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Volume 23, Issue 10 (10-2023)

In this article, the effect of creating a surface pattern on the expression of cutting has been studied. More precisely, the effect of the texture created by laser engraving on the values of machining forces was investigated in different states, and these tests were performed both in the presence of lubricant and in its absence. The parameters of depth, pitch, texture diameter and distance from Cutting edges were considered as tool texture parameters. A total of 9 experiments were conducted using the Taguchi test design method. Lubrication in both textured and non-textured tools reduced the machining force by 30-35%. In the end, the machining forces obtained from the test were compared with textured and non-textured tools in the presence of lubricant, and it was observed that due to texturing of the tool, the machining force decreased by about 28%.

Volume 24, Issue 1 (2-2018)

Due to its certain elements and limits, the exemplum brings about poetic and narrative nature in a coordinated structure in order to realize dynamism in the text with easy access to wide conceptual burden that poems cannot transfer lonely, accordingly, contemporary exemplum, today, welcomes narrative techniques and its symbols. Mohammed al-Maghout, a contemporary Syrian poet, makes use of narrative techniques in his exemplum by applying simple words and expressions which normally combines reality and fancy to advance events and accomplish them. The present descriptive-analytical research aims to address main narrative signs in a sample of three divans of Mohammed al-Maghout. Results indicate that the poet mostly uses quadruple narrative techniques, while he is not bounded to a sequence and uniformity of the texture, which it gives profundity and an upward trend along accumulation of events. Description of places in his works simulates a partial look or a close appearance and, for him, narration time circulates around time differences for recovering and anticipating time alongside the time length technique for determining rate of events. Methods of developing characters in his poems are blazoned over steady function of pronouns, especially the first-person which is turned to footsteps of the main character, that is, narrator

Volume 24, Issue 1 (12-2023)

The effect of texturing the tool rake surface on the surface quality in hard turning of 1191/1 steel with a surface hardness of 45 HRC was studied in this research. The pattern parameters including, cavity diameter, pitch, and depth, as well as the pattern distance from the main cutting edge were changed in 3 levels, assuming the cutting tool with regular cavity texture. Nine tests were designed using the Taguchi DOE and conducted in dry and lubricated conditions with 2 repeats. Machining forces during the tests and surface roughness of the machined workpieces were measured in machining under lubricated and dry conditions. The results showed that in turning with a textured tool under lubrication, changing the parameters of the texture pitch and the distance from the cutting edge increased the surface roughness of the workpiece by 57.6% and 39.2%, respectively. This is while the increase in the diameter of the tissue cavity, due to the reduction of the contact area in the tool-chips interface and better lubrication near the cutting region, improved the surface roughness up to 40.7%. The cavities depth of also did not have a significant effect on improving lubrication and reducing the roughness of the final surface. In dry turning, increasing the cavities diameter in texture and decreasing the pattern pitch, reduced the surface roughness by 10.6% and 29%, respectively. Examining the SEM images also indicated the production of the workpiece surface with smoothed texture when turning using optimized textured tool.

Volume 24, Issue 3 (12-2020)

Boilerplate clauses are standard clauses that are included in most contracts as a matter of routine. This Article is an attempt to outline the questionable role of boilerplate clauses in numerous legal systems. It examines the contrasting approaches of interpretation of leading example of clauses. Boilerplate clauses are often inserted into international commercial contracts with the aim of creating an autonomous regime for the interpretation and application of the contract. Notwithstanding, the parties use boilerplate clauses to avoid extrinsic elements to interpret the contract, the article argues that the governing law may change the meaning of the clauses. In other words, boilerplate clauses should be recognized as a method of legal risk management, but from a practical standpoint, mandatory rules and legal cultures of governing law, predominate the clauses of contracts. Therefore, the main challenge in negotiation phase is to ascertain the governing law. Because the governing law recognizes the context and mandatory rules of interpretation.

