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Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2014)

Different people have different perceptions of physical space where movement and rest occur. In this regard, perception of three-dimensional space from the point of view of stationary and moving observers can be analyzed from different perspectives including the observer's favorable or unfavorable perception, persistency and recall capability of the perceived space, the influence of different design variables on the perception, etc. But one of the most important issues which has not attracted due attention in this area and will form the subject of the present study is that of deliberate distortions in the "perception of subjective depth and distance" of a path or space. Indeed, by using the perception of depth and distance and the deliberate distortions in the field of urban design, designers will be able to change this perception experience via informed arrangement of spatial qualities as appropriate in line with the overall design objectives. This way, they can represent a route as shorter or longer than its actual conditions in the minds of observers and users of space. In this paper, among various theoretical approaches about the human visual system function in relation to the perception of depth and distance, cue approach is discussed due to greater emphasis given to it in scientific literature published in recent years as well as its comprehensive theoretical perspective. Based on this approach, in the first part of this article, an attempt has been made to review and analyze the most significant components affecting the perception of depth and distance using a scientific approach via urban design perspective. These components can be integrated or reduced in order to directly control the relative amount of depth and distance perception in the physical space. In the second part, deliberate distortions and their application in design of physical-spatial structures of urban environment in a practical approach are discussed. Upon on the purpose of the study it is based on applied research. Due to complexity of depth and distance perception, we used the combination of exploratory and descriptive-analytical research as the methodology. Keywords: Urban Design, Perceptual Depth and Distance, Cue Approach, Deliberate Distortions, Practical Optical Illusions

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Aims: Urban space is one of the main places for people's social interactions, which includes squares, streets, accesses, etc. these spaces require a comprehensive design that means comfortable and easy to use for all people with physical and mobility limitations. A significant part of the citizens are people with disabilities, so special attention should be paid to addressing their needs and problems in the city. People with disabilities include Persons with physical, mental, sensory, and internal disabilities, pregnant women, children, and the elderlyIn this regard, the purpose of this article is to identify the physical problems of people with disabilities in the study area and evaluate them for the presence of people with disabilities.
Methods: after recognizing the current situation by studying library resources, by conducting a field survey, it has been analyzed by SWOT method and Wizard scenario. After prioritizing the developed strategies, executive solutions have been designed. 
Finding and Conclusion: The results obtained from this study show that one of the most aim problems in the target axis is the lack of adaptation of furniture for the use of people with disabilities, lack of proper flooring, lack of adaptation of transportation stations. Appeared. Also, performing solutions such as adapting service uses, adapting transportation stations, standard flooring for all types of low-power groups, locating suitable urban furniture, designing urban furniture for the use of all citizens, and creating sensory and audio panels to adapt spaces. A city helps for the presence of people with disabilities.

Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Aims: Efficiency as a cultural index can be defined as the comfort resulting from the proper arrangement of components and the connection point between form and function; which plays an important role in adding quality to the space. Such an attitude to design; It is an attempt to obtain a model of valuable previous architecture to measure sustainability and discover the grammar of space in order to create works for the future of architecture.
Methods: The current research is a kind of documentary research, based on the use of data of valuable models of the past, which, by adopting a descriptive-analytical approach, analyzes the concept of efficiency in the structure of function and form in native Qajar houses of Isfahan.
Findings: Most of the massing has been done in the north (public spaces), west (service spaces), south (private spaces) and east (service spaces) fronts, respectively. Also, the data obtained from Ecotect software shows that the best direction in Isfahan city is between 17.5 degrees southwest and 22.5 degrees southeast. However, the frequency of Isfahan Orientation in the native Qajar houses of Isfahan is very low, and the emphasis is on the orientation in the north-south direction, and the southeast or southwest of it has not been given much attention.
Conclusion: The configuration of the space, the amount of received energy and the visual communication of the environment (sight) are among the indicators that affect the efficiency, which is understood by the way of massing, spatial relations and spatial proportions.

Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Objectives: In the last decade, public health planners have faced challenges related to the aging rate and the increase in mental health disorders. Research has shown that mental health issues are prevalent among older adults in Qazvin, but there hasn't been a comprehensive study on the impact of the social and built environment on mental health. Therefore, this research aims to identify the physical and social environment characteristics that can influence mental health.
Methods: This study is a cross-sectional quantitative research utilizing common mental health assessment tools, such as HADS and PSS, to gather data from 361 Qazvin's historical context residents. Additionally, an environmental quality questionnaire was used to collect information on the physical and social environment of the neighborhood. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS-25 software and the hierarchical regression method.
Results and Conclusion: The data analysis revealed that individual, place, and socio-cultural factors played a significant role in determining the mental health of older adults in Qazvin City. The individual factors that affected mental health included age, gender, home ownership status, and marital status. The place factors that influenced mental health included satisfaction with the place, land use, quality of residence, security, walkability, and access to green spaces. The socio-cultural dimension also played a role in mental health, as factors such as social support and cultural activities impacted the well-being of older adults. The results of this study can help in planning and designing neighborhoods in a historical context to improve mental health.              

Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Uncertainties and risks underpinning environmental complexities have undermined lots of assumptions and delivery methods of large industrial projects and have lessened their efficiency and effectiveness. In the literature, selecting proper project delivery method in complex situations still lacks attention, and existing relevant studies have been also conducted based on “the first order of project management”, in which the degree and extent of uncertainties and environmental complexities are considered normal and prevalent. Based on the recent scientific and managerial paradigms such as “the second order of project management”, it is necessary to fulfil required revisions in existing models and solutions, utilizing a novel comprehension and vision to the environment. The main aim of this article is proposing an appropriate method for industrial projects delivery which are planned and conducted in environmental complex situations (and especially high uncertainties as subsequent of situations). This study shows that usual Design and Build method (EPC/TK) – with maximum transferring of risks to contractor – does not satisfy executing large industrial projects, and it should be improved through correction of basics and application of innovative tools and techniques. Flexibility Increasing, sharing risk among parties, supporting problem solving approach, etc. in delivery method form the basis and ground for proposed Design and Build method in this article. This research has utilized a qualitative research methodology, incorporating the Grounded Theory method (of Glitzer’s emerging design type) to identify uncertainties, risks, and the proposed mechanisms for flexible Design and Build delivery method.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2021)

Research subject: One of the major problems we face with the growth of various industries around the world is the environmental pollution of heavy metals. One of the most toxic heavy metals that is problematic even at low concentrations is Cr (IV).
Research approach: In this study, the removal of this toxic heavy metal was investigated with high efficiency by UIO-66-MnFe2O4-TiO2 magnetic adsorbent. For this purpose, magnetic nanocomposite (UIO-66-MnFe2O4-TiO2) was synthesized based on metal-organic framework (MOF) for adsorption of Cr (IV). The choice of the hydrothermal method for the synthesis of UIO-66 in addition to its simplicity resulted in the production of pure and efficient UIO-66, which produced very high efficiency during the experiments. MnFe2O4 nanoparticles were used to magnetize the adsorbent. To increase the magnetic properties and increase the loading efficiency of the MnFe2O4 nanoparticles, TiO2 nanoparticles were used to increase the loading rate on the adsorbent. XRD, SEM, FT-IR, BET, VSM and EDX tests were used to the characterization of the adsorbent properties.
Main results: Effect of four effective variables during adsorption experiments such as adsorbent content (0.05 to 0.25 g), pH (2 to 6), adsorption time (15 to 75 min), initial metal ion concentration (200 to 1000 mg / l) at five levels (+2 to +2) were investigated using experimental design with response surface methodology (RSM) and central composite design (CCD). The best conditions were determined for the independent variables for the initial metal concentration of 552 mg /l. The optimum pH was obtained 4 during the experiment. Finally, the optimum values were achieved for adsorption parameters such as adsorption time and adsorbent amount were 42.3 min and 0.143 gr, respectively, and also the maximum adsorption rate was obtained 98%. Investigation of the adsorption isotherm kinetics showed that the pseudo-second-order model and Langmuir isotherm fit the Cr (IV) data well. After the adsorption process, the adsorbent can be removed from the environment by a magnetic field.


Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2021)

In this research, the possibility of asphaltene separation from the vacuum tower residue using the low cost industrial solvents such as 402, 404, 406, and 410 was investigated. In order to separate asphaltene the IP143/01 and ASTM D 3279-07 separation methods were utilized. In order to find the optimal state of asphaltene precipitation, Design of experiments software with three factors of residence time, the solvent-to-feed ratio and the volume percent of 406 solvent to the total solvent of 406 and 410 were used. The results showed that the effectiveness of each parameter in precipitating the asphaltene attributed to the ratio of solvent to feed, the ratio of solvent 406 to total solvent, and the residence time, respectively and there was a significant interaction between the basic parameters. The best asphaltene precipitation of 5.06% of 7.5% happens at the residence time of 36.97 hours, the ratio of solvent to feed of 35.95 ml/gr and the volume percent of 406 solvent to the total solvent of 27.20%. Asphaltene precipitation percentage for the optimal mixture of industrial solvents was 22.5% lower than the precipitated asphaltene from normal heptane solvent. However, according to the solvents price, industrial solvents (410 and 406) were approximately 50% cheaper than normal heptane, and hence on overall, there was a cost savings of more than 20%

