Showing 44 results for Plot
Maryam Seyedan,
Volume 11, Issue 44 (4-2018)
In the cultural history of Iran, some didactic books have been written to rulers. These books not only have so many linguistic and historical values, but also reveal theoretical topics in the area of politics as well as the practical ways of using them. In addition, one can recognize the political and social moralities of rulers, by these books. Narrating was the most common way of expressing the meanings which the writers of these books wanted to share. Seyar al-molook (Siyasat-nameh), created by Khaje Nizam al-Molk, is one of the most important Adab al-molook (royal more)s in Persian, has been written in the 5th century. This book chiefly includes the numerous tales which the writer expresses some policy and ethical recommendations among them, for Saljuqian rulers. In this article, it has been studied on the tales of 39 chapters of the book, according to some parts of the Criticism of Structuralism. First, it is indicated some parts of the Structuralism Criticism which are used in this article. Second, the tales was separated with numbers. third, it is discussed about the time, mood, voice, the structure of actors and plot, according to Structuralism theory. Forth, the writer has written the conclusions.
Volume 11, Issue 46 (3-2015)
Hassan Zolfaghari, PH.D.
Common tales can be grouped based on their themes, contents, frameworks, and sources. This article studies common Farsi tales, based on their plots, while classifying the famous common tales in six main groups, which are tales with linear, circular, tree-like, chain, and combined plots. This classification helps us to maintain narrative diversity in the plots of these tales. This research takes place based on the study of the narrative structure of forty Farsi prose common tales.
Based on the outcomes of this article, the majority of short and semi-long common tales maintain linear plots. The romantic tales maintain a circular structure. The tree-like plot belongs to originally Indian tales. Long stories maintain a chain plot, while versified children’s stories have a step-by-step structure.
Volume 12, Issue 3 (9-2023)
This study was performed to determine the identification (barcoding) using cytochrome oxidase gene of common carp, between three provinces of Golestan, Mazandaran and Gilan (respectively in Gomishan, Tajan and Kiashahr) in 2011. The results of sequencing showed that all samples from the three regions had a genetic distance less than 2%, so all samples were from the same species. The results of sequencing 30 tail samples of carp species on the southern shores of the Caspian Sea showed that all samples are of the same species and their genetic distance does not reach at least 2%. Therefore, all carp samples of the three provinces are of the same species and have the same type of barcode. In the study of nucleotide and haplotypic distance, Gomishan region was 10.75000, 1 and Kiashahr region were 3.200 and 0.9333, respectively. In the study of nucleotide diversity between the two regions, 0.01978 and the average nucleotide difference was 12.187. Haplotypic diversity in Gomishan region was 38.095 and in Kiashahr region was 23.809%. Out of 13 haplotypes, Gomishan region with 8 haplotypes (61.53%) and Kiashahr region with 5 haplotypes (38.46%) had the lowest haplotypes.The results of this study show that there is a significant difference between carp samples in Gomishan and Kiashahr regions in terms of nucleotide and haplotypic diversity (P <0.05).
