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Volume 9, Issue 5 (12-2021)

Aims: This study aimed to analyse the snow cover in the Norilsk industrial region and assess the state of atmospheric air in the winter.
Materials & Methods: This experimental study was conducted in 2019. The organoleptic method was used for determining quality indicators based on the analysis of sensory perception; sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste.
Findings: Norilsk ranks second in terms of atmospheric contamination. Industrial enterprises annually emit large amounts of sulphur dioxide, phenols, and heavy metal particles. The city is located within the Far North and is distinguished by the harsh climate of the subarctic type. The snow cover can lie from 244 to 277 days. Snow is a good sorbent; therefore, the snow cover accumulates solid and gaseous pollutants that enter it from the atmosphere with precipitation or are absorbed from it.
Conclusion: Heavy metal ions and sulphate ions are not detected in the thawed snow, so no industrial gas pollution is noted in the residential area. Most of the particulate contamination is caused by slagging of roads to improve vehicle traction.

Volume 9, Issue 36 (10-2012)

The objective of this research was to produce fermented dairy beverage with Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii and study the microbiological characteristics immediately after fermentation and during cold storage. In this study, impact of two process variables of incubation temperature and inoculation ratio on microbiological characteristics was studied by full factorial design. For the preparation of the fermented dairy beverage, a mixed culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii was grown at the ratio of 1:2, 1:4 and 1:8 and incubation was performed at 30, 35 and 40°C until the pH reached 4 ± 0.1. Cell count of L. acidophilus was conducted on MRS Agar and incubation at 37 °C. Enumeration of P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii was done on sodium lactate agar (NaLa agar) medium and incubation at 30 °C. In the most suitable condition for propionic acid production, profile of viability of microorganisms was determined in intervals of 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Also, phase separation of produced beverage was studied during the first week of storage at 4°C. The maximum viable cell count of P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii was occurred by inoculation ratio of 1 to 4 and incubation temperature of 30 °C. There was an adverse and significant (P < 0.05) relationship between viability of P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii and incubation temperature. The maximum cell count of L. acidophilus was observed in a mixed culture of L. acidophilus and P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii at ratio of 1 to 8 and incubation temperature of 35°C. Considerable decreased cell counts of P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii and L. acidophilus were obtained during the first and the last weeks of cold storage, respectively.  

Volume 9, Issue 37 (12-2012)

The objective of this research was to produce fermented dairy beverage with Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii and study the microbiological characteristics immediately after fermentation and during cold storage. In this study, impact of two process variables of incubation temperature and inoculation ratio on microbiological characteristics was studied by full factorial design. For the preparation of the fermented dairy beverage, a mixed culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii was grown at the ratio of 1:2, 1:4 and 1:8 and incubation was performed at 30, 35 and 40°C until the pH reached 4 ± 0.1. Cell count of L. acidophilus was conducted on MRS Agar and incubation at 37 °C. Enumeration of P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii was done on sodium lactate agar (NaLa agar) medium and incubation at 30 °C. In the most suitable condition for propionic acid production, profile of viability of microorganisms was determined in intervals of 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Also, phase separation of produced beverage was studied during the first week of storage at 4°C. The maximum viable cell count of P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii was occurred by inoculation ratio of 1 to 4 and incubation temperature of 30 °C. There was an adverse and significant (P < 0.05) relationship between viability of P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii and incubation temperature. The maximum cell count of L. acidophilus was observed in a mixed culture of L. acidophilus and P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii at ratio of 1 to 8 and incubation temperature of 35°C. Considerable decreased cell counts of P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii and L. acidophilus were obtained during the first and the last weeks of cold storage, respectively.

