Showing 63 results for Psychological
Volume 12, Issue 2 (6-2024)
Aims: There are approximately 422.7 million cases of acute coronary syndrome worldwide. This study assessed the effect of affective stimulation-based, family-centered integrated spiritual support on relieving chest pain and anxiety in patients with acute coronary syndrome in the coronary intensive care unit.
Materials & Methods: This pilot study employed a quasi-experimental pre- and post-test design with a non-equivalent control group. Thirty respondents were selected using consecutive sampling techniques and divided into the experimental (n=15) and control (n=15) groups. The experimental group received routine care along with the program, while the control group received only routine care. The Numeric Pain Rating Scale was used to measure chest pain, and the Visual Analog Scale for Anxiety was used to assess anxiety. Data analysis began with a normality test using the Shapiro-Wilk test, followed by a homogeneity test using Levene's and Chi-square tests. Univariate analysis was conducted using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, concluding with a paired t-test, an independent t-test, Cohen’s d, and analysis of covariance.
Findings: Most respondents were males diagnosed with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction. There was a statistically significant difference in the mean pain and anxiety scores between the pre-test and post-test in each group. There was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups regarding the average patient anxiety score, with an effect size of 0.807, but no significant difference in the average patient pain score.
Conclusion: Routine care combined with affective stimulation-based family-centered integrated spiritual support results in a better average pain and anxiety score.
Volume 12, Issue 2 (6-2024)
Aims: Psychological well-being is an important factor affecting career women’s job satisfaction and performance. Resilience predicts psychological well-being, acting as a catalyst for boosting psychological well-being. This systematic literature review explored the relationship between resilience and psychological well-being among career women.
Information & Methods: Relevant papers were retrieved using Scopus, ScienceDirect, and PubMed. The inclusion criteria included research published between the years 2012 and 2021 to examine whether there is a relationship between resilience and psychological well-being, as well as the predictors of resilience and psychological well-being.
Findings: There was a favorable relationship between resilience and psychological well-being, with those having higher levels of resilience reporting greater psychological well-being. Resilience is believed to be one of the most essential variables in maintaining positive psychological well-being. Additionally, social and family support, work experience, marital status, education level, and self-esteem were found to predict resilience and psychological well-being.
Conclusion: Age, life experience, work experience, marital status, level of education, and self-efficacy are key predictors of resilience.
Volume 12, Issue 3 (12-2022)
Purpose: Psychological contracts are defined as employees' beliefs and perceptions of implicit and explicit obligations in working relationships with the organization. The aim of this study was to discover the content of psychological contracts of public hospital nurses.
Method: A qualitative study is needed to properly understand the content of nurses' psychological contracts. The required data were collected from semi-structured interviews and with emphasis on the lived experience of nurses in public hospitals. In this regard, participants were selected using purposive sampling method and snowball technique and 19 interviews were conducted to ensure theoretical saturation.
Findings: Findings showed that psychological contracts in nurses included 3 main themes (transaction-based, relation-based and value-based) and 14 sub-themes. Transaction-based contracts included five sub-themes: good work climate, fair payment, non-work problems, workplace safety, and a peaceful environment. Relation-based contracts included five sub-themes: decision-making permission, superior support, job challenge, promotion opportunity, and job security. Value-based contracts included four sub-themes: fulfillment of individual values, fulfillment of collective values, fulfillment of educational values and fulfillment of moral values.
Conclusion. Findings showed that psychological contract of nurses with two themes (transactional and relational) is not comprehensive and nurses had very important values beyond personal and organization interests, which were related to the nature of the nursing profession, and these values are reflected in the value-based psychological contract. As a result, in order to increase organizational commitment and job satisfaction and reduce nurses' turnover, it is necessary to pay attention to the content of all three types of psychological contract.
Volume 12, Issue 3 (8-2024)
Aims: This study aimed to investigate the effect of yoga on the sexual function and sexual quality of life of women after vaginal delivery.
