Showing 319 results for Culture
Volume 2, Issue 7 (6-2005)
For a short period, Afghanistan was a republic (1973-1978) and was then taken over by a communist regime. This new regime apart from being influential on a political level also left a deep imprint on culture and literature. During the regime’s early political life, the influence was more destructive than constructive. Everything was interpreted in order to serve the communist goals. Red, which was the color and symbol of socialist countries (including the former Soviet :union: and Communist China), made its way into Afghani literature in a very radical manner. Everyone, regardless of their social strata as well as the intelligentsia reacted to this excessiveness, a phenomenon reflected in the poems of Leila Sarahat.
In addition, Russian literature, such as the works of Pushkin and Dostoyevsky left a palpable impression on the literary culture. In the beginning the Russian novels were introduced through translation done by Iranian writers, subsequently the work of translation was taken over by Afghanis themselves
In its later political years, the communist regime of Afghanistan tried to make a compromise and opened its political and cultural scene, which contributed to the growth and development of various cultural activities. It can also be said that the communist regime helped create cultural change and new literary trends outside Afghanistan itself, a literature of resistance, a literature of the Afghan Diaspora.
Volume 2, Issue 7 (12-2021)
This research aims to survey the cultural status of clubs in the Persian Gulf Pro League. This research is a type of grounded theory research. The present study is of applied type. In terms of location, the scope of the research included all the professional football league clubs across the country. All interviewees were chosen voluntarily and purposefully. Sampling was done with the snowball technique, and a total of 25 elite football players were interviewed in depth—the data analysis process was based on the Strauss-Corbin model. Then, MAXQDA12 software was used for qualitative analysis of the interviews. Results showed that the current cultural status of the clubs is in the very bad category, and more work should be done to improve it in the future. Also, regarding the solutions to enhance the cultural status of the clubs, the following answers were found, which are: strengthening and reforming the management process, providing information and proper education and training, correct planning and legislation and its strict implementation, exercising supervision and control, distance From materialism and result orientation, using authentic Iranian Islamic culture, increasing budget and facilities, using domestic and foreign experiences, professionalism and updating football, helping to solve the general and contextual problems of society and establishing communication between different classes. Therefore, by implementing these solutions for Iranian football clubs, we can try to improve the cultural level of the clubs at least at the same level as their technical level and display a worthy and dignified culture of Islam and Iran in the region and the world.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2013)
Error management culture is emerging concept which facilitates transferring and sharing the knowledge which obtained from organizational errors among employees and organizational units. This culture leads to improve learning processes among organizational units which denotes the concept of absorptive capacity. Knowledge gained from errors leads to improve organizational innovation which upgrade long-term organizational performance. This study examined the relationship between error management culture and organizational performance with consideration of the absorptive capacity role and innovative performance. All managers of pharmaceutical companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange were selected as statistical society for this survey. Hypotheses were tested based on 153 collected questionnaires by structural equation modeling and regression analysis. Findings prove a positive relationship between variables. Absorptive capacity and innovative performance play the roles of mediators between error management culture and organizational performance.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2013)
Today strategic plans and organizational structure of the precursor organizations is constructed according to developing and improving human resources productivity. In order to attain to this goal, organizational culture role is should be considered. By conducting a conceptual survey on organizational culture and Islamic teachings models expressed by human resources researchers, a model-based approach have been designed. The purpose was to improve the productivity of native workers in the field offices of Bank Sepah. The results of this study indicate that the ability to develop and successfully deploy an organizational culture model, will have a high impact on the optimizing potential productivity of individual employees. The model is evaluated in terms of meaningfulness, and observed that the theoretical model is statistically meaningful. Also the model has theoretical and practical significance in terms of the suitability of conditions and according to statistics calculated by statistical software used in this research.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (4-2001)
Leaf and root explants from 10 to 20 day– old seedlings of Plantago lanceolata, were
cultured on MS, MSH, NT and B5 basal media with various concentrations of different
plant growth regulators. The best callus induction was obtained with 0.4 mgl-1 2,4-D in
MSH I with 400 callus index. Callus growth was significantly stimulated (P=0.05)with 0.8
mgl-1 2,4-D and 0.1 mgl-1 Kin in MSH II, with 799 mg fresh weight and 79 mg dry weight.
