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Showing 24 results for Motive

Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2014)

Nafsat-al-Masdur by Shahab-al-din Mohammad Zeidary Nasavi, is one of the Persian euphemistic masterpieces. An examination of the structure of this text, from the perspective of language, reveals that the poetic and emotive functions of the text are more highlighted than the historical information. From a linguistic standpoint, a message could either be directed towards the addressor or the message itself. Therefore, the addressee is basically confronted with a literary text whose language often has an emotive function. As a result, the addressee understands the author’s soliloquy all the time. On the other hand, the author, through using his regular extra-regularity, produces numerous musical parallelisms and invigorates the internal music of a lyrical text, which is an essential component of any lyrical text. The pinnacle of lyrical language in Nafsat-o-al-Masdoor is where the author adds poetic and emotive functions to his text and makes use of a variety of parallelisms. In such cases, where the author expresses his spontaneous overflow of feelings in a given poetic and lyrical text, the prose of the book is quite simple and eloquent. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of lyrical language focusing on the structure of Nafsat-al-Masdur.

Volume 7, Issue 5 (11-2016)

Structural analysis of classic narrative works preapare the way to investigate the components of a story within the language. Mehr and Mah has a complete plot and another capabilities in order to analyze. In lyrical system of so called collection poetic and emotional function of language is dominated on other roles. The relationship between language and narrative and decelerating species can be so interpreted. When the narrator of the story focuses on himself, the (+) emotive function of language is more salient , and when he or she  describes the actions, actors and other phenomena (+) the literary function of language shows itself, because in this extent generally more figures _due to an style of old story_ are used. Descriptions of natural phenomena, the appearance of characters and even the details of some lyric acts like hunting, night wedding, banquet and… reduce narrative acceleration. In this part, the poetic function is apparent. Mental complaints, whispering to himself, speaking with the language inspired by the elements of nature and … because of specific texture that mainly associated with vocative particles has a direct relationship with emotive function of lyric language. Emotional discourse is central to narration and decreases the mechanism of narrative actions. Another achievements of this research using emotional pattern of discourse is to show  the  hopes of event  the hope,  and confidence for Joined beloved.

Volume 8, Issue 32 (4-2020)

Nuh Manzar is one of the lesser-known educational narratives and the only parody of Nizami’s Haft Peykar in Persian literature that was kept unedited and unpublished till recently. The present article attempts to criticize the fictional motives of Nuh Manzar and propose a rather comprehensive description of its characteristics.  This research is basically in two parts. In the first section, the origin, time and place of the compilation, the narrator, reasons for its title, the subject and theme, the style, the expression, and the literary genre are identified. In the second part, for the qualitative analysis of the subject, the main motives of Nuh Manzar are criticized in three parts: influence of Shahnameh, Ayyari, and lyric motives

Volume 8, Issue 33 (9-2004)

The Model of a Global Strategic Supplier Selection in Supply Chain (Case of Iran Automotive Industry) Globalization is one of the important changes in the 21 century that increased competitions around the world in national, local and international tread and business. Thus production transferred from a national and limited decision to a global and strategic issue. Many competition rules and foundations were changed and redefined in the new situation. This paper studies one of the important aspects of this problem, that is supplier selection, considering two points: 1)world class manufacturing (WCM) conditions, 2)Strategic cooperation. We designed a new model that can select a global strategic supplier, which is tested in Iran auto motive industry supply chain management. This model is very suitable for Iran and other similar countries, and tries to find a suitable answer to this key question, that our managers: is faced with Which supplier should be selected as a part of our supply chain, to improve company company ability, at global production dimansions This model is called »Mogbel – Goudarzi global strategic supplier selection model« or »strategic diamond«.

