Showing 165 results for Spatial
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2016)
The purpose of the present study was to use the architectural patterns of Islamic schools in order to provide guidelines for physical environmental design of modern schools based on enhancing users’ learning. Schools, as the most important places to train human forces, play an important role in enhancing learning levels of people. Therefore, designing appropriate environments regarding students’ comprehensive development is a necessity. Spatial order and the relationship between spaces are important factors in providing physical and mental comfort for users. The spatial arrangements define communications, events and experiences within the space of interest. On the other hand, study of Islamic schools’ architecture can help the understanding of physical criteria affecting school design. The present study investigated the determining factors of physical arrangements in Islamic period schools and comparing them with modern schools, with the purpose of enhancing learning. The method of this study was quantitative-qualitative that has been conducted analytically and as survey. The sample of this study consisted of all art teachers and high school teachers of Zahedan province in the academic year of 2015-2016. In this study, Multistage Cluster Sampling method was used and the sample consisted of 310 subjects. The researchers extracted effective variables through library investigations and studying the samples of Islamic period schools in Iran. In the next stage, the obtained variables were analyzed and after confirming the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, it was used to assess the sample’s point of view. The obtained results were analyzed in SPSS software. The results indicate that the physical arrangements have positive effects on users’ learning. These criteria consist of walking in the environment, flexibility, open and roofed spaces, the relationship between inside and outside spaces, furniture, and space categories. Finally, the research findings have been formulated as the design principles of modern schools in order to enhance users’ learning. Considering each of the environmental criteria as design principles of modern schools based on enhancing leaning will be as follows: 1. Space categories: Putting together the spaces with similar performance Separating spaces with different functions to avoid noise pollution transmission 2. Hierarchy and movement in space: Designing appropriate dimensions for the classes by predicting the movement space around the benches Observing the communicative hierarchies of various spaces Converting movement and communicative routes to learning environments by predicting seating and study spaces to adjust corridors and stairs spaces 3. Designing flexible spaces: The possibility to change class space for various individual and group activities Dedicating flexible and independent space to educational and cultural activities Designing collective spaces as open plan and the possibility to divide spaces with light and movable walls Creating multipurpose spaces for rest, study, etc. Participation of users in changing the furniture and space arrangements 4. Open and roofed spaces Designing learning yards by providing the opportunity for empirical learning Crating differences in yard floor and resting spaces for small and large groups Combining open and green spaces between closed spaces in a scattered manner 5. The relationship between inside and outside spaces Designing semi-open spaces for group activities Providing good prospects towards the outdoor in the corridors, halls and classrooms Extending the closed spaces towards yard using terraces, semi-open corridors and using canopy walls Designing semi-open spaces for resting along with the green spaces 6. Furniture Designing furniture through providing easy mobility and verbal and visual communication
Volume 6, Issue 2 (5-2024)
Attracting the participation of elites to the planning discourse is one of the topics that can lead to specialized contemplation to provide a participatory model and to explain a suitable climate model for the country. In this regard, basic spatial planning against conventional spatial planning is among the frameworks and concepts that always require discursive analysis to evolve into a final model. The purpose of this paper is to propose a discussion through the context of discursive thinking and analysis about the distinctions, differences and similarities of basic planning versus conventional planning. It seems that the discursive analysis, in addition to explaining the different dimensions of basic planning can be more useful.
Main concepts of conventional spatial planning and basic spatial planning
The earliest concept of spatial planning is related to the classical triangle, whose outline is formed from environment, human and activity. In the classical approach, the most important issue that is considered is the structure or organization of space that depicts how to structure the elements of space in relation to the land area. The second view that can be proposed after the first is the concept of spatial sustainability. In this view, the main goal is to create a balance in the geographic space that provides sustainability, i.e. exploitation or lack of coordination in the relations of habitat, human and activity do not cause the balance in the geographic space. The third view refers to spatial planning, whose main purpose is to create a balance in geographic space, so that balanced development can be formed in the place of geographic space, and that it is not part of development and part of underdevelopment.