Volume 4, Issue 4 (2-2024)

Problem :The design and form of the city in animation films and video games is one of the conceptual design elements that is formed to show the activity space of the characters and the place of events in the story world. Seeing the character in the space in which he acts leads to the recognition of both the characteristics of nature and identity. In this study, the urban design of the animated film Ralph Breaks the Internet is examined as a study example to identify and analyze the indicators of urban form in the interpretation of the film from the virtual space of the Internet and the video games Sugar Rush and Deadly Race.
Target: Therefore, the aim of the research is to know the indicators of urban design used in internet city spaces and games, so that their similarities and differences with realistic urban design for human life can be determined.
Method:A qualitative method with a descriptive-analytical approach was used in the implementation of the research. Also, the theories of Leo Brudy and Jenny Bavidage were taken into consideration in the study of the urban spaces of the games.
Findings:The findings of the research show that Internet City has transformative and disruptive capabilities according to its neighbourhoods, as well as Deadly Race with nostalgic/transformative capabilities and Sugar Rush are evaluated as nostalgic.
Result: In conclusion, considering that exaggeration and caricature are used in the conceptual design of the visual elements of the animation film, urban design in this work is an imaginary and exaggerated interpretation of the zero and one virtual space of the Internet, based on which the image of the Internet city is based on the moving image. It has been shown, while indicators such as physical elements, organization of urban arteries and infrastructures are designed based on responding to the needs of the characters and at the same time visual appeal to the audience, as well as the cultural and commercial goals of selling goods made from the elements and atmosphere of the film.

Volume 4, Issue 4 (2-2024)

Problem: The problem addressed in this research is the potential conflict between economic goals in urban branding and the long-term health of urban ecosystems. Specifically, there is concern that focusing solely on economic aspects in urban design may jeopardize the health of the urban ecosystem and lead to severe damage over time.
Target: The primary objective of this research is to develop an urban brand that prioritizes sustainability and enhances the health of the ecosystem within cities. The aim is to provide solutions for maintaining and strengthening social and environmental interactions through landscape design in urban green infrastructures.
Method: The research adopts an applicable-science approach with a descriptive-analytical method. Data collection is primarily library-based, focusing on gathering information about urban green infrastructure, particularly paths and spaces, and their role in fostering sustainability and social and environmental interactions.
Result: Based on the collected information, the research identifies the key components and principles of urban green infrastructure. The two major components are paths and spaces, which form the structure of green infrastructure. Additionally, the research outlines principles such as multi-functionality, communication, synchronization, process-oriented design, and strategic planning as fundamental to the development of sustainable urban branding through landscape design.

Mojtaba Hosein Niya Kolur, Farzan Sojoodi,
Volume 4, Issue 13 (12-2011)

According to the usual definitions of ambiguity and amphiboly in rhetorics, the origin of amphiboly and ambiguity lies in polysemic words and position and intention of the speaker are the distinctive factors in the respect. Questioning this distinction, co-text is introduced as the criterion of differentiating amphiboly from ambiguity and as a result of such discussion a definition is formed which is the base of the arguments of this paper. The concept of multiple signification is considered equal to the application of polysemic words and the stability of semantic ambiguity resulting from multiple signification, is considered as the required condition of considering a case as amphiboly. In search of the possibility of amphiboly in theater de-contextualization of situational contexts, possibility of negation of various signifieds in any of semiotic systems in theater and impossibility of formation of various signifieds in the mind are considered to be the limiting factors.

Volume 4, Issue 16 (9-2007)

Parsanasab (Gholam). M.,PH.D                                                
Examining the constituents of a literary work and disovering its governing rules helps us understand the text’s internal structures and identify its constituent parts. In this paper, I set to analyze the component parts of the Masnavi’s satires through a structural approach and show which one of these elements is more effective in building the satires. Furthermore, I will try to identify the main element or elements of the Masnavi satires’ grace so that we can determine which of the four dimensions of language, content, structure, and eloquence has been most influenced by Molavi’s satiric taste.

