Showing 165 results for Spatial
Volume 13, Issue 2 (8-2013)
The fusion of valuable spectral and spatial features can significantly improve the performance of high resolution hyperspectral images classification. In this paper, we propose a spectral and spatial feature extraction method based on discriminant analysis. To increase the class discrimination, we maximize the between-class scatters and minimize the within-class scatters. To include the spatial information in the feature extraction process, we estimate the spatial scatters in a spatial neighborhood window with multi-scale fashion. We compare our proposed method, which is called spectral-spatial discriminant analysis (SSDA), with some spatial-spectral feature extraction methods included original spectral bands plus Gabor filters, gray level co-occurance matrix (GLCM), and morphology profiles and also with some popular spectral feature extraction methods such as nonparametric weighted feature extraction (NWFE) and locality preserving projection (LPP). Moreover, we compare SSDA with some recently proposed spectral-spatial classification approaches. The experimental results on two real hyperspectral images show the good performance of SSDA compared to the competitor methods.
Volume 13, Issue 2 (3-2022)
Urban planning of Tehran until the period of Naser al-Din Shah continued in the style of urban planning of the Safavid period. This method only met the needs of a traditional city in various limited political, economic and social dimensions. From the time of Nasser al-Din Shah, Tehran as the capital of Iran in the Qajar period and in the face of the Western world became a platform for developments in the field of urban planning and a model for other cities in Iran in this field; However, these developments did not enter the city in its pure Western form and appeared in a mixed and influenced by the traditional Iranian society. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to investigate the impact of Western civilization and urban society of Tehran on the continuity and physical-spatial evolution of the city in the Naseri period. This research based on descriptive-analytical method has investigated this issue. The findings of this study show that the physical part of Tehran entered a new phase during the reign of Nasser al-Din Shah, influenced by Western civilization. These physical-spatial changes were not simply influenced by the modern Western world; Rather, indigenous cultural and artistic forces combined new influences with Iranian architecture. These developments were achieved on the one hand in the method of urban renewal in various dimensions and on the other hand in the quantitative dimension and the growth, reproduction and multiplicity of elements of the city.
Volume 13, Issue 3 (9-2013)
According to trade theories, economic integration results in increasing trade and income among trade partners. This paper tries to test the major factors affecting the exports of agricultural products in ECO members using spatial econometric approach. For this purpose, the exports statistics of ECO members has been used in the form of panel data during 1992-2008. Agricultural exports function has been estimated using the Static (fixed and random effects) and Dynamic (generalized method of moments (GMM)) methods in panel data with classic and spatial econometric approaches. The estimated results indicate the existence of spatial dependence among the countries, so the using this estimation procedure is justified. GDP, Exchange rate and spatial variables (such as proximity) have positive effects and Population has negative effect on agricultural exports. Finally, it is suggested that the estimation equations should consider the proximity between the countries and with the increase in the exchange rate and GDP, increase exports in order to provide the necessary basis. Population control policies may also apply.
Volume 13, Issue 3 (9-2023)
Aims: Re-reading the previous patterns in order to clarify how man relates to architecture and how he is present in the space, can provide a criterion for measuring and evaluating the desirability of the city space. One of these valuable models is the Bazaar, which play an important role in the cultural, social and economic life of the city and can be evaluated from both architectural and urban aspects. Among these, the Isfahan Bazaar in Naqsh-e Jahan Square complex has been selected.
Methods: Descriptive-analytical method along with space syntax technique and simulation has been used in "Depth map" software. The method based on graph theory, instead of describing the geometric characteristics (shape, size and distances) of the components of a system, explains the position, relationship between the shapes and how to configure those components as a whole.
Findings: Although the Bazaar alone does not have much difference in the maximum and minimum value of its syntactic values, which shows the coherence of the whole complex, nevertheless, the presence of the Naqsh-e Jahan Square in combination with the Bazaar is effective in improving all indicators except entropy (internal order).
Conclusion: Since the focal points of urban functions have the highest degree of connectivity and movement density, with the development of access (as the most important factor), density and diversity; It is possible to generalize the connection to the city structure and create solidarity between the urban elements, which results in prosperity, vitality and presence in the space.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (1-2024)
Aims The complexity of today`s urban issues are such that researchers and urban designers can not manage to to focus on all topics simultaneously and explain the consequences of their decisions and their designs in urban spaces. Space syntax logic, which is one of the mechanisms that can help in overcoming these types of problems, uses software that has high accuracy in mathematical calculations and presentation of graphic maps. The purpose of this research is to investigate the qualities of the spatial dimension and the experience of pedestrians in Resalat Square, Tehran.