Volume 9, Issue 4 (10-2018)

This article is dedicated to study of Persian equivalents of emotive predicates in Russian syntactic structures. The number of Russian syntactic models serving to describe the mental state, depending on the lexical and grammatical nature, ranges from one to seven. In Persian language, as well as in Russian, there are different linguistic ways to express the emotional state, but they are poorly studied, moreover, they are not clearly classified, unlike their analogues in Russian language. The variety of synonymous models for expressing mental states in Russian language makes it difficulties for Iranian students to select the appropriate model. This problem requires comparative study of ways of expressing mental states in Russian and Persian languages.
The purpose of this study is to attempt to answer two main questions: how equivalence are the Russian syntactic structures of emotive predicates in Persian language, and is it possible to provide a stable model for their translation from Russian into Persian?
The novelty of our study is that for the first time we consider the linguistic ways of expressing a mental state in a comparative Russo-Persian aspect. In order to classify the Persian equivalents of emotive predicates in Russian language have been reviewed about 5,400 examples of literary works translated directly from Russian language into Persian and also examples from Russian-Persian dictionaries. Analysis of collected examples shows that in the Persian language the Russian emotive predicates are expressed with the help of at least 11 different language means. These means can be classified into three groups: 1) nominal model 2) verbal model 3) metaphorical model.
As our study shows, the meanings of the Russian verbs of the emotional state in most cases are expressed in the Persian language by the verbal model, and among the subgroups of this model, compound verbs are the most frequent model, specially verbs by model: noun with meaning of mental state + verb. Other Russian models are expressed in the Persian language generally with the help of nominal models and among the subgroups of this model, constructions with non-verbal predicates (noun, adjective) + linking verb or constructions with non-verbal predicates + connected pronoun are the most common. In addition, our study shows that the translation of emotive predicates in different Russian syntactic constructions into Persian language does not follow a stable model.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2006)

With the beginning of the third millennium and the passage of about 300 years since the Industrial Revolution, the scope of operation and competition in the business enterprises has increased to a global level. Automotive industry of Iran with more than 40 years of domestic operation and allocating 2.5%of GNP, 20% value added in Industrial Sector and 2.5% of total investment in the country has not yet achieved an outstanding position in the world markets. So to prevent unfavorable (but possible) challenges in the future, it seems necessary to assess the international competition potential of this industry according to a contingent strategic model. Reviewing the current international trade theories and internationalization models of firms indicates that most of these theories and models are developed based on fundamental assumptions governing the open market in developed countries. In addition, most of these models have evolved by the post studies on the large scale multinational corporations after their internationalization process. The most important point is that each of these theories and models studied the internationalization process from a specific level of analysis (firm, industry, country, international environment). So none of these models individually and completely can be generalized to address a suitable solution for those firms operating in developing countries and struggling to enter the international markets. The main purpose of this paper is proposing a contingent international market entry model for firms operating in developing countries (like Automotive Industry of Iran) through integrating the different points of view. The model contains four levels of analysis (firm, local industry structure, national competitive policies, and firms’ international relationship with global ones). It integrates and examines the role and effects of four interdependent variables (firm characteristics, local industry structure, national policies and firms’ international relationships) shaping the strategic capabilities and competencies, which are necessary for entering the international market (as the outcome /dependent variable). The model was examined in the Iranian Automotive Industry. It indicates how the international market entry competency of a firm in developing countries is affected by it’s core competencies, synergy of local industry structure, synergy of national competitive advantage, and collaborative advantage and complimentary effect originated from international relationship between the firm and the global market.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2006)

WTO as one of the 118th elements of third wave paradigm and also strategic shift from traditional management to brand management in global automotive industry, are regarded as the most important strategic challenges for local new established automotive companies particularly Iranian automotive companies. This article represents findings of a study which has examined growth models and learning barriers in Iranian automotive companies. This research has examined first, competition issues regarding Iran Khodro Company (as a pilot to apply results of research) by means of SD modeling in comparison with other internal competitors. And then simulates Iran automotive industry sector in a real competitive environment with presence of other foreign competitors by applying two scenarios. These two scenarios express that what are the growth enablers and impediments for Iran Khodro (in micro term) and Iranian automotive industry section (in macro term), whether or not the infrastructures of joining Iran to bilateral or multilateral WTO negotiates are strengthened. Finally, complementary policies for survival of Iranian automotive companies in a completely competitive situation is examined and addressed and necessary suggestions for their survival are presented.

