Showing 252 results for hashemi
Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2016)
Rābi'a bint Ka'b tale in Attar's Elahinameh is one of a few stories of him among dozens stories has dramatic features. The features resulted in utilization rather picture and drama than only expression and description got dramatic value to this literature text. Availability of the elements like conflict, knot projection, crisis, relief, characterization, and visualization within the coherent and appropriate story also valuable and ethical themes makes the text with potential to a theater production. This paper is from the perspective of comparative literature tries to investigate and explain dramatic aspects of this based on Aristotelian tragedy element retrieved from the book of “Poetics” by descriptive-analytical study and show capability and dramatic aspects of this old literary tale in converting to an attractive and effective drama. In addition tries to provide accurate view of Aristotelian theater elements represented a comprehensive understanding to the addressed reader.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (4-2012)
Narrating the past history of Iranians, Ferdowsi'sShahnameh has transferred major elements of Iranian identity throughout the centuries. To identify Iranian vs. non-Iranian identity and the contexts leading to the creation of Shahnameh, the present paper has employed critical discourse analysis (CDA). The findings of a textual analysisof the story of Siavash indicate that the discourse of Iranian identity has been shaped through confrontation with that of Aniranian, and in both discourses, the political dimension of identity has been more important. Ferdowsi regards the political institute as the guardian of freedom and independence of Iran. In fact, taking into consideration the conditions of the time and the conquest of Iran by the Arabs and their dominance, Ferdowsi tried to propose his political ideas in "an ideal king". Enjoying divine charisma, justice and wisdom, the ideal king is the nodal point in the discourse of Iranian identity. In contrast, the king of Aniran has been delegitimized as the nodal point of Aniranian identity, lacking divne charisma, justice and wisdom.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (spring 2022 2022)
The purpose of this study is to systematically analyze the effectiveness of land management policies to reduce the vulnerability of Minab plain to water shortage. Based on the systematic analysis of land management policies, after analyzing the causal links related to different economic and social sectors of Minab city and water-related areas of Dasht and Minab cities, it can be said that the most effective policies to reduce vulnerability of Minab plain and rehabilitate plain related policies is the water demand management, which is related to two areas (Water demand management in Minab County and Bandar Abbas, Sirik and Jask Counties). By reducing the amount of agricultural water consumption by modifying the consumption pattern and developing commercial and aquaculture activities by 200 hectares of new lands in the region and reducing dependence on water in Minab plain and meeting the drinking water needs of Minab and villages through Esteghlal dam, the amount of water withdrawal from the plain is reduced to a minimum level. Also, by exploiting the wastewater collection and treatment plan of Minab city, about 84 million cubic meters of water can be used annually through open turf in agriculture in the region and injected into Minab plain. By supplying the required water of Bandar Abbas, villages and coastal areas of Minab, Sirik and Jask through desalination plant and modifying the pattern of water consumption in Bandar Abbas, we can reduce the dependence and transfer of water from Minab plain to zero. Decreased water abstraction from the aquifer over a period of 25 to 30 years has led to the restoration of the aquifer and the groundwater level has risen and is again resistant to possible droughts. Combining these measures with reforming the role of Minab city as the center of the region and creating a special economic or free trade zone to provide a variety of commercial and port services, health, tourism and higher education to surrounding areas and cities of the region will attract labor forces to these activities and will affect the income and employment of the region and reduces the over-reliance of the region's economy on agriculture and will reduce and adjusts the amount of agricultural water consumption.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (No.3 (Tome 15), (Articles in Persian) 2013)
For the first time Sohrawadi employed the term “No-where” (Nākojā Ābād) in his works to describe the “realm world”, which is the world out of the general perception humans. This paper investigates the two treatises of Sohrawardi, “The Song of Gabriel’s Wing “(Avāze pare Jebraīl) and “In the Fact of Love” (Fi-Al- Haqiqat- o- al Eshq). The author, based on the analysis of the “No-where” metaphorical mappings, has shown that the central metaphor of No-where is place while No-where is placeless. This indicates that the macro-support of No-where is an ideal realm. In other words, Sohrawardi, based on his mentality towards the example world, has applied various semantic generalizations at the level of micro-metaphors to describe and visualize No-where. In the current research, the aim of the author was to illustrate some of the most extensive metaphorical patterns of “No-where” in the two mentioned works and explain how Sohrawardi, within an aesthetic and yet philosophical and mystical framework, has expressed his own view about this place.
