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Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2013)

The aim of this research is to identify and rank the effective factors of employee transfer in BIPC Basparan petrochemical company through 1388-1390. Identifying and ranking the factors of the employees transfer in production units such as BIPC Basparan petrochemical company can be regarded as an effective step in reducing the turnover of skillful and elite employees. The research has applied and holistic approach and the research population include all employees of Basparan petrochemical company. In order to gather the criteria and indicators, two questionnaires have been used in two stages. At the first step, the reasons behind the employees transfer were identified by library and internet-based research, in addition to interviewing with the experts. At the second step, the questionnaire number 2 was exploited in order to make pair comparisons and eventually prioritizing the key factors affecting the employee transfer. After pair comparisons between standards, the importance levels of factors were identified. According to the results, the level of job satisfaction ranks first, followed by organizational commitment, empowerment, organization structure, organizational leadership, absence and lack of punctuality.    

Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2013)

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the quality of empowering the staff of Ministry of Finance and Economic Affair headquarter and the standard model of Investing in People. The research population of this study includes staffs of the headquarters of the Ministry of Finance with bachelor degree or higher who are 821 people and selected samples are 256 persons whom were chosen by Morgan’s table. Questionnaire used in this study are Spreitzer Psychological Empowerment standard questionnaire and a questionnaire which was designed according to the standard criteria of investing in people. First, the current status of psychological empowerment headquarters of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs is measured and then the research hypotheses are tested and assessed by SPSS software and LISREL. Surveying the status of employee empowerment indicates the average level of empowerment in the organization and shows the need for improvements. Results also denote that there is a significant positive correlation between the quality of empowering the staff and the two components of commitment and planning. However, there is no relationship between two components of action and assessment of the standard model of Investing in People and the final model is obtained by the software.          

Volume 3, Issue 2 (4-2012)

Why is state, and in a broader view, political system or government, responsible for directing and governing individuals' conduct "both in individual and species level"? And how it accomplishes this "will of governing"? The answers to these questions appear to be different based on our way of perceiving categories such as government, power, or their due relation to the subject. The perspective design of "governmentality" by Foucault could be taken as inception of a new domain in which the triplet categories of government, power and subject are interrelated. It is shown in this perspective that how government's reluctance in using mere violence and, at the meantime, willing to govern people through it will inevitably make subjectification as the sole possible answer to the particular epistemological horizon of the governmentality problematic; an answer, which in form, on the one hand, multiplicities all government arts and, appears as multiplying all government institutions on the other. The form of conceptualizing how power operates, not only explains blurring of boundaries between persuasion and consent during the governmentalization of individuals to create desired subjects, but also it denies “the participation of desire in repressing itself”.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2013)

Abstract Empowerment is considered to be one of the useful tools for improving employee quality and increasing organizational effectiveness. The purpose of this Research is to survey the impact of knowledge management enablers on employees empowerment through the knowledge management process as variable, from the perspective of small and medium enterprise managers in east of Mazandaran province. The research sample are small and medium enterprises from the east of Mazandaran province which has more than 42 months of working background, which includes 307 companies. The statistical technique of structural equation modeling represents that in small and medium enterprises in east of Mazandaran province, knowledge management enablers have meaningful direct impact on employees empowerment. Also it have meaningful indirect effect through the knowledge management process. The process of knowledge management has meaningful direct impact on employees’ empowerment as well as knowledge management enabler on knowledge management process. The results of this study represents the impact of the knowledge management process role in the knowledge management enablers on the employees’ empowerment of SMEs.  

Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2015)

Aim: Health locus of control includes the degree of a person's belief in the fact that his/her health is controlled by internal or external factors. The aim of this study was to determine the status of health locus of control and its related factors among Iranian pilgrims.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 600 pilgrims of the holy shrines in Tehran in 2015. People aged over 15 years who had come for pilgrimage to the shrines entered the study by convenient sampling and after consent. The A form of the Multi-dimensional Health Locus of Control scale was used. This form consists of Internal Health Locus of Control (IHLC), Powerful others (PHLC) and Chance External Locus of Control (CHLC). The relation of between age, gender, education, income, marital status and location of residence on each construct was evaluated by t-test, ANOVA and linear regression through SPSS21.
Findings: Among the total pilgrims, 302 were females (50.3%). The mean age of the participants was 33.15±11.06 years. The highest and lowest averages were associated with the internal locus of control (25.60±3.34) and the chance locus of control (18.20±5.13), respectively. There was a significant relationship between educational level and IHLC; between income and education level with CHLC; and between marital status and age with PHLC.
Conclusion: According to our results, most people think that they control their health or life events themselves. People with a higher internal locus of control score have more tendency to practice health promotion and disease prevention and seek health through visiting holy sites and appealing to God.

Volume 3, Issue 2 (12-2021)

The system of governing the country is the bedrock of the exercise of political power through which the distribution of power in the country and among the organs and organizations takes place. Since the management and allocation of resources in each country is done through the administration system, its function has a significant share in production, reproduction and protection of the foundations of national power. The indicators of the efficiency of the country's administration system are identified in the context of the rules, instructions and directives and are on the agenda of the executers in the form of sets of rules and regulations. If the indicators related to planning, preparation and formulation of budget allocation are prepared in accordance with the pattern of good governance, the country can be on the path of sustainable development and the natural and human dimensions of national power generation intermediaries are strengthened. With this approach, good governance narrates human-centered development and considers the provision of efficient public services, a reliable judicial system and an accountable administration system as the main pillars of the governance. From the other hand, most of the indicators of national power are related to the functioning of the structures and institutions of the country and the existed processes. With a descriptive-analytic method, this article seeks an answer to the question that “how the mechanisms of the country's administration system in the context of good governance are effective in changing the foundations of national power?”.

Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2021)

Détente as a policy seeks for decreasing tensions in foreign relations between states. Although there are lots of variables affecting the mentioned policy, this article basically concentrates on the role and status of military power in détente. The main argument is: there was a clear correlation between military power and détente in the Cold War era (especially between the U.S. and the Soviet Union as the two superpower) but in the post-Cold War era, we cannot see such a correlation between these variables, which means there has been substantial change in the correlation between military power and the détente policy. This research shows that, due to changes in the international system on the one hand, and an evolution in state attitudes towards the nature of power on the other, the role and status of military power has declined in the détente policy between states in the post-Cold War era.

Volume 3, Issue 10 (9-2022)

Today, adopting new technologies is one of the challenges in organizations, especially sports organizations, which has received little attention. The fit between the organization's strategic resources and information systems based on information and communication technology generates creativity in processing operations and, as a result, provides new products and services. The current research was conducted to investigate the impact of information and communication technology on the empowerment of managers and employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth in Kermanshah province, taking social capital and self-sufficiency into account. The research method was descriptive-correlation and applied in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the research included 320 managers and employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Kermanshah province, and 175 people were selected as a statistical sample using the stratified random method based on Cochran's formula. The data collection tool was the use of standard questionnaires. This research used Smart PLS software to examine the relationships between the model's components from the structural equations and to analyze the data. The results showed that information and communication technology had a positive and significant impact on the empowerment of managers and employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Kermanshah province, taking into account social capital and self-efficacy, and based on this, information and communication technology had a positive effect on the capital social with an impact factor of 0.76 and a t-value of 803.19, information and communication technology on self-efficacy, with an impact factor of 0.67 and a t-value of 501.11, social capital on empowerment, with an impact factor of 0.35 and a t-value of 527.2. And self-efficacy has had a positive and significant effect on empowerment with an impact factor of 0.42 and a t value of 310.3. Also, information and communication technology has the most impact on social capital, with an impact factor of 0.76, and social capital has the least impact on empowerment, with an impact factor of 0.35. It is suggested that managers and employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Kermanshah province synchronize information and communication technology in sports organizations with topics such as empowerment, social capital, and self-efficacy to create effective and productive outcomes.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2013)

