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Volume 13, Issue 6 (3-2022)

In the present research word order has been used to determine the type of Eastern Armenian Language in comparison to the groups of “Eurasian” and “world” languages based on Dryer's (1992) Branching Direction Theory. Dryer (1992), has introduced 23 correlation pairs as verb-patterned and object-patterned, to determine the word order in languages. He has argued against Greenberg's (1963) “Head-Dependent Theory” and by presenting “Branching Direction Theory” has concluded that the word order correlations reflect a tendency for languages to be consistently right-branching or consistently left-branching. The main question here is to investigate the belonging of Eastern Armenian language to the OV or VO language types, in comparison to “Eurasian” as well as “world languages”. In achieving the research goals, 19 valid correlation pairs have been analyzed within the collected data. The results show that Eastern Armenian language in comparison to group of “Eurasian” languages has 14 characteristics of strong OV languages and 15 characteristics of strong VO languages, hence, it has a tendency to VO languages; In case of its comparison to the group of “world languages” it has 14 characteristics of strong OV languages and 14 characteristics of strong VO languages, hence, it has a tendency to both OV and VO languages. Furthermore, it illustrates that despite Dryer's (1992) claim, the Eastern Armenian language does not have tendency to be classified consistently in a left-branching or right-branching type. Based on these, the median type could be considered as an independent type for Eastern Armenian language.
1. Introduction
One of the most important topics in language typology is the study of word order in languages. Dreyer is among the most well known linguists in this field. He (1992) has introduced 23 correlation pairs as verb-patterned and object-patterned, to determine the word order in languages and by presenting “Branching Direction Theory” he has concluded that the word order correlations reflect a tendency for languages to be consistently right-branching or consistently left-branching. The main question here is to investigate the belonging of Eastern Armenian Language to the OV or VO language types, in comparison to “Eurasian” as well as “world languages”.

2. Literature Review
The question of whether the basic word order in Eastern Armenian is OV or VO is a matter of controversy. Many descriptive and typological studies consider it to be a SOV language (Der-Houssikian, 1978; Dryer, 1998; Dum-Tragut, 2002; Howkins, 1979; Hawkins, 1983; Kozentseva, 1995; Minassian, 1980). The studies based on the generative grammar have placed it in group of SOV languages, considering that it is head final, therefore SVO order is considered as the result of movement (Hodgson, 2013; Giorgi & Haroutyunian, 2016; Kahnemuyipour & Megerdoomian, 2011; Tamrazian, 1991; Tamrazian, 1994). Some studies have placed it the median type between OV and VO (Dum-Tragut, 2009; Dryer, 2013 in WALS). Other grammarian believe that SVO is its basic order (Abrahamyan, 1975; Arakelyan, 1958; Badikyan, 1976; Papoyan & Badikyan, 2003). Faghiri and Samvelian (2019) show that the distribution of SVO order is too high to qualify as a marked option.

3. Methodology
As a descriptive-analytical study, the main data collection of the present research has been provided by the first author as a native Eastern Armenian speaker in the form of sentences, clauses and phrases in Eastern Armenian. In addition the gathered data has been asked from 15 other Iranian-Armenian speakers and have been compared to the examples of Avetisyan and Zakaryan (2012).