In contrast, basic spatial planning is not only based on the same framework of land use, but also covers national values in the macro approach. The Islamic and Iranian spirit is of particular interest in basic spatial planning. Formation of land justice is one of the important issues that has a fundamental value in basic spatial planning and its overall goal is to distribute the spatial justice facilities in the country that can create spatial equilibrium in the land area. Considering the characteristics of the land has a special role in presenting the planning policies in different scales in basic spatial planning.
Differences between conventional versus basic spatial planning
The most important distinction between conventional and basic spatial planning is that this model has been changed in terms of capabilities and facilities, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. Therefore, the most important distinction of this pattern is in importing the values of the Islamic ruler on the one hand and the territorial characteristics on the other hand. Thus, the same aspect of differentiation that is considered for the model of progress against the development model is also significant in the model of basic spatial planning against conventional spatial planning. Considering this issue, it is necessary to study Islamic ideas derived from Islamic teachings to extract the viewpoints in land use of human being, activity and space and based on them the basic spatial planning takes practical form. Considering that the views in the Islamic values are very different, using different views in the form of discursive analysis will be very effective that while examining and critiquing different viewpoints, we can achieve the best viewpoint in this regard and consider it in the final model.
Spatial planning is an empirical knowledge and a function of the geographical and cultural system of nations, and land as a spatial container is formed based on the value differences of societies and finally spatial identity is one of the most important dimensions of basic spatial planning that is not considered in conventional spatial planning as it should be. In general, the differences between conventional and basic planning can be considered in the following cases: considering human and society in conventional land and basic spatial planning has a great difference. It seems that basic human with Islamic viewpoint seeks to create a monotheistic society based on equality, and for this reason, such a human being in regulating his relationship with the environment will observe various aspects to provide the appropriate and optimal utilization of the facilities at his disposal, the grounds for human evolution and promotion of moral practice. Discursive analysis can also be very useful in this regard, because by examining the concepts extracted from Islamic values and terrestrial features, different conditions can be assessed, and their differences extracted and if necessary, provide conditions that can be presented the best model through consensus.
Similarities between conventional versus basic spatial planning
It can be said that in 80% of the cases, these two planning have a methodological and conceptual commonality. This subscription can be proposed in a variety of cases, including: the type of data required by environmental, economic, social and etc., method of collecting required data, data integration method, developing strategies, monitoring methods.
Basic spatial planning is a new concept that has been proposed and consequently has raised a lot of questions for the scientific community, practitioners and even the general public, which requires settlements. Discursive analysis is an appropriate tool for this subject that can help to clarify the different aspects of the subject. Preparing the context of this discourse is possible in different ways; publishing the basic concepts of fundamental planning in mass media and various social networks is one of the primary solutions in this regard. Holding various specialized conferences and meetings in academic spaces where all thinkers can present their views is also important in this regard.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (1-2021)
Background: In Iran, the first cases of SARS-CoV-2 disease were detected with the death of 2 people in Qom city. Then other cases were reported in Markazi, Tehran, and Gilan provinces, and after that the disease spread to all 31 provinces of the country.
Materials and Methods: All data used in this study were collected from the reports of the National Committee on COVID-19 Epidemiology in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education in Iran. To investigate the effect of traveling between neighboring provinces, a spatial rate smoothing method was used, showing the impact of neighborhood on the disease prevalence. Also, to investigate the relationship between population density and disease prevalence, spatial regression was used at a significance level of 5%.
Findings: Based on the estimated spatial rates, the disease prevalence rates changed in many provinces compared to the raw prevalence rates. Population density was also found to be directly related to the disease prevalence, so that with increasing population density, the disease prevalence rate increased (p <.001).
Conclusion: It seems that case finding process should be done actively in all provinces of Iran regardless of administrative borders. Provinces should also be classified in terms of the disease transmission risk according to population density of patients, which may indicate the probability of contact between individuals.
