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Volume 20, Issue 4 (1-2017)

Most organizations use a variety of control mechanisms to direct and influence the attitudes and behaviors of employees, and assurance effectiveness of organizational goals attainment tools. So with regards the special status of organization structure and its role in leading the attitudes and behaviors of employees and various aspects of the job, the purpose of this paper is study effects of organizational structure and job characteristics on job satisfaction and organizational commitment in Tax affaire organization of Tehran. Present study is a descriptive survey and to collect data, a questionnaire has been used that 350 numbers of employees in the Tax affaire organization of Tehran were selected as research sample. In this research, for data analysis, hypothesis and model testing, Cronbach's alpha coefficient test, Path Analysis (Multiple Regression) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used under the both SPSS and LISREL software. Research findings indicate that Among the organizational structure variables, formalization is the most important influencing negative factor on Skill Variety, Task Identity and Task Autonomy. Also, it can be regarded that centralization is the main influencing factor on Task Significance and Feedback. Moreover, Among the job characteristics variables, job Feedback has the maximum effect on job satisfaction. Finally, the research finding indicated that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment.

Volume 20, Issue 7 (12-2018)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate perception towards climate change, level of knowledge and climate change related behavior of agricultural professionals in Hamadan Province, Iran. The statistical population of the study consisted of 360 agricultural professionals and, by using Cochran formula, sample size was determined as 121 people, who were chosen via a simple random sampling method. Data was gathered using a structured questionnaire whose face validity was confirmed through a panel of experts and its reliability was estimated using Cronbach Alpha coefficient (above 0.70). The results revealed that mean age of sample study was almost 45 years and more than half of them had MSc. and PhD. degrees. Also, results showed that 91.7% of the respondents had strong perception, and about half of the respondents had high knowledge of climate change. While a great majority (78.5%) of the respondents was willing to join the practical efforts to mitigate effects of climate change, about one-fourth indicated they were willing to sacrifice some individual benefit to solve existing problems. The results indicated a significant (P< 1%) difference between 3 major job groups, i.e. managers, faculty members, and experts, regarding climate change related behavior. Also, correlation analysis confirmed that education level, knowledge of climate change, and perception of climate change had a significant relation with climate change related behavior.

Volume 20, Issue 134 (4-2023)

The aim of study was estimated and compared intra-laboratory quantification deviation (SIR) or measurement uncertainty (MU) as a performance Charateristics  in verification of  the implementation  step of quantitative test methods in food microbiology laboratories. The aerobic mesophilic colony counts of   microorganisms (ACC) and Enterobacteriaceae colony count (ECC), as two important and common tests in the microbial evaluation of all type of food was selected and interlaboratoary standard deviation estimation of selected food items: minced meat, hamburger, soy powder, pasteurized liquid eggs, pasteurized and UHT milk, ice cream, Fruit  juice, flour, cake and spice (PEPER) were calculated based on ISO-19036 standard method (2019). In this comparison, technical, matrix, distribution, confirmation and combined  Uncertinity were calculated and reported. Calculation of the technical uncertainty of the ECC test in (pasteurized and ultra-heated milk, ice cream, fruit juice and pasteurized liquid eggs) by created the artificial contamination on three levels with the target organism (Shigella felxseneri) and in other food items it was natural contamination, in the ACC test was only natural contamination was calculated. The technical uncertainty results of the ECC test ranged from 0.487 to 0.07 and in the ACC test, from 0.390 to 0.105 log10 cfu/g. The highest values of technical and matrix uncertainty were observed in meat, cake, hamburger and cheese samples, which showed the heterogeneous foods (solid and semi-solid) and the lowest values were observed in liquid (homogeneous) samples. Evaluation of variability and followed the uncertainty is proposed as a way to standardize the expression of variability associated with data obtained in microbiological methods to highlight the causes and extent of several influencing factors.