Volume 9, Issue 40 (9-2021)

A popular media in the past, folktales were used for entertainment purposes. They also played an essential role in education. Education is the basis of awareness and change, and some of these stories are intended to change the intellectual structure and the practical behavior of fictional characters. In other words, such stories have had a therapeutic function. Sindbad-Nameh is one of those surviving stories from the distant past in which narrative possibilities are used to change the existing conditions. This article reads Sindbad-Nameh descriptively, using content analysis method to answer the fundamental question of how the inner stories of Sindbad-Nameh change the protagonist of the story in the process of meaning-making; and why are some narratives unsuccessful in this attempt? The whole body of the narrative tools in Sindbad-Nameh show the progressive process of changing the character's action. They guide the king's mind to self-awareness and self-control and prevent him from making hasty decisions. The structured group of the in-house narratives told by the seven viziers allows the process of changing their target's mind and action, i.e. the king, because they enjoy meaningful suspensions. Like the links of a chain, the viziers’ stories support each other and have a unity of content and structure. The reason may be the long-term goal and the written plan that the viziers are pursuing. On the other hand, the tales of the maiden cannot save the king due to their structural and conceptual disruption, and the lack of intellectual cohesion. These thematic ruptures can also be attributed to the maiden's distress and anxiety. In folktales, a recurring element is women's deception and betrayal, one that is also highlighted in Sindbad-Nameh due to the nature of the story's subject matter

Volume 9, Issue 40 (9-2021)

One of the most important developments that took place with the spread of mysticism and Sufism in Persian literature, especially in long mystical verses, was the attention towards folk culture and literature. In this sense, Rumi's Masnavi is a reflection of the folk culture, language, and customs. Contrary to this prominent characteristic, the terms folk and folklore have always been used in Masnavi with a negative connotation. However, one needs to seek whether Rumi uses this term to refer to a certain social class, or a certain character, behavior or attitude which makes him use it for a certain person or group. This descriptive-analytical paper addresses the status of the term folk in Masnavi. The findings indicate that the term does not necessarily imply the common people of the society. Certain attitudes that judge based on the superficialities and common sense are the main referents of the term in Masnavi. The transcendent spiritual condition may well have existed among the most common people; however, the superficial and shallow attitude may be common to the elites, philosophers, and even mystics who have not yet reached the status of Magham.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2010)

This paper presents the effect of tilt angle on static and dynamic performance characteristics of two gas-lubricated noncircular journal bearing configurations, namely two and four lobe bearings. The linearized system approach using finite element method is used to obtain both steady state and dynamic characteristics. The results of the investigation show that tilt angle has a significant effect on static and stability characteristics. With an increase in tilt angle, power loss is decreased while stability margins are increased.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (3-2022)

Aim The aim of this study was to investigate the ecological factors affecting the distribution of the rare, endangered and medicinal species of Vaccinium arctostaphylos L. in ecotone rangelands of Namin County in 2019.
Materials & methods Sampling were performed from the presence and absence locations of V. arctostaphylos in eight habitats. Soil samples were taken from a depth of 0-30 cm and physiographic variables in were recorded. Moreover, a digital elevation model, slope and aspect map was derived. Rainfall and temperature gradient maps, was derived using gradient equations, and the values for sampling points were extracted. Data analysis performed by independent t-test and discriminant analysis test.
Findings Results showed the Stream Power Index (SPI) (p<0.05), pH, EC, lime, soluble sodium, organic carbon, soil texture and species density (p<0.01) are significantly different between the presence and absence of the species. Results of discriminant analysis showed the three functions explained 86.4, 10.7, and 2.8% of the total data variance, respectively. Generally, 19 variable including elevation, slope, aspect, precipitation, Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), plan curvature index (PC), SPI, pH, EC, lime, phosphorus, soluble potassium, soluble sodium, magnesium, organic carbon, bicarbonate solution, saturation percentage (SP), sand percentage and species density were identified as the important factors affecting the distribution of V. arctostaphylos. SP was the most important factor in the presence and absence of species.
Conclusion Generally, by identifying the most effective ecological factors on the distribution of V. arctostaphylos, effective steps have been taken to improve the habitat of the rare species.

