Showing 319 results for Culture
Volume 19, Issue 7 (12-2017)
In this study current practices of irrigated agriculture in arid zone on the basis of multilevel approach is considered and integrated measures for its improvement are proposed. Investigations were conducted in Salyan Steppe of Azerbaijan Republic which is one of the typical arid zones of the country. The essence of this study is to analyze the peculiarities influencing irrigated agriculture and delineate necessary measures under the emerging economic and environmental conditions of land and water usage in the agriculture sector. The results of analyses indicate a number of problems in all levels of farming management. Irrigated agriculture in the country is facing a number of problems, due to deteriorated physical condition of irrigation infrastructure, currently established farming structure and farming practices. Needs for improvements of the irrigation infrastructure of a whole district is evidently demonstrated, since during conveyance, distribution and at the field level agriculture water use efficiency is low. Only one-third of water taken from the sources is used for crops in the field. The established current farming structure consisting of small plot sizes and surface irrigation practices complicate a future rationalization of the irrigation water and land usage. For the listed reasons, the concept of rehabilitation and other required measures (economic, institutional etc.) are proposed to be elaborated as integrated arrangements within a single goal-oriented program, rather than limited improvement works at a separate level of an irrigation system.
Volume 19, Issue 78 (12-2022)
The horse was of special importance to the ancient Iranians.Victory and honour of Iranians is prove to be true by this noble and profitable animal. In turkish nations ,horse is rechoned holy also and he is always considered as friend of hero and a partner in his victories. "Giarat, horse of Korogli is a symbolic animal that is associated with myth. Having a marine origin and breeding in the terrestrial world has given a special place to him and sometimes the winged feature in some narrations attributes his to the worlds of water, earth and air. The victory of the hero over the enemy is not possible without his company .In addition to boldness and arrogance, Girat has human characteristics, feels responsible for Korogli, understands his words, and in general is brother of hero and disappears or die with him in various narrations. This article studies the characteristics of Girat, the most important mythical element in the narrations of different nations of Korogli's story. It,s characteristics can be seen in the mythical horses of Shahnameh, especially Rakhsh, but due to the oral nature of Korogli's story and being in the realm of popular stories, the myth of Girat is more prominent than the mythical horses of Shahnameh.
Volume 19, Issue 122 (4-2022)
Phytic acid is an anti-nutritional compound found in bran and whole wheat flour. In order to reduce the amount of dough medium, single and co- culture of two strains of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus acidophilus with 4 sourdough formulations (Formula 1 containing S. cerevisiae yeast, Formula 2 containing L. acidophilus + S. cerevisiae, Formula 3 containing L. plantarum + S. cerevisiae and Formula 4 containing L. plantarum + L. acidophilus + S. cerevisiae) were used and fermentation was performed at 27, 32 and 37 ° C at 8, 16 and 24 h. The amount of phytase, phytic acid and minerals (calcium and zinc) were measured at different temperatures and time intervals. First order model reaction was used to investigate the degradation of acid phytic and the increase of calcium and zinc at different temperatures. The data were in good agreement with this model. Moreover, the corresponding activation energies were calculated. The results showed that co- culture of L. plantarum + L. acidophilus + S. cerevisiae represented the highest content of phytase 163 U/mL and the highest calcium 27.4 mg/100g and zinc 1.69 mg/100g (at 37 °C). Although the highest efficiency of phytase production was observed in the first 8 hours of fermentation, however an increasing trend was observed in the content of zinc and calcium up to 24 hours of fermentation. The trend of phytase production was observed as follows: L. plantarum + L. acidophilus + S. cerevisiae> L. plantarum + S. cerevisiae> L. acidophilus + S. cerevisiae> S. cerevisiae. Moreover, the lowest content of phytic acid was observed after 24 hours of fermentation at 37 °C in sourdough of L. plantarum + L. acidophilus + S. cerevisiae and its amount reduced from 563.8 ± 20.5 mg/100 g in wholemeal flour to 43.8-110.3 mg/100 g.
Volume 19, Issue 125 (7-2022)
In this study, the antimicrobial properties of bacterial cell and cell free culture supernatant of Lactobacillus helveticus was investigated both in vitro and in vivo (food). For this purpose, at first, cell free culture supernatant (CFS) was prepared from the mentioned Lactobacillus strain and then divided into three groups (control, treated by heat (100 °C for 15 min) and neutralized by NaOH). Antimicrobial activity of supernatant treated or no treated was investigated utilizing agar well diffusion and Disk diffusion method against two pathogenic bacteria including Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica and Staphylococcus aureus. Moreover, the antimicrobial activity of L. helveticus in cherry juice was evaluated during 24 h of incubation. The results showed that unheated and heated CFS were able to inhibit both pathogenic bacteria, but neutralized CFS had no antimicrobial activity. Inoculation of L. helveticus in cherry juice effectively (P <0.05) prevented the growth of Salmonella and Staphylococcus during the fermentation period. Therefore, based on the results, L. helveticus and its CFS can be used as an alternative to chemical preservative and as a natural antimicrobial source in the food industry.