Volume 4, Issue 5 (Supplementary Issue - 2015)
The reaction of nineteen different cultivars of Cucurbita spp. including Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbita maxima and Lagenaria siceraria to Phytophthora capsici, Phytophthora melonis and Phytophthora drechsleri was studied under greenhouse conditions. Plants were grown in steam sterilized soil. One-month-old plants were inoculated with vermiculate hempseed extract inocula of Phytophthora and were flooded for 24 hours. The activity of the pathogens was monitored during the experiment by using citrus leaf discs. Seedling mortality was monitored two months after inoculation. None of the species were infected with P. drechsleri or P. melonis. Cucurbita maxima cultivars Hamedan and ACE South Korea, C. pepo cultivar Shabestar and Lagenaria siceraria were not infected with P. capcisi. The possibility of using these cultivars as root stocks for grafting against Phytophthora species is discussed.
Volume 4, Issue 9 (7-2016)
The study of Persian storyteller's scrolls (Tumārs) as written documents of Iranian epic tradition, is sometimes difficult due to their massive volumes and intricate stories. However, dividing these texts into their elements facilitates inter-textual analyses. With the use of the global motif-index of folk literature, a framework will be shaped to index motifs for Tumārs. This motif-index enables easier access to each motif in different narratives, rooting the motifs and analysis of development, evolution, influences and survival of each motif in different eras as well as comparative studies of narratives. This index also will facilitate a basis for analytical and stylistic study of Tumārs according to their motifs. The purpose of this article is to show the consistency of global motif-index with Persian folk tales especially epic tales and a kind of text analysis with this pattern. By indexing motifs of Rostam's seven labors in Haft lashkar, this paper aims to show that the framework of motif-index is consistent with Persian folk narratives and by analyzing the motifs of this tale, some little characteristics of Persian Tumārs are shown. Hence, it highlights the richness of Iranian folk literature and tradition by adding new motifs to the global index. This kind of indexing can be used as a framework for all Persian folktales to manage all those massive stories and for easier access to their contents.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)
Background: With increasing infectious diseases as well as antimicrobial resistance in pathogens to existing drugs, researchers are now seeking for new drug candidates to be used as alternatives or complementary therapies. Maca is commonly used in traditional medication as herbal medicine.
Materials & Methods: In this research, the antibacterial and antifungal activities of maca powder and ethanolic extract were evaluated against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC27853, Escherichia coli ATCC25922, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC29212, and Candida albicans ATCC10231 using Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC), and disc diffusion methods.
Results: The obtained results showed that there was no significant difference between the MIC and MBC of maca powder and extract against the reference and clinical strains. Also, no strain showed zone of inhibition at 30, 40, 50, and 60 µl of reference concentration.
Conclusion: According to the results obtained in this study, maca powder and extract had a poor inhibitory effect on bacterial and fungal growth.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (Summer 2021)
Research subject: In this study, the occurrence of flooding due to the accumulation of sediment in the downcomer area, which led to an excessive increase in liquid on the upper trays of the distillation column was investigated in a refinery.
Research approach: Vacuum pressure in the upper area of the column, boiler feed water flow from the inlet to the condenser and the discharge of the net product as three very important and effective operational parameters in controlling the severity of the flooding phenomena and the amount of coking value as an important laboratory parameter to reduce the volume of inlet sediments entering the distillation column. Data and results of changes made on each of these three operational parameters showed their effectiveness in controlling the severity of the flooding phenomena.