This paper suggests the use of new branches of stylistics along with appropriate devices for the analysis of Persian texts. As a step in this direction, stylistic properties of Jashn-e Farkhonde, a short story of Jalalal-e Al-e ahmad, were analyzed with the approach of Critical stylistics answering these major questions: “What is the ideology behind the text?”, “What stylistic features discover this ideology?” and “What is the function of the ideology behind the text?” It is assumed that, in this short story, ideology is a mechanism for struggle against domination. To provide an answer to these questions, narrative and textual macro-layers of this short story are examined along with an analysis of focalization, focalization continuity (shifting focalization and multiple-focalization), facets of focalization (the perceptual facets including tense, order, duration, frequency and space, an overall and eye-bird’s view or a partial and close-up view, cognitive facet and ideological facet) and micro-layers of lexicon, syntax, and rhetoric in connection with the outer layer (the situational context of the text). It is assumed that the awareness obtained from focalization and analysis of micro-layers will result in the discovery of ideology and power relations in the text. The reslts showed that characteristics of text from contrasting personalities and contrasting discourses that reach unity to the narrator's father. Too much use of swear words and his imperative sentences indicate the hidden ideology of the text; that is dissatisfaction of author, as a critical intellectual that represents groups of community from both social and political currents mentioned in the story.      

Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2013)

The purpose of this article is the comparative analysis of correlation of plot between two narrative stories: “The Prayer Dealer” (narrated in One Thousand and One Night), and “The Cittern” by Jalal A. Ahmad. We believe that the narration of “The Cittern”, from figurative point of view, is very similar to “The Prayer Dealer”. However, there is an element or word in “The Cittern” that has created a conflict in narrative coordination from plot point of view. We try to know what this element is. This question is the result of a comparative analysis between these two narrations. Analyzing the two narrations, we have found a question that was constantly preoccupying the author’s mind: “Why, in “The Prayer Dealer”, there is internal solidarity and harmony among the figures? In addition, why in “The Cittern”, we witness a conflict in the internal narrative structure and there is no such solidarity as the first one? Here is the theory based on which the author is going to answer this question: In the story of “The Prayer Dealer”, the narrative operant, “Namaz Forush” (the prayer dealer) uses his own imagination to see through the future. However, the narrative operant of “The Cittern”, a young musician goes back to his past to find answers. In the first case, seeing through the future puts the narrative plot in a very solid position, but going back to the past puts the operant in the terminal part of the narration (but the plot has lost this character in “The Cittern”). This terminal position is a potentially destructive power for a new narration. That is why the plot for “The Cittern” is not a complete one and only shows a minimal narration.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (12-2021)

The purpose of this study is to analyze the challenges of political marketing with the approach of using the soft power of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Categories related to each of them were extracted using content analysis method and these 6 groups were ranked using Friedman test by SPSS26 software. According to the results, the highest ranking was given to the techniques used in international political marketing with the approach of diplomacy, media power, ideological power, cultural power, economic power and management system power. Persuasion and third place became the most prominent dimension of international political marketing, namely national identity. Iran's current position in terms of identity, international prestige and economic identity ranks fourth, restrictions on the use of political marketing ranks fifth with unique ideological approach, financial challenges and theoretical poverty and the most effective Iranian foreign policy discourse ranks sixth with de-escalation and balance discourse approach. Finally, the analytical model of political marketing affected by limitations, necessities and the most significant dimension using effective techniques and the best discourse in promoting Iran's current position in the economic field and strengthening the international image are presented. Practical suggestions are also provided based on research questions for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Economic Deputy of this agency and non-governmental organizations including the Red Crescent and other responsible agencies and organizations.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (12-2021)

Development can be considered as one of the main concern of Iranian society in contemporary history. The development, especially economic development, is subjected to the numerous and intertwined factors. In this study, the relationship between the geographical aspects of political power construct and economic development has come into focus. This research is based on quantitative approach and descriptive -analytical method. Data are collected using library and filed findings. The co-occurrence analysis is used to analyze the data. Sampling was performed by snowball sampling. The sample size is 30 people and the Minitab software is used to analyze the data. Although various dimensions and components in political power construct are complex in Iran, in this study, the components and indicators of the geographical dimensions in political power construct are considered and its indicators in relation to economic development is studied, measured, and analyzed. Five components of development indicators which are related to the geographical dimension of political power construct affect Iran’s economic development. Five evaluation components of geo-economy, geopolitics political geography, the environment and human geography (culture and society) have high priority in relation to the geographical dimension of political power constrict and economic development.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (10-2013)

