Showing 399 results for Sign
Volume 5, Issue 4 (11-2024)
Problem:One of the most important elements of urban spaces is urban furniture, which has special importance for citizens.Urban furniture,in addition to providing services to citizens,makes them feel comfortable in urban spaces, and by strengthening the level of satisfaction,it can lead to more interaction with other citizens.Aims:Considering the importance of observing standards in the design of urban furniture and the lack of attention to this issue in Iran, the main goal is to investigate the considerations and criteria for designing urban furniture in urban spaces.Methodology:After conducting documentary studies, first,different definitions of urban furniture were examined,then its classification in the world and Iran and its criteria were studied.Findings:The results of this research show that urban furniture design can be examined in three dimensions:1-Grammatical dimensions: this dimension examines the system and structure of signs,2-Functional dimensions:it analyzes the relationship between a sign and its user and 3-Semantic dimensions:it deals with the study of meaning, change of meaning, and principles governing the relationships between sentences and words and their meaning.Also,It can be said that in terms of how to pay attention to design considerations and criteria, there can be two modes;1-Standard-oriented and uniform design, in which all considerations and criteria are taken into account in the design process and 2-The design of a case that is based on special conditions and based on the location and platform of the furniture and by observing the appropriate considerations and criteria,the subject of creativity,styles,and artistic theories can find more expression and strength in this category of furniture.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (11-2024)
Problem:Urban public spaces, especially parks, are vital places for families.However, until now,less emphasis has been placed on articulating spatial quality indicators for all ages,and the environmental requirements for different groups of all age are rarely integrated.
Aims:This research aims to discover indicators from the perspective of urban space for all ages in parks and provide a tool for advancing towards lifelong communities and at a higher level to improve the quality of public space.
Methods:The research method in this study is applied and It employs descriptive-analytical method. In the present study, one dependent variable titled and 12 independent variables have been introduced in Mellat Park in Qazvin as a case study.
Findings:we found that "comfort" and "social participation and encouragement of intergenerational relationships" have the greatest impact,while "security" and "sensory richness and creativity in design" have the least impact on explaining the dependent variable.indicators such as "safety" and "sensory richness and creativity in design" are more significant for younger ages, whereas indicators such as "security" and "respect for diversity and differences of all ages with any level of ability" are more significant for older ages, making them some of the most influential factors in determining the quality of Mellat Park in Qazvin.
Conclusion:Based on the research findings,it can be concluded that Mellat Qazvin Park is not yet suitable for all ages.The differing priorities of indicators for various age groups suggest that achieving an average across all indicators could make the park more inclusive for everyone.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-2016)
Every unit which has identity for purposes of role and outward appearance in the geographical space, and its location of the place in the space that is specified, it could be accounted as a building that settlement should be figured as a type of these units. Housing, as one of the basic needs of mankind, has economical, social, and cultural characteristics. Being multidimensional, housing has found its place in the priorities of human life. Meanwhile, development of urban society has found its roots in the rural way of life. Rural housing due to its functional role and its underlying effects on the everyday›s life reserves its own special importance. The rural housing has a remarkable differences to city housing not only from outward appearance aspects but also from respected contains. These differences could be found only by study of compatibility of them with the around natural environment and different housing functions compatible with the environment and villagers activities and besides that the traditional experiences of construction. The rural houses for their residents prepare the necessary spaces for living, store of food and other articles, the place for domestic animals, and a place as a community center for communications, exchange of views and so on. In reality components and spaces forms the elements of house of residential unit and eventually define the functions of rural houses. The rural houses have different functions. The study and investigation of architecture and structures of rural houses not only can recognize the circumstances of construction and experiences of formers in the architectural harmony with the environment and climate but also can be as a light in the improvement road of rural houses in front of responsible persons and experts. In the investigation and recognition of rural settlements, typology of villages in one of the objects that for ease of rural development planning always should be considered. In principal, the rural typology is one of the main rural geographical subjects. Diversity in the type of villages is a consequence of differences of factors and phenomena which has been effective in coming into existence of villages. In human subjects, type of villages as compared with (with regard to) physical factors is more effective of the social and economic structures of villages, although the physical factors also play their role. The spatial establishment model of rural settlements for the reason of dependence of its most productive activities. The natural conditions and factors, more than the urban settlements can be influenced by these factors. The public fabric of rural settlements states the shape, form and model that are resulted from