Methodes in this study, while using DepthMap software due to observations and interviews with residents, retailers and pedestrians and observing the problems of citizens' access to different parts of the square, the technical weaknesses of software related to space syntax logic were identified and the strengths and weaknesses were achieved through SWOT technique.
Findings After reviewing the preliminary results and observing the methodological contradictions, the field survey was renewed inorder to reveal the additional requirements. The results can be considered in two aspects. Firstly, raising additional awareness to refine space syntax logic, mathematical cognition, and DepthMap software, and secondly, achieving comprehensive cognition of Resalat Square in spatial structure.
Conclusion The human experience of the city can be different from the quantitative results obtained. The final results indicate that the south and southwest areas of Resalat Square have the best state of integration and connection with other urban spaces and consequently have the greatest potential for development.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (1-2024)
Aims: The purpose of the current research is to analyze the configuration and spatial organization in the plan of historical schools of Islamic-Iranian architecture and compare it with new schools in terms of interconnectedness, depth (spatial influence), connection and accessibility.
Methods: The research method is descriptive-analytical with logical argumentation and deductive reasoning, as well as simulation with the use of Depth-map software. As case studies, Chaharbagh, Sadr Bazar and Sadr Khajo schools have been selected as historical educational buildings with a high arrangement and integration and uniform configuration, and Saadi and Setare Sobh schools with linear organization have been selected as contemporary educational buildings.
Findings: In Chaharbagh, Sadr Khajo and Sadr Bazar schools, they have the most spatial influence. The factor of difference in these schools is close to one which shows high spatial integration and the same configuration. We can also mention the connection between open space and education. The yard has the most access and is the heart of the configuration. After that, porches and cells have the least amount of access. In contemporary schools, the connection is less than in traditional schools. It can be seen in the combination of entrance, corridor and classroom spaces.
Conclusion: The analysis of the plans and the outlines of the schools from the past to the present shows the changing factors have a great impact on the of difference and the distance from the case study one, which indicates change in organization, the reduction of spatial integration and uneven configuration.
Volume 13, Issue 4 (11-2024)
The dramatic increase in heavy metals, their stable nature, and high toxicity, is gradually becoming a global crisis. In a recent study, a comprehensive assessment of the spatial distribution of heavy metals including Cd, Pb, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Cr was performed in industrial and commercial areas, including the sediments of 32 stations located in the area of Jask, Bandar Abbas, Qeshm, and Bandar Lange during the 2021to 2022. In this area, the concentration of heavy metals showed significant spatial variations between the areas. The maximum concentration of Cd was 0.55 μg/g in the first station of Gasheh. The second station of Khor Langeh had the highest Pb concentration with an average of 10.25 μg/g. The maximum concentration of Cr was 2420.33 μg/g in the second Shahid Bahonar station. The highest Zn concentration of 268.56 μg/g was observed in the first station of Suru beach. In the first station of Shahid Rajaei port, the highest concentration of Cu was observed at 18.36 μg/g. The maximum concentration of Ni was 519.02 μg/g in the second station of Shahid Bahonar.The stations located in Shahid Bahonar port, Suru beach, and Khor Gorsouzuan had a higher pollution intensity than other places and significant pollution risks, especially in terms of Cr, Ni, and Zn. In these areas, Cr was identified as the most dangerous metal. It is necessary to consider comprehensive strategies to control and reduce these heavy metal pollutions, to identify and manage the sources of these pollutions.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (3-2010)
Due to some practical limitations, it is not possible to adopt images which have both high spectral and spatial resolutions. Image fusion is one of the methods that utilizes image supplementary information, to the effect that it combines the spatial information of images with high spatial resolution, By the use of these spectral information of the images with high spectral resolution, one can creates an image that has high spatial and spectral resolutions simultaneously. Current methods and algorithms of image fusion are not efficient enough to combine new satellite images due to some changes in these satellites; therefore, providing new methods of image fusion is of paramount significance for the above-mentioned satellites. Image fusion methods should desirably maintain the spectral and spatial information of the original images.