Volume 10, Issue 41 (12-2013)

In the present paper, the authors initially define customs and traditions, and point out the spiritual and aesthetic reasons and motivations of Rumi in addressing it. Then the customs reflected in “Divan-e Shams” are classified into four main categories, namely, religious, Sufi, Divani and social customs. Providing appropriate evidence, Social customs are introduced and classified in more detail.

Volume 11, Issue 50 (5-2023)

Figure-transfiguration is one of the commonly used themes of folktales, which refers to changing the appearance and the basis of existence and legal identity of a person or something by using a supernatural force. Various forms of representation and its semantic implications are rooted in the mythological thinking of mankind. Therefore, in the present article, based on the descriptive-analytical method and mythological sources, the figure-transformation of four volumes from the ten-volume collection of Khorasan legends have been extracted and categorized. Then, the connection of each type of figure-transformations with mythological elements was analyzed. The result of this study showed that in the 79 investigated stories, there were 165 cases of personification, in which the mythological functions of animals such as snakes, lions, pigeons, roosters, deer, etc. were symbolically manifested in the personification of talking animals. Also, the transformation of objects into humans in Khorasan folktales can be a reflection of animism. The mythical essence of immortality and plant descent of man is reflected in the transformation of man into plants such as watermelon, reed, pomegranate, orange, etc. The metamorphosis of demons and fairies into humans and other creatures indicates the influence of Iranian mythological beliefs regarding their demonic nature.

Volume 12, Issue 2 (2-2021)

The decoration of potteries was very important in prehistoric and before protoliterate periods. The structure and motives on the ceramics accommodate the possibility of the study about ancient human thoughts and demonstrate the dependence of his ideas and minds on the natural and social environments in which he has lived and grew up. Therefore, by examining these motives, one can study and analyze the mental, ideological, social and economic complexities of ancient societies. The authors have studied the organization of pottery production in an ancient society by researching the "grammar" of motives and aesthetic quality of prehistoric painted pottery. The culture of Tall-e-Bakun A which has prevailed in Marvdasht plain in Fars Province at the end of 5th and the beginning of 4th millennium BCE, is the case study of this investigation.
The ceramics have been produced in a standardized productive organization and a specialized process during Bakun A phase. Requirements and rules have been used in creating patterns on pottery of this period, the most important of which are: placing motifs in frames, symmetry, repetition, reversing and clockwise direction of motifs, creating motifs with negative technique and using separating elements. This study also has proved that the relationship between the designs and the forms of the potteries has been relative. The grammar and method of motives on jars, cups and bowls have shown that often the same patterns and models are used in their execution. The execution of them.

Volume 12, Issue 5 (12-2021)

Metaphor is practised in all languages worldwide. Over the last two decades, investigation on metaphor has relied on some perspectives, such as lexical-constructional, critical, conceptual, axiological, cognitive theory or underlined aspects, as well as semantic and cultural pragmatic as the least of all. This qualitative study focused on how semantic component and cultural pragmatic were used to study the meaning and function of Balinese women metaphor. The purposive sampling method was to collect data from various sources and triangulated it into key informants. The results showed two classifications of Balinese women's metaphors, namely physical perspective as a concrete metaphor that depicts their body parts and personality perspective as an abstract, which emphasizes their ideal role. The pragmatic cultural interpretation involved the cognitive process of declarative analogy that referred to the similarity of values. Meanwhile, the personality perspective metaphor produced higher emotive values than the physical one. Hence, this type of metaphor is used by the Balinese people to advice women.

Volume 13, Issue 4 (10-2022)

Abstract It is safe to say that motivation is one of the most controversial concepts of study in all social sciences especially psychology. Concerned with this controversy, the purpose of this study was to investigate the problems of defining and theorizing about motivation. To this end, the tendency and capability of Iranian English learners and native speakers to distinguish motive and motivation was investigated. Moreover, the problems were situated in a historical context to shed light on the reasons behind them through a structural and genealogical approach. Based on the results all the participants including only distinguished motivation and motive where both of them were present, otherwise, they were treated synonymously. The structural analysis of motivation as a word resulted in a very broad definition: the whole process of moving toward a goal. This extensive meaning, which includes both mental and outside factors, cannot be accounted for in a single theory. Therefore, in the process of becoming a concept and then a measurable construct, the range of meaning has shrunk. It, in technical terms, is the inevitable result of embracing the ontology of analytical philosophy, which ends up in moving toward fixity and identity, by most psychologists. Being aware of these facts can play a major role in preventing motivational scholars from making unjustified conclusion based on their findings.