As an integral componet of discourse competence and professional expertise, generic competence is intervowen with the concept of multi-litracies, which in turn highlights the role of technology and multimodality. Conefernce PowerPoint presentations are among the research-process genres, which rely substantially on the textual and visual generic competences of discourse community members. In spite of their significant role for the membership in a community of practice, they are underexplored even in the "English for Specific/ Academic Purposes" tradition of genre analysis, where static versus dynamic nature of genres has been a controversial issue. The present genereic study utilized a typology of visuals along with a framework for description and explanation of their characteristics and features to analyze more than 400 conference slides by two groups of non-native applied linguists (a representative of soft scientists) in light of the definition of genre, its functions, and the influence of Microsoft software on its features. Apart from highlighting the importance of visuals and the dominance of scriptuals in soft sciences, the reported similarities and differences between the two groups and the obtained patterns revealed that PowerPoint presentation can be considered a genre, which would manifest a variety of identity expressions. Moreover, in the absence of disoursal and metadiscoursal elements, many slide characteristics and features can fulfill their fuctions. Sheding some light on the undeniable role of the software and its implications for methods of reasoning and argumentation, genre integrity, and definition of metadiscourse and genre along with some applied suggestions are among the main aims of the study.  

Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2015)

Today organizations increasingly are faced with dynamic and changing environments and In order to survive and have their own dynamics, they have to be reponsive to environmental changes. Since scholars and intellectuals know the human resources as one of the most important element of change in the organization, leadership would be a key element. The importance of leadership is because of leaders achieve goals through their influence on followers. Also skilled and empowered employees are important to achieve the organization's goals and aspirations. On the other hand, today more than ever, an organization's competitive advantage depends on the organization knowledge, knowledge using method, speed of adaptation to changing environments and pace of access to new knowledge. Organizations that are oriented towards learning and more effective use of taught, are achieved opportunities to gain greater efficiency, speed and profitability. According to importance of this topic, in this study a conceptual framework to assess the impact of transformational leadership on empowerment in Semnan University has been developed. This research from the aspect of aim is an applied research and from the aspect of the manner of data collection is a descriptive research and of the correlation type. 133 questionnaires has been collected from the personnel of the Semnan University. Data analysed useing lisrel software. Finally, the results indicated that there is a significant and positive effect of transformational leadership on learning orientation and employee empowerment .Learning orientation has no impact on the empowerment and also the results showed that transformational leadership and learning orientation account for 61% of empowerment.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2019)

Arthropods were sampled on an early- and late-season crop of watermelon in the 2016 cropping season using motorized suction sampler swept along 5m length of the middle row of 20 experimental plots at Federal University Wukari. Specimens were sorted to morphotypes, feeding guilds and as dominant based on percentage relative abundance (RA) and frequency of occurrence (FO). Different species diversity indices were computed. The collections made on the early- and late-sown crops were compared using Jaccard’s Similarity index (Cj). Spatial distribution pattern of the dominant arthropods were determined using Taylor’s power law and Iwao’s patchiness regression. Results showed that collections on both crops were similar (Cj= 0.83). A total of 14,466 specimens sorted to 1 order (Araneae) in the class Arachnida and 64 species in 41 families and 8 orders in the class Hexapoda were collected. Data showed moderately high species diversity (H = 2.8-3.0), richness (R = 6.0-7.2), but low evenness (E = 0.26-0.39). Coleopterous insects (22 species), dominated by chrysomelids, were the most diverse and species-rich followed by hymenopterans, mainly formicids. Dominant arthropods (RA≥1.0 and FO≥25.0%) included Asbecesta nigripennis, Aulacophora africana, Philanthus triangulum (parasitoid of bee), Pheidole sp., Camponotus sp., Rhynocoris nitidulus and spiders. Most dominant arthropods were aggregated; dispersion varied with model used and crop season. Only 27.3% of the diverse and rich arthropods on watermelon at Wukari require pest management intervention and validation of their dispersion pattern in large-scale watermelon production.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2016)

