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Volume 7, Issue 4 (3-2018)

Iranian Islamic culture can be appointed as an opportunity to promote urban design projects’ quality of implementation. Every community’s cultural brief can be traced in its economical, social structure. Theoretical and practical principals of Islam religion in compound with cultural conditions could lead to some executive policies in different important arena such as economical, political and social. These can promote each countries development in different aspects. Urban design projects needs efficient, smart and keen observing management system to be implemented well. Complicated process of an urban design project can be fulfilled and delivered only in this condition.
“Urban Design is a political and not a technical issue. The technical aspects are very simple. The difficult decisions relate to who is going to benefit from the models adopted”. ENRIQUE PENALOSA says. In Iran urban management system as the only permissive system for defining and ratifying urban design projects, has the main role to have these projects implemented. Municipalities as the most important external parable of urban management system must define the projects on the base of real scope of the city, for instance considering the environmental, infrastructural, social and economical conditions and capacities of a city. So you can predict a project as a feasible plan.
Scrutinizing the main challenges of implementation of urban Design plans and the feasibility of them in Iran, some points can be mentioned such as; weaknesses of the quality of implementation, over length of the implementing process or even not finishing or abandoning a project, and in many cases providing several parallel plans for some specified subjects of urban design project. This condition leads to consuming so much time and expenses and other sources in vein. So the subject of plans feasibility in urban design, as a main part of urban design process, is considered not only un-negligible but also vital.
Research method
On the base of the researches done by the author, the organizational system of urban developing management, due to its important role of coordinating other Interfering factors in development of the city, can be identified as the most important and influencing factor of urban design implementation process. In this article for increasing the validity of results, several methods have been used for collecting data. Studying related law materials and urban design projects, interviewing urban managers and professionals and experts. The qualitative and quantitative data and facts which have been collected and analyzed and presented via different tablets and models tells us that urban management system due to its important role of coordinating other interfering factors in the process of physical development of the city is that important if you ignore it, you might lose the best opportunities to promote the urban public spaces quality. Via the capabilities of the knowledge of urban design as an effective tool our cities can turn into better places to live. Of course it depends on how well you interface the cultural context of the area that is to be designed. Not studying well about social and cultural context of a society not only leads to spending time and money in vein but also by spoiling the knowledge of urban design and its policies for developing some area of a city can lead to a mall urban design project that ruins the townscape. Consequently people in this situation are unsatisfied with their cities decision makers and everyone who is concerned with the problem. In this condition the city managers would lose their social supports for the other coming projects.
Defining the Problem
Achieving good urban space is based on handling good urban design that is based on how deep we think about and how serious we take the procedural aspects of this interdisciplinary knowledge- profession. According to Lang (1994) a complete urban design process includes five steps; 1- intelligence that involves perception of problem,2- goals and design program 3- design that present different possible solutions 4- choice; prediction and evaluation of performances 5- implementation. Operation and post operation evaluation. Considering this kind of classifying we can see that the role of urban development management system can be recognized in each very step. The quality and intelligence of this management system and how it deals with these five steps defines and guarantees the quality of design outcome and the quality of city spaces. A smart urban manager must be keen observer to the cultural and social context of the city. Evidences show that in Iran and other developing courtiers lots of efforts have been taken to rectify the operation of urban management system, specifically thorough promoting related law materials. In this research we are trying to patalogize the challenges of this subject in one hand and in the other hand presenting some suggestion to improving and rectifying this interaction.
Literature Review
Considering the main axis of urban design programs’ feasibility, the effectiveness of management can be ranked as the most important factor. In reality the urban design output in the form of maps and plans get delivered to the urban management system to be implemented. So that’s why the effectiveness of management can be ranked as the most important factor. Nevertheless the management system isn’t disconnected with the process of providing and ratifying the urban design plans, but its main role is when a plan is going to be implemented.
Some urban design pioneers have pointed to different aspects of this subject especially after the 1970’s. In fact the first important step the hold of a conference named “urban design in practice” in 1982. Most of the participants such as Lynch, Pitas and Robertson were emphasizing on promoting some kind of more practical thought about urban design. They were all agreed that educational system must take the executive issues and law materials more serious in urban design university courses. Hildebrand is also in the book of “urban design; toward a more sustainable form” has emphasized on the necessity of political support for implementing urban design projects. In this book it been noticed that implementing a strategic urban design plan like a regeneration plan might takes time more than 20 years. So implementation of such a plan doubtlessly needs the political support of urban management authorities.
Punter and Carmona have also pointed to this matter in their book “The design dimensions of planning” (1997) they introduced urban design as a highly contentious action. They believe that only a good urban design governance can mediate between different contradictory stakeholders property by studying cultural and social context deeply. However at the end we point to the perfect word of sophie (2005) says; space is not just a passive place for supporting social interaction, but it is shaped by peoples behavior. In fact it means that space is simultaneously the vein and the consequent of social interaction so that it is important for urban mangers and also urban designer and the planners to study about social and cultural context of the area of selected urban design site.

