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Volume 9, Issue 1 (12-2017)

The power which had been presented by the Chingiz and the active participation of tribal leaders in the early 7th century AH / 13th was military-essence power. The military forces were the main basis of Mongols power and reformations which Chingiz reformed to political and legal fields obviously had military effects. War was a common event among Mongols and depredation considered as significant method to supply economic demands. The mention point caused that military powers increase their influence and Mongols power mainly be military-structured in colonial areas.
In addition Ilkhanids government was military-essence and military aristocracy has special influence, particularly in first decades of their governing. These military aristocracies that tend to irregular approaches in political and economic subjects had kept his influence till Ilkhanids fall. The Position of the military aristocracy and its influence on structure of Ilkhanids government, as traditional economy changed to modern one, by paying attention to their position in pre-Ilkhanids era is subject which this essay will survey that by descriptive and analytical approach.

Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)

Introduction: Growth hormone is a non-glycosylated polypeptide strand of the pituitary glands of all vertebrates that has a wide range of biological activities and considering the importance of this hormone and its importance and diverse therapeutic applications in medicine, its recombinant production can be of great importance. In recent decades, protein engineering and genetic engineering have resulted in a high level of expression and production of this protein in a variety of hosts, including Escherichia coli bacteria using new techniques and methodes, hormone purification and assay are carried out easily. Therefore, the aim of this review was to investigate the production of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) and future challenges.
Conclusion: One of the problems of the expression and purification of the human growth hormone may involve that maybe noted the production of inclusion bodies in the expression of recombinant proteins in the cell cytoplasm, the contamination caused by host proteins, low protein recovery from these inclusion bodies, low protein secretion into the Periplasmic space, high cost of production, especially in Purification stage and so on. Due to the lack of need for glycosylated hormone and high efficiency and simplicity of work, bacterial systems, especially Escherichia coli, are the most economical and effective systems for the expression of heterologous proteins. The hormone purification stage is usually the most costly process. Therefore, an optimal design for achieving the highest target protein recovery with the elimination of all contamination from the final product and reducing the purification step is required.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (Winter 2022)

Aims: The social status of nurses is one of the factors affecting the professional identity and plays an important role in how people perceive this profession and also the tendency of people to this profession. So this study was conducted to determine the Iranian population's attitude toward the social status of the nursing profession.
Instrument & Methods: This descriptive-analytical cross-section study was conducted in public places in Hamadan from October to February 2019. Four hundred citizens participated in the study by available sampling method from 4 urban areas of Hamedan. The data were collected by a social status researcher-made questionnaire. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS 16 and, parametric statistical tests such as t-test and ANOVA and non-parametric tests such as Chi-square.
Findings: The mean age of participants was 34.30±9.98 years. The mean of the obtained score from the status questionnaire was 71.23±11.76, which was at a moderate level in qualitative leveling. Statistical tests showed that social status score was statistically significantly related to gender, education, and media relations (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Considering that individuals' attitudes on the social status of the nursing profession are moderate and people who had more contact with the media reported lower scores of social status, it is recommended that members of the media take action to reflect the true image of the nursing profession.

Volume 11, Issue 0 (پاییز و زمستان 87- 2009)

Objective: Herpes simplex virus (HSVs) is a widespread human infectious agent, responsible for persistent and latent infections. Herpes simplex virus infections are usually continually recurrent in the normal population and represent a significant cause of complications in immunocompromised patients. Materials and Methods: In this study HSVs were propagated in BK cells and more than 502 samples were taken and analyzed for HSV IgG antibodies using Virus Neutralization Test (VNT) as golden standard test for evaluating in house Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Results: Based on the results 80.48 % and 81.67% were positive (1.8) in VNT and ELISA respectively. There was a significant correlation between the VNT and ELISA tests in the tested samples (Pearson’s r = 0.96). Conclusions: Our data showed that the in house ELISA can be used for screening and determination of the prevalence of HSV IgG antibodies, which can facilitates patient management using suitable and cost effective laboratory diagnostic tests.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (6-2011)

The aim of present study is to investigate the kinematics of tool-workpiece’s relative movement in conventional and ultrasonic-vibration assisted turning (UAT). The kinematic analysis of UAT shows that the movement of cutting tool edge relative to the workpiece resulted from the cutting speed, feed speed and tool’s vibration affects the lateral machined surface of workepiece and leaves a repeating pattern of crushed and toothed regions on it. This results in an increase in the surface hardness of the lateral machined surface in comparison with conventional turning (CT). A model of the tool-workpiece’s relative movement has first been developed in the present study. This model predicts a surface hardening effect for the lateral surface in UAT in comparison with CT. Several experiments were subsequently carried out employing a surface micro-hardness testing machine and an optical microscope to verify the predicted results.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (7-2022)

