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Volume 20, Issue 4 (11-2020)
In structural monitoring, modal parameters extracted from vibration data are commonly used to gain some information about the condition of bridges. However, even small amount of uncertainty in extracted modal parameters has a considerable erroneous impact on different processes of structural monitoring, including structural model updating and damage detection. Accordingly, in this research effects of different data processing methods and types of vibration tests such as ambient vibration and free vibration, on extracted modal parameters, have been studied. In this regard, four methods including Covariance based Stochastic Subspace Identification (Cov-SSI), Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA), Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD), and Analytical Mode Decomposition - Hilbert (AMD-Hilbert) have been used to estimate modal parameters. SSI and ERA are parametric methods in time domain in which mathematical bases are similar. FDD and AMD-Hilbert are non-parametric methods which work in frequency and time-frequency domain, respectively. SSI and FDD methods were used for ambient vibration test data and ERA was used for free vibration test records, while AMD-Hilbert method was applied for both free and ambient vibration data. In this article, vibration data of six points were measured from a girder of Gisha Bridge using three Molecular-electronic seismometer sensors, roved in three different setups. One sensor was chosen as reference and its position was fixed among different setups. Data of this sensor were later used for merging different setups results. Therefore, to extract modal parameters multi-setup merging approaches were inevitably used. The measurements were done in vertical direction which leads to identifying vertical bending modes. Ambient vibration responses were measured while the bridge was excited by wind and traffic under the bridge. Free vibration responses were measured after making an impact on the girder. Two approaches were considered for merging. In the first approach setups were analyzed separately and their final results were combined together and in the second one, merging was done before the process of system identification which eliminates any need to analyze multiple times. A numerical model was also simulated to compare with the field results. Filtering of the recorded data was done before beginning of the system identification process to remove the drift and sudden changes in the signals. Data processing on ambient vibration responses resulted in the first three vertical bending modes which are compatible among all methods, to some extent. In addition, the first two vertical bending modes were identified from free vibration data. Similarity of the mode shapes between different methods were assessed using MAC criterion. Compatible results between these two types of test and numerical model, verifies the results. It is seen that FDD and SSI methods obtained more stable and reliable modal parameters among different setups. Results indicate more modes were identified for ambient vibration data compared to free vibration data. Since, in free response of the structure the first modes are more dominant, lower number of modes could be identified. Considering the non-stationary condition of the conducted vibration tests, the results indicate that the post-processing multi-setup merging approach works better than the pre-processing multi-setup merging approach.
Volume 20, Issue 5 (5-2020)
Sheet metal clinching process is a forming-based method for joining sheet metal parts. To ensure sufficient joint strength, it is necessary to design the forming tool optimally. This paper deals with numerical and experimental study of the clinching process of steel sheets of dissimilar thicknesses using a fixed die in order to optimize the geometric parameters of the clinching tool. In this study, using the orthogonal experimental design (OED) method and finite element analysis in Abaqus software, the important input parameters of tool design including punch radius RP, die cavity depth Pm, die groove width Lm and punch face angle PBA were optimized in order to achieve the highest clinch strength F as the target variable. The upper and lower sheets used in this study are 1.5 and 2 mm in thickness, respectively, and made of DX51D galvanized steel, manufactured according to EN10346/00 by Mobarakeh Steel Company. After running the experiments designed based on the OED in the computer, the optimal values of RP= 2.6mm, Pm= 1.4mm, Lm= 1.2mm and PBA= 1° and F= 2319N were obtained. Next, a clinched joint tool was designed and fabricated based on the optimum geometric parameters. The evaluation and comparison of clinch geometry and tensile strength obtained from optimum design simulation and the experimental counterparts demonstrated very close correlations.
