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Volume 11, Issue 44 (9-2014)

Keykhosrow, Cyrus, and Zul Qarnain
Mostafa Gorji, PH.D.
Hoseen Mohammadi Mobarez
In Farsi literature and historical and legendary text, there are three prominent characters who maintain numerous similarities in regard to their action, lifestyle, and behavior. Keykhosrow, Cyrus, and Zul Qarnain are three characters which have been studied by several sources. Although a number of researches have been carried out for comparison of Cyrus and Keykhosrow and/or Cyrus and Zul Qarnain, no independent study has been conducted on the resemblances of these three. In this article, the authors via study of books, documents, and revision of nearly 77 historical works and commentaries intends to manifest that these three characters maintain major similarities. Given this fact, this article intends to elaborate on the lives of each of them and their commonalties.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (4-2012)

There is a full connection between the electrochemical quantities of a fuel cell and the curves of the temperature and primary materials at the catalyst region. These quantities are strongly linked to the mass and heat transfer phenomena in the other regions. In the present paper, the lattice-Bolzmann method, as a microscale model with good computational capabilities in the problems such as the fuel cell, has been utilized to simulate the fluids flow and heat transfer in a two-dimensional cross section of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell including the channel, bipolar plate, gas diffusion layer and catalyst of the cathode and the electrochemical characteristics in the catalyst layer have been analyzed. By representing a method for estimation of the changes in the concentration along the channel, the serpentine arrangement has been modeled. The results reveal the essential role of the bipolar plate on the quantities at the catalyst layer.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2008)

By the increasing rate of flexibility in management systems including compensation systems, it is necessary to study theoretically and understand the key variables on designation of flexible compensation systems. Purpose – The purpose of this article is to study the ability of agency theory in explanation of compensation problems inrollving the cultural context and occupation features in Iranian Automotivie Induslry. Design/methodology- In this article, a conceptual model was developed in which we examined the relation of independent variable (agency theory assumptions) and dependent variables (current structure of compensation contracts and agent's tendency to arrange this structure). this relation is interfered with moderate variables (cultural dimensions and kind of occupation). In order to test the hypothesis, two active firms in automotive industry (manufacturing and service companies) were selected for sampling. It is to be mentioned that agency theory assumptions have not been examined in Iranian Automantive ludustry. Results –Test of hypothesis confirmed lots of agency theory assumptions. our findings showed that some of agency theory predictions are attenuated by cultural characteristics and most of time there is a significant relation between agency theory assumptions and occupation conditions. Conclusions - using agency theory assumptions with respect to cultural dimensions and occupation dimensions and occupation conditions in drawing up of compensation contracts will improve Iranian firm’s wage and salary systems in order to reduce agency problems and the related cost.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (2-2023)

This study aimed to investigate the oviposition behavior, distribution, and host plants of Orosanga japonica (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) in Guilan province, Iran. Random sampling was conducted across various locations within Guilan province. Adult insects typically emerge in late July and deposit their eggs from early August to mid-September. This species prefers laying eggs on young shoots and leaf midribs of various plants, from annual herbaceous species to shrubs. This oviposition behavior can lead to stem desiccation. Additionally, the females' oviposition behavior, sap-sucking activities on stems, and the potential transmission of pathogenic fungi can cause substantial damage to host plants. This research provides information regarding the distribution of pest egg masses across several host plants. Our findings revealed that the mean number of egg masses per twig was higher on chinaberry, averaging 13.75, than on bitter orange, elm trees, and mulberry. The longest average egg mass length, measuring 16.1 mm, was observed on mulberry. Furthermore, this study confirmed the presence of O. japonica in 13 cities within Guilan province, including Rasht, Anzali, Amlash, Astaneh, Lahijan, Langroud, Rezvanshahr, Rudsar, Rudbar, Sowme'eh Sara, Siahkal, Shaft, and Fouman. The insect was predominantly found infesting kiwi, tea, beans, corn, eggplants, peppers, elm leaf blackberries, chinaberries, mulberries, Japanese spindles, cucumbers, citrus plants, fig-trees, rice, cabbage, and grapes.