A higher production of mucilage was obtained in MSH II. The mucilage content of different
media varied from 10.40 to 14.73% dry weight. Perusal of the data reveals significant
differences with regard to the total mucilage content. Callus has nearly 3 times and 1.5
times more mucilage than seeds and leaf and root parts respectively.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2019)
The use of genetic engineering tools to produce industrial strains, especially from non-model microorganisms such as cyanobacteria, is always subject to limitations. In this research, a system-oriented method was used to design a culture medium instead of strain designing and its ability to increase ethanol production by Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 was experimentally evaluated. In this method, compounds are added to the medium to regulate the activity of target enzymes not for the purpose of being consumed by the cells, and thus, the designed culture medium eliminates the intracellular constraints on the production. A metabolic model was used to determine the minimum level of ethanol production and to identify genes that increase or decrease of their expression increase this minimum level. Then, regulators of the enzyme expressed by the target genes were extracted from the Brenda database and their effect on the production was evaluated experimentally and design of experiment was performed to optimize the concentration of the selected compounds. Among the compounds identified, two inhibitors (salicylic acid and mercuric chloride) and one activator (pyruvate) were selected to be added to the medium and their concentration was optimized using the central composite design method. The proposed regulatory medium increased the production of ethanol from 352 to 1116 mg/l, indicating the effectiveness of the added regulatory compounds on the cyanobacteria metabolism. The proposed system-oriented method can be used to design medium culture for other important bio-products such as recombinant proteins.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2022)
Aims: The purpose of this article is to address the issue of Qazvin Space Organization in the Safavid period with the approach of cultural studies.
Methods: The present study has been carried out with the approach of cultural studies and exploratory-documentary method, with the aim of describing and interpreting the historical data of Qazvin city in the Safavid period and its analysis. In this regard, first-hand sources, documents were collected, studied and analyzed. In parallel with the library studies, field surveys were conducted and the signs were surveyed and studied.
Findings: In the present study, three views result from the approach of cultural studies, namely: 1- Regulation of the city- 2- Homogeneity and heterogeneity of neighborhoods and 3- Use of urban spaces and their rational concepts in the analysis of Qazvin spatial organization used during the Safavid capital it placed. The result of the research indicates that the structural changes of Qazvin city in the Safavid period in accordance with the newly created culture and is closely related to a set of several factors, including the "space" dimension which is a subset. It regulates the city, it plays a more prominent role, and because it is expressed through the body and by the designers, it is more tangible, and the other dimensions are related to it.
Conclusion: The "space" originated from the power of the government at that time in the city of Qazvin and the royal complex was not just an urban design but a tool to achieve political, economic and religious goals and the city's culture is based on the same structure. Has appeared.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2017)
Background: Helicobacter pylori infection is generally acquired in childhood. Algeria is a country with a high prevalence of H. pylori infection. The aim of this work was to take stock of H. pylori infection in Algerian children.
Materials and Methods: About 31antral biopsies were cultured, and then antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed. The statuses of cagPAI and vacA s, m, I, and d regions were determined as well as geographical typing was done by MultiLocus Sequence Typing (MLST) method.
Results: Culture was H. pylori positive in 12 children. Only one resistance to clarithromycin and one to metronidazole were detected. Four out of six strains possessed cagPAI, and five out of six strains were identified as vacA s2m2i2d2. The five strains tested by MLST were of the hpEurope type.
Conclusion: This study revealed high prevalence of H. pylori infection and low resistance to antibiotics and reported for the first time in Algeria a genetic typing of H. pylori strains isolated from Pediatrics.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2014)
Organizations are considered to be Pillars of the community. Senior Management performance is the result of proper and timely mix of human resources. The concept of culture is an important factor that determines management practices. IT influences on management performance. Therefore Human Resource Management (HRM) procedureslead to higher firm performance and act as a source of long-lasting competitive advantage. This study attempted to test the relationship between organizational culture values and effectiveness of HRM procedures. The study population consisted of all employees of “Yazd Pich Chehre” (60 cases), which 38 sample were selected as a random sample. Data were collected using questionnaires ant its validity and reliability tested through factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha respectively and both has been approved. Spearman correlation coefficients applied for analyzing data. Results show that there is a significant and positive correlation between organizational culture values and HRM procedureseffectiveness.
