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Volume 18, Issue 111 (May 2021)

Recently, essential oils of plants such as peppermint have gained more interest due to their antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant activity and free radicals scavenging ability. Microencapsulation by spray drying is a common method to preserve volatile and heat/oxygen sensitive compounds. This method retains essential and volatile compounds of peppermint against chemical spoilage and helps to improve handling properties of the obtained powder. The aim of this study was to investigate some physical and functional properties of spray dried peppermint powder, and to study the effect of storage conditions on phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of the resulting powder. For this purpose, three air temperatures (140, 160 and 180 °C), three Arabic gum concentrations (10, 20 and 30 % w/v) were used. Bulk and tapped densities, repose angle, Husner ratio, total phenolic content (TPC) and free radical inhibition ability (DPPH) of the powders were measured. Powders were stored under three different atmosphere namely day light (25 °C), darkness (25 °C) and fridge (4 °C) for 120 days. Then, the TPC and DPPH of stored powders were measured at time intervals of 30 days. Results showed that increasing inlet air temperature and career substance concentration led to decrease in bulk and tapped densities and Husner ratio. TPC of powders were decreased by increasing inlet air temperature. However, at higher temperatures (160 and 180 °C), increasing Arabic gum concentration increased TPC of powders. Results of storing powders for 120 days indicated that storage conditions under low temperatures and darkness could more preserve TPC and DPPH scavenging ability of peppermint powders.

Volume 18, Issue 116 (October 2021)

In this study, the effect of the free extract, nanoliposome, and nanoniosome containing myrtle extract and sodium benzoate as a preservative on microbial, sensory, and chemical properties of mayonnaise during 90 days at 4 °C was investigated at 15 days intervals. The results of chemical tests showed that mayonnaise samples containing nanoliposome and nanoniosome significantly (p < 0.05) reduced peroxide, thiobarbituric acid compared to the control samples. There was a significant difference between the pH of the sauce samples prepared on the first day so that the highest pH (4.2) was related to the sauce sample containing sodium benzoate. The acidity values of all samples were in the standard range (0.62 to 1.4). Microbial results showed that the counts of Escherichia coli and heterofermentative lactobacilli were negative for all treatments and following the standard. During the storage time, the microbial growth of the sauce containing the natural preservative, nanoliposome, and nanoniosome, was effective in controlling mold and yeast and acid-resistant bacteria compared to the control sample (p <0.05). The results of sensory evaluation in this study showed that mayonnaise samples were significantly different in sensory properties during storage time so that the sauce containing free extract had a lower color score. Also, the lowest brightness index (L* = 74.31 ± 1.03) was related to the sauce containing the free extract. Sauce samples containing nanoniosome and nanoliposome had the highest acceptable spreadable property. The results of this study showed that using nanoniosome and nanoliposome containing the myrtle extract can reduce the use of the chemical additive sodium benzoate and this is a step in improving the health of the consumer community.

Volume 19, Issue 3 (11-2016)

Objective: Candida albicans (C. albicans) is an opportunistic yeast that can lead to pathogenesis in immunocompromised individuals and under suitable conditions. Medicinal plants ingredients such as camphor can reduce the expressions of genes involved in virulence of the fungi through their antifungal properties. The products of INT1 and EFG1 are implicated in inducing filamentous growth and adhesion of C. albicans to the host tissues. Both of these characteristics are very important in its virulence. The present study focuses on the evaluation of the effects of camphor on INT1 and EFG1 expressions at three time points of treatment (24, 48, and 72 hours) via real-time PCR. Methods: We prepared serial dilutions of camphor (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, and 512 mg/ml) and co-cultured them with 1.5×103 cells/ml of a C. albicans ATCC 10231 suspension for 48 hours at 350C. Next, we determined the MIC50/90 and MFC. C. albicans cells were treated with the MIC50 concentration of camphor for 24, 48, and 72 hours. RNA from C. albicans was extractedbefore and after treatment, back translated into cDNA, and analyzed with real-time PCR. Results:MIC50, MIC90 and MFC of camphor were determined at 16 mg/ml, 32 mg/ml and 64 mg/ml, respectively. Evaluation of gene expression changes in yeast showed that camphor reduced the INT1 gene expression about 87% at 24 hours, 97% at 48 hours, and 86% at 72 hours after treatment compared to the untreated sample. EFG1 expression reduced about 58% at 24 hours, 93% at 48 hours, and 49% at 72 hours after treatment with camphor. Conclusion: In recent years, advancements have been seen in herbalism due to the increased drug resistance and adverse effects of chemical drugs. These plants may efficiently act as antifungal agents. The results of this study have shown that the use of camphor can significantly reduce the expression of virulence genes INT1 and EFG1 in C. albicans.