Volume 12, Issue 1 (2-2023)

Diasemiopsis ramburialis and Nomophila noctuella are moths from Spilomelinae (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) with an overlapping feeding period on Azolla spp. in northern Iran. Due to some morphological similarities, immature stages often lead to confusion. A five-year study conducted in laboratory and natural environments revealed that, despite these morphological similarities, distinct characteristics in both morphology and behavior can facilitate their primary identification in the field. Diasemiopsis ramburialis eggs, and first instar larvae are opaque to pale orange, while those of N. noctuella are pale to creamy. Additionally, the last instar larvae of D. ramburialis feature orange head capsules with smaller body sizes and tend to pupate near the feeding site. In contrast, Nomophila noctuella's last instar larvae have black head capsules, larger body sizes, and pupate at a distance from the feeding site. Both species exhibit shelter-building behavior, binding Azolla spp. leaves together using silken webs to create protective enclosures. However, D. ramburialis larvae construct more robust shelters and produce more webs. They primarily remain within these shelters and navigate through web-formed corridors. On the other hand, N. noctuella larvae prefer to move along the feeding site margins within corridors formed by bound-up leaves and display a more wandering behavior. The study's findings indicate that Azolla spp. serves as the primary host plant for D. ramburialis, while N. noctuella appears to choose its host plants randomly.


Volume 12, Issue 5 (10-2010)

Raw (intact) sesame seed showed a high content of oil, protein and ash: respectively, 52%, 24% and 5%. Studies were conducted on some quality characteristics of sesame and olive oils. The following values were obtained from raw sesame, sesame paste and olive oils, respectively: unsaponifiable matter 1.35, 1.46, and 1.50%; total phenols 14.21, 16.82, and 53.33 mg kg-1 oil; chlorophylls 0.04, 0.09 and 1.88 µg g-1; carotene 2.62, 3.66 and 19.10 µg g-1; refractive index 1.47, 1.47 and 1.47; saponification value 186.6, 185.75, and 97.94; iodine value 113.35, 91.34, and 81.23, acidity along with of 1.64, 1.10, and 1.12 mg KOH g-1 oil. Fatty acid profiles of raw sesame, sesame paste and olive oils showed a predominance of oleic acid (41.68%, 41.94%, and 52.14%, respectively) followed by linoleic-acid (38.29%, 37.48%, and 17.82%). Storage effect at 65°C of raw sesame, sesame paste and olive oils were later on studied. Results showed that the oxidative stability of raw sesame oil was higher than that of sesame paste oil. Due to its all favorable properties, sesame oil could be used in either food or cosmetic products.

Volume 12, Issue 46 (5-2015)

The health-conscious public demands high-quality and low-calorie products that are low in fat and sugar. IN this research, the effect of fat replacement with inulin was studied. Physical properties of cake batter such as viscosity and also physicochemical properties of cake (moisture content, volume, fat, textural firmness and sensory properties) were determined. Results showed there were no significant differences in batter viscosity and moisture, volume and textural firmness between control cake and those prepared with  fat-replacer level (p>0/05). Increasing the level of tat-replacer from  to  resulted in significant decrease in the physic-chemical properties of cakes (p<0/05). Cakes prepared with  replacer level hand higher mean scores for flavor and overall acceptability compared to control. Increasing the level of replacer from  to  resulted in significant decreases in all sensory properties rating scores compared to that of the control.  

