Showing 231 results for Character
Volume 3, Issue 8 (4-2006)
Some physico-chemical characteristics of Iranian linseed oil (Linum usitatissimum) such as oil content (44.25%), refractive index (1.47), peroxide (7.21meqO2/Kg Oil), iodine (170.67gI2/100g Oil), acid (3.10mgNaOH/g Oil) and saponification (191.73mgKOH/g Oil) values and fatty acid profile (C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, C18:3) were studied. For preservation of ω-3 ingredients, the linseed oil that containing 43.18% of ω-3 fatty acid, were kept in frozen condition (nitrogen atmosphere and -30 º C temperatures) and its peroxide value was determined after 0, 7, 30, 60 and 90 days. Statistical analysis showed significant difference (p<5%) average amount of peroxide value only in first 7 days of storage time and its increase (8.30%) conformed to international standard.
Volume 3, Issue 10 (10-2006)
Saffron is one of the important agricultural products in Iran and has got importance in the Iranian agricultural export products. Iranian saffron dries under uncontrolled condition, as a result it’s got low quality. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the three different ways of dehydration: Solar, Vacuum and Traditional on the qualitative characteristics of the saffron. The samples were picked randomly from the saffron farm on the Qayan city, The stigma,s separated from the flowers and the chemical tests were done on the fresh stigma,s and samples dried under controlled conditions(vacuum, solar) and then they were compared with the traditionally dried one,s. Quality attributes of dried samples were determined by chemical, microbial and sensory tests and compared with traditionally dried samples. Results of the chemical test indicated that, the amount of the crocine was high in solar, vacuum oven dried samples, in compare with traditionally dried samples (shade & R.T): the Safranal measured by HPLC method was the same in dried samples in three methods. The results of the sensory tests on color, aroma and texture showed that, the color in dried state was desirable in vacuum and solar dried than traditionally dried samples, color in liquid state, (vacuum dried, solar dried samples) had desirable quality. The microbial tests on samples, indicating that, the solar and vacuum dried samples were in standard levels but traditional dried samples were not in the standard level. In conclusion, if we consider the quality parameters (color, aroma, texture and microbial status of dried saffron), the quality of the solar and vacuum dried samples was high to campare with the traditionally dried samples. As a result the solar and vacuum methods of dehydration can be applicable for saffron preservation.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (10-2013)
Propositional characteristics can be expressed by infinitives in Russian language. So the sentence is one-word. Infinitives can express potential acts; so that they can express virtual or indirect meanings. In a one-word sentence or a single-capacity structure, infinitive can have meanings like: mandatory agreement of speaker with audience and inevitability of an act with быть infinitive, disagreeability, a state or act done directly by a physical or mental perception, logical subject evaluating an action or a state, indispensability, etc. This article explains the mentioned meanings in the structure of infinitive one-word sentences and discusses the methods of expressing them in Persian language.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2015)
The pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) is one of the most important pests of pea throughout the world.Host stage preference under choice and no-choice tests and age-specific functional response of Praon volucre (Haliday) parasitizing A. pisum were investigated. The experiments were carried out under laboratory conditions at 25 ± 1 °C, 60 ± 5% RH and a photoperiod of 14: 10 h (L: D). Functional response of P. volucre was evaluated in adult lifetime at seven host densities (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128). Praon volucre strongly preferred to oviposit into first and second instar nymphs in both choice and no-choice conditions. Parameter estimation of logistic regression revealed type III functional response for P. volucre in first and second days and type II from third to the end of parasitoid lifetime. The handling time (Th) and searching efficiency (a or b) were estimated using the Rogers equation. The shortest and longest handling times were at fourth day (Th = 0.19 ± 0.04) and 8th day (Th = 0.94 ± 0.15), respectively. The highest searching efficiency (a) was 0.048 ± 0.007 h-1 on third day and lowest searching efficiency was observed at the end of parasitoid lifetime (6th day-8th days). The maximum attack rate ranged from 126.31 nymphs/24 h on fourth day to 25.53 nymphs/24 h on 8th day. The results of this study revealed that the age of adult parasitoid can change the functional response from type III to type II, indicating that this factor may contribute to stabilization of parasitoid–prey dynamics.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2016)
Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and tragacanth gums at 0.5 and 1% levels % were added to the fish balls from silver carp to improve the its texture and sensory characteristics. The proximate composition, physical factors (batter pick-up, product yield, shrinkage and oil absorption reduction), sensory analysis and textural properties of fried balls were compared with the control treatment. All treatments showed less fat and oil absorption rate (p> 0.05) compared to the control treatment. Treatment containing 1% tragacanth gum showed the highest levels of wet, lightness, hardness and springiness, while treatment containing 1% CMC showed the highest product yield and lowest amounts of expressible water, fat, lightness, oil absorption and springiness (p>0.05). Overall, the performance of tragacanth gum on the texture characteristics was more desirable than CMC gum. All textural index decreased in treatments containing 1% gum. Hence, the use of low levels of the gums is recommended.