influence of different factors in the village land and the method of connection and interaction of these elements and their characteristics. In this manner, the skeleton fabric of these settlements is the representation of the disciplined method of houses and establishment of agricultural land and also quality of setting the roads and squares (road system) next to each other (saeidi, 53 ,2002). Distinction and differentiation of density rate and shape (form) of each village can help the nature recognition and also the social – economical differences that are ruling it. In this matter, rural housing is manifestation place of livelihood – living methods and eventually forces and environmental key factors and social- economical trends are effective on shaping up them. In this research, the method of study is based on field and document study, that documental method is including written document in the area of rural life and statistical resources. In the field study method for investigation of housing characteristics in the rural fabric, four principal methods of cluster sampling have been used. In this cluster category, it is tried the majority methods and also the ones from space point of view are usable and it is possible to use them in making model and repair for preservation of rural culturalheritage should be chosen. In choosing some models, regional native characteristics are considered in a way that housing as an outcome and product of architecture with the climatic conditioning of the zones are harmonized. Settlements of Semnan province in regard of natural environment characteristics and also from extent and population is confronted by the diversity. In this manner, for sampling, at the beginning, settlements of province based on population and four separated cities have been categorized in four population zones. Then for the reason of natural limitation establishment and forming of the settlements that following it in the fabric whole construction and rural housing has had remarkable influence. Four zones of villages in each city of province from natural establishment model point of view have been divided in three mountainous, hillside and flat zones. The results of investigations show that position and climatic geographic characteristics have a significant role in rural housing fabric and outward appearance and forming model of spaces, function of rural housing and types of construction materials of housing fabric of village which have been used with the native traditions and public recognition of material production technology and implementation of efficient models in the architecture of building housing have been continuous and sustainable. Investigation of rural housing architecture as a guide can play a role in development and improvement of rural housing in front of planners and experts. In this article, investigation of rural housing characteristics in three zones of flat, hillside and mountainous have been done and recognition and investigation of some of the housing models in each zone, the internal form and function of rural housing and the type of materials that have been used in houses. In this research, choosing some of the models with the pre-assumption that is being efficient and also possibility of copying of model along with construction and with repair and rehabilitation of housing in rural fabric provides the possibility of harmony of housing with climate for residents. The results of investigations show that situation, geographic factors and characteristics have a significant role in development of architecture models proportional to climate in each zone and rural housing outward appearance has formed proportional to them. Based on investigations that have been done in the region of study of housing units regarding to extent, form, shape and different spaces of each housing unit have been divided in three kinds of main spaces and the type of establishment and directional spaces are influenced by natural conditions that common model of space making in each of the zone in establishment of space model and choosing direction related to radiation and wind that get into shape. Also, materials and the type of construction materials that are used in housing fabric which is depending on natural environment and has a great support of native material. The role of the yard in every three zones in the organizing of spaces has been effective and common face of all the models. Also veranda in hillside and mountainous zones has a remarkable role between human and environment in outward appearance and fabric of some villages in aesthetics point of view and also in climatic has been significant. Some of the important materials that are used in housing are sun-dried brick, stone, brick and wood that have direct relation with regional native and geographic conditions. The other important point in rural architecture is the good interaction and the housing and influence of native and cultural characteristics of builders of buildings that shows their role in simplicity and clearness of spaces also the possibility of alternation and floating of activity in spaces and models could be seen. Product of this approach produces native architecture and harmony with climate that should be seen between human and nature and also can be found identicalness with architecture.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-2016)