Main results: In order to control and reduce the problems caused by the simultaneous flooding phenomena around the vacuum pump, the boiler feed water flow of the inlet to the condenser and the flow of the net output product were proportionally increased until the operating conditions of the distillation column are normalized. In this study, how to control the flooding phenomena and reduce the adverse effects due to the accumulation of sediments in the downcomer area of tray No. 22 and above was investigated.
To overcome these problems, first the vacuum pump rotation speed was increased from 850 rpm to 1250 rpm and the boiler feed water inlet to the condenser from 1.95 m3/hr to 3.2 m3/hr was increased. On the other hand, in order to prevent contamination of the pure product, the net output product flow rate also increased from 925 kg/hr to 2300 kg/hr. Also, with regular and accurate control of the coking value index as a very important laboratory parameter, the volume of coke sediments in the coal tar feed entering the distillation column was reduced from 37.5% by weight to 18.4% in a 30-day period after centrifugation.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (Summer 2019)
Aims: In imbalanced conditions, Candida species colonization as a normal microflora of human skin and some mucosal surfaces is replaced by invasive forms (budding yeast cells, pseudohyphae, and true hyphae). This study aimed to investigate the frequency of Candida species and candidiasis with emphasis on the presence and propensity of different Candida species for pseudohyphae and true hyphae formation in clinical samples taken from various clinical forms of candidiasis.
Materials & Methods: In this cross-sectional study (2018 to 2019), sampling was done from 492 patients suspected to candidiasis, referred to the Medical Mycology Laboratory. Employing direct microscopy and culturing methods, the Candida species were identified using morphological and biochemical characteristics and also PCR-RFLP and DNA sequencing.
Findings: From a total of 96 candidiasis patients, 44.9% were identified with superficial-cutaneous and 55.1% with visceral candidiasis. The most clinical strains were isolated from fingernail scrapings (33.2%), followed by bronchoalveolar lavage samples (17%). The mycelium was found in 55.2% of the cases, and the highest frequency was related to the nail specimens (34%, p <.05). C. albicans was the predominant species forming mycelium (69.8%), followed by C. tropicalis, but no mycelium was found in C. guilliermondii cases. Mycelium formation was observed more in patients with an underlying disease such as AIDS and organ transplantation (p <.05).
Conclusion: Non-albicans Candida species have also the propensity to induce an invasive form of mycelial in the skin and to increase internal organs temperature, exacerbating clinical symptoms. This finding is important for choosing proper antifungal treatments and should be taken into account by clinicians.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2017)
Background: Prediction of future climate change is based on output of global climate models (GCMs). However, because of coarse spatial resolution of GCMs (tens to hundreds of kilometers), there is a need to convert GCM outputs into local meteorological and hydrological variables using a downscaling approach. Downscaling technique is a method of converting the coarse spatial resolution of GCM outputs at the regional or local scale. This study proposed a novel hybrid downscaling method based on artificial neural network (ANN) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm.
Materials and Methods: Downscaling technique is implemented to assess the effect of climate change on a basin. The current study aims to explore a hybrid model to downscale monthly precipitation in the Minab basin, Iran. The model was proposed to downscale large scale climatic variables, based on a feed-forward ANN optimized by PSO. This optimization algorithm was employed to decide the initial weights of the neural network. The National Center for Environmental Prediction and National Centre for Atmospheric Research reanalysis datasets were utilized to select the potential predictors. The performance of the artificial neural network-particle swarm optimization model was compared with artificial neural network model which is trained by Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm. The reliability of the models were evaluated by using root mean square error and coefficient of determination (R2).
Results: The results showed the robustness and reliability of the ANN-PSO model for predicting the precipitation which it performed better than the ANN-LM. It was concluded that ANN-PSO is a better technique for statistically downscaling GCM outputs to monthly precipitation than ANN-LM.
Discussion and Conclusions: This method can be employed effectively to downscale large-scale climatic variables to monthly precipitation at station scale.