Volume 7, Issue 4 (3-2018)

Designed according to the principles of the Iranian Islamic architecture in the world do not have many samples. Western culture influenced modern architecture and has little respect to the culture and customs of Iranians. Be careful in places design like airports is very important in a place that a large number of passengers every day. This research is a descriptive study and information gathering tool has been library tool and Tried to influence elements of Islamic-Iranian architecture in the design of an airport. In today's world in which the technology speaks first prior to everything, the shortage of time and the need for speeding works is clear for everyone. It must be accepted that the need for a high speed in transportation category can be important and discussible more than anything. Regarding the airplane as the fastest vehicle in today's world leads us to the space for accessing the airplane, i.e. the airport. irport terminals are buildings, which were considered as main arrivals and departures gates of the cities. And its main users are temporary and the building serves them as a pathway. This space is a perfect platform for the creation of a permanent mental and memorable space at the beginning of an entrance to a city or a country.
In addition to the important issue of the performance in airport designing, paying attention to the combination between space, form, structure and light in this building plays an important role in designing. Regarding the optimum consumption of the energy and strategies for the sake of reducing greenhouse gases and supplying the complex energy by itself and regarding the modern technology, it is necessary to definitely equip an advanced airport complex to smart materials. Therefore, regarding the mentioned items, an architect can provide convenience for passengers with proper designing and easily guide them to their objectives. Airports are a collection of different plants and equipment has been made to provide facilities for handling and air transport. As maritime transport requires port, the airport can also be likened to the air port that is required for air transportation. In places such as airports, that all passengers must be attend at least an hour early, and in many cases different reasons caused delays for passengers, it is essential to reduce psychological pressure work with a variety of solutions(Factors and solutions to improve). In an airport environment, many factors can be taken into account that can be suitable environment, away from stress and mental tension designed. In an airport environment, many factors can be considered with the help of those factors; it can be suitable environment away from stress and mental tension designed. Passengers expect a comfortable and charming terminal facilities and the behavior be effective, acceptable and done without wasting time. For this reason, the design of passenger terminal must be functional and beautiful architecture. Iranian architecture has architectural features that in compare with other countries has particular value: features such as proportional design, accurate calculations, the correct form of coverage, compliance with technical and scientific issues in the building, high balconies, tall columns and the various decorations that each of which in simplicity represents the magnificent architecture of this land . Ecological, ethnic and cultural type causes of human construction are very diverse in the area of housing and other buildings in our country.
Discussion and Conclusion
The use of different materials, different styles, very much functions of a building that still remains in our country many old houses. It seems knowing what we have in the past and recognize the principles and standards of our traditional architecture and give them a body language, pave the way to achieve what is intended, and it is the responsibility of individual architects to refer to original sources and valuable examples. The principles of confidentiality, hierarchy, coordination, connection with nature, geometry, etc. are all of those who today truly obsoleted and certainly, understanding and applying them will helpful. Since we are talk about confusion and lack of identity in today Architecture of Iran, perhaps the biggest problem in addition to the West-oriented are non-planning, a lack of strong ideas and a lack of understanding of contemporary architecture, in a break with the past architecture. The study attempts to examine some of the elements of the Iranian Islamic architecture and analysis of the potential impact of these factors on airport design, in order to recognize moral and material factors that an airport space needs them, So that could be achieve today’s Islamic architectural structures and bodies.
To date, various theories and discussions about the airport and how to design it with the help of elements and different criteria have been proposed and there are articles and books written on this subject that some have been directly used by authors. There are many different factors effect on the psyche of the passengers and the first one is time. The time they must wait, sometimes there are the stress and concerns, such as fear of flying. For this reason it is necessary that the expected space that is designed, in terms of soul mind and spirit calm passengers. Architecture as a body of thought has always been a tool for the development of thinking, attitudes and thoughts of every nation. The trace of principles and ideology prevailing culture of this country is best seen in traditional architecture of Iran. Iranian architecture that is one of the richest examples of vernacular architecture with notable formic achievements in the world, it became one of the most successful examples of architectural concept during the Islamic period.
In traditional Islamic architecture in Iran, the importance of "need" in construction of "form" in Iranian architects designing and performance is obvious. Forms that sometimes is associated with creativity and unique technology, this has been indicator the ability of Iranian architects. Iranian architecture with variables such as: the benefits and avoid idleness, targeted, symbolism and legibility, prioritization and hierarchy and perfectionism, which is obtained by logical reasoning, could remind some Islamic culture values and principles such as unity, targeted and prosperity, social solidarity, individuality, respect and value, to avoid extravagance and frivolity and valuable meanings to the people using the space. In Iranian traditional architecture, some principles have been used by architect artist rooted in his vision of the universe. Addressing the root is dealing with principles. Understand the principle, is the meaning what direct the art and civilization in all of human society with a common culture and belief. So in authentic Islamic-Iranian architecture, the environment (in order to meet the needs of the inhabitants) took shape and then came to form, while in Iranian modern architecture at first, the space and then the need and comply with space take shape. Architects as creators of the building, are creating a short-lived effect and its survival is dependent on technology and technology. While in original Islamic-Iranian architecture, innovative architecture aimed to create space and building.