Volume 5, Issue 0 (0-2005)

Different methods exists for jamming mitigation and we should choose a method based an the jammer type and other parameters. One of the jammers is narrow band FM jammer and we use subspace projection techniques for the suppression of this type of jammer. In subspace projection technique, we estimate the IF of signals and construct the subspace vector that is orthogonal to jammer vector by increasing the number of antennas in the array; we enhance the performance of system. The subspace projection method was simulated in MATLAB and the receiver output SINR in several conditions was calculated. In the case of IF estimation error, the SINR of the system is reduced; in this condition the use of an antenna array will increase the performance of the system compared to a single antenna.

Volume 5, Issue 1 (5-2024)

Problem: This article unfolds a collective educational journey that while initially faced by serious doubts, ultimately received positive feedback from the students in an online urban design workshop.  During a rampant global pandemic, one of the two instructors communicating from overseas, who is experienced in teaching face-to-face courses, raised initial pedagogical concerns.
Aims: To remedy these, the two instructors dedicated the first part of the workshop to theorizing urban complexity.  Exposure to theory, while less common if not uncommon in design studios, removed the students’ initial misgivings.  Gaining student confidence boosted their spirit in crafting idiosyncratic interpretations based on personal memories, and paved the way toward assuming agency, and subsequently integrative learning.
Methods: This technique enabled students to connect discrete structural learning domains to produce more complicated outcomes, and by doing so experienced three states of mind.  Melting away initial doubts coincided with thematic arrangement.  Boosting confidence through conceptual connectivity and self-discovery, then, resulted in ebullience in designing through purposeful action.
Result: This article contributes to the scanty literature on coping mechanisms in the face of looming uncertainties both for students and instructors in teaching studios.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2014)

Analysis of signed biological networks has been an interest of some researchers in recent years. We consider communities and balanced clusters as two structural patterns that may reveal different structures in the networks. Although biological networks tend to structural balance, this study clarifies adhesive communities in some transcriptional networks of ecoli and yeast differ from the balanced clusters and have significantly more negative links in their structure. This difference may be used as an index in categorizing various systems' structure and function. Also we study the important role of the positive links between balanced clusters, even though the links between these clusters are mostly negative. Analyzing data of some Gene Regulatory Networks, shows that perturbing the genes located at these links, has a larger effect on the system and causes more distance from the initial equilibrium state. So, signed clustering and detecting the links between these clusters can be considered as an effective approach in detecting the functional units and the key components in the system. This can be useful in applications like gene targeting in drug synthesis.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2017)

Background: A design storm is a theoretical storm event based on rainfall intensities associated with frequency of occurrence and having a set duration. Estimating design storm via rainfall intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curves is important for hydrological planning of urban areas.
Material and Methods: The impact of changes in rainfall intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curves on flood properties in an urban area of Zanjan city was investigated, using Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). For the IDF curve generation, Sherman and Ghahreman-Abkhezr methods were compared.
Results: According to results, the estimated rainfall depth and, consequently the peak runoff rate for different return periods had decreased in the recent years, except for 2-year return period. Decrease in peak runoff rate was 30, 39, 41 and 42 percent for 5-10-20 and 50-year return periods, respectively. Based on the results, for peak runoff evaluated in 50-year return period using Sherman and Ghahreman-Abkhezr hyetograph, percent of flood that occurred before the peak runoff were 27 and 22 percent, respectively.
Discussion and Conclusion: Design rainfall hyetograph showed that Sherman method gave larger rainfall intensity compared to Ghahreman-Abkhezr method. Estimated peak and total runoff volume follow trend of rainfall intensity. As Ghahreman-Abkhezr method use longer and newer rainfall data for creating IDF curves, we can conclude that climate change cause change in rainfall characteristics. The runoff modeling show that main urban drainage system had enough transfer capacity against the flood condition, but survey information indicated several inundations in some flat areas, curbs and gutters. Inappropriate design and obstruction of the runoff paths via urban garbage and sediments are some parameters that could lead to such local inundation.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Description: City as a text and urban design as the language of text creation, the constructive dimensions of the city are categorized into two levels: superstructure and deep structure. The superstructure of the city is the result of mental and internal deep constructions. Superstructure has no meaning without regard to deep structure.
Purpose: The current research aims to extract the components that influence the language of the city pattern, and seeks to find out what are the deep structural components of the language of the urban design pattern?
Method: The research has been done by descriptive analytical method and library studies.
Findings: The superstructure patterns identified in the research are mass-space pattern, usage and function pattern, and view pattern. Also, the identified dimensions of deep structures were studied in this research and the independent variables of each dimension that affect the superstructure patterns were identified. In total, 24 independent variables were discovered from urban deep structures and 45 dependent variables were discovered from the set of superstructures.
Conclusion: The most important dimension shaping the settlement is the cultural dimension, followed by the environmental dimension. Also, some superstructure patterns are affected by several deep structure dimensions. The independent variables found in this research were presented in the form of a diagram as influencing components on the language of the urban design pattern. As a strategy, it is recommended that the components found in this research be given special attention as a framework for the final design as a guide for the steps from cognitive studies to the presentation of the plan.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Aims: Today, the use of artificial intelligence has grown significantly, and is developing as a new field. The main goal of this research is to know the capabilities of artificial intelligence in advancing the design and implementation process in the artificial environment. The practical goal of research is the development and application of the most important achievements of machine learning in the field of design.
Methods: The main research method is "meta-analysis" research in the paradigm of "free research" with a critical approach and basic design, which examines the general knowledge field of this field using broad techniques. Then, to consolidate the literature on the topic, through searching three reliable knowledge bases of this field, we collected articles related to machine learning in the fields of unsupervised learning methods, semi-supervised learning, and reinforcement learning; The most important capacities and shortcomings, and strengths and weaknesses are reviewed.
Findings: Quantitative findings from the combined data indicate that supervised machine learning and directed deep learning can be the best option to recommend in the future of design. While the learning process in deep learning is gradual and slower, supervised machine learning works faster in the testing phase.
Conclusion: The research emphasizes that supervised machine learning is the best option for predicting answers in the design process. But if, in addition to prediction, the issue of creativity in design is desired, deep learning is more efficient.

