Showing 165 results for Spatial
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2020)
The 21th century has been confronted with wonderful changes in the dimensions of technology, social, economic, and political, perhaps no organization and settlement be safe from their changes and events. In recent decades, strategic management is one of the important organizational and institutional issues that has attracted researchers and experts. In addition, this strategic management has expressed among many new theories and approaches in developed countries and, consequently in all over the world including Iran, which in turn created a lot of new theoretical and practical challenges. This research has been tried by using a descriptive method, discourse analysis, and critique of the framework, that propose strategic management as new management in the service description of spatial planning. Therefore, in the first step, examined the constituent parts of the management spatial planning in the description of the services and then described planning and strategic management and strategic management process as the integrated and practical and at the end, presented suggestions for achieving strategic management in the description of the services of spatial planning with the achieve of integrated management, in the service description of the spatial planning, we will see the operational of the spatial planning oriented programs in the territory of Iran.
Volume 2, Issue 3 (1-2022)
problem statement: Common values between residents and citizens of a neighborhood are fundamental in having a collective and common mentality. The emergence of common values in the neighborhood depends on several factors. One of the qualities and concepts that significantly impact these common values is the spatial differentiation of the neighborhood. This article aims to investigate the effect of the degree of spatial differentiation of neighborhoods on the formation of common values among citizens.
Method: This research has been done using a survey and based on field studies in the neighborhood of Ahvaz city and based on the opinions of 663 residents of selected neighborhoods.
Findings: Many of the city's problems and ills are caused by a lack of shared values and collective mentality and understanding. Neighborhoods with unique characteristics, distinctiveness, and different spatial distinctions can provide many qualities. Shared values lead to a shared understanding of the neighborhood, enhance collective and shared experiences, and thus add to neighborhood quality and urban quality.
Conclusion: The results show that the spatial differentiation of neighborhoods significantly leads to the formation and promotion of common and collective values among citizens. Moreover, the distinction of physical appearance and neighborhood identification are among the most critical factors.
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2014)
Analysis of the spatial and temporal trends of precipitation and temperature are pertinent for future development and sustainable management of water resources in a given region. In this paper, we present a study concerning the climatic behavior of two principal observables Variables, viz. monthly temperature (maximum and minimum) and mean precipitations obtained from the measurements carried out in 60 Iranian meteorological stations for 40 years from 1969 to 2008. The Mann-Kendall test was used to detect the significant trends.Results showed that during summer and autumn, the precipitation had a negative trend (at 5% significant level) in the south-eastern parts of Iran and this trend is less during spring, but no special trend was observed in winter. The minimum and the maximum temperatures did not have any particular trend in winter. Spring was accompanied by an increase in positive trend in the maximum temperatures in the south-west and north-east, while the minimum temperature only limited in the south-west parts. Positive and negative trends of the minimum temperature were very dispersed during the summer. The maximum temperatures had a negative trend in the north-west and no positive trend was observed at 5% significant level. During autumn, the temperatures indices had positive and negative trends with a wide range of dispersion.
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2022)
Objectives: Based on external factors affecting creativity, and since creativity is a practice that is learned from the environment and is influenced by environmental conditions, the educational environment as a container in which teaching and learning takes place is very important in teaching and fostering creativity. The purpose of this study is to identify the spatial qualities affecting students 'creativity in the educational environment from the students' point of view and its analysis based on a review of theoretical foundations.
Methods: The Conventionat qualitative Content Analysis method and MAXQDA software have been selected as the analysis tool to analyze the data obtained from semi-structured interviews with students and to compile spatial components affecting creativity.
Findings: The research findings have identified seven spatial qualities including stimulation, flexibility, connection with nature, diversity of behavioral domains, unity, comfort and sensory richness as effective components on the emergence, promotion and continuity of creativity and their explanatory characteristics.
