of morphological characteristics data. Estimation of correlation between morphologic and rep-PCR matrixes indicated a weak and non-significant correlation between morphology and rep-PCR haplotypes (r= 0.2, P= 0.992). Fifty one isolates were examined to clarify their sexual behavior. Eight isolates were identified as homothallic and 14 successful outcrosses were observed among self-sterile isolates.

Volume 18, Issue 2 (4-2018)

One of the important ways for improving performance of diesel engines is selecting of a proper and efficient fuel injection pattern. In this study six different patterns of fuel injection have been considered and performance of a diesel engine by using these patterns of fuel injection have been investigate numerically by employing AVL Fire. An annulus nozzle have been consider for the fuel injection system. It is expected that considering an annulus nozzle lead to increase of spry cone angle and proper distribution of the fuel inside the combustion chamber. Results show that employing proper and efficient patterns of fuel injection lead to increase of engine power and decrease of exhaust pollutants gases. Results also show that by employing a quasi-triangle fuel injection pattern, the diesel engine has better performance in competition with the case of using a constant fuel injection. It is found that by employing a quasi-triangle pattern of fuel injection, SFC reduces to 0.2043 kg/kJ, while the engine power increased by 27.5% and the magnitude of NO increases slightly. In the case of employing a constant-decreasing fuel injection pattern, the magnitude of SFC reduces to 0.2029kg/kJ whereas the magnitude of NO increases in comparison with the case of using constant fuel injection pattern. Numerical results show that by employing a constant-increasing pattern of fuel injection, the engine power is approximately equal to the engine’s power in the case of using a constant fuel injection pattern. But in this case the magnitude of NO reduces considerably.

Volume 18, Issue 6 (10-2018)

Present study proposes a new multidimensional artificially characteristic-based (MACB) scheme for simulation of combined convection flows. Multidimensional characteristic structure for energy propagation in incompressible flow is derived for the first time. Four pseudo-waves are selected and equations are discretized along them to observe the physical behavior of domain. Viscous fluxes are computed by variables derivatives at the cell interfaces and for time discretization, a 4th-order Runge-Kutta method was used. According to the new scheme, two-dimensional flow with heat transfer in a square cavity and forced convection around a circular cylinder are solved for a wide range of Reynolds and Grashof numbers. Also, for comparison purposes, the CB scheme with averaging for energy equation is used. It was found that MACB has remarkable faster convergence in comparison with CB scheme and averaging methods. Also, by using MACB scheme, maximum permissible CFL number can be increased 80 percent in comparison to CB scheme. At higher Richardson numbers, the conventional flux averaging was failed to converge properly while MACB scheme presents the most rapid convergence. The computed results of MACB scheme are in good agreement with the benchmark solutions.

Volume 18, Issue 7 (Supplementary Issue - 2016)

Acrylamide as a possible carcinogenic compound is known to produce in heated carbohydrate-rich food such as bread. In this study, the effect of the fermentation process by four Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and yeaston an industrial scale, was studied on acrylamide reduction in bread. Results showed that the flour specifications and the kind of microorganisms in the fermentation process are important factors for acrylamide formation in bread. Acrylamide content in control bread which is fermented by yeast, containing the highest amount of reducing saccharides was found to be the highest (239.12 µg kg-1). Fermentation by LAB and yeast reduced acrylamide formation. Fermented bread with Lactobacillus paracasei showed the lowest amount of acrylamide (131.06 µg kg-1) due to its lower pH of sourdough (3.51) and glucose content (5.44 mg g-1). Bread leavened with lactic acid bacteria starters had the softest texture to yeast starter. The addition of sourdough starters with mean pH 3.56 decreased the pH of bread, causing enhancement of the texture and sensory properties, as well as reduction of acrylamide. The sourdough bread, especially fermented bread by L. paracasei had the lowest amount of acrylamide and softest texture during three days.