Volume 12, Issue 46 (5-2015)

Mayonnaise is a kind of oil in water emulsion, that most widely used sauce in the world. Egg yolk is a key ingredient in mayonnaise, due to excellent emulsifying properties. Nevertheless, one main problem with egg yolk is its high cholesterol content, so different attempts have been carried out to develop low cholesterol mayonnaise. The aim of this study was to prepare low cholesterol mayonnaise containing wheat germ protein isolate (WGPI) and xanthan gum (XG) as egg yolk substitutes. The mayonnaise prepared with different composition of WGPI, egg yolk (0-9% of each component) and XG (0-0.5%), as formula variables by applying the optimal mixture design approach. Effect of this substitution on rheological characteristics and microstructure of mayonnaise samples were evaluated. The results indicated that all mayonnaise samples exhibited thixotropic shear thining behavior under steady shear tests, which fitted by Power law model and the factors related to this model were specified in the samples. Also, it was observed that mayonnaises exhibited weak- gel like properties, by using dynamic oscillatory shear tests and had significant effects on acquired parameters from frequency sweep test, such as storage modulus, loss modulus and tan delta. According to rheological and microstructure results, the low cholesterol mayonnaise contained WGPI and XG shows similar characteristics to those of a typical mayonnaise. Formulation 10 (71.5% and 4.2% egg replacement with WGPI and XG, respectively) shows the most similarity to control sample.  

Volume 12, Issue 46 (5-2015)

  Unfavorable conditions in the production and storage of traditional breads, lead to a high decline in bread quality and thus severe damage and high economic losses. Hence, in this study Baked-Off Technology (BOT) and Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) were used for increasing the shelf life of part-baked product. For this, part-baked Sangak bread was packaged in polyamide/polyethylene bags of 100 µm thickness with three compositions gas included %100 CO2, %50 CO2: %50 N2, %25 CO2: %75 N2 and air as a control and storage at 25° C for 21 days. During storage, quality and microbial features of product such as moisture, texture, total count and mold and yeast count was assessed at intervals of three days. The results showed moisture and texture of part-baked Sangak are not influenced by the atmosphere in the package. While the number of total microorganisms and also mold and yeasts are totally dependent on the amount of carbon dioxide used in the headspace. To increase the proportion of carbon dioxide, the growth rate of bacteria and fungi can be slow. In addition, in this study, significant effect of storage time on all of the qualitative and microbiological characteristics of part-baked Sangak was observed during storage.    
Seyyed Shahabeddin Sadati, ,
Volume 12, Issue 47 (11-2019)

Practicing Ecocriticism, this research attempts to study a movie, Pear Tree, by Dariush MehrJui, adapted from the short story by Goli Taraghi with the same name. Ecocriticism tries to highlight the interrelations between culture and nature in literary texts. This approach tends to analyze texts by studying the importance of the environment in them. In other words, the subject of this approach is surveying the importance of the space in the process of signification. In the movie Pear Tree characters have close relation with the nature or urban spaces, while in the story the main character is mostly drowned in his thoughts. In this study, we try to find the connection between the characters and the space, the conflict between the past and the present, time and space’s gender, and the function of memory. The contradiction between nature (feminine) and culture (masculine) is what actually gives meaning to both texts. The characters cannot be analyzed without considering their relation to the nature (Damavand Garden) or urban places. 

Volume 12, Issue 48 (9-2015)

Naser Alizadeh. PH.D
Farhad Mohammadi
This article initially summarizes inter-personal relations; their governing features, and impact on language. Later on, the dialogs of mentally deranged characters are studied based on their relationship with the addressee, in two sections. In the first section, anecdotes are stated which show how the madmen remain indifferent toward the conditions which they should comply with in their dialog with rulers. Their dialogs do not match the social status of rulers and are considered as a sort of devaluation and disempowerment of kings and the powerful. In the second section, the remarks of them with God, which maintains an independent language and marks their identity and character, showing their close bond with God, are researched. Hence, their character in their dialog with the addressee, especially their friendly dialogs with God matches their character.