Volume 3, Issue 5 (9-2015)
Since his creation, the human has been concerned with the protection of his life and properties by any means possible such as exploring the surrounding environment, fighting against the threats facing him, and using a variety of tools and instruments. Among these tools was scorching. Scorching has been ever used for two main purposes by the human: marking and treatment. However, one cannot claim with certainty which application was the dominant one. In this study, the author has first dealt with the marking aspect and then with the treatment function. In its former function, scorching was practiced on the body organs of the slaves, enemies, and animals in order to distinguish and take ownership of them, and with criminals as a sign of guilt. In the latter function, it was used, according to some reports, as the last treatment possible for curing different diseases in both humans and animals. The most important therapeutic application of scorching was on wounds to stop bleeding and prevent infection. In the present research, both functions have been examined and classified with reference to the Persian literature, history, and folk culture.
Volume 3, Issue 6 (11-2015)
Examining proverbs can be influential to know different aspects of every culture because the culture of every nation and group is illustrated in its proverbs. The goal of this research is to study the position of family and woman in Bakhtiari proverbs with Feminism critical view. The research methodology is to analyze qualitative content. In these proverbs, women have supreme, inferior and equal position with men. When we talk about private matters, women are holy creatures and superior to men. In public and social proverbs, women are inferior to men. In general proverbs, women’s positions are equal to those of men. In most proverbs, men are dominant, and desirable ideas in the society are institutionalized for men. Marriage, criticizing polygamy, knowledge before marriage, ways to know spouse, and family related subjects are reflected in these proverbs.
Volume 3, Issue 6 (11-2015)
Persian language is not used in the same way in different geographical areas, historical periods & social contexts as other languages are. So always Persian language has had some varieties with some difference in words, sounds and grammars. Stable and unstable sub-cultures that are formed in the scope of Persian language are the most important factors to the occurrennce of the social varieties. War front in Iran, as an example of small community, is a particular sub-culture with behavioral, written and oral dimensions, and most significant part of it is collected in the book named "An Encyclopedia of the war front''. This descriptive analytical article tries to present a slight part of oral culture of the war front with emphasise on the linguistic aspect of contemporary Persian language. The most important section of oral cultures are the idioms, explanations and proper names that many of them have been collected in the first volume of the mentioned book. As we know, the features of this language are mainly related to the vocabulary level; so in this paper, our consideration is to the first volume of this book, and after a brief speech about the varieties of Persian language and common language in the culture of war front in Iran, some examples are taken briefly
Volume 3, Issue 7 (12-2015)
Gender as a social identity, has an important role in the formation of folk poetry, especially poetry and folk Bakhtiari culture. The lyrics besides reflecting different values and beliefs about women and men are important in the internalization of these values. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of gender on popular poems (The chansons of caress, Lullabies, and mourning lyrics) of Bakhtiari culture that have been analyzed using content analysis and theoretical basis of gender inequality. Gender divides these poems into two parts; male and female poetry. Home prepares the way in which the women benefit from a private atmosphere that helps them to do several activities like baking, milking and conviviality. Instead social and public activities such as to be with others in assembly, eloquence, rationality, courage and to be belligerent are those of characteristics attributed to men. Gender inequality in the tradition of Bakhtiari culture has a tender signification, in its turn, it means that women are in lower rank in comparison with men .
Volume 3, Issue 8 (4-2006)
Effect of fa contet of milk (2.7%, 5%, 7% and 9%) on the growth and metabolic activity of starter cultures during fermentation of concentrated yoghurt (23% total solid), was studied.Sensory assessment of yoghurt samples were also obtained. The characteristics that was measured during fermentation include: PH, acidity, count of starter bacteria (stereptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus) , and the characteristics that measured in final product were sensory properties.The experiments were done in three replications . Statistical evaluation showed that increase in fat content of milk, had no significant effect on PH but resulted decreasing of acidity of samples. Addition of fat content from 2.7% upto 9% decreased acidity from 0.97% to 0.78%.with increasing in fat content from 2.7% upto 9% count of stereptococcus thermophilus decreased from 391×106 cfu/ml to 279×106 cfu/ml where fat content had no significant effect on growth of Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Addition of fat content did not influenced the sensory acceptability of final product.