Volume 24, Issue 4 (12-2020)

With the development of Web 2.0 technologies and social media tools in organizations, the way of the organizationchr('39')s information systems operation has improved to gain competitive intelligence. The best sources of information in organizations is user generated content about the company, product and competitors that are shared on social media and companies can take advantage of the hidden knowledge pattern in this information by using analytical technique in big data. To this end, important goals of this study are providing social market intelligence framework based on web 2.0 Using Text-Mining on Social Media and also comparing web 2.0 social market intelligence status between Emersun and Samsung brands through competitive analysis. The method of this study is qualitative and the way of data gathering is done through literature review, interview with experts and also using text mining among 3860 customer textual data. The findings of the literature review and interviews led to the presentation of 4 dimensions of the web 0.2 based social market intelligence framework. The clustering technique was used to extract the indicators and sub-indicatores in each of the dimensions, all of which were confirmed by the experts. In order to compare the web 2.0 based social market intelligence status of brands, Emotional analysis of words was used, and the results show that the Samsung brand has attracted positive reviews from customers in most of the indicators. Finally, due to the existence of hidden relationships in the main indicators, structural-interpretive method was used to determine the relationships between them.

Volume 25, Issue 1 (4-2019)

Semiology is a critical movement based on scientific and methodical aspects applying for the aesthetic conception of poetic texts and deciphering complex semantic codes which are difficult to be decoded through a simple and unilateral look. Using all powerful and effective cognitive tools in hand, semiology has approached the area of literary researches. Its shades of analysis have been spread over contemporary Arabic poems so that semiology researchers can unveil aesthetic nature hidden in the text and develop a different understanding about it. Meanwhile, following this issue in Mohammad Afifi Matar`s poem by applying the semiology method, it not only results in careful scrutiny towards his poetic expression but also helps determine hidden points and latent secrets. The present research aimed at investigating the exemplum of the ode Silent Sun Beam. The major theme of the exemplum is famine and poverty, being comprised of a descriptive report by which social events are indirectly viewed from the aspect of nature. Using its dominant narrative structure, it tried to find words and combinations which could lead the exemplum texture to move from textual areas to poetic aesthetics in a dramatic way, that is, dark and distraught place. Calling for natural words and personifying them made the treasures of exemplum`s vocabularies, Moreover, the textual aesthetics announced the forms of intertextuality combined with folklore beliefs about capabilities of natural elements to change situations.

Volume 25, Issue 1 (1-2023)

Saffron is an important medicine, spice, dye, and cosmetic plant, and weeds limit its production and increase the related costs of management. This study aimed to determine effective control methods against weeds in saffron cultivation and find the effects of weed control on crown development, stigma yield, and daughter corm yield and quality. The study was established in the production periods of 2019-2021, at Hatay Olive Research Institute, Hassa Station, Turkey, based on completely randomized blocks design with 14 treatments and 3 replications. Results indicated that the highest effect (100%) on weeds was recorded for U5 (pine sawdust+benfluralin) and U6 (textile mulch) applications and the lowest effect was obtained from U13 (2,4-D amine) application at the first and second year of the study. The best quality criteria of saffron were achieved in U6 and U4 (pine sawdust) applications for corm production, and U6, U5, and U4 applications for quality daughter corm production.

Volume 26, Issue 2 (1-2020)

