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Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2012)
This survey is dedicated to the study of Persian reactive tokens. Reactive tokens are short utterances such as “hmm”, “mm”, and alike, which are produced by the listener when he/she is listening. They do not require answers on the part of the speakers and they do not cause changing of the turn. Reactive tokens influence the success of the ongoing conversation. Their importance is understood in their absence. If they are used improperly, the conversation is disturbed. Without considering these tokens, we will ignore the important features of conversations. To our knowledge, no research has so far examined these token.
In the corpus of this research, 960 tokens are transcribed in all the conversations, including face to face and telephone conversations, and studied in conversational analysis framework. Furthermore, super-segmental features and the degrees of reactive tokens’ influences are explored. The results showed that reactive tokens have different meaning in different context and we can consider a canonical and a non-canonical meaning for them. Also a spectrum for the degree of their influence is presented. The aim of this study is discovering the meanings and function of reactive tokens and some factors influencing their meaning in the conversations.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (12-2003)
Context-dependent modeling is a well-known approach to increase modeling accuracy in continuous speech recognition. The most common way to implement this approach is via triphone modeling. Nevertheless, the large number of such models results in several problems in model training, whilst the robust training of such models is often hardly obtained. One approach to solve this problem is via parameter tying. In this paper, clustering has been carried out on HMM state parameters and the states allocated to any cluster are tied to decrease the overall number of system parameters and achieve robust training. Two types of groupings, one based on the final trained model set parameters and their inter-model distances and the other based on the training data and a decision tree, have been carried out. In the implementation of the later, a decision tree based on the acoustic properties of the Persian (Farsi) language and the phonetic similarities and differences has been designed. The results obtained have shown the usefulness of both the approaches. However, the second approach has the advantage of making the estimation of unseen model parameters possible.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2015)
In the process of reading and evaluation of a work, retrieval of another text and knowledge of how to reproduce it in this text cause to enrich the analysis. The link of comparative literature and intertextuality is a new achievement that facilitates work analysis in the frame of paradigm and methods. Investigation of similarities and their influence on each other is one of the most important factors of comparative analysis, but intertextual reading wants to go beyond the investigation of similar sources. Text is based on pervious discourse and will attract discourse in itself and even change the meaning of pervious text. This paper wants to introduce Mathnavi-e-Khamush Khatun (that is Indian) according to the connection of comparative and intertextual criticism principles, and proceed the most important items in the text that prepare the situation to referencing the stories of Thousand and One Nights, and after comparative study (similarities and influences), proceeds to how the stories of Thousand and One Nights are converted and absorbed in Mathnavi-e-Khamush Khatun. It further proceeds to the elements of suspense, parody, permutation and alike that cause to signify other narrative and make new text. The connection between new elements and structure in this Mathnavi with the beginning of Thousand and One Nights structure (beginning of Shahrzad story) is another field to comparative and intertextual reading.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (7-2022)
Problem statement: Due to the increase in population and lack of land to provide services to city dwellers, high-rise architecture became popular, but most of these high-rise buildings were built without regard to citizens' perceptions, which created problems in this regard.