Volume 7, Issue 4 (3-2018)

The physical conditions of the environment greatly affect the efficiency and effectiveness of individual and group learning. On the other hand, it is important to recognize the physical and mental needs of students based on the achievements of humanities and education in order to fit the educational spaces and coordinate the architecture of the space with their needs. Therefore, relying on the concepts of Quran verses and jurisprudential hadiths based on the necessity and importance of critter satisfaction is during the satisfaction of people and satisfaction of the Lord; in this research, we try to identify satisfaction as one of the factors affecting the quality of school architecture and take steps to improve and improve the situation. In addition to addressing the basic needs, qualitative considerations are also addressed. The present research, from the point of view of purpose, includes basic research and in terms of the nature is quantitative-qualitative research. The survey research method is used and the information which has been collected as a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods has been used and analyzed the relationships between variables. The statistical population of this study is high school students in Tehran. Multi-stage cluster sampling method was used for sampling. In order to measure the views of individuals, the table of purpose and content has been compiled based on studies and interviews with experts in the fields of education. Achievements show that five factors affecting satisfaction: 1) flexibility and spatial dimensions, 2) readability and accessibility, 3) beauty of space (Aesthetics), 4) environmental comfort, and 5) Territory and participation of people have been extracted. So what has been achieved is that, in order to satisfy people from the educational spaces considering the mentioned factors in the design are involved. In order to realize each of these factors, there are sub factors that play main role in designing. With consideration them will ultimately have the learning environments that users spend their time relaxing and without stress and they will have high satisfaction.The physical conditions of the environment greatly affect the efficiency and effectiveness of individual and group learning. On the other hand, it is important to recognize the physical and mental needs of students based on the achievements of humanities and education in order to fit the educational spaces and coordinate the architecture of the space with their needs. Therefore, relying on the concepts of Quran verses and jurisprudential hadiths based on the necessity and importance of critter satisfaction is during the satisfaction of people and satisfaction of the Lord; in this research, we try to identify satisfaction as one of the factors affecting the quality of school architecture and take steps to improve and improve the situation. In addition to addressing the basic needs, qualitative considerations are also addressed. The present research, from the point of view of purpose, includes basic research and in terms of the nature is quantitative-qualitative research. The survey research method is used and the information which has been collected as a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods has been used and analyzed the relationships between variables. The statistical population of this study is high school students in Tehran. Multi-stage cluster sampling method was used for sampling. In order to measure the views of individuals, the table of purpose and content has been compiled based on studies and interviews with experts in the fields of education. Achievements show that five factors affecting satisfaction: 1) flexibility and spatial dimensions, 2) readability and accessibility, 3) beauty of space (Aesthetics), 4) environmental comfort, and 5) Territory and participation of people have been extracted. So what has been achieved is that, in order to satisfy people from the educational spaces considering the mentioned factors in the design are involved. In order to realize each of these factors, there are sub factors that play main role in designing. With consideration them will ultimately have the learning environments that users spend their time relaxing and without stress and they will have high satisfaction.