Volume 19, Issue 126 (8-2022)
Non-ionizing ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a kind of electromagnetic radiation that has been shown to be harmful to microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungus. The goal of this study is to evaluate the effective and hazardous features of this type of radiation in three regions (UVA, UVB, and UVC), using the approach of biological properties and applications in disinfection and sterilizing. In this research study, in order to be effective on microorganisms in the ultraviolet spectrum and its surroundings near the visible area, two test samples with commercial UVC and blue-LED lamps were used. In this study, the effect of ultraviolet C radiation on pathogenic microorganisms of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in liquid environment and solid surface culture, the effect of ultraviolet C radiation on the total count (total count) of microorganisms on paper and mobile surfaces, and finally to The effect of UV LED on the total number of oral microbes attached to the toothbrush after brushing was investigated. In two tests performed with radiation in the ultraviolet region and near it in the visible region, the lethal effect on bacteria and microorganisms was concluded with more than 90% effectiveness and destruction of bacteria. Which indicates the effectiveness of such radiation in disinfecting, disinfecting and sterilizing equipment. Spectroscopic investigations of UV commercial lamps, as well as their efficacy on microbes, demonstrate the use of this sort of radiation, in addition to its biological hazards, which necessitate careful consideration of how it is utilized. In comparison to alternative sterilizing methods, the use of UV radiation in business and medicine is a cool, dry, easy, effective, and economical technique that produces no ionized radiation.
Volume 20, Issue 1 (3-2020)
In this study, using the classic and developed models of data envelopment analysis, the frontiers of efficiency and inefficiency were determined for 29 irrigated crops and the relative position of products was determined in terms of gross income and gross profit efficiencies. Research data included cost of inputs used in the preparation, planting, growing and harvesting stages along with income and profitability data for the crop year of 2014-15, which was extracted from the reports of Ministry of Agricultural Jihad.
The results showed that in the input-oriented approach for gross income, the efficiency ranged from 0.2698 to 0.8660. On average, at best, 12.4% and in the worst situation, 73.2% of inputs were overused to generate gross income. The worst rank devotes to barley in the optimistic scenario and to potato in the pessimistic scenario. For the gross profit, the average efficiency score in optimistic and pessimistic scenarios were 0.6353 and 0.1997, respectively, and minimum and maximum scores belonged to barley and potato, respectively. In the output-oriented approach, the average inefficiency for gross income was between 0.2805 and 0.8698, which indicated a possible reduction of income by 71.95% and 13.22%, respectively. In the case of gross profit, optimistic and pessimistic efficiencies were 18.15% and 55.4%, respectively. According to the findings, barley had the maximum inefficiency in all models.
Volume 20, Issue 2 (6-2016)
In today's competitive world where change is one of the most important features is necessary for the preservation and conservation organizations exist Looking agility to be able in the shortest time and at minimal cost to improve the quality and innovation in their products and services. This paper aims to examine the impact of organizational culture on organizational agility capabilities of the armed forces organizations with descriptive - correlation to the written survey And tries to correlate the five hypothesis "group decision-making culture", "culture of learning", "Culture power sharing", "culture of participation" and "risk tolerance" on "organizational agility" to the test. To test these hypotheses, a researcher-made questionnaire consisting of 48 questions using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient using the software SPSS, 0/994, respectively. A survey by Morgan estimated 140 people who responded to the questionnaire. The results of structural equation is as follows. Between the "culture of group decision-making", "learning culture", "culture of power sharing", "culture of participation", "risk tolerance" and "organizational agility" There is a significant positive relationship.
Volume 20, Issue 2 (8-2016)
The cultural rights encompass a wide scope of human rights. Many elements of human rights are categorized within cultural rights and others are somehow associated or indirectly dependent to them. In fact, many instances of cultural rights are assumed as the basis and foundation for the enjoyment of other human rights. Despite the importance of cultural rights, international human rights system (although passing a challenging process toward culmination) has not only responded to expectations but also created various concerns. The portion of cultural rights and formation of thoughts in this regard is not satisfactory within the international human rights studies, and many issues are disregarded.This paper, reviewing the main international instruments and scientific human rights researches, makes an effort to identify the process of recognition of cultural rights in the international human rights system to declare the significant issues of cultural rights in international human rights to distinguish the cultural rights elements and, based on the aforementioned studies, to clarify the achievements and challenges of implementation of cultural rights. The paper will be concluded with some theoretical and practical suggestions and recommendations for future studies.