Volume 10, Issue 3 (9-2021)

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of adding protein concentrate of Bream (Abramis Brama) on chemical properties, texture, color and sensory evaluation of pasta. The fillets were cooked in boiling water for 10 minutes, then minced using a meat grinder. The minced fish was dried at 60 C for 24 hours in an oven and powdered with a grinder. Pasta was prepared with different percentages of FPC (0, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 15% and 20%). Chemical properties (energy, carbohydrate), tissue tests (hardness, adhesion and resilience), color tests (b, a, L) and sensory evaluation were evaluated. The results showed that by adding fish protein concentrate, the amount of pasta carbohydrate decreased compared to the control sample. In contrast, with increasing fish protein concentrate in pasta, the amount of energy increased significantly (p <0.05). The highest energy content was observed in the pasta containing 20% FPC and the lowest energy content in the control sample. The addition of FPC did not cause any adverse changes in the color of the pasta. The amount of yellow and redness of the pasta increased with the addition of FPC. The amount of pasta patency increased with the addition of fish protein concentrate. The color, taste, chewability, elasticity, odor, filament appearance, adhesion, hardness and overall evaluation of pasta with 7.5% FPC was better than others.  Regarding the texture, color and sensory characteristics of the pasta, it can be concluded that the pasta containing 7.5% fish protein concentrate had better characteristics than other samples.
Zahra Pirsoufi Amlashi, Kavoos Hassanli,
Volume 10, Issue 39 (12-2017)

Rereading the history of literary studies to evaluate quality and identify the strengths and weaknesses is one of the Important scientific measures; however, the abundance and distribution of scientific research in a specific subject, makes it difficult for researchers to identify and analyze the previous issues occasionally. As a result of those difficulties, repetitive and similar articles would be written which reduce the development and activeness of scientific fields. Researchers in each fields, can prevent similar and ordinary researches by identifying and critically examining the previous researches based on a coherent and methodical plan; moreover, by understanding the needs and gaps in those areas, they are able to do efficient researches as well. Due to the necessity of such an attitude in the field of Persian literature research, the authors of this paper have decided to introduce and review all scientific articles which are in connection with character and characterization issues. Therefore, by referring to databases storing articles, the number of Persian scientific research articles that had studied the character and characterization in contemporary fiction that contained these two words whether in topic or keywords were found. Afterwards, 73 articles have been found in terms of methodology, objectives and question the number and type of studied samples, used theories, results, references, etc. some data reviewed and analyzed statistically. According to the results, incomplete and ambiguous abstracts, some unfamiliar researchers with the correct structure, essay writing and research methods, uncoordinated research components and some repetitive issues and approaches and resources, are some of those studied articles problem. Paying attention to the new subjects and theories, cooperating with graduates in various majors, choosing the efficient theories and using the other research methods by researchers can help improving the research results and developing this issues as well.
Najme Hosseini Sarvari, ,
Volume 10, Issue 39 (12-2017)

To study the excursion of presence and evolution of chivalrous characters in Persian literature, this article is examined three stories, “Samak e Ayyar”, “Dash Akol” and “Qeidar”, in terms of similarities and differences among characters and characterizations. mentioned stories have been selected because “samak e ayyar” is the first story in which the role of knights (“Ayaran”) is bolder than kings or heroes; “Dash Akol” is the first manly (“Dash Mashti”) character in modern Persian literature and “Qeidar” is the last one. This study indicates that in all three works, the distinction between protagonist and antagonist is clearly distinguished based on chivalry characteristic nevertheless the protagonist in “Samak e Ayyar” and “Dash Akol” is similar to antagonist in terms of facial features and behavioral characteristics while the antagonist of “Qeidar” is different from protagonist in this sense. Furthermore, “Amirkhani” appends the component of belief in Islam to the constitutive elements of chivalry characteristic, however, in spite of facial features, it is fully similar to “Samak e Ayyar” in terms of organizing events toward highlighting typical characteristics of chivalrous character.