Volume 4, Issue 15 (12-2007)
According to mainly importance of the sensory characteristics of meat products from consumer viewpoint, increasing of the consumption of meat products, the existing articles addressed in literature about of principally effect of fat, water and fat replacers on sensory characteristics of meat products, this research carried out for evaluation of sensorial characteristics of high fat sausage and low fat sausages with 60% meat in National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute and Gooshtiran company in 2006. This study was done by explorer and experimental methods. The treatments were produced in three replicates totally twenty one formulas. Sensory characteristics of all treatments as colour, taste, juiciness, firmness and palatability evaluated by 8 trained panelists using eight-point scale and acceptability evaluated by 31 in-house panelists using ranking test. The main treatments (three replications) were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and then the means were compared with Mann-Whitney U. Spearman,s rho Correlation were used to determine the correlation among sensory characteristics of treatments. All low fat formulas had higher red colours and were juicy and more acceptable than the control (P<0.05) but were not significantly different in taste and firmness. Colour was medially and positively (r =0.55) correlated with firmness. The correlation between colour and taste (r =0.47) and correlations between taste with juiciness (r =0.41) and firmness(r =0.38) was weakly and positively (P<0.05). The significant correlations were not observed between palatability and acceptability and with each other sensory characteristics. Juiciness was negatively correlated with firmness but was not significantly different. As a result, there is possibility of sensory evaluation of produced sausages and can be as criteria for selection of the best formulation.It is recommended that evaluation of sensory characteristics and the application of panelists be studied in future researches for formulation and production of meat products.
Volume 4, Issue 15 (6-2007)
There are, still, many unmentioned subjects in the Persian rich literature, deserving careful consideration and discussion. Line-story is a fictional form that has been exercised in Persian poetry from the ancient periods up to now. As far as the writer knows, this form has not been examined up to now, while it is worthy of paying attention as a kind of fictional form, having special features. Line-story, as its name indicates, is a complete story which is narrated in one line and has the essential elements of a story. Considering the fact that it is not possible to elaborate a story within a line, the fundamental narrative features should be recognized. As the sources reveal, plot, character, action, time and place are the basic components of a story, and each line, having these elements, can be considered as a line-story as well. To give some examples to support his argument, the writer has found 22 line-stories in both old and contemporary Persian poetry. The techniques for developing plot, character, action, time, place and atmosphere are studied in this tiny form as well. Line-story, on the one hand, is like Japanese Haiku because of its brevity, and on the other hand, it is close to the American Minimalism due to succinctness and avoiding description.
Volume 4, Issue 16 (9-2007)
Although Molavi does not care much about the form of a story and accords only secondary importance to it (he considers it as a means of getting to the core of meaning), he actually uses very graceful and elegant formal devices. To see this for yourself, just take a look at the similar stories narrated by other poets and writers. As we know, most of the stories related by Molavi in his
Masnavi come from other sources. No doubt, the main aim of Molavi in telling these stories is to arrive at various mystical conclusions, but in most cases he himself has modified them. The result is nearly perfect and aesthetically better versions. These adjustments and modifications come in different forms, e.g. factualized stories, universalized characters, irony, etc.
A major adjustment characteristic of Molavi’s stories is that he has made already static characters and protagonists, as portrayed in previously narrated versions, dynamic. In short, the protagonist and other characters in Molavi’s stories grow more informed and gain further knowledge as the story progresses: at the same time as the problem gets resolved for the reader, it clears up for the protagonist who often gets insight into his own mistake in the end. This leaves a greater effect on the reader’s mind, because as the protagonist gets more and more distant from ignorance and closer and closer to knowledge and truth, the reader having identified with him feels greater delight and pleasure, and finally through empathy thinks that he himself has gained knowledge or realized that he was wrong.
This article compares similar stories told by Molavi and Attar. Some 42 of the 390 stories in the
Masnavi have similar versions in Attar’s work. The protagonists in at least 15 of the
Masnavi stories undergo a major change as the story goes on (they gain knowledge or realize their mistake). This is not true of the principal characters in Attar’s masnavis.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2017)
Background: The concept of allometry states that the relative rate of change of a system unit is a constant fraction of the relative rate of change of the entire system, or of another part of the system.This concept is stated as a nonlinear relationship and has been verified in a variety of natural systems.