Volume 5, Issue 3 (10-2014)

A research on reference assignment points to two types of discourse-linked and non-discourse-linked referential status. To explain that whether or not the antecedent information previously existed in the discourse, this paper, by presenting testimonies and samples from the Persian language as well as using the Syntax-Discourse Model tries to determine that the reflexive and personal pronouns of Persian in some cases are discourse-linked. First, the paper introduces discourse-linked and non-discourse-linked referential status. Then, by comparing the Syntax-Discourse Model and Chomsky’s Binding Theory, the paper exemplifies cases to show that the Binding Theory not fruitful, at all, in explaining them  and hence, take up the principles of Syntax-Discourse Model to explained and proved them

Volume 5, Issue 3 (10-2015)

The establishment of new Isfahan by Shah Abbas was the climax of Safavid architecture. Isfahan wasn’t a new built Islamic city. Actually new capital was constructed beside the ancient city by safavid monarchs aimed to show the glory and Victory of Shiite Islam as opposed to Ottoman dynasty’s capital city. Safavid developed the city Space and added new urban areas to previous one , but new development was aimed to exhibit a great vision of Shiite capital that show both the religious belief and the power of Safavid Dynasty. The main part of new development is Naghsh e Jahan square as the greatest example of Persian Architecture in which the most important public buildings organized around the square: on one side stands the Shah›s mosque , on the other one the Shah›s oratory, called the mosque of Sheikh Lutfallah , opposite side, Ali Qapu royal pavilion that opens in behind onto a large pleasure walkway (Chahar Bagh) and the grand bazaar led to the old mosque on Fridays, the symbolic relationship of religion , government and trade as the various social Factors in public life. This urban square is the most significant and most elegant composition of Safavid world view and Isfahan School philosophical belief to combine the Mystical and religious aspects of human life with everyday life, as a representation of most important Islamic orders that reject the retreating of everyday life in order to worship god. Cooperation a large number of artists and philosophers Shaped one of the most significant periods of Iranian art and architecture in the Safavid capital and the architecture of Isfahan in Safavid era is an obvious sample that shows the close relationship between architecture and philosophy. Affected by thoughts of philosophical school of Isfahan, previous rules of architectural and urban design changed and the role of the audience in perception of space became more important than before. Probably in this period the pure Shiite architecture was represented in all levels, from urban space to architectural atmosphere and even architectural ornaments, but the most important innovation of Architectural design of this era was the enhancement of Audience role as a part of meaning making process of spaces. In other word, Isfahan Safavid Architecture participate persons with their spatial flow of Dynamic spaces to show and allow him to practice the metaphysical sense of Architectural concepts in various contexts from urban area to interior spaces. In this way, the form and space arrangement designed to fulfill the designer’s aim simultaneously. this paper focuses on the combination of form and spatial arrangement design in sheikh Lutfallah mosque how leads in to a new concept , in which not only the structure doesn’t comply with site limitation or inner architectural design necessities, but also the asymmetrical arrangement of dome and main portal contradict main Islamic design principles , in order to create a symmetrical that changes the audience usual mental / visual behavior to understand the building concept and right spatial flow of unusual interior design. Sheikh Lutfallah mosque was the first structure constructed in the new Isfahan. Around the mihrab are the names of the Twelve Shi’i Imams, and the inscription contains the names of Shaykh Lutfallah, Ostad Muahmmad Reza Isfahani (the engineer), and Baqir al- Banai (the calligrapher who wrote it). Its construction stretched over sixteen long years. Mihrab date’s show that it was completed around 1618. The plan of this mosque is rather unusual , compared with the Shah Mosque, the design of the Sheikh Lutf Allah Mosque is quite simple. There is no courtyard and there are no interior iwans. The building itself consists