Showing 93 results for Razavi
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The present study aimed to investigate the elementary and advanced teachers’ formative assessment literacy of speaking skill in Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers context. To this end, 26 teachers of teaching Persian to non-Persian speakers, mostly female, took part in this study. To collect data about their speaking assessment practices, they were primarily involved in a semi-structured interview related to the components of aims, contents, and methods of their speaking assessment. Afterward, they answered five scenarios. The interviews were based on Xu and Brown’s (2016) framework, and the scenarios were based on Chappius and Stiggins’ (2009) assessment quality and standards. In this phase, in addition to aims, content, and methods, and two additional components of giving feedback and students’ participation in assessing the speaking skill were examined. The interview results in relation to the aims for the instructors of elementary and advanced levels shed light on six criteria including comprehension, learning and progress, teaching method and curriculum efficacy, weak and strong points, communicative and practical competence, self-confidence and feedback; in relation to content, grammatical accuracy, pronunciation, fluency, interaction and communication, pragmatics, content, turn taking and participation, and spoken and written differences were recognized; and in relation to methods, class conversation, audio and video files, modeling and memorizing, game and competition, summary telling, question and response, playing roles, giving speech, problem solving and authentic activities were identified. Quantitative analysis of the interviews and scenarios indicated statistical differences among the two groups of elementary and advanced teachers.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The purpose of this paper is to examine the emotional discourse with semiotic-semantic approach in one of the poems of Mir Razi Danesh Mashhadi. Poetry is the language of the heart that is emerging from the feelings of a poet, and a poet is someone who expresses these feelings and emotions in a rhythmic language in a desired construction. Semiotics and analysis of poetic discourse are novel implementations with various and new functions created for literary studies to evaluate the poet's affection in terms of poetic experience, level and type of affection, imagination, language and audience and demonstrate the poet’s affection in poetry experience dimensions, degree and type of emotion, language, and audience. In this regard, the emotional flow of discourse and the way of creating the meaning in poetry are evaluated in order to study the conditions of formation and production of the emotional system. The main question is how the poet has manipulated discourse elements to create an emotional environment and which pattern of tension in poetry is used and which function of semantic sign emotional process in poetry is based on. The results indicates that the emotional system of discourse in Mirrezi's poetry is a function of the emotional system of sensual- perceptual and tensional-physical discourse and is formed based on the Shushi (Shushi-Eventual) event pattern. In adition, the process of schema emotional tension of poetry is heterogeneous and divergent.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The prototype of any category is the member or set of members of a category that best represents the category as a whole. Not everything fits perfectly in a category. Categories are defined by an intersection of properties that make up their members. The language is set of different categories and we should attend to categories in language teaching. Gender and mother language are among these components that should be considered in the teaching and learning process. Research about prototype is necessity because no basic prototype study, and the impact of gender and mother language on the formation of this concept have not been made among farsi lernears. As a result, one group of forty speakers who were learning Farsi selected. Each group included 20 men and 20 women. Men from Hojjatieh school and women from the Bent-Alhoda center were selected, both under the supervision of the Almustafa international university. In the category of domestic animals, 41.17% of men chose cows, while the same percentage of women chose sheep, horses, and dogs. In the field of sports, in addition to the first choice, the second and third choices of women and men were completely different, men have chosen shooting and cricket, and women have chosen volleyball, football and walking. Also, in the category of vehicles, although both sexes chose airplane as their first choice, their next choices were different, men chose train and car while women chose bus, car and bicycle.
Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2012)
Root rot and vine decline caused by Monosporascus cannonballus is a major challenge for melon production world-wide. In recent years, a disease suggested to be related to this pathogen was observed 1-2 weeks prior to harvest in many melon production areas across Iran. In this study, melon plants with symptoms of chlorosis, wilting, decline and/or sudden death were collected from melon growing areas. Pieces of the roots with rot symptoms or discoloration were surface-sterilized and placed on PDA culture medium. DNA was extracted from the rest of the sterilized roots and used in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using specific primers designed from ribosomal DNA of M. cannonballus. The pathogenicity of the fungus for 24 of its isolates was examined on a muskmelon genotype, Zard-e-Garmsar. In addition, the presence of M. cannonballus was tested on the symptomless melon plants at early growing stages as well as those inoculated with this pathogen using the specific primers. The presence of M. cannonballus was confirmed in 95 melon samples (63% of total samples tested) based on the morphological criteria of the isolated fungus and molecular techniques, where a unique band specific to this pathogen was amplified in diagnostic PCR. M. cannonballus was also detected in the roots of symptomless and inoculated melon plants as early as 2 days post-inoculation. This study demonstrated that M. cannonballus is the major causal organism for melon collapse in all sampling regions and that the pathogen is detectable in melon plants suspected of infection using molecular tools at early growth stages.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2002)
Chromate conversion coating is applied on aluminum 6061. The optimum conditions for chromate bath composition and immersion time are also obtained for standard requirements provision such as corrosion resistance in salt spray test, electrical resistance and coating quality. The applied coatings are electrochemically tested in sea and distilled water. According to Tafel and cyclic polarization curves, the protection mechanism are evaluated in said environments. This evaluation has shown the formation of passive film layer, contains chromate and alumina on the base. The proper behavior of corrosion and electrical conductivity is probably due to this mechanism.
Volume 3, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2014)
Tomato is an important vegetable crop in Iran. Recently symptoms associated with phytoplasma disease were observed in tomato cultivars in Karaj vicinity. The phytoplasmas were detected and characterized using single-tube nested PCR and RFLP. The universal primer pairs amplified the target DNA with expected sizes from symptomatic samples in direct PCR and single-tube nested PCR. The patterns of RFLP analysis obtained from plants with symptoms of yellowing and showing a bushy aspect corresponded to the profile of tomato big bud phytoplasma–subgroup 16SrI, and those detected from plants with symptoms of shoot proliferation and swollen and virescent buds belonged to tomato big bud phytoplasma–subgroup 16SrVI. Mobeen was the most susceptible cultivar with 23% natural infection, and Alex, Raha, Sadeen 21, and Sadeen 95 cultivars showed no symptoms of disease. Lack of symptoms in the latter cultivars might be due to inefficient transmission of phytoplasma by vectors or their resistance or tolerance to disease.
Volume 3, Issue 10 (Summer 2022)
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the factors affecting the achievement of world-class production in the economic development of the sport industry by mediating production planning from the viewpoint of employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Tehran Province. The statistical population consisted of experts from the Tehran Sports and Youth Department, totaling 210 people. One hundred thirty-two persons were selected based on Morgan's table and by simple random sampling. Of these, 120 questionnaires were returned. For data analysis, 24 SPSS and 24 AMOS software were used. Global production in terms of factors influencing production planning, 58% of the variance of the factors influencing production planning and production paths in the world-class, and factors affecting production planning to develop the economy of the sports industry, explains 96% of the variance in the development of the economy of the sports industry. Production of products in a World class, which is competitive in international markets, inevitably necessitates strategic planning, so sports products can have dramatic effects on the countries' economies, evident in their transitional stages to economic development or emergence.
Volume 3, Issue 11 (Autumn 2022)
The research aimed to identify the marketing development strategies of women's sports in Iran. This qualitative research was conducted using the grounded theory method and the Strauss and Corbin technique. A semi-structured interview was used to collect data. The sampling method was purposeful and used the snowball technique until theoretical saturation was reached (21 interviews). The statistical population was university professors, coaches, senior managers, sports marketing managers and active people in sports management and sports economics, especially women's sports. They were used to analyze the data from three stages of open, central and selective coding. Finally, strategies were identified with 88 open codes in 13 categories. The interviewees and expert professors confirmed the validity of the research tool, and the within-subject agreement method was used to measure the reliability, with the reliability value being 89%. Up-to-date and effective advertising, products and services, standardization and increase of sports facilities, appropriate pricing, expert human resources, financial support and adequate budget allocation, planning, branding, creation and Amending laws, facilities, tourism and events, supporting financial sponsors, cultural and educational measures were marketing development strategies for women's sports in Iran. The development of marketing Iranian women's sports as an attractive and income-generating activity will boost the economic cycle, can play an effective role both at the domestic and international levels, and will cause economic growth. It is necessary to use appropriate strategies to develop women's sports marketing.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (Winter 2018)
Background: Chlamydia trachomatis infection is a sexually transmitted disease that its majority infections are asymptomatic and can cause infertility. So, determining its frequency and prevalent genotypes in each zone is necessary to provide clues for clinicians and also to prevent or minimize its complications. The aim of this study was determining the prevalence of C. trachomatis and related genotypes in infertile women and relation with type of infertility.