Improving the quality of life has always been considered as one of the human purposes. “creating and maintaining balance between natural and built environment” has a significant role in improving the quality of life. Before industrial revolution, man and nature always was in balance but after formation of industrial revolution this balance was faded and lost ,over the years. This imbalance, reached the highest level in the second half of the last century. During the second half of the last century, the world’s urban population has increased tremendously. Migration to cities has primarily occurred, and will continue to happen, in the so-called less developed countries as the result of increased economic and social opportunities offered in urban areas and the degradation of rural economies and societies. The extremely rapid urbanization has led to extremely serious environmental, social, political, economic, institutional, demographic and cultural problems. The tremendous increase in the world’s population and in urbanization is the main reason for the continuous increase of energy demand and consumption in most countries. Building sector and transportation sector are the major consumers of energy in many cities. To responding energy demand of these sectors, the use of fossil fuel is rising. One of the consequences of this rising, is increasing pollutant like greenhouse gases. Increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is leading to climate change. According to IPCC report in 2014, GHG emission is the major cause of climate change. Climate change brought about by man-made emissions of greenhouse gases has been identified as the greatest challenge facing human society at the beginning of the twenty first century. Climate change, it is predicted, may potentially damage every natural and human system on the planet. Today, climate change is became as one of the most important concerns of scientific and political circles, so It is clear that urgent action is needed and that the scale and scope of such action will be hugely varied. At present, the main worldwide response to the threat of climate change is mitigation; especially the lowering of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across a variety of scales. The preponderance of scientific evidence suggests that climate change is caused and exacerbated by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and that lowering the amount of gas being emitted will limit climate change effects. An increasing amount of climate research now points to adaptation as a necessary means of addressing unavoidable climate change impacts. Adaptation to climate change refers to efforts to develop resilience to predicted or potential climate impacts and effects before and as they happen. In order to responding climate change- as the biggest crisis of this era- and achieving adaptation to climate change, proposing efforts and strategies in various disciplines is inevitable and unavoidable. Urban design and its strategies can have a key role to responding climate change impacts and achieve adaptation. But it is obvious that traditional urban design is not sufficient to responding this. A new paradigm is required to develop resilient cities that can adapt and thrive in changing global conditions, meet the requirements of carbon-reduction and other environmental measures, and sustain urban populations in more compact settings by providing amenities that people need and want. The scope and speed of current changes demands that urban designers define compelling visions and integrated design measures for shaping resilient cities. From energy and transportation to water and green infrastructure, urban designers can shape these systems to shrink our ecological footprint, configure resilient urban form and adapt our cities to climate change. A climate-resilient urban design strategy requires expanding traditional place-making urban design qualities to include principles of sustainable design such as resilience, comfort, resource efficiency, and biotic support. Today, resilience is one of the most important qualities that considered in urban design. There are various ways to achieve resiliency through urban design. Reducing CO2 emission is the most known and common way to achieve resiliency. In the past, efforts at reducing CO2 have focused primarily on building scale (low to zero-energy buildings). While there has been great progress in the energy efficient buildings over the past forty years, buildings alone do not include transportation and infrastructure systems (energy, water and waste) as part of the design process, so low-carbon urban design is considered as an inevitable necessity. Low-carbon urban design principles can be classified into sevencategories which are called as “seven rules of sustainable and low-carbon urban design”. These principles include: 1)restore streetcar city, 2)designing an interconnected street system, 3)locate commercial services, frequent transit, and school within a five-minute walk, 4)locate good jobs close to affordable homes, 5) provide a diversity of housing types, 6)create a linked system of natural areas and parks,7)invest in lighter, greener, cheaper, and smarter infrastructure. These principles represent the elements of a whole. Achieving one without the others – particularly if it is at the expense of the others – will be of limited value and could be counterproductive. Low-carbon urban design principles and strategies can be applied in different scales. Among the scales proposed for urban design, neighborhood is recognized as an appropriate scale for application of low to zero-carbon urban design strategies, because it aggregates all the systems and flows. It has the potential to integrate the design of transportation, buildings, infrastructures, landscape and land-use while engaging the design of public realm as part of the system. This article seeks to present the urban design criteria for low to zero-carbon neighborhood by exploring the studies and the best practices (in Freiburg, Hannover, Stockholm, Malmö and London) to create low to zero carbon neighborhoods. The result of the research is shown as urban design criteria which categorized by urban form and building typology, transportation and land-use, energy, landscape design and creativity. These criteria not only is in consistent with the low – carbon urban design principles, but also if these criteria are applied in an integrated way, we can expect creating a low to zero-carbon neighborhood; A neighborhood with qualities, such as local identity, inclusion, human scale, lower energy consumption, lower CO2 emissions and, most importantly, greater resilience.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2022)
Research subject: Because of the rising global demand for propylene, various extensive studies and research have been done in order to develop alternative ways that are both more energy-efficient and require less energy. In this research, CuBTC is used as a manganese catalyst base in the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane to produce propylene. The wet impregnation method is used to manufacture the catalysts.