Materials and Methods:The allometric relations in various phases of basin evolution in forms of static and dynamic models wasinvestigated.In order to study the dynamic allometry, a model consistingof two basins was developed.The evolution stages and the erosion changes caused by artificial rainfall and tectonic movements and also in static form (natural basins) were monitored.
Results: The existence of allometricrelations in drainage basins that are progressing toward the equilibrium (natural basins and basins affected by erosion) are significant and verifiable.This kind of relations do not exist in tectonic affected basins that were moving away from the equilibrium.
Conclusions:Allometric relations in drainage basins can define different states of system such as equilibrium. Moreover, any factor that causes the basin to move away from equilibrium needs to have an initial effect on basin relations to cause disorder in the system,and this change,in many cases,can be formulated or demonstrated by allometric model. Therefore the allometric equations could be considered an important tool in predicting the evolution of drainage basins and assessing their performance in the past and present.
Volume 5, Issue 18 (10-2008)
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of soy-fortified bread on the sensory and rheological properties. Ground defatted soy flours were blended with wheat flour at 3, 7 and 12%. The organoleptic characteristics of soy-fortified wheat breads were carried out by taste panel. The effect of this fortification on the rheological properties of the resulting dough was investigated using farinograph and extensograph for quality assessment of the final product. The ash and protein contents of 3% and 7% wheat-soy bread blends increased compared with control. The results revealed that organoleptic characteristics scores such as bendability, appearance, flavor and taste, crust texture and overall acceptability properties of bread containing 3% defatted soy flour was highest. Farinograph testing of the control flour and different wheat-soy flour blends showed that water absorption, dough development, dough stability, and valorimeter value increased as the level of fortification increased.
The results of this study confirm the importance of producing 3-5% defatted soy fortified bread with good rheological and sensory characteristics.
Volume 5, Issue 18 (3-2008)
A. Nabilou.PH.D.
This research has surveyed the stories in “Toti-Nameh” from a variety of different aspects. “Toti-Nameh” is a series of lyrical prose and allegorical stories related like “A Thousand and One Night” stories. Most of the story features can be traced in the “Toti-Nameh” stories; such as emphasis on incident, the existence of supernatural factors, loose connection between the cause and the effect within the events, absolutism, ending with moral conclusions, the inalterability of characters, the quality of narration and also having an assumption about the setting- including both the time and place. The tone of all the stories is serious and there is actually no sign of humor and wit in them. Toti-Nameh is combined of 100 stories. About 521 characters are used in these stories; while 67.5% are general and 32.5% of them are specific ones. Most of the characters are chosen from the animal species ( 22.5%) and then the important individuals with a high position possess the second place with 19%. The narrators and storytellers in “Toti-Nameh” stories include; the parrot ( the Persian name is Toti) which relate about 57% of the stories. Animals such as shark, snake and jackal etc make up 11% of the stories, humans such as the monk; minister and king etc narrate 18% of the stories, whereas the narrator of about 6% of the stories is unknown. Among the 100 stories, 69% enjoy action while the other 31% lack any specific action at all. Also about 54% of these stories bear moral conclusions and advice, while the rest don’t bear this characteristic. Thirty five percent of these stories point to supernatural incidents, fifteen percent have a particular time setting, but eighty five percent of them lack any specific refer to the time. In addition, about 50% of these stories possess a place setting, though the other 50% do not mention any certain place for their setting. This survey has revealed the findings through charts and tables for a more clear and tangible understanding.
Volume 5, Issue 19 (12-2008)
In this study, a total of 10 sample of pasteurized butter packaged by dairy industries was collected randomly from the distribution centers of these products and their chemical & microbial characteristics were analysed, based on standard methods. Fatty acid profile of all samples were also determined by Gas Chromatography. The results showed that in chemical properties 1 sample had less fat content (84%) than the standard value, 2 samples (236.4 and 236.9) had more saponification value than the standard limit and solid non fat content of 2 samples (3% and 2.6%) were more than the standard value. In microbial analysis 2 of 10 samples showed coliform (110 and 100/gram), 2 samples E.coli (2 and 3/gram) & 1 sample (333/gram) mold contamination more than the standard limit but staphylococcus aureus was not observed in any of the samples. With regard to that the imported butters were pasteurized, the microbial analysis results can indicate on the contamination of some samples during packaging or unsuitable handling and storage before packaging.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (11-2015)
This study was designed to investigate the genetic diversity and relationships between yield and related traits in oily sunflower lines. 152 sunflower lines collected from different parts of the world were investigated at completely randomized design with nine replications on Urmia University in 1391 under pot conditions. 14 agro-morphological traits including plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, petiole length, head diameter, 100 seed weight, head dry weight, , seed yield per plant, number of days from planting to flowering, and number of days from planting to maturity, dehulled kernel to whole kernel and harvest index were measured. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among genotypes for all studied traits. Among the traits, the highest coefficient of phenotypic variation was observed for seed yield per plant (56.30), harvest index (44.4) and head dry weight (35.44). The results of correlation analysis showed that there is significant and positive correlation between seed yield per plant with most of the studied traits. Results of sequential path analysis revealed that the variables such as number of leaves, dehulled kernel to whole kernel, head diameter, and plant height were arranged as the first-order variables. Cluster analysis subdivided the genotypes into 4 groups. The maximum distance were observed between the genotype from groups 3 and 4 (28.30).