Methods: For this purpose, a primary screening based on amplification of cryptic plasmid gene was done on endocervical samples obtained from infertile women referring to two infertility treatment clinics. Genotyping of positive samples was done based on PCR-RFLP of omp1 gene and then DNA digestion with Hpa II, Hinf I and Alu I restriction enzymes. The association of infection with age, abortion and primary and secondary infertility was analyzed by statistical analysis.
Results: As a result of this study, the frequency of C. trachomatis infection in 180 endocervical samples was 10.5 % in infertile women. The PCR-RFLP analysis results showed that E, F and D genotypes are prevalent in this population. There was a significant association between infection and abortion among patients with primary and secondary infertility.
Conclusions: Finally, based on the obtained results it can be concluded that C. trachomatis infection is prevalent in infertile women especially in secondary infertility. So, it must be regarded in preventive care and control program hence its diagnosis and treatment can reduce infertility rate among women.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (Spring 2020)
Research subject: The rubber Springs with spong structure must have acceptable tear resistance in addition to desirable compression set. Usually enhancing each of these properties leads to the weakening of the other property.
Research approach: Simultaneously providing the optimum value of these two properties in the rubber spring compound requires consideration of the effective factors by performing several tests. Therefore, in this study, a test plan based on the Taguchi statistical analysis technique was presented to design the optimal formulation in exchange for reducing the number of tests required. Thus, the impact of four factors: weight percent of Natural rubber (NR), concentration of zinc oxide (ZnO), dicumyl peroxide (DCP) and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EDMA) on the ratio of tear resistance to compression set (design criterion, Q) was determined.
Main results: Data given of ANOVA showed that the amount of DCP with 66.93% has the highest influence on the design of the rubber spring compound. In addition, it was revealed that the curing system is a solution for the simultaneous optimization to maximum tear energy and minimum compression set of the compound. Statistical analysis predicted that the optimal formulation contained 60 weight percent of NR and 1, 4 and 2 phr of DCP, ZnO and EDMA, respectively. Experimental test results confirmed the predicted Q value for optimal conditions.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (Fall 2020)
Research subject: The sensitivity of electrical conductivity of rubber/conductive filler composites against swelling strains is a phenomenon that can lead to the creation of sensors to detect the type or leakage of hydrocarbon liquids. In the swollen conductive composites, the variation of filler network structure reduces the Statistical frequency of the tunneling and interconnection of conductive particles. This behavior can be a sign for a solvent or hydrocarbon fuel detector system in a flexible sensors.
Research approach: In this study, nitrile rubber/graphite composite samples with several concentrations (20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80phr) of graphite particles were prepared and their electrical characteristics were measured. The changes in the electrical resistance of nitrile rubber /graphite samples were investigated based on increasing the content of graphite particles, immerse to toluene, and repeating the period of the swelling/recovery process for each sample.
Main results: The sensitivity of composites with higher concentrations than the percolation threshold (53.5phr of graphite particles) to the conductivity changes due to the swelling phenomenon is appropriate for use in the sensor. Also, incremental changes in the electrical resistance of the samples immersed in the toluene solvent were measured and it was observed that all the samples were eventually converted to electrical insulation. In order to study the repeatability performance of sensor, samples with 60, 70 and 80phr of filler were swelled and recovered for three periods, which is less than the conductivity of the sample before the second and third swelling process compared to the conductivity before the first one. This difference is very small in the sample containing 80phr of graphite particles. The trend of change in electrical resistance is significantly different in the second swelling process compared to the primary swelling. But there is little difference between the third swelling process and the second one. This phenomenon has occurred for all three samples, which can be observed to be similar to Mullins effect.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (Summer 2023)
Spatial court in the city, management, distribution and distribution of space services and urban possibilities, special attention e-mail. In the discussion of equality and equality, none of the urban groups and classes of residents have a tendency to oppose each other and they provide equal treatment for everyone, regardless of social and economic status, for access to general urban services. For this reason, this topic, as it prevents the accumulation of possibilities and urban services in one area, the polarization of the city space and social inequalities, it makes access to the possibilities in the city for everyone. In accordance with this, the present research is aimed at assessing the spatial justice in the distribution of services and urban possibilities in the palaces of eight Shahr, Tehran.
