Showing 231 results for Character
Volume 22, Issue 2 (9-2018)
Nowadays, observing ethics and preserving moral principles are some of the most significant phenomena which have been taken into account in most organizations. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to survey the effects of demographic characteristics of the individual, organizational and ethical variables in ethical decision-making of accountants in industrial enterprises of Tabriz. Statistical society of this research includes 1505 accountants in micro, small, medium, and large industries of Tabriz metropolitan city. Based on Morgan and krejcie sampling table sample size is about 306 and questionnaires have been used for gathering necessary data. For statistical analysis of the research, it has been first tried to describe the main variables of the research and some demographic variables by descriptive statistics. Then, in inferential statistics part, hierarchical regression analysis conducted within the framework of the research. The results indicate that there is a significant relationship between ethical recognition and ethical judgment, between ethical judgment and ethical intention, and also between ethical recognition and ethical intention. Consequently, the Rest’s model was supported. Ethical climate of the organization was the strong predictor factor in three stages of ethical decision-making.
Volume 23, Issue 5 (11-2023)
Reactive powder concrete (RPC) is one of the ultra-high strength concretes with superior mechanical properties, which is made using cement and very fine powder materials such as quartz sand, microsilica, low amounts of water-cement ratio, super-lubricant and steel fibers. The main role of steel fibers in such concrete is actually a type of composite that has proper integrity and continuity and enables the use of concrete as a flexible material. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of using different types of industrial steel fibers with different length (diameter) and percentages on the strength properties of RPC and to determine a series of experimental relationships for their estimation. To this end, by preparing three types of steel fibers with small diameters (group 1), medium (group 2) and large (group 3) and making a number of RPC samples using indigenous and common mineral materials, the strength characteristics of this type of concrete include compressive, bending and tensile strengths were determined at different ages. To investigate the effect of curing time as well as the diameter and percentage of steel fibers on the compressive strength of RPC, a total of 39 samples + 1 sample without fibers (control concrete) containing 1 to 5% of large steel fibers (with diameter of 0.8 mm), medium (with diameter of 0.6 mm) and small (with diameter of 0.4 mm) were made and their compressive strength was determined at different ages. In addition, to determine the bending and tensile strengths of RPC samples, a total of 18 standard RPC beam and cylindrical samples containing different percentages of medium diameter steel fibers were made. After these samples were cured, their 28-day strength was evaluated in comparison with the control samples. The results of compressive strength tests showed that by increase in the curing age, the strength of RPC increases in compared with the control sample (without fibers). The results of compressive strength tests showed that by reduce in the diameter of steel fibers, the 28-day compressive strength of RPC samples increased significantly and was determined to 423.5 MPa. In compared with the control sample (without fibers), the compressive strength is associated with a growth of 29.11%. Also, the optimal amount of medium steel fibers to achieve RPC with the highest strength was determined to be 2%. The results of flexural strength tests showed that 2% of group 1 steel fibers (with small diameter) and group 2 (with medium diameter) and 3% of group 3 steel fibers (with large diameter) as the optimal percentage of steel fibers to reach the maximum flexural strength in RPC. Therefore, the 28-day flexural strength of RPC samples containing 2%, 2%, and 3% of steel fibers of groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively, was equal to 40.9, 44.6, and 39.1 MPa. The highest tensile strength of RPC samples containing 1%, 2%, and 3% of steel fibers of groups 1, 2, and 3 compared to the control sample, was associated with a growth of 61.25%, 66.42%, and 68.21%, respectively. Also, the results of the tensile strength tests showed that the addition of group 2 steel fibers (medium) compared to the other two groups (small and large), had a greater impact on the growth percentage of tensile strength of RPC samples.