Volume 6, Issue 3 (12-2018)
Abstract Drama literature has been the full sign of all available mental currents in many cases as the reason for its vast correlation with the community through implementation on the scene. we can especially see this property in intellectual writers works with a political point of view. One of these points of view is a postcolonial theory, that examines the low east mental fundamentals contrast with high west and tries to show the output discourse of this contrast between colonization and colony. However, the battle with colonization and its politics every time has been a basic worry of Iranian intellectual fighters in the present era, but sometimes, their artistic works, such as film drama, , poem, and so on, have been written according to these thoughts. There fore one of the people who has a place in Iran drama and story literature and the people who had a trend in fighting with Pahlavi era dictatorial and colonial politics is Mr.Gholamhosain Saedi. In this research, this writer, Mahasal drama characteristics has been analyzed according to postcolonial theories and the work result, shows the correct and intellectual characteristics and their potential and power in presenting the writer central idea, that means, the colonization politics. How ever Mr. Saedi has been considered more than in postcolonial, he also , has paid attention to more careful and finer details in colonizer and colony discourse, that comes to the bigger domain of political and social and anthropology sciences.
Volume 6, Issue 20 (4-2009)
The flat breads (Sangak, Barbari) have got great importances Iranian diet. The quality of these breads is very important from consumer point of view and the inferior quality would cause the bread loss in the country. The aim of this research was to study the effect of the freezing, freeze storage and freeze thaw on the quality of two flat breads. For this Sangak and Barbari were baked and packed on polyethylene bags and stored at -18˚C in household freezer. The breads were taken out after periods of one, two, and three weeks from the freezer and thawed at room temperature and heat condition (80˚C). The textural properties of the frozen breads were determined in DSC and TPA apartuses, and the sensory tests were done with scoring method by trained panels. The results of the DSC study showed that in the periods of 1, 2 and 3 weeks the retrogradation stopped on these breads and the amount of starch retrogradation in thawed breads (at room temperature and heat condition) did not show significant differences (P<0.001). The results from the TPA showed that the amount of force needed to make slices of the breads were significantly different (P<0.001). The results of sensory test in the case of thawed bread under heat condition had acceptable quality. From the result of this research it can conclude that the freezing can be used for preservation of these breads and thawing of them should be done under heat condition.
Volume 6, Issue 21 (7-2009)
In the present study, effects of Entroccocus faecium, Lactobacillus agilis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Strepoccucus thermophilus and a mixed culture from 3 former isolates were investigated on organoleptic characteristics of Iranian white cheese. The isolates used in this study that had been isolated from the Iranian Lighvan cheese, collected from central labrotory of Gorgan University. Ten cheeses were manufactured according to method of making of white Iranian cheese using ewe’s and cow’s milk which had been bought from Gorgan city. Organoleptics test performed by 8 trained panelists revealed that there is significant difference at 5 % significant level in organoleptics scores between Lighvan and manufactured cheese so that lighvan cheese and cheese prepared with ewe’s milk and mixed culture had most and least sensory score respectively. However, there was no significant difference between other prepared cheeses but the cheese prepared with cow’milk and mixed culture had the most score of organoleptic test. Results of organoleptic test showed that, type of milk has very important role in the development of organoleptic charectrestics of cheese. Also different speices of lactic acid bacteria associate in its flavor development.
Volume 6, Issue 21 (7-2009)
Macaroni and pasta products are one of the favorite dishes in the world. In Iran, it improves its position in family food programs. In recent years, using additives and different components to improve quality and nutritional properties of this product have been used.
Soy protein isolate (SPI) added to semolina to improve quality and quantity of protein and amino acid profile of final product such as macaroni. The aim of this study was the effects of adding different level of SPI (1, 2, 4 and 6% on semolina basis) on the properties of macaroni have been investigated.