Materials & Methods: This randomized controlled trial included 36 women who were 8-10 weeks postpartum, recruited from a health center in Isfahan, Iran, from January 2020 to March 2021. The women were randomly assigned to two groups with a block size of four, including the intervention group that practiced sexual yoga techniques and the control group that received information on postpartum recovery and lactation. Both groups completed the Sexual Quality of Life-Female Questionnaire and the Female Sexual Function Index before the intervention, as well as one month, two months, and three months after the intervention. Data were analyzed by R software using the independent sample t-test, analysis of variance, Friedman’s test, and the Chi-square test.
Findings: The mean total score for sexual function three months after the intervention in the intervention group showed a significant improvement compared to before the intervention (20.52±7.86 vs. 29.56±3.53, t(34, 0.975), p<0.001). Additionally, the sexual quality of life in the intervention group significantly improved after three months of intervention compared to the control group (99.94±10.62 vs. 76.83±20.23, t(34, 0.975), p<0.001).
Conclusion: Yoga practices enhance the sexual function and sexual quality of life of women following vaginal delivery.
Volume 12, Issue 3 (8-2024)
Aims: The emergence of a stoma can negatively impact the quality of life, as it alters both bodily function and appearance, potentially leading to physical, psychological, and social challenges. Understanding the factors affecting the quality of life in adults with stomas is essential for developing strategies to improve their overall well-being. Thus, this study examined all potential factors affecting the quality of life for adults with a stoma.
Information & Methods: To identify primary studies on “quality of life,” “colostomy,” “ileostomy,” and “intestinal stoma,” the PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and ProQuest databases were searched from 2000 to 2024. Additionally, we manually reviewed publication lists, reference lists, and citations.
Findings: Demographic, physical, psychological, social, and spiritual factors affect the quality of life for individuals with a stoma. These influencing factors can be divided into two main categories, namely personal factors and those related to the stoma itself. The ostomy-related factors were the most consistent category among the studies, demonstrating a strong significance with quality of life. This significance was even stronger when adjusted for socio-demographic factors compared to personal factors.
Conclusion: Demographic, physical, psychological, social, and spiritual factors affect the quality of life for individuals with a stoma.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (10-2024)
Aims: Vaginismus disorder is the second most common sexual dysfunction in women, and it is a significant issue in the lives of those affected. This disorder has unfortunate and destructive consequences for the individual’s health, the family unit, and the couple’s intimacy. This study aimed to compare vaginismus-specific schema therapy with conventional schema therapy in terms of their effects on sexual self-assertiveness and self-esteem in women with vaginismus disorder.
Materials & Methods: This quasi-experimental research employed a pre-test, post-test, and follow-up design, including a control group. The statistical population consisted of women with vaginismus disorder who were referred to the obstetrics and gynecology clinic of Payambaran Hospital in Tehran, Iran, in 2021, of whom 45 individuals were selected using a purposive sampling method, and were randomly assigned to three groups through a simple lottery method (n=15 per group). The Persian version of Halbert’s Sexual Self-Assertiveness Questionnaire and the Female Sexual Self-Esteem Inventory (SSEI-W) developed by Zeanah and Schwarz were used. The two experimental groups received treatment in ten sessions, each lasting 90 minutes, while the control group did not receive any intervention. Data were analyzed by repeated-measures ANOVA and Bonferroni’s post-hoc test using SPSS 22.
Findings: Both vaginismus-specific schema therapy and conventional schema therapy were effective in increasing sexual self-assertiveness (Eta=0.83) and self-esteem (Eta=0.94) in women with vaginismus disorder compared to the control group (p=0.001). A comparison of the mean differences between the two intervention groups and the control group revealed that vaginismus-specific schema therapy was more effective in improving self-assertiveness and sexual self-esteem in women than conventional schema therapy (p=0.001).
Conclusion: Vaginismus-specific schema therapy for vaginismus enhances sexual self-assertiveness and self-esteem among women with vaginismus by helping them identify their problems.
Volume 12, Issue 4 (10-2024)
Aims: One of the effective factors in preventing the complications of diabetes is stress management. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of an intervention based on Lazarus’ Transactional Model on the level of stress in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Materials & Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted among 80 patients with type 2 diabetes. Stress levels, coping methods, and hemoglobin A1C were evaluated before the intervention and three months afterward. In the intervention group, five training sessions were held based on the strategies outlined in the model. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and analysis of covariance.