Volume 20, Issue 6 (6-2020)
The goal of this paper is to design an online control interface for knee prosthesis based on the electromyography (EMG) signals of active thigh muscles. According to the time dependent nature of electromyography signals, translating such signals into precise commands in practical applications is a challenge for scientists. First stage for designing an online control interface is to design and implement a test setup for examining the proposed online control interface. To serve this purpose, active knee prosthesis is designed and manufactured using an elastic actuator mechanism. In order to measure the EMG signals, active muscles were detected based on the fundamental of muscles anatomy. In the second stage, filtering and data segmentation were utilized for electromyography signals smoothing, decreasing noises and reducing signal dimensions. Furthermore, time-delay neural network was used in order to map time domain features of EMG signals onto kinematic variables of knee joint. The angle and angular velocity of knee joint were estimated with accuracy of 0.85 (R2) for two locomotion modes including non-weight bearing and ground level walking. To implement online estimation of angular position, time domain features and neural network with 50 hidden layer’s neurons and 2 seconds time delay were used. Finally, online angular position estimation of knee joint was implemented on the designed test setup and results confirm proper tracking of online control interface.
Volume 20, Issue 8 (8-2020)
The present study investigates the influence of three different microstructure features including volume fraction of α phase (A), thickness of α phase (B), and aspect ratio of primary α (C) on tensile properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloy, by response surface methodology with central composite design (CCD). The experimental data required for the design of experiment (DOE) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) is predicted using the artificial neural network (ANN). First using the experimental data of other researchers, the ANN with two hidden layers by the error propagation algorithm was trained. The main objective of this study is to compare the two feedforward and feedback neural networks in as well as examine the influence of microstructure on the mechanical properties of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy. The results showed that the feedback neural network has higher accuracy than the feedforward neural network to predict the values of yield strength and elongation. Besides, according to ANOVA and response surface method, C, B2, AB2, and A2C factors and A, C, B2, BC, and A2B factors have more significant effects on yield strength and elongation in Ti-6Al-4V alloy, respectively.
Volume 20, Issue 135 (4-2023)
Phospholipases are important groups of enzyme with wide applications in various industries. In this study, two-step optimization including Plackett-Burman screening design and response surface methodology (RSM) optimization were done with the goal of higher production level of phospholipase by selected mutant strains of Trichoderma atroviride sp.ZB-ZH292. First step was done by screening and evaluation of seven factors affecting the enzyme activity and biomass production by selected mutant, using Plackett-Burman design at two levels each namely temperature, time, amount of soybean phospholipids (as a carbon source), peptone level (as nitrogen source), equal ratio of mono and di-potassium hydrogen phosphate (as phosphorus source), seed size, and seed age. According to the result of screening design, incubation time (P<0.01), incubation temperature (P<0.01), and soybean phospholipids as a carbon source (P<0.05), had significant effect on the enzyme activity, so they were selected and used as independent variables in central composite design (CCD) under response surface methodology (RSM). In the analysis of 20 experimental runs, the effects of three independent variables including incubation temperature (20-30 °C), incubation time (3-5 day), and phospholipid concentration (3-9%) were evaluated on phospholipase activity. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the optimum values of soybean phospholipid, incubation temperature and incubation time were 4.32%, 29.73°C, and 101.76 h, respectively. At this optimum point, the phospholipase activity was found to be 3.57 (U/ml) which is in good agreement with the predicted value (3.56 (U/ml)) by the model.
Volume 20, Issue 138 (8-2023)
Pomegranate peel could have medicinal or industrial applications, however, is consideredan agro-industrial residue.The present study aimed to investigate the replacement effect of pomegranate peel extract (PPE) with water (0-12%) and tomato pomace powder (TPP) with cake flour (0-10%) on the physicochemical (moisture content, dough density, acidity, and color), phytochemical (total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity), textural, and sensory properties of sponge cake based on combined (mixture-mixture) design. The obtained results showed that replacing TPP with cake flour increased dough density. Replacing TPP with cake flour and PPE with water darkened the color of the crumb. The moisture content of the samples decreased with the replacement of TPP and PPE. Increasing the level of TPP and PPE resulted in increased total phenol and antioxidant capacity. Substitution of PPE and TPP increased the acidity of samples on 1st day of baking. However, PPE decreased the acidity of samples compared to the control ones during storage time (7th day). The energy and hardness of samples with the incorporation of TPP up to 6% increased but at high levels (>6%) decreased. The results of the sensory evaluation showed that incorporation of TPP and PPE decreased the overall acceptability score of samples (p<0.05). However, the overall acceptance of all samples was higher than the acceptable limit (>3.7). According to the sensory results, replacing 6% TPP with cake flour with 7% PPE instead of water in sponge cake formulation produced a high nutritional value product with the same sensory characteristics as the control ones.
