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Showing 268 results for Power

Fatemeh Mahmoudi,
Volume 5, Issue 17 (5-2012)

This paper tends to investigate discourse, power, and language in Behrangi’s “Olduz va kalagh-ha”[1] and “Olduz va aroosak-e sokhangoo”[2] under the light of Foucauldian new historicism to demonstrate that multiple discourses of the selected texts are inseparable from the political, social, literary, and cultural discourses of Behrangi’s era. The study also illustrates how Behrangi has portrayed the mutual relations between language and power by the use of objects and animal characters in his stories. As soon as language threatens power (stepmother), it is doomed to silence.
[1] “Olduz and Crows” [2] “Olduz and the Talking Doll”
Sina Jahan Didieh Kodehi,
Volume 5, Issue 17 (5-2012)

The interpretation and comprehension of a literary work based on sociological theories usually requires an eclectic approach. Such an approach unveils different aspects of a literary work and at the same time examines the validity of the theories. This article is a structural, semiological, and hermeneutical approach towards “Giyahi dar gharantineh” from the collection of short stories, Yozpalangani ke ba man davideh-and,[1] by Bijan Najdi based on the theory of ideology and power discourse. First, we determined the metatextual and textual signs and then all the signs were interpreted in the web of textual signification. Finally, the meaning-making codes were recognized according to the theory of ideology–in Marx, Althusser, and Žižek–and power discourse in Foucault. The overall aim of the article, apart from recognizing the intertextual aspects and narrative structures, decoding the textual signs, and understanding the hidden textual structure of the story, is to determine the macro-metaphor which can function as a common nucleus for all the stories. The tenors of this metaphor are the dominance of ideology and the illusion of identity.
[1] The Leopards who have Run with Me
Maryam Dorpar,
Volume 5, Issue 17 (5-2012)

Because of the stagnancy in contemporary Persian stylistics, there is an urgent need for new steps in this realm. This study introduces new branches of stylistics as well as new methodologies for related studies in Persian Literature. As an initial step, this article introduces the critical stylistics and addresses the two following questions: (1) on what basis does critical stylistics study the text and (2) what implements does this methodology use for the analysis of the text? Accordingly, the concepts of “style”, “critique”, “ideology”, and “power” are explicated as four fundamental dimensions of critical stylistics. Furthermore, the tools and implements discussed by Simpson and Fowler are delved into. Last, the implication of critical stylistics for Persian literary studies and the studies of power relations within the text are mentioned.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (12-2006)

Voltage stability may be improved by various control functions. In this paper, it is shown that how High Side Voltage Control (HIVC) may be employed for this purpose. Two test systems, namely a 22- bus and IEEE U8-bus systems are used to demonstrate the proposed tuning strategy for HSVC control parameters.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2021)

Aim: Concerning the high prevalence of chronic pain and the remarkable role of psychological empowerment in chronic pain management, identifying factors influencing psychological empowerment in chronic pain management is of high importance. Hence, the current study aimed to explore the barriers and facilitators of using psychological empowerment in chronic pain management from health care providers and patients’ viewpoints.
Method and Materials: The grounded theory approach was applied using semi-structured interviews and observation of participants as the main methods for data collection. Fifteen members of the health care providers had a greater relationship with the psychotic dimensions of chronic pain management and 6 patients with chronic pain participated with purposive and theoretical sampling methods in Ahvaz city. Sampling was continued until data saturation and data analysis were performed concurrently with data gathering based on Corbin and Strauss’s proposed method. Data validity was confirmed via Lincoln and Guba’s approach.
Findings: Two themes of “emotional dysregulation” and “negative attitude towards pain”, were identified as barriers to psychological empowerment. Emotional dysregulation consisted of two subsets of the emotional synergy of pain and the inefficiency of symptomatic therapies. Negative
attitudes toward pain also consisted of subsets of false assumptions about pain and lack of self- efficacy. Two themes of “pain acceptance” and “finding the meaning of pain” were also identified as facilitators of psychological empowerment. In this regard, the content of pain acceptance consisted of subcategories of increasing awareness, reality acceptance, and a positive attitude toward pain. Two subcategories of values and pain love also created pain meaning themes.
Conclusion: To evaluate and properly manage chronic pain, consideration of the psychological dimensions of the pain, including barriers and facilitators of the psychological empowerment process, can be beneficial in designing a comprehensive care program to improve chronic management