Findings: The perceived stress score in the intervention group decreased after the intervention. The results of the Pearson correlation test indicated a negative and significant relationship between the stress score and confrontive and optimistic coping strategies. Additionally, there was a positive and significant relationship between the stress score and methods of emotional adaptation and fatalism (p<0.001). Analysis of covariance revealed that, after adjusting for group effects, the intervention had a significant impact on the use of adaptive methods and stress levels (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Training and interventions aimed at utilizing coping approaches based on Lazarus’ Transactional Model of stress and adaptation is effective in controlling and reducing stress in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Volume 12, Issue 58 (9-2024)
Nowadays, with the progress of science and the emergence of new scientific theories, literature and literary works have also taken on a practical dimension. The study of literary works based on psychological theories is one of the new scientific methods proposed by thinkers and thinkers. However, studies examine folktales, legends, anecdotes and proverbs to realize different hidden historical perspectives and spiritual and psychological characteristics of different ethnic groups. In the field of proverbs of the nations, a number of studies have been conducted which surveyed "the linguistic role of women in the creation and spread of oral literature by looking at the stories, play songs, lullabies and couplets of the people of Kerman". In particular, Sarahi (2017) examined the position of women in Turkish proverbs. Considering the conducted research, it becomes evident that no comprehensive study has been done on Turkish proverbs based on psychological analysis. In addition, since psychology is one of the main categories in understanding the mind and human behavior, the current research tries to reveal the important and invisible psychological issues and factors lying in the hidden and deep layers of proverbs by psychologically examining and analyzing the proverbs.
Volume 13, Issue 5 (12-2022)
In recent years, the target of research shifted from students to teachers and different dimensions of teachers’ characteristics such as teacher education, personality and identity were widely researched. Among teacher’s psychological factors, in EFL context, teachers’ emotion regulation, resilience and their psychological well-being became the center of attention in recent years. The main purpose of this investigation was to explore the relationship between Iraqi EFL teachers’ emotion regulation, resilience and their psychological well-being. To this end, 450 Iraqi EFL teachers were selected as the participants and 421 filled the relevant questionnaires which were distributed through sharing the link of google form containing the questionnaires. The results of data analyses revealed that there was a positive and significant relationship between teachers’ emotion regulation and their well-being. Moreover, multiple regression analysis proved that teachers’ resilience and emotion regulation were significant predictors of their psychological well-being and teacher resilience had a higher predictability power. The findings will be helpful for teacher trainers and decision makers to improve the quality of novice and student teachers regarding their emotion regulation, resilience and psychological well-being.
Volume 13, Issue 6 (3-2022)
The psychological factors, relationships with colleagues and the culture of the target language, play an active role in academic achievement. The main issue of this study is to determine the psychometric properties of the scale of these factors in learning Arabic for Iranian students at the undergraduate level. This study used the mixed exploratory sequential design. The initial items were designed in the form of a qualitative research and semi-structured interviews with specialists in teaching the Arabic language and literature and experts in educational psychology. The final form which contains (83) of items was determined. To ensure its validity and reliability, a sample of (100) students at undergraduate level was conducted through the official virtual educational spaces and the sampling method. Results: (83) essential items were selected based on the Lawshe criterion with (CVR) above (0.6), and the total (CVI), by using software (SPSS), was equal to (0.83) which is acceptable. The internal reliability of the scale was calculated through Cronbach's alpha, and all values were higher than (0.8), which indicates the internal reliability of the scale factors. The (CR) and the (AVE) of the scale factors were higher than (0.8) and (0.5) which Shows the scale’s convergent validity. (CCV) indicates a significant relationship between scale factors and averages of the research sample. In total, the final scale has (32) items with (64.22) of the variance of the total scale. Accordingly, the scale has the appropriate psychometric properties to determine the essential factors that affecting the academic achievement.
1. Introduction
The 1960s has viewed a major shift in epistemology. The components of academic success for foreign language learners are no longer only related to the cognitive skills, but also become closely related to the other aspects, such as the learner’s psychological aspect like the social personality, the relationship with his classmates, and the culture of the target language. The learner's mind is the method to express his or her emotions, and the learner who can express his thoughts and control his negative feelings, face difficulties, be flexible in the face of opposing ideas and different cultures, and manage time; He will be more successful than the other students.