Textual cohesion is one of the important elements of pivotal text and is a set of form (shape cohesion) and semantic (Coherence) tools that contributes the interconnection of text and the interrelationship between its components, so shape cohesion is due to the application of elements which makes the apparent relation between the constituent elements of the text. Reference is a form of shape cohesion that contributes in realization of communication and interconnection of the components of a text, but it does not assume that role alone, but understanding the elements in the context depends on the interpretation and explanation of other elements in the same context which they refer to and this communication is realized through referencing links such as out-of-text and in-context reference, which in-text also refer to two types of pre-reference and post-reference. The present article seeks to examine the issue of its reference and application in the interconnection of Sharif Morteza`s  Al-Ghadir ode, a Muslim poet who is also committed to the issues of Islam to reveal how the elements of reference are used and their role in realizing the amount of communication and integrity of the elements of this ode. From the analysis of referential elements in the Sharif Morteza`s Al-Ghadir ode, it appears that a set of elements have joined together in shaping this religious story and its semantic structure and, so the present ode is coherent and intertwined, so the elements and means of reference in this ode are varied, as far as we can see the in-text reference has increased in the poet's ode, and at the same time the poet has used more pre-reference elements than post-reference elements and this application has played a significant role in the interconnection and relevance of the ode verses. The artistic secret of this ode is in the referential elements and poetic imagery that makes the poet's intention close to the mind and helps the reader to accept the poet's ode more and more.

Volume 26, Issue 6 (11-2024)

In this study, the effect of an edible aloe vera gel-coating containing lemon peel essential oil (0, 100, and 150 ppm) on the qualitative characteristics of cheese samples was examined. Treatments included 4 groups: control (without coating), Aloe Vera Gel (AVG), AVG+100 ppm lemon peel Essential Oil (EO), and AVG+150 ppm lemon peel EO. These treatments were evaluated for 60 days in terms of physicochemical, textural, sensory, and microbial counting properties. The findings revealed that, as storage duration increased, the acidity and salt increased while pH and moisture content decreased. In evaluating the sensory properties, the effect of treatments on all sensory properties, except color scores, was significant. Samples coated with AVG and 100 ppm lemon peel EO received the highest flavor scores (4.97). As the storage time increased, the hardness, chewiness and springiness of the cheese samples increased. The samples' adhesiveness was not affected by the storage duration. At the end of the storage time, the highest total microbial, mold, and yeast counts were associated with the control cheese samples (5.37 and 4.62 log CFU g-1, respectively). The lowest amount was related to the samples coated with AVG and 150 ppm of lemon peel EO (3.92 and 3.76 log CFU g-1, respectively). In general, the use of edible coating produced with AVG and lower concentrations of lemon peel EO (100 ppm and less) improved the appearance and the flavor of cheese samples during 60 days of storage.

Volume 27, Issue 2 (10-2023)

Urban planning of pilgrimage cities has always been associated with challenges due to their unique characteristics and under the influence holy places present there. The main goal of the current research is to explain the indicators influencing the texture pattern of pilgrimage cities, considering the tourism capacity there. This research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose and has been conducted with the descriptive-analytical method. Also, in order to collect data, the method of document-library studies has been used. The results show that in the planning related to change and development in the context of pilgrimage cities, effective indicators should be explained and taken into consideration by decision-makers and planners, and interventions should be made with comprehensive evaluations, appropriate to the genome of such cities and considering the rights of pilgrims and neighbors. In the current research, 19 indicators affecting the texture pattern of pilgrimage cities include privacy and domain, centrality, enclosure, hierarchy, desirable landscape, appropriateness of religious spaces, cultural-entertainment spaces, residential spaces, service-infrastructure, access network, the context around the holy place, environmental resilience, Islamic lifestyle, religious identity, spirituality, safety and security, education, and social interactions were identified. Then, the important rules and considerations in the planning and development of pilgrimage cities were presented based on the explained indicators.

Volume 27, Issue 2 (12-2023)