The present research aimed to study the insecticidal activity of four ethanolic extracts of Cercis siliquastrum L., Calendula officinalis L., Peganum harmala L., Melia azedarach L. against Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) as well as hatching time and hatching rate of Orius horvathi (Reuter). The results revealed that the extracts had no significant effect on the hatching time of the predatory bug. The result showed concomitant use of the extracts with releasing eggs of the O. horvathi could control thrips effectively. The lowest (73.66 ± 7.01%) hatching rate belonged to P. harmala, indicating concomitant use of P. harmala extract with releasing eggs of O. horvathi can cause effective control of adult thrips. Moreover, concomitant use of C. siliquastrum, C. officinalis extracts with releasing eggs of O. horvathi can control immature thrips effectively.


Volume 11, Issue 3 (Number 3 - 2009)

Physical properties of four common Iranian varieties of canola seeds (Hyola, Okapi, Orient and SLM) were evaluated as a function of their moisture contents. The average seed length and thousand seed mass varied linearly from 1.925 to 2.262 mm and from 3.06 to 4.84 g, respectively. The average diameter, geometric mean diameter, and sphericity varied non-linearly from 1.475 to 1.911 mm, 1.625 to 2.02 mm and from 0.82 to 0.93, re-spectively in a moisture content range of 5.27 to 23.69% wet basis (w.b.). Among the va-rieties, Hyola had the highest values for length, diameter, geometric mean diameter, sphericity and thousand seed mass at all moisture levels. Maximum and minimum values of bulk density were obtained for SLM (738.8 kg m-3) and Hyola (666.06 kg m-3). The fill-ing and emptying angles of repose ranges were determined as 25.37-28.54o and 25.48-28.68o, respectively. At all moisture content levels, the static coefficient of friction was the greatest against rubber (0.372-0.460), followed by plywood (0.358–0.449), galvanized iron sheet (0.301–0.419) while fiberglass sheet (0.260-0.414) while the least for glass sheet (0.253–0.392). Among the four canola varieties, Orient and SLM showed respectively the least and the greatest static coefficients of friction at all moisture levels studied.

Volume 11, Issue 4 (1-2012)

This paper proposes a new method of gain scheduling control design for a nonlinear system which is described as linear parameter varying form. A performance measure based on Linear Matrix Inequality is introduced. To consider stability and performance measures in design process, the H∞ loop-shaping method is used to design the local controllers, which can be described as state feedback observer based structure. By introducing the stability and performance covering condition for the linear parameter varying system, a new interpolation law is proposed, and it is proofed that the resultant controller can preserve the performance measure for the observer based structure for all values of the scheduling parameter. Also the closed loop stability is guaranteed. The method is successfully applied on the control of a well-known benchmark system, namely, the autopilot for a pitch-axis model of an air vehicle. The performance and effectiveness is evaluated against disturbances and parameter uncertainties using computer simulation.

Volume 11, Issue 6 (No. 6 (Tome 60), (Articles in Persian) 2020)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the syntactic processes involved in deriving Persian WH-multiple questions. Therefore, the function of WH-words in these constructs regarding the syntactic processes is examined. It also clarifies which syntactic functions justify their sequential or split orders. The research method is descriptive-analytic on the base of  Chomsky’s Minimalist approach (1995). Research data was collected from books, Media, newspapers, social networks and Google search engine and native speakers’ speech. Data  analysis shows that in sequential WH-multiple questions (both types), backward deletion occurs in which the identical constituent in the first clause is deleted under identity. In these constructions, the first WH-word remains in situ and the second one moves to the focus phrase after deleting the identical constituent. Scrambling is just possible with adjunct- adjunct and adjunct- argument order in these constructions. In split WH- multiple questions, the deletion of identical constituent occurs in the second clause as forward deletion in which  both WH-words remanin in situ. Scrambling in these constructions is also possible with adjunct-adjunct and adjunct-argument order. Scrambling and superiority of WH-words are not permitted in WH-multiple questions with any order of WH-words.