Volume 20, Issue 140 (10-2023)
The present study aimed to investigate acorn flour (0-30%) and acorn syrup (0-100%) substitutions with wheat flour (cake flour) and sugar respectively on the properties of sponge cake based on combined design. The results showed that replacing acorn flour (AF) with wheat flour increased the dough density and baking loss% and decreased cohesiveness, lightness (L*), and redness (a*). Incorporating acorn syrup darkened the color of the crust. The Moisture content and specific volume were not affected by the replacement of flour and syrup of acorn. Addition of the acorn flour and acorn syrup enhanced water activity, firmness, chewiness, and diminished springiness. Sensory evaluation showed that with the replacement of acorn syrup, the overall acceptability of samples decreased, but acorn flour had no significant effect on it. According to the optimization results, it is suggested to substitute 11% acorn flour along with 25% or 45% acorn syrup to produce a high nutritional product with desirable textural and sensory characteristics.
Volume 21, Issue 1 (3-2021)
Damage occurrence is always inevitable in structures. So far, many examples of damage types in engineering structures have been recorded with many losses of human and financial. For this reason, the detecting of structural damages during its exploitation to provide safety with the lowest cost has been the subject of many researchers in the last two decades. In this regard, the wavelet transform is a powerful mathematical tool for signal processing, has attracted the attention of many researchers in the field of health monitoring of structures. Wavelets are a combination of a family of basic functions that are capable of detecting signals in the time (or location) and frequency (or scale) range. In fact, wavelet transform is based on the principle that any signal can be transformed into a set of local functions called wavelets. Any local feature of a signal can be analyzed using the corresponding wavelet functions. The wavelet transforms to the singularities points in the signals are sensitive and can be used to detect abrupt changes in modes, which often indicate damage. In this study, free vibrations of a four-story building with specified boundary conditions have been investigated and monitored the health of the building basis on experimental results using the continuous wavelet analytical method are studied and the damage that may occur in these structures has been evaluated and analyzed. Building modeling is done in finite element software using the sandwich model. In this four-story building, eight-layer sandwich panel (polystyrene, concrete, steel, concrete) is used symmetrically. The fourteen natural frequencies of the sandwich structure were compared with the experimental model. and the main modes of the structure obtained to influence the health of the structure. An error of less than 2.5% reveals a good match between the results of the two models. Changes in the values of natural frequencies and also the inconsistency of the modes shape، based on Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC) and the angle between modes of shape confirm the damage of the structure. Precast panel health monitoring results show that based on the experimental results, the damage location using the coif5 function with scale parameter 8 has been successfully identified and shows a higher perturbation of the coefficients at the damage locations than the other functions. Thus, the relative maximum and minimum jumps in the wavelet coefficients occurred at the location of the damage and considering the maximum or minimum wavelet coefficients generated at the damage location as the center of damage, the damage center can be identified with an error of less than 8%. The disturbance of the wavelet coefficients of each of the damage locations are independent of the other damage locations with different intensities. Also, the effect of higher modes is more pronounced in the damage intensity index as in the torsional modes of the structure, the maximum wavelet coefficients are greater and the intensity of the damage is increased. In addition, in the process of reducing the structural stiffness, the first and second stories play a more important role, and around the openings are the critical points of the structure.