Volume 5, Issue 12 (3-2017)
Grotesque was introduced to European literature by the middle of sixteenth century, though previous definitions of this terminology were available before. Although this term was introduced to Aesthetics at the same time with its introduction to philosophy of arts, Kayser made it official and defined it as an expression of alienation and the chaotic world in the nineteenth century. Grotesque, as the definitions go, contains everything odd or strange. This oddity could be of humans, animals, spaces or amazing, strange or dispiteous situations. Generally, anything that contains these three characteristics while it is funny, is considered to be Grotesque. In this article, whit the library-documentary Method, alongside introducing definitions of this term, we reviewed Shirzad’s “Alexander the great”, the last part of the book “Eskandarnameh” regarding these elements. This stories presented, like all other stories of this book rich and special elements, it was divided into seven kinds of human, animal, grotesque atmosphere, language elements etc. This subject shows that vulgar stories also, like other stories can be the suitable background for this view.
Volume 5, Issue 13 (5-2017)
Since 1360, Iranian society has been faced with a changing age pyramid in young population. This group is mainly interested in using some words and expressions which are somehow unfamiliar for other parts of society. So, it can be said that these slang expressions are being used by people who belong to same social groups. Thus, linguists have revealed considerable interest in slang expressions because of its prominence among youth, especially among college students.
Academic slang usage is a popular phenomenon among university students. The importance of the study about academic slang is due to its focus on this fact that slang is complicatedly merged into college students’, academic and social life. So, it can be studied in multi-dimensional aspects. In this study, two aspects of these expressions are examined. So, This article aims to examine Academic Slang Expressions Used by University Students in Isfahan both semantically and lexically. In order to achieve this goal, some word formation processes used by university students in order to create academic slang expressions are examined parallel to their semantic aspects analysis.
To this end, the present study focuses on the following questions: what are the semantic and morphological processes involved in the academic slang expressions used by students of Isfahan and which of them are the most productive? With respect to Shaghaghi’s (1386) division of word formation processes in Persian, some lexical processes involved in making academic slang expressions by university students are determined. In addition, based on Akrami’s (1384) definition of the main ways to construct words and expressions, the semantic rules are introduced.
Participants of the study were 90 male and female university students of Isfahan including undergraduate students (BA), post-graduate students (MA) and doctoral students (Ph.D). As a viable instrument for collecting data, there is currently a trend in sociolinguistic research to use questionnaires in favor of a corpus of naturally occurring data; therefore, in order to accomplish the objectives of the study, a two-section questionnaire was selected to collect viable data. All improperly filled questionnaires and those in which the students had answered to very few questions were discarded, as predicted, such questionnaires could distort the findings of study. Therefore, 160 academic slang expressions were elicited from the students participated in this study.
The method of data analysis was simple and no complicated statistical procedures were employed. Since percentile score adequately describes data, it was used in this study. By considering the process of making academic slang expressions by Isfahan students, compounding, phrasal lexical items, semantic extension, borrowing, derivation, coinage, compounding-derivation, clipping, acronym, and blending were noticed.
among these processes compounding with 31.6% is the most common and blending with 0.062% is the least. It can also be said that university students utilize compounding (a common word formation process in Persian language) to make academic slang expressions more than others.
Moreover, some semantic rules used by university students to make academic slang expressions were introduced. The results showed that Isfahan students have rich and wide slang expressions for labeling various aspects of their academic life, including their academic performance, their teachers, and the way they teach. In the end, this study shows that two main word formation processes – semantic extension (lexical aspect of using academic slang) and compounding (morphological aspect of using academic slang) are the most frequent ones in the speech of university students in Isfahan. Compounding is, predictably, more productive than other word formation processes. Surprisingly, derivation, one of the most productive processes in Persian language, was not so productive in this study.