1. Introduction
Among the constructions that Chomsky examines in the form of minimalist approach are WH-questions. These constructions are observed in two types, yes /no questions and WH-questions which is the aim of the present study. Sometimes WH-questions consisting of two or more WH-words, named WH-multiple questions. These constructions are in two types: sequential and split. Sequential WH-multiple questions are themselves divided into two types of simple (without coordinator) and coordinated (with coordinator). In split one, WH-words are separated. The present study seeks to answer these questions: What is the function of WH-words in WH-multiple questions with respect to the syntactic processes, and which syntactic operations justify their sequential or split nature?
2. Literature Review
A review of the research literature shows that WH-quesions have been studied only in terms of structure, type and movement of WH-words in Persian just in single WH-word questions and none of them examined the syntactic processes in the derivation of Persian WH- multiple ones. Therefore, conducting such a study in relation to WH-multiple questions based on Chomsky's Minimalist Program (1995) distinguishes itself from other similar studies in this field.
3. Methodology
The research method is descriptive-analytic based on the principles of Chomsky’s (1995) Minimalist Program as theoretical framework.
4. Results
The examination of data shows that in coordinated WH-questions (both types), the common constituent in the first clause is deleted under identity and satisfying language economy. In other words, backward deletion occurs. In the coordinate WH-questions (both types), the first WH-word remains in-situ and under identity and thus deleting it, the second WH-word moves to the focus phrase.
In contrast, in split WH-questions, forward deletion occures in which the deletion of identical clause occurs in the second clause, leaving a gap in the position of identical elements, and both WH-words are placed in their original unmarked place. In this type of WH-questions, the movement of WH-word leads to the ungrammaticality of WH-construction and as a result, Persian speakers will not accept it. Therefore, It has been concluded since no movement occurs in this type of constructions, there is no need to apply the attract closest principle.
Also, the analysis of data shows that scrambling of two adjuct-adjunct WH-word in sequencial coordinate WH-question is possible. But in multiple WH-question, scrambling and superiority leads to unacceptable and sometimes ungrammatical constructions. Thus, contrary to Bošković's (1999) view that focus languages do not show superiority effects, multiple WH-questions in Persian, which is a focus language, shows it. In split WH-questions, scrambling of two adjunct- adjunct WH-words is possible.
In coordinate WH-questions with adjunct-argument order, scrambling of two WH-words is possible. On the contrary, this kind of scrambling in Persian multiple WH-question leads to ungrammatical construction. In contrast, scrambling of adjunct- argument WH-words in split WH-questions is allowed and the result is a grammatical and acceptable construction. Scrambling of WH-words with the order of augment-adjunct is not possible in any of the coordinate, multiple and split WH-questions and the result will be an ungrammatical WH-question.
In coordinate WH-questions with the order of argument-argument WH-words, if the case markers accompanying WH-words are deleted, the construction will be ungrammatical and in the case of two argument WH-words scrambling, the construction will be grammatical, but not acceptable for Persian speakers. In multiple WH-quesions, scrambling of two WH-words is not possible. In split WH-question with two argument WH-words, scrambling is impossible and ungrammatical. The results also show that argument coordination can only occur with transitive verbs.
5. Discussion
It has been discussed and examined what syntactic processes involved in derivatiing of WH-multiple questions? And which syntactic operations justify its sequential or split properties. In thi way, WH-multiple questions in different orders of adjunct-adjunct, adjunct-argument, argument-adjunct, and argument-argument, have separately been studied.
6. Conclusion
We concluded that the existence of multiple WH-questions in Persian as a pro-drop language violates the view of Sitko (2013) who claims that pro-drop languages allow multiple WH-word rising.
In general, the syntactic processes involved in WH-multiple questions of Persian are: finding the identical constitute and deleting it, remaining the first WH-word in-situ and moving the second WH-word to focus phrase.
1. In this study, we investigate only WH-multiple questions with two WH-words.
2. Acceptability
3. Unacceptability
4. Lubańska
5. Stefano
6. Pro- drop languages
7. Covert wh-movement
8. Empty wh-operator
9. Overt wh-movement
10. Merge
11. A-position: A position that takes a semantic role and corresponds to traditional subject and object position.
12. A′-position: A position that does not take a Ө-role. Such as adjuncts position and specifier position of CP
13. Scrambling
14. Conceptual-intentional
15. Articulatory-perceptual
16. Occam’s Razor
17. Attract Closest Principal: According to this principle, which is assumed to attract a   particular type of structure, attracts the closest possible structure of that type.
18. Superiority condition
19. Deletion under identity

Volume 12, Issue 1 (8-2020)

The Loya Jirga has been known as one of the most and influential National Grand Assembly in contemporary Afghanistan since two centuries. This grand assembly has a firm affiliation with Afghanistan constitution. From the eight sections of the constitution legislation, seven of which are passed by the Loya Jirga. And, from the six clauses of the constitution, a full clause is about the Loya Jirga. This is despite the fact that this institution has been criticized by some of the Afghan experts and commentators who has privatively regarded it.  In this paper, the matter is discussed with a descriptive-analytical approach to explain the historical reflection of the status and achievements of the Loy Jirga in the socio-political structure of contemporary Afghanistan. The concept, content, and descent discussion is followed by privative and positive attitudes of the triple currents Historical historiography of Afghanistan (nationalist, leftist, and Islamist) the method has continued as such.  The research highlights that the impact of contemporary historiography on the political conditions and vitality of the Loya Jirga in legitimizing the political power and despite the critique of the ethnic origins affecting their functional nature, it has led the mentioned triple movements to consider it of significant importance.