Volume 7, Issue 1 (2-2025)
Spatial inequalities and income and capital gaps between different areas of society are currently considered one of the most significant barriers to sustainable development. Disparities between disadvantaged regions (border or non-border) and developed regions, as well as urban-rural gaps, are the most important signs of spatial inequalities. This paper attempts to study the degree of integration or disparity between urban and rural areas in Iran over the past four decades using a secondary analysis method. Four variables will be analyzed: population distribution, dominant economic and production sectors, poverty levels and distribution, and income and expenditure gaps. Evaluation of the spatial planning system’s performance in the country reveals a sectoral and non-planning approach with an emphasis on centralization and urbanization, which has exacerbated inequalities and disparities between peripheral and central regions, as well as between urban and rural areas. The country has experienced rapid, unplanned, and sometimes uneven urbanization, to the detriment of the sustainability and population balance in small urban areas and rural ones, which has not necessarily been accompanied by balanced regional development. Large cities have attracted a labor force to their peripheries, leading to a life of poverty in marginal and rural areas. While absolute poverty has decreased, rural populations, especially in disadvantaged areas, continue to bear the brunt of poverty. Income and expenditure indicators have also favored urban dwellers. Overall, macro-level data in the country indicates the existence of spatial divisions. However, wherever urban-rural linkages have been established and strengthened, regional and urban-rural disparities have decreased.
Volume 7, Issue 3 (7-2018)
Small walnut aphid (SWA) Chromaphis juglandicola is an economic pest of walnut trees. Population fluctuation of SWA was studied in Mamaghan walnut orchards (East Azarbaijan Province, Iran).Three factors affecting population density of SWA, including vertical divisions of canopy (upper and lower half), geographical orientations of canopy (at four levels) and elongation of branch (basal and distal ends), were investigated. Sampling unit was a cluster of five leaves. Totally 128 samples were taken weekly from all strata upon eight chosen trees, repeating 30 times during the season. Natural enemies also were counted. The first SWA individuals were observed early May, consisting of first instar larvae and alate females. A sudden population increase occurred in mid-May. Maximum 40 aphids/leaf were observed in early June with first and second instars dominant, followed by a sudden decline in late June. A small peak was observed at early October. A partial tendency was observed toward north of canopy, at basal half of downward branches. Positive linear correlation between natural enemies' and SWA populations suggests density dependence. Moreover 2-4 week delay was present between them. Trioxys pallidus (Holliday) was dominant natural enemy in the region. Contrary to previous works, overwintering stages of the SWA in the region were predominantly developed stages (third and fourth instars as well as pre-reproductive winged females).
Volume 7, Issue 5 (11-2016)
The current paper focuses on polysemy of one highly flexible spatial term in Persian, namely "zir", from the Principled Polysemy Model perspective. The studied applications of "zir" are mostly taken from 'Farhang-e Sokhan-e Anvari' and the Principled Polysemy Model has served as the analytical tool. Besides discussing the semantic aspects of spatial "zir", the study aims to investigate the applicability and efficiency of Principled Polysemy model in semantic analysis this specific term. In fact, we seek to know what strong or weak points the principled polysemy framework shows regarding primary sense specification and distinct senses discrimination. After the model's application on uses of "zir", its primary spatial sense was specified and next, four distinct extended senses were determined and all of them constituted the semantic network of "zir". The results of its semantic analysis within principled polysemy framework confirmed this model's two points of advantage compared to some other leading cognitive investigations especially Lakoff (1987); one in determining the primary sense due to considering certain linguistic criteria in the procedure, and the other in restricting the number of distinct senses by adopting a moderate view towards polysemy. However, the semantic analysis of "zir" in the adopted framework faced some challenges too, among which two more significant issues included the psychological reality of distinct senses and their high level of context-dependency.
Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2018)
Aims Today, the growth and expansion of cities, especially in metropolitans, has reduced the social relations of citizens and, subsequently, caused social alienation and social isolation among citizens, and has gradually diminished the identity of urban neighborhoods and their social segregation. The aim of the present study was identifying the effective factors on socio-spatial segregation and investigation in Fadak and Kerman neighborhoods located in District 8, Tehran.