Research Questions
1. What are the psychological and interpersonal factors affecting the academic success of students of the Arabic language and literature department at the undergraduate level?
2. Does the study tool have content validity and content validity index?
3. To what degree does the study tool have structural, convergent and concurrent criterion validity?
4. Is the study instrument sufficiently reliable?
2. Literature Review
2-1. Academic achievement
Is one of the most important criteria for evaluating the performance of the language learner who qualifies him to enter the labor market, and to follow up his achievement at the higher levels. It was defined by Chaplin & Olds (1964), “the level of efficiency of achievement in educational work, and it can be determined by specific tests to evaluate students’ work.”. Based on the foregoing, academic achievement is the most important educational and scientific variable that is related to various factors such as the psychological and personal factors of learners, which differ from one individual to another.
2-2. Psychological Factors:
Among the most important psychological factors affecting academic achievement are personal factors: Academic vitality is an important component of a learner's personality; “Academic vitality means the ability of successful students to face and overcome obstacles and academic challenges.” (Comerford et al.: 2015). Psychoeducational factors include academic self-efficacy, which includes cognitive and emotional support for friends, and communication styles with peers. Also, the relationships with others are manifested in assertiveness; “involves many things, including the expression of true feelings, the defense of legitimate rights, and the refusal of unreasonable demands.” (Rathus: 1998).
3. Methodology
In this research, mixed exploratory sequential design was used. It is one of the methods that uses qualitative and quantitative measurement to collect and analyze data; That is, this method has the strengths of both qualitative and quantitative research at the same time (Berman, 2017, 1 and 5).
4. Results
The Factor Number |
The Factor Name |
correlation coefficient |
Meaningful Level |
1 |
effective communication with native speakers |
0.372 |
0.001 |
2 |
The academic vitality |
0.353 |
0.001 |
3 |
effective interpersonal communication |
0.328 |
0.002 |
4 |
The problem-based learning |
0.335 |
0.002 |
5 |
The academic self-efficacy |
0.345 |
0.001 |
6 |
assertiveness |
0.287 |
0.012 |
7 |
The emotional control |
0.291 |
0.003 |
The factor of effective communication with native speakers with the expressions of common cultural aspects; Different cultural aspects; Familiarity with important issues in the target language community; The skill of empathy and avoiding misunderstood situations is of the utmost value. As a result, cultural factors are the most important factors in learning Arabic in Iran.
Volume 15, Issue 3 (11-2024)
Investigating learners' motivational factors from Basic Psychological Needs (BPN) has been prevalent in a foreign/second language domain, but there is a dearth of well-documented research on ESP instruction. This study addressed the void by scrutinizing ESP learners' BPN of relatedness, competence, and autonomy using a validated and reliable BPN instrument to assess online ESP practices and challenges within unideal EFL situations. A total of 617 ESP students and 94 ESP lecturers from 14 universities across provincial areas of Indonesia participated in the study. A mixed-method design administering questionnaire and interview was applied to draw ESP students' BPN from the perspective of lecturers and students. The results revealed significant differences between lecturers' and learners' perceptions regarding several indicators of relatedness, competence, and autonomy categories. While the lecturers' questionnaire and interviews reported that the ESP students had an acceptable level of engagement with wider ESP communities, the students mentioned their low engagement with content lecturers, stakeholders/experts, and communities. These differences are then utilized as a stepping stone to design a more 'ideal' ESP program using a specific BPN framework to enhance ESP lecturers' and students' specific English and content knowledge under the online learning platforms. The study implies that to help ESP students learn English, online ESP programs should be collaboratively designed by involving English lecturers, content lecturers, ESP stakeholders from relevant fields, and technology-related materials that meet English and specific content knowledge needs.
