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Volume 24, Issue 2 (5-2024)

The emission of greenhouse gases caused by fossil fuels and other human activities is a serious threat to many countries, which is more prevalent due to its nature and is noticeable in most regions of the world. In the last three decades, with the increase of greenhouse gases in the  atmosphere, the air temperature is increasing, and it is expected that with the continuation of this trend, unfavorable changes will be made in the environment. According to the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in 2014, 76% of all greenhouse gases are composed of carbon dioxide. Therefore, it can be said that carbon dioxide emissions plays an important role in protecting the environment and sustainable development (Omari, 2013). Many studies have identified the factors affecting carbon dioxide emissions and its relationship with other economic, social and environmental factors in order to achieve sustainable development, among which, energy consumption and economic growth can be mentioned. Energy as a driving force plays an effective role in most production and service activities. On the other hand, energy consumption leads to air pollution due to carbon dioxide emissions. The purpose of this study is to examine economy, energy and environment nexus in Asian countries. It is noteworthy that Asian countries such as China, India, Japan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea rank less than 10th in terms of carbon dioxide emissions among the countries of the world. The significance of these effects has an important message for environmental policymakers in solving environmental issues and climate change.
This nexus is estimated in the time period of 2002-2018 in the form of Spatial Panel Simultaneous Equations Model (SPSEM) with the Generalized Spatial Panel Two Stage Least Squares (GS2SLS) method. It is tried to analyze this correlation by considering the influence of these countries. Therefore, Spatial Panel Simultaneous Equations Model is used to investigate the three-way communication of economy, energy and environment. The model of simultaneous spatial panel equations makes it possible to analyze the correlation and relationship of economy, energy and environment by considering the influence of countries on each other and spatial spillover effects. In other words, the spatial correlation of countries in terms of economic growth is considered to be the spatial correlation of carbon dioxide emissions.
The results of this research confirm the spatial correlation of economic growth, energy consumption and environmental quality. In other words, the spatial spillover effects of economic growth, energy consumption, and environmental quality exist significantly, and economic growth, energy consumption, and environmental quality in each country are affected by the economic growth, energy consumption, and environmental quality of another country, respectively. In addition, the quality of the environment spatially has a stronger correlation than the other two series. In other words, selected Asian countries are significantly affected by environmental conditions compared to economic conditions.
On the other hand, economic growth and energy consumption, economic growth and environmental quality, and energy consumption and environmental quality have a significant mutual relationship. The two-way relationship between economic growth and environmental quality indicates that while more production brings more pollution, pollution has direct and indirect harmful effects on economic growth through increasing treatment costs and reducing labor productivity. The two-way relationship between economic growth and energy consumption is also confirmed.
Political stability significantly leads to an increase in environmental quality. The growth of urbanization leads to a decrease in environmental quality due to unfavorable structure of the cities. The share of industrial exports and imports leads to a significant increase and decrease in energy consumption, respectively.
Discussion and Conclusion
According to the results obtained, it can be pointed out that energy consumption and economic growth are incompatible with the environment. It is clear that energy consumption with carbon dioxide emissions leads to an increase in environmental pollution. The reduction of carbon dioxide emissions depends on the modification of the energy consumption pattern and the replacement of renewable energies instead of fossil energies simultaneously in the countries. Policymakers should adopt strategies to reduce energy consumption. There should be an increase in investment in energy infrastructure with the approach of preventing energy waste and looking for alternative energy sources such as solar energy and new and renewable energies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. In order to adopt effective policies on climate change issues, policy makers must consider the spatial spillover effects of countries. These new empirical results will help policymakers in Asian countries to design appropriate environmental and energy policies to meet the goals for economic development and sustainability.

Volume 24, Issue 3 (10-2020)

The subject of this research is the epistemological analysis of Iranian Spatial planning plans. Its The purpose is to identify, critique and present the characteristics of a desirable epistemic system for Iranian provincial planning schemes. To achieve these goals, five sampling plans of Mazandaran, North Khorasan, Khuzestan, Markazi and Hamedan were selected using designed sampling strategy. Provincial planning were identified and criticized. Finally, using the recent successful global theories and experiences, the characteristics of the desired epistemology system have been identified and tested by experts using a questionnaire. This research follows a combined (deductive - inductive) methodology. The nature of descriptive-analytical research is fundamental. The research findings show that the provincial spatial planning plans of Iran follow the academic epistemology.  Recent global experiences and theories have shown that preparing plans with this mindset poses serious challenges to planners in three areas: theory, methodology and practice. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a new epistemic apparatus for Iranian provincial planning plans. Therefore, the results of the research indicate that the experts should have a special emphasis on applying the epistemic system of pluralistic-critical rationality in Iranian provincial preparation spatial plans. This approach has been able to address the weaknesses and shortcomings of previous epistemic devices in the theoretical, methodological, and practical fields and has led planners to develop an efficient integrated approach.