Volume 12, Issue 49 (10-2015)

In this study, effects of coating materials: methylcellulose-wax; and wax on physic-chemical and sensorial characteristics of Thomson navel orange at 8 °C were evaluated. Weight loss, vitamin C, total soluble solid (TSS), acidity (TA), and sensory evaluation every two weeks for 16 weeks of storage were analyzed. Fruits were coated with commercial wax or composite methylcellulose-wax (MC, 9: 10, w/w) using immersion treatment. Uncoated fruits were used as control ones. This research was performed using a factorial experimental model in a completely randomized design with 5 replications at an accuracy rate of 95%. Coatings by wax were the most effective in reducing weight loss. Fruits coated with composite coating materials, had the highest level of vitamin C in comparison with other samples. TSS and TA of all samples decreased during storage, while the TSS / TA ratio increased in all treatments. Fruits treated with methylcellulose-wax within 10 and 16 weeks of storage preserved TA values more than other treatments. The results of sensory evaluation showed that the least desirable flavor was related to 8 weeks after storage. Within 10 and 16 weeks, the highest off-flavor was related to the fruits coated by wax Freshness of fruits decreased during storage. No significant difference was observed between the fruits coated by MC-Wax and wax.  

Volume 13, Issue 0 (11-2015)

Volume 13, Issue 2 (5-2013)

Abstract: In this paper the experimental study of the flow pattern around a round wall jet has been carried out to investigate the effect of the bed roughness on the turbulence characteristics, including Reynolds stress and turbulence intensities. Measurements were conducted using the three-dimensional velocimeter, ADV and time series of the velocity components are used to investigate the variation of the turbulent flow parameters along the measuring domain. The results showed that by increasing the bed roughness, the streamwise and vertical turbulence intensities increase by downstream distance and for a specific bed roughness the streamwise turbulence intensity is higher than the vertical one. Furthermore, by going downstream from the jet entrance the bed shear stress reduces and by increasing the bed roughness, the bed shear stress has an increasing trend along the jet centerline. Location of the maximum bed shear stress does not change by changing the bed roughness.

Volume 13, Issue 7 (12-2011)

Classification of vegetation according to their species composition is one of the most important tasks in the application of remote sensing in precision agriculture. To prepare an algorithm for such a mandate, there is a need for ground truth. Field operation is very costly and time consuming. Therefore, some other method must be developed, such as extracting information from the satellite images, which is comparatively cheaper and faster. In this study, we first introduced a simple method for Determination of the Vegetation Specie in full cover pixels (DVS) using their laboratory measured spectral reflectance curves. Then, based on these pixels, a hybrid method for vegetation field classification, which we call SCANN (Spectral Characteristics and Artificial Neural Network), is introduced. In this method, different vegetation spectral reflectance characteristics at the three extremes of green, red, and near-infrared along with an artificial neural network method were used. Comparing the results of DVS with those of field collected data showed near 100% accuracy. Based on the results of DVS, the results of SCANN showed an overall accuracy of more than 94%. This method is suggested for unsupervised classification using Hyperspectral images.

Volume 13, Issue 11 (1-2014)

Graphene/Polypropylene nanocomposite is a new material and limited research is performed on mechanical properties of such material. A random distribution of the nano particles in the matrix has a special importance in having proper mechanical properties for Graphene/Polypropylene nanocomposites. To have a uniform distribution of the nano graphene in the polypropylene, a method developed by Kalaitzidou, et al. for distribution of exfoliated graphite in polypropylene is used in this research. In this paper, Polypropylene is coated with graphene and then the nanocomposite specimens are made using melt-blending and injection molding. Polypropylene reinforced with 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 wt% graphene sheets were prepared and their tensile properties are investigated. Good enhancement of Young’s modulus and yield stress at very low graphene contents are achieved. The results indicate that the mentioned method is suitable for fabrication of graphene/polypropylene nanocomposites, which yields a good dispersion of graphene in the polypropylene.