Volume 5, Issue 14 (6-2017)
Badness-removing belief is done by races in different ways such as sacrificing and alms giving in order to remove the bad. This study analyzes sacrificing animals’ belief in Bakhtiari tribe. Sacrificing is a religious tradition and has been present in different cultures and nations. Many religious traditions recommend sacrificing an animal in order to be protected from badness. Bakhtiari based on Islamic and Eid-ul-Adha codes kill animals such as sheep, goat, and cow on top of the mountains. Another reason people kill animals is to remove badness in wedding ceremony.among other sample of badness-removing based on not killing animals ways such as writing pray and DamB and Kardan are remarkable.
Zohreh hashemi, Abol-Ghasem Ghavam,
Volume 5, Issue 20 (Winter 2012)
Blind Owl is one of the most famous stories of contemporary Persian literature and criticism so far as it has many potential meanings .Despite various disagreements and numerous commentators and critics of The Blind Owl, it can say that all of them agree with this belive that two part of Blind Owl are repeated each other. Moreover, it is said about the vast majority of these explanations with use of psychological critics paid to analysis of this text. While the authors have tried with regard to the above two point whit analysis of conceptual metaphors that used in two parts Through "conceptual metaphor theory" beyond of psychological reasoning of that critics this text have had To discover similarities and differences between the two parts, finally to achive a newer and different view from those mentioned so far and Prove that despite the many similarities in the two-part application, Hedayat has been followed different insights in each part.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (Spring 2020)
Aim: Cereals and cereal-based products are prone to be infected by mycotoxin-producing fungi. The aim of this study was to investigate the level of contamination caused by 11 major mycotoxins in wheat samples collected from wheat silos in Tehran and Alborz provinces using UHPLC-MS/MS device.
Materials & Methods: Samples preparation was performed based on the extraction and purification procedures using acetonitrile/water/acetic acid solvents and Myco6in1 immunoaffinity columns, respectively. Selected mycotoxins were detected simultaneously using reversed phase ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) with electrospray ionization technique in positive-ion mode in a 15-minute run in the MRM program. Spiked samples calibration curve was used to overcome the matrix effects and to determine the residual mycotoxins.
Findings: Quantification and detection limits for AFB1 and OTA mycotoxins were 2 and 0.7 ppb; for DON, FB1, and FB2 were 100 and 33.3 ppb; for ZER were 50 and 16.6 ppb: for AFB2, AFG1, AFG2, and T-2 were 5 and 1.6 ppb; and for HT-2 were 20 and 6.6 ppb, respectively. Good precision and linearity was observed for mycotoxins. The average recovery rate of mycotoxins was in the range of 72-123 %, and the relative standard deviation (RSDr), indicating the method accuracy, was between 0.6-24.2 %. The validated method for analyzing the 30 wheat samples was used to evaluate the residual mycotoxins. OTA, T-2, and HT-2 mycotoxins were found in wheat samples. Only in one sample, the level of residual OTA exceeded the allowable limit set by the Iranian National Standards Organization.
Conclusion: The present study results highlighted the need for monitoring wheat and wheat-based products and the implementation of control and preventive measures in wheat fields, storage warehouses, and flour factories.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (Fall 2018)
Aims: Water is a basic demand of sustainable development in every region of the world. Hirmand catchment is one of the most important cross-border of Iran basins affected by the recent drought periods from water scarcity and caused severe crisis in the Sistan region. Fuzzy theory is able to convert most incorrect and enigmatic concepts, variables and systems into a mathematical form and set the context for reasoning, deduction and decision making at uncertainty conditions. The aim of this study was to simulate the Hirmand catchment by Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP) model and prioritization of the implementation of agriculture development projects in Hirmand catchment.
Materials & Methods: In this analytical-computational study, water development projects in the study area were predicted. The effects of the water development projects predicted using WEAP model and the projects according to the economic criteria was evaluated and prioritized with Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Situation (TOPSIS). Ten water development projects and criteria including 5 economic indexes were considered.
Findings: Water transfer project to agricultural field called Zehak and Sistan were the first priorities which is needed for noticing target population to these projects. Irrigation efficiency (70%) was in the third rank among the options.