Volume 18, Issue 112 (May 2021)

The aim of this research is to evaluate the effects of Balangu Shirazi seed gum (BSSG) (0.3, 0.4, 0.5 %) and whey protein concentrate (WPC) (0, 2.5, 5 %) as fat replacers at different concentration levels on the textural, physical and sensory properties of nonfat ice cream (0.4 % fat) in comparison with control sample (10 % fat). All samples exhibited typical shear thinning behavior. The removal of fat resulted in some defects which improved by using BSSG and WPC. By increasing the concentration of selected fat replacers, hardness (30.93-98.40 g), creaminess (2.6-4.6), and sensory acceptance (4.3-5.8) increased, and the melting rate (0.61-1.10 g/min) and coarseness (2.6-6.3) decreased.

Volume 18, Issue 112 (May 2021)

The gums extracted from different sources have different functional and rheological properties compared to each other, and the extraction conditions have significant effects on these properties. Therefore, the study on the method of extraction and optimization of new sources of gums, due to different gum behaviors towards each other, has become more important. In this study, the optimization of extraction conditions for glucomannan of Eremurus Luteus powder (Serish) as a new source of hydrocolloid has been studied. For this purpose, the effect of temperature (30-80°C), water-to-solid ratio (50-100%) and time (1-4 hours) on the extraction yield, apparent viscosity, and solubility were optimized using the response surface methodology. The results showed that the quadratic model is the best model to describe the data. The optimized conditions were temperature of 79°C, water to solids ratio of 98.3 to 1 and extraction time of 3 hours and 12 minutes. Under these conditions, the apparent viscosity of 250 mPa.s, solubility of 53.99% and extraction yield of 72.43% were obtained. The results of chemical composition analysis showed that the optimal sample based on dry weight had 86.25% carbohydrates, 6.22% (protein), 6.13% (moisture) and 4.17% (ash). The results of monosaccharide analysis showed that in Eremurus root gum, the ratio of glucose to mannose was 1.1 to 1 and belonged to the glucomannan family.

Volume 18, Issue 116 (October 2021)

In this study, the effect of low methoxyl pectin addition oi the three levels including 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6% on the structural properties of cream with 45% fat globules was investigated. Structural study of the dispersed phase was performed using particle size distribution method and the morphological properties evaluated by optical microscopic images. The results show the effectiveness of low methoxyl pectin on the size distribution of fat globules in the cream. The mean volume-surface of ​​fat globules in pectin-free cream increased from 2.28 to 4.65 μm in the sample with 0.6% low methoxyl pectin. Optical microscopic images demonstrated the morphological of fat globules change from spherical and solitary to the agglomerated form. On the other hand, increasing of low methoxyl pectin levels caused to increase the irregularity of particles size distribution in the images obtained from microscopic observation. Fractal dimension was calculated as an indicator for complexity quantification based on microscopic images. An increase in fractal parameter observed with increasing levels of low methoxyl pectin in the cream. On the other hand, a relationship with high coefficient of determination was observed between the changes in particle size and fractal dimension.

Volume 18, Issue 118 (December 2021)

Nowadays, the use of natural antioxidants to increase the shelf life of foods has increased. In this study, kiwifruit peel extract was obtained by probe sonication at two intensities of 50 and 80% and ultrasonic bath. The free phenolic of bath ultrasound (265.88 mg/g), and bonded phenol in two intensities 50% (60.36 mg /g) and 80% (63.83 mg/g) had antioxidant activity in DPPH free radical scavenging method. Nano-encapsulated phenolic compound was performed using garden cress seed gum. All three nano-encapsulated phenols had nanometer size (146.5-172.3 nm) and negative zeta potential. In order to compare the antioxidant activity of free and bonded phenolic compounds nano-encapsulated phenols at 800 ppm and synthetic antioxidant TBHQ at 100 ppm were added to soybean oil without antioxidant. The samples were stored at 60 ° C for 40 days and tests were performed on the samples for 8 days intervals. The results showed that with increasing storage time, the amount of release and sedimentation of phenolic compounds increased. Oxidation of oil increased with storage time. The lowest and highest oxidation rates were observed in TBHQ and control samples, respectively. The use of bonded phenol at 80% intensity due to no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) with the sample containing synthetic antioxidant can be used as a natural antioxidant to extend the shelf life of the oil.