Volume 20, Issue 2 (8-2016)
The right to privacy is one of the rights and freedoms that its purpose is consistent with human rights. This right protects the freedom, and respects the fundamental human rights. It is recognized in numerous national and international instruments. In the context of recognizing this right, two issues are very important. The first is the scope of the concept of privacy; it takes a different and undetermined meaning with considering the differences between societies. The second issue is the criteria of privacy. In the human rights literature, one can detect several criteria to better understand privacy. These criteria include: "separation", "custom", "will of the people" and "democracy". This paper attempts to analyze these two dimensions of the right to privacy. The main assumption of this article is based on the belief that privacy is an undetermined concept, and is defined according to the culture and customs of different communities. Finally, every person, nation and country it defines, recognizes and supports it according to the norms.
Volume 20, Issue 4 (1-2017)
Spatial planning traditions and systems, development processes in cities and regions, and planning and decision-making concepts have always been influenced by contexts and cultural background of the involved actors in the planning processes and systems. Despite the cultural turn and increased recognition of culture and emphasis of scholars on its importance, planning theories rarely mention culture as a critical factor in the analysis and comparison of principles, systems and planning processes. Hence, through a critical review of the latest approaches and using actor-centered institutionalism approach, this paper introduces a theoretical model based on culturized planning model to investigate important cultural dimensions of spatial planning. In other words, this paper aims to explore the role of culture in spatial planning and analyze this role by the actor-centered institutionalism approach. This research has delineated the relation between planning and societal culture by introducing the culturized planning model. The explanatory aspect of this model, however, needs a more comprehensive analysis of cognitive frames in spatial planning. This conceptual framework, which demonstrates a new theoretical approach, includes dimensions that affect planning such as cognitive framework of planners and planning institutions, institutional context, planning system, cultural codes and beliefs, and societal values. Such a consistent collection of criteria enhances the explanation of culture and its effects on spatial planning practices.
Volume 20, Issue 5 (7-2018)
Nowadays, a paradigm shift can be observed from economic and technical investments to social-behavioral dimensions in order to increase efficiency of exploiting water resources. The purpose of the present study was to identify and analyze factors affecting Farmers Active Participation in Water Conservation (FAPWC). In this regard, a theoretical framework was developed for analyzing farmers participatory behavior. This study was a descriptive-correlational and causal relationship research which was conducted through a survey technique. The statistical population of the study included irrigated farmers in southern regions of West Azerbaijan Province in Iran. A sample of 378 irrigated farmers was selected using proportional stratified random sampling method. Data were collected using eight 5-point Likert-type scales. Validity of the scales was confirmed by a panel of experts, and their reliability was demonstrated by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients which ranged between 0.60-0.89, indicating internal consistency of the study scales. Parametric tests were used to analyze the data. The results of this study showed that the variables of moral norms of water conservation, social pressures, place attachment, social responsibility towards consequences of activities, quality of agricultural extension services, and satisfaction of water resources management had significant impacts on FAPWC. Moreover, the independent variables could predict 43.6% of variance changes in FAPWC. An attempt was made to examine the factors affecting FAPWC beyond the psychological individual-based (micro) analyses in order to develop the research framework and consider factors such as the effect of farmers’ social environments and, consequently, present policy implications at micro- and macro-levels separately.
Volume 20, Issue 82 (4-2023)
Regional culture, encompassing the collective beliefs, thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and interactions among members of any indigenous community, is recognized as a rich source in the production of literary works. This common ground has led prominent writers such as Jalal Al-e Ahmad and Gholamhossein Sa'edi to delve into the study, research, and scrutiny of the culture prevalent in various regions of Iran, especially lesser-known areas. The author of this study aims to investigate how indigenous and regional cultural elements are employed in the production of literary works based on two works by Gholamhossein Sa'edi, "Ahle Hawa" and "Tars-o-Larz."
The methodology employed in this study is comparative-analytical. The results of the investigation indicate that Sa'edi, in writing "Tars-o-Larz," deliberately incorporates numerous instances and narrative elements such as time, place, characters, and plot twists derived from the collective indigenous and regional beliefs of the southern people. For instance, the concept of time in "Tars-o-Larz" aligns with non-calendar-based and mythological folk beliefs.