Instruments & Methods The applied study was conducted in the 2016, Tehran. From the statistical population, of 49061 with household size of 3, 52 families were selected by multistagesampling method. The researcher-made questionnaire was used. The Fadak and Kerman neighborhoods were considered as sample and the amount of their segregation was measured. Factor analysis was used to investigate the effective factors in the segregation. To do better calculations with fewer indices, factor analysis reduced the number of indices to two main factors. Then, the method of factor analysis was applied to them, and the amount of segregation was calculated in the sample with the Geo Segregation Analyzer 1.2 software. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin, Bartlett’s Test, and SPSS 22 software were used.
Findings The total of the two factors explained more than 52% of the variances. The first factor explained about 36.75% of the total variance of the index set, and the next factor explained 15.67% of the variance of the indices. The amount of socio-spatial segregation in the sample was low; so, they were very similar in social, economic, and physical terms.
Conclusion There is no segregation in the Fadak and Kerman neighborhoods and these two neighborhoods and their inhabitants are very similar in social, economic, and physical terms.
Volume 8, Issue 2 (6-2020)
Aims: In the present study, random forest (RF) and support vector machine (SVM) were used to assess the applicability of ensemble modeling in landslide susceptibility assessment across the Kolijan Rostaq Watershed in Mazandaran Province, Iran.
Materials & Methods: Both models were used in two modeling modes: 1) A solitary use (i.e., SVM and RF) and 2) Their ensemble with a bivariate statistical model named the weights of evidence (WofE) which then generated two more models, namely SVM-WofE and RF-WofE. Further, the resulting maps of each stage were dually coupled using the weighted arithmetic mean operation and an intermodal blending of the previous stages.
Findings: Accuracy of the models was assessed via the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves based on which the goodness-of-fit of the SVM and the SVM-WofE models were 0.817 and 0.841, respectively, while their respective prediction accuracy values were found to be 0.848 and 0.825. The goodness-of-fit of the RF and the RF-WofE models respectively was 0.9 and 0.823, while their respective prediction accuracy values were found to be 0.886 and 0.823. The goodness-of-fit and prediction power of SVM and SVM-WofE ensemble were respectively 0.859 and 0.873. The same increasing pattern was evident for the ensemble of RF and RF-WofE where their goodness-of-fit and prediction power increased, respectively, up to 0.928 and 0.873. Moreover, the goodness-of-fit and prediction power of RF-SVM ensemble were increased up to 0.932 and 0.899, respectively. The results of the averaged Kappa values throughout a 10-fold cross-validation test as an auxiliary accuracy assessment attested to the same results obtained from the ROC curves.
Conclusion: Successive intermodal ensembling approach is a simple and self-explanatory method so far as the context of many data mining techniques with a highly complex structure has been simply benefitted from the weighted averaging technique.
Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2019)
Aims: This research aimed to evaluate the spatial patterns of water quality and its controlling factors in the Mazandaran coastal ecosystem during winter using the multivariate analysis methods.
Materials and methods: Water quality parameters such as nutrients, temperature, conductivity, salinity, DO, pH, chlorophyll-a and turbidity were measured monthly in 16 stations (44 layers) along 4 transects (Amirabad, Babolsar, Noushahr and Ramsar). To evaluate the data, several multivariate statistical methods were used including discriminant function analysis, cluster and factor analysis as well as correlation test.
Findings: Results of cluster analysis showed that the sampling sites (44 layers) were classified into 4 groups. Based on discriminant analysis, 93.20% of the sampling sites correctly classified. Factor analysis extracted 4 principal components that explained 74.05% of the total variance. Based on these analyses, organic phosphorus, organic nitrogen, turbidity, chlorophyll-a and temperature were the most effective parameters on the spatial variation of water quality.
Conclusion: This study suggested that the number of sampling locations could be reduced to 3 transects including Amirabad, Babolsar and west coasts (Noushahr and Ramsar) and 2 stations (one surface layer and one deep layer). Transport of nutrients from land, sea floor and fish cage culture were the most effective factors on spatial patterns of water quality in Mazandaran coasts. Based on the results, multivariate statistical methods are also introduced as one of the useful methods for identifying the spatial pattern of water quality.
Volume 9, Issue 0 (6-2010)
Background and objective: VEP is a powerful method to study visual system via evaluating evoked potentials. Technologic and instrumental restrictions may be the reason of having studies on optical modulation and induction such as color, spatial frequency and contrast. Developments of computer software and hardware may lead to an increase in the flexibility of pattern designs.
