Showing 22 results for Comparative Study
Volume 2, Issue 3 (8-2017)
The current research is based on the theory of Lucien Goldman The creator of the work of art is the representative of a particular class whose collective thinking turned into a productive work by his author, the comparative-analytical study of the social sources of the poems of Donqle and Hosseini as intellectuals of the popular class. Prodotti explains the presence of collective thought in their mental network by examining the ideals of these two poets. The achievement of this study suggests that both poets have a duty to distinguish and to expand the collective thinking of ideals that are summed up in the land, justice and culture. They succeeded in fulfilling this mission against the society and the people's classes and their lost ideals, and obstacles to achieving these aspirations, which were often the result of malicious foreign policy and, in some cases, the mismanagement of internal leaders. , Identify.
Maryam Daneshgar,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (3-2009)
Ph.D. Student of Persian Language and Literature , Tehran University & Researcher of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature Romanticists have been the center of global attention for two decades by providing a new viewpoint in the fields of literal, cultural, social and political global studies. Romanticism as a live school of thought is a fundamental Part of modern culture more than being a real phenomenon of 19th century. Actually it is a new approach in global studies more than a mere literal school. The most important principle of this school is individualism, individual perfection and individual unlimitation,with emphasizing the role of imagination. From the literary aspect it is a new and ontological evaluation through poetry. Imagination has an important place in the aesthetics of Romanticism, actually the special approach of this school to Imagination, should have specified and distinguished it from the others. Modern art and literature in Iran comes from our familiarity with western thought which lead us to understand western culture and Philosophy. Definitely it is very important to understand different origins of this thought for a better understanding of it. In this article, we survey one of the Romanticism aesthetic features, i.e. "imagination" and its emergence in Persian poetry during the "constitutional time", as the earliest time of this style evolution.
Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2013)
The current paper arose from the following thought: “What are the methods and techniques used in the translation of Culture-based metaphors?” The data used in this article is the result of a comparative study on the translation of Mathnawi by Reynold Nicholson. We used Harvey 2000 model to advance the research. In accordance with the needs of the study, metaphoric significance is presented. Six different types of significations are recognized here; than a sextet significance pattern, is presented, which might be used for any two languages being source and target for translation. As the final outcome of the research, different suggestions for these different signification types have been presented, which are based on the nature of the metaphors. Having these suggestions in hand, translators have a model to follow, so that they can overcome the translatability problems they may face in translation of metaphorical expressions. In the other words, applying this newly-born significance into translation practice and, finally, presenting a model for the translation of culture-based items are two main achievements of the research.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2018)
Literary text always reflects the idea of writers and poets. In these taxes are used common themes such as freedom, justice, fighting oppression. In addition it is formed highlighting the literary texts and messages up human dignity, a special genre of literature known as the conceptual components of conflict and resistance. Some Motif or repetitive elements, components accompanied concept. “Children” as a motif is selected that repeatedly Lyrics resistance for display. Repeat this element is trying represents the poet to convey certain thoughts related to this issue. To achieve this certainty scratch resistance poems in three languages, Persian, Arabic and French, selected and assigned components of the concept of resistance, the relationship of the “Children” as a motif and cookies is analyzed with these components. The results matched elected in three languages, show competence in the use of intellectual poets in the poetry of resistance “Children” as a motif and is very close to each other. Among the factors studied these motifs have been obvious with the emotional abuse and aspirations role.
Zahra Hayati, Sanaz Bauroti Bauroti, Hoda Asghari Jafari Asghari Jafari,
Volume 7, Issue 25 (5-2014)
There is a close relationship between stylistics and literary criticism. Many works of criticism are based on data analyses of stylistic studies, and analyzing status of the two fields—literary criticism and stylistics—couldpave the way for better classification of them.Through a content analysis of the two scholarly journals, Bahar-e Adab—proseand poetry stylistic studies—and Literary Criticism published in 2010, I have tried to show the relation between different aspects of the two fields in the previous decade in Iran. Both quantitative and qualitative indicators have been taken into consideration in this study. Quantitative indicators cover theoretical and practical domains. Qualitative indicators have been chosen according to a fewbasic questions on stylistics and literary criticism: have the articles on literary criticism transformed from descriptive nature into analytic one? Is critical thinking dominant in all studies? Do articles on stylistics consider works as representations of individuality of their author? The article concludes that, although the studies on stylistics and criticism, which in some cases follow the same academic or social discourse, seems to have correlation, there are some differences between the two fields. For example, when it comes to selecting texts, critics mostly tend to choose prose fiction while experts in stylistics prefer poetry. Impartial and independent theories and approaches are more widespread in literary criticism articles than in works of stylistics. Stylistic studies, on the other hand, are not independent. Most articles on criticism have passed descriptive mode and are closer to their expected form, i.e. analyses of the data. The number of articles on stylistics that clearly consider style as representation of the author’s personality or consider repetition of stylistic features as a deviation from standard rules is about half of the total number of the articles.