Volume 19, Issue 10 (October 2019)

The helicopter rotor blade flapping results in a helicopter rotor symmetry lift and has a significant impact on stability and control. In this paper, the modeling of helicopter flapping in the presence of aerodynamic forces and moments and the effect of offset, blade torque, hinge resistant spring, blade geometry, natural frequency effect, and forward ratio to achieve reliable relief from flapping was investigated. In the simulation, the effects of small and large flapping angles and the role of offset on the momentum entered on the blade, as well as the role of the forward ratio in moments were investigated. Different models of flapping dynamics and equations for the flight of a hover and are fully presented and all of the important issues are examined for a numerical example. Also, the effect of non-uniform flow in the flapping equations of the blade is the effect of the natural frequency of the flapping motion with the blade offset. This leads to increasing the accuracy in modeling the phenomenon of on a helicopter. Simulation results show the importance and impact of offsets, moments and forces imposed on the blade in the motion of the flapping, which leads to an increase of accuracy in modeling.

Volume 19, Issue 123 (May 2022)

Due to the concerns about the use of artificial colors in various foods, it is necessary to pay attention to sources with natural colors. One of these sources is the algae Spirulina, which contains the blue pigment phycocyanin. The aim of the present study in the first stage was to extract this pigment from the algae by enzymatic method and its nanoencapsulation. In the second stage, the physicochemical properties of nanoparticles were investigated. Finally, phycocyanin in both free and nano forms was added to the ice cream formulation and the qualitative and sensory properties of the product were evaluated in comparison with the control. The results showed that the produced nanoparticles have an average size of 397.1 nm. The encapsulation efficiency of the process was recorded 73.41%. According to the images recorded using scanning electron microscopy, the nanoparticle with different dimensions are scattered in the microscopic spread so that the particles are visible in different sizes. The release results of nanoparticles in vitro showed that at pH=1.2, the release percentage of phycocyanin is low (the first 2 hours). So that it fluctuates in the range of 7 to 13%. But after this stage (pH=7.4), the release rate increased significantly and from 35 to 71% at 3 and 4 hours, respectively. The use of pure phycocyanin in ice cream formulation improved the hardness, melting percentage, texture, hardness, crystalline intensity and coldness. But these indices were reported at a more favorable level in the treatment formulated with nanoencapsulated phycocyanin. The color index in ice cream formulated with pure phycocyanin was more desirable and more acceptable compared to the treatment with nanoencapsulated phycocyanin. Due to the properties of phycocyanin, especially the nanoencapsulated form, it can be used as a biological dye and improver the quality and sensory properties in various ice creams.

Volume 19, Issue 128 (October 2022)

In this study, bee pollen at different levels (3, 6, 9, 12 and 15%) was added to the gluten-free cake containing corn starch and the samples were evaluated in terms of physiochemical and technological properties. The results showed that the addition of bee pollen had no significant effect on the consistency of the batter (p < 0.05). However, it reduced the pH and increased the density and specific gravity of the batter. Cake volume was increased from 104.7 mL in the control to 112.3 mL in 6% pollen sample and then decreased significantly (p < 0.05). A similar trend was observed for specific volume. The height of cake loaf was 5.3 cm in control that was decreased to 4.7 cm in 15% pollen cake. Incorporating bee pollen reduced baking loss, so the sample with 15% pollen had the lowest baking loss. Moreover, adding pollen to the gluten-free cake was associated with an increase in moisture, ash and browning index values and a decrease in its water activity. The porosity and microstructure analysis showed that addition of bee pollen increased cake porosity (from 20.3 to 30.8%) and the average cell area of the samples (from 5.1 to 14.7 per cm2) in comparison with control sample. In addition, sensory analysis showed that cakes containing 6 and 9% pollen had the highest overall acceptance compared to other samples. Therefore, medium levels of bee pollen can be used to produce functional gluten-free cakes with desirable sensory and technological characteristics.