Research approach: Wet impregnation is used to prepare the catalysts, which is a step in the manufacturing process. Analyses such as FTIR, XRD, BET, SEM, and EDX are used to examine and describe catalysts that have been created. On the basis of the central composition method, we have investigated the impacts of reaction temperature, manganese loading percentage, oxygen-to-propylene ratio, and their interactions on the synthesis of propylene in this study. The central composite method's input parameters include manganese concentrations ranging from 1 to 5 percent, a propane-to-oxygen ratio ranging from 1 to 3 percent, and a temperature ranging from 140 to 280 degrees Celsius.
Main results: After that, it is shown that the projected models for propane conversion, propylene selectivity, and oxidative dehydrogenation efficiency percentage are about 95 percent based on reactor testing and evaluation of the Design-Expert software results. It was possible to improve the efficiency of the oxidation dehydration process by 4.9 percent by using a conversion percentage of 28.38 percent, a selectivity of 18.14 percent at 278 degrees Celsius, a metal oxide loading of 3.74 percent, and propane to oxygen ratio of 1.5 percent. When laboratory data were compared to predicted data, the correlation coefficient was 93% in favor of the laboratory data.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (8-2015)
Tragedy and Ta'ziyeh are considered as classical dramatic forms that due to their roots in ritual and their dependence on religion, culture, myth and tone can be studied in a comparative manner. The aim of the present paper is to study the dramatic aspects and capacities of these two dramatic forms in comparison with each other. To achieve this goal, different parameters such as narrative or representation, alike and character, performance style, verbal effects, catharsis and audience impact are compared. In this study, we seek answer to the following questions; how the dramatic capacities of tragedy can be preferred over the Ta'ziyeh or vice versa. It seems that in the light of a semiotic approach and one of its sub branches, the digital and analog semiotics of Louis-Jean Calvet, the extent of dramatic similarities and differences between these two forms can be better investigated. Another objective of this research is to challenge the existing comparative studies in the context of Ta'ziyeh and tragic or epic plays that seems to have ignored the performance style, the most important element of Ta'ziyeh and have assessed its values than other types.
Volume 6, Issue 3 (11-2016)
The energy crisis of the twentieth century, numerous crises in the developing countries of the importance and necessity of contemporary architecture in particular. Industry construction industry as one of the important and influential countries, more than ever, it has become important. The changes in the construction industry, increasing energy consumption have followed. In other words, the construction industry is one of the most important and most active in numerous industries that energy efficiency is of utmost importance. The aim of this study was to assess the design and development of indigenous energy efficiency in buildings in the city of Tehran. In other words, the operational objective of this study was to evaluate and measure the energy efficiency in buildings in Tehran and practical to develop a model to measure energy efficiency in
buildings in the city of Tehran. To perform the analysis, the quality measurement values using techniques of comparative research method is descriptive - analytical approach used logical reasoning. Finally, the review and evaluation of energy efficiency, suggestions and recommendations for improving energy efficiency evaluation method is proposed with a native look.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (10-2015)
For a long time philosophers and linguists, have investigated the concepts of signifier and signified. At the beginning of the twentieth century, linguistic studies in general and the concepts of signifier and signified in particular, have developed noticeably. Although in our tradition the question of language has been the focus of attention but the linguistic aspects of this human phenomenon have been ignored. We found Nasser khosrow as one of the few scholars and thinkers who has tried to find the nature of the relationship between signifier and signified through examining it from the linguistic point of view .He selects Nam and Namdar for signifier and signified attributing them the conventional nature .In this article with revision of saussure’s view and notion on signifier and signified, we examined whether Nasser Khosrow’s vision in this area can be held in modern linguistic studies?.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (2-2017)
Human sciences composed of specialized subsidiaries, as well as various areas of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Knowledge of human evolution suggests that humans increased their specialized knowledge the fields in psychology, philosophy, art, sociology, etc. In applying this Science applied approach should be taken. Managers are facing different tools and techniques to select which are in form of algorithmic methods, discursive practices, operating methods and their combination and application in decision-making. This results in confusion in adopting and applying these techniques needing Necessary expertise due to the extent. Existing concern is seeing how these techniques can be used efficiently. This research, according to the theory of systems, will discuss the introduction of axiomatic design techniques for dealing with mentioned challenges. A comprehensive framework including criteria and factors affecting quality of textbooks were presented and 3 organizational behavior management Books were assessed by Faculty members of Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management in Shahrood University using this framework.