Volume 7, Issue 28 (9-2010)
M.Khurasani, PH.D.
The main aim of this research is to analyze and the exact understanding of scientific work that has been identified as dahnameh (Ten Letters) in the history of Persian literature. From the beginning, we have encountered with two fundamental questions: First, what is dahnameh? Second, what is the source of its origin? To identify and explain dahnameh or to access to the fact that whether or not it has possibility of classification like a literature, we preferred axial method of critical structuralism. And, etymological study of this type was followed with the study of axial history of Persian composition i.e. a kind of comparative study simultaneously and in given time.
Dahnameh, according the proposed research, is an independent and justifiable composition that structurally has been blended in two forms of mathnavi (couplet poems) and ghazal (ode). Hero or in other words lover writes amorous letters to his beloved and gets reply from other side. These letters are delivered by a courier. Hence, it begins the narrative of love entanglement of hero and with backbiting of middle actions it leads to the end (lover’s attainment).
From the real dimension and desire of the actual study, it can be said that Oshshaq Nameh of Iraqi is the beginning of a kind of constant Dahnameh composition but their origin must be seen in the compositions of Vais, Ramin, Vergheh and Golshah. Other than Iraqi, Hamam, Ohadi, Ibn Nasuh, Obaid Zakani, Rukn Sayen Semnani, Shah Shuja’a, Ibn Emad and Hariri are other composers of Dahnameh.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (5-2020)
Comparative study of critical theories of contemporary Arab and Iranian poets can have a unique part in literary analysis. In general, new poetic critical theories are under the influence of the intellectual origins of contemporary German and French philosophies. Adonis and Shafiei Kadkani are two influential critic poets who have discussed poetic concepts and components in their critical articles and books with specific tact. The present study was a descriptive-analytical investigation into analyzing critical views of these two poets based on American school of comparative approach in the fields of definition of poetry, and language and music of poetry. The results of the study showed that the two critics have common intellectual foundations; therefore, they have some similar critical viewpoints. However, their critical approaches are different in terms of both methodology and intellectual depth. Compared to Shafiei Kadkani, Adonis has a deeper, more organized, and more daring view toward poetic categories and poetic language.
Volume 8, Issue 20 (12-2004)
The article aims at a comparative study of Islamic and Current administration. To make the subject and its aims accessible, two research questions have been put forward:
Question one: How can the assumptions, pre-requisites and the essentials of Islamic administration be distinguished from Current administration?
Question Two: How can Islamic administration be distinguished from Current administration?
Type of Research: Fundamental and Library oriented.
Methodology: Descriptive – Analytic.
In attempting to answer the first question a brief study concerning an understanding of human nature based on the view of Islam and the other religions was carried out prior to the comparative study of Islamic administration and Current administration.
In attempting to answer the second question the following issues have been examined in the comparative study of Islamic administration and current administration:
a-Comparison of the concepts of administration and current leadership with Islamic administration concept.
b-Comparison of current administration aims with Islamic administration aims.
c-Comparison of current administration essence Islamic administration essence.
d-Comparison of current administration Prenciples and Islamic administration.
e-Brief comparison between Islamic administration and Current administration.