Conclusion: The results show that creativity is not a function of specific time and place and predetermined needs, and people prefer quality based on their specific moods and needs for each stage of the creative process. What is important here is the existence of a wide range of environmental capabilities that can meet the needs of students in navigating the creative process. An environment that can allow them curiosity, ideation, thinking, interaction, initiative, fluidity, flexibility and other components of creativity.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2015)
Soil alkalinity and salinity are serious problems in arid and semi-arid regions, and therefore monitoring of soil pH and electrical conductivity (EC) is necessary in any region. The present study aimed to properly interpolate soil pH and EC as soil quality indices in a semi-arid mountainous area with annual precipitation of 342.4 mm. The study area is the Karimabad rangelands in Hamadan Province, western Iran. A total of 266 composite soil samples were collected from 0-25 cm soil depth in a systematic random design. Soil samples were processed for pH and EC analysis and then further used for interpolating based on the optimal interpolation method for the study area. The overall soil pH and EC ranged from 7.3-7.9 and 0.33-2.13 dS m-1, respectively, presenting the slightly alkalinity and salinity problem in the region. The results showed the accuracy of spatial prediction of interpolation methods, particularly inverse distance weighting and radius basis function. However, based on root mean square error, the radius basis function was the most appropriate interpolation method to predict spatial distribution of soil pH and EC of topsoil in the study area. While salinity and alkalinity were low, still monitoring these soil indices is highly recommended to prevent the salinization and alkalization in the study area.
Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2021)
The purpose of this research is to study and analyze the function of civil divisions in the implementation of spatial planning plans in Kermanshah province. The research method is descriptive-analytic and the research is applied. The present study is based on the findings of a questionnaire taken from 218 specialized citizens of Kermanshah province (professors and students of political geography, spatial planning and regional planning) and the structural analysis model for confirmatory factor analysis is used to analyze the data. Based on the estimation of standardized coefficients of the structural and model based on the confirmatory factor analysis of the research and the level of significance (α = 0.068) obtained in the diagram, spatial consistency indices and corresponding information with a direct and positive coefficient of 0.84, proportionality of administrative-executive frameworks with a direct and positive coefficient of 0.90, the resource efficiency and territorial capacities with a direct and positive coefficient of 0.97 are effective. Among the components of efficiency of territorial resources and capacities, the degree of unity and social cohesion of the population groups of the province to advance development goals with 0.77, among the appropriateness of administrative-executive frameworks of land management programs, arrangement and rational establishment of national divisions (Cities, districts, etc.), in terms of the arrangement of ethnic and religious groups in order to optimally implement the province's spatial planning plans with a direct score of 0.65 and among the components of the division of space and related information, the zoning component within the province based official criteria within the province with a direct effect of 0.79 had the greatest impact on the implementation of spatial planning.
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2022)
Division of territorial and demographic area of country into electoral districts is the first step to facilitate elections and provide a suitable background for a fair proportion between the number of lawmakers and the population of the country. Drawing electoral districts must be in such a way that guarantees the justice and equality among citizens and leads to the formation of democratic parliament that represents different groups of the people. The present study has assessed trend of approval of the bill to reform the table of electoral districts of the Islamic Consultative Assembly and the number of lawmakers in 2000. This research is applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive in terms of nature and general method. The findings show that demographic indicators, adaption to administrative divisions, extent, place competition, deprivation, locating in border areas, and finally economical and industrial situation were the most important effective indicators in increasing lawmakers and reforming electoral districts in 20 cases. Lack of definition of indicators for criteria of Article 64 of the Constitution (human, political, geographical and alike) and failure to calculate their weight and share in redistricting due to the lack of a redistricting part in ministry of interior have led to spatial injustice in increasing the number of lawmakers, separating and annexation some electoral districts in government bill.
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2022)
The political organization of any country is done in the form of civil divisions. Civil divisions of the country are a process in which the land is limited by borders and every government needs political division of space to better manage the land and facilitate services, create development and create a spatial justice in the country. Spatial justice through the mechanism of spatial organization or spatial planning leads to the balanced development of place and geographical space and provides citizens with satisfaction and trust in the management structure and the relevant political system, thus preventing the formation of mentality of being secondary citizenship among people. In this research, which is of a fundamental type, the required information is collected using the library method, and then this issue will be investigated using a descriptive-analytic method. The research question is that: “what relation do exist between the political organization of space and spatial justice?” The findings show that the main principles and criteria of political organization of space can be categorized into issues such as increasing the sense of satisfaction, ease of access to services and creating equal opportunities for citizens and regions. Since spatial justice as an output seeks the relative equality of power, opportunity and wealth in order to gain maximum benefits commensurate with the capacity to enhance the dignity of citizens, and also the principles and approaches of political organization of space and spatial justice show this issue, it can be claimed that interactive relation is between political organization of space and spatial justice.