Volume 6, Issue 4 (2-2017)
Volume 6, Issue 4 (2-2017)
Volume 6, Issue 5 (12-2015)
Although Ghazals of Hafez have been researched on in different poetic and linguistic approaches, there is always a new finding when diving in this endless ocean. In this paper discourse of signature verses (Takhallus) of Hafez are analyzed using one of the most authorized and referred theories today but ignored for some times that of Bakhtin. The Russian philosopher who claims that the author is not the only speaker but along with “other voices” in an active interaction take part in the creation of the truth. Considering this view point, it was found that in spite of the fact that in most verses Hafez addresses himself, there is no “one” speaker. In other words he takes different varieties of viewpoints. In this way he sometimes agrees with Hafez, sometimes praises him, sometimes takes care of him, and still in other cases he opposes him, blames him, disagrees with him, or even outrages against him. Hafez is not alone, there are other voices in different layers of the discourse in a dialogic interaction. What makes this signature verses distinct is that here Hafez explicitly says that “I is an other”, “I must become the other of myself”, “I am my other self”. In this research, characteristics of polyphonic discourse are proposed as practical Models in three patterns for structural polyphony and three patterns for content or viewpoint polyphony with all the related sub-patterns.
Volume 6, Issue 6 (12-2015)
Adjacency condition is one of the syntactic constraints on case assignment in many languages such as English, Dutch, Turkish and Hindi. Many linguists studied adjacency condition in some languages and some of them including Chomsky (1981) and Stowell (1981) confirmed the role of this condition in generative grammar and some linguists including Johnson (1991) rejected it in generative grammar. Opponents of this hypothesis believe that adjacency condition can be replaced by projection principle and binary branching condition. In this research, we try to investigate the role of adjacency condition in Persian. Data analysis indicates that assigning structural case to subject by inflection head and also assigning structural case to definite direct object by verb are not subject to adjacency condition. In fact, the position of definite direct object and inflection head is in the specifier of inner verb phrase core and at the end of sentence, respectively which they are not adjacent to each other. However, assigning structural case to noun phrase by preposition and also assigning structural case to indefinite direct object by verb are subject to adjacency constraints. Therefore, there is a direct relationship between adjacency condition and specificity.
Salman Basaeri,
Volume 6, Issue 22 (9-2013)
It’s been a long time that advertising dialogue tends to refer to the advertising message more implicitly and indirectly than explicitly for achieving to their goal. The connotations to the advertising objects can confront the interlocutor with the different surfaces of the system of visual sign and can make more interactions. The goal of this article is to study the applications and displaying of the metaphors in the different surfaces of the system of visual sign and to comprehend the capabilities of it to signifying the posters describing the Ashoura’a as an advertising media. Therefore, here, some of the different posters describing Ashoura’a created in the recent years have been studied. In this research, we are facing with two principal questions: Firstly, can analyzing the different surfaces of the system of visual sign have any application in designing the posters describing Ashoura’a? Secondly, how can the visual and verbal elements and also the interactions between these two create the various displaying of metaphors in the posters? Based on this study it is concluded that methapore has the ability to display in any of the three levels of system of visual sign and the different functions of metaphor in any of these levels created due to the dispositions of the elements and their nature can make the different lectures and it results in appearance of various displaying of metaphor and perception of the dialogues existing in the advertising object for the interlocutors of the posters describing the Ashoura’a. Comprehending any of these concepts can make the possibility of comparison between the different aspects of displaying the metaphor in the different surfaces of the system of visual sign and study the capabilities of any of these surfaces for signifying the art works and the metaphor dialogues.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (11-2008)
Design and manufacturing of spur idler gears of gearbox by means of traditional methods, involves too many times of trial and error and consequently spending too much time and money. Utilizing new technologies such as CAD/CAM will increase productivity and flexibility of the process (PDP). In this paper, different parameters and characteristics of the parametric design process of the spure idler gear using CAD/CAM have been discussed and a method for parametric design has been presented. Using this method, design of parts of the same group can be done within the shortest time and by inputing parameters for any part, a typical design can be achieved. Due to the comlex contours and high accuracy requirements of the gear theeth, gear manufacturing is highly specialized, demanding much machining time and therefore is costly. Material wastage is also another problem in these process. In recent years, there has been increased interest in the production of gears by precision forging. Precision forging enables gear teeth to be manufactured to net or near-net tolerances. Resulting in significant savings in raw material and production time compared with conventional cutting methods. In contrast, precision gear forging is associated with problems related to die design, preform volume and geometry, tooth dimensional accuracy, load and energy prediction, ejection problem and finally tool life. These are also reviewed in this paper. Finally, designed dies for manufacturing a typical spur idler gear, analysed by “Super Forge” software.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (4-2003)