1. Introduction
The first psychological use of the term ‘motivation’ dates back to 1901 and has been a main concern and a controversial topic in psychology. It is also one of the most important, controversial, and debated concepts in SLL research. The common belief is that motivation is the indispensable factor in all facets of language learning without which the efforts for accomplishment would be in vain, and it can also make up for lack of abilities in other skills. Acknowledging the problems that surround motivation, this study aims at inspecting these problems, discovering the reasons behind them, and coming up with a comprehensive definition for motivation.
Research Question(s)
1. Do English native speakers differentiate motive and motivation when one of them is present (error-recognition test)?
2. Do Iranians majoring in English differentiate motive and motivation in error-recognition test?
3. Is there any difference among male native English speakers, female native English speakers, male Iranians majoring in English, and female Iranians majoring in English in the error-recognition test?
4. Do English native speakers differentiate motive and motivation when both of them are present (two-options test)?
5. Do Iranians majoring in English differentiate motive and motivation in the two-options test?
6. Is there any difference among male native English speakers, female native English speakers, male Iranians majoring in English, and female Iranians majoring in English in the two-options test?
7. Is there any difference between participants who took the error-recognition test and those who took the two-options test?
8. Structurally speaking, what could have been the meaning of motivation as a word?
9. What are the sources of the difficulties surrounding the definition of motivation?
10. In what ways the meaning of motivation has diverged throughout its life in the field of psychology?

2. Literature Review
2.1. Motivation in Psychology
Earliest attempts of psychologists to capture the essence of the concept is what came to be known as instinct approaches. In these approaches, inborn, biologically determined factors i.e., instincts, were considered to be the reasons behind behaviors. Later, drive-reduction approaches emerged to compensate for the problems inherent in instinct approaches. In these new approaches, the reason behind any behavior was considered to be lack of some biological needs which creates a drive for action to satisfy those needs. Regarding the drive-reduction approaches, two different criticisms appeared: they could not explain behaviors in which the goal was to increase arousal, and  lacked the rationale needed in accounting for behaviors which do not follow an internal drive. The line of work addressing the first criticism resulted in the development of arousal approaches the main proposal of which was  that each person wants to maintain a certain amount of arousal. Furthermore, incentive approaches emerged to cover external drives addressed in the second criticism. The shortcoming inherent in previous approaches paved the way for the emergence of cognitive approaches in which the source of motivation was believed to reside in people’s cognition, i.e., mental information processing or thinking.

2.2. Motivation in SLA
Dornyei and Ryan divide the historical development of L2 motivation research into three periods: social psychological, cognitive-situated, and process-oriented. The first trend differentiated language learning from other school subjects because, as the proponents proposed, it is not a neutral subject. The second trend started off as an attempt to connect with motivational psychology and study motivation in actual classroom settings. Beside temporal nature, attended to by cognitive situated period, the socio-dynamic perspective emphasized the dynamic character of motivation i.e., its fluctuation in response to the changes in environment.

3. Methodology
In general, 200 English native speakers (half male and half female), and 200 MA or Ph.D. students majoring in English (half male and half female) participated in this study. These participants were 22 to 42 years of age and agreed to participate in the second phase of the study via email. Twenty novels (both originally English and translated works) were randomly selected from the lists of ‘best novels of time’ provided by the Telegraph, the Guardian, and Time magazine. The word ‘motive’ has been used 241 times in these novels twelve of which, were randomly selected and used as materials to develop two tests: an error-recognition test and a two-options test. The Crosstabulation and Chi-square Test were conducted to reveal whether the participants differentiate motive and motivation in two different scenarios: first when only one of them is present, and secondly when both of them are provided as options. This data analysis was conducted both as a whole, and separately for Iranians and native speakers across both genders. Subsequently, a series of T-tests and ANOVA Tests were performed based on their scores to find out whether there is a significant difference among participants across gender, and language status.