Volume 21, Issue 4 (3-2021)
Volume 21, Issue 6 (12-2021)
A vital stage in oil refining is elimination of hydrogen sulfide, which is done by means of sodium hydroxide solution in petrochemical industries, leaving a spent caustic soda (NaOH solution) as the product. In the process, hazardous gases react with sodium hydroxide and hydrogen sulfide solutions and Thiol compounds to form a rich brown to nearly black effluent demonstrating the fragrant toxic components such as methanethiol, enzene, toluene and phenol. Despite all these odorous noxious organosulfur compounds, spent caustic soda leads to environmental problems due to its alkalinity (pH>12), salinity (5-12 wt.%) and high sulfide content (1-4 wt.%). Spent NaOH was registered as industrial dangerous waste in resource conservation and recovery act law. Inefficient and inappropriate management in spent NaOH treatment and disposal causes stability challenges, reduction in energy resources and water security attenuation. Techniques for spent caustics treatment have been neutralization with acid, wet air oxidation, combination of neutralization and Fenton (i.e. electro-Fenton), biologic treatment and ignition each of which would face some limitations. In recent decades, electrocoagulation (EC) has engrossed much attention as an Environmental-friendly and effective process. In addition, the EC process is a potential suitable way for treatment of wastewater with a view to costs and environment. Furthermore, EC offers further advantages as simple operation facilities, small occupying area, dispensability of chemical additives and short treatment time. EC often consists of anodes and DC cathodes a part of which are immersed in wastewater container. Shape, number and configuration of electrodes may be different but rectangular types are preferred. The widespread anodes are iron and aluminum based for their availability, reasonable cost and harmless media. In electrocoagulation, electrolysis takes place to dissolve metal anode (sacrificial electrode) in wastewater. Metal ion flow from sacrificial electrode as coagulant surrounds wastewater particles. After release of Al3+ and Fe2+, the ions react with hydroxide groups and metal hydroxides turn to insoluble agglomerates able to trap contaminants and increase particle size by complexation of electrostatic attraction. In addition, hydrogen gas produced in cathode, allows agglomerates to float on surface. The object of this study is electrochemical evaluation of COD removal from refinery wastewater, specifically refinery spent caustic, using iron and aluminium (anode) and graphite (cathode) electrodes. Therefore, the effect of key variables including electrode arrangement (bipolar-serie, monopolar-serie and monopolar-parallel), anode electrode material (iron and aluminium), using pierced anode electrode and cathode graphitem initial pH (7-11), electrolysis time (0 to 120 minute), current density (15.6 to 28.125 mA/cm2) was evaluated. The three parameters of current density, electrolysis time and initial pH has been modeled with design expert software with response surface method (RSM) and central composite design (CCD). Impact of other variables has been investigated with single parameter method. According to the results, the optimum conditions including, parallel mono-polar electrode arrangement, aluminium electrode has been achieved. In designing experiments in accordance with the model provided by the software, quadratic analysis design with R2=0.96 had a high accuracy in designing the experiment. According to the model analysis and laboratory work, optimum electrolysis time was 116 min, current density was 25 mA/cm2 and initial pH=8 reached COD removal percentage of 85.1% in vitro and 88.9% for model.