4. Results
The results show that 4 out of 23 correlation pairs do not apply in Eastern Armenian which are as follows: 1. adpositional phrases and manner adverbs, 2. order of verb and negative particle, 3. order of content verb and negative auxiliary verb and 4. order of plural word and noun.
The 19 correlation pairs which are used in this study are 1. adposition and NP, 2. N and Relative clause, 3. noun and genitive, 4. adjective and standard of comparison, 5. verb and adpositional phrase, 6. verb and manner adverb, 7. copula and predicate, 8. "want" and subordinate verb, 9. noun and adjective, 10. noun and demonstrative, 11. adjective and intensifier, 12. tense/aspect auxiliary and verb, 13. question particle and sentence, 14. adverbial subordinator and S, 15. noun and article, 16. verb and subject, 17. numeral and noun, 18. tense/aspect affix and verb stem, 19. possessive affix and noun.     
There are two differences between results of present research in compared to Wals data. The first difference is about adposition. Examples 1 to 4 respectively show that Eastern Armenian has pretposition, postposition and adpositions which used as both preposition and postposition.
Example 1. preposition
ARA-n gn-AtsH depi tun
Ara-DEF go-3SG.PAST to home
"Ara went home."
Example 2. postposition
ARA-n siRAn-i pHoxARen kARtH-AtsH
Ara-DEF Siran-ezafe instead of read-3SG.PAST
"Ara read instead of Siran."
Example 3. preposition
bAtsHi ARAj-itsH mARtH tSH-kA-R
but Ara-ABL person  NEG-be-3SG.PAST
"There was no one but Ara."
Example 4. postposition
ARAj-itsH batsHi mARtH tSH-kA-R
Ara-ABL But Person NEG-be-3SG.PAST
"There was no one but Ara."
The second difference is about question particle which could be placed at the beginning, middle or end of the sentence. Alternatively, the sentence can be used without question particle. Examples 5 to 8 show the position of question particle while example 9 represents a sentence without question particle.
Example 5.
ARtHjokH du indz siR-um     es
Q-marker You Me like-PROG 2SG.PRES.AUX
"Do you like me?"
Example 6.
du ARtHjokH indz siR-um       es
you Q-marker me like-PROG 2SG.PRES.AUX
"Do you like me?"
Example 7.
du indz ARtHjokH siR-um     es
you me Q-marker like-PROG 2SG.PRES.AUX
            "Do you like me?"
Example 8.
du indz siR-um     es ARtHjokH
you me like-PROG 2SG.PRES.AUX Q-marker
"Do you like me?"
     Example 9.
du indz siR-um     es
you me like-PROG 2SG.PRES.AUX
       "Do you like me?"
The results show that Eastern Armenian language in comparison to group of “Eurasian” languages has 14 characteristics of strong OV languages and 15 characteristics of strong VO languages, hence, it has a tendency to VO languages; In case of its comparison to the group of “world languages” it has 14 characteristics of strong OV languages and 14 characteristics of strong VO languages, hence, it has a tendency to both OV and VO languages. Table 1 shows Eastern Armenian language in comparison to Eurasian languages and table 2 shows Eastern Armenian language in comparison to world languages.

Table 1.
Eastern Armenian language in comparison to Eurasian languages
Element 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Total
verb final
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14
X X X X X X X X X 9
Verb medial
X X X X X X X X 8
Verb medial
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 15

Table 2:
 Eastern Armenian language in comparison to world languages
Element 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Total
verb final
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14
X X X X X X X X X 9
Weak verb medial X X X X X X X X X 9
Verb medial
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14

5. Conclusion
The research findings show that in comparison to the group of “Eurasian” languages Eastern Armenian has a tendency towards VO languages. In case of its comparison to the group of “world languages”, it has a tendency to both OV and VO languages. Based on these, the median type could be considered as an independent type for Eastern Armenian language.

Volume 14, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Aims: With the continuous growth of urban population and the development of cities, the demand for energy in the building sector, especially in residential areas, has significantly increased. The configuration and form of buildings, along with their architectural and structural features, have a noticeable impact on the energy consumption of buildings and environmental sustainability. The main objective of this research is to assess the thermal performance of buildings at the scale of the neighborhood unit.

Methods: This research was conducted using quantitative research methods and sensitivity analysis. The data collection methods included gathering information from credible library and online sources, as well as conducting field visits.

Findings: Research findings indicate that courtyard patterns are considered the most efficient, while linear patterns and discontinuous courtyard patterns are regarded as the least efficient residential block patterns in Zanjan. Furthermore, there is a significant correlation between energy consumption and layout and form indicators of the blocks, as well as moderate relationships with block proportions. The most efficient forms are octagonal and square shapes, and patterns with a length-to-width ratio ranging from 1 to 1.6 generally exhibit better energy performance.

Conclusion: studying and identifying efficient and inefficient patterns is important to reduce energy consumption in future design.

