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Volume 1, Issue 2 (10-2013)
Literary works are good sites for cultural energies; to live, negotiate, and challenge the dominant discourse and each other, sometimes this presence is reproduced and sometimes, if is challenged. P. Machery’s “The Unconscious of the Text” and A. Sinfield’s theory of Faultliness show that how literary works trouble the dominant discourse.Some women – in Shakespeare’s tragedies- revolt against the dominant discourse of Elizabethan patriarchal ideology; they question its basic assumptions and its very ideology. On the other hand, S. “Greenblatt in Circulation of Social Energies” states that the dominant social energies or discourses are continually reproduced in the literary works. In Safarbeygi’s poetry – although the socio-political ground-works have been changed in the favour of women rights – the patriarchal ideology is reproduced in a circular movement; men have constructed that ideology centyries ago, then it came into their collective unconsciousness, and finally, via the help of literary works, it entered the society again
Volume 1, Issue 2 (10-2014)
One of the style-oriented features of narrative texts is frequent application of “epithet” with various functions. In documents and texts of narrations, epithet often refers to persons through expressing the parentage relationships, such as a proper noun; however, in addition to the foregoing, in many of cases not as per such parentage relationships, but through a virtual implication, it makes a certain name for someone to show him/her as considerable in being attributed to a certain feature, so that again it virtually names other phenomena or even abstract concepts. Whereas the epithet discussion is fully based on Arabic culture, it causes certain challenges in translating narrative texts into Persian; especially due to the fact that apparent inclusion of the same in Persian text as a proper noun hides the relevant variable semantic implications; like the fact that due to the syntax and spelling differences between Arabic and Persian languages, the aforementioned also causes further problems in terms of writing. The action of translating narrative text into Persian language enjoys a considerable background, but after all, the problems caused by epithet inclusion in such action have not been studied in any independent work. Relying on several samples taken from the narrations of Bihar Al- Anwar Book, this study addresses and analyzes some of the major issues caused by transferring epithet in translating narrative text into Persian and then practically gives certain solutions to solve such issues and problems.
Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2013)
Aim: Using short text messages (SMS) is the easiest and cheapest method of health education programs in order to increase women’s’ knowledge and early detection of diseases. This study was conducted in 2013 in order to compare the educational effect of breast self examination (BSE) by two different methods of SMS and lecturing in female students who work and study in non- medical fields. Method: In a quasi-experimental study, 108 twenty- two to thirty year old female students of non- medical fields were chosen by random cluster sampling and then divided into 2 groups. One group was educated by lecturing and the other by SMS. Data collection tool was a questionnaire including demographic, knowledge, attitude and performance sections (KAP) and a check list for direct observation. Collected data were analyzed by SPSS 20 software, using parametric statistical tests (paired T-test) with the significant level of p<0.05. Findings: After education in both groups, a significant difference was observed in the average scores of KAP (p= 0.001). Educating by both lecturing and SMS promoted the level of KAP about BSE (p=0.001). KAP score of doing BS in text message group was higher than the lecture group (p=0.001). SMS was chosen as the best way of BSE education. Conclusion: Compared KAP scores about the quality of doing BSE in the SMS group were higher than the lecture group; therefore, it is suggested that this educating method can be used in the health education programs especially in controlling breast cancer and maintaining the level of health among women in the society.
Volume 1, Issue 3 (11-2020)
As part of the community, children have their own needs, desires, and preferences. Citizens who have been neglected in social life, especially in the design of cities and the creation of urban environments. The purpose of this research is to investigate the needs, desires and preferences of children in providing planning and design indicators for urban spaces. The main research questions are: What are the desirable street indicators from a children's perspective? What are the practical solutions for the indicators in the study area? In this research, documentary study method and content analysis were used to identify design and planning indicators of child-friendly Street. In order to identify the needs and desires of the children, 40 13- to 12-year-old students of Hajar Primary School in Mesbah Street in Karaj were asked to write down the characteristics of their desired street. To examine the collected textual data, the concepts contained in the textual data were first extracted, coded and categorized based on the content presented. After classification, the frequency of codes in each category was determined. Objective and visual dimension had the highest frequency in recognizing the desired indicators of children. As such, 28% of the data were related to the visual dimension. Social dimensions (24%), activity (23.27%), psychological (15.27%) and finally environmental (9.45%) were the least important factors for children
Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2023)
The current study suggests the utilization of steel wool as an extended anode electrode in an electrochemical process to enhance the efficiency of Remazol Brilliant Blue R (RBBR) removal from wastewater. The effect of the operating parameters of initial pH, applied current, supporting electrolyte, and initial dye concentration on textile dye removal efficiency was investigated to determine the optimum conditions of the process. Kinetic studies were performed in the optimum conditions. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and x-ray fluorescence (XRF) were carried out to determine the morphology and characterization of the extended anode surface. Under the optimum conditions, the dye and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal were obtained 99.42% and 72.72%, respectively. The reaction kinetic data of the electrochemical process was followed by the pseudo-second-order kinetic rate equation (R2 = 0.99). These findings might be useful in treating the various pollutants in industrial wastewater.
Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2012)
The purpose of this study is Understanding status and relationship between empowerment and contextual performance with job satisfaction of employees of Islamic Azad University Dezful Branch. Empowerment based on Bowen and Lawler of model (1992), contextual performance based on Van Scotter and Motowidlow of model (1994) and job satisfication based on universal model of single question measured. Proportion with purpose of study, two main hypothesizes and ten secondary hypothesizes codified. Statistical social of this study was 355 personals of this university branch. Tools used in this study to collect data was questionnaire. This questionnaire has three sections that one section is job satisfication based on universal model of single question, second section is empowerment based on Bowen and Lawler of model (1992) in four dimensions which includes information sharing, trust, training and reward and third section is contextual performance based on Van Scotter and Motowidlow of model (1994), which includes two dimensions of facilitation of interpersonal relationships and dedication work. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient was approved by them. Meaningful relationship and coefficient correlation between empowerment and performance and each dimensions of their with job satisfication were investigated. Then structural equation model was used to test the theoretical model and the direct and indirect effects of these factors on job satisfaction of employees were found. Results of tests impress that each of components empowerment and contextual performance with job satisfication have meaningful relationship and had seen among of dimensions of their only training with job satisfication has not meaningful relationship.
Mahmoud Rezaei Dasht Arzhaneh,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2008)
Assistant Professor Of Persian Language and Literature Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz rn rn rn rn rn rn According to the intertextul approach there is no text that is self-sufficient; rather,in this approach, it is supposed that every text is an intertext from previous texts and for following texts. In this essay, first different aspects of text and intertextuality are explained and then, a tale from Marzbanname is analyzed according to this approach. At the end,it has been shown that as Barthes, Bakhtin, Keristova, Genette, Todorov and other adherents of Intertextulity approach have emphasized, there is no authentic and original text; therefore, the mentioned tale from Marzbanname , like other texts, is a retelling of previous texts.
Qadratolah Taheri , Majid Hoshangi ,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2008)
In the history of world's literature, there have always been authors who see literary works as a place to express human’s position in the society and try to describe man in relation to the nature and the world surrounding him and warn him of the perils this world may bring to him.Today's world is a world of unrest, tension and identity loss due to rapid technological changes and ideological instabilities. With machines overwhelming human life and his conformity to the cold tune of today's world, a distance has emerged between man on one hand and morality and spirituality on the other, and this has led him gradually to a severe critical atmosphere. Some creators of literary works have tried to show this reality in their works.They have employed creative literary techniques to show an intensified view of human position in relation to the current world in order to refer man to his inner nature and notify him of the peril and distress governing the society. Kafka, Ionesco and Saramago are among those writers who are mindful of the crisis man is experiencing in his modern and postmodern life and have reflected the situation in their works, the Metamorphosis, Rhinoceros, and Blindness, respectively. In this article we have used the intertextual approach to analyse these three works based on their structure and theme and have remarked their semiological relationship.
Volume 1, Issue 4 (6-2003)
The closed texts are among the texts being definitive in meaning and lucid in language. In other words they are monophonic and so, easy to understand. On the contrary, the open texts are polyphonic suggesting a possibility of different interpretations. Meanwhile, their language is implicit and ambiguous.
The hypothesis of the present article is that in the 8th century the open texts were developed widely in the Persian literature and for the very reason the poetry of the time is so brilliant tending to a kind of perfection in its lyrical form (Ghazal). The elements and factors involved in creating the open texts such as polysemicity, plurality, conciseness, making use of the original and everlasting subject matters, as well as taking advantage of the capacities of Persian language are discussed to be the origin of ambiguity, holistic point of view and the creating a possibility for these literary figures involved in polysemy of the text.