Volume 21, Issue 8 (8-2021)
To minimize the cost of maintenance and repair of rotating industrial equipment, one of the methods used is condition monitoring by sound analysis. This study was performed to diagnose the fault of a single-phase electric motor through machine learning method aiming to monitor its situation by sound analysis. Test conditions included healthy state, bearing failure, shaft imbalance and shaft wear at two speeds of 500 and 1400 rpm. A microphone was installed on the electric motor to record data. After data acquisition, signal processing and statistical analysis, the best characteristics were selected by PCA method and then the data were clustered by machine learning method and K mean algorithm. These features used in the ANFIS modeling process were common features selected in both electromotor speed situations. After evaluating the models, the best model had the highest accuracy value of 96.82%. The average accuracy was 96.71% for overall fault classification. The results showed that the analysis of acoustic signals and modeling process can be used to diagnose electromotor defects by machine learning method. Based on the obtained results, condition monitoring of the electromotor through acoustic analysis reduces its stop and continues its work process in the industry. The repair costs of the electromotor are reduced by its proper condition monitoring.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (6-2018)
One of the most important goals moving toward banks customer satisfaction is reducing waiting time in branches. Banks are queuing system including that long queues of customers will cause Increase customer waiting time and decrease satisfaction. One of the effective solution for reducing waiting time is optimizing number of service personnel in each sector which in addition to reduce the waiting time, it has increases employee engagement. In this paper, simulation and experimental design method has been applied to this topic. This paper is developing a model with two objectives; Minimizing customer wait times and maximizing working time of employees. First, the current status of MELLI bank branches is simulated by ED, then Improvement scenarios is implemented by DOE methods and finally model is solved by design-expert software. The results show that most favorable option is one electronic and clear employee and five Cashiers employees. Using this method resulted in reduced waiting time by 32 percent.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (5-2018)
The globalization of economic exchanges has led to different ways of securing transactions, among which the collateral instrument that is the cause of American rights. Although major international exchanges are based on sample contracts, and in practice private international law is fading, the determination of the law governing the contract is still one of the legal concerns of international trade. The principle of the will to determine the law governing the contract is fully accepted. However, it is probable that the contract for the selection of the law will be postponed for various reasons. This has led to the establishment of the closest relationship to determining the law. And in the recent regulations, both within the European ::::::union:::::: and in the US legal system, it is well-documented. The theory has grown to such an extent that it is sometimes regarded as exceptional to the principle of sovereignty of will. It is inevitable to set precise criteria for the abovementioned criteria, in particular in relation to the contractual certainty, which are discussed in the forthcoming article in the context of specific regulations in the field of bail-out transactions.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (3-2022)
Due to the significant advantages of the performance-based seismic design method, such as the possibility of determining the possible damage and financial and human losses of residents and neighbors of the structure, this method has been widely welcomed. However, since this method requires more sophisticated analysis than conventional force methods, sometimes the simple force method is preferred by some professional engineers. The main purpose of this article is to combine the two methods of force-based and performance-based and to develop a hybrid method in order to use the advantages of both this regard, frames with 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 20 story with 3 bays with a width of 5 meters have been considered. The length of the link beam is defined as another parameter affecting the response, 1, 1.75 and 2.50 meters. The studied models have been developed by designing the method of load and resistance factor design method, for 3 performance levels of immediate occupancy, life safety and collapse prevention, as well as the first occurrence of the plastic joint. The final models are analyzed under 20 pulse-type near-fault records using time history analysis. To generate the expected database, 12,960 time history analyzes were performed based on an incremental dynamic analysis platform. In this regard, a unique frame is continuously and repeatedly affected by a single accelerometer by multiplying the accelerometer by an SF coefficient. In each iteration, the maximum displacement in the frame is compared to the target range of ASCE41-13 code. The analysis operation is continued until the expected numbers are reached and then stopped. For each of the frames, 4 different acceptance levels are defined to consider different performance levels. Finally, using the genetic algorithm, the corresponding experimental relationships are presented to determine the behavior factor, local and global ductility. The proposed relationships are influenced by geometric characteristics such as the number of stories, the stiffness ratio of the columns, the slenderness of the braces, the length of the beam and the ductility levels. The first ambiguous issue that has been less mentioned in previous research is the use of near-fault field records in the development of a hybrid functional seismic design method. After generating 12960 data from an innovative time history analysis, two intelligent adaptive neural-fuzzy models have been used to calculate the coefficient of behavior and ductility of the structure. In order to create the best and most accurate model, Fuzzy C-Mean clustering (FCM) and Subtracting clustering methods have been used. Based on the results, the model created based on Subtracting clustering provides more accurate results than the other model. The results of hybrid seismic design in comparison with the force method and equivalent time history show the acceptable accuracy of the method introduced in the field of hypotheses. The obvious advantage of using a hybrid seismic design method compared to force methods is the possibility of selecting an expected performance level, which leads to design control and more accurate estimation of response values of quantities such as global ductility, local ductility, inter-story drift
Volume 22, Issue 2 (4-2015)
With the formation of local and national governments during the 3rd-5th centuries A.H. [9th - 11th A.D.], the circumstances were prepared for adaption and recreating cultural and artistic traditions of Sassanid period. In this regard, Samanid governors played a key role. Amir Ismail Samanid came up with a style which became a pattern for numerous mausoleums and on the other hand connected the architectural elements and designs of Sassanids with the Islamic era. The Mausoleum of Amir Ismail Samanid itself shows how the Sassanid architectural elements appear in a new format. Both the design and construction of this building appears to have been carried out objectively, and Amir Samanid had somehow intended to follow the Sassanid dynasty. Studying the architectural elements and features of the Ismail Samanids Mausoleum as well as adaptions from the Sassanid architecture, and also its historical and cultural contexts (the revival of Iranian identity and returning to the traditions of Sassanian, during the 3rd – 5th centuries A.H.) are the main objectives of the present paper.