Volume 18, Issue 1 (5-2014)
Means of transportation such as airplanes, trains, vehicles, etc. facilitate transportation of goods and passengers, which has been a very long lasting dream of mankind. Motor vehicles, among others, are used by so many persons; as a result, they cause more accidents and, accordingly, more damages than other means of transportation. The damages occur every day and are evident. This paper seeks to conduct a comparative study on the concept, typology and examples of motor vehicle accidents’ damages in the law of Iran and United Kingdom. The results showed that although there are some similarities between their legal systems, there are so many differences between the two. For example, there are different approaches to the psychological damages in the law and case law of the countries. The results ofthis study can be an answer to the related questions, and reveal the advantages and disadvantages of Iranian law in the regard.
*Corresponding Author’s
Volume 18, Issue 3 (9-2014)
Today, creativity and innovation are considered valuable resource in gaining competitive advantage for any organizations.One of vital factor that influences on creativity and innovation and also employee’s psychological capacity is leadership.Thus, the study aimed at investigation of most recent leadership approach entitled with authentic leadership with creativity and mediator role of psychological capital.Statistical population consists of 885 of managers and employees of National Cartographic Center. The data were collected through questionnaire by simple random method and analyzed by SEM.Validity of questionnaire by confirmatory factor analysis and its reliability through Cronbach's alpha investigated and confirmed. The results of SEM support all hypotheses. Authentic leadership has had a positive significant effect on psychological capital and creativity. Regarding path coefficient these relationship were relatively high. Psychological capital also has had a positive significant and relatively high influence on creativity.In addition, it showed that psychological capital has a partial influence on the relation of authentic leadership and creativity.
Volume 19, Issue 4 (3-2016)
Abstract: The purpose of the present study is to examine the relationships between sub dimensions of psychological capital (hope, efficacy, resilience and optimism) and components of quality of services provided to employees (responsibility, reliability, trusting, empathy, tangibility). For this purpose, survey method was used and 320 questionnaires were distributed among Ansar bank branches’ employees in Tehran. Data were collected using the Luthans inventory and the quality of services provided to employees Scale, and were analyzed using the canonical correlation approach. Results of canonical correlation coefficients between pairs of canonical variables (psychological capital and quality of services provided to employees) was found to be statistically significant. Also, Hope and responsibility compared to other canonical variables, have the most important role in establishing the first canonical correlation coefficient . Hope and responsibility compared to other canonical variables , have the most impo rtant role in establis hing the first canonical correlation coefficient .
Volume 21, Issue 3 (12-2017)
Work engagement is a psychological state experiencing energy, absorption and dedication at work. The purpose of this study is to investigate impact of psychological empowerment and its components on work engagement. This cross sectional study was practical in terms of goal and descriptive-correlational in terms of nature. The statistical population was several public organizations in Mashhad, Iran. A simple random sampling method was applied. Krejcie and Morgan table showed that the suitable sample size is 384. Then, 420 questionnaires were distributed, led to 389 collected completed questionnaires. To measure the work engagement, Schaufeli, Bakker, and Salanova scale, and to measure psychological empowerment, Spreitzer scale were used. Using confirmatory factor analysis, the validity of measures were approved. The results of path analysis in LISREL software showed that psychological empowerment explains 73 percent of the employees' work engagement. While, competence’s effect on work engagement was not statistically significant, other components of psychological empowerment such as meaning, self-determination, and impact, had 48 percent, 33 percent and 38 percent positive and significant effect on the work engagement, respectively. Therefore, psychological empowerment is a significant predictor for work engagement. The results indicate that the organization performs interventions to increase employees' psychological empowerment. The pivot of these interventions should focused on sense of meaning for the tasks, self-determination, and impact.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (6-2018)
The most important tools to perform tasks effectively in environments with heterogeneous and diverse workforce are cultural intelligence and work adjustment. The cultural intelligent helps to make relationship with people that have different culture in appropriately mood. According to importance of this issue, this study is to investigate the influence of cultural psychological capital, cultural intelligence and organizational trust on work adjustment. Research method is based on practical purpose and descriptive-correlation. The Statistical population is Hajj and Ziarat Organization in Tehran. After simple random sampling, 175 valid questionnaires were collected. The questionnaire are all in Likert range and after assessed and certified by experts have been distributed, collected and analyzed by SPSS22 and LISREL8.8 software. By calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient of reliability and validity through first-order and second-order confirmatory factor analysis was performed. Research hypotheses were tested using path analysis. The results showed that psychological capital on cultural intelligence, Cultural intelligence on organizational trust have significant positive impact. Also organizational trust and work adjustment is positive and significant effect.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (6-2018)
This study is aimed to determine individual, psychological and organizational factors contribution in predicting Karaj municipality staff competence. Research methodology is descriptive and correlational where population included all staff in municipality in the 2014-2015. For research sample 300 employees were selected using stratified sampling. Designed standard questionnaire included: a) creativeness, b) Haplin & Kraft organizational climate competency assessment cite, d) Spritzer & Mishra psychological empowerment, e) Salovi & Mayer emotional intelligence & f) job motivation. Cronbach alpha coefficient for reliability testing was suitable. Regression results showed that personal characteristics couldn't predict competency significantly, and just psychological empowerment & emotional intelligence could predict employee competency significantly & organizational characteristics could predict competency significantly.