sattar Zarkalam
Assistant Professor Department of Law, Shahed University
Open networks such as the Internet are of increasing importance for world-wide communication. They offer the possibility of interactive communication between parties who may not have pre - established relationships. They offer new business opportunities by creating tools to strengthen productivity and to reduce costs, as well as new methods of reaching customers. In order to make the best use of these opportunities, a secure environment with respect to electronic authentication (non-repudiation) is needed. Several different methods exist to sign documents electronically varying from very simple methods (e.g. inserting a scanned image of a handwritten signature in a word processing document) to very advanced methods (e.g. digital signatures using "public key cryptography"). Part one gives an overview of how electronic signatures are defined by international organization such as UNCITRAL and EU as well as French legislator, which recently modified its civil law. In Part two, the evidentiary value of electronic signature in traditional law, both, open and closed system have been evaluated. And finally the approaches of solving these conflicts are discussed.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2016)
Human activin A is a homodimer of βA subunit which is synthesized in the form of prepro-activin with 426 amino acids; mature activin A with 116 amino acids is processed from this larger precursor protein. This protein which was extracted for the first time from follicular fluid is a strong stimulator of FSH biosynthesis. The functions have been found to be exerted by activin, including roles in cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and survival of neurons. As this protein plays a considerable role in the treatment of neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer,s disease and wound repair, in this study for the first time was expressed in three different strains of E.coli. Activin A has disulfide bonds in its native and functional structure, so the cytoplasmic reducing environment of E.coli is not appropriate for its expression. Therefore, the oxidative space of periplasm for production of correctly folded activin A was considered. In this study, h-activin A cDNA and modified Iranian Bacillus Licheniformis α-amylase signal peptide obtained from NCBI data bank after codon optimization was cloned in pET21b(+) vector and transformed to BL21(DE3)pLysS, BL21(DE3)Rosetta gami and BL21(DE3) strains of E.coli. Expression occurred via induction of promoter with IPTG. Consequently, extracted proteins from these three strains were compared with each other using SDS-PAGE, Dot blot and western blot techniques. The data shows activin A expression especially in BL21(DE3) and BL21(DE3)Rosetta gami strains of E.coli.
Volume 7, Issue 2 (7-2017)
Already in a variety of buildings with different uses, what would seem more architectural design, the changes after utilization by users that this change in terms of non-compliance with design requirements and not due to changes in other aspects, such as engineering and pre-operation. Sometimes encountered with a sudden change in the design process and according to the traditional structure of the design process, this change does not apply in other dimensions and design errors during the operation, to show the changes will be binding, it could be next a model to follow design changes and pre-operation would lead to elimination; as necessary. Building Information Modeling (BIM) by removing complexity in the design, manufacturing, integration of information with possible changes in the other components of the structure, anticipate and reduce errors after the operation and construction. With technology development, process improvement and change the industry has improved, but still compact construction industry based on the traditional process, with the architectural design or building design, constructed by contractors. This is while, the building of new systems and due to the changing demands of the employer, are very complex, so that we add to this complexity, architects, owners and contractors to align themselves with these developments, in the wake of Operation changes into the design drawn on the body, it's important to be consistent and comprehensiveness of information between other elements of building construction creates a problem, since more of the architect's plans need to be integrated and followed this interference with the program at all stages make a pre-operation. In fact, building information modeling, a new change in the design and construction industry is documenting, modeling, building information, information about the whole building gives us the full documentation and integration into a database gives us. All of these parameters are therefore connected to each other, any change in the model of an object, the entire project will affect all aspects, building information modeling, data includes actual building is only two-dimensional maps, which are common Maps drawn with CAD found not formed. Building Information Modeling, a common mistake is called as a digital model generated by CAD software in a process known as Building Information Modeling. Construction industry due to the large number of documents it is much more complicated than ever. BIM new promising tool in architecture, engineering and construction industry, which will build a virtual model before the actual construction of buildings on the main field allows information. In fact, this model designs because this method, using the building information and it is also the most important stage design. Building and weaknesses through analysis software is documented. In enhancing the effectiveness of the do the right thing, in this method, two-dimensional plan was rejected and assessments in specific applications with methods to identify the areas and their dimensions are considered qualities, at different times of exposure, etc. is checked.