Material and methods: Visual psychophysical principles of color, spatial frequency and contrast was used to design patterns. Using the Delphi 5 package. Recording system and pattern reversing were synchronized by a software and some hardware components including an A/D, monostable and an extension Board. A trigger signal from a VEP system was used to change optical properties of patterns according to a definite algorithm.
Results and conclusion: All of the optical parameters such as color, spatial frequency and contrast that have influence on visual evoked potentials can be changed independently or in an interactive manner by means of user friendly multiple windows and logical methods. Therefore, optical modulation and induction are made possible by this system. Temporal, spatial and contrast modulation can be carried out independently or dependently with a trigger signal from a VEP system. Dynamic interaction of optical parameters shows new horizons on VEP studies.
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2019)
The city entrances are the first space that inspire entry into each city and should represent the physical, cultural, social, and historical features of the city and have an effective role in redefining the features of the city from a variety of aspects. Today, the entrance of cities has become to turbulent surroundings with incompatible uses with the urban environment, and its perceptual and environmental quality have fallen sharply since ancient times, and it does not meet expectations of the entrance of cities as a legible, consistent, identity creator, and memorable space. However, attention to the industrial heritage located in the hierarchy of the main entrance of most cities can play an important role in understanding the values, important historical, cultural, and economic dimensions of the region, especially its architectural identity, and enhance the qualitative features of these entrances. This research is an attempt to bring about the creation of an appropriate quality space at the entry of cities by recounting and paying attention to this important space and identity that has long been neglected. The methodology of this research is descriptive-analytical. In the process of research, the entrances of Hamedan based on the role of industrial heritage (brick burners) in improving the qualitative characteristics (functional, aesthetic, and environmental) of the hierarchy of these areas are separated. The results show that this valuable industrial heritage plays an effective and indisputable role in the identity of Hamedan, and the more we move from the external domain of the entrance to the inner sphere, the greater the effect of this legacy will be.
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2010)
Few studies have recently supported the preposition that housing price changes in one location can be affected not only by its history but also by housing price changes in other locations (Ripple effect). There are many reasons why housing price changes in some areas may lead housing price movements in the other areas. The possible causes include structural differences and economic interdependence between areas, migration as well as informational factors.
This paper examines spatial effects of house price dynamics within Tehran. The first hypothese is that house prices have started rising first in the north and then spread out over the rest of the city. The second hypothesis is that there is a strong price relationship between contiguous districts. Spatial autoregressive (SAR) and vector error-correction (VEC) models are emplyed to estimate the empirical models using quarterly panel data of Tehran housing markets over the period 1991 to 2006.
The results confirms that there is a positive spatial interrelationship among districts. Moreover, the findings indicate the evidence of leading role of the district 1 in the northern half of the city while district 2 seems to have a more prominent effect on the center and the west. Furtheremore, the price interdependence of contiguous districts in the north is seen to be more significant and stronger than the south.
Volume 10, Issue 1 (10-2006)
Public librararies have an important role in people opportunity to recive information and cultural products. In this paper studied spatial distribution, availbilities and facilities of public library of No. 12 district in Tehran. First base map and required information such as population rate, education and infrastructures and facilities gathered and then completed answering form according to needed information. Result of this sudy indicate in spite of population rate in study area is less than other districts in Tehran, but frequency of libraries is more. Using geographic information systems functions determined one 1000 m radius around libraries centres and extracted the attribute data for each of studied cells. The study of determined cells around each of library indicate the exciting libraries has not optimum distribution. Also facilities and possibilities is not according to population rate that lived in the 1000 m applied radius of each library. To solve present problem have proposed maximum use of other cultural spaces and stablishment of new library in the studied area.
Volume 10, Issue 3 (7-2019)
Space has always been an important issue for philosophers and thinkers. The representation of spatial concepts in language has also been a concern for linguists. With the introduction of Gestalt psychology and Cognitive linguistics, a new interest in spatial language arose. One of the key elements in spatial linguistic studies is the concept of the Frame of Reference. A spatial Frame of Reference is a coordinate system by which a speaker of any given language determines the location of a figure in respect to a ground in space.