4. Results and Conclusion
This study revealed that ‘movere’ which means to move, is the principal root of motivation. Another word that has its root in ‘movere’ is motive, the meaning of which has become so close to motivation. The results of the first part confirmed this proximity of meaning: both native speakers and Iranians majoring in English did not differentiate motive and motivation when only one of them was present. However, both group did differentiate them when both of them were primed. Simply put, although English users know and expect motive and motivation to convey different meanings, they could easily end up neglecting this expected difference. The definition of human motivation at point zero, as recreated through its linguistic structure in the second part of the study, turned out to be ‘everything that happens and/or is at play from the beginning of a behavior till its end whether the goal is accomplished or the behavior is abandoned for various reasons’. The review disclosed that this definition is practically nonexistent in the literature for various reasons such as:
  • the analytical ontological orientation dominant in research projects within humanities and social sciences
  • the inclination of researchers and theorizers toward preciseness and fixity at the expense of excluding differences
  • the transition from word to concept within scientific fields of study
  • the requirements of establishing a construct in scientific research projects.


Volume 14, Issue 2 (9-2024)

In recent decades, digitalization has emerged as a key factor in the transformation of industries. Along with the advances that digitization has brought for industries, environmental and social issues have also been challenged. In this context, Toman's use of lean production principles along with digital technologies has emerged as a sustainable strategy in order to reduce the negative effects on the environment, society and the challenges facing it. But the important point in between is the importance of social aspects along with technical aspects. The underlying importance of the category of culture as a social aspect in the organization is of great importance for the foundation of these principles. For this reason, in this research, the digitization of production has been investigated on sustainable performance with the mediating role of lean production and moderator of lean culture. The statistical sample consisted of 211 companies active in the value chain of automobiles and related parts, and a standard questionnaire was distributed among them using a simple random method. Smart-PLS3 software was used for analysis. The results of the hypothesis test showed that digitization and lean production have a significant effect on the realization of sustainable performance. Also, by using digital technologies and establishing a pure culture, it is possible to improve the performance of industries and reduce environmental and social impacts.

Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2016)

— Air conditioning system (A/C) of the car imposes an additional load on the engine, increasing fuel consumption and losses. Therefore, any improvement in its performance has a direct impact on vehicle performance and fuel consumption. The automotive A/C system is a Multi Input- Multi Output (MIMO) plant and There are constraints on its variables So the method of Model Predictive Control (MPC) as an effective method. So far the MPC method is implemented largely for this system. In this paper a predictive control method based on orthonormal functions is provided for automotive air conditioning system. System's model has been changed with an embedded integrator, inputs and outputs changes are highly penalized in cost function and Laguerre orthonormal basis functions are added in MPC's structure and it will be shown that in the proposed control method compared to the conventional MPC method, the automotive air conditioning system performance has been improved and because of reduced computational load the runtime of simulations implementation has been reduced.

Volume 17, Issue 2 (5-2013)

In this study, we developed a Joint Replenishment Problem (JRP) model; In addition, JRP was introduced through capacitated vehicle to send the parts. The model was developed as an Integer-non linear model. Cost function consists of the major ordering cost, the minor ordering cost and the holding cost. Previous studies had not considered transaction cost; therefore, we considered transaction cost, which depends on the number of different parts in the order. Demand for parts was considered as constant and the model was solved by using a genetic algorithm. For calculating variable, we developed the present algorithm in the literature. We solved the model for two conditions, with dispatch volume restriction and without dispatch volume restriction. The results showed that the dispatch volume increases both the cycle time and the total cost. The model was solved for one of the major manufacturers of SAPCO. We considered the problem with 12 strategic parts of this company. The model was investigated through the real data gathered from the SAPCO Company. Finally, for model validation, the results were compared with the traditional ordering system of SAPCO, in which the parts are ordered separately. It was shown that the proposed system has better performance than the traditional ordering system. Validation of Model was performed by the numerical example that has been solved in the literature. Keywords: Joint replenishment, Automotive parts, Genetic algorithm, Inventory.