Volume 20, Issue 135 (4-2023)

Corn production rank is second among cereals after wheat crop, and usually, a large part of it is not used immediately after harvesting but is kept in storage for gradual use in other seasons or exported to other regions. The spread of different types of fungi and the production of fungal toxins, especially in areas with high humidity, in addition to quantitative and qualitative damage to stored products, cause an increase in waste and endanger the health of society. To replace the low-risk methods of increasing the storage life, in this research, the effect of ozone gas with two variables of ozone concentration; (25, 50, and 75 ppm) in the duration of ozonation (1, 3, 5, and 7 days) on the dominant corn grain (Single cross number 407) in Golestan region, was evaluated. The microbial characteristics were compared with the control sample in terms of controlling the spread of fungi and changes in the seed qualitative aspects. The results showed that increasing the ozone concentration up to 50 ppm and the ozonation time of 3 days had a significant effect on reducing the growth of fungi and the production of aflatoxin (P<0.05). Also, the results indicated that the use of 75 ppm concentration in 1, 3, 5, and 7 days had caused significant oxidative changes in the characteristics of fat (increased acidity indices) and starch (increased carboxyl index) of corn kernels compared to the control sample. Different conditions of ozonation up to the concentration of 50 ppm at varying times did not have a significant effect on the amount of corn seed protein (P<0.05).

Volume 20, Issue 139 (9-2023)

Strawberry is a non-climacteric fruit, but its high post-harvest respiration rate results in a rapid spoilage at room temperature. The aim of this study was to evaluate the application of biodegradable coating based on Lepidium sativum seed mucilage in combination with Cinnamomum zeylanicum essential oil in post-harvest protection of strawberry fruit at 4 °C. Strawberry coating treatments included control sample, mucilage without essential oil, mucilage containing 0.5% essential oil, mucilage containing 0.75% essential oil, and mucilage containing 1% essential oil. Physicochemical (total soluble solids, pH, acidity, and hardness), microbial (mold and yeast), and sensory (color, odor, texture, and overall acceptance) properties of the fruits were studied on days 1, 4, 7 and 10 of storage. The treatments containing essential oil had a positive effect on post-harvest quality of strawberries. Although the quality of samples decreased by storage time, compared with the control sample, mucilage coating containing 1% essential oil prevented severe changes in acidity, pH, hardness, fungi count, and sensory properties of the samples during the storage period and it was selected as the best treatment. In general, samples coated with L. sativum seed mucilage containing C. zeylanicum essential oil showed the highest overall acceptance compared to the control sample due to low microbial load and preservation of texture and flavor compounds. Therefore, the edible coating based on L. sativum seed mucilage and C. zeylanicum essential oil can be used to increase the shelf life of other food products.

Volume 20, Issue 144 (1-2024)

The aim of this study is to investigate aqueous extraction process as a safe and environmentally friendly method for extracting oil from flaxseed. For this purpose, flaxseeds were first roasted (at 120 °C for 45 minutes), then ground and the extraction process was performed. In the aqueous extraction process, temperature (25-70 ° C), time (1.5-5.5 hours) and pH (4-7) conditions were applied and qualitative characteristics (acid value, peroxide value and oil extraction yield) were measured. The results showed that, with increasing extraction time and temperature, the obtained oil yield also increased, so that the maximum yield related to extraction time of 3 hours, extraction temperature of 70 °C and pH=4. Also acid and peroxide values increased by increase of the extraction time and temperature. According to the results of the acid value, peroxide value and extraction oil yield, extraction at 70 °C, 2.45 h and pH=4 was selected as the optimal treatment and quality characteristics of the extracted oil was evaluated during storage. The results showed that, chlorophyll, carotenoids and total phenol content significantly decreased (p≤0.05) during storagemouseout="msoCommentHide('_com_1')" onmouseover="msoCommentShow('_anchor_1','_com_1')">[U1] . Also, acid and peroxide values had a significant increase during storage (p≤0.05) and the maximum observed at 60th day storage. It was concluded that aqueous extraction of oil from flaxseed despite its relatively low efficiency, improved quality characteristics and can be a good alternative to conventional methods.

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Volume 21, Issue 1 (9-2014)

New conditions that dominated Egypt in the second half of the twentieth century necessitated revising intellectual and artistic concepts there. By this way, the followers of neo-realistic trend and who tried to get closer to the reality adopted different styles to express their views. Sonallah Ibrahim is one of the neo-realist writers who believed that they should break away with classical methods of writers and portray truth with a new outlook. This novelist, in his “August Star” (1974) managed to revel the contradictions through a realist method which precisely depicts everyday events and avoids any interference in the narration. The analysis of the novel elements demonstrate that the main character has been omitted from the story and different characters remain static till the end. Time goes without any significant happening and there are no “flash back” and “forward” techniques in the story. The events of the story take place in different places which have their own importance. The plot of the novel does not include conflict, climax and dénouement. Following, descriptive method, this article has tried to analyze the Neorealist and its elements and to get the ideas of critics and theorists like Allan Rob.  