In Iranian law there are two theories in interpretation of the contract: the theory of "Interpretation Based on the Common Intention of the Parties" vs. the theory of "Sociological and Free Interpretation". In American law,"Textualism" and "Contextualism" are the most important theories of contract interpretation. Other theories have been proposed in American law, which include: "Literalism","Subjectivism","Objectivism" and "Objective - Contextual Interpretation" which is a combination of subjectivist and objectivist approaches. The main question is what are the strengths and weaknesses of the interpretation theories, and what relationship can be established among the theories of contract interpretation in Iranian and American law. In the present study, it has been determined by the descriptive-analytical method that in American law, although contextualist and subjectivist theories claim to best discover the real intention of individuals as the main goal of interpretation and fully guarantee the "Principle of Free Will", It seems that although Textualism and Objectivism maintain legal values such as the stability of transactions and trust in the legitimate intentions of individuals, at the same time they also provide economic values such as efficiency and maximum profit in transactions. Therefore, in interpretation of the contract, Textualism with an objective approach is superior to Contextualism and Subjectivism. Lack of reliance on textual interpretation theories and inattention to economic criteria such as efficiency and maximum profit are the major weaknesses of contract interpretation theories in Iranian law.The interpretation of the contract with the inner intention approach in Iran is related to subjectivist and contextualist theories, and the interpretation based on apparent intention can be considered close to objectives and textual theories.

Volume 27, Issue 3 (10-2020)

The need for reviving historical textures has long been attracting a lot of attention and developed countries have tried to flourish their historical textures and precious historical sites and revived their past cultural identity. Reviving and maintaining precious historical textures is considered an important part of cultural configuration of a society and requires regular cultural activities and related trainings. District 12 is considered as one of the most valuable centers of historical monuments in Tehran because it is located in historical core of the city and includes cultural and historical centers such as Golestan palace, Abgine, stamp, national jewelry, coin, property and etc. but this texture has faced different challenges due to some of the problems like decaying, weak repairing and management as well as lack of proper culture training in reviving these areas. Present study defines three main steps for recognizing and reviving this structure. The first step focuses on identifying the main structure shaping historical cities and the role and location of residential neighborhood there. In the second step, values and the neighborhood texture pathology are discovered and citizens are informed about historical textures revival and required information about culturalization. The final step includes a precise and understandable perspective for the neighbors by using executives and likewise study about the knowledge of residents of the EmamzadehYahya neighborhood. In this regard, the residents are required to know their rights, know the duties and abilities the city management and their limitation in managing city affairs at different levels. Then they have to balance their expectations with duties and facilities of the urban management. Understanding these items appropriately, they can ask for their true rights and improvement of their neighborhood and city, ask the city management to meet their expectations and finally help in managing the city and neighborhood affairs.

Volume 27, Issue 4 (1-2021)

Hanna Mine's novel "Al-Shams phi Yaum Ghaem" depicts the real images of the author's society and expresses a kind of social critique such as the conflict between existing tradition and modernism.This is a stimulus for rebellion against the current state of the writer's society. The linguistic tools of the context create coherence between the context and the characters of the story on the one hand and the events and the two elements of time and emotion in this novel on the other. Through linguistic styles and rhetorical motives, these tools play an important role in expressing the narrator's wishes and desires, such as opposition to petrification, ignorance, and class differences. To this end, the present study, based on the descriptive-analytical method, explains the role of internal contextual tools in the novel. The results show that the authority of this linguistic method is persuasive, and the author uses them to critique the characters, events, and classes in the society. Its related meanings link the beginning of the story to its dark end and depict the sorrow and ignorance of society. The author uses contradiction, repetition, and inquiry in the form of reprimanding and condensing in order to force people to protest and to draw the dichotomies of their society; it is, as if the whole color of the story is dominated by the color gray, without the story achieving its desired result, which is reform and change.

Volume 27, Issue 4 (12-2023)