Aim: The purpose of this study is assess the impact of tall buildings on residents' perceptions in the central context Tabriz from a physical-semantic perspective. Methods: The present study is descriptive-analytical survey. The statistical population included the population of the central part of Tabriz equal to 29384 people and the sample size was obtained through Cochran's formula equal to 379 people. Structural equation method through Smart PLS and Amos software was used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that among the components of the impact of tall buildings on the perception of residents of the central part of Tabriz, the component of desirability of using high-rise buildings for residential use with a factor load of 0.951 has the greatest impact on residents' perception (physical-semantic) It has the central texture Tabriz and its lowest is related to the component of feeling happy in the face of high-rise buildings with a factor load of 0.615. Conclusion: The design of tall buildings should be designed with full knowledge of the needs and desires of the residents of the central part Tabriz, because they are real consumers and their understanding of their living environment and facilities provided a very important role in their satisfaction and comfort. It has a living environment.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2012)
With the advent of the World War ІІ, foreign language teaching entered a new period of its tempestuous history. The purpose of most foreign language schools and institutes in this period and the forthcoming years was to enable communication via a foreign language and, at the center of this skill, there was an attention to proper pronunciation of sounds and words. Since that time, there has been a great number of ideas and viewpoints proposed by researchers and authorities about the nature of pronunciation teaching, each of which contributed to the expansion of this field. In order to discover how these ups and downs have affected the teaching, of foreign language pronunciation in Iran, large-scale and comprehensive research is needed. The aim of this article is to inspect the place and the method of pronunciation teaching in high-school English textbooks in Iran in order to figure out the quality of teaching pronunciation and the way it is presented in the textbooks. The findings of this study are useful to improve the quality of teaching pronunciation in high-school English textbooks. Finally, some recommendations have been given.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2012)
Both intertextuality and intermediality are discursive phenomena that impact the semiotics by defamiliarization or interaction of the media and the text. Intertextuality function since its appearance could be seen only in the literature and its contrast was only with multi-media novel. In various arts, especially in the cinema, theatre and cyberspace, it seems that they could not achieve to prove the transdiscursive technical and media situation – particularly in the criticism area – until intermediality is discussed. The intermediality shows interaction of various characteristics between different mass media next to each other keeping all characteristics of its signs. It has then a transposition by which the primitive characteristics are suspended and differentiated. The most important aspect of this media conflux is to establish a material and a form of expression next to another material and form. The purpose of this research – besides studying intermediality discourse – is to consider its function in the semiotics and arts as well. That is why having the intertextuality reread, the borders between text and media and, finally, the effects produced by interaction of the media are regarded to gain a proper theory about intermediality.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2012)
Ideological structure (construction) is an abstract and ambiguous basic term in critical discourse analysis researches. This paper is an attempt to reply the research questions such as (1) What is ideological structure? and (2) How is it defined, represented in a text and, finally, analyzed and interpreted by critical discourse analysts?
In conclusion, potentially any sentence or utterance can be an ideological structure but in real presentation of a text, only those linguistic forms or structures, which transfer meaning more than its linguistic form in a specific discourse context, are called ideological structure. A critical discourse analysis is able to attend a scientific analysis and interpretation of a text by applying the linguistic and social concepts and strategies as indicated in this paper on a newspaper title.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2014)
Cone snails of the genus Conus are highly regarded for their medicinal compounds derived from their toxins. In order to examine the venom apparatus structure, 12 specimens of C. textile were collected from the coastal zone of Gheshm Island and fixed in Bouin's for 48 hours and transferred to laboratory in ethanol. After breaking of shellfish, the venom apparatus were isolated and their different parts (after molding and cutting) were stained by HE and HEG and photographed by Nikon microscope. The stereomicroscope observation showed that the venom apparatus consisted of (1) toxin production part (venom duct), (2) toxin transmission part (venom bulb), and (3) injection part (radula and proposcis). Photographs of sections showed that the venom bulb was completely muscular, consisting of longitudinal and transverse muscle fibers, and in their middle part a channel with epithelial cells was observed. Venom duct walls composed of 3 parts including the outer layer of muscle an inner layer of columnar epithelial cells with basal nucleus and the inner lumens which filled by the granules. HEG stained slides showed a much sharper cytoplasmic and nuclear implementation, particularly granules containing toxins were easily countable and measurable. Although the onventional HE staining method clearly showed different parts of the gland, but HEG method in addition to distinguishing different sections of tissue, seemed to be a suitable technique for studying the role of different parts of the organ in producing conotoxin in the form of secretory granules.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-2012)