Volume 21, Issue 1 (3-2021)

Today, the embankment dams are considered more prominent than concrete dams because of its formation and lower cost. According to the official site of the International Commission on Large Dams, embankment dams account for about 64 percent of the world's total dams. The results of the statistical analysis of the International Commission on Large Dams showed that the main cause of damage of half of the embankment dam is erosion that usually occurs during the first impounding of the dam reservoir. Therefore, the stability and leakage conditions of the embankment dam should always be examined. Moreover, the analysis showed that drying of the embankment dam due to drought and re-watering the reservoir is similar to the first dam impounding and therefore it is necessary to investigate it. One of the factors affecting the physical and mechanical properties of embankment dams is the effect of drying and wetting cycles of the core soil due to high fluctuations in reservoir water levels during prolonged dry periods and re-watering. In this study, the effects of frequent wetting and drying cycles of Doosti dam clay core were investigated. Investigation of the effect of frequent cycles of wetting and drying on compressive strength of soil showed that by applying drying and wetting cycles on specimens prepared from Doosti dam core borrow area, the compressive strength of specimens decreased. Increasing the number of wetting and drying cycles of the specimens increases the intensity of the compressive strength reduction of the specimens so that the greatest decrease in compressive strength occurred in the third cycle. Application of wetting and drying cycles on the specimens showed that application of such cycles reduced the amount of soil cohesion. The highest decrease in cohesion of the specimens occurred in the first three cycles and in the next four cycles, the intensity of cohesion parameter decreased. The cohesion of the specimens was reduced by 50% by applying six drying and wetting cycles. Results showed that with increasing number of drying – wetting cycles, there is no significant change in internal friction angle. Furthermore, the results of the hydraulic conductivity test showed that the application of six cycles of drying and wetting increased the hydraulic conductivity by 1.9 times. Furthermore, the characteristic curves obtained in this study showed different drying and wetting cycles, indicating that the percentage of volumetric water content in all cycles decreased due to increased suction. The soil-water characteristic curve also shifts downward with increasing number of wetting and drying cycles, decreasing soil water retention capacity and increasing the possibility of internal erosion and dam instability. Finally, Doosti dam numerical modeling was performed using GEOSTUDIO software in end of construction conditions and in two cases without drying and wetting cycle and with six drying and wetting cycles. The results obtained for numerical modeling in general were very consistent with Doosti dam instrument readings. Moreover, the results of the core settlement after the six drying and wetting cycles compared to the non-cycled state in numerical modeling showed a 38.3% increase in the dam core settlement.

Volume 21, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Characteristics of the celebrities can have commercial values and be in use of different products. Nowadays the common ways for celebrities in this regard is that they let the investors use their name and image to advertise a certain product. This approach toward fame is becoming a developing business and in a way it can be called an industry which can amount to a lot of revenue. However use of the celebrities fame without their consent with commercial purpose can led to their dissatisfaction  and a legal complaint. Legal support extension to fame right in intellectual property rights can support these rights owners.
This paper will analyze features of fame and reputation, developed legal system regulation in this regard and capacity of theses legal systems for supporting the celebrities. By using these legal systems experiences we will introduce useful suggestion to Iran's intellectual property law. It should be said that in common law systems with the implications of intellectual property law principles and new legal establishments, fame and reputation rights has been supported. But in Iran legal system,  with the lack of the minimum regulation in regard to this matter, legal precedent doesn’t have the necessary effectiveness to act upon such matters.

Volume 21, Issue 5 (9-2019)

This study aimed at characterizing the livelihood of communities in term of their assets and opportunities and identifying and describing the corresponding market segment(s), as well as devising a suitable marketing strategy that would ultimately lead to more effective community engagement. A socio-economic questionnaire was designed to elicit basic numerical data on olive production, and marketing system of olive and olive oil, and agricultural practices. The study was conducted during 2014-2015 for 155 farmers, distributed in four sub-governorates in Karak Governorate. Research findings and SWOT analysis shows that the Jordanian Olive Sector in general, and Karak Olive Sector in particular, has a good potential to grow and expand further, particularly in light of recent developments that the sector has undergone and the modernization of olive oil presses. However, the sector has a number of weaknesses that are restricting it from realizing its growth potential. Key weaknesses are related to fragmentation of the sector, labor availability, skills and work-ethic issues, marketing and branding, packaging, warehousing, lack of coordination with the olive oil presses as well as limited financial and management planning know-how. Finally, study of the enterprise budget of olive crop showed that the rate of olive oil production per hectare reached 650 kg, the average price was US$ 5.5 kg-1, the Gross margin was US$ 2009 ha-1, with US$ 692 net profit.