The current article’s aim is to study the Spatial Frames of Reference in Persian. The main questions are if the speakers first describe the object on the right or the object on the left of the photo, if they first describe the man or the tree first, and what the main Spatial Frames of Reference in Persian are. It was supposed that the speakers first describe what is on the right, first describe the tree, and use the relative and intrinsic FoRs.
In order to obtain real data from the native speakers, the main 8 photos of the second set of photos from the “Man & Tree” game devised by Max Planc Institute were used. In each photo, there is a man and a tree, and their positions in the photo and in respect to each other differs. The game was done with three pair of players as instructed by the standard manual and the data were analyzed accordingly.
The utterances which where ambiguous between two FoRs were put aside. The analysis of the data showed that in a spatial scene consisting of a man and a tree, the Persian speakers tend to first describe the object on the right, which can be due to the fact that the Persian writing has a right to left system. In addition, between man and tree, the speakers tend to describe the tree first. In this scene, the tree is the ground, since it is bigger and more stable than the man. An interesting point was that in all the cases where the tree was on the right, it was described first. Furthermore, in order to describe the spatial relation between the man and the tree, the speakers use the Relative frame of reference, in which the man is the figure and the tree is the ground; yet, in describing the facing position of the man, they use the Intrinsic frame of reference, in which the man is the ground and in most cases the tree is the figure.
Volume 10, Issue 3 (7-2019)
Iranian learners of the Russian language face numerous problems when learning the Russian grammar. One of these problems is the complexity of Russian prepositions, especially spatial and temporal prepositions in comparison with the Persian language. Since the task of the teacher is to facilitate the learning environment, to improve the learning process and to classify the content of learning from a logical point of view, it is necessary, first of all, to identify students' errors and study the causes of their occurrence. At the next stage, the teacher needs to think about ways to overcome these mistakes. The main objective of this study is to classify the frequent errors of Iranian students who use the spatial and temporal prepositions of Russian by identifying the reasons for their occurrence and the ways to overcome them. The corpus of the present study consists of 150 students of the middle stage of Allame Tabatabaei University. Research methodology is experimental –descriptive. The results of the study show that the most frequent errors in the application of spatial and temporal prepositions are associated with the interference between the native and the studied language, and the possibility of using simple Russian prepositions with several cases. Strategies are also being shown to reduce errors, among which the most important is the introduction of the subject “teaching prepositions” into the program of teaching Russian in Iran and teaching students to think in Russian, rather than translating Persian thoughts.
Volume 10, Issue 3 (10-2020)
Aims: Space is the core of how social and cultural events take place. Also, the relationship between activity and space is more comprehensible in the existing relationships between spaces and the relationships between audiences and social interactions than can be defined individually in the characteristics of space. This study tries to get acquainted with the graph theory and the basics of Space Syntex plugin and by explaining its mathematical relations evaluate the architecture of the Qajar period and the relationship between the companionship of spaces in a sample of Isfahan Qajar houses (Jangjouyan House)
Methods: The research method of the study is a descriptive-analytical, sci-tech anaysis with a case study strategy, for which the definitions of “Grasshopper” and” Space Syntax” are used to quantify it. The present study introduces the value of control in space, which implies the adaptability of space as one of the indicators of flexibility.
Findings: As the most permeable space, the yard has the highest ability to create spatial coherence and the highest level of control over other spaces, and on the other hand, the service spaces have the least amount of flexibility.
Conclusion: The courtyard positioning in the middle layers and its relationship with the intermediate spaces including the corridors, stairs, and partitions create a significant role for it, leading to its flexibility in the spatial configuration, while the location of yards in the primary layers in the contemporary homes has declined in its importance and this role has been transferred to other spaces.
Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2021)
Introduction: Fish consumption is increasing due to the global population growth. Therefore, taking advantage of new methods such as marine aquaculture can be a reliable source for the production of fish in the world. The purpose of this study is the spatial analysis of marine aquaculture farms in the coasts of Mazandaran province.