Volume 9, Issue 2 (9-2021)
Taboo, as a belief in the existence of a transcendental and sanctifying force in a number of objects, plants, animals, and humans, is a prominent conceptual concept in the field of literary and anthropological studies. Each taboo, with its two characteristics of "sanctity" and “abstinence ", reminds its believers, a number of collective do's and dont's. Taboos, with their various functions, both in the past and in modern times, have a prominent place in collective relations. Since epic works are mythological manifestations and contain visible and hidden traces of the first eras of human life, by examining the taboo in these works, we can better understand the beliefs, do's and dont's and the type of thought that governs primitive society.The present article, which has been written with an analytical-comparative approach and from a taboo point of view, aims to acquaint the reader with the identical and dissimilar ideas of three peoples: Sumerians, Indians and Iranians, in three historical periods. Research shows that taboo beliefs and laws, with similar or dissimilar functions, play a prominent role in the three epic works, Gilgamesh, Ramayana and Garshasbnameh, and to the actions-reactions of epic-mythical characters. They give a special direction and this indicates the homogeneity of the type of functioning of the human mind, in different prehistoric-historical periods, in different geographical areas.
Volume 9, Issue 38 (3-2013)
Since the history of film adaptation in storytellercinema goes back
to its earliest days, many film critiques have compared the adaptations
to their literary sources. Such researches are also conducted in
universities of Iran and in the previous decade, and some critiques
have viewed it in retrospect, that is they considered the potentiality of
a literary work for adaptation. With this approach at hand, we can
study the function of metaphor in the images used in Persian poetry.
Following Aristotle, traditional rhetoric defines metaphor as a word
which is used in place of another word on the basis of similarity. This
definition which emphasizes word, and in greatest extent sentence, is
different from the definitions which are influence of by the platonic
romantic views; since metaphor in such views has a organic relation
with the whole language, and is the generator of an active imagination
which should transfer meaning from an object to another one. With
the expansion of this theory in twentieth century and its detailed
formulation at the hand of structural linguists, metaphor is believed to
be a process which essentially is carried out in language, and not only
transfer meaning but it creates meaning by causing interaction
between two things which lead to the creation of a third thing.
Comparing literary metaphor with cinematic metaphor on the basis of
an Aristotelian view is difficult, because metaphor in this view is
based on word, and word is the building blocks of spoken language
which is essentially different from the audiovisual media of cinema.
But if we consider metaphor in whole and as the basic element of
thought, spoken language and non-spoken language can reestablished
their relations. In this view, the interaction of literary metaphor of
Persian poetry and cinematic metaphors is defined through the process
of "transformation of aesthetic elements" and with "finding
equivalents for stylistic elements" in two medias.
Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2006)
This paper is based on a research conducted among Iranian managers. The qualitative study used Mintzberg’s “shadow-observation” method to study five Iranian managers in a period of one week and compare the results to information of some other countries including the US.
The research explores the characteristics and content of the Iranian managers’ jobs. The paper presents the results from the characteristics of Iranian managers in form of a work pattern. The work-pattern indicates the average of 8 hours and 6 minutes of daily work for Iranian managers spending 13% on desk work, 12% on telephone calls, 43% on arranged meetings, 17% on un arranged meetings, 3% tours, 5% business lunches, 4% business travels and 4% on delays. Allocating times to delays has not been reported in Mintzberg’s research, studying American managers, but it has been reported among Indian managers.
With regard to the content of managerial jobs, Mintzberg’s model has been extended and enhanced a twelve managerial roles model has been developed for Iranian managers. The twelve roles are: figurehead, leader, liaison, monitor, disseminator, spokesperson, entrepreneur, resource handler, negotiator, system-developer, system-protector, self-managing and social role. The importance of “mentoring (teaching)” and “social” roles for Iranian managers managing in a less-developed economy and collectivistic culture compared with American managers (managing in a more developed-economy and individualist culture) is explained.
Comparative analyses of the results of the current study and those of researches replicating Mintzberg’s study in some countries including the USA, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, China and India are discussed in this paper.