Volume 5, Issue 1 (5-2024)
Problem: Architecture and cinema are a collection of art and technology that are intertwined with the help of the capable hands of an architect and a filmmaker. The two can act similarly in infusing the spirit of life into space and evoking human feelings. Among these, urban spaces and architectural buildings are very important as the location of a film event and represent the temporal, cultural, historical, social and are in the movie. So that paying attention to the category of architecture in cinema in a serious and conscious way is an idea that can be considered by directors and filmmakers. This article explores this relationship in the movie Mother, made by Ali Hatami.
Target: In this research, first to interpret the architectural space and place, Kanter's views on the sense of place are considered, then the features of melodrama style in cinema and its features are discussed and then the architectural concepts and features of place in The scene design of Hatami's film "Mother" is studied in terms of activity, body and meaning. The counter recognizes three components for each location: Physical characteristics, activities & Imaginations.
Method: To understand this issue, try to use the historical-interpretive method to communicate the spatial-local dialectical process, which requires the analysis and description of the components resulting from the changes identified in this research. Finally, through deductive-inductive reasoning, it has been tried to identify the output components of the tool used in this research.
Result: For this purpose, it was tried to explain the temporal process of the sequences taken from the film Mother in relation to the spatial coexistence or the progress and delay of the moving space of the scene from a sense of feeling. Eclectic view of space? By linking human relations with place in melodrama cinema, he identified a kind of space-place dialectic that can be affirmed and achieved in key words: spatial diachronic and synchronic.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2023)
The Islamic parliament election, as the mid-level of elections in the Country, have always been the focus of experts and the public minds. It is worth noting that the presence of people to participate in elections and the extent of their participation varies from constituency to constituency and from one period to another. This difference in participation has led to the emergence of different constituencies, according to this, the electoral behavior of people in different constituencies toward each other can be examined.
The data of this article show that the electoral behavior of people in Arak, Komijan and Khondab constituencies has not been influenced by local factors. The present study is based on the theory that the political orientation of the elected president and the large scale-National currents affect the electoral behavior of Arak, Komijan and Khondab constituencies.
The data which is required for this study is collected by the Library-method and analyzed by Descriptive-Analytical method. The result of the research shows that political parties which are affected by the large scale-National currents will influence the outcome of the election and the political tendency of the chosen Parliament members in constituencies of Arak, Komijan and Khondab.
Result and discussion
From the third to eleventh term of the Islamic parliament, 18 people entered the parliament, of which 7 were reformists and 11 others were from the United Front of Fundamentalists and Conservatives. In other words, 38.9% of the representatives were reformists and 61.1% were conservatives. It is considerable that in these 9 elections, none of the elected representatives was independent, each of them was a member of the two prominent parties in the country. This statistic indicates that ethnic and local factors have not had an effect on the electoral behavior of the people in this constituency.
It is considerable that in these 9 elections, none of the elected representatives was independent, each of them was a member of the two prominent parties in the country. Generally, this study states that the political orientation of the elected president and the large scale-National currents affect the electoral behavior of the mentioned constituencies. The next point is that the impact of the metropolis of Arak as the center of the province on the other two cities in this area is significant and the other two have not nominated a candidate for the parliament due to the small population or have not been able to enter the Islamic Parliament. Another important point is that the parties have been able to return the spatial pattern of voting by eliminating the local identity factor in their favor. Factors such as political and economic development, literacy level, common language and religion of the people of the metropolis of Arak have caused their electoral behavior to be influenced by national factors instead of ethnic attitudes and local factors. On the other hand, the strategic location of the metropolis of Arak due to its location on the expressway from the North to the South of the Country and the existence of many access roads has caused this city to become an economic and cultural center and this factor brings opinion and orientation of people of Arak closer to the people of the capital. Finally, the article hypothesis is confirmed.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2023)
Spatial policy regarding flood risk management is a series of actions that are aimed at achieving a logical solution in reducing the damage caused by floods and reducing the spread of floods (Sinha et al., 2020). The impact of devastating floods on global lives and livelihoods is growing. Large-scale floods caused 104 billion US dollars in damages globally between 2000 and 2015 (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, 2015). As the climate changes, populations increase, and demand for housing and infrastructure grows, now more than ever, society needs to manage its flood risk and adapt to climate change. For this reason, achieving a spatial and logical comprehensive policy in flood risk management in a way that is efficient and sustainable, in research, policies and practice, requires (related program in flood management, 2017). Accordingly, the issue raised here is that; among the mentioned indicators, which of them is more important in making the spatial policy of rural flood risk management more efficient? Based on this, the necessity of research in this direction is that the present research has first identified all the items related to the indicators. Then he examines the importance of each of them in order to be able to answer this research problem.