Volume 20, Issue 82 (4-2023)
Similar to classic literature, there are several different literary genres in folk literature. Some of these genres belong only to folk literature, this is while others belong to both folk and classical literatures. It is an essential task to identify each one of these genres. Salavāt-khāni is one of the folk poetries which intend to recall the sanctity of the saints on different occasions by inviting the audience to salute the saints at certain moments. Poems of this type are usually classified according to the occasions they are being used. For instance, they are known as worksong, chavoshi, or sahari-khani, this is while each one of these examples belongs to a different genre. Consequently, the goal of this paper is to investigate the characteristics of Salavāt-khāni. To this end, generic studies are used to study the internal and external features, such as structure, content, mode, function, and the specific interaction between the orator and the audience. There are only a few cases of Salavāt-khāni which are recorded in manuscripts. However, these limited cases are enough to prove Salavāt-khāni as an autonomous literary genre according to its unique structure.
Volume 20, Issue 145 (2-2024)
The yoghurt fortification with bioactive-rich components is one of numerous approaches to prevent the diseases correlated with nutritional shortages. However, this method may alter product characteristics. Therefore, the aim of current research was to study the effect of bell pepper extract (BPE) with three different colors on the sensory and microbial properties of set yogurt. For yogurt preparation, 5% of concentrated BPE with the yellow, orange, or red colors were substituted with the milk used for yogurt production. Results showed that by using BPE in yogurt formulation, the count of starter bacteria increased meaningfully while for sensory attributes, except for yogurt texture and appearance, the scores of taste and color were significantly decreased (p<0.01). The mean viable counts of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) for control and yogurt samples containing yellow, orange and red BPE were determined as 9.62, 10.09, 10.08 and 10.10 Log CFU/g, respectively. The time of storage also had significant impact on the yogurt properties and as the time of storage increased, the count of LAB and sensory scores reduced notably. Results revealed that although addition of BPE with different colors into the yogurt formulation led to inferior scores of sensory characteristics (taste and color), all the yogurts containing BPE had acceptable sensory scores (mean scores>7, i.e. good mark). Consequently, with respect to the healthy components of bell pepper extracts, a yogurt with appropriate functionality could be produced. Therefore, the use of BPE with different colors (particularly orang BPE) in production of functional yogurt is recommended.
Volume 21, Issue 1 (5-2017)
The effectiveness of technology transfer is defined as fulfillment level of organization goals. Organizational culture, which affects from national culture, can underlie the success or failure of the technology transfer process. For this purpose, this study examined national and organizational role in technology transfer effectiveness. Accordingly, in order to validate the model, managers and experts in technology-oriented companies that have related experience in international technology transfer, determined as statistical population. 89 managers and experts in various fields of technology transfer were analyzed as the study samples. Findings of the hypothesis reflect national and organizational culture role in technology transfer (to determine the success and failure). Results also showed that organizational culture has mediating role in relationship between national culture and technology transfer effectiveness.
Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2017)
The effective role of managers and leaders’ political intelligence in organization fundamental changes are undeniable. Political intelligence is the intelligence with which the leaders can make influence over appropriate changes in organization. Political intelligence is one of the social skills that a transformational leader must know well and use it for more Effectiveness in organizational change. Each organization Culture has an important role in acceptance of change by employees and staff readiness to change. The leaders make culture through a process of social influence and with impact on employees, guiding them towards the realization of the noble objectives of the organization. In this paper, the impact of political intelligence on organizational change in government agencies of Guilan as well as moderating role of organization a culture, regarding political intelligence and organizational changes is examined. The research data has been collected from the government agencies of Guilan. This research is practical and its method is descriptive and a survey which collect information through questionnaires. For data analysis, Structural equation modeling and algorithms of partial least squares are used. Results show that the political intelligence influence on organizational change and organizational culture moderate the relationship between political intelligence and organizational change.