Volume 18, Issue 1 (5-2014)

This paper seeks to describe an integrated management systems approach for the integration of corporate sustainability into other marketing models in I.R. Iran's Automotive industry. At the first step, an extensive review of the published literature was conducted and an original framework for structuring the integration of corporate sustainability with other marketing models was determined. Then the framework was developed by experts with qualitative methodologies such as deep interview and open questionnaire. Finally, the research conceptual model was revised and completed by focus groups. The results showed that Internal Marketing, Integrated Cultural Marketing, Social Marketing, Innovated Marketing, Lean Marketing, Strategic Marketing, Green Marketing, Ethical Marketing and Humanity Marketing are effective in realization of sustainable marketing in I.R. Iran's Automotive industry. Finally, after discussion, some research and practical suggestions are presented.      

Volume 18, Issue 71 (7-2021)

One of the motives of the love poems is "Death of Lovers". In these texts, the poet uses his art to describe the death of the hero as a memorable event. This descriptive-analytical study answers the questions of how the basis of the death of lovers in Persian love poems can be classified and what role does each of its subspecies play in the narration of the story? For this purpose, the book "One Hundred Persian Love Poems" (Zolfaghari, 1394) was the basis of the work and it was concluded that three types of death (natural, suicide and murder) with subtypes and causes, have occurred for lovers.

Volume 23, Issue 4 (12-2023)

The interactions of economies have caused the sensitivity to choose import sources, target markets and trade partners in general. Each country chooses its own trade partners based on its coordinates in order to minimize its import costs and generate maximum export income while avoiding the negative effects of international economic fluctuations. Diversification of trade partners is one of the ways to strengthen of an economy and reduce the vulnerability against international economic fluctuations and shocks. Diversification of import sources and export destinations of each country can lead to the stability of foreign trade and increase the stability of domestic production. In Iran's economy, due to the special conditions, such as economic sanctions, this issue is of double importance. In the previous periods of sanctions (before 2017), one of the weak points of Iran's economy has been the decrease in diversity in the mix of foreign trading partners, which includes the decrease in the number of buyers of oil (as Iran's main export product), the decrease in the arrival of foreign tourists, and the reduction of countries exporting goods to Iran. In this situation, two countries, China and Russia, became Iran's main trade partners, and to some extent, it reduced the impact of Western economic sanctions against Iran's economy. Meanwhile, in the last two decades, China has practically become the main competitor and substitute for the economic powers of the world, known as the OECD member countries, and has acquired large markets in South and East Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Therefore, it can be said that diversification of trade partners for all countries of the world practically means creating opportunities and for Iran, it means a way to survive.