The aim of this study is to compare the ideas of Arabic rhetoricians and linguists about the direct and indirect meanings of interrogatives. For this purpose, the ideas of linguists about the notion of speech acts in the field of pragmatics were investigated and also the viewpoints of rhetoricians in the field of meaning (Ma’âni) were studied. After gathering the ideas of the two groups, a comparison is made to show the similarities and differences of such ideas. The results showed a number of similarities like the division of utterances to constatives and performatives, paying attention to indirect meanings of performatives and some of similar indirect meanings. All of these are reasons of the influence of ancient rhetoricians upon modern linguists. However, undoubtedly, there are a number of differences between the two; such as their different scope and some of different indirect meanings, which imply the innovations of linguists and their attention to other dimensions of performatives.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-2012)
The present study aimed to provide a comprarative analysis of the performance of Persian monoligual and Azari-Persian bilingual adolescents in comprehension of Persian proverbs. The study has been made on the basis of the constraint satisfaction model, within which the effect of the variables of “linguistic context”, “familiarity” and “gender” is examined on their “speed of comprehension”. The corpus includes 142 high school students in two groups of monolingual and bilingual individuals. The proverb comprehension test has been provided as a testing software in which the data are saved in the textual format and the response timing is saved in milliseconds. Data analysis was performed by a two-way analysis of variance. The research findings illustrated the significant effect of the variables studied, that by itself supports the efficiency of the constraint satisfaction model, as its theoretical base, in the comprehension of Persian proverbs.
Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-2022)
Statement problem: Today, due to contradictory approaches and lack of proper orientation, it has unfortunately created inappropriate urban facades and destroyed physical identity in Iranian cities.
Aim: To evaluate the factors affecting the identity of the anatomical views in the historical area of Tabriz city.
Methods: The analytical-inferential method was used. The statistical population was two groups of building users and experts. Structural equation method with Smart Pls software was used to collect information. Results: According to the users, the greatest impact on the physical identity of the facades of the historical context of Tabriz city is related to the destruction of historical facades and personal taste, order and harmony, and the least is related to the corner and the connection line to the ground. According to experts, the most effective is related to human scale and size, facade materials and personal taste. The lowest is related to the corner and connecting line. In the end, both groups were unanimous in the field of least impact, i.e. the criterion of the corner and the line connecting to the ground.
Conclusion: All the examined components have been effective on the anatomical identity of the historical fabric of Tabriz city. Considering the close relationship between physical identity and urban views, it can be said that with proper management of views, tangible physical identity can be achieved.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2012)
Cognitive poetics theory provides a theory about literature, which is based on the language of literary text as well as the order of linguistic segments. Furthermore, this theory is rooted in the cognitive linguistics techniques, such as analogical analysis, in which conceptual mapping in literary texts can operate at three different levels: “attribute mapping,” “relational mapping”, and “system mapping” (Freeman, 1998). The first level is specified to the perception of similarity between objects, the second level is for studying the relations between objects, and the final level is for recognition of patterns created by object relations, which enables generalization to more abstract structure. In this paper, to study the operation of this theory, a Persian poem, called “A Tale”, written by Ahmad Shamloo, is going to be analyzed. This research argues that how cognitive poetics could produce an appropriate theory for systematic analysis of a literary work and its interpretation? The given response is that every literary theory has to cover seven criteria to be appropriate, so cognitive poetics cover all of them and provide a powerful device for distinguishing between the linguistic and poetic functions of language. Moreover, the general mapping skills, which make the cognitive ability suitable for producing and interpretation of metaphor, are the basis of this theory, which could clear the insight and limitations of traditional literary critics as well as evaluating a literary style by using cognitive poetics approach. The main goal of this paper is to show the difference between language and structure of poem and everyday conversation or any other genre. It also tries to show how systemic interpretation of each poem occurs according to system mapping.