Volume 1, Issue 4 (6-2003)
In this article, we are going to esthetically illustrate the death of one of Ferdowsi's epic characters.
Mythical, historical foundation of the epic drives us to think that is non-interpretable. While the textual characteristic of Shahnameh anecdotes makes the text very interpretable and the textual characteristic of Shahnameh anecdotes makes the text very interpretable, His epic has a paradoxical texture: there are signs like cohesion, systematic, accordance that are original and real. On the other hand, the interpretation doesn't stop and it is severely decontextualizing and meaning making and full of ambiguity. It steadily tries to change its texture and seems non-chronic and non-located.
Choosing Siavash's death and its esthetical aspects is an effort to state the wonderful characteristic of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh. In spite of having tendency to structure, it has some post-structuralistic features.
Volume 1, Issue 4 (6-2003)
Being devoid of pleonasm is the feature contributing to the consistency and soundness of writing. The rhetoric scholars classify pleonasm in three types of appropriate, moderate and inappropriate ones.
As the artistic, beauty and fluency related aspects are put on the sharp focus in the rhetoric books, naturally the inappropriate pleonasm has not been discussed and sometimes has been defined by pointing to one or two examples from poem. But, its place in the prose has not been discussed. In this article, while quoting the lexical and idiomatic definition of pleonasm from some major resources, its usage framework and scope has been determined. Then attempts are made, based on the scientific and theoretical issues, to present by giving examples from today prose – published or not published- the words, expressions and clause used today – affected by various factors including translation- which are the real samples of inappropriate pleonasm and found increasingly in prose and are not so much paid attention and finally result in disorders, unsoundness and vulgarism of the writing.
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2012)
City is like a living entity, which regenerates constantly by constructing new buildings. With few exceptions, the character of cities have changed over time with the architectural styles fashionable in each period as well as the changing demands for their functionality. Most often, the character is a combination of styles and it is important that this evolution is maintained and the vitality of places can be extended. In fact, city is the result of different historical periods and includes historical loads of various periods; and, contemporary eras are in this process, too. Our constructions will form some parts of the city in future and will cause a layer in this inherited complex, and will make specification and identity of cities and will be an inheritance for posterity. Although preservation is considered as a major step in revitalization of historic sites and buildings, ironically these sites benefit from being extended. In fact opposing construction of new structures on these sites could mean taking away the liveliness of the city and the long term standing of these sites as a historical place. In contrary, expansion and construction of new buildings on these sites maintains the history of the site to the new era and enrich its history. New architectural styles and materials are often introduced into the city initially on the periphery and then in empty plots or as replacements for dilapidated buildings. Sometimes, existing buildings are adapted to the new styles. New architecture in an existing setting will set out to copy, mimic, integrate, harmonize with, contrast, juxtapose on or even compete with the existing context. Each situation may necessitate a different approach. However, construction of these new structures on a historic context is a very delicate task which requires well-planned regulations as these new structures link the contemporary architecture to the values and characteristics of the site. Over the past few centuries a great afford has been carried out, thorough the world and particularity within the central Europe, for design of such regulations and legislations for revitalization and conservation of these sites. This has left a legacy of resolutions, recommendations and charters in this field around the world that are result of experience gained from a variety of approaches in this field in different countries. In order to achieve a design guideline for new constructions in historic context, the purpose of this paper is review of ideas and theories, agreements and charters associated with the presence of new constructions in historic context. In this paper, we will review the theory of theorists that had more impact on the approaches. We will then look at the details of the agreements between the international bodies that directly or indirectly influenced these regulations and had key roles in their design. At the end, we will set a table which will be based on the approach of any of the agreements, and the evolution of this approach is discussed in international scale.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (10-2012)
Due to increasing global pressure on the environment caused by human interventions, the studies on interaction of traditional building and their components with nature has been increased. These studies attempt to identify natural building design and determine how to use them in the climatic design of today's architectural design. Building performance simulation enables the examination of the effectiveness of innovative energy efficiency measures and control strategies. Daylighting is an effective approach to allow architectural design and construction practice to have a more flexible design of building facade, and to enhance a more energy-efficient and greener building development. Energy savings resulting from daylighting not only would mean low electric-lighting and reduced-peak electrical demands, but also it means reduced cooling loads and the potential for smaller heating, ventilating and air-conditioning. The absorbed solar radiation acts to raise the surface temperatures and consequently the temperature of the adjacent air layers. This has a significant effect on