Volume 3, Issue 11 (12-2006)
Although Lamiaceae family have been used for centuries as flavouring agent or spice in different foods and also in traditional medicine for treatment of digestive and viral diseases, for example utilization of Ziziphora clinopodioides in yoghurt for above mentioned objectives but a few studies have been performed on the interaction between these compounds and yoghurt starter culture activity. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of Ziziphora clinopodioides on growth of yoghurt starter culture. Trials of set yoghurt were prepared according to standard method with different cocentrations of the essential oil (0,125,250,500 μg/L) and extract (0,1000,2000,4000 μg/L) of Ziziphora clinopodioides. Viability of starter culture was investigated during the storage of yoghurt at 4 ° C at different time intervals. The results showed that the number of starter culture in all samples decreased during storage. There was no significant difference of Ziziphora clinopodioides essential oil between samples and control (P <0.01). The extract of Ziziphora clinopodioides at high concentration (4000 μg/L) significantly (P <0.01) decreased the viability of starter culture after 19 th day of yoghurt production.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2016)
Semar Al-Gholoob is a book in Arabic word and the addition and possessive and names attributed that the covenant Saalabi Neyshabouri, early fifth century AD, the Arabic language has spread. With regard to cultural and linguistic background of the trade that exists between Persian and Arabic, manifestations of culture, language and some elements of historical references to Iran and the Persian language are reflected in this work. In the present study, to investigate the reflection of the Persian language and Iranian culture also been applied in the Semar al-Gholoob that they are categorized of four of places, social-cultural issues, characteristic of regions and areas, historical references and language issues. The method described in this paper, descriptive and analytical. The main research question is Persian words in Arabic are involved and influential cultural structures that are available in Semar al-Gholoob, to which one of the dimensions of Persian and Iranian community life is concerned? Our hypothesis is that the effects of the Persian language, mostly related to the area of urban life and faith are the kingdom and governance that was lacking tribal way of Arab life and the Bedouins. Mention place names, foods, wearable, products and special features that a city or region is also ranked.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2014)
The evolution of urban regeneration was the story of interaction and sometimes conflict of economical and cultural priorities and this subject has happened to change the paradigms, theories and pattern which are dominanted on political-economical systems and social transitions. During the last decades, the role of culture in urban regeneration in related to other factors has been changed scientifically. In recent decades, cultural emphasis has been the main approach to urban regeneration.Meanwhile, today in the context of social-economical changes, the theory of creative city which has globalization in its main content, on the one hand has special attention to human, social, and cultural capitals and on the other hand in dealing with spatial features try to create economic competitiveness, social cohesion and cultural diversity reaching to unique image of city. Therefore, addressing capacity of the creative city theory in urban regeneration field can has the new visions on the strategies and policies in this field in our country. This study explains creative city theory and describe its position in culture led urban regeneration ,for this purpose , the theory of creative city and its urban strategies with descriptive-analytical research method has been studied. The results show that the theory of city creative with emphasis on culture and economic(competiveness) in physical context , sets to culture led urban regeneration direction and such a communication mechanism is presented in the form of a conceptual model. This conceptual model can offer strategies in operating this theory as an intervention approach in obsolescent and historical contexts. The evolution of urban regeneration was the story of interaction and sometimes conflict of economical and cultural priorities and this subject has happened to change the paradigms, theories and pattern which are dominanted on political-economical systems and social transitions. During the last decades, the role of culture in urban regeneration in related to other factors has been changed scientifically. In recent decades, cultural emphasis has been the main approach to urban regeneration.Meanwhile, today in the context of social-economical changes, the theory of creative city which has globalization in its main content, on the one hand has special attention to human, social, and cultural capitals and on the other hand in dealing with spatial features try to create economic competitiveness, social cohesion and cultural diversity reaching to unique image of city. Therefore, addressing capacity of the creative city theory in urban regeneration field can has the new visions on the strategies and policies in this field in our country. This study explains creative city theory and describe its position in culture led urban regeneration ,for this purpose , the theory of creative city and its urban strategies with descriptive-analytical research method has been studied. The results show that the theory of city creative with emphasis on culture and economic(competiveness) in physical context , sets to culture led urban regeneration direction and such a communication mechanism is presented in the form of a conceptual model. This conceptual model can offer strategies in operating this theory as an intervention approach in obsolescent and historical contexts The evolution of urban regeneration was the story of interaction and sometimes conflict of economical