Volume 24, Issue 1 (2-2018)
Due to its certain elements and limits, the exemplum brings about poetic and narrative nature in a coordinated structure in order to realize dynamism in the text with easy access to wide conceptual burden that poems cannot transfer lonely, accordingly, contemporary exemplum, today, welcomes narrative techniques and its symbols. Mohammed al-Maghout, a contemporary Syrian poet, makes use of narrative techniques in his exemplum by applying simple words and expressions which normally combines reality and fancy to advance events and accomplish them. The present descriptive-analytical research aims to address main narrative signs in a sample of three divans of Mohammed al-Maghout. Results indicate that the poet mostly uses quadruple narrative techniques, while he is not bounded to a sequence and uniformity of the texture, which it gives profundity and an upward trend along accumulation of events. Description of places in his works simulates a partial look or a close appearance and, for him, narration time circulates around time differences for recovering and anticipating time alongside the time length technique for determining rate of events. Methods of developing characters in his poems are blazoned over steady function of pronouns, especially the first-person which is turned to footsteps of the main character, that is, narrator
Volume 24, Issue 4 (7-2022)
Silver Nanoparticles (
AgNPs) are widely used in medical and pharmaceutical applications due to their antimicrobial properties. In this study, Ag-NPs were synthesized using
Viola tricolor aqueous extract as a reducing and capping agent. The
presence of synthesized Ag-NPs was first confirmed with UV-Visible, SEM, TEM, XRD, and FTIR analyses, and then their antimicrobial characteristics were studied based on the
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). The SEM analysis showed that the synthesized AgNPs were spherical in shape. The particle size histogram revealed that the average particle size of the AgNPs was 49.45 nm. Findings from the FTIR and UV-Vis spectra showed the successful formation of Ag-NPs because the functional groups involved in the synthesis process and adsorption peaks were well developed. Furthermore, the Ag-NPs had a peak absorption at 420 nm in the spectrometry. MIC results showed the strong antimicrobial effects of the synthesized Ag-NPs. Results of the Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) revealed the dose-dependent cytotoxicity of the Ag-NPs. Nanoparticles could exert the inhibitory effect of DDPH free radicals in a dose-dependent manner. Methyl tetrazolium (MTT) results showed that silver nanoparticles had a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect and significantly reduced cell survival. The IC50 values for Ag-NPs and the extract were 11.83 and 204.4 μg mL
-1, respectively. This study showed a higher cytotoxic effect of the green synthesized nanoparticles on hepatocellular carcinoma cells than the extract. Consequently, the biosynthesis of Ag-NPs using aqueous extract of
V. tricolor is clean, inexpensive, and has antibacterial, anticancer and antioxidant activities. Hence, it can be used as a drug candidate.
Volume 24, Issue 8 (7-2024)
Multi-compartment structures are a sort of multi-layer armor widely used to protect naval equipment, due to their high resistance to underwater blasts, simple-tech/low-cost production, and repairability. The present article numerically investigates the contact UNDEX damages of conceptual-construction structures consisting of three metal layers and two mid-compartments. For this purpose, a set of experiments was designed and executed using AUTODYN. The numerical modeling process and outputs were validated with the results of an experimental test. The results showed that all the structures with the same mediums in compartments suffered rupture in their last layer. Structures with air-water mediums did not experience tearing in their last layer if had a St37 midplate. Benefiting from a St37 front plate led to a significant energy absorption increase of 62%. Also, all structures with water-air mediums had excellent resistance performances and presented a meaningful reduction of 49% in the last layer deflection providing a St37 midplate. Furthermore, the comparison of structural performances showed that the structure consisting of Al2024-T3, St37, and St37 layers respectively, and water-air mediums brings forward the most competitive altogether values for the minimum last layer's central deflection of 11.6 mm and maximum energy absorption per areal mass equal to 84.6 J.m2/kg.
Volume 25, Issue 1 (1-2023)
Tomato fruit (cultivars Hisar Arun and BSS-488) harvested at turning stage were treated with salicylic acid and evaluated for physicochemical traits and antioxidant system during storage at ambient temperature. The increase in the physiological loss in weight, lycopene and β-carotene content were significantly delayed by salicylic acid treatment and delayed the decrease in fruit firmness for both tomato cultivars. Compared with the control fruits, salicylic acid treatment significantly altered activities of SOD, catalase, peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase, and lipooxygenase enzymes, whereas delay in increase in the MDA content and H2O2 content was observed during storage period. Our results revealed potential of salicylic acid treatment on tomato fruits in delaying biochemical changes and amelioration of oxidative damage during storage. The exogenous application of salicylic acid may thus be an effective approach in enhancing the quality characteristics and antioxidant potential of tomato fruit stored at ambient conditions.
Volume 25, Issue 1 (12-2024)
cost-effectiveness, and reliability. Despite numerous experimental studies on pressure-swirl atomizer spray, a comprehensive mathematical model for predicting spray characteristics has not yet been presented. Additionally, there is no consensus on the distribution function accurately describing droplet size dispersion. In the present study, the main characteristics of pressure-swirl atomizer spray, including discharge coefficient, spray cone angle and droplet size distribution, were experimentally investigated using the shadowgraph technique. The study spanned a wide range of Reynolds numbers, from 1250 to 8500, encompassing laminar, transition, and atomization regimes. The findings showed that the discharge coefficient initially declined during the transition stage, followed by a gradual increase up to the atomization regime. In the atomization regime, the discharge coefficient remained almost constant. A similar trend was observed for the spray cone angle throughout the transient and atomization phases. The gamma distribution function provided a favourable fit with the experimental drop size distribution in the near-ligament location, where primary breakup mechanisms dominate. The log-normal distribution function showed superior fitting with the experimental droplet size distribution for regions distant from the liquid sheet disintegration point, where secondary breakup mechanisms exert a more pronounced influence on droplet dispersion. Overall, these findings provide valuable insights into spray characteristics and associated uncertainties.