The method of the present research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of the nature of information gathering. The method of data collection in this research will be both library and field. In the first step, library studies related to the research title will be used to compile the research literature, background, and theoretical foundations of the research. In addition, in the second step, it is used in the field and quantitatively by using the questionnaire tool to check the hypotheses of the research. The statistical population of this research consists of experts in the field, including faculty members specializing in this field, graduates and doctoral students with the title of a related thesis, and people in charge of the field, for this purpose, 70 samples have been selected (explained in the table below). From their point of view, the related questionnaire has a favorable level of validity and reliability with Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.97, which shows a very favorable level. Finally, one-way ANOVA (F) statistical test was used to analyze the data obtained from the mentioned questionnaire for the items of each index and finally all the indices.
Result and discussion
According to the problem stated in the introduction, in order to examine the importance of various indicators in the spatial policy of rural flood risk management, to examine the status of each of the five indicators (environmental, economic, social-cultural, managerial-institutional) and physical (land use)) deals with spatial policy of rural flood risk management To be able to identify the various aspects of the importance of each of the indicators and finally respond to the problem according to the opinions of the sample community.
To determine the importance of each of the indicators on the spatial policy of rural flood risk management, we have used Duncan's post hoc test, and the output of this test is grouped into three spectrums. They are classified according to their importance. So that the environmental index is the least important with a value of 2.9484 in spectrum one along with the economic index with a value of 3.1056, but the economic index is due to its proximity to social-cultural indicators with a value of 3.2381 and managerial-institutional indicators. With the value of 3105.3, they are the same shade in the spectrum and these two indicators (social-cultural and managerial-institutional) are placed in the third spectrum because of their proximity to the importance of the physical index (land use) and the only index that is the individual is placed in a spectrum and group. It is the physical index (land use) which is placed in the third group with the value of 3.4186 and has the largest sub-set for alpha, which shows the greater importance of this index on the spatial policy of management. The flood risk for the villages located in the watershed of Gorgan River in Golestan province has been that the following graph, which is the output of Duncan's post hoc test, also indicates the same performance of the indicators that as can be seen, environmental indicators are the least important. In addition, after that, the social-cultural index is the least important, and then the economic index and then the administrative-institutional index play a more important role. Finally, the physical indicators (land use) are the most important. The category of significance level, which is stated below the three groups, shows the lack of significance within the groups because of the closeness of their performance within each of the three spectrums.