Volume 7, Issue 25 (7-2010)

Recently, many studies have been conducted to produce lactic acid. At present study, lactic acid production conditions from whey, in batch fermentation, by Lactobacillus casei were studied to optimize culture medium, using Taguchi method. Four different concentrations for nitrogen sources; yeast extract, peptone and ammonium sulfate; and 3 levels for temperature and shaker rate were selected. At predicted optimum conditions by Taguchi analysis, in batch fermentation and without pH control, after 24 hrs incubation, 12.5 g/lit lactic acid was obtained.  

Volume 7, Issue 25 (7-2010)

  Abstract Date wastes, one of the abundantly available carbohydrate agricultural wastes in the South and East of the Mediterranean, were served as a novel substrate for the production of glutamic acid, the precursor of monosodium glutamate. A fractional factorial design was used to investigate the effects of variables, namely biotin content, urea content and agitation speed on the response glutamic acid production. A second order polynomial model was used to predict the response. Agitation speed was found to significantly influence the glutamic acid production. The highest glutamic acid production was recorded at agitation speed ranging 240-250 rpm and urea concentration of 2.8-3 g/l. The study showed that the wastes from dates could serve as a low-cost substrate for glutamic acid production.

Volume 7, Issue 27 (12-2010)

In this research, the effects of different levels ofWhite cheese (0-30%) and tri-sodium citrate (0-2%) on chemical and physical properties of Pizza processed cheese was investigated. Adding White cheese resulted in significant decrease (p ≤ 0.05) in pH, protein and significant increase in fat and salt content. Adding tri-sodium citrate induced the increase in pH and fat and decrease in moisture. The effect of mixture components on melting degree was significant (p ≤ 0.05). Free oil was affected by tri-sodium citrate ratio in the mixture. The oiling off was decreased by increasing melting salt, Length of stretch was decreased by increasing White cheese ratio in blend. Comparison of stretch length indicated a meaningful (p ≤ 0.001) correlation between "Fork test" and "Ring & Ball" method with Pearson coefficient of 0.906. The necessity of using tri-sodium citrate as melting salt for producing a homogenous cheese mass with the ability of exhibiting smooth slices without any fracture was approved in this study. Statistical analysis using mixture design showed that the optimum formula of Pizza Processed cheese was acheived by blending 90% base, 8.6% White cheese and 1.4% tri-sodium citrate. In addition to above,
Sanaz Mojarrad,
Volume 7, Issue 28 (12-2014)

There is a tradition in Persian poems which poet at the beginning of his poem express his beliefs and answer to his opponents. Some poets represent these beliefs as tales. These parts mostly are out of the main body of the poem. Among Attars Neishaboury poems there are ten tales at the beginning of Mosibat-nameh. The content of these tales are defending of truth of his religious beliefs , answering to his opponents, explaining the value of poem and poesy. the structure of these tales are the form (tension, trying, conclusion) and two subsidiaries of this form and eliminate or changing these parts highlight the narratives opinion. Signs have more important role in making the structures. The signs which are used in these tales are: choosing the character, choosing the time and place, starting the tales with conjunction, the speed of act and react. Designing value equaition, Use the pronoun and quoting the speech of saints.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (10-2008)

Design and manufacturing of spur idler gears of gearbox by means of traditional methods, involves too many times of trial and error and consequently spending too much time and money. Utilizing new technologies such as CAD/CAM will increase productivity and flexibility of the process (PDP). In this paper, different parameters and characteristics of the parametric design process of the spure idler gear using CAD/CAM have been discussed and a method for parametric design has been presented. Using this method, design of parts of the same group can be done within the shortest time and by inputing parameters for any part, a typical design can be achieved. Due to the comlex contours and high accuracy requirements of the gear theeth, gear manufacturing is highly specialized, demanding much machining time and therefore is costly. Material wastage is also another problem in these process. In recent years, there has been increased interest in the production of gears by precision forging. Precision forging enables gear teeth to be manufactured to net or near-net tolerances. Resulting in significant savings in raw material and production time compared with conventional cutting methods. In contrast, precision gear forging is associated with problems related to die design, preform volume and geometry, tooth dimensional accuracy, load and energy prediction, ejection problem and finally tool life. These are also reviewed in this paper. Finally, designed dies for manufacturing a typical spur idler gear, analysed by “Super Forge” software.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (0-2008)