and cultural priorities and this subject has happened to change the paradigms, theories and pattern which are dominanted on political-economical systems and social transitions. During the last decades, the role of culture in urban regeneration in related to other factors has been changed scientifically. In recent decades, cultural emphasis has been the main approach to urban regeneration.Meanwhile, today in the context of social-economical changes, the theory of creative city which has globalization in its main content, on the one hand has special attention to human, social, and cultural capitals and on the other hand in dealing with spatial features try to create economic competitiveness, social cohesion and cultural diversity reaching to unique image of city. Therefore, addressing capacity of the creative city theory in urban regeneration field can has the new visions on the strategies and policies in this field in our country. This study explains creative city theory and describe its position in culture led urban regeneration ,for this purpose , the theory of creative city and its urban strategies with descriptive-analytical research method has been studied. The results show that the theory of city creative with emphasis on culture and economic(competiveness) in physical context , sets to culture led urban regeneration direction and such a communication mechanism is presented in the form of a conceptual model. This conceptual model can offer strategies in operating this theory as an intervention approach in obsolescent and historical contexts The evolution of urban regeneration was the story of interaction and sometimes conflict of economical , social and cultural priorities and this subject has happened to change the paradigms, theories and pattern which are dominanted on political-economical systems and social transitions. During the last decades, the role of culture in urban regeneration in related to other factors has been changed scientifically. In recent decades, cultural emphasis has been the main approach to urban regeneration.Meanwhile, today in the context of social-economical changes, the theory of creative city which has globalization in its main content, on the one hand has special attention to human, social, and cultural capitals and on the other hand in dealing with spatial features try to create economic competitiveness, social cohesion and cultural diversity reaching to unique image of city. Therefore, addressing capacity of the creative city theory in urban regeneration field can has the new visions on the strategies and policies in this field in our country. This study explains creative city theory and describe its position in culture led urban regeneration ,for this purpose , the theory of creative city and its urban strategies with descriptive-analytical research method has been studied. The results show that the theory of city creative with emphasis on culture and economic (competiveness) in physical context , sets to culture led urban regeneration direction and such a communication mechanism is presented in the form of a conceptual model.
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2024)
Religion, philosophy, and language are inseparable and important elements of every culture. Suppose a culture is supposed to be transmitted from one land to another and the target culture is assumed to become sublime due to this transmission. In that case, its components should be transmitted correctly, consciously, and fully observed by the cultural guardians to provide the required contexts for the acceptance, establishment, and growth of rationality and religion in society. Otherwise, a serious conflict occurs between the supporters of the previous culture and the supporters of the imported culture. In his works, al-Fārābī, while explaining the formation of these components in human society and their relationship, explains the way of their transmission and makes a good pathology. According to al-Fārābī, philosophy is created by developing language skills and man's acquisition of syllogism techniques. Philosophy uses religion to establish laws in society and guide people towards happiness.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (7-2002)
An efficient system has been developed for the reproducible regeneration of plants from cell suspension-derived protoplasts of the two commercial Iranian Japonica rice cultivars Tarom and Khazer. Friable embryogenic calli were used for cell suspension initiation and protoplasts were isolated from both varieties. When embedded in agarose, proto-plasts failed to divide. However, sustained divisions were obtained by using nurse cells of Lolium moltiflorum. Plant regeneration was 21.1% and 10.5% for Tarom and Khazer, re-spectively. Somaclonal variation was observed amongst regenerated plants, 16.2% of re-generants were tetraploid, and the rest were diploid.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2015)
Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV, Potyvirus, Potyviridae) causes serious disease in Gladiolus spp. In this work, the possibility of obtaining BYMV free plant material from virus infected gladiolus corms was studied. Thermotherapy, meristem-tip culture and combination of both techniques on infected corms/meristem-tip explants (0.5–1 mm in length) resulted in BYMV elimination up to 15.38, 78.04 and 86.66%, respectively, as determined by double antibody sandwich-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (IC-RT-PCR). Individual virus-free shoots readily rooted in vitro and were transferred to corm formation medium. The results showed that thermotherapy promotes the survival rate of explants during meristem-tip culture steps (except regeneration step) and also plantlet acclimatization. Statistical analysis showed that the BYMV elimination in gladiolus corms was significantly (P ≤ 0.01) affected by thermotherapy treatment of infected corms. Thermotherapy combined with meristem culture can greatly improve BYMV elimination efficiency from infected gladiolus corms, resulting in the production of BYMV free gladiolus plants.