S. Tawossi,
Volume 6, Issue 21 (3-2013)

It is generally acknowledged that Sadegh Hedayat was an intellectual who dedicated his life to fighting against the dictatorship of Pahlavi. According to many biographies written about him, he, belonging to a royal family though, because of his love to the freedom of human being was against Pahlavi dynasty. This article tries to introduce an idea thoroughly opposite to that generally-accepted one. After analyzing his Blind Owl from the view-point of Michael Foucault’ theory of power, especially “panopticism”, the article comes to the conclusion at the end that Hedayat, because of being influenced by the dominant discourses of the era, of which the most widespread one was nationalism, has worked at the service of the dictatorship of Pahlavi. In order to reach to this goal, the research in hand, first of all, defines the theory of power in Faocoult's works and then follows this theory in the works of the followers of Faucoult, those who have tried to practice this theory in Eropean novels. in the second part, the article investigates the principles of this theory in Hedayat's the Blind Owl.
Maryam Salehinia, Sarwrasa Rafiۥzadeh,
Volume 6, Issue 24 (12-2013)

Government correspondences and related works (books, letter-writing called Tarassol) ‬ are the most important historical documents. The accuracy of authors and amanuenses in representation of the status and the definition of the relations between social agents (public and governing apparatus), made these books function of the cultural and semantic system of its time. These texts draw consciously a kind of “unequal encounter”, so that they are suitable to study the elements of power representation in discourse. This study is based on the four discursive components‬: ‬nomination, transitivity system, function of different sentences models, and modality and provides insights into the power relations. The results show that the above mentioned factors have an efficient role in the discourse of Dastur-al-katib and indicate the reciprocal role of the author in representation of the power relations. Religion and “Sharia”, as two sources of power, buttress this reciprocal discourse and at the same time had led to the emergence of hegemony in the text.

Volume 7, Issue 0 (0-2007)

Arbitrage is a known economic term, implying simultaneous transaction on commodities. For instance, a Generation Company (GenCo) may involve itself in selling fuel, emission allowance and etc., instead of generating either active or reactive power. Moreover, arbitrage between active and reactive powers can, in turn, be considered. In this paper, arbitrage between active and reactive power is considered from Independent System Operator (ISO) viewpoint. A pool model is employed. ISO runs an optimization problem, by which, it could determine and predict GenCos behaviours; in terms of participating in active and reactive power markets for the next twelve months. A normal distribution function is used for price forecasting. Two 3-bus and 14-bus test systems are used to demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed algorithm.

Volume 7, Issue 0 (0-2007)

This paper presents a new arc starter circuit that is usable in Manual Metal Arc welding (MMA) power supplies. The proposed circuit uses an auxiliary circuit and a series coupling transformer for adding high frequency spikes to output DC voltage during arc striking. The proposed circuit is usable in inverter based arc welding supplies and it could result in a decrease of weigh, volume and expense of the high frequency transformer. In addition, a cycle –by- cycle arc welding current control strategy is proposed that is useful in reduction of spatters and increasing of welding quality. The effectiveness of proposed circuit and control strategy is verified using simulation and experimental results.