Volume 19, Issue 4 (Winter 2016)

With an increasing population growth and subsequent physical expansion of cities and their tendency toward consumerism, waste generation and disposal of solid waste have increased and this non-normative and non-professional disposal has left deleterious effects of the environment. and far to reduce the quality of the urban environment has led. In Ardebil, the current location of waste disposal is in its north, i.e. the east side of Ardebil- Meshkinshar road. The present study is an attempt to analyze land suitability of the site with its current situation using a descriptive- analytical approach. It proposes an optimal location for the disposal of solid waste. Based on library studies and field observations, the parameters affecting the subject of the research were determined and the research criteria maps were produced using the Arcgis 10.2 software. All these effective parameters were evaluated and standardized using Fuzzy membership and Fuzzy overlay functions; therefore, all Layers were combined by taking advantage of fuzzy overlapping method. After overlapping the criteria maps in the software environment, the obtained results showed that locating the current landfill has not been in compliance with the standards. Hence, the optimal place to locate the landfill was proposed at 32 km southwest of Ardebil city

Volume 19, Issue 8 (August 2019)

In this study, the mechanical properties of one of the most widely used polymeric biomaterials in the body called Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) in the porous state were evaluated. Firstly, the initial regular porous structures, based on the tetrahedron-catheter model known as Kelvin model, were designed for simulating bone tissue, using 3D design software with FDM technique. Afterwards, pressure test was used to determine the mechanical properties and mode of failure. Finally, experimental results were compared with the simulation software analysis results. The results showed that increasing the porosity reduces the strength and the increasing the cell size in a constant porosity results in increased compressive strength. Also, by decreasing the porosity, the amount of the strain up to fracture increases in a relatively constant stress. The brittle failure at 45° in the samples of high porosity was shown. However, the samples with a lower porosity had a relative ductile behavior and as the pressure rises, the cells accumulate on each other and change the form to the fracture point. Comparing the empirical and the simulation results showed that there is a good agreement between them and the simulation model has a high reliability for the porous model.

Volume 19, Issue 126 (August 2022)

Phycocyanin is a pigment extracted from Spirulina platensis and can be a good alternative to synthetic dyes in various industries, including the food industry.The aim of this study was to evaluate the type and composition of coatings in the stability of phycocyanin pigment by spray dryer. Phycocyanin pigment solution was copigmented with tannic acid and mixed with maltodextrin and gum arabic in ratios (100: 0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0: 100) gum arabic: maltodextrin and core to wall ratio 10: 1 were coated. The results showed that pigment coating has a significant effect on its stability, so that the analysis of variance comparing the average of the treatment containing 100% and 75% maltodextrin in the coating with the lowest amount of pigment absorption with values of 12.3 and 14.5 respectively. Examination of the electron microscope showed that the microcapsules contained higher amounts of maltodextrin, sphericals with a smoother surface and less wrinkles than the microcapsules made with gum arabic. Also, the particle size results showed that the powder samples containing maltodextrin were larger than the samples with gum arabic, which were 50.5 and 41.3 nm, respectively.

Volume 19, Issue 130 (December 2022)

In this study, the effect of the interaction between WPC and OSAS in aqueous solution (at total biopolymer concentration 1% w/w) as function of pH (3, 4, 5, 6) and ratio (1:2, 1:1 and 2:1) on the foaming properties (bubble size, foaming capacity and foam stability) was investigated. Smaller bubbles size showed more foam stability. Lowest bubbles size was observed at 1:1 and pH 4 (226.52 µm) and statistical difference between pure WPC (396.15 µm) and WPC-OSAS complex solutions at this pH was significant. Maximum foaming capacity was observed at ratio 1:1 and pH 3 (%186.33) and maximum foam stability was calculated at 1:2 WPC: OSAS and pH 4 (%83.27) and there was significant statistical difference with control sample (WPC solution) (%50.74). This research showed that electrostatic interaction between WPC and OSAS can be used as an effective method for improving foaming capacity and foam stability of WPC at low concentrations.

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