Volume 21, Issue 11 (9-2021)

In this paper, the performance of a typical 190 W photovoltaic cell, located in Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, Tehran, Iran, has been studied and evaluated from the energy and exergy point of view. A computer code has been developed for modeling and determining the electrical characteristics of the system such as open circuit voltage, short circuit current, system resistances, maximum power point properties and characteristic curves. The operational and electrical parameters of the system and the environmental conditions such as solar radiation, wind speed and ambient temperature have been experimentally measured and logged on one typical day of May. For the validation of model, the results obtained from the model have been compared with the data reported by the manufacturer as well as the experimental data. The results show that the energy efficiency varies from 11.22 to 13.94 percent during the study period (7:30 AM to 5:30 PM) and its average is equal to 13.19 percent. The exergy efficiency also varies from 14.77 to 16.66 percent during the study period and its average is 15.62 percent.

Volume 21, Issue 147 (4-2024)

The increase in the production and consumption of grapes in the world has increased the need for research in the field of creating conditions for further preservation of this fruit, and the lack of sensors that can provide accurate information from the production and storage process to control systems for decision-making is obvious and evident. Therefore, this study aimed to determine some characteristics of grape fruit (taste index, pH, firmness, ion leakage, ∆E, number of mold and general acceptance) stored in cold storage in the range of storage time from 0 to 60 days was measured and according to the importance Achieving these characteristics during fruit storage, a model using fuzzy logic was created as an expert system with accuracy (with a correlation coefficient greater than 0.96) and very high speed capable of predicting and determining these product characteristics only by using It was time to save it. This system was able to obtain the value of each of these studied characteristics at any desired storage time in the range of 0 to 60 days with very high accuracy and in a fraction of a second. On the other hand, it was found that with increasing storage time, the amount of taste index, pH, number of molds, ∆E and ionic leakage of the samples increased, but the degree of hardness and overall acceptance decreased.

Volume 21, Issue 149 (6-2024)

This study aims to investigate the effect of substituting different levels of chickpea flour (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) with quinoa flour on the relationship and dependence between the amount of protein, ash, moisture, specific volume, texture, color changes and sensory characteristics. Gluten-free cookies were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA). The obtained results showed the dependence and relationship between the evaluated parameters to the change in the level of substitution of chickpea flour with quinoa in the formulation of gluten-free cookies. By replacing 25%, the relationship between the parameters changed significantly. With the increase of substitution level change from 25 to 50%, with the predominance of smell and taste and change in texture, the relationships between the evaluated parameters in the space of principal component analysis were rearranged relative to each other. By increasing the substitution level from 50 to 75%, the influence of the presence of quinoa flour on the textural characteristics of the manufactured product and its relationship with other parameters showed the variation of the examined traits. This indicated the critical level of relationship change towards the predominance of quinoa properties in the formulation. At the replacement level of 100%, based on the position of the special volume parameter with the parameters related to tissue characteristics, an opposite relationship was observed between them. Based on the results, it shows the applicability of principal component analysis as a useful tool in identifying the substrate of relationships between quantitative and qualitative parameters in the direction of designing and developing food formulations, and finally, the maximum replacement of 50% of chickpea flour with quinoa flour in Chickpea sweet formulation is recommended.