Volume 3, Issue 5 (4-2016)
Translation of Quran into other languages is necessary in accelerating the process of human evolution in non-Arab communities. Because, Quran's translation has a considerable impact on culture and society, as the social and cultural context of translator plays an important role in his translation. The comparison of four French translations of Quran from 17 to 20 century, relying on the cultural verses of Sūrah al-Ḥujurāt, helps the authors to express the evolutionary process of the Quran's translation and to clarify this mutual influence. The appropriate translation of these verses, teaches the civilized language to the audience. The correct translation would require correct decoding of the source text and then correct encoding in the target text. The definition of three levels: structure, content and context as the base of the study of translation, introduces the appropriate translation. It clarifies that the maximum commitment to ST moreover to preventing damage to the meaning, complete process of the transmission in a best way by considering these three levels and on the basis of various strategies of translation into demanded conditions in the verse. Thus, this paper chooses Library resources with descriptive-analytical processing and the main objective of this paper is to investigate the evolution of translating the Quran in French, the introducing of superior translation, highlighting of the position of some approaches, by the translation theorists. In this way it is possible to find a combined pattern of approaches to provide a translation of the Quran. We will respond to cause of the revisions of the translations, during the time.
Volume 3, Issue 6 (1-2017)
Special literature of the Qur'an leads to difficulty of its translation. Study of emphatic devices as a grammar technique in Qur'an translation reveals their unbalanced equivalents based on exist theories of translation science. Because of the position of this technique in source language, assessment of ablative absolute and turning synonyms based on House textual theory can lead to their precise translation. Study of aforementioned emphasis devices; in Shakir, Irving and Hilali-Khan translations shows some Inequalities in comparing with source language like; imprecise equivalence of ablative absolute not reflecting of its emphatic structure and qualification and unbalanced grammar translation of turning synonyms (by vāv). But their translations are equivalent in some cases like; making emphatic structure equivalence by parallel structure in translation of turning synonyms (by vāv and Lā). Though felicitous miracle of the Qur'an, linguistics differentiates and the translator role, himself, have effective role about balanced or unbalanced translation of these emphatic devices, but based on linguistic position of these technique in source language, the House overt translation method can be considered as better method in this field.
Volume 3, Issue 8 (4-2006)
The Effects of Partial Substitution of NaCl by KCl on Physicochemical, Sensory, Rheologyical Properties of Iranian White Cheese. Four trails of different mixture of Iranian white cheese with the ratios of NaCl/KCl: 1.50% NaCl+ 1.50%KCl, A; 1.00% NaCl+ 2.00% KCl, B; 0.75% NaCl + 2.25% KCl, C; and D as a control with 3.00% NaCl were treated by dry salting to produce low salt cheese. The quality properties such as composition (moisture content, fat, total nitrogen with dry basis, water soluble nitrogen), sensory properties (flavor and body texture), and textural characteristics (force to fracture) were measured. The treatments exhibited no significant (P>0.05) difference in the composition of cheese (moisture, fat, total nitrogen and water soluble nitrogen) after aging period. All treatments exhibited significant difference in sensory (flavor and body texture) properties. Textural properties (force to fracture) after 30 days aging showed that there was no significant (P>0.05) difference between treatments A and D.
Bahram Behin,
Volume 3, Issue 9 (5-2010)
The banishment of poets from Plato’s Republic in order to reach at a society free from irresponsibility is the first step in the Western speculative philosophy to criticize poetry. From a Platonic point of view, irresponsible, irrational writing, of which poetry, due to its inspirational nature, is an outstanding realization, puts the ideal Greek society in disorder and thus should be avoided; philosophically speculative writing, which arises from rationality and truth-orientated thinking, should replace it. Although it is almost impossible to examine the credibility of such judgments, they have been raised in different guises throughout history to explain crises in human societies. With a special attention to the modern era, this paper argues that due to the shortcomings in the Western “philosophical discourse,” Western philosophical writings seem to be really dangerous and the cause of political and social crises. Conversely, writings arising from a “literary discourse” might turn out to be more responsible.
Volume 3, Issue 9 (3-2006)
Fotoohi . M. , PH.D.