Volume 19, Issue 130 (December 2022)

In this study, the effect of adding different amounts of honey bee pollen (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15%) on quality characteristics, bioactive compounds and shelf life of corn starch-based gluten-free cakes was investigated. The results showed that the amount of phenolic and flavonoid compounds as well as antioxidant activity of the samples increased significantly (p < 0.05) with increasing the percentage of bee pollen. The phenolic compounds were increased from 2.79 to 11.83 mg GAE g-1, free radical scavenging power was increased from 17.8 to 25.8%, and flavonoid compounds were increased from 0.316 to 0.450 mg RUE g-1 in cakes enriched with highest percent of bee pollen incorporation. Cake crumb firmness was decreased in cakses stored at ambient temperature with increasing bee pollen percentage upon staorge time. The highest and lowest firmness values on day 14 were related to 15% and 3% treatments with 0.16 and 0.20 N, respectively. However, storage inside refrigerator caused the cake samples to harden with increasing pollen percentage upon storage time, and the highest firmness value of 0.23 N was obtained on day 14 for 15% sample. Increasing the amount of bee pollen to 15% decreased the brightness index (L) from 61.6 to 50.0, the redness index (a) from -7.00 to -2.33, and the yellowness index (b) from 39 to 48. Incorporating bee pollen significantly increased the shelf life of samples in the case of resistance to mold apperance. The control and 15% cake samples had the lowest and highest resistance to mold growth, respectively.

Volume 20, Issue 2 (February 2020)

Micro milling is widely used for producing industrial micro parts. In micromachining, approaching the depth of cut to tool cutting tip radius causes some problems in achieving desired surface quality and burr formation. It is impossible to use conventional deburring methods in micro parts due to the reduction of machining scale and the importance of high dimensional accuracy and surface quality. Therefore, it is important to comprehend micro end milling and the effect of process parameters on reducing these problems. In this study, the effect of spindle speed, feed rate and depth of cut on surface roughness and burr size during micro end milling of AISI1045 steel have been investigated using the response surface method. Two flute endmills with 0.8 mm diameters have been used in this study. Results show that feed rate with 55.26, 37.53 and 44.55 percent contribution on burr size in up milling side, down milling side and surface roughness is the most effective parameter in the micro end milling process. Selecting the maximum amount of spindle speed, feed rate, and the minimum amount of depth of cut causes minimum burr size in both up milling and down milling side. 36000RPM spindle speed, 5.7mm/s feed rate and 0.086 mm depth of cut causes the best surface quality in micro-milling of mentioned steel.

Volume 20, Issue 136 (June 2023)

Ajowan (Carum copticum) is a flavoring plant, which the seeds contain important chemicals such as thymol, carvacrol, terpinene, cymene and myrcene belonging to the group of phenolic compounds with distinct antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Therefore, the objective of this study was to incorporate different contents of Ajowan seed powder (ASP) in formulation of chocolate cream to enhance its functional and antioxidant properties. For this purpose, ASP was added to the chocolate cream at levels of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5% (w/w). Nutritional characteristics including the amount of dietary fiber, polyphenolic compounds, antioxidant activity, technological and sensory characteristics such as spread ability, firmness, peroxide value, color, taste, mouthfeel and overall acceptance of the chocolate cream were examined. The results indicated that with the addition of ASP the amount of fiber, polyphenols, acid-insoluble ash and antioxidant capacity were significantly (p< 0.05) increased significantly compared to those measured in control. During the 75 days of storage, peroxide value was significantly (p < 0.05) decreased in the fortified produce with 5% ASP compared to the control. Nevertheless, sensory evaluation showed that increasing ASP level more than 3 % (w/w) led to decrease in overall sensory acceptance due to the fact that flavoring compounds of ASP would interfere in product taste and flavor.

Volume 20, Issue 136 (June 2023)

The stability of curcumin and its encapsulation efficiency in emulsion are among the most important factors determining its bioavailability and absorption in the body. For this purpose, parameters affecting these two factors, including time, pH, and cellulose concentration, were used as input variables in the present study. Curcumin stability and encapsulation efficiency were used as response variables in artificial neural networks and decision tree algorithms. In this regard, cellulose nanocrystal obtained from acid hydrolysis was used to prepare curcumin Pickering emulsion with oil:water ratio of 5:95 and cellulose concentration 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3% (w/v) and the encapsulation efficiency and stability of curcumin were measured during 8 days. The results showed that the encapsulation efficiency significantly increased as cellulose concentration increased. Encapsulation efficiency at pH 7 was higher than at pH 2 (p≤0.05). The curcumin content in the emulsions prepared at pH 2 drastically decreased during storage, while it was less degraded in emulsions at pH 7 after 8 days of storage. The modelling results for curcumin stability and encapsulation efficiency based on R2 and RMSE% statistics showed that MLP 3-6-1 (R2=0.99; RMSE%=10.00) and RBF 2-6-1 (R2=0.99; RMSE %=9.99) were had more accuracy than other models. Finally, the results showed that the artificial neural network algorithm performed better than the decision tree in predicting cellulose Pickering emulsions' encapsulation efficiency and curcumin stability.