Materials and methods: In this study, three categories of criteria (water quality, economic-social and physical-environmental) were considered for spatial analysis of aquaculture farms in the coasts of Mazandaran, which are based on the Geographic Information System (GIS) and hierarchical analysis process (AHP), is used according to the definition of the decision law, and at the end, the existing aquaculture farms (9 farms) are analyzed using the Extract function.
Results and discussion: The results show that the location of the present farms can be transferred to more favorable areas with less risk. Among the existing farms, farms 1 and 2, located on the coasts of Joibar and Babolsar, have the most suitable condition and the highest amount of desirability. Also, the results of weighting between the three groups of water quality parameters show physical and socio-economic; Due to the importance of temperature, turbidity and chlorophyll criteria in marine aquaculture, water quality group has more weight than other groups (0.4034) and then the group of physical factors (0.3808) than social factors. (0.2168) more weight is given.
Conclusion: The findings of this study show the ability of GIS as well as satellite imagery to locate and evaluate marine aquaculture.
Volume 10, Issue 5 (11-2019)
According to the four semiotic regimes proposed by Eric Landowski, the social semiotician of post Gremassian tradition, four different space regimes entitled space, "network", "texture", "spinning" and "the abyss", can be distinguished one from the other. In fact, the basis of these spatial regimes goes back to semiotic and interactive systems. The semiotic system of "programmation" or operation in the world, whose basis is "order" is the basis of the texture- spatial system.The semiotic manipulation system based on intentionality is the basis of the network spatial regime. The rotating or spiral- spatial system is defined by the semiotic regime called "abyss" based on the perceptual-sensory state and, finally, the spatial regime which relies on the semiotic regime of accident based on luck. The main purpose of this article is to introduce each of these spatial regimes and to discuss the formation of each of them. The current research tries to investigate the basics and infrastructure of each of these spatial regimes proposed by Eric Landowski's semiotic and interactive regimes
Volume 10, Issue 42 (3-2014)
The well-known book “Kellileh and Demneh” is a political text, whose literary language and ethical background prevents the reader from clearly understanding the power struggle. One of these stories is the tale of lion and cow, whose adages and ethical background has led to the cover up of power struggle between the two factions (One being the defender of concept of justice in line with the patriotic political ideology, and the other being the supporter of individualism). The logic of political dialogue under the viewpoint, dominating the text, has been misrepresented. The outcome of such an outlook is a negative portrayal of the belief and characteristics of one of the parties to the power struggle, who cannot tolerate the current order that is based on the hereditary hierarchy, and who is ultimately victimized by the overall outlook governing the text. Given that the power struggle is a type of spatial position which regulates the distance between hostile parties in different shapes and forms; in this writing the approaches for misrepresentation of power struggle embedded in the story of lion and cow have been detailed and analyzed based on spatial reasoning. The method of research is based on the quality of narration of the narrator, and characters of the tale as the participants in the dialogue
Volume 11, Issue 1 (1-2009)
The seasonal abundance patterns of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, in cotton fields at Gorgan in northern Iran were studied during two growing seasons of 2002 and 2003. The spatial distribution of different developmental stages and morphs of the aphid was described by fitting data to Poisson (random) and negative binomial (aggregated) dis-tributions, and calculating the dispersion indices. A sequential sampling plan was also de-veloped using the fixed-precision method of Green for estimating the density of the adult, nymph and total population. The first aphid colonies appeared on plants during late June and early July and peaked in early September when cotton plants were at the boll matu-ration and opening stages. Aphid populations, especially nymphs and apterous females, were aggregated during most of the growing season and negative binomial models fit data sets better than the Poisson series. The percentage fit for alate morphs showed a slight tendency to the Poisson distribution. With respect to sampling cost or required sample size, the developed fixed-precision sequential sampling plans showed an acceptable per-formance for estimating aphid density at the precision level of D= 0.25. The optimum sample size was flexible and depended upon the aphid density and desired level of preci-sion, and generally ranged from 10 to 513 and 62 to 3,206 at the precision levels of 0.25 and 0.10, respectively. The sequential sampling plans developed could be recommended to estimate the aphid density in integrated pest management programs.