Volume 24, Issue 3 (10-2020)

-Introduction: Cites are affected by different forces. Changing Changes in the structure of the economy has caused different reactions from different groups of government, markets and people, that can be traced by its appearance in the city. One of the aspects of the impact of the economy on the city is physical interventions and urban construction, such as urban land use Changes changes, space utilization intensity, building congestion, and urban boundaries change. This study aims to explain the effect of economy on physical changes of the city. The researchers seeks the trace of capital flow in the city. The Research questions are as follows: 1- How is Tehran's exchange rate and construction are related? 2. What is the nature and orientation of capital flow in the city? 3- How is the relationship between land price and physical interventions in 22 district of Tehran?
-Methodology: This is an applied research and is one of among the causal and relational studies. The documentary and library-based methods is are used to collect and interpret data. First, the relationship between the exchange rate and the tendency to build in the city is examined using the index of building permits. In the second step, the level of intervention in the city is examined. In the third step, the district and regional effects of land price on the number of building permits were investigated through the spatial correlation between land price and building permits.
 The study area is 22 districts of Tehran. Tehran is the largest city and capital of Iran that has experienced rapid growth over the years. The area of Tehran has increased from 370 km 2  in 1975 to 751 km 2  in 2015.
-Results and discussion: Currency exchange is associated with economic power. The increase in the exchange rate indicates the depreciation of the currency and the weakening of the economic power of the country. The turbulence in exchange rate fluctuations can be interpreted as instability in the country's economic conditions. At the first, the exchange rate changes and the number of building licenses were studied in different years. Accordingly, 2012 was identified as a breakthrough in exchange rate changes in the country. The result of Wilcoxon test shows that the number of building permits in Tehran before and after the 216% exchange rate jump in 2012, has changed significantly. A comparison of the annual average of building permits shows that the intensity of construction in the city has declined with the dollar price hike since 2012. The results of Kruskal-Wallis test indicate a significant difference among the 22 districts of Tehran municipality in terms of number of building permits and land price.
Eventually, in conditions of economic stability, changes in the city are regular and it is subject to changes in land prices and market demand. But in conditions of economic instability and weakening, the common rules in physical interventions in the city and urban builders are disturbed. The demand elasticity and focus of the builders is limited to the high quality areas of Tehran (zones 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6) which create high value added. This exacerbates Class society.
-Conclusion: The exchange value causes the city to be used as a commodity, the property of power-holders and capital, and to create added value. The easiest way to get [r1] it, is to invest in housing and buildings
With the decline in economic power and the possibility for more power and capital intervention in the city, capital choose chooses one of the following ways.
  1. The capital flows from liquidity to real estate. Builders and physical changes in the city will be aimed not at reforming or meeting the need, but at creating a safe space for capital. Capital is directed to a place where it creates added value.
  2. The government seeks to drive capital out of real estate and direct it toward production.
The phenomenon of space production has two aspects. One is consumer value, which comes from production and use. Second, the exchange value, which is profitable, rentier, intermediary and speculative in nature. The deceptive dimension of power must then be sought in exchange value, . Where where people try to take advantage of it. By transforming the city into a commodity, development becomes a tool for exchange value. The stronger the economy, the less foreign exchange capital flows into the land and the capital flows to production and consumption rather than to the exchange and commodification of limited land resources.
Analyzes Analyses showed that the intensity of construction in Tehran has declined with the dollar jump since 2012.
Analysis of the situation of Tehran's 22 districts shows that there is a significant difference between the number of building permits and the price of land between Tehran municipality areas.

