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Volume 20, Issue 143 (11-2023)

Nowadays, Functional food products as healthy diets have been considered extensively among consumers. Moreover, the use of particular microorganisms, for instance probiotic bacteria, offers probabilities to progress novel foods with appropriate shelf life. In the current research, in order to produce a functional ultrafiltrated (UF)-cheese, demineralized UF-whey powder (DUWP) at the levels of 0, 1 and 2%, and lactulose powder at the levels of 0 and 1% were used. Furthermore, bifidobacterium bifidum was used as probiotic bacteria. The textural characteristics in terms of hardness, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness and sensorial propertis of the symbiotic cheese samples including odor, color, texture and taste were evaluated during 60 days of storage period at 4 C. Results showed that addition of DUWP and lactulose powders except for adhesiveness and springiness caused significant decrease in all textural parameters (P<0.001). Besides, except for adhesiveness and cohesiveness, the mean values of textural parameters usually enhanced up to middle of the storage time and thereafter decreased up to end of storage period (p<0.05). Sensory results revealed that although addition of both DUWP and lactulose powders resulted in lower sensory scores, no significant differences were found between control (without DUWP and lactulose) and sample containing 1% of each both mentioned powders (P>0.05). Therefore, based on the obtained results, sample having 1% of DUWP and 1% of lactulose determined as the best symbiotic UF-cheese sample. Since the potential contribution of this product in community health promotion and reduction of diseases risk, the production and consumption of this functional cheese is proposed. 

Volume 20, Issue 144 (1-2024)

The aim of this study was to produce dry aloe­ vera slice by osmotic-hot air drying method and to investigate the effects of this method on texture, color, shrinkage, water re-absorption ability and water activity. The studied variables included precooking time (5, 7 and 10 minutes), drying time (8, 10 and 12 hours) and drying temperature (40, 50 and 60 ° C) using the response surface method in the form of a central composite design. It was examined with six replications at the central point. The results showed that increasing the temperature to 50°C increased the hardness of the texture, but further increasing the temperature reduced the hardness. The rate of rehydration was affected by drying temperature. With increasing temperature, the rate of rehydration in the samples increased. However, changing the pre-cooking and drying process time had no effect on the amount of this parameter. None of the studied independent variables had a significant effect on water activity. Optimization results showed that pre-cooking for 10 minutes and drying at 53.93°C for 8 hours will produce products with the best characteristics.

Volume 21, Issue 1 (9-2014)

  Language is the fundamental of meaning and semantic in discourse, a system that is complex more than any other. In other words, a novel is a linguistic phenomenon that is an integration of different styles of speech, heteroglossia and voices where there exist dialogism relationships. Showing peculiarities of different social languages, a novel represents the dialogism relationship in a way that it can make the narratives more understandable because this multiplicity of languages is effective in the layer of discourse.  Likewise, the knowledge of author about literary and non-literary texts is effective in creating inter-textual relationship with previous texts. A review of the novel language, from the view point of critical ‘dialogism’ shows how novelists apply special style, secrets, and phrase. A descriptive - analytical study shows dialogism features in the language of the novels of Ibrahim Koni. In his novels, Koni tries to portray desert and its creatures in a way that makes the desert an absolutely beautiful world with full of emotion. Even, he accords particular language to plants, animals and others desert objects. Further, he uses intertextual relationships between languages of his novel and a variety of other literary, mythological, religious and historical languages and changes the novel language into a tableau of dialogism based on language heterogeneity and ideology of desert creatures.

Volume 21, Issue 2 (7-2017)

Remotely sensed data are used to estimate structural parameters in order to reduce the cost and time required for forest inventory. Nowadays, due to the launch of numerous remote sensing systems, a variety of remotely sensed datasets including LiDAR, radar, and optical images are available in different spatial and spectral resolutions. Therefore, it is important to evaluate and compare the performance of these datasets in retrieving structural parameters. Such comparison, however, has rarely been conducted in previous studies. Consequently, this study aims to compare different remotely sensed datasets used for structural parameter estimation. For this purpose, textural information extracted from Worldview-2 (WV-2) and SPOT-5 images and statistical attributes calculated for LiDAR-derived data were individually utilized to model the structural parameters of a Pinus radiata plantation. Comparing the results, while the WV-2 data are suitable to estimate stocking and mean diameter at breast height (DBH), mean height and stand volume were estimated more accurately by LiDAR-derived data. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference among remotely sensed datasets for basal area estimation. Finally, it was shown that the mean height and mean DBH were estimated more accurately than density-related structural parameters comprising of basal area, stand volume and stocking with more than 20% estimation error.