Volume 12, Issue 3 (9-2009)

Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of protein and DNA components of Toxoplasma gondii on maturation of dendritic cells and their efficiency in IL-12 production and proliferation of T cells. Materials and Methods: for DC generation, Bone marrow cells were cultured in the presence of GM-CSF and IL-4 for 5 days. Tumor lysate and protein or DNA components of Toxoplasma gondii were added to the culture media and incubated for another 2 days. LPS was added as control for DC maturation. Proliferation of T cells were determined by MLR and IL-12 production was measured by ELISA kit. Maturation of dendritic cell were determined by flowcytometry. Results: DCs treatment with protein components of Toxoplasma gondii caused a significant increase in IL-12 production and proliferation of T cells (P<0.001). Conclusions: Different compositions of microbial body like protein and DNA components of Toxoplasma gondii can cause augmentation of antigen presentation capacity of DC and their IL-12 production capability. Among these components the protein was more effective as compared to DNA.

Volume 12, Issue 48 (9-2015)

In this research, the production of low fat butter, as a novel product, based on full-fat soy flour and sodium caseinate was studied. Water : butter ratio, soy flour : sodium caseinate ratio and emulsifier content were the designed factors and their effects on rheological properties of low-fat butter such as hardness, spreadability, adhesiveness, elasticity and consistency were evaluated. The Central Composite Design (CCD) and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) were employed as experimental design and statistical analysis. By increasing water to butter ratio, as a principal factor affecting on product characteristics, hardness, adhesiveness, elasticity, consistency and spreadability were reduced. The final product was w/o emulsion which was low-calorie, had functional and nutritional effects due to protein components and also its properties could be compared with ordinary butter. Based on final results, the optimum formulation for low-fat butter were: water : butter ratio as 1.03 (50% water and 48.5% butter), soy flour : sodium caseinate as 1.57 (5% soy flour and 3.2% sodium caseinate) and 0.66% emulsifier.  

Volume 13, Issue 0 (kongore 94- 2015)

Volume 13, Issue 51 (7-2016)

Bread is the main source of a large part of the energy, protein, minerals and vitamins required by humans. Aloe Vera is one of the oldest medicinal plants that beside of fiber, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and natural sugars, have antimicrobial agents, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant Therefore, its use helpful for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's, heart disease, digestive problems. This study examined the effect of addition of aloe vera powder in quantities of 1, 3, 6 and 9% (w / w based on flour) on the quality of Barberi bread, as well as changes in microbial, texture, color and water absorption properties of bread within 72 hours in order to produce the functional bread. The results showed that the adding of aloe vera powder, causing controlling the activity of microorganisms and mold and yeast, increase swelling power and reduce staling the bread. However, volume, brightness, Points smell, taste and the ability to chewing has declined. In general, investigation of breads characteristics in this study showed that the adding powder of aloe vera until 1%, causing improve the quality of shelf life and increase the healthly value of Barbari breads that is produced.

Volume 13, Issue 51 (7-2016)

In recent years, extensive researches has been done on use of edible coating in food packaging. Edible coatings can increase the shelf life of coated foods and they are suitable alternative for synthetic packaging. In this research, the effect of carboxy methyle cellulose based edible coatings with thyme extract on reducing moisture absorption and decreasing lipid oxidation productions have been evaluated. The edible coatings were prepared at different concentration levels of carboxy methyle cellulose (0.0, 0.5, and 1.5% W/V) and thyme extracts (0.0, 0.5 and 1% V/V). The moisture content, peroxide, thiobarbituric acid and acid number changes were determined for samples. The experiment was performed by Dunnett statistical tests in three replications using factorial design based on completely random design. The results indicated that the coating containig of 1.5% W/V of carboxy methyle cellulose and 1% V/V of thyme extract showed better results in reduction of peroxide value in fresh hazelnut. Carboxy methyl cellulose coating can delay the lipid oxidation of fresh hazelnut by providing a barrier against moisture and oxygen permiability to the texture of hazelnut. Adding of thyme extract into coating formulation, in addition to increasing the shelf life of hazelnut, is important regarding functional aspects of hazelnut. This coatings have both edible and environmentally friendly properties and preferable to synthetic packaging.