Volume 24, Issue 3 (9-2024)

Crime is a multifaceted phenomenon that has always attracted the attention of economists, sociologists, lawyers and psychologists. Many experts and economic pioneers consider it necessary to achieve economic development to improve the level of security and reduce crime in the society. Since the occurrence of any phenomenon is affected by various factors, the occurrence of crime as an undesirable phenomenon is not excluded from this rule. Various economic, social and political factors affect crime in society. Identifying these factors can help a lot in the correct understanding and appropriate policy making in order to control and reduce the crime rate in the society. Meanwhile, one of the most important economic factors affecting crime is unemployment. Unemployment is one of the most important macroeconomic variables, which clearly affects many social phenomena, including crime. In this regard, the main goal of the present study is to investigate the relationship between unemployment and crime and to identify factors affecting crime in the Iranian cities. The statistical population of the current research is the cities of Iran and the time range under investigation is 2016.
In this study, the spatial causality test was used to investigate the relationship between unemployment and crime. The first step in investigating the spatial causality relationship between the studied variables is to perform the spatial independence test of the variables. In the second step, the existence of spatial dependence between variables is examined. If both the investigated variables have a spatial structure and there is a spatial dependence between the two variables, then the spatial causality test is performed in the third step. In this study, the spatial econometric approach has also been used to estimate the crime model in the cities of Iran. In this regard, the presence of spatial effects in the model has been tested using Moran's I test, and then the most appropriate spatial regression model has been selected and estimated based on the Lagrange coefficient (LM) test and the LR diagnostic tests. The software packages used in this study are Matlab 2023, GeoDa 1.16 and Stata 15.
The results of the spatial tests show that both crime index and unemployment rate have a spatial structure and the spatial dependence between these two variables was also confirmed, so in the third step, the spatial causality has been tested. The results of spatial causality test indicate the existence of a two-way causality relationship between the crime index and the unemployment rate. In other words, unemployment was the cause of crime during the period under investigation, and unemployment also led to the occurrence and increase of crime. According to the results of the spatial causality test, the crime model of the Iranian cities was developed in terms of the unemployment variable and several control variables. In order to estimate the model, the presence of spatial effects was first investigated using Moran's I test. The results of this test indicate the presence of spatial effects in the model. Also, based on the results of the Lagrange coefficient and likelihood ratio tests, the Spatial Durbin Model (SDM) was chosen as the most appropriate method for estimating the model. The results of the estimation of the crime model indicate that the spatial lag coefficient is positive and significant at a high level, which indicates the existence of spatial dependence in the model. The positiveness of this coefficient shows that an increase in crime in one city causes an increase in crime in neighboring cities. Also, according to the results of the research, the variables of unemployment, industrialization, urbanization and divorce rate are the most important variables affecting crime rate. The results show positive and significant relationships between unemployment, urbanization, divorce rate, and crime. The industrialization variable also has a negative and significant effect on crime. Also, the spillover effect of the unemployment variable is negative and significant. Based on the results, the higher the unemployment rate and the urbanization rate in the cities, the crime rate will also increase in those cities. On the other hand, as cities move toward industrialization and the number of industrial enterprises in them increases, the rate of crime will decrease more.
Discussion and conclusion
The findings reveal that, unemployment is one of the most important variables affecting crime in the Iranian cities. So, it is recommended that authorities pay special attention to sustainable policies regarding employment and its proportional distribution in cities. Considering excessive growth of urbanization and its detrimental impact on rampant crime rates, it is suggested that statesmen and policy makers create more facilities and pay special attention to rural areas to provide reverse migration in order to prevent occurrence of various crimes, which are happenning due to population increase especially in informal settlements of larger cities.

Volume 24, Issue 4 (12-2020)