According to the investigations carried out in the present study in two steps, first, through the study of available sources, the effective indicators and items in the spatial policy of rural flood risk management have been identified. Based on this, 5 indicators and 120 items have been identified. In order to check the importance of each of them, according to the type of indicators, ANOVA test (one-way analysis of variance) was used, the results of which can be summarized as follows: in the inter-group and intra-group sections. It is possible to understand the level of output desirability according to the average of squares and the sum of squares But what is important and effective in the ANOVA test output table is the F test statistic and the significance level value, which the test statistic number is 6.229 and the significance level value is 99 percent, which shows the very high importance of the five indicators on politics. Spatial planning is rural flood risk management. Based on this, Duncan's test was used to determine the importance of each of the indicators separately, and the results show that the output of this test is that the indicators are grouped into three spectrums, the reason for this problem Three spectrums are categorized according to their importance, So that the environmental index is the least important with a value of 2.9484 in spectrum one along with the economic index with a value of 3.1056, but the economic index is due to its proximity to social-cultural indicators with a value of 3.2381 and managerial-institutional indicators. With the value of 3105.3, they are the same shade in the spectrum and these two indicators (social-cultural and managerial-institutional) are placed in the third spectrum because of their proximity to the importance of the physical index (land use) and the only index that is Separately, it is placed in a spectrum and group, it is the physical index (land use), which is placed in the third group with a value of 3.4186, and has the largest subset for alpha.This shows the greater importance of this index on the spatial policy of flood risk management for the villages located in the Gorgan River watershed of Golestan province, and the following graph, which is the output of Duncan's post hoc test, also indicates the same performance of the indicators. As it can be seen, the environmental indicators are the least important, then the socio-cultural index is the least important, and then the economic index and then the administrative-institutional index play a more important role. Finally, physical indicators (land use) have the most importance in the spatial policy of rural flood risk management.
Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2024)
Problem: Justice in urban health means the absence of systematic differences in one or more aspects of the health status of citizens or population groups in terms of social, economic and physical environment. In the present study, the city of Urmia has been investigated and analyzed as a focus of studies on the level of realization of the right to health approach to the city and the distribution of health-therapeutic services and functions.
Aims: In terms of its purpose, the current research is in the category of semi-basic, semi-applied research, which is carried out with descriptive and analytical method.
Methods: The methods of collecting information are based on documentary-library methods, observation and field verification (Swara and Cocoso tests).
Findings: Based on the results, the city of Urmia has not acted in a fair manner in terms of the distribution of health-treatment functions and services in accordance with the approach of the right to the city, in spatial planning and allocation.
Conclusion: Regions 4 in the central context and the commercial pole of the city and 2 in the peripheral part of Urmia city have respectively the most favorable and unfavorable environmental conditions and conditions in the matter of enjoying the right to health policies of the city. In the end, based on the findings and the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the study area in the field of urban development, some targeted and sustainable proposals and actions have been taken to improve the environmental conditions.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (10-2015)
Spatial continuity particularly continuity between inside and outside is a concept that man always was looking forward to express it in architecture. It is a trait for expanding a restricted area and relating the spaces to other adjacent spaces in order to have more physical-visual or intellectual-moral motions. Although the boundaries of spaces create spatial order and specify the quality of space, on the other hand, one another trait of architecture is continuity which leads to dynamism and motion. A continuous space is opposite to a closed and interrupted one, so in such spaces there is a spatial locomotion towards horizontal and vertical axis. These motions cause transparency and mobility towards the bulk of materials such as walls and columns in a way that the paths of moving or the directions of the sight are continuous. In the field of architectural expressions, continuity has several types and in this case, one of the categories can be noticed. This classification include four cases such as Historical, Cultural–social, Natural and Spatial continuity. Any of them has its definition, but in what follows, the spatial continuity will be described in detail. Spatial continuity can be studied in four states: First, the interior and exterior; in this case, besides the continuity makes perspective expansion, it inspires the concept of «being inside». The user requires both inside and outside spaces, and also the ability to move between these two spaces. Therefore, the architect should visualize and form inside and outside as a unit concept. Second case, between two interior spaces; flexible interior space, diversity and maximize capacity of space can be achieved in this way. Third, in an interior; this kind of continuity is more understood in a large enclosed space such as a church or a mosque. The fourth state, in the space outside the building; in open spaces or urban spaces can be observed. Any interior space may have continuation in six axes. Spatial continuity can be established through some architectural features, these factors include: Transparent layers; the most important factor to