Volume 22, Issue 3 (7-2015)
Jihadi management is a set of features along with managerial scientific structure and revolutionary and Velayati values to make a very strong driving force for the country to pass crises. Concerning its importance, present paper identifies the traits of Jihadi management in improving managers’ performance.
Current study is a survey for which a questionnaire is used to gather data. To realize research aims, 384 middle and operational managers in companies and organizations in Tehran were considered as sample. Structural equation modeling (SEM) and confirmatory factors analysis (CFA) as well as LISREL and SPSS software packages were used to analyze data and to test research hypotheses and model. Research findings indicate significant impact by Jihadi traits such as “managers’ strong and good associations with employees”, “managers’ accountability and responsibility”, “obligation to commitments” , “authentication in affairs”, “designations” and “meritocracy” on managers’ performance.
Volume 22, Issue 4 (6-2020)
In this simulation study, Mate Allocation (MA) strategy using combined genomic-pedigree information was compared with Random Mating (RM) aiming at controlling the level of inbreeding (ΔF) with minimum impacts on the amounts of Genetic Gain (ΔG) in poultry breeding programs. Five equally-sized subpopulations of chickens (P1 to P5) were simulated. A genome encompassing five chromosomes involving 15,000 bi-allelic markers was defined for each bird. Potentially, 500 QTL impacted a trait, which had a heritability of 0.1. Only pedigree information was assumed to be available in P1 while the percent of genotyped birds were 10% in P2, 20% in P3, and 50% in P4 and P5. Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) were computed using the traditional approach (PBLUP) and the Single-Step method (SSGBLUP). In P5, early predictions were applied to estimate GEBVs. Comparisons were made based on the reductions in ΔF and changes in ΔG between two mating scenarios and two evaluation methods within and across subpopulations, respectively. After seven generations, MA resulted in 20 to 30% less ΔF within subpopulations compared with RM with negligible impacts on ΔG. Furthermore, in both mating scenarios, SSGBLUP brought about 11 to 61% less ΔF compared to PBLUP across subpopulations. Results indicated that the benefits of using combined genomic-pedigree relationships could be more than improving the accuracy of EBVs through the SSGBLUP as they can also be used in mating designs to restrict ΔF with a minimum impact on ΔG. Also, this study verified that SSGBLUP could bring about lower ΔF compared with PBLUP.