Thinkers have suggested the enhancement of public transportation as an effective solution to mitigate transportation-related issues. The tram system is widely regarded as a favorable choice for urban transportation because of its minimal space requirements, low noise generation, and great adaptability. In the context of future urban development in Tabriz, the tram system emerges as a viable solution for improving intra-city transportation. The primary objective of the ongoing study is to evaluate the metrics related to urban tourism and architectural layout in the development of urban tram systems. The research methodology employed aligns with the quantitative nature of the research purpose. Through the conducted research, key indicators concerning the layout of urban tram lines and stations were identified. Subsequently, a comparative analysis of the gathered data was carried out utilizing Friedman and Kendall tests in the SPSS software, based on responses obtained from experts in academic and traffic management fields. The results obtained highlight that the element of accessibility, receiving the highest rating, emerges as the most crucial aspect, while fairness and inclusivity, scoring lowest, are identified as the least significant factors in formulating the design indicators for urban tram routes and stations. The indicators of connection and continuity, ease of access, fairness and inclusiveness, efficiency and responsiveness, and sustainable transportation are among the design indicators of tram routes and stations, which are important in all urban contexts. Considering the characteristics of the historical context, the indicators of identity and sustainable tourism are also important in the design of tram routes and stations, along with the mentioned indicators. For this purpose, solutions were proposed in order to realize the presented indicators.

Volume 28, Issue 1 (3-2021)

Based on Islamic era sources, inscribed robes were one of the valuable art works during the Ale- Buyid period that were gifted to courtiers in official ceremonies as a sign of honor for their loyalty. These robes normally contained the name of the ruler. In the Ale-Buyid period, a combination of both Shi’a and Iranian-Sasanian led to the creation of a new style of art. From the remains of that period, number of textiles with inscriptions was discovered from two enclosures of Broj-e Nagharekhane and Bibi Shahrbanu in Ray. According to archaeological reports, the scripted textiles were used as shrouds or to cover graves. The inscriptions are in both plain and ornamental Kufic styles and in most of the cases, beside its function to convey a massage, had decorative functions too. Based on 25 scripted textile pieces from Ale-Buyid period which mostly were discovered from Ray, this research attempts to reveal the meaning and also the literature sources of the inscriptions. The data has been collected through library studies. This research shows that the texts contain prayers, ethical massage and some poems from Arab poets from the first Hijri to the Ale-Buyid period. In some cases, embroidery has changed the shape of the letters to create a rhythmic pattern in the text and for this reason; the text is illegible or contains a visual or written error. This shows that writing was as important as its content. Most of the fabrics obtained based on the content were robes, and the content of the inscriptions often had an individual audience and a prayer sentence.

Volume 28, Issue 2 (6-2024)

Today, the development stimulating projects are one of the new strategies in urban development. The purpose of this research is to investigate the spatial effects of the development-stimulating projects of the Symbolic Square around Mobarakeh's Old Bazzar before its implementation in four social, economic, physical, and environmental dimensions. The statistical population of the research is the residents of the worn-out texture of the city of Mobarakeh. Using the Cochran formula, the sample size was 384 people, of which 400 people were selected for more reliability. The type of research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The tools used for the analysis are GIS, SPSS, and AMOS software. The findings from the analysis of the research path showed that the spatial effects of the development-stimulating projects of the Symbolic Square around Mobarakeh's Old Bazzar in the economic and sociocultural dimension jointly with the beta value (β = 0.99) in the physical dimension, with the beta value (β = 0.85) and in the environmental dimension, with beta value (β = 0.65), and the significance level (0.000) -- are confirmed. The results of the research depicted that the development- stimulating projects of Symbolic Square in the economic aspect of the attraction of investors, in the socio-cultural aspect, led to an increase in the mental health of the residents, and in the physical aspect, it led to the improvement of the quality of constructions in the context.


Volume 28, Issue 3 (9-2021)