create continuity between two spaces. Transparency can be made by embedding the openings, doors and windows. Axis; axis represent the directions and correlate different elements to each other. In other words, axes connect spaces like a string. Although axes can be defined in various ways, two directions are often stronger than the others because the orientation of human kind is based on the horizontal and vertical direction. Rhythm and Repetition; the most important and most tangible factors that can represent spatial continuity are rhythm and repetition. Continuation and repetition are the basis of continuity. Continuation of surfaces; shared elements between the two spaces arouses a sense of continuity to the spectator. Continuity will be well understood when the surfaces of the floor, wall or ceiling of a space stretches to another space. Intermediate space; intermediate space (the third space) is one of the main factors of continuity and sequencing of architectural elements. Although this item separate two spaces, it causes the continuation without any separation between them. In each ancient and modern architecture, new methods can be observed, trying to show spatial continuity. In modern age, progress in technology and release of Classic principals (norms) caused the best type of continuity. Modern architects reduced the confliction of inside and outside and ignored the role of walls as separator elements by eliminating the boundaries of interior space. Modern architecture incorporated inside and outside to let them form one unique continuous space, without any difference between interior and exterior space. Spatial continuity in modern architecture: In modern architecture a continuous space is created by eliminating or neglecting the role of walls (separators). Therefore, there is no difference remains between inside and outside. The boundaries have become smooth, so visual continuity and accordingly, spatial continuity arises. In other words the walls lose their existence and permanency, the conflict of inside and outside is eliminated therefore the meaning of inside is weakened. The same as universal architecture, there are some rules in ancient Iranian architecture to represent spatial continuity, however mentioning the spiritual and moral sides of continuity. Iranian architectural space include three categories from the primitive time: closed, covered and open spaces. These three mainsubspaces define the whole space. Room, as a closed space, porch (Ivan) as a semi closed one and the yard as an open space. Iranian architects always try to track the continuity between these three items in their design process. They have attempted to pass the user through the space unimpeded, promoting the idea of transparency, lightness and spatial continuity, by reducing the bulk of mass and increasing the space. Iranian architectural space can be thought of as a wavy space. Conjunction with unlimited space is created through the light and perspective expansion, and space expansion between the components. Continuity through these spaces were shown spreading natural lights, and the extension of the sceneries and perspectives. Iranian architects tried to reduce the material mass of the building body in order to achieve transparency and spiritual lightness. In this essay we are intending to study the level of effect of traditional Iranian architecture on contemporary Iranian architecture and the level of effect of modern architecture on it, and finally we will make a comparison between them. For this review, a descriptive–analytic observation is set that the criteria of comparison are the factors of spatial continuity of Iranian and modern architecture. For each architectural Style, factors that represent continuity is listed, mentioning that any of these factors can be used in which state, relating the inside and outside. So this will assort results in a set of tables for each Style. A number of public buildings, built during 50 decade till now is selected for analyzing the factors in each group. Four of them will be expounded. At last the results can be observed in a detailed table, along with, a diagram represents the percentage of each factor’s participation in indicating spatial continuity in both Iranian and modern architecture.
Volume 5, Issue 3 (9-2023)
Spatial court in the city, management, distribution and distribution of space services and urban possibilities, special attention e-mail. In the discussion of equality and equality, none of the urban groups and classes of residents have a tendency to oppose each other and they provide equal treatment for everyone, regardless of social and economic status, for access to general urban services. For this reason, this topic, as it prevents the accumulation of possibilities and urban services in one area, the polarization of the city space and social inequalities, it makes access to the possibilities in the city for everyone. In accordance with this, the present research is aimed at assessing the spatial justice in the distribution of services and urban possibilities in the palaces of eight Shahr, Tehran.
The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on library and documentation methods. The data used in this research are the data that have been extracted from urban areas. In order to analyze the information, in the first stage, using the entropy scale, balance (equality) or disequilibrium (inequality), each of the uses has been analyzed and then proceeded to rank the 13 palaces, regions. And the level of utilization of urban services and possibilities using the Cocoso model has been used for ranking the regions
Result and discussion
Since the globalization of cities and the urbanization of the world is the most prominent feature of the twenty-first century. Especially fortunately, the growth of urbanization in the majority of cities in the developing countries is more rapid. Various (housing, traffic, pollution, urban identity, commercial land, unsustainable land use, etc.) have been faced.
Land, as a limited, scarce and non-renewable commodity, in the face of rapid urban development and increasing collective demand, is transformed into an expensive and profitable commodity, as a result of which it is considered as a means of commerce for the purpose of securing profit and general welfare and improving the standard of living. Special groups are declared and cause many social, economic and environmental problems.