In the present study, a new algorithm was introduced to combine the spatial information of the IKONOS images with the spatial resolution of 1m with the spectral information of the SPOT images with the spatial resolution of 20m. This algorithm is in the feature-level and is based on the Retinal Model. Other existent fusion models such as IHS, HPF, PCA, Wavelet and the hybrid Wavelet-PC were also applied to these images. The results of the spatial and spectral assessments of the combined images indicated that the spectral and spatial information of the proposed method are better. One of the major advantages of this method is that there is no need for resampling, which is a must in other methods.
Volume 14, Issue 1 (1-2012)
The interest for the spatial dimensions of agricultural development has been recently increased. This paper aimed at redefining the spatial patterns of agriculture to formulate appropriate strategies based on regional potentials. A Composite Agricultural Development Indicator (CADI), which is useful for the identification of spatial structure, has been developed. The developed composite Index (CI) includes five dimensions of Agricultural Development: (1) social-cultural, (2) structural-farming, (3) technical-management, (4) economical-financial, and (5) infrastructural-services and consists of 87 indicators selected at the county level. Indicators were normalized according to a coherent framework and using the division by means technique and were combined via weightings derived from Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) and Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The evaluation of agricultural development based on desired CADI was used to map the spatial development patterns at county level. Province counties are compared and ranked in order to show the spatial gap between them. Then, spatial development patterns were divided into three zones based on CADI. Results showed that the nature of spatial agricultural development firstly depends on the service and infrastructural development and secondly on utilization of natural and physical endowments.
Volume 14, Issue 3 (11-2024)
Aims: As an urban component, architecture has continuously played an effective role in the quality of Urban public spaces and the promotion of civility in them, which has diminished in recent decades due to reasons such as the dominance of the economic dimension of space and the culture of consumerism. This study tries to present a theoretical model to explain the position of architecture in improving the physical qualities of urban public spaces.
Methods: The present study examines the cause-and-effect between architectural elements and the physical qualities of public space in the form of positivist paradigm logic and presents a coherent theoretical plan in this connection using a descriptive-analytical method.
Findings: The physical system of the city is studied in three scales: macro, medium, and micro. The micro-scale is related to how architecture plays a role in the physical quality of public spaces. This role of architecture is realized through five general categories of physical elements, i.e. body, mass and dialectical space inside and outside, size of space, and components of space, which directly affects three general categories of physical qualities of public spaces, i.e. the nature of elements )accessibility and flexibility), relationships between elements (confinement, continuity, mobility) and sequencing (sequence, hierarchy, and contrast).
Conclusion: Architecture and urban public space are two important contemporary urban heritages. The expression of the city's identity depends on establishing a proportional and correct ratio between the physical system of architecture and the quality of social life in the city.
Volume 14, Issue 6 (11-2012)
Sustainable management of limited land and water resources is urgently needed to meet the increasing demand for food and to protect the environment. Land suitability analysis is a prerequisite in assessing and proposing sustainable land use alternatives for an area. Soil data are usually available at different levels of detail and stored in various forms, usually soil maps and/or soil observations. Soil data interpretation methods control the reliability of land suitability evaluation results. This has a serious effect on the reliability of the suitability maps, the subsequent land use decisions, and environmental modeling. This study examines the reliability of land suitability mapping using different methods of soil data interpretation – the average of land characteristics for field observations within soil map units (point-in-polygon) and spatial interpolation using field observations only (proximity to points). The degree of agreement between the two methods depends on the type of land utilization – rainfed barley (86%), open range (85%), improved range (75%), drip irrigated vegetables (69%), and drip irrigated trees (59%). This results from the difference in the limiting land characteristic that determines the suitability of each land utilization type and the pattern of spatial variation of each land characteristic in the field. Suitability maps for adaptable (indigenous) crops (such as barley and range crops), which require minimum farming inputs, are generally more accurate because they tolerate a wider range of variability. The interpolation method was more efficient in detecting the spatial distribution and extreme values of limiting land characteristics, resulting in more accurate suitability maps. Therefore, when detailed soil maps are not available, field observations could be used to derive suitability maps using an exact interpolation method.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2025)
Aims: Morphogenesis layout of the architectural space is one of the first and longest steps in the work process of architects to accomplish their tasks. It is thus that the designing procedure has taken a lot of time and effort up to now. The purpose of this study was to provide a new model for morphogenesis of architecture documents. It specifically created residential building plans by means of neural networks.