The present research is based on the "Locomotive theory", which expresses the influence and effectiveness of the economic fluctuations of countries on each other through foreign trade. For this purpose, two models with the same structure were designed for two periods during 1970- 2018 to investigate the role of China's presence or absence among Iran's trading partners using the structural vector auto-regression (SVAR) model. According to the "Locomotive theory", international economic fluctuations affect countries through foreign trade, and only a few countries have the potential to bring countries out of the crisis. This theory states that during 1975-77, the United States was the main "locomotive" to pull out the world economy (more precisely, the industrialized countries) from the previous recession (the first oil shock), and paid a very high price for it, and it was necessary for America's major partners in that period, especially Japan and Germany, to accept their role as the locomotive of the world economy and in this way help both the American economy and the world economy. This theory specifically states that industrialized countries are the sources of international economic fluctuations and their prosperity or recession first spreads to major partners and with a delay to other countries.
The monetary and financial policies of the United States have played a decisive role in the development of global economic cycles through trade and financial links with smaller countries. In recent decades, although the importance and role of the United States has remained, but the US economy is not growing fast enough to act as the sole locomotive of the world economy train, especially in the last decade. China alone, and other major emerging markets as a whole, have become important drivers of the global economy. China and other major emerging markets are increasingly interdependent. Because on the one hand, China is the main importer of raw materials, and on the other hand, it is a supplier of manufactured products and foreign investment. The occurrence of such a phenomenon in the field of international economy has attracted the attention of many researchers to discuss the role of business partners and examine the unilateral and mutual effects of such decisions.
According to a study conducted in 2015 by Assoumou Ella for Kenya, the trade relationship between a third world country and industrialized countries is drawn in the presence of an emerging economy. In this research, the same model is used for Iran's economy. For this purpose, in the present study, based on the theoretical and experimental literature of this field a structural vector auto-regression (SVAR) model has been designed and specified. The first reason for using this model is its design based on the theoretical structure, and second reason is to provide a framework in which a variable, while being endogenous, is affected by other endogenous variables; but it should not affect them. The second case is very important regarding Iran's economy; because the macroeconomic variables of Iran's economy for several reasons (weak structure of Iran's economy, the issue of sanctions, customs tariffs) have no significant effects on the macroeconomic variables of trading partners included in the model.
Results and Discussion:
The results of the analysis of the reaction functions show that in most cases, the fluctuations of the macroeconomic variables of Iran (including GDP, inflation, FDI, export and import) have decreased in response to the fluctuations of GDP and inflation of OECD countries after the inclusion of China in the model. So that the intensity of the impact of the shocks entered into the model has become milder and the time for disappearing of the shocks has also been shortened.
The results show that the diversification of Iran's Trade partners during the mentioned period has reduced the effect of the economic fluctuations of OECD countries on the macroeconomic variables of Iran. This means more stability of Iran's economy, so diversification of trade partners leads to resiliency against international crises, especially in the context of sanctions.

Volume 24, Issue 1 (1-2022)

The present research aimed to investigate the mediating role of the rural entrepreneurial ecosystem in linking the pluriactive rice farmers' motives to pluriactivity consequences in the Haraz Watershed in a descriptive-correlational study conducted through a survey technique. A sample of 182 pluriactive rice farmers in the Haraz Watershed participated in the study. The results of descriptive statistics showed that in both pull and push motive variables, the means were higher than the medium level. However, concerning the variables of rural entrepreneurship ecosystem and pluriactivity consequences, the means were lower than the medium level. In path analysis, the direct effects of the independent variables showed that the pull motive and rural entrepreneurial ecosystem had a significant and positive effect on the consequences of pluriactivity, while these consequences were not affected by the push variable significantly. The indirect effects of the independent variables revealed that the push motive had a significant and positive effect on the rural entrepreneurial ecosystem. However, the pull motive had no significant impact on the rural entrepreneurial ecosystem. The study has practical implications for institutions related to rural development, in general, and institutions related to rural business development, in particular. The latter institutions, especially educational and extensional centers in public and private sectors that are involved in rural regions, could encourage rice farmers to establish and develop their business based on their motives.

Volume 25, Issue 1 (4-2021)

Shopping in the general sense is ambiguous, it is both work, leisure and entertainment and it is an activity that oscillates between private life and privacy with social dimensions and in the tension between rationality and lust and a pleasant social form with necessary and obligatory activity. The aim of this study is to systematically study the research literature in the field of comparative comparison of shopping motivation studies, identify research gaps and propose suggestions accordingly. To this end, it seeks to answer the question of what are the strengths and weaknesses of existing domestic and foreign scientific articles in the field of shopping motivations in terms of problematics, theory and methodology. The method of this research was a systematic literature review of Latin and Persian articles in the field of studies related to shopping motivations. Articles found in 2001-2020 for Latin articles. By examining the keywords in the databases of this field and based on pre-determined criteria, appropriate articles were selected and analyzed. During the study of the dimensions of the studied articles, it can be stated that lack of attention to problematics, lack of various methodologies, dominance of positivist approach and lack of attention to interpretive paradigms and critical realism, lack of clear theoretical foundations and lack of attention to basic theories and related to the concepts of hedonic and utilitarian shopping motives are very evident. At the end of the research, based on the results of a systematic literature review is presented a model of purchasing motivation.

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