Volume 21, Issue 3 (5-2021)

This paper presents the results of an experimental study on the effect of the pattern of reinforcement placement in reinforced soil on the bearing capacity of a strip foundation. A steel box filled with sand with the dimensions of 100×25×30 cm (Length, widths, and height) was used as the test base. The strip footing was simulated by a steel plate with dimensions of 25×7.5×2 cm. The sand used in this study was a poorly graded sand (SP) according to the unified soil classification system. A woven type geotextile was used as reinforcement. The effect of the reinforcement’s placement pattern on the bearing capacity of the foundation was investigated with nine different layouts including single, double, and three-layered reinforcement layouts. All the specimens prepared with a similar initial unit weight and void ratio. The tests conducted using a displacement-controlled loading device. The loading was applied with a rate of 1 mm/second. All the tests repeated at least three times to assure the accuracy and the repeatability of the results. The results of these tests indicated that the bearing capacity of the foundation increases as the length of the reinforcement increases but up to a certain limit and then remains constant. Although increasing the number of reinforcements layer increased the bearing capacity of the foundation, however, the effectiveness of the geotextile in the improvement of the bearing capacity decreased. Placement of the reinforcements in a discrete pattern improves the effectiveness of the reinforcement on the bearing capacity improvement. In multi-layer reinforcement layouts, using discrete strips of reinforcements in each elevation without overlapping with upper- and lower-layers of reinforcements, resulted the maximum efficiency of reinforcements influence in the improvement of the bearing capacity of the foundation. In the recent case, for a specific cross-sectional area of the reinforcement, the bearing capacity of the foundation could be increased by 20% using 17% less reinforcement. The results of this study indicate that the layout of the reinforcement pattern is a very important factor in the bearing capacity of foundations on reinforced soil. With a proper placement of reinforcements, the maximum bearing capacity of the foundation could be achieved with a minimum amount of reinforcement material.

Volume 21, Issue 84 (4-2024)

In this research, we try to study and compare the mythical structure of Ebrahim Adham's story with an analytical-comparative method and with a mythological approach based on Vogler's travel pattern, and show the similarity of mystical memoirs with the author's travel pattern. The result of this study shows that the story of Ebrahim Adham is completely consistent with the stages of Vogler's model. After three stages of invitation, Ebrahim Adham enters the realm of wonders and after the stage of purification and cultivation in the womb of the cave, he experiences a rebirth. As a result of enduring difficult trials, he renews his life and returns to the heart of society in the stage of returning with the elixir of spirituality.

Volume 21, Issue 149 (6-2024)

In current study, whey powder, guar and tragacanth gums were used at the different levels of 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5%, and in a mixed forms of 0.25% whey powder and 0.25%. Guar gum, 0.25% of whey powder and 0.25% of tragacanth gum in the formulation of Sangak bread to improve farinographic and extensograph properties of dough and physicochemical and sensory properties of bread. The results showed that the highest water absorption and dough development time and the lowest weight loss and firmness were observed in the sample containing 0.5% tragacanth gum. The samples containing guar gum and tragacanth and the sample containing 0.25% whey powder and 0.25% guar gum had the longest dough stability time. Tragacanth gum had the greatest role in reducing the degree of softening and increasing the farinograph quality number. Guar gum was more effective than other ingredients in improving dough extensibility. The effect of tragacanth gum and guar on dough resistance was increasing and decreasing, respectively. The highest energy was observed in the sample containing 0.25% whey powder and 0.25% tragacanth gum. The additives used improved the odor, color and chewability of Sangak bread. Thus, the sample containing 0.5% tragacanth gum (1 priority) and the sample containing 0.25% whey powder and 0.25% tragacanth gum (2 priority) has been introduced as the best samples.

Volume 21, Issue 149 (6-2024)

This study aims to investigate the effect of substituting different levels of chickpea flour (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) with quinoa flour on the relationship and dependence between the amount of protein, ash, moisture, specific volume, texture, color changes and sensory characteristics. Gluten-free cookies were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA). The obtained results showed the dependence and relationship between the evaluated parameters to the change in the level of substitution of chickpea flour with quinoa in the formulation of gluten-free cookies. By replacing 25%, the relationship between the parameters changed significantly. With the increase of substitution level change from 25 to 50%, with the predominance of smell and taste and change in texture, the relationships between the evaluated parameters in the space of principal component analysis were rearranged relative to each other. By increasing the substitution level from 50 to 75%, the influence of the presence of quinoa flour on the textural characteristics of the manufactured product and its relationship with other parameters showed the variation of the examined traits. This indicated the critical level of relationship change towards the predominance of quinoa properties in the formulation. At the replacement level of 100%, based on the position of the special volume parameter with the parameters related to tissue characteristics, an opposite relationship was observed between them. Based on the results, it shows the applicability of principal component analysis as a useful tool in identifying the substrate of relationships between quantitative and qualitative parameters in the direction of designing and developing food formulations, and finally, the maximum replacement of 50% of chickpea flour with quinoa flour in Chickpea sweet formulation is recommended.