Volume 20, Issue 142 (December 2023)

One of the critical methods to maintain the stability and functional properties of plant essential oils as a useful source of bioactive compounds against environmental damage is their encapsulation in nanocarrier systems such as nanoliposomes. In this study, nanoliposome containing the citron peel essential oils were prepared without the use of toxic organic solvent and by employing health-giving compounds such as sesame oil in addition to lecithin for the first time in the formulation. The stability of the samples during 30 days of storage at temperatures of 4ºC and -18ºC was determined by investigating the retention amount of phenolic compounds, pH changes, antioxidant and antimicrobial performance. The nanoliposomal samples of essential oils of hydrodistillation and supercritical CO2 of citron peel prepared with different concentrations of lecithin oil had different quantities of pH and phenol retention percentage, and their amount reduced with increasing storage time at both test temperatures. DPPH inhibitory ability and antimicrobial activity of both citron peel essential oils were improved after encapsulation in nanoliposome. But their amount in both storage temperatures decreased with the advancing of time. The nanoliposome of the supercritical fluid essential oil of citron peel respectively with the formulation containing the highest and lowest amount of lecithin oil at the storage temperature of 4ºC showed the best result in this study. Therefore, the citron peel essential oil with encapsulation in the nanoliposome system prepared from lecithin-sesame oil, due to improvement of antioxidant and antimicrobial activity and its higher stability against storage temperature, can be used as an effective natural functional additive in the food industry.


Volume 21, Issue 157 (March 2025)

In this study, the effect of silica nanoparticles (SNPs) and UV radiation on the removal of zearalenone (ZEN) from sunflower oil was investigated. Pure sunflower oil samples showed no contamination with ZEN. The optimal conditions for ZEN removal using SNPs were determined to be a contact time of 240 minutes, an initial ZEN concentration of 25 µg/L, and 4 mg of SNPs. The kinetic data conformed to the Freundlich model and pseudo-second-order model. The results showed that SNPs have a high adsorption capacity and act as an effective adsorbent for removing ZEN from sunflower oil. The effect of SNPs in reducing ZEN was significantly more effective than UV radiation. The probable adsorption mechanism includes the chemical bonding of ZEN functional groups with silica groups and the high porosity of SNPs. Due to the low cost and non-toxic nature, the use of SNPs was introduced as an effective method for ZEN removal from food products. This method can be utilized as an efficient approach for ZEN removal in natural samples like edible oil.

Volume 22, Issue 1 (3-2022)

Wind erosion and the phenomenon of Dust with all of its controlling methods is serious problem. This phenomenon lead environment degradation and fugitive dust storms. So, Study and use of the new methods to control this natural phenomenon is essential. In this study, the novel and environmental friendly method of soil biological stabilization was investigated with using an abundant bacterial species founding in nature and soil deposits. The scientific name of this bacterium is Sporosarcina Pasturii (PTCC 1645) and uses as the urease-positive bacterium. This bacterium produce urease enzyme which converts urea to ammonium and carbonate, resulting in the precipitation of calcite crystals that bridge the soil particles. In this study a mixture of cementation and bacterial-cell solutions uniformly sprayed onto the exposed top surfaces of the soils. The concentration of bacterial-cell solution was quantified in terms of its optical density at 600nm wavelength (OD600) which equal 1.5 (that is, approximately 1.5×108 bacterial cells·ml−1). The prepared equimolar urea–calcium chloride cementation solution included nutrient broth (3g.l-1), ammonium chloride (10g.l-1) and sodium bicarbonate (2.12g·l-1) prepared at 0.5M concentration. The mixture volume sprayed onto each specimen was equal to 1.5Vv (where Vv is the pore voids volume of the topmost 3-mm thick layer of the 20–mm deep loose sand tray-specimens). The bench scale experimental programme presented investigates the proposed technique’s effectiveness for stabilisation of two clean, angular to sub-angular medium silica sands and carbonate silty sands with different gradations (sand t60 and sand t90 with size ranges of 0.125–0·50 and 0.075–0.85mm, respectively and carbonate sand with size ranges of 0·001–0·85mm, and mean particle size (D50) values of 0.28, 0.24 and 0.20 mm, respectively), the time-dependent (retention time 3, 7, 14, 20 and 28 days) compressive strength development for the crustal sand layer following single- and double-MICP (with interval of 6 days) spray treatments, as well as wind tunnel experiments under the condition of wind velocity of 20 ms-1. The effect of dew formation on crustal compressive strength development with curing period and the efficiency of the MICP treatment for the outdoor environment compared to laboratory-controlled test conditions. A pocket penetrometer was used to determine the compressive strength of soils. Significant improvements in the Compressive strength of the treated soil samples were observed. The results show improving compressive strength with time. The highest compressive strength in the carbonate sand was obtained equals to 84 kPa. Silica sand with finer size distribution has shown more compressive strength than two other soils. Also the results showed that double-MICP spray treatments of the bacteria solution and cementation was more effective than single- MICP spray treatments in the compressive strength of soils, especially in the silica sand equals to 190% in a curing period of 28 days. Also, the cured MICP-treated crustal sand layer was stable to 20 m·s−1 winds that demonstrating the potential of biological stabilisation via the MICP process as an appropriate option for dealing with desertification and motion of sandy soil deposits.