Volume 10, Issue 40 (7-2013)

The aim of this study was to compare the stability of chemical and physical characteristics of non-fat set yoghurt containing textured milk to those of non-fat and full fat set yoghurt during 14 days storage at 4±1 °C. In order to produce non-fat yoghurt containing textured milk, the temperature of heated skim milk (85-90 °C for 30-35 minutes) was reduced to 42-43 °C and it was combined with 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 percent of textured milk. The chemical (pH, titratable acidity, protein, fat and total solid) and physical (colorimetrics, syneresis and water holding capacity) experiments were carried on non fat yoghurt containing textured milk, non-fat and full fat yoghurt during the first, seventh and fourteenth day of storage time in refrigerator. The results revealed that textured milk had no effect on the pH, titratable acidity, protein and fat content of yoghurts, but the storage time affected these factors (p<0.05), textured milk and storage time affected the amount of total solid in samples. Textured milk improved colorimetrics, syneresis and water holding capacity of yoghurts compared to non-fat yoghurt and this was observed during storage time too. The sample containing 30% of textured milk was the most similar one to the full fat yoghurt, so this yoghurt formulation is recommended to gain appropriate physical and chemical characteristics.

Volume 11, Issue 1 (1-2009)

Nowadays, more attention is being paid to customers’ satisfaction as funding decisions are made. Extension organization, which plays an important role in educating farmers, must know how far the learners are satisfied with its educational program. Accordingly, this study was conducted in Yazd Province (Iran) with the main objective of investigating the pomegranate growers’ satisfaction with their extension-education courses. A survey method was adopted for the study and 150 people were selected as sample out of 478 learners participating in the courses from 2003-2004 throughout the province. A ques-tionnaire was developed as the tool of study. The questionnaire was found to be valid and reliable (Cronbachs' alpha was 0.93). The results showed that the courses did not achieve many of their teaching objectives and were assessed as achieving their goals to a moderate extent. The contents of the courses were assessed as being comprehensive, applied, and new to a high, moderate, and low extent, respectively. The respondents are very satisfied with teachers’ characteristics and with the locality and facilities of courses, but were satis-fied with teaching methods to a low extent. They generally had a positive and favorable attitude towards the pomegranate extension-education courses. According to the study there were significant relationships between learners’ satisfaction with courses and their annual income, pomegranate yield, pomegranate production, times of participation in courses, and attitude toward the courses. Stepwise regression analysis indicated that three variables, attitude toward the courses, pomegranate yield and pomegranate production totally accounted for 77.8 percent of variations in learners’ satisfaction with the pome-granate extension-education courses.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (7-2011)

This paper illustrates the application of S-transform and continuous wavelet transform (CWT) for fault location in combined overhead line and cable distribution networks. The high frequency transient signals originated by faults are analyzed using S-transform and CWT. The S-transform is found to be applicable in transient based fault location in distribution networks. This technique is an expansion of wavelet transform method and is based on a moving and scalable localizing Gaussian window. Taking into account this fact that the signal energy of faults has high amplitude around certain frequencies, the fault location can be identified considering the relationship between these frequencies and so-called path characteristic frequencies related to the fault traveling waves. The transient voltage signal energy is calculated using S-Transform and CWT. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, the distribution networks with only overhead lines, as well as a combined system (consisting of the overhead lines and underground cables) have been studied. The IEEE 34-bus test distribution network is simulated in EMTP-RV software and the relevant S-transform and CWT analyses are carried out in MATLAB coding environment

Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-2022)

So far, very limited research has been done on Euryglossa orientalis parasites in our country. In the present study, helminthic infection of 50 digestive tracts of E. orientalis, were examined in Bandar Abbas in 2016. After procuring the fishes, they were transferred to the laboratory and different parts of their bodies were measured for a morphometric study. Then whole digestive tract of the fishes was removed, opened with a small scissor into a dish and the contents was searched for the presence of helminth. Then, the isolated helminth parasites were fixed in 5% formalin or 70% ethanol and stained with azocarmine. The parasites were identified with the aid of reliable sources. The results indicated that out of 50 fish tested, only 5 fish (10%) were infected with the parasite. Thus, in 10% of the fish, Plagiocirrus primus and in 2% of them, Lepocreadioides zebrini and Scolex pleuronectis were identified. This result shows that the infection of Euryglossa orientalis with helminths is mild in the coasts of Bandar Abbas in summer. P. primus is reported for the first time from Persian Gulf coasts.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (6-2023)