Volume 13, Issue 13 (3-2014)

Specifying of the dynamic behavior and impedance characteristics determination of the patients’ lower limb is a necessity for interactions with rehabilitation set-up. In simple proposed models of previous researches, the effects of joint angles on the impedance properties of the leg were not considered and the parameters were identified by nonparametric methods. Hence, the results of identification were not so much appropriate to analyze the rehabilitation process. So, in this paper, a 3 DOF nonlinear dynamic model is developed regarding to the angular stiffness and damping of the lower limb joints and moment of inertia of its moving organs. Then, a linear model is presented to identify the parameters by PEM method. The linearization and identification precisions are evaluated individually. The leg’s parameters are identified for 3 subjects with different mass numbers at four distinctive configurations which are considered during the walking. The identification accuracy is evaluated by comparison between the identified and geometrically estimated mass moment of inertia. Ultimately, the interaction performance of the patients’ leg with rehabilitation pneumatic actuator is investigated considering to leg rigidity and the amount of overweight. The results demonstrate good accuracy and high performance of the linear model for parameters identification.

Volume 13, Issue 14 (3-2014)

In this paper the effect of pressure ratios on the performance characteristics of a radial twin entry turbine is investigated using computer aided design (CAD) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). First, geometric models of the turbine flow passages are constructed by simultaneous use of measuring tools and computer aided design software. Because of geometrical complexity of flow passages, tetrahedral cells are used to generate unstructured grid in the computational domain. Three dimensional flow of steady, viscous, and compressible nature is solved by Multiple Reference Frame (MRF) technique. Characteristic curves of the turbine are obtained by post processing flow simulation results. Mass flow parameter, delivered torque parameter and total to static turbine efficiency are plotted against different pressure ratios. Results show that at constant rotational speed, increasing pressure ratio leads to increase in mass flow parameter until choke limit while the total to static efficiency decreases and delivered torque increases.

Volume 13, Issue 52 (4-2016)

The Juice clarification is an important operation in the fruit processing industry. Sour Orange is a source of vitamin C that is cultivated in the north of Iran. Since turbidity of this fruit after juice extraction affects on quality, shelf-life and concentration of juice; clarification and removing of turbidity-causing factors is important. In this study, the effect of membrane parameters including pressure (1.2-2.2 bar) and temperature (25-35 ºC) on the quality characteristics of sour orange during membrane clarification was investigated. The response surface methodology (RSM) by Design-Expert Software was used to optimize the clarification conditions. Results of the experiments showed that the Browning index was raised by increasing of temperature, but vitamin C content, Total antioxidant activity value and clarity was decreased in this condition. The Browning index was decreased by increasing of pressure; however, no significant effect was observed on the other quality characteristics. Results of process optimization indicated that the best condition to maximize of vitamin C content, total antioxidant and clarity and to minimize of Browning index achieved at 25 ºC and 1.7 bar. In this condition the vitamin C content, Browning index, Total antioxidant activity and clarity was 24.9 (mg/100 cc juice), 0.106, 87.97% and 97.1%, respectively.
Anita Taali, Zohre Taebi Noghondari, Mahmood Reza Ghorban-Sabbagh,
Volume 13, Issue 52 (12-2020)

Auster’s latest novel, published in 2017, reveals his mastery in creating a complicated and unusual narrative once again. The title of this novel, 4321, has been a point of interest to a number of critics, but their analyses have not been successful in clarifying the complexities of its narratology. The current study aims to investigate the narrative structure of this novel based on Ryan’s possible worlds and multiverse theories. The findings reveal that in this novel, Auster engineers a 4D narrative in which the mental world of a character named Ferguson is represented. In this 4D narrative, the multiverse progresses in four paths to tell the tales of four Fergusons. At the end of the narrative, using a final twist, Auster declares the fourth Ferguson as the author of a book entitled 4321, thus exposing the circular structure of its structure. This revelation helps the reader recognize the point zero of the narrative (1.0) and understand Auster’s motif in beginning and ending the narrative with a joke. The transformation of the narrative structure enables Auster to successfully represent a tangible embodiment of the contradictory layers in the authorial self and mentality. Hence, 4321 comes to life, seemingly similar to a 4D holographic movie, to embody the multiverse of Ferguson’s character in its narrative multiverse.

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