In the construction of a project, including design partnership with the consultancy, construction and post-run (after the operation) is, in fact semantic knowledge building must be provided, building information model, common architecture Other aspects of the project such as building provides structural and semantic knowledge, based on continuous improvement approach, which supports the evolutionary changes simply and recovery. It improves with time-saving schematic design, design changes and development, creation and coordination between the various elements of project design and control documents in advance of the operation increases productivity. The main objective of this study was to develop methods to improve the architectural design stage before an exploit is in fact to determine the effectiveness promoter factors, using the building information model, the final design is done. The rise of the more complex, faster and build sustainable development in the form of improved technology makes BIM drawing because the traditional activities are not able to meet these pressures. It is hoped that with the widespread use of building information modeling in the field of construction, the cost of future performance and reduced use and improved performance of the operation to reduce errors. The Building Information Modeling as an innovative way to design, construction of process before and after the operation, implementation and management, compared with more traditional methods of design and attitude as human activities that model, instead of seeing it as an object-oriented approach or a special software. In fact, BIM improves the automation industry and process two-dimensional animation project, has been integrated into the workflow in the batch process, the ability of computing, networking and data information and knowledge society maximized and errors are reduced.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) by removing complexity in the design, manufacturing, integration of information with possible changes in the other components of the structure, anticipate and reduce errors after the operation and construction. With technology development, process improvement and change the industry has improved, but still compact construction industry based on the traditional process, with the architectural design or building design, constructed by contractors. This is while, the building of new systems and due to the changing demands of the employer, are very complex, so that we add to this complexity, architects, owners and contractors to align themselves with these developments, in the wake of Operation changes into the design drawn on the body, it's important to be consistent and comprehensiveness of information between other elements of building construction creates a problem, since more of the architect's plans need to be integrated and followed this interference with the program at all stages make a pre-operation. In fact, building information modeling, a new change in the design and construction industry is documenting, modeling, building information, information about the whole building gives us the full documentation and integration into a database gives us. All of these parameters are therefore connected to each other, any change in the model of an object, the entire project will affect all aspects, building information modeling, data includes actual building is only two-dimensional maps, which are common Maps drawn with CAD found not formed. Building Information Modeling, a common mistake is called as a digital model generated by CAD software in a process known as Building Information Modeling. Construction industry due to the large number of documents it is much more complicated than ever. BIM new promising tool in architecture, engineering and construction industry, which will build a virtual model before the actual construction of buildings on the main field allows information. In fact, this model designs because this method, using the building information and it is also the most important stage design. Building and weaknesses through analysis software is documented. In enhancing the effectiveness of the do the right thing, in this method, two-dimensional plan was rejected and assessments in specific applications with methods to identify the areas and their dimensions are considered qualities, at different times of exposure, etc. is checked. BIM improves the automation industry and process two-dimensional animation project, has been integrated into the workflow in the batch process, the ability of computing, networking and data information and knowledge society maximized and errors are reduced.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (11-2016)
Immobilization of biosignal molecules including growth factors and cytokines is important for developing biologically active materials, because these materials will have important effects in targetted cell culture, photo- immobilization of visible-light induced crosslinkable biosealant in direct pulp capping material in the dental field, biosealants in tissue engineering and anti-adhesive agents for preventing tissue adhesions after surgery and design and fabrication of biological scaffold contributed to tissue engineering, photolithography. The photo-immobilization of biosignal molecules has more meanings than only immobilization of an enzyme in a bioreactor or ligand-receptor interactions, because the immobilized biosignal molecules work on cells which have very complex structures and functions. This review discusses so far progresses in immobilization of biosignal molecules including growth factors and cytokines with biological and medical applications. At first we will study on photolithography and cell patterning. Then biosignal molecules, photo-immobilization process and co-immobilization will be reviewed. Since material properties of surfaces directly affect the cellular functions and thereby affecting growth patterns, we will study on biological properties of surfaces such as cell adhesion, cell migration and cell growth. Finally different photo reactive biosystems including UV, visible and laser bio systems will be discussed.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2017)
Today, cities need public spaces for social interactions. Shortage of land on the ground level in metropolitan areas is a big challenge for creating public spaces. Using underground spaces for creating public space in urban areas could be an efficient answer to solve mention problem. Using underground area as an urban space is a wise decision for creation of more public spaces in big cities. Creating well organized underground urban spaces for various activities instead of normal unplanned underground spaces need theoretical foundation. It seems existing underground spaces in cities such as Toronto, Montreal, Osaka, Paris and Stockholm and future underground spaces need unique urban design qualities to act as riche public spaces.