Conclusion: The remarkable thing in the ranking of scenarios is that the current account scenario (SC1) is lasted ranking that shows Sistan region's water status, according to the study criteria is not good.
Volume 6, Issue 6 (No.6 (Tome 27), Special Issue, (Articles in Persian) 2015)
Borrowing words is a common and unavoidable phenomenon that is closely related to relation of different linguistic communities. The purpose of this research is to study the phonological adaptation of Arabic loanwords in Persian focusing on vowels system. Authors gathered 1647 Arabic loan words from Persian Dictionary of Moien and Sokhan, and then they extracted phonemic form of loan words from four Arabic dictionaries. Phonemic forms of the words in Persian were collected from both Dictionaries. All the phonemic forms of the words were written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). And then by comparing two phonemic forms of the words, they found the phonological rules of adaptation. The framework of the study is OT (Optimality Theory) according to Prince and Smolensky. An optimal Tableau was considered for each phonological rules and explain the competition of constraints. The finding of the present study is that vowel substitution is the most common phonological rules in adaptation of Arabic vowels in Persian.
Zohreh hashemi,
Volume 6, Issue 22 (Summer 2013)
Since the second century AD Sufi-es have entered the concept of "love" in his speech,and so they defined a new relationship between themselves and God, Although initially this relationship met with opposition from scholars and speakers, but gradually found its place in Sufi-es discourse Finally, in the beginning of sixth century attempt of Sufi-es in along four these centuries to define and describe of "love", Sufism enter in new stage which saw its glorying in the centuries from 6 to 8th. In this study author wants to analysis of basic and secondary cosmological viewpoints of Sufi-es about love. Author with this goal, by study and analysis of ontological and structural metaphors in conceptual metaphor theory has searched these viewpoints and finally has approved that metaphorizing of Sufies since the beginning show their viewpoints to this concept. These two standpoint aroused of two basic structural metaphor: GOD IS SULTAN and GOD IS BELOVED.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2019)
Aims: Todays, the change of range land to agricultural uses by unplanned and improper locations of water supply wells would be led to sever reduction of ground water level and subsequently fully land degradation. However, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of land use change on soil physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties.
Materials & Methods: In this study, 9 soil profiles in Kangavar plain with range and different arable land uses were dug and described. Some properties of soil samples were determined, then, pedons classified to Inceptisols, Entisols, and Mollisols orders.
Findings: The result showed that with land use change from range land to agriculture, content of soil clay reduces (from average 47.6% to 41.4%). With land use change of range to cropland properties including pH, organic matter and calcium carbonate equivalents contents decreased. The amount of soluble potassium in the surface horizons in range lands was more than arable land. In the cropland pedons, the amount of soluble sodium reduced compared to rangeland pedons. The results showed that land use change had no effect on clay minerals type, but changed those value. According to the results, in range land, illite and vermiculite percentage were greater than crop land soil pedons. The smectite content in arable land use more frequency than range land (data have significant difference at p< 0.05 level).
Conclusion: It was concluded that long-term agriculture in study area induced to sever reduction of nutrient and consequently caused to soil degradation in whole plain.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (Winter 2021)
Background: This study was designed to investigate the frequency and tissue distribution of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) in turkeys with respiratory syndrome in Isfahan province.
Materials & Methods: Totally, samples were taken from the trachea, lung, air sac, infraorbital sinus, hock joint, blood of heart, brain, liver, spleen, intestine, and kidney of 30 turkey flocks. After DNA extraction, a 787 bp fragment of 16S rRNA gene of ORT was amplified.
Findings: The PCR results revealed that 53% of turkeys were infected by ORT. The results showed that although ORT was mainly found in the respiratory tract, it could be systemic and infect some other organs, including the joints, brain, liver, spleen, and blood of heart, but could not infect the intestines and kidneys.
Conclusion: Due to the lack of a clear pattern in tissue distribution of ORT among clinical samples, it seems that other factors play a role in ORT tissue distribution, such as dose, route, type of infection, and probably prevalent serotype.