In this study, gelatin was first extracted by alkaline and acidic treatment including 0.19 N NaOH and 0.12 N acetic acid solution by ratio of skin of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss (to solution of 1 to 7 and then heat treatment in 50 °C. Then, hydrolysed by alcalase enzyme for 4 hours with the ratio of enzyme to the substrate 1 to 100 and the degree of hydrolysis were measured after 4 hours. DPPH and ABTS free radical scavenging activity, as well as reducing power assay of gelatin hydrolysate were measured. The results showed that the degree of hydrolysis after 4 hours was 46/7%. Also the highest DPPH and ABTS free radical scavenging and reducing power at concentration of 10 mg/ml were 39/8%, 50/7%, and 0/123, respectively. The skin from fish filleting can be a suitable raw material for extraction of peptides with biological activities. The results showed that peptides derived from rainbow trout fish skin gelatin can be considered as a natural antioxidant.

Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2015)

Employees form an image of an organization's support and as results, attention to organizational goals and their realization. Their psychological empowerment allows organizations to be more flexible and responsive to changes. On the other hand, organizations need employees who are willing to step beyond the formal requirements of a job. Due to importance of these factors, this study examines the relationship between psychological empow­erment on job performance, with organizational citizenship behavior as a mediator. Statistical population is employees of Alborz Insurance Branches in Tehran that are a total of 270. The simple random sampling used and according to Cochran formula a sample of 159 were selected. To collect required data, a standard ques­tionnaire of Chiang and Hsieh (2012) was used. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling based on Lisrel was used to assess the structural mo­del. Results of testing hypotheses suggest that OCB mediate the relationship betw­een psychological empowerment and job performance and perceived organi­zational support has effect on job performance, but this effect was not accepted on OCB. Also, psychological empowerment has effect on job performance and OCB, and OCB has effect on job performance. 

Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2016)

 Fish protein hydrolysates from whole kilka, using alcalase enzyme (ratio 1: 100) under optimal temperature (55°C) and pH (8.5) was evaluated for its hydrolysis degree and antioxidant activity. Results of the hydrolysis degree recorded at time intervals of 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours indicated the hydrolysis degree increased with increase in the hydrolysis time. The evaluation of FPH antioxidant activity, using DPPH, ABTS and reducing power assay tests at 3 concentrations (1, 2 and 5 mg/ml indicated the highest inhibitory effect at 5 mg/ml was 74.4%, 72.3% and 1.8 absorbance in 700 nm for DPPH, ABTS and reducing power assay, respectively. Generally, the findings of this research confirmed the potential of kilka as a source of natural antioxidants for food applications.

Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2023)