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2011)
Maize improvement for high temperature tolerance requires the reliable assessment of parental inbred lines and their combinations. Fifteen maize inbred lines were evaluated during 2007 and 2008 in Shushtar city (Khuzestan Province). The inbred lines were planted at two dates: 6 July, to coincide heat stress with pollination time; and 27 July, as normal planting to avoid high temperature during pollination and grain filling period. In addition, 28 hybrids from a combination of eight selected lines, were evaluated under the same conditions in 2008. Five stress tolerance indices, including mean productivity (MP), stress tolerance (TOL), stress susceptibility (SSI), stress tolerance index (STI) and geometric mean productivity (GMP) were used in this study. Data analysis revealed that the SSI, STI and GMP indices were the more accurate criteria for selection of heat tolerant and high yielding genotypes. The positive and significant correlation of GMP and grain yield under both conditions revealed that this index is more applicable and efficient for selection of parental inbred lines in producing hybrids to be tolerant to high temperatures and high yielding under both conditions. Based on two years’ data and using the STI, GMP and MP indices, K166B, K166A and K18×K166B proved to be the most heat tolerant lines and hybrid. Biplot analysis allowed us to distinguish groups of tolerant and sensitive inbred lines and hybrids. Based on the results of this study, the hybrid K18×K166B can be recommended for the Khuzestan region.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (1-2012)
The relationship between initial population density of rice white tip nematode (Aphelenchoides besseyi) and yield was examined on Oryzae sativa cv. Alikazemi. Experiments were conducted in greenhouse, micro-plot and field conditions. Seinhorst’s model was used to describe the relationship between nematode population density and crop yield. The parameters of the model, minimum yield (m), constant coefficient (z) and tolerance limit (T) were obtained from the experimental data. On this basis, the predicted yield was calculated within the initial population (Pi) range. To evaluate the difference between the observed yield (Yo) and the predicted yield (Yp), a discrepancy ratio (DR) was calculated. The results revealed that there was a significant correlation between mean yield reduction and nematode populations (P<0.01). At the highest initial population density, grain yield was reduced by 69%. In greenhouse experiments, the discrepancy ratio was larger than 0.03 and the predicted yield was overestimated compared to that predicted in microplot or field experiments. The model had the minimum mean of error when data were incorporated from the field experiments (ME= 0.0149). The indices from microplot and greenhouse experiments were 0.0823 and 0.2036, respectively. The relationship between nematode population density and relative grain yield fitted to the model was under field conditions.
Volume 14, Issue 2 (3-2012)
The objective of this research was to evaluate and to quantify the magnitude of the genotype environment interaction effects on mung bean grain yield and to determine the winning genotype for the test environments. Seven mung bean genotypes were tested at three locations for over two years. The grain yield data for each environment (location year combination) was first subjected to analysis of variance using generalized linear model. Mean grain yields of genotypes for the environments were computed to generate a genotype and environment two-way table data for the GGE biplot analysis. The analysis revealed the presence of significant genotype x environment interactions for grain yield. Location effect explained more than 60% of the total grain yield variation. GGE biplot analysis depicted the adaptation pattern of genotypes at different environments and discrimination ability of testing environments. MH-96-4, shown to have the potential of combining high yield with stable performance, can be recommended for production in mung bean growing ecologies in southern Ethiopia.
Volume 14, Issue 3 (5-2012)
Genotype×environment interactions (GEIs) can affect breeding programs because they often complicate the evaluation and selection of superior genotypes. This drawback can be reduced by gaining insights into GEI processes and genotype adaptation. The objectives of this research were to evaluate: (1) the yield stability of promising wheat lines across locations and (2) the relationship among the test environments for selecting superior lines within the cold climate mega-environments of Iran. A total of 35 wheat promising lines were grown at 7 locations during the 2008-2009 cropping season. Combined analysis of variance showed that the environment (E) accounted for 75.7% of the model sum of squares. The magnitude of the GEI sum of squares was about three times larger than that for genotypes. To determine the effects of GEI on yields, the data were subjected to the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) and genotype+(genotype×environment) interaction (GGE) biplot analysis. The AMMI1 model was found to explain up to 88% of the main and interaction effects. According to the AMMI1 and GGE biplots, the lines G5 and G4 were found to produce high and stable yields across environments. There were three mega-environments (Euromieh and Ardebil as mega-environment I, Mashhad, Arak, Hamedan and Jolgerokh as mega-environment II, and Karaj as mega-environment III) according to the site regression genotype (SREG) GGE model. Application of AMMI and GGE biplots facilitated visual comparison and identification of superior genotypes for each target set of environments.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (1-2013)
The diallel cross design is frequently utilized to obtain information on genetic effects, estimates of General and Specific Combining Ability (GCA and SCA) and to identify promising heterotic combinations as well as heterotic patterns. In the present study, heterotic crosses were identified for specific alkaloids in opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) following Yan’s GGE Biplot model by use of 5×5 full diallel data. The results obtained through biplot analysis were compared with those obtained through Griffing’s to check and confirm the accuracy of Yan’s GGE biplot model. Parents A (papline), B (NB5KR40-7/2-3), and E (58/1) were identified as good general combiners. The crosses B×C, B×E and E×B for morphine, C×D and C×E for narcotine, and A×B, A×C and A×E were identified as heterotic combinations. None of the crosses were found heterotic for codeine and thebaine.