Aims: This research aimed to evaluate some phytochemical characteristics of Clematis ispahanica Boiss. in two arid and semi-arid sites.
Materials & Methods: After studying the climatic conditions in each site, 30plots (6m2) were established randomly– systematically for soil and plant sampling. A total of ten composite soil samples were collected from two depths (0–10 and 10-30 cm), and some of their properties were measured. Three plant samples were obtained and mixed at three Phenological stages in each site, and their secondary metabolites were determined. A comparison of soil properties between the two sites was performed using an independent-sample t-test. Phytochemical comparison of plants between two sites and three Phenological stages was performed using Factorial analysis of variance and Duncan’s multiple range test. Correlation between soil properties and phytochemical characteristics was performed using the Pearson correlation coefficient. 
Findings: The results demonstrated that C. ispahanica has higher secondary metabolites (total Phenol, total Flavonoid, and total Alkaloids) in semi–arid climates compared to arid climates. In both sites, the highest content of secondary metabolites was observed at the flowering stage (Phenolic content in Bavanat and Mehriz city’s 184.33 & 115.16 mg GAE.g. DW Ext, Flavonoid content, 32.57 & 28.37 mg QE.g DW Ext, Alkaloids content 12.89 & 5.75 mg Atr.g DW Ext,  respectively). A significant, mostly positive, correlation was observed between the phytochemical characteristics of C. ispahanica and soil pH, EC, and total Nitrogen. 
Conclusion: It was concluded that heavier soil texture, semi-arid climate, and flowering stage are more suitable for C. ispahanica secondary metabolites production.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2011)

In this paper, considering a half car model with 3-DOF, the effects of vehicle velocity, wheelbase, and the vibration parameters of the passenger seat on the statistical characteristics of the vehicle body and the seat responses are investigated. In the previous studies, 2-DOF model was generally used for vibration analysis of the vehicle under the road random excitation. However, science these models ignore the DOF corresponding to the seat, they are not suitable for ride comfort analysis. Here, in order to overcome this shortage and make it possible to study the ride comfort, considering an additional DOF for the seat, a half car 3-DOF model has been used. Moreover, in order to investigate the Root Mean Square Acceleration Response (RMSAR) of the vehicle body and the seat, a mathematical relation is proposed for the power spectral density (PSD) of the actual highway- type road excitation. Finally, by applying the proposed PSD, the ride comfort of a special passenger car (Samand) has been studied. The results show that the range of variations of RMSAR of the vehicle body and that of the seat are completely different from each other, and by choosing reasonable values for the stiffness and damping coefficients of the seat, one can improve the ride comfort.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (7-2020)

This study aims to examine the elements of stylistics in three stories. They include three poetical narratives by ʿAṭṭār in mystical genre pivoting around the character of Ḥallāj.
The main research question of are: a) According to which stylistic mechanisms of narrative are the narrative-stylistic elements explained? And b) How are these elements reflected in the narrative discourse?
This study hypothesis check the components of Simpson's narrative discourse to determine the stylistic features.
 Therefore, analysis of the texture of these narratives showed that in total, material processes with 16 applications had more performance than verbal process with 3 cases, mental process with 13 cases and behavioral process with 1 case.
 The research uses library method for collecting data and is analytical in nature, employing the methodology proposed by Simpson in his Stylistics approach.
The results indicate the extent of characters’ collaboration by analysing the processes. In terms of point of view on the temporal plane, there is no specific time since all three narratives revolve around Ḥallāj. The descriptive pause is another example of this point of view and narrative time in the stories is longer than story-time. In the second story, however, the narrative is denser and more concise.
An example of a point of view on the temporal plane can be seen in the three discourses of narration using "the use of past verbs", "descriptive pause" and "narrative time" in two narratives, and the narrative of “ tashte khakestar va amadane ashegh" is rejected.
 Naturally, from the spatial point of view, referring to space is not pertinent because it the prestige of Ḥallāj which is the focus of the author.
All three narrative discourses confirm Hallaj's high position on psychological plane . The point of view is the third person in all three stories. In the first and third stories, the third person perspective is reflective, and in the second story, the third person perspective is prominent.
 Modality has some features in narratives of Ḥallāj: since the narrator narrates Ḥallāj’s emotions and the Lover’s character by direct speech, it has a positive shading. This may be explained using Fowler-Uspensky model.
 In terms of idiolect, the words uttered as the Lover’s reaction to see the Beloved’s (i.e. Ḥallāj’s) ash and finding a trace of the latter are in line with the mystical context of the story. All three stories of Ḥallāj can be discussed in view of Labov’s ‘textual structure’.
Therefore, in future research, it is possible to examine the textual structure of the elements of this model in the narrative context by examining the structure of the text in other anecdotes of mystical poetry and consider the anecdotes related to elders. The results of this study showed that in almost these three stories, the result , the solution and the terminal phase are the same, and the reason is Attar's advice, which replaces any kind of analysis.
With regard to intertextuality, two stories ‘Ḥallāj in the gallows’ (Ḥallāj bar sar-i dār) and ‘Ḥallāj decapitated in sleep’ (Ḥallāj bā sar-i burida) are referred to in other texts.
The results of this study clearly show that the study of narrative stylistics and the application of its components have mechanisms that are suitable for analyzing different levels of narrative discourse context. In addition, this study provided an understanding of the style of Hallaj's narratives that had not been previously explored.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2023)