Volume 23, Issue 1 (Winter 2020)

Aims: The soil is one of the important sources of Acanthamoeba human infection. Regarding the increasing number of Acanthamoeba keratitis cases in recent years in Iran, more attention to investigating this amoeba now is made. The present study aimed to identify the genotypes of Acanthamoeba in Varamin City using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique.
Materials & Methods: Totally, 18 samples of soil were collected from 12 parks in Varamin City. The samples were filtered using 0.45µm nitrocellulose membrane filters. Then, they were cultured in non-nutrient agar medium 1.5% enriched with killed cultured bacteria Escherchia coli. Genomic DNA was extracted by DNG-plusTM solution and PCR amplification was performed using specific primers to amplify a 500bp 18S rRNA. Sequencing analysis and BLAST search were done for genotype identification of positive samples.
Findings: Out of 18 soil samples, 6 isolates (33.3%) were found to be positive for Acanthamoeba in medium by microscopic observation meanwhile 4 isolates (22.2%) were confirmed by Acanthamoeba genus-specific primers. Genotype identification was revealed that all samples belonged to T4 type.
Conclusion: Considering this result, the soil of parks is possible be a risk factor for people, particularly children in this area. Therefore, more attention of public health authorities is recommended.

Volume 23, Issue 1 (1-2021)

Salinity is one of the most important factors limiting plants growth and production in irrigated agriculture. The natural potential of salt tolerant plants like Kochia could be exploited through legume-containing intercropping systems as an effective strategy in mitigating the increasing salinity crisis.This experiment used split plots based on a randomized complete block design with three replications, in 2016 and 2017, at the Iranian National Salinity Research Center, Yazd, Iran. Water salinity was considered as the main factor (EC= 4, 9, and 14 dS m-1) and the cropping system was considered as subfactor with seven levels including sole cropping of Kochia (Kochia scoparia), Sesbania (Sesbania aculeate), and Guar (Cyamopsiste tragonoliba) and their possible dual and triple intercropping systems. The highest absorbed light was observed in triple intercropping and the total forage yield in triple intercropping was increased by 5% and 4.1% at 4 and 9 dS m-1 salinity, respectively, compared to that in Kochia sole cropping, while it decreased by 1.5% at 14 dS m-1.The Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) values ranged from 0.99 to 1.33. The total crude protein yield in triple intercropping was increased by 55.8 to 66.3% as compared to Kochia sole cropping. The NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber) and ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber) were decreased by 7 to 22% in various intercropping systems. Considering increased forage quantity and quality, mainly through decreasing NDF and increasing Dry Matter Intake (DMI) levels, cultivation of Kochia within triple intercropping systems can be recommended instead of Kochia sole cropping.