Volume 17, Issue 2 (6-2014)
Objective: Bipolar I disorder is a common disorder with a complex etiology. A genetic approach is gaining increasing importance in this disorder. The dysbindin gene, located at 6p22.3 is considered a susceptibility gene for schizophrenia. Certain genotypes of dysbindin are thought to be associated with other psychoses such as bipolar disorders. This study intends to assess the association in previously implicated dysbindin genotypes and haplotypes with bipolar I disorder in an Iranian population. Methods: We genotyped four previously reported SNPs: rs2619522, rs1018381, 2743852 and rs2619538. Their haplotypes were analyzed in a population of 124 patients that consisted of 44 confirmed bipolar I disorder patients and 80 control subjects. We used multiple allele-specific PCR method for genotyping, which was verified by direct sequencing. Results: In concordance with previous reports in other populations our findings showed no association between the single SNPs and bipolar I disorder. Furthermore, none of the alleles showed a significant association with the disorder. In contrast to previous reports, haplotype analysis did not reveal any statistically significant associations with bipolar I disorder. Conclusion: Considering reports of previous studies regarding the implication of these dysbindin genotypes in bipolar I disorder, it is probable that allelic heterogeneity along with lack of an established causal variant in the dysbindin gene can be main factors for this discordance. With regards to ethnicities in other studies, population variation can also be considered an important factor in the observed variation.
Volume 17, Issue 7 (12-2015)
Pasting is one of the most important properties of wheat starch determining the flour quality and functionality. Twenty three New Plant Type (NPT) wheat derivatives along with three checks (PBW 343, HD 2329, and Raj 3765) have been studied in multi-location trials to assess the variation and environment induced fluctuations for their starch pasting properties. Although all flour pasting characteristics varied, Breakdown Viscosity (BV) and Setback Viscosity (SV) exhibited greater variability across environments. Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) analysis indicated significant interactions between Genotypes and Environments Interaction (GEI) in starch pasting properties. Genotypes accounted largest proportion (39.78%) of the Sum of squares (SQ) for peak viscosity (PV) followed by environments (33.30%) and GEI (33.30%). Trough Viscosity (TV), GEI accounted for the largest proportion (40.44%) of the SQ followed by environments (31.76%) and genotypes (27.80%). Genotypes accounted for the largest proportion (44.0%) of the SQ for (BV) followed by environments (33.30%) and GEI (21.59%). With respect to FV, environments accounted for the largest proportion (43.07%) of the SQ followed by GEI (30.84%) and genotypes (26.09%). Environments accounted for the largest proportion (52.48%) of the SQ followed by genotypes (23.89%) and GEI (23.65%) for SV. The interactions between genotype and locations differed greatly; however, some genotypes apparently found to be specifically adaptable to growth location. Correlation among starch pasting characteristics revealed that significant positive correlations were found between PV and BV, FV and TV, as well as SV and FV in all the individual environments tested that can be utilized in selection and simultaneous improvement in for starch quality improvement.
Volume 17, Issue 7 (12-2015)
The aim of this study was to evaluate Genotype×Environment Interaction (GEI) of chlorophyll meter readings (SPAD) of ten durum wheat cultivars, using data obtained from multi-environment trials during two years, at eight locations. Stability and genotypic superiority for SPAD reading was identified using ANOVA and GGE biplot analysis. Furthermore, the interrelationships among SPAD reading and other yield components and cultivars-by-traits, environment-by-traits, and cultivars-by-environment were studied using scatter, ranking, and comparison of biplot techniques. Substantial variations were found among SPAD reading, yield components, and quality criteria as related to each other, environment, and cultivars. There were positive correlations among SPAD reading with GY, some quality criteria [Protein Content (PC); Wet Gluten (WG), Vitreous Kernels (VIT)], and yield components [stalks m-2 (SS); ear m-2 (ES); Plant Height (PH), Length of Spike (LS)], while Maturation Time (MT) had negative correlation with SPAD. Also, there was relationship among SPAD and SC (Semolina Color) and SDS (Mini Sedimentation) with obtuse angles (< 900), but the correlation was not significant. The GGE biplot indicated that Kızıltepe environment (E6) and Eyyubi cultivar (G3) were the best in terms of SPAD reading. The GGE biplot provided useful information for experimentation of SPAD readings of cultivars when grown under multi-environment. Moreover, SPAD should be considered as the preferred tool, when the breeder is looking for the best and useful tool to determine flag leaf chlorophyll content.