Methods: The computational approach of this model was a Latent Diffusion Model including three neural networks: a noise reduction network (UNET), an external variational auto encoder network (VAE), and a constraint encoder network (Clip). A fine-tuning mechanism was used to train this practical model. The method of conducting this study was based on computer simulation, using Python programming language.
Findings: The researchers used the criteria of Principal component analysis )PCA( and a support vector machine )SVM( while evaluating the findings quantitatively and qualitatively. Reading of samples indicated that the workflow and the proposed model of the research not only significantly improved in generating floor plans, compared to the current methods, but also the project plans, in many cases, were comparable with those of humans.
Conclusion: The researchers used the criteria of PCA and SVM while evaluating the findings quantitatively and qualitatively. The researchers’ samples indicated that the workflow and the proposed model of the study significantly improved in generating floor plans, compared to the current methods. Besides, in many cases, the project plans were comparable with those of humans
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2025)
Aims: The purpose of this article is to study the caravanserais in this area and present architectural plan patterns for suburban caravanserais on the historical road network from Isfahan to Rey and Saveh based on the spatial composition of the room with the stable.
Methods: The data collection method of this research is based on field observations and impressions, library studies, examination of architectural documents and maps of caravanserais, and study of aerial images. The analysis method is based on interpretive, historical, and comparative approaches. The method of obtaining information is inductive reasoning. 60 caravanserais have been identified in this area. From the above statistical population, 13 caravanserais have been selected as study samples. The selection of these samples was purposeful and non-probability.
Findings: The research findings indicate that some caravanserais are very similar and were built in the same period of time and their typologies are also similar to each other, which is due to the existence of a single organization and a common architect and designer, and as a result, their architectural plans and details are similar. In the statistical population of this study, 13 types and architectural patterns of caravanserais were identified based on the study of their architectural plans.
Conclusion: There are some similarities and differences among caravanserais in the research samples. Caravansers that are on a common historical path with common cultural, social and historical characteristics often have similar architectural features, so this characteristic can be used to intervene in them.
Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2016)
Cable-Driven Parallel Robot has many advantages. However, the problems of cable collision between each other and environment, the lacks proper structure and non-positive cable tension prevent the spread of them. Therefore, connecting a serial manipulator to mobile platform improve the ability to object manipulation. This paper investigates the multi-objective optimization structure design and comparative study of spatial constrained and suspended cable-driven parallel robot. By install serial manipulators possess a full hybrid robot’s features. The workspace volume, kinematic stiffness and sensitivity are three sets of optimization criteria. The workspace volume calculated by a novel approach of combination constraints as prevent cables collisions with each other, cable collision with moving platform, uncontrollability and singularity of the robot. First, examine range of the forces and torque reaction of the serial manipulator to moving platform. Then, the evolutionary optimization genetic algorithm use for the multi-objective optimization of constrained and suspended spatial cable-driven parallel robot structure to achieve proper Pareto front confrontation. The Pareto front reconciliation of these three criteria will be discussed. The constrained and suspended optimize by same criteria will compare in the same conditions. It is verified that the constrained structure significantly reduced actuation energy for manipulate a serial robot, supply greater workspace and manipulability. The result of this study used for manufacturing and development of a prototype spatial cable-driven parallel robot (RoboCab).
Volume 16, Issue 2 (5-2009)
The interactions and linkages between urban centers and peripheral settlements are increasingly recognized as key factors in the process of social, economic and environmental changes in peripheral settlements. Despite this, most practices are implicitly based on a dichotomous view of population and activities in urban and peripheral area.
This paper presents that how interactions between urban centers and peripheral settlements include spatial linkages (flows of goods, money, capital, people, information, production, technology and wastes) affect on peripheral changes. The interactions and linkages between the urban centers of Qazvin and 20 peripheral settlements there show that the effects of this interaction upon the peripheral settlements have included more inorganic effects. Urban and peripheral development need to be considered as complementary process rather than competing activities for the limited resources. The benefits of such an integrated approach will outweigh of the costs.