Volume 21, Issue 149 (6-2024)

Kashk is a well-known acid-fermented dairy product with high nutritional value widely consumed in Iran. The main problem with liquid Kashk is phase separation, potentially affecting its rheological textural and microbial quality during storage. In the present study,  pectin hydrocolloid was used as a stabilizer in liquid Kashk formulation, and their effects on the physicochemical (pH, acidity, water holding capacity, syneresis, color), textural (hardness), and sensory attributes of the product were investigated during 60 days storage at 4 ˚C. Four batches of liquid Kashk were prepared using the following formulations: Control (without stabilizer), and P-0.1, P-0.2, and P-0.3 were incorporated with 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 % (w/w) pectin, respectively. During storage, pectin addition resulted in higher acidity and lower pH of the Kashk, compared to Control. P-0.2 and P-0.3 samples exhibited the highest water-holding capacity and the lowest syneresis compared to the control and P-0.1 samples throughout the storage period. The addition of pectin positively affected the hardness of the samples. With an increase in pectin concentration, the hardness of the samples increased, and from day 30 of storage onwards, the hardness of the P-0.2 and P-0.3 formulations was significantly higher than that of P-0.1 and the Control (P < 0.05). Color attributes, including lightness, yellowness, and whiteness index of samples, were influenced considerably by fortification with pectin. Mold and yeast count, as well as the coliform count of samples, were negative during storage. In sensory evaluation, visual syneresis, texture and consistency, color and appearance, and overall acceptability scores were influenced ‎by the concentration‎ of the stabilizer. The highest overall acceptance scores during sensory evaluation belonged to the P-0.3. The results indicate that adding pectin can positively impact the quality characteristics of Kashk.

Volume 21, Issue 150 (6-2024)

Cheese whey is the most polluting by-product of the dairy industry, and whey use has been the subject of much research; however, the conversion of liquid whey into value-added yogurt products is insufficient. The aim of the current research is to study the effect of fermentation of a milk-liquid whey mixture into yogurt and strawberry supplementation on the syneresis index and textural and organoleptic characteristics during cold storage. For yogurt preparation, 25% liquid whey was substituted with the milk used for yogurt production, and after the fermentation process was complete, strawberry supplementation (12%). Results show that by using liquid whey in yogurt formulation, the syneresis index increased, whereas for texture properties, higher mean values of cohesiveness and springiness and lower values for hardness, adhesiveness, and gumminess were found. The time of storage also had a significant impact on the yogurt properties, and as the time of storage increased, the syneresis index increased and sensory scores reduced noticeably. The level of whey separation was significantly increased in yogurt samples containing liquid whey on the last day of storage, according to an evaluation of yogurt qualities (P<0.01). The results showed that although adding liquid whey into the yogurt production decreased the sensory characteristics (consistency and taste scores), yogurt with liquid whey and strawberry supplementation had an acceptable sensory score. Therefore, the use of liquid whey in the production of functional yogurt enables its reintroduction in the food supply chain and enhances sustainability.

Volume 21, Issue 150 (6-2024)

Porang (Amorphophallus oncophyllus, AO) is a local food source that may be developed to address food security concerns. Diversification in processing should be done to increase its consumption. Amorphophallus oncophyllus macerated with Strobilanthes crispus (AOSC) was added to jelly candy, which was created as a low-calorie food product with useful antihyperglycemic qualities. This study aimed to evaluate the sensory and physical properties of jelly candy, including color and texture.  Jelly candy varied in the concentration of AOSC, namely: 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9%. The content of macronutrients was analyzed to prove the calorie value of jelly. The sensory evaluation was carried out using a hedonic scale, while color and texture profiles were each analyzed using a chromameter and texture analyzer. Adding AOSC considerably decreased the calorie content of jelly by up to 35%, from 147 Kcal/100 g to between 94.74 and 104.18 Kcal/100 g. In comparison to the control, the addition of AOSC had the same degree of preference in practically every attribute and did not affect total preferences. Additionally, it raised the yellow-blue component (b* value) and the lightness (L* value), but decreased the red-green component (a* value). While the cohesiveness, gumminess, and fracture values of the jelly candy decreased and the hardness values increased, the addition of AOSC did not affect the springiness value. The results of this research will be crucial in the development of new food products, particularly those that are low in calories and appealing to customers due to their improved physical qualities.