To sum up, the paper refers to some Iran’s national characteristics such as: les-developed economy and lower level of education, collectivistic and paternalistic management culture, and tendency toward verbal communication explaining the cross-national differences observed.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2022)
In this research, colonialism in the novels The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini and Homeless by Reza Amirkhani was analyzed comparatively. These two novels, which are formed in Eastern culture, have a deep-seated relationship which is the continuation life of the first persons, Amir and Armia, in the west (America). Imigration to this country is a forced one for both of them, during which the author discusses colonialism and its manifestations. The cultural correlation of these works and their formation in a parallel manner have given some similar elements which was why they were selected to be studied comparatively. In this article, which was done in a descriptive-analytical approach, the hero's migration from the homeland, which is associated with a kind of alienation, and the role of colonialism in creating this alienation were discussed. The purpose of this research is to present a new understanding of the concepts and origin of the formation of these novels comparatively. The main issues which were found in these works were: character journey from east to west, Homeland (the depth of the main character in the homeland), the presence of the helping element of the hero (killed by colonialism), Nostalgia, culture (purity of character), The double face of religion, alienation and negation of capitalism.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2022)
The genre of war is a form of literature which has the nature of anti-war literature, aiming to spread peace and friendship rather than dealing with war and the dominant discourse resulting from its dark and sinister consequences. Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway and Burnt Earth by Ahmad Mahmoud are two good examples of anti-war literature in different contexts from two Iranian and American writers, which put forth a clear reflection of the social, economic, political and cultural unrest of war-torn society. A comparative study of this period and the analysis of the conceptual network, lead to a comparative assessment of the plot, and the use of linguistic and stylistic elements. Despite the artistic skills of Hemingway and Mahmoud to present events related to the war, their narrative approach differs in the author's narrative approach, conceptual network and themes. Burnt Earth is a notable native example of the war genre, while Farewell to Arms stands beyond the genre of war in the literary genre of the novel.
Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2007)
According to Fred Riggs's Prismatic Theory, ecology of public administration leads to the emerge of Sala model of administrative system in the third world countries. In Public Manager's Rotation, we belie that possessing public positions in administrative systems leads to the emerge of a specific ecology of public administration.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (2-2025)
Khaghani, this self-confident singer does not consider anyone worthy of competition among his contemporaries. And he says: "I have a conflict with our predecessors." Therefore, he challenges the king of Arab poets, Junduh bin Hujr al-Kindi, known as Imru' al-Qais, to fight. He challenges"Qefa Nabak" poetry. It is clear that the examination of such a claim should be done in the Arabic poems of Khaqani, this bilingual singer. So, in this research, in order to gain a new understanding of the character of the two poets, we will use the French method of comparative literature to evaluate Khaqani's "Bakt-e-Rabba" and "Qefa Nabak" of Amrual-Qis. And we try to answer this question, how can Khaqani's view be evaluated in dealing with the poem "Qefa Nabak"? In order to get the answer to the above question, one should first explore the weight, rhyme, language and vocabulary in the upper layer. Then, in the infrastructure, crying over atlal and daman, its time and place in the sorrow of the singers, how to deal with the place and why, the style of each poet in self-praise, the singers' attitude towards morning and night, and finally, the connection between Khaqani and Amrualqis with the phenomenon. We have checked.
Volume 20, Issue 1 (1-2013)
The main sources of all natural light are the sun, the moon and the stars. In other words, the principle source of illumination is the light as mediated by atmosphere. According to some philosophers, spiritual or holy light includes not only material and quantified aspect, but being non-physical properties it treats as a spiritual connector between god and man. The light is the main part of existence which not only contacts to the surface of objects, but also helps them form. In other words, light is the key of finding space fundamental in making holy places meaningful.
The present paper tries to make a comparative analysis of lighting in some of the most famous sacred buildings around the world. As such, the methodology preferred in this piece of research is descriptive, analytic and comparative.
Volume 22, Issue 2 (8-2018)
Corporate governance has defined as a set of regulations and assessment of corporate operation to balance between stakeholder's interests and to guide company's policies toward maximum level of efficiency and profitablity. In this broad sense, corporate governance complies with rules governing running the narrow sense, corporate governance refers to requirements for governing and accounting public companies that has been introduced after major American corporates scandal which resulted to ratification of Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002. Studies show, corporate governance requirements can be categorized in three groups: requirements for governing corporation, requirements for accounting and requirements for protection of minority shareholders.
In this study, we introduce requirements for corporate governance (in the narrow sense) and compare Iranian laws and regulations with US and UK. As a result, we found that although there is some regulation for registered public companies in Iran's capital market in this issue, but Iranian law hasn't fulfilled all necessary requirements for better corporate governance. Hence, we suggested some modifications in Iranian commercial code.