Volume 13, Issue 51 (7-2016)

Functional drinks are a new generation of fermented products that have microorganisms with medical properties which give benefit to their host by increasing nutritional value and improving sensory-textural specifications. In this study ability of lactic acid bacteria by Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079 and Lactobacillus delbruekii  DSM 15996 in fermentation of celery juice, production of organic acids and effect of phenolic compounds and even sensorial properties in 37 Ċ at 24 h are evaluated. Results demonstrated that both strains were capable of growing and being active in celery juice and the greatest effect in decreasing pH, increasing acidity and also fabricating organic acids was observed by Lactobacillus acidophilus.        

Volume 13, Issue 55 (9-2015)

The effect of xanthan gum (0-0.3%) on corn oil-in-water (pH=7) emulsions prepaired by 0.5% grass pea (Lathyrus sativus) protein isolate was studied. Particle size, PDI, zeta-potential, emulsion capacity, emulsion stability and creaming index of emulsions were measured inorder to find the effect of xanthan gum on the stability of emulsion. Results showed that increasing concentrations of gum caused depletion flocculation and thus increased the particle size but had no significant effect on the zeta potential. Study on creaming index, emulsion capacity and stability also showed that with increasing xanthan gum, emulsion capacity and stability increased, while, creaming index decreased. Therefore, after 28 days of storage at 4˚C, no changes were observed in the emulsions containing xanthan gum.

Volume 13, Issue 57 (0-0)

There is currently a very high demand for all forms and preparations of medicinal plants worldwide. Accordingly, hops has been drawing significant attention in recent years. Hops is a medicinal plant with various applications in traditional medicine. In the present research work, antifungal effect of hops flower ethanolic extract on S. cerevisiae and some bread spoilage molds (Aspergillus niger, A. flavus, Penicillium chrysogenum, P. citrinum, Rhizopus oryzae and Rhizomucorspp. ) was investigated. The antifungal effect was determined by using broth dilution susceptibility test. Results showed that the ethanolic extract of hops flower had the ability to prevent mold growth on bread samples. Inhibitory concentration of the extract was in the range of 1.875 to 3.3 mg/ml. The extract had no effect on Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the concentrations of 0-15 mg/ml. It was concluded that ethalonic extract of hops flower has remarkable negative effects on food spoilage mold growth, especially bread spoilage molds. To apply this extract as a natural food preservative, further researches are required.

Volume 13, Issue 58 (0-0)

Chemical modification of starch is of the prevalent used methods in order to improve its physicochemical attributes. In this study phosphorylated and hydroxypropylated wheat starches were produced with 0.096 and 2.106% degree of substitution, respectively; and then some of their physicochemical and rheological attributes were studied. The implemented chemical changes due to hydroxypropylation and phosphorylation on native wheat starch were exhibited by FT-IR. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed that the native and phosphorylated wheat starches had the most and least amount of crystallinity with 17.34 and 16.14%, respectively. The influence of temperature on swelling power revealed that the native (Ea=46.111) and hydroxypropylated (Ea=26.603) wheat starches had the most and least thermal sensitivity, respectively. Besides, in the case of solubility index, it was observed that native (Ea=77.674) and phosphorylated (Ea=44.478) starches had the most and least thermal sensitivity, in the order given.  The high value of determination coefficient (0.895-0.979) attained from the modeling results of the solubility changes with temperature using two power law equations, demonstrated the high capability of these models in prediction. It was seen that hydroxypropylation and phosphorylation of wheat starch resulted in 2.65 times increase and 17.58 times decrease in paste clarity compared to native starch (p<0.05), respectively. Among the used rheological models, the Herschel-Bulkley model was found to be more suitable to predict the flow characteristics of the starch samples.

Volume 13, Issue 59 (0-0)

In this research, time dependency of low fat- low cholesterol mayonnaise with 35 and 50% oil at the different concentration of Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum (0.5, 0.75 and 1%) and whey protein concentrate were studied. Data were fitted with famous rheological models. Results showed that all samples had thixotropic behavior and their viscosity decreased with time. The rate and extent of viscosity decay were dependent on the applied shear rate, percent of fat and gum concentration. The viscosity of the samples tended to decay more rapidly at higher shear rates toward an equilibrium viscosity. Samples containing less fat, showed lower viscosity and approached rapidly to the equilibrium. Addition of gum to mayonnaise caused higher viscosity and samples become like the full-fat sample. In this study, the breakdown rate constant did not show a clear trend with increasing gum concentration and shear rate.  

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