Volume 7, Issue 2 (6-2018)

Aims: Fish egg has a high nutritional value and is known as an offshore product in the fish processing industry in Asia. Thus, the present study aimed at evaluating proximate and amino acid composition, antioxidant properties, ACE inhibitory effect, and antibacterial power of protein hydrolysates from lyophilized common carp roe by Alcalase.
Materials and Methods: In the present experimental study, the lyophilized roe was subjected to hydrolysis by Alcalase for 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes at pH 8 and 55˚C. Fat, as well as moisture, ash and protein were measured by AOAC and amino acid composition by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. DPPH scavenging activity, metal ion chelating, ACE inhibitory effect and anti-bacterial power of the samples were analyzed. The data were analyzed by SPSS 21, using ANOVA and LSD tests. Antioxidant property of hydrolysates increased with their concentrations.
Findings: By increasing the hydrolysis time, protein content, protein recovery percentage, and ash content increased, but the amount of fat and moisture decreased. The most abundant amino acids in common carp roe and its protein hydrolysates were valine, lysine, arginine, and leucine. The antioxidant properties of the samples increased with increasing concentration. DPPH scavenging activity of hydrolysates at 20mg/ml was significantly higher than that of BHT solution (p<0.05). All the hydrolysates exhibited antioxidant, ACE inhibitory and antibacterial effects.
Conclusion: Due to the high content of protein, bioactive peptides, and essential and unnecessary amino acids, Common carp roe protein hydrolysates has a high antioxidant property, ACE inhibitory and antibacterial properties.

Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Cities play a strategic role in contemporary political-economic space. Despite of global process-based distribution of political and theoretical status of neo-liberalism, it’s geographical and spatial space transformations have never been experienced at determined methods. This paper indicates the question of neoliberal city form. Question in which relies on “actually existing neo-liberalism” as a key character of “neo-liberal restructuring project”. It refers to ways in which different local contexts are embedded within wider dominant global structural grid of neo-liberal discursive command centers. It implies another key attribute, the “path dependent neo-liberalism”, the neo-liberal project defined on contextually embedded bases, elaborately rearranges, replaces and redefines the structures of existing institutional layout and subsequently transforms the shape of the city in two critical moment of neoliberal restructuring project: the “moment of destruction” and the “moment of creation”. Three different layers of neo-liberal process in cities has distinguished by synthesizing two theoretically different but dialectically intertwined methodological foundations: functional layer, structural layer, “common sense revolution” layer. This synthesized theoretical frame work has conceptualized the contemporary neo-liberal city form transformation by emphasizing on distinction between two different mechanisms of neo-liberal project, the glocalization and urbanization stages. In the last part, explanation of an analytic model of neo-liberal city transformation has been emerged from discussed issues. The columns of this table-formatted model, consists of the layers of neo-liberal process and the rows Includes integrated dimensions of city form. This model provides primitive analytic criteria for understanding the overall layers of neo-liberalization process in specific urban contexts. Cities play a strategic role in contemporary political-economic space. Despite of global process-based distribution of political and theoretical status of neo-liberalism, it’s geographical and spatial space transformations have never been experienced at determined methods. This paper indicates the question of neoliberal city form. Question in which relies on “actually existing neo-liberalism” as a key character of “neo-liberal restructuring project”. It refers to ways in which different local contexts are embedded within wider dominant global structural grid of neo-liberal discursive command centers. It implies another key attribute, the “path dependent neo-liberalism”, the neo-liberal project defined on contextually embedded bases, elaborately rearranges, replaces and redefines the structures of existing institutional layout and subsequently transforms the shape of the city in two critical moment of neoliberal restructuring project: the “moment of destruction” and the “moment of creation”. Three different layers of neo-liberal process in cities has distinguished by synthesizing two theoretically different but dialectically intertwined methodological foundations: functional layer, structural layer, “common sense revolution” layer. This synthesized theoretical frame work has conceptualized the contemporary neo-liberal city form transformation by emphasizing on distinction between two different mechanisms of neo-liberal project, the glocalization and urbanization stages. In the last part, explanation of an analytic model of neo-liberal city transformation has been emerged from discussed issues. The columns of this table-formatted model, consists of the layers of neo-liberal process and the rows Includes integrated dimensions of city form. This model provides primitive analytic criteria for understanding the overall layers of neo-liberalization process in specific urban contexts. Cities play a strategic role in contemporary political-economic space. Despite of global process-based distribution of political and theoretical status of neo-liberalism, it’s geographical and spatial space transformations have never been experienced at determined methods. This paper indicates the question of neoliberal city form. Question in which relies on “actually existing neo-liberalism” as a key character of “neo-liberal restructuring project”. It refers to ways in which different local contexts are embedded within wider dominant global structural grid of neo-liberal discursive command centers. It implies another key attribute, the “path dependent neo-liberalism”, the neo-liberal project defined on contextually embedded bases, elaborately rearranges, replaces and redefines the structures of existing institutional layout and subsequently transforms the shape of the city in two critical moment of neoliberal restructuring project: the “moment of destruction” and the “moment of creation”. Three different layers of neo-liberal process in cities has distinguished by synthesizing two theoretically different but dialectically intertwined methodological foundations: functional layer, structural layer, “common sense revolution” layer. This synthesized theoretical frame work has conceptualized the contemporary neo-liberal city form transformation by emphasizing on distinction between two different mechanisms of neo-liberal project, the glocalization and urbanization stages. In the last part, explanation of an analytic model of neo-liberal city transformation has been emerged from discussed issues. The columns of this table-formatted model, consists of the layers of neo-liberal process and the rows Includes integrated dimensions of city form. This model provides primitive analytic criteria for understanding the overall layers of neo-liberalization process in specific urban contexts. Cities play a strategic role in contemporary political-economic space. Despite of global process-based distribution of political and theoretical status of neo-liberalism, it’s geographical and spatial space transformations have never been experienced at determined methods. This paper indicates the question of neoliberal city form. Question in which relies on “actually existing neo-liberalism” as a key character of “neo-liberal restructuring project”. It refers to ways in which different local contexts are embedded within wider dominant global structural grid of neo-liberal discursive command centers. It implies another key attribute, the “path dependent neo-liberalism”, the neo-liberal project defined on contextually embedded bases, elaborately rearranges, replaces and redefines the structures of existing institutional layout and subsequently transforms the shape of the city in two critical moment of neoliberal restructuring project: the “moment of destruction” and the “moment of creation”. Three different layers of neo-liberal process in cities has distinguished by synthesizing two theoretically different but dialectically intertwined methodological foundations: functional layer, structural layer, “common sense revolution” layer. This synthesized theoretical frame work has conceptualized the contemporary neo-liberal city form transformation by emphasizing on distinction between two different mechanisms of neo-liberal project, the glocalization and urbanization stages. In the last part, explanation of an analytic model of neo-liberal city transformation has been emerged from discussed issues. The columns of this table-formatted model, consists of the layers of neo-liberal process and the rows Includes integrated dimensions of city form. This model provides primitive analytic criteria for understanding the overall layers of neo-liberalization process in specific urban contexts.

Volume 7, Issue 4 (10-2016)

 This article has studied the function of analysis levels in critical approach to discourse analysis according to Furlough's view inA Separation, by studying power, Culture and cultural believes inferring to the role and place of mythical texts such as holy book in discoursal solution. This article specifically studied the role of lying in disrupting relationships and conative norms and showed that sequential lies create an unsafe space that because of its intense consequences changes into a critical space.  In the bed of the movie, subjects try to solve the existing crisis, using cultural believes, antagonism and persuasion. In such atmosphere that subject's discoursal conflicts are loaded with the lack of power balance, the only scape from the crisis is returning to meta-myth, a meta-belief that cause the asthmatic atmosphere to be adjusted and peaceful. It clarifies the relationship between culture and myth with discourse resolution. The research method in this article is analytic and analysis units are sequences and in fact sentences or dialogues have been used in A Separation.      