Volume 21, Issue 151 (8-2024)

Celiac disease is a digestive disorder caused by a permanent intolerance to certain cereal prolamines with a specific oligopeptide sequence and manifests as gluten intolerance. The aim of this study is therefore to formulate and produce gluten-free pasta based on rice flour and wheat alternative flours and to evaluate their qualitative properties. Different samples of gluten-free pasta were produced from a mixture of rice flour and wheat alternative flours (chia, teff, quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat) with different weight ratios. A commercial pasta was used as the control sample. The color, texture, cooking properties and sensory characteristics of the samples were then investigated. The results showed that as the proportion of alternative flours increased, the color lightness index (L*) decreased and the b* and a* values increased, resulting in a decrease in the whiteness index and an increase in the yellowness index and overall color changes. In addition, the wheat alternative flours had a positive effect on the texture firmness and reduced the baking index, and reduced the glaze index of the final product. The pasta sample with 75% wheat alternative flours and 25% rice flour was selected as the ideal gluten-free pasta sample in terms of overall sensory evaluation. The results show that the use of alternative flours can significantly improve the quality characteristics of gluten-free pasta.

Volume 21, Issue 151 (8-2024)

Changing the thermos-mechanical properties, variety of formulation and storage conditions, 36 samples of low-fat mozzarella cheese were produced and their hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness were evaluated by TPA followed by analyzing data using completely randomized factorial design with univariate analysis through IBM SPSS Statistics. 26. Then, Imaging of the same samples with a Hyperspectral camera in the range of 400-1000 nm as well as pre-processing the spectra and preferring the important wavelengths by feature selection algorithms to developed the calibration models including multiple linear regression algorithms, partial least squares regression, support vector machine with a linear kernel, multilayer perceptron neural network, random forests and majority voting algorithm was performed in Python software followed by the performance of models were evaluated. Results showed that the more increased the stretching time in hot water from 2 to 8 minutes, the more the hardness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness and cohesiveness increased, but adhesiveness was decreased. The majority vote algorithm (VOTING) revealed the highest performance in hardness prediction (R2p=0.878, RMSEp=2606.52 and RPD=2.12) and was able to predict the cohesiveness of mozzarella with higher accuracy more than other algorithms. Multiple linear regression couldn’t predict the adhesiveness properly, but random forest method with high performance predicted this feature (R2p=0.808, RMSE=56.49, RPD=1.90). The multi-layer perceptron neural network with the least error, predicted springiness (R2p = 0.848, RMSEp = 0.094, RPD = 2.12) and chewiness (R2p = 0.84, RMSEp = 1117.21, RPD = 1.96) with high accuracy. All methods except random forest were able to predict the gumminess of mozzarella with high efficiency. In this study, it was cleared that the process conditions had significant effects on the textural characteristics and the Hyperspectral imaging was found to be a suitable alternative method for estimating the textural characteristics of mozzarella cheese.

Volume 21, Issue 154 (12-2024)

In addition to the nutrients, acorn fruits contain a large amount of Polyphenolic compounds. For this reason, acorn can be considered as a suitable raw material for making bread and sweets. The use of acorn flour in food products leads to enhancing their nutritional value, creating added value for this forest fruit and then, helps to preserve oak lands and forests. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to enrich bread using acorn flour. So, the effect of replacing 10-30% acorn flour with wheat flour along with 1-4% gluten on the quality characteristics of the produced bread was investigated. Optimization of bread formula was done based on response surface method. The results showed that the use of acorn flour leads to an increase in hardness in bread and the addition of gluten moderates part of this effect. The initial hardness and specific volume of the samples were obtained in the range of 7.31 to 9.1 N and 2.94 to 3.7 cm3/g corresponding to the samples with the lowest and highest amount of acorn flour. The results of image processing of bread crumb showed that with the increase in the percentage of acorn flour usage, the percentage of porosity decreased significantly, although the porosity value was increased by the addition of gluten (p<0.05). It was also found that the addition of acorn flour caused a decrease in the brightness of the crumb and crust of the bread. Finally, the optimized formula with 10% acorn flour and 4% gluten was more accepted by the panel taste, with a score of 4.83, compared to the sample without acorn flour, which scored 4.08. Therefore, it is possible to remove the disadvantages of bread containing oak flour by adding gluten and even achieve bread with a more favorable overall acceptance than wheat bread.