Volume 18, Issue 1 (1-2016)
Three k-tree distance and fixed-sized plot designs were used for estimating tree density in sparse Oak forests. These forests cover the main part of the Zagros mountain area in western Iran. They are non-timber-oriented forest but important for protection purposes. The main objective was to investigate the statistical performance of k-tree distance and fixed-sized plot designs in the estimation of tree density. In addition, the cost (time required) of data collection using both k-tree distance and fixed-sized plot designs was estimated. Monte-Carlo sampling simulation was used in order to compare the different strategies. The bias of the k-tree distance designs estimators decreased with increasing the value of k. The Moore’s estimator produced the smallest bias, followed by Kleinn and Vilcko andthen Prodan. In terms of cost-efficiency, Moore’s estimator was the best and Prodan’s estimator was superior to Kleinn and Vilcko’s estimator. Cost-efficiency of k-tree distance design is related to three factors: sample size, the value of k, and spatial distribution of trees in a forest stand. Moore’s estimator had the best statistical performance in terms of bias, in all four-study sites. Thus, it can be concluded that Moore’s estimator can have a better performance in forests with different tree distribution.
Volume 18, Issue 6 (11-2016)
This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of forage pea (Pisum sativum spp. arvense L.) genotypes, in terms of fresh forage yield and associated traits, when grown on the Kiziltepe Plain, Mardin, Turkey. Field trials were performed during the 2007-08 and 2009-2010 growing seasons. The experiments were arranged according to randomized block design with three replications. The following trait ranges were reported: Days to 50% flowering: 147.5-162.5 days, Natural plant height and Main Stem Height: 45.58-72.75 cm, Main stem height: 52.52-100.42 cm, Main stem numbers per plant: 1.275-1.658 stems plant-1, Main stem thickness: 2.913-3.703 mm, Fresh forage yield: 10.43-23.83 t ha-1 and Dry matter yield: 2.525-5.891 t ha-1. GGE (i.e., G+GE) biplot analysis showed that the two growing seasons were markedly different,stemming exclusively from differences in rainfall amounts between the two growing seasons. Results of this study showed that the lines 88P00-1-4-9-661 (1) and P101 (6), and cultivar Kirazli (9) were superior in terms of fresh forage yield, dry matter yield, natural plant height and days to 50% flowering traits. At the same time, PC2 scores of these genotypes were found near to zero, so, they were identified as stable genotypes for the investigated traits. In conclusion, in terms of forage yield, these three forage pea genotypes are recommended for the Kiziltepe Plain growing conditions.
Volume 19, Issue 4 (7-2017)
Dry bean landraces could be cultivated under Low-Input (LI) farming conditions because of their yield stability and quality traits. The objective of this research was to evaluate and identify landraces with high yield and stable performance under LI environment and study the relationships among agronomical, physiochemical, and quality traits. Seven landraces of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were evaluated in field trials under certified organic management during three consecutive growing seasons (2008-2010) at two different areas located in northern Greece in a RCBD with four replicates. Site per year was considered as one environment. A ranking of landraces according to seed yield potential indicated a group of five high yielding landraces, while Genetic Coefficient of Variation (GCV) for seed yield (9.80%) and number of pods/plant (9.57%) indicated useful genetic variability within landraces, combined with high heritability values (H2= 0.71 and 0.95, respectively). GGE biplot analysis for yield performance and stability indicated that landrace Kastoria fell within the scope of an ideal genotype, followed by three other promising landraces. Significant positive correlation was detected between cooking time and Ash (0.94**). High GCV values for hydration increase (16.77%) and cooking time (15.65%) combined with their high heritability (H2= 0.98 and 0.89, respectively) are of great interest for further genetic advancement. These results indicate that dry bean landraces may provide the appropriate differentiation in several important traits when cultivated under LI conditions, so, effort should be directed to exploit this variability for the development of new varieties suitable for LI agriculture.