Aims: The physical and chemical properties of water are important in determining the suitability of water for various uses on the one hand and knowing the level of environmental pollution of this water on the other hand, as these variables significantly impact the biodiversity in that water body. This study aimed to reveal the level of pollution occurring in the waters of the Euphrates River through these characteristics and to identify the sources of this pollution.
Instrument & Methods: From April 2022 to March 2023, the water quality of the Euphrates River was examined between Ramadi and Al-Qaim cities. The temperature, total suspended solids, electrical conductivity, pH, total dissolved salts, salinity, calcium, sodium, chloride, bicarbonate, and sulfate levels were measured through specialized devices or through mathematical equations approved in the concerned scientific references. The correlation coefficient between the involved parameters was examined regarding location and time.
Findings: Most of the measurements were within the allowable range, but some values exceeded the limits of WHO regulations, such as electrical conductivity and total dissolved salts values in Ramadi city which reached 1245.53±117.47µS/cm and 793.17±46.41mg/l, respectively.
Conclusion: River pollution levels varied from one region to another within the study area, as river water is generally suitable for irrigation but not drinking without pretreatment processes.

Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2023)

Aims: Many women are uninformed of the factors that put them at risk for cardiovascular diseases or the preventative measures that they can take to lower that risk, which makes the incidence of CVDs among women a serious public health concern. This study aimed to determine the correlation of lifestyle factors and demographic characteristics of women with the incidence rate of cardiovascular diseases.
Instrument & Methods: This descriptive correlational study was conducted on women in AL Diwaniyah City, Iraq, from January to March 2023. The purposive sampling was used to select 99 women suffering from cardiovascular disease attending the Diwaniyah Teaching Hospital, Cardiac Catheterization Center, and Primary Health Centers.
Findings: Spearman’s correlation showed a highly significant correlation between women’s age and lifestyle factors, physical activity, and stress management (p=0.0001). There was a statistically significant correlation between women’s education level, stress management, and follow-up (p>0.05). Occupation showed a statistically significant correlation with women’s health history (p=0.046). The woman’s monthly income was correlated with her family history (p=0.003).
Conclusion: Low-income families are the most predominant socioeconomically status in AL Diwaniyah City. A noteworthy correlation exists between the age of women and their health history, physical activity, and stress management.

Volume 11, Issue 20 (12-2007)

In this research, five entrepreneurship characteristics consisted of achievement need, independent need; risk taking, creativity and determination, for the assess went of entrepreneurship profile of mazandaran university's students were measured. According to the results of the survey, of the 1843 students of this university, about 21 percent have entrepreneurship characteristics. Total mean score of the students with entrepreneurship characteristics was equal to 39.67, but the total mean score of un-entrepreneur students group was 29.89.In general, total mean score of the students was 31.92.There was a significant difference between this and the minimum of the acceptable mean (=37). On the other hand, determination trait (with the mean of 7.8) in comparison with other characteristics was more observed among the students of this university. The scores of achievement need, independent need, risk taking and creativity of students were a little different with the minimum of the acceptable mean of these characteristics.

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