The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on library and documentation methods. The data used in this research are the data that have been extracted from urban areas. In order to analyze the information, in the first stage, using the entropy scale, balance (equality) or disequilibrium (inequality), each of the uses has been analyzed and then proceeded to rank the 13 palaces, regions. And the level of utilization of urban services and possibilities using the Cocoso model has been used for ranking the regions
Result and discussion
Since the globalization of cities and the urbanization of the world is the most prominent feature of the twenty-first century. Especially fortunately, the growth of urbanization in the majority of cities in the developing countries is more rapid. Various (housing, traffic, pollution, urban identity, commercial land, unsustainable land use, etc.) have been faced.
Land, as a limited, scarce and non-renewable commodity, in the face of rapid urban development and increasing collective demand, is transformed into an expensive and profitable commodity, as a result of which it is considered as a means of commerce for the purpose of securing profit and general welfare and improving the standard of living. Special groups are declared and cause many social, economic and environmental problems.
Based on these problems and difficulties of the current urbanization in this research with a radical and critical approach based on theories related to justice and spatial equality, after identifying and analyzing urban land use conditions, types and programs derived from them, the percentage of their realization. Reasons and forces influencing their realization or non-realization, as well as the space produced, the positive or negative spatial-spatial effects resulting from them. Perhaps the most important concern that prompted me to address this matter is the chaotic and confused situation in the suburbs of the three districts and the palaces of the third district of the eight city of Tehran in recent years.
The conditions are not improving, they are getting worse day by day. The situation of overcrowding and non-distribution of inappropriate uses, which have arisen due to major reasons, have led this region to a state of chaos. The urban land has been transformed into a bubble with the expansion of the stock market, the dimensions of which are getting bigger and bigger every day. Since the use of urban land is the core of urban planning, based on this assumption, it is possible to understand the root problems and spatial problems of the current urban area.
The results obtained indicate the imbalance in the distribution of spatial services and urban possibilities. Based on the results of the entropy method, cultural quality with a weight of 0.463 has won the first rank. Sports quality with a weight of 0.255 has won the second rank and green space quality with a weight of 0.153 has won the third rank. According to the Cocoso model and according to the results, Kerman district has won the first rank, Fadak has won the second rank and Wahidiya has won the third rank. Therefore, the eastern region and its palaces, which are located in District 1 and part of District Two, are in a better condition than the western region, where the palaces of District Three are located.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2017)
In the present investigation, infection of Lernaeacruciata parasite is reported in Farsi toothcarp (Aphaniusfarsicus) collected from Maharlu Lake basin in 2014. The prevalence of infection appeared 88.9% (45 specimens). Lernaeacruciataparasites were isolated from origin of fins, gill opercels and body surface. Frequency of parasite on each fish appeared 1 or 2 which mostly attached to branch and under operculum (45%) and base of pectoral and anal fins (43%). The L. cruciata may have been translocated into the Maharloulake Basin by an exotic Poecilid; Gambusiaholbrooki. Sever infection of this endangered endemic fish species warns that urgent reactions should be taken for conservation of Farsi tooth carps in area.