Volume 19, Issue 6 (11-2017)
High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunits (HMW-GS) compositions of 122 genotypes from bread wheat crossing block were investigated in terms of some quality traits such as grain Protein Content (PC), Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate (SDS), the Particle Size Index (PSI), and Thousand Kernel Weight (TKW), by using SDS-PAGE. In total, 12 different HMW-GS combinations were determined. Considerable diversity in terms of three Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 loci were identified. In Glu-A1 locus, 1/2*, 1 and 2* alleles were found with the frequency of 2.5, 12.3 and 85.5%, respectively. Whereas, in Glu-B1, out of 7 reported alleles, 7+8 (20.5%) and 17+18 (17.2%) were detected. Existence of 2 alleles at the locus Glu-D1 was revealed; in fact, 54.1% of them demonstrated the subunits 5+10 correlated with good bread making properties. The Glu-1 score of genotypes ranged from 6 to 10. Among the genotypes, only 23 (18.9%) had 10 Glu-1 quality score value. In the evaluation using the Genotype-Traits (GT) Biplotgraph, PC and PSI were involved in section I while SDS sedimentation value and Glu-1 score were involved in section II. On the other hand, section III included the only TKWwhich was negatively associated with other traits. The desired genotypes can be used for the crossing programs to improve technological quality of bread wheat.
Volume 19, Issue 78 (12-2022)
ancient literature. In this process, the authors try to interpret the ancient literature in accordance with the spirits and mentalities of modern man. This plays an important role in enriching literary works and the relationship between cultures in different periods. The purpose of this study is to investigate the contemporaryization of ancient lyrical poems in some Persian novels(Winter 62 by Ismail Faceeh, Bamdad Khomar by Fataneh Haj Seyed Javadi, His eyes by Alavi Bozorg, Kiss God on the moon by Mustafa Mastoor, Dal Mahmoud Golabderehi, Night harmony of the wood orchestra by Reza Qasemi) is based on the documentary method. The results of the research show that the mentioned authors have mostly focused on contemporaryizing Hafez's poetry and have presented a new reading of lyrical poems according to the cultural, social and political conditions of the time and in accordance with their mental perceptions. They have used ancient lyrical poems to show the mentality of their characters and identities, and the themes of many of these novels have been conveyed through these poems or the theme of the novel is derived from the dominant thought. These poems have also played an important role in describing the place, atmosphere, creating realism and the connection between past and contemporary culture in Iran.
Volume 20, Issue 1 (1-2018)
The goal of this research was to assess the stability and yield performance of 150 durum wheat genotypes in multi-environment trials in two locations (Diyarbakir and Kiziltepe), in 2011-2012, and 2012-2013 growing seasons. The trials were designed by Lattice Experimental Design with two replications (incomplete block design). The AMMI (Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction) and GEI (Genotype×Environment Interaction) analysis were used in the study to estimate GEI effects on grain yield, because of plant breeders’ great interest in these models for breeding programs. AMMI evaluation indicated that genotypes made the most important contributions to treatments Sum of Squares (59.8%), environments (3.5%), and GEI (36.7%), respectively, suggesting that grain yield had been affected by environment. IPCA 1 and IPCA 2 axes (Principal Component) were significant as P< 0.01 and explained 63.8 and 36.2%, respectively. Results showed that Kiziltepe 2013 was more stable and high yielding, meanwhile Diyarbakir 2012 and Diyarbakir 2013 environments were unstable and low yielding. According to stability variance, usually the province lines were more productive and stable than some old cultivars and many landraces/genotypes. Moreover, genotype G24 was more effective in all environments. The GEI model according to AMMI analysis suggested that this genotype can be considered as a candidate, due to extensive adaptability and high performances in all environments.