Volume 23, Issue 4 (Fall 2020)

Toxoplasma gondii can affect the human liver and cause pathological changes such as hepatomegaly, granuloma, hepatitis, necrosis and liver cirrhosis may result to chronic liver disease.
Objective: The aim in this study was to determine the rate of toxoplasmosis infection in chronic liver disease patients with HCV positive disease and in fatty liver patients.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 150 samples prepared from three groups, including individuals with hepatitis C, persons with grade 2 and higher fatty liver disease, and patients without liver complications as a control group during 1397 and 1398. Serum and whole blood were taken from each subject for ELISA and PCR study. Toxoplasma IgG kit was used for ELISA test and two pairs of specific primers were used to amplify T.gondii GRA6 gene in Nested-PCR.
Results: Out of 50 controls, only 3 (6%) showed positive chronic toxoplasmosis. Of 50 patients with HCV +, 21 (42%) and of 50 patients with fatty liver disease showed 17 (34%) infection with chronic toxoplasmosis. This difference in infection ratio was statistically significant (P <0.01). No positive sample was observed in the Nested-PCR test for detecting T.gondii.
Conclusion: The results of this study indicate an association between chronic toxoplasmosis and patients with hepatitis C and fatty liver. Therefore, toxoplasmosis could be assumed as a predisposing factor for the survival of chronic liver disease.

Volume 23, Issue 5 (Winter 2021)

Objective : In the present study the effect of aqueous extract of Fumaria which is a native Iranian herb on the promastigote and amasstigot under In vitro and In vivo condition.
Materials and Methods: The aqueous extract of the plant was prepared, then it was evaluated the effect of different concentration of aqueous extract under In vitro condition on promastigotes, uninfected macrophages and macrophages infected with amastigotes by counting, MTT and Flow Cytometyry were evaluated. IC50 was calculated for promastigotes. Also, the effects of aqueous extracts of Fumaria ointment on lesions caused by Leishmani major in BALB / c mice were examined.
Results:   The calculated IC50 of Funaria extract on promastigotes after 72 h was 304.17 µg/ml. The effects of Fumaria extract showed effective limitation on lesion size. The survival rate for treated mice with Fumaria extract showed significant differences with control groups.
Conclusion: The results showed that aqueous extract of Fumaria has antileishmanial effects in vitro and invivo condition. Also aqueous extract of Fumaria showed low toxicity against macrophages than pentavalent antimonials.

Volume 24, Issue 3 (5-2022)

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an oil grain crop of subtropical and tropical areas with arid to semi-arid climate and its production is affected by drought at the grain filling and flowering stages. Given the key role of Magnesium (Mg) in many key metabolic processes, it seems that Mg Nanoparticles (NPs) can improve the sunflower performance in drought stress. This study was carried out as a split-split plot in a randomized complete block design with three factors, including irrigation regimes (drought and normal), cultivars (Barzagar, Farokh, Ghasem, and Shams), and Mg NPs application (0.25 g L-1), and time (flowering and grain filling stages), in three replications in the field during 2017-19 seasons. Several physio-biochemical traits along with grain yield and oil percentage were measured. Based on the results, Mg NPs spraying increased the relative water content, chlorophyll and carotenoid, soluble carbohydrates, and antioxidant enzymes activity under drought. Moreover, Mg NPs spraying decreased electrolyte leakage and malondialdehyde content in the stressed plants and slightly increased grain yield and oil percentage. Overall, our findings suggest that Mg NPs can improve sunflower performance under drought by several mechanisms including improved antioxidant system, enhanced photosynthetic pigments, and increased primary metabolites.

Volume 26, Issue 1 (8-2019)

One of the challenges of the Islamic Republic of Iran during her forty years since the 1979 revolution is the bewilderment for the realization of social justice. Although it is argued that the lack of social justice during the Pahlavi regime finally resulted in the Islamic Revolution, failure in the improvement of social justice indices after the revolution, especially after the end of the war between Iran and Iraq in 1988, has resulted in governance policies that are contrary to social justice. Given that social justice in Iran is not desirable and the current situation in Iran, forty years after the revolution, does not resemble much the ideals of the revolutionary leaders for establishing social justice, the present article, by referring to reliable data and using analytical-descriptive method, attempts to show that the governance practices in Iran have not been able to realize social justice which entails taking into consideration the successful international experiences and implementation of the good governance practices.

Volume 27, Issue 1 (12-2020)

The Purpose of this Paper is to examine the goals of the ninth and tenth government in formulating and executing targeted distribution of subsidies under the title of 'Targeting Cash Subsidies Plan' in iran. The question is how targeting these Payments during the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can be explained. The hypothesis of this research is that the characteristics of a rent prepared the circumstances for making such payments by the mentioned government. in this research considering the nature of collector government which is always accompanied by an increase in the rent incomes, the government's policies have a distribution approach which aim to increase supporters and provide political legitimacy  and popularity.

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