Volume 5, Issue 10 (Fall & Winter 2019)
One of the greatest difficulties Quran translators have been faced with is rendering those verses in which, at least on the surface, material, anthropomorphic qualities have been attributed to Allah. Given the wealth of theological dimensions of the concepts relating to God, this challenging area, which has always been the center of attention and diverse opinions by philosophers, theologists, and exegetes, can have direct implications for Quran translation. The present study has been aimed at investigating English and Persian translations of those Quranic verses containing the terms “Yad [Hand]” and “Sāq [Shin]” in connection with God so as to find out how they have been dealt with in under the influence of the translators’ dominant theological conceptions. To this end, all the verses containing these words were extracted and then their rendition in 18 English and 12 Persian translations was scrutinized. The results indicated that in 79% of the cases, an anthropomorphic translation has been produced while in the remaining 21%, a non-anthropomorphic translation has been opted for. In addition, an interesting difference found between the English and Persian translations with regard to their preference for (non-)anthropomorphism in the translation of such verses. These findings suggest that the dominant theological conceptions of the translator, as well as those of the receiving community, play a considerable part in the process of decision-making when faced with such challenging parts of the text.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2017)
Nine wild olive accessions collected from the Golestan province, the North of Iran, were screened under greenhouse conditions for their resistance to Verticillium wilt. Plants of the highly susceptible cv. ‘Zard’, frequently used as a local cultivar, were also included in this test. Nine-month-old nursery olive plants were inoculated by root-dip method with defoliating (VCG1, D) and non-defoliating (VCG4B, ND) isolates of Verticillium dahliae, both obtained from diseased olives in Golestan province. Resistance was evaluated by assessing symptom severity using 0-4 rating scale and estimating the area under disease progress curves. The percentage of plants killed, final mean severity of symptoms, frequency of V. dahliae reisolation from olive xylem, dry weight of new green leaves and shoots and total phenol content in root tissues were used as additional parameters. The results showed that seven of the nine wild olive accessions were highly resistant to D and ND isolates of V. dahliae. A second group of wild olive accessions (P4 and P7) were classified as moderately resistant and resistant to D and ND isolates of V. dahliae, respectively. Phenol content was significantly higher in highly resistant plants and correlation coefficient analyses revealed a negative relation between disease severity and root total phenol contents. Dendrogram of wild olive accessions and ‘Zard’ cultivar based on all parameters represented two main clusters, major and minor. Minor cluster comprised only two wild olive accessions and ‘Zard’ cultivar. Major cluster could be divided into two groups, I and II, showed a highly resistance reaction to pathotypes of V. dahliae.
Volume 7, Issue 5 (No.5 (Tome 34), Fall Special, (Articles in Persian) 2016)
The present study is an attempt to determine the frequency and the role of circumstantial elements with a comparative approach between writers in both sex within the framework of Systemic Functional Grammar. In this research, data include two stories called ʻBroken Marbleʼ, written by Simin Daneshvar (2001) and ʻThe Same as it wasʼ written by Jafar Modarres Sadegi (2006)which have been analyzed according to the concepts discussed in ʻIdeational Meta functionʼ and ʻTransitivity Systemʼ. As giving details in Functional Grammar is represented in the form of circumstantial elements in the text, at the first step, all the circumstantial elements in the stories were found and then according the Functional Grammar and linguistic context were categorized. Analyzing the data showed less circumstantial elements in Daneshvar's story than Modarres Sadegi's; but the former was more versatile in using various kinds of circumstantial elements in her work. In both stories, ʻ placeʼ adjuncts have allocated the highest amount of circumstantial elements to itself. In the work of man writer, there is no guise and sourceʼ adjuncts , while woman writer has used these kinds of adjuncts. She has used all of them in the form of quotation (citation), so that, when she narrates the story from the mouth of the main character, remembers others' utterances in each situation. Also, in the story of woman, it can be seen that there are the situations which represent feelings, and she has transferred these feelings by using different kinds of adjuncts. It seems that review of literary texts from this perspective reveals new aspects of these works in fiction, literary criticism and stylistics. Introducing this category and applying it in stylistics of stories, is another objective of the present article.
Fatima Razavi, ,
Volume 7, Issue 26 (Summer 2014)
Text analysis based on deconstructive approche is one of the new perspective to literary criticism. This view look for contradictions within the text Thereby deconstructing the binary oppositions founded the text and demonstrating that this oppositions do not have firm base. According extensive studies in women speech and writing in different years and cultures, some character are attributed to women as feminist style. in This opposition, regardless of rating, feminist style is in contrast to masculin’s. Feminine characteristics consists of Frequently used forms of expressive language, vague and imprecise language and intensifier, applications and prayers, hailing forms, sentences as opposed to rules of grammar and incomplete sentences, Frequently use of intonation, stop and stress, simple language, detailed writing, Speaking from a position of weakness and lack of authoritarianism and use of processes that do not require a lot of mental activity. this article demonstrates that attributing some of the features to feminine writing do not have solid base and alter within changing social and cultural factors, by analyzing the Memories of Taj-ol-Saltana as feminist narrative and comparing that with memories of Aziz-al-Soltan known by Malijak as masculine narrative which written in same context of Memories of Taj-ol-Saltana. Evidence that led us to this involved of writing from a position of strength, the active voice and use of complex mental processes.