Industry and economy have a vital part in achievement in of the development of a country. Researchers argue that these developments will seriously damage the global and regional economy and slow the growth of the economy in the future years. In this context, among the factors that have caused rapid and profound changes in the settlement system of the Urmia Lake basin area over the past few decades, economic effects have been one of the important ones. These developments have been able to reduce the integration and effectiveness of the elements of the residential system and the connections between them and cause spatial imbalances. As a result, the establishment of a dysfunctional and fragmented settlement system has become a major issue in many countries in recent decades, in the form of serious economic threats and political instabilitydue to following exogenous development pattern, it will have the greatest impact on the formation and method of settlement and establishment of the existing residential system in Iran; its product has been the formation of an inefficient and fragmented settlement system. In recent decades, this issue has become important for many countries in the form of serious economic threats and political instability of the countries. The main focus of this study is to investigate the economic drivers caused by the decrease in the water level of Lake Urmia in spatial imbalances with a futuristic view in the settlements of the catchment area of this lake.)[r11] present research, various methods are used to extract and identify key components and future constructive drivers. Key components and drivers are a set of factors and variables that have a significant impact on other components inside and outside the system under study and play a significant role in building the future of the system.
The present study is a structural analysis and in terms of the nature of the data, it is both qualitative and quantitative, and its method of data collection, is documentary and survey. The statistical population of this study includes experts and development planners of East and West Azerbaijan provinces who were selected by snowball sampling. The questionnaires were completed only by those who are were involved in the development and planning of the province. The analysis of this study using the matrix method was a cross-sectional effect based on dolphin. Also, to analyze the data and information and display them in an understandable way, the method of estimating the kernel density in the software environment of the geographic information system has been used.
Results and Discussion
The findings show the effects of declining economic value on agricultural land, increasing government spending in various sectors, declining production and changing the type of some agricultural products, weakening the tourism sector, creating class gaps (inequalities), smuggling development, and false employment. Changing the cultivation pattern is not strategic due to its high dependence on other outcomes and most of the other resulted variables (. In contrast, the decline in employment in agriculture, rising unemployment and declining incomes in agriculture and animal husbandry were among the most important and strategic consequences of declining lake water levels. Reducing employment in the agricultural sector in rural areas alone is one of the most influential economic consequences in the region, which has been recognized as an important factor in creating spatial imbalances in the study area. In order to examine this consequence more accurately, using the spatial coefficient method and estimating the kernel density, the status of this consequence on the habitat habitats in the study basin was investigated. The results of the spatial coefficient method showed that this region is the exporter of service and industrial labor force, while in the agricultural sector it has less labor force.
Achieving equality and balance in various economic, social and environmental dimensions is one of the characteristics of a country's development. Meanwhile, economic equality is another basic dimension of development. In the present study, an attempt was made to investigate the causes of this inequality and imbalance in the catchment area of ​​Lake Urmia. Structural analysis was used to achieve a forward-looking perspective. In this regard, various groups of experts completed the questionnaire as the panel of experts. Initially, the most important economic implications of declining lake water levels over the next ten years were identified. The results were then analyzed in Micmac analysis software, and the economic drivers of declining lake water levels were identified and analyzed. Finally, proposals were made to prevent the problems caused by unemployment, and consequently, the migration of the inhabitants of these areas. Encouraging small businesses and job creation in the region, as well as providing them with long-term facilities and improving the business environment as one of the most important and effective components for economic development and empowering the private sector, should be considered as solutions This is because providing infrastructure and infrastructure, strengthening enterprises and economic mechanisms, supporting production, paying attention to science and technology parks and growth centers, taking steps to facilitate business, improving the volume of industrial production and boosting production ، اIt will play the most important role in the development of the regional economy. But achieving this is essential to keeping the lake afloat in balance.
Keywords: Spatial imbalance, economic drivers, structural analysis, Mick Mac, Urmia Lake

Volume 25, Issue 1 (3-2021)

In the recent decades, there have happened many spatial resistances in response to the privatization, Islamization, securitization and increasing control over public urban spaces in Tehran city context. These mostly have been the outcome of agency of marginalized groups in the space production process. Spatial representation of these spatial resistances has been in such a way that could challenge the dominated spatial order in a temporal and unstable way, and the changing in spatial organization of the city has linked into these conflicts. This research seeks knowing the dominated relations upon these spaces and explaining them theoretically through concept of emergent spaces. At the first, in an experiential manner, spatial distribution of emergent spaces was identified and grouped in relation to the form and the dominated relations of these spaces, then three spaces were selected by using selection matrix, field observations and the interview with elites. Data were analyzed by using grounded theory through open, axial and selective coding processes. The results of data analysis showed the spatial resistances is axial category of emergent spaces. The urban agents resist in the urban spaces by the tactics of everyday life and through spatialisation of their needs, they appropriate them against power spatial order and its spatial constructs. The emergent spaces are produced by these spatial resistances which control and capitalistic relations in that are much less than the other spaces.