the generated thermal conditions, which is, in turn, reflected on the thermal behavior of the surrounding habitable spaces. In tropical areas, especially in warm humid areas, the need for shade and air ventilation are most important factors used for the provision of thermal comfort. In climatical and morphological studies of dezful historical context, great appliance of shade and ventilation can be seen. Among the hundreds of ways to do this, one of them is using khavoon (brick work) that creates shadow on the inner and outer walls and increase visual richness of the environment. This paper attempts to understand patterns of the brick khavoon in the way they were used; and to evaluate their shadows. These patterns became 3D using schetchup software and their shadow have been prepared at different hours of day and different directions. The amount of shadow has been calculated and analyzed by the image processing, IMAGEJ software. It seems that such patterns, in different orientation, increase amount of shadow (2.5 - 4.5 times). Given the size of the hourly solar radiation on the walls in each direction, the best direction of using this patterns can be identified.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (10-2014)
The title of the story is the threshold to the mysterious world of the text. Thus it must be selected artistically to show the quality of the text, despite its quantity and restrictions. Sometimes, the title sheds light on the world of the text and lights the text`s whole material, but sometimes, it hides the text and the reader does not resieve any sign of it. It makes a tension in the mind of the reader to draw him/her to the text, and makes him/her to arrange his/her disturbed mind by reading the text and finding the meaning of it. This research is aims to investing ate the most important textual and extra textual factors, which are efficient in choosing the title of Sadeq Hedayat and Zakaria Tamer`s works, and study the structure and context of the titles and their relation with intra-textual and extra-textual factors that are used to hide the meaning of the text. have several res sons. Attracting the reader and closed political conditions (extra-textual factors) are the main reasons. These titles show the familiarity of the two writers with rhetorical devices. Also they are the reflection of the difficulties and hard conditions of the people`s life and the writer`s current cultures.
Volume 2, Issue 2 (11-2022)
The movement of translating the texts of Greek philosophy into Arabic during the 2nd and the 3rd centuries AH especially in the period of caliphate of Mansour Davaniqi, was a main cause of the glory of the Islamic college or by the act of Muslim philosophers like Ibn Sina. At least from 17th century Western philosophy has moved in a way that is different from what we know of Islamic philosophy and if we need to have deep knowledge of it we need to either be expert in Western languages or to use the translations of their original texts of Western philosophy. The text of Western philosophy, however, have been written in several languages like English, German and French and a scholar in philosophy, in spite of his proficiency in English, in order to be familiar with works written in other European languages, he needs to the help of translators. This article explains the necessity of translating philosophical texts of Western philosophy and some entailments of it.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (1-2016)
The concept of Quranic phrase بَعُوضَةً فَمَا فَوْقَهَا" : a gnat or a larger entity" has been always the subject of dispute among interpreters and translators of the Holy Quran. Apparently, the word "فوق: above" is not used in its common sense (higher and larger), rather, used in the parable sense, i.e. the opposite meaning "lesser and lower". The current study, applying an analytic-descriptive inquiry, using linguistics and referring to lexics, syntax, interpretation books, and considering the differences of words "«فـ»، «ما»، «فوق» : above, anything, or, respectively" based on intertextuality relations, assessed such implications in words of Islamic grandees (Hadith of the holy Prophet, Imam Ali, and Imam Kazem). The phrase has been neglected due to the intertextuality to get the meaning of the verse, and has been interpreted as "larger and higher". Also with regard to intertextuality of this Quranic phrase and assuming a phrase from Sermon 164 of Nahjo- al-Balagheh, it is indicated that " فـَ" in this phrase means " إلی : to " and should be translated as«تا» in Persian, implying an ascending trend. Moreover, reviewing many Persian translations of this phrase and providing the diagrams, it is revealed that the word«فوق» in Persian does not certainly tolerate two opposite meanings (in any case), and accordingly, only some translations remain faithful.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (1-2016)
In translation studies, meaning is at the center of translation practice. Since Systemic Functional Linguistics considers language as a meaning making resource, it is arguedthat such an approach could serve as a helpful tool for translator. In Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), any text encodes three kinds of meanings or meta-functions. Traditionally, translators and evaluators of translations have mostly focused on one aspect of meaning, i.e., the ideational, in particular experiential. Using a descriptive-analytic method within the SFL, this study is aimed to investigate the way in which the interpersonal meaning of the dialogues between God and the Devil is exchanged in four Suras of Araf, Hijr, Isra and Saad and its role in Quran’s translation. The results show that, taking into consideration the constitutive components of clause as exchange and awareness of interpersonal meta-functional analysis, the translator of Quran will have an appropriate and concrete model in hand for investigating the way of exchanging meaning and will be able to evaluate the quality of his translation. However, regarding the specific characteristics of Quran language, the network unity of verses, the existence of Wujuh and multiple semantic layers of Qur'an and hence the infinitude of Quran, generally this approach would not be adequately helpful in the field of commentary of Quran.