One of the scientific offers obtained from this research is that the managers of Karaj municipality can increase the level of efficiency of their organization by increasing the level of employee’s competency based on the contribution and influencing each individual, psychological and organizational factors. Results of this research can use for improving employees competency.
Volume 24, Issue 1 (3-2020)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of job insecurity on employees' exhaustion by considering the role of mediating breach of psychological contract. The statistical population of this study consists of 348 managers and employees of the Mellat Insurance Company in Tehran, of which 183 were selected as sample size. Data were collected through standard questionnaires and simple random sampling method and analyzed by structural equation modeling by using spss22 and smartpls3 software. The validity of the research questions was confirmed by using convergent and divergent validity and reliability of the questions by factor loading, Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability. Our findings indicate that the violation of the psychological contract as a mediator variable has a significant effect on the variables of job insecurity and employee exhaustion. Also, the violation of the psychological contract as an intermediary variable, has a relative role between job insecurity and employee exhaustion.
Volume 24, Issue 1 (1-2022)
Food security in developing countries faces new challenges these days. Scientific developments and biotechnological applications such as transgenic products are of particular importance due to their principal impact on key contexts such as food production. If transgenic products are a potential solution to the world's challenges, authorities need to know and understand the core of society's responses to scientific innovations and their products. This paper expands the body of knowledge by examining the predictors of transgenic product consumption by mediating the role of food integrity. The study population included 681 faculty members of Shiraz University in Iran. The sample size was estimated at 140 faculties using the stratified random sampling method, based on the Cochran formula. The results of applying path analysis showed a good fit of the variables entered in the conceptual model (RMSEA= 0.068). The explaining power of variables in the model respectively include attitude to transgenic product, environmental concerns, trust, and ethical norms. Results of this investigation could be effective in providing practical solutions in social issues such as enhanced attitude to the transgenic product with cultural mechanisms, emphasis on ethical norms, and trust-building in the academic community. These factors, based on public awareness of human involvement in food systems, can be improved by planning and presentation by researchers from relevant business and executive organizations. Based on these findings, providing factors that ensure the health of people could reduce the level of concern about the issues of food integrity and lead to the ideal level of acceptance and consumption of transgenic products.
Volume 30, Issue 1 (10-2022)
In addition to its physiologic and gender aspects, anima is attributed to an archetype to innate behavioral preparations and experiences of congenital life which include the abilities like artistry, naturalism, fluid emotion and affection, power of inspiration, etc. Generally, from the second half of chronological age, these values set the character on the path to sublimation, wholeness and growth by applying the skill of individuation and absorbing consciousness. As the archetype of ecstasy and emotional impulse, anima also manifests itself in a wide range of literature.
Rather than presenting examples of anima, this study with a descriptive-analytic method, tries to psychologically analyze the employment of the individuation of anima and the values of feminine body in some of the most important poems of Ibn Farez that express this process.
The findings indicate that in his poems, the retrieval and absorption of anima’s talents have been done unconsciously. In addition, Ibn Farez has benefited from the capabilities of ideas such as pacifism, aesthetics, naturalism, and emotion to the splendors of existence, living here and now, the ability to comprehend and express excitements and inner emotions, etc., that all prepare the ground for the wholeness, subtlety and flexibility of personality.