Volume 21, Issue 3 (5-2019)
Onosma dichroantha Boiss. is a local medicinal herb in Iran, belonging to the Boraginaceae family that is used mainly for wound healing due to the presence of shikonin in its root cortex. Optimization of Onosma spp. in vitro cultures and shikonin production is encouraged as an alternative to harvesting the plant from its natural habitats. The present study evaluates the growth rate, several biochemical properties, and shikonin content of O. dichroantha plants treated with various concentrations of silicon (in the form of potassium silicate) in a hydroponic medium. Silicon application up to 0.5 mM increased the fresh mass, chlorophyll a/b, carotenoids, soluble proteins in shoots, and the lignin content in roots; however, phenolic compound contents were not significantly affected. In addition, silicon nutrition increased catalase and soluble ascorbate peroxidase activities, whereas polyphenol oxidase activity was not affected in roots and shoots. Interestingly, the shikonin content of O. dichroantha roots treated with increased concentrations of Si was 2-fold higher than that in the control plants, while the activity of phenylalanine ammonia lyase, a key enzyme in shikonin biosynthesis, was not affected. This suggests that the observed increase in shikonin in response to the silicon treatment could be due to increased stability or more accumulation sites of shikonin in roots. These data may be used for improvement of shikonin production in cell cultures of O. dichroantha under experimental or industrial conditions.
Volume 21, Issue 3 (5-2019)
Using immature embryos that undergo somatic embryogenesis, we studied the effects of different hormonal compounds and media on controlling secondary somatic embryogenesis (SSE) in Persian oak (Quercus brantii L.). To this end, we focused on the immature embryos that were subjected to several treatments including chilling (at 4 ℃) period and SH, MS, 2,4-D, IBA, BAP, and glutamine concentrations in 5 separate sequential experiments. The results showed that, by extending chilling period to 8-weeks, SSE induction was reduced (68.75%). In different MS concentrations or MS containing PGRs, the lowest globular embryo (66%) and the secondary embryo induction (87.5%) were observed in embryos treated with MS+IBA+BA. Adding 0.75 mg L-1 glutamine to MS resulted in a decrease in the secondary somatic embryogenesis (56.25%). Among MS and SH media, 1/2 SH almost entirely controlled this phenomenon (6.25%). The highest maturation progression was obtained in the SH+glutamine treatment, which had the highest conversion to plantlet percentage (100%) and vigor index of plantlets (51.93) compared to the use of SH alone. We found that nutrient and PGR concentration were critical in embryo maturation and conversion percentage and stop the embryo induction cycle that plays a major role in secondary embryogenesis.
Volume 21, Issue 4 (10-2014)
The importance or centrality of Persian histories (whether imperial, regional or universal) can be gauged from the deep reliance placed by British historians on them for their own understanding of India’s past. The examples are numerous: Dow, Erskine, Elliot and Dowson explored Persian sources for their writings. Stewart also based his History of Bengal mainly on Persian materials; Mill did not know Persian and so wrote his History of India from Persian sources translated into English. Marshman used published English translations of Persian texts in the compilation of his History of Bengal. Hunter also depended for his understanding of the insight into the history of Muslim rule in Bengal on Persian source materials translated for him into English. Elphinstone, Thomas, Wheeler, Keene, Blochmann and Berveridge were all good Persian scholars and used, in addition to Persian sources, coins, inscriptions and archaeological finding for their writings can be fitted with this group. The recent work of Kumkum Chatterjee alerts us to the twin activities of British scholars and historians: translating Persian histories, as well as writing new histories of India based on the already established Persian model. The former indicates a serious engagement of colonial scholars with older models of history writing (as the appreciation heaped on the A’in as a historical source in the preface to its published edition indicates); the latter proves the adage that imitation was indeed, in this context, a form of flattery, however unintended.
Volume 21, Issue 5 (9-2019)
In recent years, spelt (Triticum aestivum (L.) ssp. Spelta) has become an added-value alternative crop to modern wheat. Spanish spelt constitutes a unique separate gene pool from central European germplasm. The availability of spelt Doubled Haploid (DH) production protocol is a great advantage to speed up breeding programs. This is the first study evaluating the ability of DH plant production, by anther culture, of five Spanish spelt landraces and three F5 lines derived from Spanish spelt x bread wheat crosses. Two central European commercial varieties were also included in the analysis. DH plants were obtained from all material with the exception of one F5 line. The Spanish spelt landraces produced more embryos/100 anthers (73-166.3) than the two European varieties (8.6-22.2). The main bottleneck in the Spanish germplasm was the high number of albino plants regenerated, with percentage of green plants lower than 13% in three of the landraces. Nevertheless, up to 15.6 and 1.8 green plants/100 anthers were obtained from the Spanish and the central European germplasm, respectively. A great variation in the percentage of spontaneous chromosome doubling was obtained, with 4 lines producing around 80% and 2 lines less than 15%. The ovary genotype used for anther co-culture is a critical factor to increase the efficiency of the system. Bread wheat ‘Caramba’ ovaries increased almost 6 times the number of green plants as compared to spelt landrace ‘BG-1987’ ovaries. This study shows that DH plants can be produced efficiently from Spanish spelt to be used in breeding programs.