Volume 22, Issue 4 (7-2022)
Tubular members, due to their convenient equipment installation and high-strength performance, are widely applied in the support system of offshore platforms such as jack-ups and jackets. In most steel tubular structures; the circular hollow section (CHS) members are mainly joined using welding. Commonly, one or more braces are welded directly onto the surface of a chord member to form that so named welded connection. So far, some techniques to improve the performance of tubular connections have been proposed. Most of these methods (e.g., internal ring, doubler plate) can only be used for structures during the design, but there are only a few techniques (e.g., outer ring, FRP) which can be applied during both fabrication and service. This paper studies the static strength of CHS X-joints reinforced with external ring subjected to axially tensile load. The SOLID186 in ANSYS version 21 was used to establish the finite element (FE) models of the tubular X-joints. Validation of the FE model with experimental data showed that the present FE model can accurately predict the static behavior of the external-ring stiffened and un-stiffened tubular X-joints under tension. Afterwards, 143 FE models were generated and analyzed to investigate the effect of the joint geometry and the external ring size on the ultimate strength, failure mechanisms, and initial stiffness through a parametric study. In these models, both geometric and material non-linearity were considered. Moreover, the welds joining the chord and brace members were modeled. Results indicated that the ultimate strength of the ring stiffened X-joints under brace tension can be up to 289% that of the ultimate strength of the corresponding un-stiffened joint. Also, the increase of the β (the ratio of the brace diameter to chord diameter) results in the increase of the ultimate strength and initial stiffens (in a fixed chord diameter). Because, the increase of the β leads to the increase of the brace diameter. The increase of this member results in the increase of the joints stiffness. In addition, the decrease of the γ (the ratio of the chord radius to chord thickness) leads to the remarkable increase of the ultimate strength. Also, the increase of the τ (the ratio of the brace to chord thickness) leads to the increase of the ultimate strength (in a fixed chord thickness). However, it is not remarkable. Moreover, the comparison between failure modes of reinforced and un-reinforced joints showed that the ring can significantly improve the failure mechanisms. Also, the ring can remarkably increase the initial stiffness. Despite this significant difference between the ultimate strength, failure mode, and initial stiffness of unreinforced and ring reinforced X-joints under brace tension, the investigations on this type of the reinforced joints have been limited to only three X-joint tests. Also, no design equation is available to determine the ultimate strength of X-joints reinforced with the external ring. Therefore, the geometrically parametric study was followed by the nonlinear regression analysis to develop an ultimate strength parametric formula for the static design of ring stiffened X-joints subjected to brace tension. The proposed formula was evaluated based on the UK DoE acceptance standard.
Volume 22, Issue 8 (8-2022)
Due to the importance of the joints in the pressurized instruments and the abilities of the laser welding in this study, the welding of AISI316L tubes have been studied and analyzed. In this regard a fixture has been drawn in order to positioning of the tubes and fixed on the welding desk. The welding input parameters includes the laser welding adjusting variables, includes (welding current, welding pulse width, and welding frequency). Moreover, the effect of the two other variables (rotating speed and the force applied to the welding seam) has also been studied. The welding output characteristics comprises the welding width, depth of penetration and welding strength. The experimental data has been collected using L27 Taguchi design. The relation between the process input variables and output characteristics has been established using different regression models. Based on the analysis of variance (ANOVA) results, pulse width and welding current with 70% contribution have an influential effect on all the three response characteristics. Moreover, the seam force has only the influential effect on the depth of penetration and strength. Next, in optimization step based on the importance of the process characteristics (strength, depth of penetration, welding width), the optimized levels have been determined. At the end, the optimized condition has been conducted using laser welding, in comparison of which the samples in the design matrix, the welding depth has a close relation with the thickness of the wall, the welding boundaries smother and the strength has a close value to the base metal.
Volume 22, Issue 10 (10-2022)
Electrochemical discharge machining (ECDM) is a novel non-conventional micro-machining method that can be applied to machining hard, brittle and non-conductive materials such as glass and ceramic. Due to the hardness and brittleness of mentioned materials, the application of conventional machining is associated with serious technical problems. In this article, the machining process was performed in two steps, and hole depth is considered as the main machining output. The obtained results of the new method are compared to single pass micro-drilling (a common micro-drilling process). The achieved results indicated that depth improvements of 36% and 70% were obtained for voltages of 33 and 38V. Also, by increasing the diameter difference, a deeper hole can be achieved.