Based on these problems and difficulties of the current urbanization in this research with a radical and critical approach based on theories related to justice and spatial equality, after identifying and analyzing urban land use conditions, types and programs derived from them, the percentage of their realization. Reasons and forces influencing their realization or non-realization, as well as the space produced, the positive or negative spatial-spatial effects resulting from them. Perhaps the most important concern that prompted me to address this matter is the chaotic and confused situation in the suburbs of the three districts and the palaces of the third district of the eight city of Tehran in recent years.
The conditions are not improving, they are getting worse day by day. The situation of overcrowding and non-distribution of inappropriate uses, which have arisen due to major reasons, have led this region to a state of chaos. The urban land has been transformed into a bubble with the expansion of the stock market, the dimensions of which are getting bigger and bigger every day. Since the use of urban land is the core of urban planning, based on this assumption, it is possible to understand the root problems and spatial problems of the current urban area.
The results obtained indicate the imbalance in the distribution of spatial services and urban possibilities. Based on the results of the entropy method, cultural quality with a weight of 0.463 has won the first rank. Sports quality with a weight of 0.255 has won the second rank and green space quality with a weight of 0.153 has won the third rank. According to the Cocoso model and according to the results, Kerman district has won the first rank, Fadak has won the second rank and Wahidiya has won the third rank. Therefore, the eastern region and its palaces, which are located in District 1 and part of District Two, are in a better condition than the western region, where the palaces of District Three are located.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2023)
Place is the center of geography and identity; it is the manifestation of culture in place. Parliamentary elections, as a political event, play an effective role in representing the voters' spatial identities. The interests of individuals play a decisive role in directing their work. The performance and action of humans are subject to the understanding and perception they have of the surrounding geographical environment, which gives meaning to their interests. The geographical environment is a concept mixed with social, political, economic, and natural factors whose intertwining has played a fundamental role in giving direction and meaning to human character, effort and spatial identity. Elections are the highest level of representation of local identities in heterogeneous constituencies in which local identities are reflected. Due to its geographical location throughout history, Iran has had a wide variety of local identities, among which the elections of the Islamic Council played a role in revealing this diversity of identity and, accordingly, the diversity of spatial voting patterns. In North Khorasan, it is one of those culturally diverse areas from a linguistic point of view, and the identities arising from this diversity have played an effective role in pushing and pulling the votes of the candidates for the election of the Islamic Council. Identities and cultural contexts have sometimes led to the neglect of worthy candidates and competent representatives at the center of national decision-making.
Esfarayen Constituency includes the cities of Bam, Safi Abad and Markazi, which is the third constituency in the province in terms of population. In terms of language, the residents of this area speak the Kurdish dialect of Kurmanji, Tati, Farsi, and Turkish, and religiously, they follow the Shiite religion. This constituency was a part of the constituencies of Khorasan province until the sixth term of the Islamic Council elections, and from the seventh term, with the separation of Khorasan province, this constituency was assigned to North Khorasan province. Esfarayen Constituency has a representative in the Islamic Council. The current research aims to investigate and analyze the impact of spatial identities arising from linguistic diversity on the orientation of the spatial pattern of voting in the Esfarayen constituency. The methodology governing the text has a descriptive-analytical nature, and the statistics and information needed for the research were collected by the library and field method (questionnaire) and then analyzed using spss software.
The result of the research showed that the elements of place identity such as the number of co-citizens and co-speakers of the candidate, ethnicity, co-lingualism, ethnic population and co-speakers of the candidate being co-citizens with the election candidate, respectively, had the greatest impact in creating the voter base for the candidate representing the Islamic Council at the constituency level. On the contrary, the parliament candidate's belonging to a particular party, the opinion of religious elders and clan elders, the candidate's experience and education, and the correctness of the candidate were, respectively, less important in getting the votes of the candidates.
Volume 5, Issue 4 (11-2024)
Aims: Recent advances in landscape ecology and satellite data have provided an opportunity to change approaches in sustainable urban planning and have created a high potential for enhancing resilience in the interactions of social-ecological systems. In this research, by using the concept of spatial resilience and measuring the critical components and relationships of the socio-ecological landscape over time, the thresholds related to identity were quantitatively extracted to provide a solution for linking concrete management objectives and the theory of resilience.