Volume 24, Issue 4 (12-2020)
Transnational companies are pursuing expanding trade and makeing profit.this issue leads this companies to ignores the social dimension of their measures. Therefore, the governments have tried to regulat and guarantee corporate social responsibility through the hard law and soft standards contained in investment treatis. In this study, the Status of social responsibility in the investment treatis of Canada, Brazil, the European Union and finally Iran has been examined and evaluated, and it seems that the approach of Brazil and the European Union in guaranteeing social responsibility according to Accurate explanation of examples and reference to international legal documents has been more successful. In the post TCOPA investment treatis.In Iran the trend towards formulating social responsibility can be detected . Though these restrictions have not been effective in balancing the interests of foreign investors with the public interest, and have been faced challenges such as the traditional nature of investment treaties, the soft nature of rules and ambiguity in explaining the concept of social responsibility, lack of international character. Therefore, the arbitration tribunal should also support to grow and strengthen this responsibility by giving a balanced interpretation of the rights of the investor and the host country and the classic rules of investment. Rivison of the content of the investment treatis, and giving more attention to the rules of social responsibility than protecting a foreign investor, is another solution that should be considered.
Volume 27, Issue 2 (12-2023)
Although the issue of water rights and especially shared waters has been very important for a long time, But during the transition from the traditional structure, the importance of adhering to the requirements in this field has doubled. The problem of investigating on the allocation of shared waters in the European region due to the large population and lack of resources and in the African region due to the fact that a significant part of these resources has remained unused, has gained great importance and its inappropriate allocation has led to discrimination and deprivation of many people which has affected other dimensions of human rights. In order to solve this challenge and achieve the main goal, i.e. the realization of justice for all members of the human society, the legislative and judicial approach governing the two regions of Africa and Europe regarding the principle of cooperation governing the allocation of shared waters have been analyzed and through matching among them, the strengths and weaknesses of each one has been revealed. Therefore, solutions have been presented to provide good governance and the reasonable and fair allocation of these resources in accordance with the existing social realities in each land which can be applied to other areas that are facing this problem and prevented the occurrence of disputes in this area or the disputes that have occurred continuously resolved peacefully
Volume 28, Issue 3 (12-2024)
In recent decades, the term "right to the city" has been noticed first in philosophy and then in urban planning. Perhaps the right to the city can be defined as the right of citizens to benefit a rich cultural urban space. Based on this, urban development plans can play a significant role in realizing or not realizing this right. The question is how to find out to what extent an urban development plan is based on the right to the city? In order to answer this question, a scale should be proposed to measure the right to the city in urban development plans. Due to the relative nature of the achievement of the right to the city in urban development programs, the present research, while proposing a scale, by selecting two study samples (Tehran Comprehensive Plan and Paris Sustainable Development Plan), uses the comparative method in evaluating the right to the city.
The research approach is a documentary and comparative approach. In the first step, while examining the theoretical foundations and existing literature (based on the opinions of Lefebvre, Soja and Harvey), a framework for measuring the right to the city in urban development programs is proposed, and then a comparative study has been done based on the data obtained from the study of the documents of the Tehran Comprehensive Plan and the Paris Sustainable Development Plan (Le Projet d'Aménagement et de Développement Durable- PADD) as well as the results of in-depth interviews with the planners and urban managers of Tehran and Paris.
The research approach is a documentary and comparative approach. In the first step, a framework for measuring the right to the city in urban development programs is proposed via examining the existing literature (based on the opinions of Lefebvre, Soja and Harvey). Then a comparative study has been done based on the data obtained from the study of the documents of the Tehran Comprehensive Plan and the Paris Sustainable Development Plan (Le Projet d'Aménagement et de Développement Durable- PADD) as well as the results of in-depth interviews with the planners and urban managers of Tehran and Paris.
The results indicate that urban development plans can be articulated based on to the right to the city along a continuum ranging from "the eradication of religious and racial discrimination" to "the right to urban existence". Furthermore, the comparative analysis of the urban development plans of Tehran and Paris, utilizing this proposed continuum range, reveals that the notion of the right to the city is significantly diminished within the Tehran comprehensive plan. Although the Tehran comprehensive plan document acknowledges certain facets of citizens' rights pertaining to urban existence, it predominantly adopts a physicalistic perspective, thereby neglecting the citizens' entitlement to experience an environment imbued with identity and cultural richness. Conversely, the sustainable development agenda of Paris contemplates a more elevated conception of the right to the city, such that it incorporates the right to the city at the level of "equitable access to economic and social opportunities" as a fundamental component of its strategic framework.