of a flattened dome resting on a square dome chamber. Though, in contranst to the simple structure of this mosque, the decoration of both interior and exterior is exceedingly complex, and in its construction the finest materials were used and the most talented craftsmen employed. Ali Reza Abbasi, the leading calligrapher at the court of Shah Abbas , has decorated the entrance, above the door , with majestic inscriptions with the names and titles of Shah Abbas, the Husayni and the Musavi, that is , the descendants of Imams Husayn and Musa.The inscriptions of the Mosque reflect matters that were preoccupying the shah around the time it was built ; namely the need to define Twelver Shiism. In Sheikh Lutfallah Mosque , the emphasis on the role of theaudience and his participation in process of perception of space seems that has been done by creating a dynamic equilibrium method. Placement of the dome and portico of this mosque, Is such that the audience faces from the beginning with a series of interconnected perceptions linked so makes it possible to detect the concept of interior space within the outdoor area. This study tries to show how this continual perception process designed to shape the audience perception to understand the building as continuity. Article tries to show the role of dynamic equilibrium visual perception of outdoor form of building and inner spaces to create this sense and how the asymmetrical placement of dome in relation to mosque portal creates that. Research used descriptive –analytical method and library resources , to show the reasoning process of this different architectural design as a case study that changes the lateral symmetry and static equilibrium design as a dominant rule in Persian architecture to create a special relationship between audience and building in Shah Abbas’ private mosque as an important building of Isfahan school of Safavid architecture. Results shows that environmental constraints and square master plan don’t play any role in shaping the mosque plan and the designers have a clear goal to change it to achieve their special spatial and visual structure they intend derived from views of philosophy school of Isfahan. The buildings in whole, is such that audience as subject, be faced with a set of continual dynamic equilibrium that shapes audience perceptions so he would become part of process that create the meaning of space.

Volume 5, Issue 4 (4-2021)

Research subject: Nowadays, due to the prevalence of coronavirus and the increasing use of disinfectant solutions and gels, the use of glycerin has also increased dramatically. But the suggested processes in this field need to be optimized in terms of production and energy consumption.

Research approach: In this paper, the transesterification method has studied and simulated, during which vegetable oil is converted into biofuel, and glycerin is also produced as a by-product of this process. For this purpose, process simulation of a conventional unit with 5.5 m3/min feed has been done in Hysys. Also, due to the importance of equipping the transesterification reactor, by importing the necessary process information, this equipment has been simulated in COMSOL MultiPhysics and the effective parameters have been studied in order to optimize the of product conversion. After validation of model, to better understand the factors affecting the performance of the transesterification reactor, the effect of selected parameters first examined by one-variable at the time design of experiment approach.
Main result: Finally, it has been shown that the feed temperature and the flowrate both have significance impact on quantity and quality of product and while providing a model for calculating the amount of glycerol produced per unit of energy consumed, the effective parameters are optimized by the response surface method. In optimal conditions of the ratio of product production to energy consumption, the temperature value was 470.7 K and the feed flow rate was 0.586 m3/s. According to the gained results, it can be obtained by adjusting the flow rate in the optimal amount, using a preheater in the production processes of biofuels and glycerin can have a significant effect on the amount of products produced so that the optimal temperature for the output of this preheater is at least 470.7 K should be considered. In the current research an optimization scheme has been suggested which can be used for different Biodiesel-Glycerol production units with varies range of flowrate.

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