Volume 25, Issue 1 (3-2025)

Aim and Introduction
Globalization in recent decades has brought developed and developing economies closer to each other through trade, technology transfer, capital flows, bonds, and employment opportunities, and the positive impact of globalization has been linked to the availability of economic advantages. Globalization has certain adverse effects that cause the release of pollutants, ecological imbalances, and issues related to global climate change. The effects of greenhouse gas emissions may adversely affect sustainable economic growth through welfare-reducing channels. Other adverse effects of globalization include environmental damage, price fluctuations, over-specialization, elimination of local industries, and social and industrial deterioration. Economists argue that globalization activities improve domestic economic structure by integrating trade, technology transfer, and financial activities. As a result, the growth of global economic activities may lead to more energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
 Achieving sustainable environmental development along with preventing environmental degradation has always been a serious issue for policy makers. Globalization and diversification of exports are one of the most important factors affecting this issue.
In this study, the impact of globalization variables and export diversification on the environment of 7 selected countries of the Persian Gulf is investigated. The focus of this study is on the combination of export diversification and globalization index (from the economic, political and social aspects), to investigate the performance of pollutants and as a result determine the EKC hypothesis in the Persian Gulf countries.
In order to conduct an empirical analysis of globalization, export diversity and environmental degradation, we use the panel data approach. The standard approach in spatial econometrics is that one should first start the analysis with a non-spatial model and then check whether the benchmark model needs to be developed by considering spatial interaction effects or not. The used sample includes 7 sections and the time period includes the years 1995 to 2020. The decision to select the sample is based on the availability of data from the World Bank. It will be used to estimate non-spatial fixed and random effects models. The fixed effects model controls for heterogeneity by allowing a separate interval for each cross section. While the random effects model shows the unobserved features of the country in the error term.
Export diversity has a positive and significant effect on carbon dioxide emissions, therefore creating diversification in exports in Persian Gulf countries will increase carbon dioxide emissions. The issue that has caused the high concentration of the export portfolio in these countries is the focus on the export of oil and gas and petrochemical products, which are inherently polluting industries. The findings also show that economic growth has a negative relationship with CO2 emissions. A one percent increase in economic growth reduces CO2 emissions by 1.67 percent based on the results of the Spatial Panel. The square effect of economic growth is also positive and significant, and this shows that the relationship between CO2 emissions and economic growth is U-shaped, such a U-shaped relationship basically shows that economic growth is not critical in reducing CO2 emissions in the countries in question. Considering that exports in the Persian Gulf countries are highly concentrated in the oil and gas and petrochemical sectors, and these sectors cause high pollution, therefore, the policy implications should be based on supporting the more efficient use of renewable energy in the economy of these countries. It should be noted that investment or tax incentives on technologies that consume renewable energy can be significant policy tools.
Discussion and Conclusion
Sustainability of economic development requires environmental sustainability as part of a dynamic process. The results of this study showed that energy consumption and diversification of exports aggravates environmental degradation in Persian Gulf countries. The variety of export products significantly affects CO2 emissions in selected countries. In fact, export diversification can be useful not only for rapid economic growth but also for environmental pollution management. For example, companies should avoid producing goods that cause high CO2 emissions. This issue should be evaluated in expanding the export portfolio and products with high CO2 emissions can be imported. Of course, all these consequences require accurate knowledge of the scale of environmental pollutants in the economy of countries for each sector. Business and political efforts to diversify the portfolio of export products directly affect environmental quality. Countries can clarify information on capital flows related to investment companies to improve environmental regulations. Developing countries need to adopt efficient and effective environmental practices in activities related to foreign investment. To improve environmental quality from the perspective of energy policy, policymakers should focus on clean energy policies. Improving energy efficiency, investing in renewable resources, increasing the use of cleaner energy sources, and reducing energy intensity are the main options for reducing carbon emissions

Volume 25, Issue 2 (7-2021)