Volume 21, Issue 150 (6-2024)

Cheese whey is the most polluting by-product of the dairy industry, and whey use has been the subject of much research; however, the conversion of liquid whey into value-added yogurt products is insufficient. The aim of the current research is to study the effect of fermentation of a milk-liquid whey mixture into yogurt and strawberry supplementation on the syneresis index and textural and organoleptic characteristics during cold storage. For yogurt preparation, 25% liquid whey was substituted with the milk used for yogurt production, and after the fermentation process was complete, strawberry supplementation (12%). Results show that by using liquid whey in yogurt formulation, the syneresis index increased, whereas for texture properties, higher mean values of cohesiveness and springiness and lower values for hardness, adhesiveness, and gumminess were found. The time of storage also had a significant impact on the yogurt properties, and as the time of storage increased, the syneresis index increased and sensory scores reduced noticeably. The level of whey separation was significantly increased in yogurt samples containing liquid whey on the last day of storage, according to an evaluation of yogurt qualities (P<0.01). The results showed that although adding liquid whey into the yogurt production decreased the sensory characteristics (consistency and taste scores), yogurt with liquid whey and strawberry supplementation had an acceptable sensory score. Therefore, the use of liquid whey in the production of functional yogurt enables its reintroduction in the food supply chain and enhances sustainability.

Volume 21, Issue 150 (6-2024)

Honey was reported numerous benefit containing nutritional ingredients and phytochemical such as polyphenol, flavonoid was widely used around the world. In this study, the physicochemical characteristics on the quality of coffee flower honey has been evaluated during storage. The honey was collected from Dak Lak, Buon Me Thuot, and Kon Tum province in Vietnam and stored at room temperature (30-32oC) for 12 month. Total sugar, reducing sugar, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), acid value, total polyphenol content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC) were evaluated for each two month to determine the quality of sensory quality and nutritional value. After 12 month storage time, the content of total sugar, and reducing sugar gradually decreased along with the increase of HMF and acid content in the coffee flower honey samples a lead to sweetness of honey is decrease, acidity, and color increase, which is a signal indicating a decline in sensory quality and nutritional value. The content of TPC and TFC increased during the first 6-10 months of storage and then also tended to decrease, indicating that coffee flower honey should not be stored for too long (more than 10 months) because of phytochemicals reducing.


Volume 21, Issue 151 (8-2024)

Celiac disease is a digestive disorder caused by a permanent intolerance to certain cereal prolamines with a specific oligopeptide sequence and manifests as gluten intolerance. The aim of this study is therefore to formulate and produce gluten-free pasta based on rice flour and wheat alternative flours and to evaluate their qualitative properties. Different samples of gluten-free pasta were produced from a mixture of rice flour and wheat alternative flours (chia, teff, quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat) with different weight ratios. A commercial pasta was used as the control sample. The color, texture, cooking properties and sensory characteristics of the samples were then investigated. The results showed that as the proportion of alternative flours increased, the color lightness index (L*) decreased and the b* and a* values increased, resulting in a decrease in the whiteness index and an increase in the yellowness index and overall color changes. In addition, the wheat alternative flours had a positive effect on the texture firmness and reduced the baking index, and reduced the glaze index of the final product. The pasta sample with 75% wheat alternative flours and 25% rice flour was selected as the ideal gluten-free pasta sample in terms of overall sensory evaluation. The results show that the use of alternative flours can significantly improve the quality characteristics of gluten-free pasta.

Volume 21, Issue 151 (8-2024)

Changing the thermos-mechanical properties, variety of formulation and storage conditions, 36 samples of low-fat mozzarella cheese were produced and their hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness were evaluated by TPA followed by analyzing data using completely randomized factorial design with univariate analysis through IBM SPSS Statistics. 26. Then, Imaging of the same samples with a Hyperspectral camera in the range of 400-1000 nm as well as pre-processing the spectra and preferring the important wavelengths by feature selection algorithms to developed the calibration models including multiple linear regression algorithms, partial least squares regression, support vector machine with a linear kernel, multilayer perceptron neural network, random forests and majority voting algorithm was performed in Python software followed by the performance of models were evaluated. Results showed that the more increased the stretching time in hot water from 2 to 8 minutes, the more the hardness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness and cohesiveness increased, but adhesiveness was decreased. The majority vote algorithm (VOTING) revealed the highest performance in hardness prediction (R2p=0.878, RMSEp=2606.52 and RPD=2.12) and was able to predict the cohesiveness of mozzarella with higher accuracy more than other algorithms. Multiple linear regression couldn’t predict the adhesiveness properly, but random forest method with high performance predicted this feature (R2p=0.808, RMSE=56.49, RPD=1.90). The multi-layer perceptron neural network with the least error, predicted springiness (R2p = 0.848, RMSEp = 0.094, RPD = 2.12) and chewiness (R2p = 0.84, RMSEp = 1117.21, RPD = 1.96) with high accuracy. All methods except random forest were able to predict the gumminess of mozzarella with high efficiency. In this study, it was cleared that the process conditions had significant effects on the textural characteristics and the Hyperspectral imaging was found to be a suitable alternative method for estimating the textural characteristics of mozzarella cheese.