Volume 14, Issue 3 (12-2010)

One of the main issues in human resource management is employees' ‎discipline that concentrates on controling and preventing the employees from ‎misconducting. There are three approaches of discipline including ‎traditional, progressive and positive. In traditional approach, when any ‎unaccepted behavior happens, the managers react immediately and punish ‎the non-obedient worker, but in progressive approach, the managers do a ‎progressive and step-wise action. In positive approach, not every kind of ‎punishment is accepted; the workers should have time to correct their ‎unaccepted behavior. In this paper, we tried to show the social science ‎propositions of these three approaches as ideal types of employees' discipline ‎and suggest new type of discipline according to Quranic instructions. ‎Strategy of this research is qualitative; and we used analytical approach to ‎reconcept the discipline in a typological framework through management, ‎social science thinkers and Quran text. Finally, four approaches were ‎suggestedto employees' discipline through ontological dichotomy. At the end ‎of this paper, we explained the transcendental employee discipline as ‎Quranic approach to discipline. ‎

Volume 14, Issue 3 (12-2010)

Objective: The purpose of the present research is to study the relationship ‎between the alignment of different typologies of strategies for organizational ‎change strategies (structure, technology, culture, human resources and goals) ‎with improving the performance .‎ Methodology: The sampling of the present study was done on foreign airlines, ‎which are operating in Iran and the total population way under examination as the ‎subjects of the research. This study was done through both qualitative and ‎quantitative methods. The qualitative method included the grounded theory and ‎the data collection for this research was made by observation, interview and ‎Literature review. The applied quantitative method was a correlational field study. ‎The instrumentation was made through three researcher-made questionnaires. ‎ Results: Applying of the qualitative and quantitative methods approved that the ‎more the performance of the airlines improves, the more the typologies of strategic ‎reference points and strategic change variables will increase. Meanwhile, the more ‎the alignment among the typologies of organizational change strategies increases, ‎the more will be their performance (efficiency and effectiveness).‎ Conclusion: The results gained in both qualitative and quantitative methods are ‎in harmony with each other and it can be declared that making alignment ‎between the typologies of organizational change strategies (structure, ‎technology, culture, human resources and goals) can improve the performance.‎

Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2025)

Aims: The purpose of this article is to study the caravanserais in this area and present architectural plan patterns for suburban caravanserais on the historical road network from Isfahan to Rey and Saveh based on the spatial composition of the room with the stable.

Methods: The data collection method of this research is based on field observations and impressions, library studies, examination of architectural documents and maps of caravanserais, and study of aerial images. The analysis method is based on interpretive, historical, and comparative approaches. The method of obtaining information is inductive reasoning. 60 caravanserais have been identified in this area. From the above statistical population, 13 caravanserais have been selected as study samples. The selection of these samples was purposeful and non-probability.

Findings: The research findings indicate that some caravanserais are very similar and were built in the same period of time and their typologies are also similar to each other, which is due to the existence of a single organization and a common architect and designer, and as a result, their architectural plans and details are similar. In the statistical population of this study, 13 types and architectural patterns of caravanserais were identified based on the study of their architectural plans.

Conclusion: There are some similarities and differences among caravanserais in the research samples. Caravansers that are on a common historical path with common cultural, social and historical characteristics often have similar architectural features, so this characteristic can be used to intervene in them.

Volume 17, Issue 5 (9-2015)