This research is a kind of scientific study on urban design qualities of underground urban spaces. The main aim and objective of this research is to derive appropriate urban design qualities for high quality of underground urban spaces. Basically, quality of urban spaces was defined through observing and descripting existing underground urban spaces and their documents such as reports, maps and photograph; beside analysing various available urban design theories.
Importance of accessibility, legibility and their impressive impact on an urban space are significant points that learned from urban design researcher who focus on the mentioned qualities. Special academic information in scientific papers available in national scientific databases of Iran like and “” shows urban design researchers highlight some of the qualities such as social interaction, security, visual quality and identity. Some of the leading researcher in the field of urban design has focused on accessibility and other qualities like scale of space shape and form, identity in England and America. Underground urban space should answer various urban complexities affecting urban design quality, which differentiate the determination of quality of this kind of space from those on the ground level. Underground urban space requires unique qualities to perform in a different level from other areas of the city such as those on the ground level.
In this regard, according to the characteristics of underground urban spaces, it is necessary to provide a set of urban design quality for these types of urban spaces. Underground urban spaces should be studied with respect to technical (mechanical & electrical), architectural and urban design aspects to provide truly useful results. Therefore in relation with urban design quality, it is important to consider the technical aspects. The technical aspect of locating infrastructure at same level of underground urban space is one of the significant aspects which affect the quality of these spaces.
According to Sariyildiz & Durmisevic [29] and Pourjafar[18], Key aspects that could have influence on underground space design include: accessibility and enclosure; sense of orientation; spatial proportions; communication with the outside world; natural and artificial lighting; materials and colors; noise level; and air quality. Research carried out by the Dutch Railway in 1996 included both above and underground train stations (as underground urban space) and showed that the most negatively experienced places in the stations are the platforms and places where tunnel were located. The reasons for the negative experience are mainly: unwanted behavior of other people, abandonment, darkness and poor visibility. Architecture integrates both function and form. Through form and function the psychological aspects are interwoven by having an influence on the experience of space in a given context. Only when both are together, they give to each other a meaning and a quality. Considering the psychological aspects which can be strongly influenced by the form and functional aspects is very important. In this way the relationship between spatial characteristics, being form and function, and psychological aspects becomes more transparent. [29] The clear meaning of the concept of quality in the field of urban design will help to understand relationship between underground urban space and its set up of quality. Important qualities in three groups such as function, form and psychological aspects could be explained as follow:
Function: communicational patterns, accessibility, space integration, Acoustic, soundscape, lightning, air quality and temperature. [29]
Psychological aspects: Impact of wide and visible view of space for consumers to feel secure and crime prevention (C.P.T.E.D), Escape possibility in crisis, natural lightning, social control, sense of orientation, comfort, maintenance, attraction, various services and infrastrucres. [18]
Shape & Form: tonality and materials harmony in paving, ceiling and wall, structure and partition walls, dimension, natural and artificial furniture, location and design of stairs and escalators.
Overall, it can be found that the most important qualities that response to people’s needs in an underground urban space are security, comfort, legibility and orientation.
The result of this research indicates that: based on discussion on underground space features and people’s essential needs in city scale, underground space qualities derived from international and national urban design researcher’s views and reports of urban design projects in USA & England and various case studies in Tehran. Successful underground space project experiences such as Toronto, Montreal, Osaka, Paris and Stockholm; show appropriate qualities for this kind of space like: Social interaction & liveliness, safety, stability, identity, legibility(sense of orientation), diversity, accordance, homology, sense of belonging, comfort, accessibility, flexibility, moderation and space scale. Therefore underground urban space qualities have to be classified with respect to main underground urban space features and their location under the surface of the ground. In this paper a new model is purposed to create effective various responsive underground urban spaces. This new practical model can be called model of overall quality of underground urban space. Overall qualities of underground urban space were classified into three groups, called: «Outer space» qualities, «In-between space» qualities and «Inner space» qualities (Fig. 1).