This essay is concentrated on Romantic Image. Romantic Image essentially is deferent with classic, symbolic, Surrealistic and imagistic Image, in nature and aesthetic. The author sets forth essence of romantic Image in three sections: The first section explains four special feature of Romantic Image 1) poet's transmutation in nature and things 2) images as shadow 3) running images and 4) individual aspect of image). The second section discusses the relation between images and their places in context of poem with two features of connection and running. The third section explains three functions of romantic images. The final part deals with the metaphoric pole of language in romantic writings.
This essay is aimed at distinguishing classical and romantic imagination and set forth process of creature, value of aesthetics and origin of image insights in these kinds of writing.
Volume 3, Issue 10 (10-2006)
One of the most effective surfactants, which is increasingly used to retard the staling of bread, is Sodium stearoyl lactylate (SSL). This research was carried out to assess the staling of flat bread containing different levels of SSL with different methods. Therefore, Taftoon bread was baked from dough containing 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75% SSL with standard method, sensory and staling evaluations were done on days 1, 2 and 3 by means of 5 trained panels of referees. Moisture content of the breads was determined in the same days with standard method. The texture of breads was evaluated by tensile, compression and shear tests on days 1, 2, 3 and 4 with Instron. Trained panel of referees could not find any significant difference between the sensory characteristics of breads but showed that chewing ability of the bread containing 0.50% SSL was improved from 5.5 to 6.1. Results of texture measurement showed that the force required to compress, shear, and tensile breads was reduced in breads containing SSL With regard to the results of the other tests; we could reveal that compression test was not suitable for Taftoon bread, which is flat bread and has a low thickness. Moisture of the breads did not change significantly on the tested days. The scores of staling were reduced, although most of them were not significant and this decrease was from 3.4 to 1.8 for the standard and from 3.6 to 2 for the bread containing 0.25% SSL and from 2.4 to 2.6 for the bread containing 0.50% SSL and from 3.7 to 2.4 for the bread containing 0.75 %SSL. Therefore we could conclude that by using sensory evaluation and texture analysis together, we could assess the bread staling.
Mahmood Fotoohi,
Volume 3, Issue 10 (12-2010)
This article has categorized Sufi prose in two contrasting species: the first is constructed discourse (kalām-e motamakken) and second one is deconstructed discourse (kalām-e Maqlub). These two terms have been used by Sufis in their books. The distinguishing bases of these two discourses are the epistemic origin, source of knowledge, text content and the function of language in Sufi discourse. Constructed texts contain social concepts of Sufism and originate from a collective and ideological knowledge. Indeed they organize a group state and the language plays the role of a regulator in them. The deconstructed discourse is the second group of texts that have their roots in personal experiences and create a new imaginative and textual world. A deconstructed text, in terms of implications, is an open text that is flexible for interpretation and metaphorical pole of language dominates it, while constructed text hinders further interpretation. The article at the end shows the transformation process of Sufi prose from the constructed discourse word by word to the deconstructed discourse.
Leila Sadeghi Esfehani,
Volume 3, Issue 10 (12-2010)
Connecting the literary text world to reader's world as well as reading all signifying aspect of a fiction's world is not achievable by literary criticism, so it seems there is a necessity to have a theory which could study the text world in terms of both scientifically and literary creativity, that is a theory which produces the possibility of scientific survey of literature. To evaluate text world theory, in this article, it is supposed to analyze all the fictions of “the panthers who have run with me” by Bijan Najdi, an Iranian story writer. The question raised in this paper is, therefore, whether text world theory could identify the elements which structure Najdi's fiction narration? Then how he is distinguished from other authors through the production of his text world and understanding them by readers? To answer the first question, every text includes three levels: discourse world, text world and text sub-world to construct a part of the narration. The answer to the second question, Najdi produces a cohesive discourse world in his book by considering some common elements in all his fictions, so the separated fictions would be connected to each other invisibly. The important point in this paper is that, according to Najdi's text world's reading, every world could embed another world inside and create an underlying fiction by different narrative techniques. To conclude, the most important point in Najdi's works is the production of sub-stories by underlying or sub-text worlds, which are activating underlying stories.