Result showed that by increasing the amount of SPI, water absorption of dough was decreased. Also by increasing the amount of SPI, the value of protein and ash contents were increased. Although the amount of soluble solid, cooking quality index, moisture content and pH value had fluctuation.
Sensory evaluation of products in terms of color, taste, chew ability and stickiness were determined by 5 trained panelists. These two samples and control sample were evaluated by 30 untrained panelists with using preference test. The result showed that the sample contained 2% SPI was recognized the best regarding chemical, rhological and cooking quality index. In order to determine amino acid profile, the sample containing 2% SPI and the control sample were analyzed by HPLC. The result indicated that the amounts of amino acids were increased but methionine did not. Lysin and Hysidin showed maximum and minimum increase respectively 32.1% and 2.2%.
Volume 6, Issue 22 (10-2009)
In this research, microbial, recombinant and animal rennet were used in the production of Iranian white cheese. The produced cheeses were compared regarding the yields of product, the rates of the proteolysis index, chemical, textural and some sensory properties during ripening period. The results indicated that there were significant differences in total solid content, salt and pH values of cheese samples (P< 0.05). The highest and lowest yields of cheeses were obtained with animal and microbial rennet, respectively. The proteolysis rates were significantly different with three produced cheese samples (P< 0.05). It was significantly higher with microbial cheese than with other samples. The hardness of cheeses produced using animal and microbial rennet were respectively maximal and minimal at the end of the ripening period. The observations of protein network arrangement also showed that the protein content of matrix has been decreased during the repining period. The maximal and minimal decrements were belonged to the cheeses produced by microbial and animal rennet, respectively. The highest and lowest sensory scores were obtained with control sample (animal rennet-based cheese) and microbial rennet-based cheese. According to this research, the cheese produced by microbial rennet showed lower quality compared to the animal and recombinant rennet. In general, because of the low availability of animal rennet and low quality of the cheese produced by microbial rennet, it seems that the recombinant rennet can be used as a proper substitute in cheese production industry.
Volume 6, Issue 22 (10-2009)
Aim of pre-treatment drying of mulberry was to reduce the moisture content to a level that allows safe storage over an extended period. In this research after physical and chemical pretreatments, mulberry was dried industrially (cabin dryer). Non Enzymatic Browning was tested at 440 nm by spectroscopic method. Organoleptic tests were done by trained panelists. Hardness and cohesiveness of dried mulberries were measured by a texture analyzer. Statistical method was completely randomized design with 10 treatments and three replicates. The results showed that least intensity of brown color was in pretreatment of fruits with potassium meta bisulfate 0.5% +calcium chloride %1. The highest water absorbance was in ethyl oleate 2%. Panel tests showed highest score for overall acceptance in pretreatment of fruits with ethyl oleate 2% +potassium meta bisulfate 0.5%, highest score for texture with ethyl oleate 2% +calcium chloride %1, highest score for color with ethyl oleate 2% +potassium meta bisulfate 0.5%, highest score for odor with ethyl oleate 2% +citric acid %1 and also ethyl oleate 2% +ascorbic acid1% and highest score for taste with ethyl oleate 2% +calcium chloride %1. Totally it is concluded that ethyl oleate 2% , ethyl oleate 2% +citric acid %1, oleate 2% +ascorbic acid1% , ethyl oleate 2% +potassium meta bisulfate 0.5% and oleate 2% +calcium chloride %1 are the best pretreatment for drying of white mulberry.
Volume 6, Issue 23 (12-2009)
A split-split plot design was used to evaluate the effects of different storage conditions on qualitative & quantitative characteristics of Iranian onion cultivars. Storage conditions (10oC, 50-60%RH and 4oC, 65-75%RH), cultivars (Azarshahr-Red, Neishabor-Red, Kashan-White and Isfahan-White) and storage time (0, 1, 2, 3 months) were assigned to main plot, sub plot and sub sub plot, respectively. Different characteristics such as, water loss, dry matter, firmness, changes in colour, total soluble solids and pyruvic acid (pungency index) were evaluated monthly, during storage. Results were analyzed using SAS software. LSD test was used for multiple comparisons of the mean values.
Results revealed that stored onion at different storage conditions had significant differences in firmness, colour indices, weight loss, sprouting, spoilage and pungency. At different storage time, onions showed significant differences in above characteristics. Kashan-White, Neishabor-Red and Isfahan-White demonstrated higher firmness. Onion stored in conventional storage showed higher weight loss, sprouting and spoilage as compared with the onions in cold storage.