Methods: By evaluating the ecological landscape of Qom city using PLAND, CA, NP, AREA-MN metrics and satellite data, the changes in landscape resilience of this city during thirty years based on the theory of spatial resilience were analyzed.
Findings: By defining and extracting identity thresholds, identity changes in the city landscape were predicted concerning resilience in the coming years. Then, by identifying the spatial-identity patterns of the city in different periods and measuring them based on resilience dimensions, measurable suggestions were presented to policymakers and planners to place the urban landscape in a new, resilient, and sustainable balance.
Conclusion: The landscape of the city of Qom in 2009 and 2019 has crossed the first and second thresholds of identity, and with the continuation of the current trend, in the next 20 years, traveling the third threshold (complete transformation of landscape identity) will happen, and if the process of reducing the green area structures continues, the landscape will reach an irreparable stage in terms of resilience.
Narges Khademi,
Volume 5, Issue 17 (5-2012)
Paul Simpson is one of the researchers who have worked in the field of stylistics and critical linguistics. One of the topics which he has studied systematically is the “point of view.” In his opinion, point of view is related to the degree of narrator’s interference in the act of narration. It has three dimensions: (1) spatial; (2) temporal; and (3) psychological. The writer or narrator unites these items through modality. Furthermore, focusing on modality, Simpson introduces his narrative model which includes nine different points of view. In this model, he incorporates Genet’s discussion on four points of view and also the model of Uspensky and Fowler. Simpson believes that by studying the three spatial, temporal, and psychological dimensions of the point of view, we can reach at its ideological dimension.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (7-2002)
Site-selection for schools in large cities such as Tehran is a complicated problem. A multiplicity of effective factors in locating schools and increase of urban living problems in Iarge cities manifests the necessity of the use of effective, advanced, and computerized methods for this purpose.
The main objectives of this research to evaluate the pattern of spatial distribution of primary schools and to identify the bereaved zones of primary school and to them in the region 6 of Tehran.
Attribute data were collected and stored using the available documents, and local data were collected and digitized using linear and digitizing maps in several layers. For each layer buffers were specified, then by giving weights for each buffer zone and their combination, spatial positions of the existing schools were analyzed. Finally, the optimum sites for establishment of new schools were proposed.
Results of this research showed that the majority of educational buildings of primary schools are not located in suitable sites, and their sites do not conform with site-selection standards. The results of this research also showed that the use of GIS can be very useful for ananlysis and selection of schools sites.
Volume 6, Issue 1 (12-2023)
Ecolodge need policy to guide and determine short-term and long-term decisions among different options.Policymaking in Ecolodge is a collection of rules, regulations, instructions and strategies that provides a framework in which the governmental and local decisions directly affect the sustainable development of Ecolodge. In this research, we aim to identify spatial policy indicators in Ecolodge and figure out their importance in the Hawraman region. Therefore, the question is which of the spatial policy elements of Ecolodge have the most importance in this case study? The research method is practical by purpose and descriptive-analytical by type. At first, it described and interpreted the existing relationships between the research variables (statistical system and information, ruling bureaucracy, ruling values, structure of power, implementation and monitoring of policies). Research statistical society includes the ecotourism managers of the target villages of Hawraman region, General Department of Cultural Heritage experts, Tourism and Handicrafts Department, as well as tourism specialists including faculty members and related experts. This research results shows that according to Tukey's test, the policy implementation and monitoring indicator with an average of 3.673 (combination of opinions) has the highest importance in the spatial policy of Ecolodge in the Hawraman region.Thus, based on the results of the hypothesis test, it can be accepted that there is a significant difference between the spatial policy elements of the Ecolodge in the Hawraman region, and in this regard, the policy implementation and monitoring indicator is the most important among the five.
Volume 6, Issue 2 (12-2002)
This paper attempts to specify tourism spatial pattern of Esfahan city. The tourism spatial is part of the city which catches the attention of most tourists. The aim of this research is to identify its tourism spatial in relation to social and physical space as well as tourists movement and behavior. The result of this study shows that tourism spatial of Esfahan includes central and historical part of the city.