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Showing 26 results for hayati

Volume 20, Issue 6 (11-2018)

Sustainable livelihoods approach is one of the new analytical approaches in the arena of rural development, and is considered much in recent years in order to achieve rural development and poverty reduction. The purpose of this study was to assess the sustainability of livelihoods of rural households from the perspective of the householders whose main occupation and source of livelihoods was agriculture and to identify those factors that could predict the accuracy of the classification of farmers with different perspectives of their livelihoods sustainability. Survey technique was used to collect data. Statistical population of the study included the farmers of Kermanshah Province, Iran. By using two-stage stratified sampling and determining selected counties, 250 householder farmers were chosen as a sample. Face validity of the data collection means was approved by an expert panel, and through the implementation of a pilot study, its reliability was approved. The results indicate that the study group felt insecurity and instability: about three-quarters of them assessed their livelihoods as unsustainable, and only one-quarter of them assessed their livelihoods as sustained. Statistical analysis showed that environmental, individual, and socio-economic factors have relationship with farmers' perspective toward their livelihoods sustainability. According to discriminate analysis, six variables were able to predict farmers' attitude toward their livelihoods sustainability and that prediction would be accurate with a probability of 70 percent.

Volume 21, Issue 4 (7-2019)

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is well known as a pro-environmental technology in agriculture. Therefore, investigating adoption of IPM mechanisms is crucial for agricultural products such as pistachio in Iran. The main purpose of this study was to assess the role of factors affecting IPM adoption by pistachio growers in Kerman Province. Survey was the research method and it was executed using researchers-designed questionnaire. Totally, 225 pistachio growers were selected as sample size, using two-stages random cluster sampling method. Validity of the questionnaire items was entirely approved by a panel of experts. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used for reliability approval. Findings revealed that individual factors including age, education, farming experience, motivations, participation and innovative spirit in conjunction with economic factors such as income, and technological costs affect IPM adoption procedure. In addition, educational services along with IPM technical knowledge and environmental attitude positively changed IPM adoption. The result of structural equation modeling illustrated that education, innovative spirit, life motivation, welfare motivation, income, technological costs, educational services and IPM technical challenges can significantly predicte IPM technical knowledge by direct effects. Indeed, IPM technical knowledge promotes environmental attitude and directly improves IPM adoption. Some practical recommendations are presented based on the research findings.

Volume 22, Issue 4 (Fall 2019)

Aims: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) supplementation of human ovarian tissue culture media on the morphology of tissue and alteration in angiogenesis by expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) after transplantation.
Materials & Methods: In the present experimental study, the human ovarian tissues (n=8) after collection from female-to-male transsexual people, were cut into small fragments (n=98). Then, vitrified-warmed and cultured 24 hours in two groups in the presence and absence of LPA, and finally they were transplanted to γ-irradiated mice (n=13). After two weeks the morphology of tissues was studied by hematoxylin and eosin staining and VEGF protein was detected by immunohistochemistry. The expression of VEGF gene was evaluated by real time RT-PCR.
Results: The morphology of both transplanted tissues was well preserved and follicles at different developmental stages were seen in all studied groups. Significantly a higher expression of VEGF gene was observed in the LPA-treated group compared to the non-treated once (p<0.05). Several blood vessels were shown positive reactions for VEGF antibody as green color in stroma of ovarian tissue sections in all studied groups.
Conclusion: Supplementation of human ovarian tissue culture media with LPA before transplantation could increase the expression of VEGF gene related to angiogenesis.

Volume 22, Issue 5 (7-2020)

The present study aimed to analyze sugar beet farmers’ intention towards the acceptance of drip irrigation based on an extended version of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The main objectives of this study were introduction of the existing acceptance behavior models, comparison of these theories with a critical point of view, presentation of a theoretical framework based on TAM, and testing the possible relationships among variables. This descriptive-correlational research was conducted through a cross-sectional survey. The statistical population of the study was sugar beet growers of Miandoab District, Iran, of which 346 farmers were selected as the sample of the study using a multi-stage stratified random sampling method (N= 3326). The research instrument was a structured questionnaire, whose face, convergent, and discriminant validity were confirmed. Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability coefficients were employed to examine the reliability of research tool (0.74< α< 0.93). The results revealed that the variables of attitude, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness have significant positive effects on behavioral intention towards accepting drip irrigation technology. Innovation features also have an indirect effect on behavioral intention. Furthermore, the results demonstrated that independent variables of extended version of TAM could account for 59.3% of variance of behavioral intention towards drip irrigation acceptance. The significant effect of attitude towards acceptance of drip irrigation in explaining farmers' intention towards acceptance of drip irrigation technologies implies that reinforcing farmers' attitudes will increase the likelihood of activating behavioral intention towards these new irrigation methods. In general, the results of this study contribute to the development of more integrated and comprehensive models in the field of farmers' acceptance behaviors. It also provides practitioners and policy makers of agriculture and water sectors with some useful insights regarding determinants and strategies of behavioral changes.

Volume 24, Issue 6 (11-2022)

The present study aimed to explore the intention of traditional ranchers to use biogas in rural areas of Iran conducted among the traditional ranchers in the provinces of Fars, Khorasan Razavi, Kermanshah, and Golestan (N= 91,325). The sample, composed of 383 traditional ranchers, was taken by stratified random sampling. The measurement tool was a questionnaire whose face and content validity was confirmed by a panel of experts and its reliability was estimated in a pilot study by calculating Cronbach’s Alpha. The results showed that the indicators used to measure the research variables were consistent enough with the factor structure and theoretical framework of the research. It was found that normative processes had a significant positive impact on the habitual processes and intention of the traditional ranchers. Also, the effect of situational influences was positive and significant on normative processes, habitual processes, and the intention of the traditional ranchers. In addition, habitual processes and attitudes influenced intention to use biogas positively and significantly. It is concluded that the results have significant implications for the use of rigorous theoretical frameworks such as the Comprehensive Action Determination Model (CADM) when attempting to understand the intention to use biogas.

Volume 25, Issue 4 (5-2023)

Rangeland is a common-pool resource that has become a context for conflict among different exploiter groups. Hence, the present study aimed to identify and evaluate the causes of the Rangelands Conflict (RC) in Iran. This study used a mixed analysis (first qualitative then quantitative) in terms of purpose in the field of applied research. The research sampling method was snowball sampling method in the qualitative phase and random stratification with proportional assignment method in the quantitative phase. Thematic analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used in the qualitative and quantitative phases, respectively. The result of data analysis in the qualitative phase led to the identification of six causes of conflict based on "Society-Culture", "Economy", "Educational-Extension", "Technique-Specialization", "Structure-Legislation", and "Management". The second-order confirmatory factor analysis technique was used in the quantitative phase. The results revealed that the causes of the conflict and their indicators were identified correctly. According to the results, understanding the context of conflicts helps the convergence of views among different stakeholders in achieving the rangelands co-management.

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