Targeted extension for heterogeneous farming systems is a challenge in developing countries. Farm type identification and characterization based on estimates of income from different farm components allows simplifying diversity in farming systems. Use of multivariate statistical techniques, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA), help in such farm typology delineation. Using this methodological approach, the present study conducted in West Bengal, India, identified four distinct farm types, namely, farms growing food grain and jute, farms with animal husbandry and fishery based diversification with high off-farm income, farms with crop based diversification with off-farm income, and farms growing vegetables and fruits. Such typology delineation helps in differentiated, holistic, and broad-based extension intervention to address the need of different identified farm types and a reduced transaction cost in the agricultural research and extension system. inbred lines, and 9 hybrids). A total of 94 and 262 loci were amplified using 5 IRAP and 15 REMAP primers, respectively. The percentage of polymorphic loci (PPL) in populations ranged from 39% (Zivari Shahrood) to 48% (Shadegani E). The Mantel test between IRAP and REMAP cophenetic matrices evidenced no significant correlation (r= 0.29). IRAP+REMAP-based cluster analysis using UPGMA algorithm and Dice similarity coefficient depicted 6 groups among 100 melon genotypes. AMOVA revealed the higher level of genetic variation within populations (67%) compared to among populations (33%). The mean Fst values of all groups, except for group VI, were more than 0.20, demonstrating differentiation among the populations and genetic structure of the studied melon collection. 
ریحانه Askari, Gholamhossien Gholamhossienzade, Ebrahim Khodayar,
Volume 17, Issue 68 (2-2025)

“Tazriq" style is one of the sub-styles of poetry in the popular period of Indian style. But this style did not become popular even during the Indian style era. Therefore, only a few verses of “Tazriq” style poetry are left. And there is little information about this style in biographies. So, with the information written in the biographies, it is not possible to understand what Tazriq poetry is and what are its basics. In the contemporary era, several articles have been written about injection But most of the researchers, without paying attention to the historical, social and literary background of Tazriq, have investigated it with new approaches of literary theories. So the previous ambiguities and questions have not been resolved yet. In this research, we want to find out the basics of Tazriq poetry with a descriptive-analytical method, considering the historical context, especially by studying injection poetry and the opinion of Tazriq poets about Tazriq poetry. For this purpose, we have chosen the manuscript of Otuznameh by Mollah Foqi Yazdi, which is the largest and best source available in this field. Foqi Yazdi stated in the introduction of the book and in the text of the Otuznameh that he wrote all the poems and sentences of his work in the Tazriq style. He gave explanations about the reason for choosing the Tazriq style, based on which we can explain the fundamentals of Tazriq.

Volume 19, Issue 3 (12-2015)

Abstract This research aims to experiment a quantitative method in urban form studies with a typomorphological approach .This method is originally based on physical density with its more reliable description as a measurable indicator. In this paper after the introduction and a brief look at some former quantitative approaches to urban form through the theoretical framework ; and also the relationship between density and architectural-urban typomorphology , a method (or tool) called the "spacemate" is described in a rather detailed manner .As the case study of this research, some samples from the urban tissues of Tabriz metropolis were chosen to be analyzed with this method. The basic data was then collected and classified ,and the results were placed and reflected on the "spacemate" in order to be analyzed at the final step. Although at the first place this tool is originally designed to be applied as a tool for studying and analyzing the urban forms in the western cities and towns ,and has been examined in a limited scale, but the results of this research (which is the first of its kind in Iran) show that it is also applicable in studying many aspects of urban forms -both descriptively and anticipatively-in Iranian cities, as well as many other urban textures in other similar countries, in presence of sufficient and reliable data.

Volume 28, Issue 4 (9-2021)

The purpose of this article is to contribute to studies on counterfactuals by exploring counterfactual conditions in Persian. Here, counterfactual sentences in Persian have been studied based on typological findings of the same in different languages. In order to study the typology, two main parameters are examined: symmetrical and asymmetrical morphological patterns of counterfactual conditional sentences and the range of TAM (Tense Aspect Mood) values in protasis and apodosis. The main concepts of counterfactual conditionals, including the construction of complex sentences, imagined conditions that have not occurred, false events, and the two above parameters were taken into account. This is a library-based research and the required data was extracted from the Persian Linguistic Database (PLDB). Findings show that the counterfactual conditions in Persian have a complex sentence construction and protasis acts as a subordinate clause and in typological classifications, Persian has counterfactual conditionals for past, present and future and counterfactual conditionals have both symmetrical and asymmetrical patterns. Also in the TAM spectrum, counterfactual conditions have both symmetrical and asymmetric morphological patterns. In these patterns, both protasis and apodosis are used in the past continuous and past perfect tenses. In all three types of counterfactual conditions, the past tense is used, with either perfective or imperfective appearance.

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