Volume 21, Issue 152 (9-2024)

Ultrafiltration is a technique used for concentration of milk in order to produce the cheese with more desirable physicochemical and nutritional properties. On the other hand, use of combined starter cultures for cheese production can led to improve the sensory characteristics and overall acceptability of final product. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of using different combinations of Lactobacillus helveticus (L. helveticus) and mesophilic starter culture (Lactobacillus lactis ssp. lactis and Lactobacillus lactis ssp. cremoris) on the volatile compounds and sensory characteristics of ultrafiltered white cheese during ripening. Five ultrafiltered white cheeses were produced using mesophilic starter culture and L. helveticus at different ratios (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100) and kept in refrigerator (9 ± 0.1°C) for 90 days. The related analysis was performed on 1, 30, 60 and 90 days of ripening. The results revealed that an increase in L. helveticus ratio caused a significant increase in the Co2, ethanol, ethylene oxide and a significant decrease in the acetone (p<0.05). Regarding sensory properties, lower scores of body and texture, and higher scores of odor and flavor were assigned to the cheeses produced using higher ratios of L. helveticus (p<0.05).  In conclusion, the use of combinations of mesophilic starter culture and L. helveticus at specific ratios (75:25 and 25:75) led to improve the volatile compounds in the final product and production an ultrafiltered cheese with desirable sensory characteristics.

Volume 21, Issue 155 (12-2024)

Amylase are the most important group of industrial enzymes that hydrolyze starch into amylopectin. The industrial demand of amylase predominantly from the microbial origin has been recently increased and enhances the research for amylase with high stability at extreme industrial conditions. Thus, this study is aimed to characterize amylase from Bacillus subtilis IMD34 obtained from previous using agro waste. Extracellular amylase production was carried out in basal medium by submerged fermentation technique. The production medium with 10% potato peels at pH 6.8 and 35 °C enhanced amylase activity (720 U/mL) than other wastes such as banana peels and yam peels. This optimized media increased the bacterial growth rate and activity of amylase compared to the non-supplemented basal medium. Further, amylase was purified and assessed their molecular weight (~39 k Da) in 12 % SDS -PAGE. The enzyme activity was observed at pH 6.8 and 35°C and stable over a wide range of pH (4-10), and temperatures (20-50°C). In addition, enzyme activity was stimulated in the presence of Mg2+, Ca2+ and Mn2+ and was unpretentious after treating with surfactants (SDS, Triton X-100, Tween 80), organic solvents (ethanol, methanol, chloroform and acetone) and amylase inhibitors (EDTA and β-mercaptoethanol). These enzymic characteristics makes the amylase obtained in this study a promising candidate for various industrial sector application.

Volume 22, Issue 2 (3-2016)

This study is based on this question, that if it would be required to write a screen play about Islamic and Shi'ah infallible leaders (Imams), then what would be the suitable model for this. The classic model, in this regard often based on the Aristotle model, is not enough and ideal to present the infallible Islamic characters. This is because it is forbidden to show the face of the Islamic infallible characters in film, and also according to Shi'ah believes they have static characters in which they are incompatible with the Aristotle’s characterization model. This study focuses on the characterization aspect in screenplay throw the assessment of the technical capacities in classical screenplay aiming to answer this question that how much these techniques could represent the character of the infallible Shi'ah leaders. The hypothesis of this study is based on this point that the technical capacity of the Aristotle model in screenplay is more proper to show the secular character rather than to represent the holy and infallible character. We have to change the essence of such models founding some new technical capacities and introduce a specific novel model. It has been reached in this study that the characterization models in the Aristotle and Hollywood drama cannot display the Islamic infallible figure, which needs different methods and aesthetic changes. Also, concerning the several problems mentioned in this article, not only scenario writers must look for solutions, but also Islamic scholars, specialized in jurisprudence and Sharia’a, should interfere in resolving the obstacles and suspicions raised in this study, in order for the scenario writer to innovate within a clearly defined perimeter. We also concluded that it is possible to benefit from some of the experiences and innovations in the Western cinema in order to surpass the limited space of our experiences provided that we must expand our creativity potential.  

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