The necessity of paying attention to the factor of context in current entrepreneurial research makes exploring of entrepreneurial opportunities in the tourism industry in the city of Zahedan a prominent research topic. Therefore, the present research, using a qualitative and exploratory plan, conceptualizes the entrepreneurial opportunities of the tourism industry in the aforementioned Iranian city. The statistical population of the study consists of experts in the fields of entrepreneurship and tourism. The sampling method is theoretical and the criterion for determining the sample size is theoretical saturation. Data collection was performed through several semi-structured qualitative interviews with twenty-three sample. The results of the coding, categorization and validation process led to the developing of 11 main categories (anthropological opportunity, geomorphological opportunity, dynamic opportunity, non-dynamic opportunity, placebo effect opportunity, technological opportunity, knowledge-based opportunity, abdominal opportunity, commercialization opportunity,  service opportunity,  Medical Opportunity) and 31 sub-categories as entrepreneurial opportunities in the tourism industry of the city of Zahedan. On the one hand, the research findings contain theoretical contribution to the knowledge-based domain of entrepreneurship from the perspective of the necessity of developing grounded concepts based on the dynamics and specific contextual conditions, and explain the action of entrepreneur in Iran, on the other hand. These are also appropriate for designing of relevant models, especially in the tourism industry. In this regard, and based on the research findings, some suggestions for future researches, and some practical and policy-making implications for the scientific discipline of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial actions, and policy-making in the country's field of entrepreneurship have been presented.

Volume 30, Issue 1 (10-2022)

Receiving the Qur’an as a literary text is one of the epistemological responses of scholars to this text in the twentieth century. This kind of reception has a long history in the Islamic heritage, especially in the studies of Qur’anic commentators and scholars, but there are fundamental differences between the literary reading of the Qur’an in the past and in the present. These differences arise from the methods used to analyze and study the literary text. If we look at the Qur’an as a literary text from the perspective of modern theories, we encounter with challenges because the literary text, under in this view, is considered an open and pluralistic text in terms of meaning, during its formation and reception. This article examines the challenges raised by receiving the Qur’an as a literary text in light of "Reception Theory". In this regard, it is observed that the principle of coherence provides us with a criterion for distinguishing interpretations close and far from the truth of the Qur’an and contributes to framing the reader's participation in the process of reading the Qur'an as a literary text from the perspective of modern theories.


Volume 30, Issue 2 (3-2023)

Although several studies have been carried out after the approval of the Fundamental Reform Document of Education (FRDE) in 2011, a small number of studies have reviewed the textbooks of Iranian schools in the light of this document, and unfortunately, English language textbooks have almost been ignored. Accordingly, the present study sought to answer the questions of what objectives are included in this document regarding English language teaching at schools, and to what extent the English language textbooks for Iranian Junior High Schools are based on these objectives. Therefore, the text of the document was first analyzed using directional content analysis. Then, based on the objectives extracted from the FRDE, the content of English language textbooks were reviewed.  The results showed that the objectives of teaching English in accordance with this document should be (1) critical understanding and analysis of non-Iranian culture, (2) responsible interaction to introduce Iranian-Islamic culture and civilization, as well as dissemination of local findings and achievements and (3) establishing effective interaction and communication with non-Iranian parties, which is specifically explained in the form of two micro-goals (a) knowledge and mastery of local issues and (b) knowledge and awareness of global issues. Then, using deductive content analysis, English textbooks were analyzed. The results showed that these textbooks deal mainly with Iranian culture, and the balance between Iranian and "non-Iranian" culture, which is clearly defined in the document in three regional, Islamic and global forms but is not noticed. Accordingly, the findings of this study implied that it is essential that prospect series be revised to include non-Iranian cultural issues, especially those from Islamic countries and nations. In addition, there is a need to include global issues while domesticating them moderately.

Volume 30, Issue 4 (6-2024)

In recent years, the publication of literary works in digital space and virtual networks - which we named as virtual literature - is increasing and expanding. This type of literature takes on a new color every day with the invention of new communication, information and multimedia technologies and therefore has special features. Due to the change in the context and method in virtual space, literary works are presented in terms of features, elements and literary genres, different from written and traditional literature. This article seeks to use the argumentative method after describing the facts in the virtual literature paradigm to provide the necessary reasons for measuring this hypothesis based on scientific theories: "Virtual literature as a new theory in the digital age." It has characteristics, elements and genres that distinguish it from written and traditional literature." The results of this research indicate that in virtual literature, virtual poetry or hyper poetry and in prose, hypertext fiction are used more than other types of literature and have a prominent place in multimedia literary productions.

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