Volume 7, Issue 26 (6-2019)

Among the various types of oral literature and due to their richness, tales and myths have the ability to examine the origin and effects of anthropology, sociology, psychology, etc. Some sociologists believe that their knowledge of the institution of the family in Iran's past is negligible. Therefore, history, especially folktales, can illuminate parts of social life that are far from the eyes of sociologists. The question of power is one of the subjects of interest in sociological studies in family institution. Understanding the distribution of power within the family in past periods represents a lot of social change. In this article and in order to examine the power structure within folklore tales; the structure of power, its methods of action and the type of resistance in front of power, as well as the sources of power production in family relationships, were examined in 93 kinds of folk narrative using content analysis approach. The results showed that the power structure in family is highly dominant and is represented in terms of paternity in relation to the child. In relations between men and women, in addition to domination, there is an intimate and legitimate relationship that women accept based on traditional ideologies, the power of men even in intimate relationships. The methods for exercising more power are forced, but the type of resistance, especially girls 'resistance to domination, and boys' active resistance to the father for passive reasons are evident. Gender-related beliefs, socio-economic resources and tips, such as the child's tone and hints, are among the sources of energy production in the family.
, ,
Volume 7, Issue 28 (12-2014)

Abstract Text and power theoretical framework for critical interpretation of text In this study we have tried -to comment on the importance of text in social and literary research - to provide a theoretical framework for critical interpretation. Question of this research is : H ow text power does.To answer this question , we will review the theories of power in the humanities and social sciences . Two main theories have been proposed in this field . Rule-based theories in which emphasize power as a physical or class or governmental force. Other theories emphasize power as the discoursive or the lingual that applay Through subjective and desubjective processes. at For this purpose will read the votes of four of the most important contemporary theorists , Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe , Slavoj Žižek and Julia Kristeva until will be given research question. Finally, the responses of these theories will be presented .
Sarw Rafizadeh,
Volume 7, Issue 28 (12-2014)

Abstract The Novel Noghreh, daughter of Kabul River, written by Humaira Qaderi, one of the young and proposed Afghanistan novilist that it is one of the most important novels of contemporary Afghanistan. Here social and political issues have been addressed from the standpoint of women, with a focus on women. The purpose of this article is to study the status and role of Afghan women in contemporary Persian fiction in this country and explore this novel via Critical Discourse Analysis. After the introduction of research methods and theoretical bases of Norman Fairclough, we will analysis the text in three stages. The results of our analysis show that context of novel representations two types of conflict: the Conflict between traditional patriarchal discourses and discourses of femininity (feminist) and the contrast between the intellectual discourse and the discourse of power. The author represents all events of the story about political and social issues in a particular period of history; thus, the method of analysis components of Critical Discourse Analysis, besides to the specific and targeted approach to the representation of the events of the story in author perspectives, introduced reader with some of the developments in this story that its role is played by the women in Afghan society. Author's emphasis is on a particular period of history than any other time also reflects national trends and anti-authoritarian and colonial. Due to the presence of foreign forces and interference potential and secretly warns and in addition to the design of social and emotional issues of women, her apparent bias against traditional patriarchal discourse shows.

Volume 7, Issue 29 (12-2019)

The concept of power and its relation with ideology is one of the basic components of critical discourse analysis. In this article, the power position of one of Shah Abbas Safavi's chivalrous, named Hosein Kord Shabestari, is analyzed according to sthe face-threatening and face-saving acts against Shah Abbas's enemies. In the face-threatening act, Hosein Kord puts himself in the power position fearlessly and the audience in accepting the power position in different ways of expressions. In the face-saving act, there is a high frequency of face-saving acts for Hosein Kord and it sometimes belongs to Shah Abbas at a lower level. So far as these two acts are concerned, it is found that a chivalrous named Hosein Kord is in a high place, sometimes even higher than the Shah Abbas's place. This is why he uses face-threatening acts against Shah Abbas. The aim of this study is to show the position of Shah Abbas's chivalrous especially Hosein Kord so far as ideology is concerned.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (0-2008)