Volume 20, Issue 2 (3-2018)
Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) is the second most popular spice in the world and one of the important medicinal plants in Iran. Cumin seed yield is highly affected by water stress, which is one of the most important abiotic stresses affecting seed yield. So far, drought tolerance studies in cumin have been done on limited cumin ecotypes. In the present investigation, forty-nine diverse cumin ecotypes were tested under normal and water stress conditions during 2013 and 2014. The experiment was conducted under two different irrigation regimes of normal irrigation and mid/late season water stress i.e., during flowering. Each of experiments was conducted in a simple lattice design with two replications. The combined analysis of variance showed significant differences among all sources of variation. Twelve drought tolerance indices were calculated based on seed yield under drought and irrigated conditions. Yield under stress and non-stress conditions was significantly and positively correlated with Geometric Mean Productivity Geometric Mean Productivity (GMP), Stress Tolerance Index (STI), Harmonic Mean (HM), Drought Resistance Index (DI), modified Stress Tolerance Index in normal irrigation (K1STI), modified Stress Tolerance Index in stress irrigation (K2STI), Stress Non-stress Production Index (SNPI) and Stress Tolerance Score (STS). PCA and cluster analysis were followed to reveal the relationship among different indices. To visualize the GE interaction effects on cumin seed yield, the data were subjected to GGE-Biplot analysis. Finding superior ecotypes in each environment was done using GGE-Biplot. Regarding mean yield and drought tolerance indices, ecotypes from Maneh (Northern Khorasan), Shahmirzad (Semnan), and Rafsanjan (Kerman) were identified as the most favorable candidates for further research in cumin breeding programs. GC/MS analyses of elite ecotype Kerman (Rafsanjan) was also done for both conditions, the main components of essential oil were found to be γ-terpinene, β-pinene, m-cymene, and cuminic aldehyde.
Volume 21, Issue 1 (9-2014)
New conditions that dominated Egypt in the second half of the twentieth century necessitated revising intellectual and artistic concepts there. By this way, the followers of neo-realistic trend and who tried to get closer to the reality adopted different styles to express their views. Sonallah Ibrahim is one of the neo-realist writers who believed that they should break away with classical methods of writers and portray truth with a new outlook. This novelist, in his “August Star” (1974) managed to revel the contradictions through a realist method which precisely depicts everyday events and avoids any interference in the narration. The analysis of the novel elements demonstrate that the main character has been omitted from the story and different characters remain static till the end. Time goes without any significant happening and there are no “flash back” and “forward” techniques in the story. The events of the story take place in different places which have their own importance. The plot of the novel does not include conflict, climax and dénouement. Following, descriptive method, this article has tried to analyze the Neorealist and its elements and to get the ideas of critics and theorists like Allan Rob.
Volume 22, Issue 2 (3-2020)
Drought stress is one of the environmental factors influencing crops growth, development, and production. Two field experiments were performed in Karaj, Iran, to evaluate the drought tolerance indices of 17 winter rapeseed genotypes in 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 growing seasons. The factorial arrangement of treatments was set up as RCBD with three replications. To identify drought tolerant genotypes, several indices were used based on grain yield under normal and deficit irrigation conditions. Yield results showed that cultivars Artist (504.325 g m-2) and L72 (391.525 g m-2) were the superior treatments under normal and deficit irrigation conditions, respectively. According to correlation results, 3-D graphs were drawn based on Geometric Mean Productivity (GMP) and grain yield under normal irrigation and deficit irrigation to categorize the winter rapeseed genotypes in both years. In the first year, Zorica and Lauren were in group A, while in the second year; Mercure, SW102, L72, and HL3721 were in group A. Therefore, they had superior performance and stable grain yield under both irrigation conditions. Biplot diagram showed Lauren (first year) and Mercure (second year) were superior regardless of stress conditions. Altogether, under normal irrigation, Artist genotype, and under stress condition, Mercure, L72 and HL3721 genotypes could be used for cultivation.