Volume 26, Issue 1 (9-2019)
The protagonist characters in Tayeb Salih’s works are characterized by many features; the most notably Mustafa Saeed Osman which is the prominent and challenging one. He shows a completely different personality to the readers with his multidimensional characters. Putting these contradictory behaviors on the linguistic-semiotic course of research will help us draw a certain pattern of this protagonist and interpret his paradoxical behaviors based on the obtained pattern. Using this science in the analysis of Mustafa Saeed, it becomes clear that he is a representative of the dark world of the poor, with the author believing that one should not resort to revenge to free themselves from their current situations but must try, relying on his inborn talents and attempt to master the modern science, to change the status quo and turn it to a better world.
Volume 26, Issue 1 (1-2024)
To improve garlic breeding, it is important to determine the morphological differences between garlic genotypes of local origin. This study was conducted to determine the phenotypic diversity of Turkish softneck garlic (Allium sativum L. sub. var. sativum) genotypes using morphological traits determined based on International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) descriptors. Twenty-six garlic genotypes were characterized using 15 quantitative morphological characteristics. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed that the first four principal components explained 84.58% of the total variation among the 26 garlic genotypes. The characters with the greatest contribution to variability were identified as Plant Height (PH), Pseudostem Diameter (PSD), Leaf Length (LL), Leaf Width (LW), Bulb Weight (BW), Yield (Y), Bulb Height (BH), Bulb Diameter (BD), Clove Height (CH), Bulb Height/Bulb Diameter ratio (BH/BD), Vumber of Cloves (NC), Clove Weight (CW), Clove Width (CWi), and Clove Thickness (CT). Significant differences were observed in the quantitative traits of garlic genotypes. As a result of the study, AS14 stood out for its clove weight, length, width, and thickness, while AS13 had the highest bulb weight and yield. The present findings could be reliably used in the development of new garlic varieties.
Volume 26, Issue 2 (3-2024)
The presence of genetic diversity leads to better adaptation of plants to different environments and enables researchers to select superior genotypes adapted to given culture conditions. In order to estimate the genetic diversity of eggplant, 22 accessions were obtained from the INRAe vegetable germplasm center and the National Plant Gene Bank of Iran and were planted in horticultural science station of University of Tehran, Karaj, in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The number of flowers per plant and number of fruits per plant were higher in the MM00007 and FLT02 accessions, respectively. The maximum leaf area (190 cm2 plant-1) was recorded for MM 01597. Accessions FLT46, MM 0064, MM 00108 bis MM 01597 and MM 01010 revealed high variations in root characters. Higher number of root tips and maximum number of roots were assigned for FLT46, and average root orientation and steep root angle frequency for MM 01597 and MM 01010. The correlation of root angles frequency and root number could possibly be exploited in selection programs as factors indirectly involved in increasing yield and the number of flowers per plant. Based on all evaluated traits, genotypes FLT10, MM 01597, MM 01010, FLT46, and FLTE9012 could be used as parents for future eggplant breeding programs due to their desirable agricultural traits.
Volume 26, Issue 5 (9-2024)
Utilizing new irrigation techniques to introduce cultivars into paddy fields experiencing water scarcity is one way to combat water shortage and increase water productivity. To this end, this experiment was conducted as a strip plot in a randomized complete block design with three independent replications over two years (2016 and 2017) at the Rice Research Institute of Iran, Amol, Iran. Ten rice genotypes (V1 to V10) were subjected to three types of irrigation systems, including conventional Flood Irrigation (FI) and Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) at 10 (AWD10) and 20 (AWD20) cm below the soil surface. These results demonstrate that AWD10 and AWD20 methods reduced water consumption by 20 and 17%, respectively, compared to the conventional methods. This decreased water usage resulted in 1.4 and 0.2% yield losses compared to the conventional flood irrigation system. Moreover, milling recovery in flood irrigation (68.7%) was lower than AWD10 and AWD20 methods (69.6 and 69.8%, respectively). In conclusion, Neda, Shiroodi, and 8611 rice genotypes showed a better response to AWD irrigation, and may be considered as suitable genotypes for increasing water productivity in paddy fields.