Volume 16, Issue 4 (7-2014)
In recent years, Iran has experienced high level depreciation of the Nominal Exchange Rate (NER). The ultimate effects of such depreciation on Iranian families’ welfare and income distribution have been a challenging issue among policymakers and researchers. Accordingly, this study evaluates the economic effects of NER depreciation on the rice market, using spatial price equilibrium model. The model was calibrated for the base year 2010 and was executed using GAMS programming language and was solved by the PATH solver. The results suggested that decreasing the NER would be detrimental. Social welfare is adversely affected by depreciation of the NER. This shock would also decrease real and per capita income and increase slightly the incidence, the gap, and severity of poverty. Also, the regional effects were found to vary, depending on being a net exporter or a net importer region. Overall, this study contributes to previous studies by considering income effects and import exemptions in the model.
Volume 16, Issue 4 (12-2016)
Societies and governments have considered tax as one of the most important ways of public financing. Moreover, identifying new tax capacity to improve tax status and to increase tax incomes is assumed substantial. On the other hand, most economists believe that economic status of a country is affected not only by the economic performance of region but also by the adjacent zones. Therefore, ignoring such spatial factors and linkages may negatively affect the performance of that region. Accordingly, convergence and the related subjects are increasingly drawing the attention of more economists. The present study tries to examine the tax capacity convergence among Iran's provinces during 2001-2011 using Spatial Econometrics in MATLAB software. The findings indicate that meaningful and negative coefficient of the lagged dependent variable represents the convergence of the tax to value added (VA) ratio to its long-term path.
Volume 16, Issue 7 (11-2014)
Interest rate Ad valorem tariffs are considered as the most prominent trade tools extensively used in the framework of Spatial Equilibrium Models (SEMs) to analyze agricultural and food trade policies around the world. However the results obtained from such models have been criticized because of their inadequacy in producing any observed data within the base period. Hence a positive spatial and temporal trade model which incorporates ad valorem tariffs was developed throughout the ongoing study. The calibrated model helps researchers to perform a substantially flawless empirical trade study in the real world. A numerical example is finally presented at the end of the article to justify the findings of the model, and to compare welfare analysis of the calibrated vs. the uncalibrated model.
Volume 17, Issue 2 (6-2017)
Energy is one of the main production inputs, which indicates potential political and economic power in different countries. Due to higher energy prices, energy productivity is of special importance, and recent applied researches imply the effectiveness of energy productivity on economic growth. In addition, the process of regional economic growth is influenced by geographic conditions, regional and neighborhood specifications and functioning as well as usual regional economic variables including labor, capital, technology and energy. This paper estimates the effect of provincial energy productivity on provincial economic growth, using spatial econometric model and Maximum Likelihood method with applying provincial data from 2001 to 2011. In addition, it investigates β and σ convergence of energy productivity among Iran’s provinces. In spatial econometric method, we can consider the spillover effects and spatial relations among adjacent provinces with defining a distance-weight matrix between regions. Our findings indicate no σ convergence, but there is a conditional β convergence, which is a signal of existence of either spillover or neighborhood effect in provincial energy productivity growth. Meanwhile, the higher economic openness and lower government intervention in the economy improve energy productivity growth, but increasing energy price has no significant effect on the provincial energy productivity.
Volume 17, Issue 3 (11-2013)
Malaria is a vector born disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium that causes 300-500 million new infections and 1 million deaths annually.Before any anti-malarial campaign in Iran, about 60% of the population were living in malaria endemic areas and 4 to 5 million of them had malaria infection each year. By starting of the anti-malaria campaign, the number of infections decreased so that the number of malaria infected in Iran was 3000 people in 2009, 0/65 of them lived in Sistan & Baluchistan province. In the present study, for spatial modeling of the Annual Parasite Incidence (API) of malaria in Sistan & Baluchistan province, we applied a Geographical Weighted Regression (GWR) model to predict API by there independent climatic factors. The results indicated that the most important climatic factor for explaining API in Sistan & Baluchistan is annual rainfall as spatial factor, which is more important in the southern parts of the study area such as Chabahar and Nikshar. Temperature and relative humidity are of the second and third prioriies, respectively. The importance of these two climatic factors is higher in northern portion of the province. This model explained only 0.48 of API spatial variation (R2=0.48). Therefore, the non-climatic factors such as socioeconomic and lifestyle and the neighborhood position of this province with Afghanistan and Pakistan should also be considered in epidemiological survey of malaria in Sistan & Baluchistan province.