Volume 8, Issue 7 (No. 7 (Tome 42), Winter Special, (Articles in Persian) 2017)
Forensic Linguistics is a new and interdisciplinary branch of applied linguistics and law that analyzes oral and written legal texts by using language tools and linguistic evidences and helps in detecting crime. The goal of present research is to obtain spoken features of robbery defendants in order to provide a unique conversation of thieves in detection of crimes. The authors are trying to describe and explain speech of robbery defendants in Semnan province judicial system from the perspective of Forensic Linguistics.The results show that the robbery defendants by using many linguistic principles such as high modality, activism deletion, infelicitous utterance, illocutionary act try to gain interrogators confidence. Investigation of lawsuits details show that robbery defendants in their defenses use linguistic principles differently. In particular, they use in their speech modality for 29%, contradictions for 16%, activism deletion for 14%, presupposition for 10%, speech acts for 3%, implicature for 1% and middle voice construction for 0/5%. The methodology of the research is descriptive-analytic and its purpose is to describe and explain the spoken features of the robbery defendants according to linguistic principles from the perspective of forensic linguistics. According to the research topic that it describes and analyzes the spoken features of the robbery defendants, we have selected four robbery cases from Semnan prosecutors. The four cases have been read in full and in rows from the initial stages of investigation to interrogations and trials and the linguistics tools examined, have been identified, extracted and analyzed.
Also results suggest that attention to features and elegances of language like low modality, contradiction in speech, activism deletion, presupposition, implicature; middle voice construction and Gricean Cooperative Principles can help investigators and judges at crime detection.
Hossein Razavian, Vajiheh Ehsani,
Volume 8, Issue 29 (Spring 2015)
Scholars have different methods for grouping or determining the style of the literary works. So it sounds inevitable to have disagreement on how to determine the style of a work. In this paper we do not seek to confirm or reject common stylistics methods; rather we are proposing a new criterion as an indicator of style, namely, the metaphor of transitivity as a grammatical metaphor. To this end, Al-e-Ahmad’s Modir-e Madrese and Golestan’s Asrar-e Ganj-e Darreye Jenni are studied through a descriptive-analytical method. The metaphors of transitivity from these works are extracted and compared. The frequency of such metaphor in Asrar-e Ganj-e Darreye Jennicompared to Modir-e Madrese is much less. In Golestan these metaphors represents the conversion of mental processes to the existential ones and then the mental to the relational processes. In Modir-e Madrese, however, there is a unique employment of the metaphors of transitivity that represents the conversion of relational processes to the material ones and then the verbal processes to material. Our study presents a model for using grammatical metaphor as a stylistic unit. In the chosen works, there is a significant difference between both the frequency and the type of metaphors of transitivity.
Volume 9, Issue 1 (Number 1 - 2007)
Knowledge of the aerodynamic properties of agricultural materials is needed in equip-ment design for operations such as pneumatic conveying in loading/unloading operations of corn silage into/from silos. While considerable information is available on seed grains, little is known about the aerodynamic behavior of corn (Zea mays L.) silage. In this re-search, the weighed mean terminal velocity of a sample representative of the entire bulk mass was determined using Wolf and Tatepo’s method. The terminal velocity of various particle types (leaf, stalk and corncob pieces) of chopped forage corn plants, which were kept in silo for six months, at different moisture contents (40-50, 50-60 and 60-70% w.b.) was also studied. The terminal velocity was determined by measuring the air velocity re-quired to suspend a particle in a vertical air stream using a wind tunnel. A 3 3 factorial treatment arrangement with 30 replications in a completely randomized design was used to study the effect of moisture content and particle type on the terminal velocity. The mass mean terminal velocities of the corn silage at 40-50, 50-60 and 60-70% moisture con-tents were 7.1, 7.3 and 7.8 m/s, respectively. The results showed that only the effect of par-ticle type on the terminal velocity of corn silage was significant. The mean values of the terminal velocity of corn leaf, stalk and cob pieces were 3.8, 6.8 and 8.8 m/s, respectively. For each particle type at a given moisture content, the terminal velocity was best de-scribed by means of the equation of velocity squared in terms of weight.