Volume 21, Issue 155 (12-2024)

Yogurt, a widely consumed fermented milk product, is known for its health benefits attributed to the presence of probiotic bacteria.
This study explores the impact of starter cultures on the texture and microbiological quality of yogurt. The production involved two types of starter cultures: a commercial culture and an heirloom culture. Various parameters, including chemical analysis of raw milk, yogurt production steps, texture parameter analysis, syneresis, water holding capacity, and microbial analysis, were examined. Statistical analysis was performed to indicate the effect of the type of culture on the production of yogurt.
Results indicated that the physicochemical analysis of raw cow milk revealed parameters within recommended quality standards. Significant differences in hardness, gumminess, chewiness, resilience, and syneresis between commercial and heirloom yogurts were found. Microbiological analysis demonstrated higher Lactic acid bacteria counts in commercial yogurt compared to heirloom yogurt.  
The study provides insights into the influence of starter cultures on textural and microbiological characteristics, emphasizing the importance of standardized production methods for consistent yogurt quality.

Volume 21, Issue 155 (12-2024)

Production of probiotic (PRO) cereal-based products is an important strategy to increase consumption amounts of these beneficial microorganisms in our daily diet worldwide. In the present study, textural features, sensory properties and viability of an adjunct PRO culture were determined in supplemented cupcake with fermented black rice (FBR) and coated with malt. Based on the obtained results, survival of the PRO yeast in malt edible coating reached to 106 CFU/g after 6 days of storage in cupcake samples supplemented with FBR. In addition, crumb hardness (1529.77 g) and gumminess (962.14) of the produced cupcake supplemented with FBR were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of the control sample. Meanwhile, proper porosity and overall acceptability were observed for the aforementioned FBR added cupcake. Accordingly, application of a potential PRO yeast via malt coating as a proper carrier can maintain viability of this adjunct culture during shelf-life period of the product in the recommended dose for PRO products. Considering the health-promoting potentials of PRO and consumed amounts of cupcake, it is a good choice to consume a high dose of PRO in our today’s diet style.       

Volume 21, Issue 156 (1-2025)

Milk chocolate is one of the most popular and enjoyable foods, and it has many fans of all ages. The purpose of this research is to replace the gelatin extracted from chicken feet with commercial (bovine) gelatin in different concentrations (0, 3, 5 and 7 percent) with cocoa butter to reach a high melting point with the aim of preventing chocolate from melting at high temperatures in tropical regions. The physicochemical and sensory properties of milk chocolate were investigated, and the obtained results showed that the density of the samples increased with an increase in the concentration of gelatin. The hardness of chocolate samples decreased by increasing the concentration of chicken Feet gelatin and increasing the concentration of commercial gelatin, so that the highest level of hardness among the sample’s containing gelatin was related to the sample containing 3% commercial gelatin (5936.3) and the lowest one was related to the sample containing 7% chicken Feet gelatin (5342.5). Also, by examining the surface roughness of the treatments, the highest roughness is related to the control sample. The apparent viscosity of treatments increased by increasing the concentration of chicken feet gelatin and commercial gelatin. The melting point of the samples increased independently with the addition of chicken feet gelatin and commercial gelatin. By increasing the level of chicken feet gelatin and commercial gelatin, the aqueous activity of the treatments decreased independently. In terms of color parameters (L, a, b), the treatments were investigated, and the sample containing 7% chicken feet gelatin had the highest amount of brightness. From the sensory point of view, the parameters of color, taste, smell, texture and finally the overall acceptance of chocolates were investigated. In terms of parameters, a significant difference between the samples was observed, and all the samples had the required acceptance.