It is shown in [1] that the optimal downlink radio resource allocation for non-realtime traffic in cellular CDMA/TDMA networks can be mapped to a Multi-dimensional Multiple-choice Knapsack Problem (MMKP) which is NP-hard. In this correspondence we propose a heuristic algorithm with polynomial time complexity for this problem. Numerical results indicate significant computational performance improvement in comparison to existing heuristic algorithms for MMKP.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (0-2008)

Induction heating is widely used in metal industry for melting or heating thin slabs in a continuous casting plant. The wide application is based on good efficiency, high production rate and non-polluting conditions. For designing a parallel resonant induction heating system, calculating the capacitance for the resonant circuit is important, because its value affects resonance frequency, output power, power quality factor, heating efficiency and power factor. In this paper, phase controlled rectifier and H-bridge inverter are modeled. Then a method of finding an optimal value for the capacitance under voltage constraint is presented. This value is selected for maximizing output power of an induction heater, while minimizing the power loss of capacitor at the same time. For this purpose, the role of equivalent series resistance in the choice of capacitance value is significantly recognized. In this regard, the heating coil and the load of induction heating are modeled at first, and then the optimal value of capacitance is selected. Finally a complete model of heater and its power is simulated and effectiveness of the proposed method is verified.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (0-2008)

Thyristor-Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) is one of the electric power lines series compensators. TCSC increases transmission system capacity and improves system dynamic and voltage stability. Several controllers have been proposed, but most of them generally improve one of TCSC capabilities. In this paper a TCSC robust controller is designed based on Nonlinear Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT). This controller improves both of small signal and transient stability of power system.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2018)

Aims: From the beginning of the modernism, when architects began to use the aesthetic characteristics of steel and concrete structures in the building, new seismic configuration problems appeared; despite the existence of seismic codes, sometimes safety level in buildings is not achieved due to lack of attention in design and implementation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of architects in the seismic performance of conventional medium-rise buildings by using the experiences of past earthquakes.
Information and methods: In the present empirical study, regarding the broad view approach of the research, an experimental laboratory was used by observing damages of RC and steel structure buildings in past earthquakes. All the analytical data in 5 areas, including soil and site conditions, geometry and configuration of architectures, geometry and configuration of structures, architectural details, and structural details were adapted with the process of study, design, and implementation through logical argumentation method. Finally, all potential damages were set as a basic control matrix for use by architects.
Findings: According to the 5-part spectral model, unlike the initial impression that only the structural engineer is responsible for seismic resistant design of RC and steel structure buildings, and contrary to the view of some other researchers who consider that the role of architects is limited to the basic design of buildings form, architects play a decisive role on a wide range of factors affecting the seismic performance of buildings in the study, design, and implementation process.
Conclusion: Architects play a decisive role on a wide range of factors affecting the seismic performance of buildings in the study, design, and implementation process.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Knowing customer behavior patterns, clustering and assigning them is one of the most important purpose for banks. In this research, the five criteria of each customer, including Recency, Frequency, Monetary, Loan and Deferred, were extracted from the bank database during one year, and then clustered using the customer's K-Means algorithm. Then, the multi-objective model of bank service allocation was designed for each of the clusters. The purpose of the designed model was to increase customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and reduce the risk of allocating services. Given the fact that the problem does not have an optimal solution, and each client feature has a probability distribution function, simulation was used to solve it. In order to determine the neighbor optimal solution of the Simulated Anneling algorithm, neighboring solutions were used and a simulation model was implemented. The results showed a significant improvement over the current situation. In this research, we used Weka and R-Studio software for data mining and Arena for simulation for optimization. The results of this research were used to develop Business Intelligence software for customers in one of the private banks of Iran.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Simulation Modeling is Useful Tools to Analyze and Evaluate the Dynamic Behavior of the Complex Systems. In this Paper a Simulation Model Developed for Material Handling Equipment in the Sulphid Ore Process of Sarcheshmeh Open-Pit Copper Mine in Sarcheshme Kerman Province of Iran for Increase its Productivity. The Optimum Operating Setting of Sulphid ore Process of an Open-Pit Mine Is Determined Using Simulation Based Optimization Meta Modeling Approach. In the Developing Meta Model Step of this Paper, Design of Experiment (DOE) is used to Identify Critical Variable of the System by Fitting a Quadratic Polynomial Model. Absolute Relative Error (ARE) used to Verification and Validation Meta model. Validation Step Shown That Meta Model Provides Good Estimation to Simulation Results, Therefore It is Validate. Experimental Results Shown That by Using Current Situation Resources, the Optimization Simulation Model Generates Improving Monthly Throughput Rate of Production System and also Decrease Transportation Cost Up 8%.

Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2022)

Backgrounds: A short sequence of viral protein or peptide, can be used as a potential vaccine for the treatment of that virus. Considering all variants of concern (VOC), vaccine design with peptide for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV2) is a challenging job for scientists.
Materials & Methods: In this current study, an epitope containing peptide vaccine for nonstructural protein 4 (nsp 4) of SARS CoV2 coronavirus has been predicted. With the help of a modified method for both B and T call epitope prediction, verified by molecular docking studies, linear B cell and T cell epitopes for nsp4 protein, are predicted here. Predicted epitopes are analyzed further with population coverage calculation and epitope conservancy analysis.
Findings: A short peptide sequence   74QRGGSYTNDKA84  has been selected as B cell epitope considering the scores for surface accessibility, hydrophilicity, beta turn prediction for each amino acid residues.
Similarly, the peptide sequences 359 FLAHIQWMV367 and   359 FLAHIQWVMFTPLV373 are predicted as T cell epitopes for MHC-I and MHC-II molecules. These two potential epitopes can interest with HLA-A*02:01 and HLA-DRB*01:01, MHC allelic proteins respectively with lowest IC50 values.
Furthermore, no amino acid mutations are observed in GISAD Global initiate on sharing all influenza data) database for alpha, beta, gamma and delta variance of concerns (VOC). Among seven amino acid point mutation of nsp 4 protein in Omicron variant, none of them is present in the peptide sequences of predicted epitope-based vaccines.
Conclusion: The short peptide sequences can be predicted as vaccines to prevent coronavirus infections for all variants of concerns.

Volume 8, Issue 4 (10-2017)

According to Sheridan and Gillett (2005), one fundamental form of inequality, being on the rise since 9/11, is religious discrimination. The main source of experiencing and being exposed to such inequalities and discriminations can be television which ‘is such an important source of information and entertainment that viewers cannot escape its gradual encroachment into their everyday lives’ (Laughey, 2007, p. 20). American TV series are so major and worldly-known entertaining media that many of them have millions of viewers around the world. So, it will be of great importance to make sure if they want to keep and even worsen this picture of Islam and Islamophobia. Therefore, this paper investigates the role of American TV series in promoting Islamophobia in public view. To do so, one has to analyze two main aspects of the TV shows which are the conversations and the picture frames. For analyzing the former, we have chosen Norman Fairclough’s (1992a, 1995, 2001) approach to Critical Discourse Analysis, and for the latter, Kress and van Leeuwen’s (2006) Grammar of Visual Design. American TV series, named Homeland (2011- still on air in 2017), broadcasted by Showtime® in the U.S has been the corpus of the present study. Its story that is mainly connected to the Middle East with lots of Muslim characters explains our choice. Consequently, the present study seeks to answer the following research questions: 1. Do the analyzed sequences of Homeland have Islamophobic elements based on Fairclough’s (1992a, 1995, 2001) CDA framework? 2. Do the analyzed sequences of Homeland have Islamophobic elements based on Kress and van Leeuwen’s (2006) Grammar of Visual Design? 3. Are there any combinations of visual and discursive elements to promote Islamophobia in the analyzed sequences of Homeland which can be analyzed by an integration of Fairclough’s (1992a, 1995, 2001) CDA framework and Kress and van Leeuwen’s (2006) Grammar of Visual Design?
Our work has led us to the conclusion that many cases in Homeland TV series, either discursive (based on Fairclough’s CDA framework (1992a, 1995, 2001)) or visual (based on Kress and van Leeuwen’s Grammar of Visual Design (2006)), were Islamophobic. Furthermore, there were cases in which both visual and discursive (audio) elements were used to promote Islamophobia. As a result, all of the research questions receive a positive answer. Moreover, it can be concluded that a combination of Fairclough’s (1992a, 1995, 2001) CDA framework and Kress and van Leeuwen’s Grammar of Visual Design (2006) can create a powerful approach in critical media analysis to expose the real policies of the media and power owners and decode the encrypted messages behind what is shown to the public. It is worth noting that analyzing a greater number of TV series could result in a higher generalization of our results.