Electric arc furnaces (EAFs) are unbalanced, nonlinear and time varying loads, which can cause many problems in the power system quality. In steel industries, the two arc furnaces often perform in parallel and stand on a single bus, which surely deteriorate the power quality. In this paper, in order to study and analyze the harmful effects of parallel operation of EAFs, first, a three phase arc furnace model, which can simulate all the operational conditions of EAFs are simulated based on Hyperbolic-Exponential Model. In this process, in order to perform exact analysis of EAFs, effects of arc furnace transformer and the mutual inductance of the flexible cables are also considered. In the next step, in order to improve the power quality indices, the TSC and TCR/FC compensators are designed optimally and then simulated. Finally, the simulation results that are accomplished by PSCAD/EMTDC software show the validity of the proposed method in the entire power systems.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (0-2008)

Deregulation policy has caused some changes in the concepts of power systems reliability assessment and enhancement. In this paper, generation reliability is considered, and a method for its assessment using intelligent systems is proposed. Also, because of power market and generators’ forced outages stochastic behavior, Monte Carlo simulation is used for reliability evaluation. Generation reliability, merely focuses on interaction between generation complex and load. Therefore, in this research, based on market type and its concentration, reserve margin, and various future times, a Neuro-Fuzzy system is proposed for evaluation of generation reliability which is valid and usable for all kinds of power pool markets. Finally, the proposed method is assessed on IEEE-Reliability Test System; and generation reliability indices of various markets are evaluated with different reserve margins and different load levels.

Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2004)

Seyed Doraid Mousavi Mojab Ph.D. Student of Criminal Law and Criminology, Tarbiat Modarres University  More than six decades past since the important and everlasting work of Edwin H. Sutherland, The famous professor of penal sociology in the U.S.A, entitled “white-collar crime”, has been published. Sutherland explained this topic in terms of its importance for the civil society of the U.S.A, and opened a new way which was later pursued by the celebrated criminologists. From the criminologists point of view, white- collar criminals who have no ethical conscience, enjoy high ability to commit a crime on one hand, and their conformitibility is in a high level on the other hand. This point expresses the probable harms of these good- looking criminals and their dangerous state. White- collar criminals belong to high social classes, they enjoy power and effectual influence. They commit crimes such as fraud, embezzlement, bribery, forgery, abuse of credit cards, efc. In Sutherland’s definition, “white-collar crime” is a crime committed by a person of high status in the course of occupation. They are called white - collar criminals, because of their plausible face, public reputation, intelligence and being under social acceptability. The effects of their criminal acts are in a manner, which their results predominantly remain for a long time. However , it’s necessary to study the white- collar crimes whit respect to their destructive effects on communities through a comprehensive approach, especially from criminologicaly aspects.

Volume 8, Issue 7 (3-2017)

Critical metaphor analysis tries to be a multidisciplinary approach that studies the way social power abuse, dominance, and inequality are enacted, reproduced, and resisted by text and talk through metaphors in the social and political the present research, through electing such approaches such as critical discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics, pragmatics and corpus analysis,  instances of discourse metaphors extracted from opposing wing’s newspapers such as Keyhan and Mardomsalari in Iran and Telegraph and Mirror in England analyzed based on Lakoff’s cognitive approach and Cameron’s discourse metaphor following Charteris-black’s integrative critical metaphor research. The aim was to investigate the similarities and differences between metaphors and conceptual metaphors in each discourse and subsequently in each language. To tackle this concern, considering each wing’s core principals, political parts of the intended newspapers were analyzed and to narrow down the research just five source domains including conflict, structure, journey, religion and plants were focalized. The results showed that the aforementioned languages and the political wings are different in terms of source domains and frequency due to multilingual factors including society, history and culture. The results also demonstrated the metaphorical features of the discourses in terms of source domains. In this study also each kinds of Lakoff’s structural, ontological, directional metaphors and Cameron’s systematic metaphors were identified. Furthermore, this study showed how identical facts are demonstrated differently by opposing ideologies. Finally this eclectic approach came to known as an effective approach in demonstrating hidden power relations.

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