Volume 21, Issue 156 (1-2025)

The current investigation was conducted to study the effect of Persian gum (PG) and microbial transglutaminase (MTGase) on textural characteristics of ultrafiltrated semi-fat white cheese during 60 days of cold storage. In order to produce semi-fat cheeses, PG was used at three levels of 0, 0.25, and 0.5% and MTGase enzyme at three levels of 0, 0.5 and 1 unit (U) per gram of protein. Cheese samples without any treatment were considered as control samples. The findings of this study revealed that addition of PG, opposite to MTGase, caused a significant reduction of the cheese pH values ​​(p < 0.05). During the storage period, the pH values ​​of all cheese samples decreased, but statistically there was a significant difference only between the first and 30th days of storage. During the storage period, the addition of PG led to a decrease in the amount of hydration of the samples until the 30th day of storage, but then the amount of hydration of the samples increased until the end of the 60th day. The results obtained from the analysis of the texture characteristics revealed that MTGase treatment up to 0.5 U decreased the firmness, gumminess, springiness and chewability and increased the adhesiveness of the cheese samples, but using a higher amount of the enzyme (1 U) caused a significant contrary change in the mentioned trend (p>0.001). Also, the addition of PG decreased the firmness, cohesiveness, gumminess, springiness and chewability and increased the adhesiveness of the cheese samples (p < 0.001). In general, with the passage of time during the cold storage, all the textural parameters, except adhesiveness, decreased significantly. The results of this research showed that it is possible to produce cheese with good quality by using the levels of 0.25 to 0.5% PG and 0.5 units of MTGase.

Volume 22, Issue 3 (10-2018)

Extended Abstract:
Rural Deteriorated Texture (RDT) has lost its effectiveness in terms of form and content where the conceptualization of good rural form fosters movements, especially renovation (a part of the organization). This issue has been raised recently in the country, but many patterns are not proportional to reality, so intervention is needed to create a balance. Therefore, basic elements for organizing (renovation) of rural deteriorated textures (meaning five basic elements of rural form) include: building type; infrastructure; land use; density and layout. In this regard, scientific appraisal has not yet been for basic elements ranking the rural deteriorated textures. On the other hand, the Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) method has been introduced as a one of the most ranking methods recently. Therefore, the present study seeks to identify the most important elements of the RDT ranking using ARAS.
The present research is based on library, documentary and field studies. This means that the most important indicators to identify basic elements for organizing (renovation) rural deteriorated textures were identified theoretically; and then, using questionnaires of 260 rural households and 15 local managers, 15 rural deteriorated textures on the fringes of Tehran metropolis were selected (using Kernel Density Estimation /KDE methods and GIS). Then ideas of fifteen elites and scientific experts (to 5 alternatives weighing) were analyzed. In this regard, firstly, the opinions of two groups of villagers (people and local managers) and scientific experts about the criteria (in order to emphasize planning with the people) was obtained using the Rank sum method and then ranked 5 alternatives (basic elements for organizing) was done using the ARAS method. In addition, SPSS and EXCEL were also used for further analysis.
Results and Discussion
The results obtained from the ARAS method showed that the building element form is a priority for organizing (renovation) of rural deteriorated textures. That follows by arrangement; layout; infrastructure; land use and; density form. In fact, the building form in organizing the rural deteriorated textures on the Tehran metropolitan fringe is more important than other elements because the role it plays.
The research findings indicate that the element- building form- is the most impotent compared to other elements for organizing rural deteriorated textures on the fringe of metropolises, using the ARAS method. However, the findings are not consistent with the results of other research and experiments, because researchers have not ranked the basic elements for organizing the rural deteriorated textures, which indicates the innovation of the present study. Since focusing on this leads us to a more accurate and desirable planning, researchers are encouraged to focus on this issue in the future research. However, the indexes of the element building form in the findings of this study are similar and consistent with other research and experience (directly or indirectly).
In general, the Rural Deteriorated Texture (RDT) has lost its effectiveness in terms of form, with more attention to the building element than others. In other words, more emphasis on the building strength index can achieve a sustainable rural form. Of course, this is an important part of organizing the rural deteriorated textures that is necessary for its various platforms/ aspects, with the participation of locals/ villagers (as main actors) and relevant organizations and institutions (public, private, NGOs as facilitators), which should be taken into account by future researchers

Volume 22, Issue 10 (10-2022)

Wear, friction and lubricant are important issues in all disciplines, including in turning. Normally, lubricant is used to reduce the temperature of the tool and also to reduce the friction between the part and the tool. So far, many studies have been done on lubricant optimization by changing its structure, for example by adding nanoparticles to the lubricant. In this article, with a new approach, the effect of creating a surface pattern on the accuracy of the lathe has been studied. More precisely, the effect of holes created by laser engraving on the friction behavior and the formation of the fluid layer in different states were investigated by numerical analysis. In general, the amount of load as well as the speed of chipping is an influencing parameter on the amount of friction. Here, by keeping these two parameters constant, the effect of the number, depth and size of the surface pattern was investigated.

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