“Crops” account for the bulk of foreign trade in agriculture and a major share of the household basket. Therefore, issues related to maintaining the production capacity and economic potential of this sub-sector can affect the country's economy. Cultivation area is one of the important dimensions of the agricultural process that the beneficiary can make the best use of this cultivation area by using science, knowledge and technology, and get a satisfactory product. In this article, we try to examine the effects of economic variables on the crops area in six provinces of Iran, which are geographically adjacent to each other. Based on the information obtained from the study of the subject records, the present study is the first study in terms of subject and method that has been done with the method of spatial econometrics in the country.
In this study, spatial data model has been used to investigate the economic factors affecting the crop area in six provinces of Iran that had a dry climate in the period 2013-2018. The scope of this research is Isfahan, Sistan and Baluchestan, Fars, Kerman, Hormozgan and Yazd provinces. The main issue of the research was examined in the form of spatial analysis. According to the theoretical foundations and model of spatial econometrics, the model of this research is Spatial Durbin Model. Also in this study, the direct effects and indirect effects of explanatory variables were estimated.
3. Results and Discussion
The results of spatial durbin model analysis showed that income distribution in rural areas, income distribution in urban areas, inflation rate, unemployment rate, urbanization rate, youth population ratio, economic participation rate and gross domestic product are factors affecting the crop area in the provinces under review. The results also indicate the significance of direct effects and overflow effects based on indirect effects.
In government support services, attention should be paid to the characteristics of farmers' land, such as the area under cultivation, tools and equipment of farms. Given that the youth ratio has a positive and significant effect on the level of cultivation, it is recommended to managers and planners of the agricultural sector. For more youth to participate in the agricultural sector, support, arrangements and incentives should be provided to provide more production.
Based on the results of this study on the level of cultivation and the significant effect of this factor on agricultural production, people and officials are advised to try to maintain and exploit reasonable land suitable for agriculture, because the revitalization and enrichment of land that has been repeatedly cultivated and cultivated. Made from minerals and salts, it is very expensive. 
Keywords: spatial analysis, economic factors, use systems, crops, crop area.

Volume 25, Issue 2 (7-2021)

Introduction Sustainable urban development is a multidimensional process and understanding this depends on a proper analysis of its often-contradictory complexities and dimensions. Therefore, this raises the need to pay attention to urban land use planning as one of the most important dimensions of sustainable development in urban space in order to be aware of the problems or development capabilities of the city spatial organization and its consequences and processes. The purpose of the present study is understanding of key driving forces based on futurology and scenario planning in land use changes and spatial developments in the 12th district of Tehran. To achieve this aim, the method of cross-impact analysis and scenario planning was used.
Methodology The present study in terms of practical purpose is a structural analysis and is based on the new method of futurology, which has been done with a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Therefore, according to the nature of this research, collecting information in the descriptive part was through the study of library documents and in the analytical part was the five sessions of Delphi methods, forming cross-matrices and balanced by Micmac software, explaining the key driving forces, direct and indirect impact analysis of variables have been used along with scenario analysis approaches. Delphi method has been used to identify variables and indicators. Thus, first, using scientific and research articles, the factors affecting the spatial organization of land use in the 12th district of Tehran were collected, then a semi-structured questionnaire was prepared and distributed among experts (statistical society) in several stages in order to value those factors.
Results and Discussion the statistical society of the study includes 40 specialists in the field of urban planning and research elites who were selected through purposive non-random sampling. According to the results among 72 key factors, 8 vital drivers including consumerism in urban land use changes, land tax laws associated with land use changes, construction supervision, groups and social classes in urban land use changes, unstudied construction permits, participation and cooperation affecting urban land use developments, unproductive rentier economy, urban land commercialization are the most important key factors influencing land use planning and its developments in District 12th of Tehran. According to the findings, it can be seen that the best predictable situation in the framework of the approaches used in the present study is in the form of first and second scenarios (green situation) with a high degree of compatibility and reliability. In this situation, the indicators, while achieving the highest scores obtained from the matrices and software analysis, in the scenario diagram page, its elements have a more uniform and convergent distribution.
Conclusion By examining the cases and variables in this study, it can be concluded that the most influential factor in urban land use changes is consumerism. In recent decades, changing patterns of land consumption and commodification and the growth of capitalism has caused huge changes in land use in the 12th district of Tehran. Besides, the most desirable scenario is the proposed scenario number one, which is based on the success of urban policy in organizing land use, smart planning, spatial valuation, solving policy-legislative issues and the ideal situation, permits and sales density in the favorable situation.
Keywords Spatial developments, Urban land use planning, Scenario-based approach, Wizard Scenario, Tehran Metropolis

Volume 25, Issue 3 (10-2021)