Urban studies thinkers consider citizens' participation as one of the infrastructures for increasing in the capabilities of urban management. In order to citizens' participation to be meaningful and express the main concept of participation, it must be on a local scale and then reach the transnational arena. Neighborhoods, as the most fundamental elements of cities, have a special place in shaping and organizing the affairs of Tehran. With the establishment of the Pahlavi government and the effort to modernize Iran and the growth and increase in the population of cities, the traditional structures of urban life, including neighborhoods, underwent a transformation. The Law of City Associations was approved before the revolution, but it took many years to pay attention to neighborhood life again with the formation and implementation of the city's Islamic councils in 1998. In recent years, the neighborhood has been defined as the center of concentration and connection of urban services - people and municipality - in the smallest structural area of Tehran municipality. This center was chosen in such a way that all the possible capacities of the municipality can be delegated to it, and at the same time, concrete and objective participation of the citizens was directed to it in all areas that can be participated in, and new and up-to-date functions were defined for it. New social theories consider women's participation in sustainable development processes to be essential, and since the field of women's activity is traditionally wider in the fields of family and neighborhood, the local administration has envisioned a special role for women in city affairs and implemented special programs to improve their quality of life. In an environmental approach, women have the ability to play a greater role as leaders or active participants in smaller communities such as urban neighborhoods. It can be said that women play an essential role in local social cohesion. This type of connection is especially necessary to achieve social planning and successful management in multicultural societies. Because experience has shown that women pay attention to the dimensions of the needs of all groups in society and are not limited to the views and desires of powerful and effective members of society and often seek to create bridges over social, cultural and racial divisions as well as incompatibilities in society. That society will lead to a better life.
Research findings
Based on this, the current research tries to investigate the effect of local women's participation in the programs of active organizations (Serai Mahlah) on improving their quality of life. Angeh, Homayun Shahr and Aqdasiye neighborhoods were introduced and selected as examples by the neighborhood management strategic headquarters because of their active role in this matter. In the current research, a survey method was used with the two goals of description and explanation. At the level of description, the goal is to provide information on the level of participation of women in the administration of neighborhood affairs, and at the level of explanation and analysis, the goal is to find the existence or non-existence of a relationship between independent and dependent variables. At the same time, it has been used to compile the theoretical foundations and review previous researches in a documentary (library) way. The statistical population of the research is made up of the women of Tehran's active neighborhoods in the field of participation in the administration of city affairs, and on this basis, two groups of active and inactive women were selected from among the women of these neighborhoods and investigated. In this research, the sample size is 240 tons, which was determined based on Cochran's formula, which is divided into two parts (124 active tons and 116 inactive tons). In the sampling method, there are two important reasons for choosing the neighborhood center, one is that the manager of the neighborhood is a woman, and the other is the introduction by the neighborhood management strategic headquarters as the most active centers in the neighborhoods of Tehran, which are Angeh, Homayoun Shahr, and Aqdasiyeh neighborhoods. Available sampling method was used to select local activists and random sampling method was used for inactive people. A questionnaire was used to collect information. After verifying its validity and reliability in the preliminary stages of the research, the questionnaire was used to collect the required data in the final stage. The results obtained from this research show that the existence of the neighborhood management institution shows that the participation of citizens is recognized as a necessity and need for collective life, and women are not excluded from this as citizens of the society. Sarai Mahalat is active as one of the sub-institutions of neighborhood management, and the use of the services provided in it can have a significant impact on improving the quality of life of women in various dimensions, and the officials are required to provide the necessary conditions to create the necessary infrastructure and facilities in this regard. On the other hand, they should create the necessary motivation in women in different ways so that they also become eager to participate in local affairs (various aspects), because compared to men, women devote more time to work inside and around the house (local area), so they have deeper experiences, knowledge and insight to build the environment around them. According to Arnstein and Hannah Arendt, if women can have an active participation in the administration of local affairs and not just a theatrical participation, they can actualize and realize their potential talents in various fields. It seems that if the participation of women at the local level has positive results (as the results of this research confirm this), it will lead to this fact that women are encouraged to participate at higher levels of society, which will facilitate the development of the country.
In the present study, the impact of the use of services provided in Sarai Mahalat on the quality of life of service users was investigated in different dimensions. At first, the presence or absence of a relationship was measured using Pearson's correlation coefficient, which confirmed the existence of a relationship between women's local participation and the improvement of their quality of life in different dimensions. In the following, the difference between the average scores of the group that used the services and the group that did not use the services was investigated using the T-test, and according to the obtained scores, the hypotheses of the research were confirmed. After that, two-dimensional tables were used to clarify the relationship between dependent and independent variables. The results of these tables show that the intensity of the relationship between local participation with the quality of life and physical health is greater than the intensity of its relationship with economic empowerment.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2014)

In the present study, which has been done from critical discourse analysis perspective, the authors focus on the media news, since it is the media that puts as a topic of discourse analysis more than other texts. The general purpose of the present paper is based on an analytical framework in order to study the order of the contemporary media discourse. The authors intend to analyze the nonverbal factor influences on the choice of words used in the media news. In general, the data, which have been used in this research, are Persian news of four radios including Iran, USA, Farda, and Israel. The authors are going to analyze them in the framework of the strategies such as lexical generalization, address forms, and over lexicalization. The methodology of the research is comparative  in which the shared news of the studied radios are compared to each other.

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