M. Behshti, Zahra Davari ,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (7-2009)
There is an inevitable relation between philosophical hermeneutics and Literary theory, especially Reader-Response theories. It springs from phenomenological approach in philosophical hermeneutics and phenomenological predecessor of these theories. Indeed, in this point of view, philosophical hermeneutics is an Existential philosophy on the interpretation of the text. Philosophical aspect of philosophical hermeneutics is based on the Existentiality of it. Furthermore the Existence that Gadamer and Ricouer consider, is an interpreted Existence; as a result, the interpretation of text, is in the center of hermeneutical views of Gadamer and Ricouer. The difference between their sights is a subsidiary difference pertaining to the main difference which is their ways towards Existence. The most important difference is related to Ricouer's epistemological model and Gadamer’s ontological view in the process of interpretation. The main difference is in fact the base of the other subsidiary differences: temporality; linguistic; dialectical and objectivity. In this article I'm going to discuss the relation between philosophical hermeneutics and literary theory and then describe the views of Gadamer and Ricoeur on text I will compare the interpretation models in Gadamer’s and Ricoeur’s point of views on text in accordance with the four differences mentioned. Finally I will draw a total conclusion form all the discussed matters.
Morteza Abedinifard,
Volume 2, Issue 7 (12-2009)
In his Notebooks (1914-1916), Wittgenstein announces that ‘artwork is the object seen sub specie aeternitatis’. At nearly the same time, in another part of the world, there was a critic and thinker, who thought art as making objects ‘unfamiliar’. He was Victor Shklovsky. I argue that there is a noticeable and yet unintended similarity and relation between these two aesthetic viewpoints. Wittgenstein and Shklovsky’s emphasis on art is its power to pave the way for the readers (in the extended sense of meaning) to feel things in themselves and ‘out of their normal context’. As Shklovsky claims ‘art removes objects from the automatism of perception in several ways’; in contrast, through ordinary way of seeing, objects are ‘reckoned as nothing’. According to Wittgenstein and similar to Shklovsky’s attitude ‘aesthetically the miracle is that the world exists. That what exists does exist’. In this paper I attempt to show that the early Wittgenstein’s ideas of aesthetics are in harmony with the Shklovsky’s formalistic theory of art. In this direction, I focus on Wittgenstein’s sub specie aeternitatis’ and Shklovsky’s defamiliarization; because I think that they fill each other’s gaps. An artist defamiliarizes objects and the spectators see the objects sub specie aeternitatis. In Shklovsky’s thinking Habitualization (which ‘devours works, clothes, furniture, one’s wife and the fear of war’) is very near to what Wittgenstein means by ‘the usual way of looking at things’.
Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2012)
Among the most important lessons, as the most striking aspect of literature in any language and by which the main objectives of this field are met, are the courses related to the poetic texts. A great deal of Arabic language and literature is devoted to literary texts, among which much is devoted to the poetic texts.
But for many years, the poetic texts are taught with traditional methods in this field and many of the teachers do not use new strategies in teaching of these texts. This has led the poetic texts not to be successful in reaching their main goals, meaning the improvement of literary talents of students and strengthening their desire and motivation to their field.
This study tries to deal with the appropriate strategy performances in teaching Arabic poetic texts in Arabic language and literature useing survey and questionnaire methods. The population of this study includes the fourth and higher semester undergraduate students and Arabic language and literature field professors in the Universities of Tehran, Allame Tabatabaei, Beheshti and Tarbiat Moallem. The findings demonstrated that in many students’ and professors’ point of view, new strategies of teaching of poetic texts (i.e. semantic perception of poetry, aesthetic expression of verses and stylistic analysis) are performed less than the traditional strategies pertaining to correct reading of texts and expression of grammatical points.