Volume 8, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Several factors have affected the architectural design of Persian Gardens Over time. In the meantime, Chaharbaghs have been the most numerous plans among architecture of Iranian garden. Special features of Chaharbaghs form have affected on designing other gardens. By studying the process of analyzing of Iranian gardens, and their effectiveness from quartet structures, it is possible to renovate a part of the forgotten identity of ancient architecture and also analyze the way that geometric structures affected in gardens. On the other hand, these features can be used in today’s landscaping Designing. There is a direct relationship between length to width ratio of Chaharbaghs forms and designing Safavid garden’s plan in Esfahan. Other researchers in the division of Safavid garden’s plan have focused more on other factors such as spiritual meanings of heaven architecture approach in gardens. First, this research aimed to analyze the role of geometric features embedded in the plans lies in Safavid garden in Esfahan. This article is based on field data and library data. In this study, by implementation plan of Chaharbaghs from past until now, the repeating geometric features in the process of designing the plans will be discussed. This study aimed to reveal the effect of geometric features in Chaharbaghs on designing the plans of gardens in Safavid period. In this article, first the division of gardens will be discussed. After analyzing the words and identifying the various gardens, the common and different features in various types of gardens will be examined. Completed analyzing revealed that the ratio of length to width of the overall atmosphere in comparison to Crete in Safavid garden of Esfahan, repeated like the comparison of Ancient Chaharbagh.

Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2022)

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Insect caste development and their morphological divergence are not yet studied well, especially in ants. However, the role of developmental and genetic integration in evolution is contentious. In our study, we tried to reveal the quantitative genetics selection responses, phylogenetic signal, and evolutionary origin of weaver ant female castes (queen, major and minor). The widening and lengthening of the head region, as well as the well-developed mandibular process, are the major heritable characteristics found in the major worker ants. We hypothesized that these conserved and heritable characteristics may help the major worker ants for defense, foraging purposes and other nest-building function aspects. However, in the case of minor worker, small heads and the reduced mandibular process are the more heritable characteristics. Compared to worker ants, in queen, the highly heritable and conserved morphological character is well-developed thoracic regions and large-sized abdomen. It is interesting to note that there is no detectable phylogenetic signal across the female cast of the Asian weaver ants, which suggests that the caste development and morphological divergence are environmentally modulated not evolutionary conserved. From this study, we concluded that caste-specific morphological shape and size are highly conserved traits and these traits are modulated by their niche preferences.

Volume 8, Issue 5 (12-2017)

The discourse of Quran is a multi-layered one and through meaning based methods one can clarify the value processing of meaning, its functional aspect and the influence of text. In this regard discursive sign-semantics approach through reading out the fluid systems of the text along with the formatting the superstructure tries to indicate the function, production and reception of the meaning in discursive systems. The present article by the use of tension model studies the sixty initial verses of Surah Shu'araa which narrates the missionary discourse of Musa (AS) to modelize and tranquil the Prophet (PUBH). The tensive atmosphere available in the discourse of verses includes the discursive systems and though fluctuating semantic boundaries forms the fluid process of meaning through the interaction with emotional and cognitive aspects. The discourse of verses is interactive and due to the presence of sensory perception and Shushi is in unstable and unexpected condition so that in the conflict of parties with the connection and disconnection in speaker space as well as aesthetic miraculous event, discourse goes to the discourse analyzing proses i.e. lordship, to shape within aesthetic aspects beyond the advertising competence and performance.

Volume 8, Issue 6 (3-2017)

Given the difference between doctrine-based and sharia-based discourses at the time of Hallaj, the present study seeks to adopt a descriptive-analytical approach for critical discourse analysis of Persian and Arabic writings of Hallaj based on the model of Laclau and Mouffe. The main objective of this study is to introduce the discourse of Hallaj as the representative of a discourse arisen from social stratum of mystics. The purpose is to unravel the discourses underlying the writings of Hallaj as well as the signifiers that such discourses struggle over their definition. Results suggest that unlike the Sharia-based discourse of that time, the doctrine-based discourse of Hallaj intended to attribute a different set of the signified to the non-fixed signifiers of "man" and "devil", as a way of deconstructing their domination and subsequently the entire discourse. To demonstrate the unity of man with God, Hallaj used the famous phrase, "Ana al-Haq" that deconstructed the central sharia-based discourse and its semantic system. This signified substituted the "Ana al-Abd" concept characterizing the discourse of dogmatists. Through deconstructing the laws of Islam and unraveling divine secrets, he marginalized the sharia-based discourse at the expense of glorifying and foregrounding his own discourse.

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