Introduction: This study evaluates the spatial diffusion theory and relies on its patterns (expansive, hierarchical, continuous and relocation patterns) by studying the spatial pattern of specialized physicians' offices in Mashhad, introducing a different and new pattern of diffusion.
Methodology: The descriptive-analytical and inferential study method and its analysis unit include all the offices of specialized physicians in 27 major medical specialties. For this purpose, using the addresses of specialized physicians' offices (including 2425 addresses), while creating a geographical database of offices according to the type of specialization and using spatial analysis models such as compression profiles, transmission center and standard distance, distribution pattern and origin of office publication were considered. In the next step, using the models of spatial correlation, network analysis and spatial allocation, the method of publishing each of the offices according to the type of specialization was examined and finally, using the distribution diagram and correlation coefficient, the emission rate of each specialty was determined.
Results: The results of this study showed that the publication of offices in the city of Mashhad follows a pattern that can be called the pattern of "reverse space publication". The main feature of this model is the increase in gaps and inequality as a result of increasing the number of services. In this way, with the increase in the number of offices in each specialty, the tendency to place them next to each other increases. Also, contrary to the common pattern of publishing space that shows the redistribution of services from outside the source, the publication of offices of their origin does not occur much. In addition, the tendency to the central position of offices is increasing with the number of them in each specialty.
Conclusion: Understanding this can reveal new dimensions of the hidden layers of physical change in the city of Mashhad and the challenges facing distributive justice.

Volume 25, Issue 4 (12-2021)

The basis of power and life in today's world goes back to the extent of having knowledge. Today, most of the world's orientations are towards the production and development of science and technology, and developed countries are moving from an industrial society to a society called the information society or the scientific community, and the weapon of science has become a strategic weapon in these countries. Today, scientific development is an example of the national authority of the country and a platform for development in all matters. Raising the knowledge of the society in all fields requires scientific development more than ever, and in order to achieve scientific development, the ground for the production of science must be provided. Today, the role of science production and research has gone beyond an increasing factor of well-being and has become the only way to remain effective in life and in the fast-paced world of technology and advancement. Research and production of science is one of the indisputable and basic needs of any society. The study of policies and development programs of industrialized countries shows the fact that these countries are aware of the importance and position of science and technology and have considered these two as the axis of their economic, social, political and cultural development.
    The Arab world or Arab countries include 22 Arabic-speaking countries (10 African countries and 12 Asian countries) with a population of 349,870,608 and an area of ​​13,130,695 square kilometers, a region that on the one hand, include the poorest countries in the world (Somalia and Mauritania), and on the other hand includes some of the richest oil-exporting countries in the Persian Gulf. Are social and security, such as international sanctions, internal conflicts, or many economic problems.  Although the lack of continuous and sufficient financial and social support from research institutes is temporary, the main problem is the long hours of teaching and turning professors and experts to the private sector, especially in the fields of medical law, engineering and attracting financial management jobs from the private sector. All of this reduces the potential of researchers.
    The production of science means the departure of science from the state of imitation and translation. When scientists come up with new theories about phenomena, they are in fact producing science. (Shariatmadari, 1384: 9) Science and knowledge have always been important parts of the orders and topics of religions, ideologies, cultures and activities. In fact, today science is one of the most important components of a country's power at the international level and causes that country to be able to play a more important role in the development of the world community and have a greater impact on other countries, and thus accelerate achieving goals and objectives. (Alami, 1387)
    The post-independence period (1920-1970) was the initial expansion of education services in the Arab world. After independence, the policies of the Arab governments were to promote the training of the local and professional labor force, and to integrate the economy. All groups of society in the whole region and within the scope of "democratization of education" became the main feature of educational policies in the Arab countries.
    Research method in the present article is descriptive-analytical and is based on documentary studies and Internet resources prepared. Due to the challenges of time and limited resources, in this research, documentary studies (books, articles, dissertations, plans and published statistics, etc.) have been conducted. Also, using the resources of Internet sites to achieve the latest achievements of studies and research and to get a brief overview of the production of science and educational topics in the Arab world.
    In the first step, an extensive study was conducted to identify and extract science and technology indicators. In this study, many analyzes, especially spatial analysis of science and technology indicators used by domestic and international sources, were extracted and used and examined.
    Factor analysis of 36 principal components was performed to evaluate the underlying structure for the collected statistical items. Prior to factor analysis, the data were "reduced" to percentile groups to create a size distortion due to the large variety of scales in each data.
    Table 1 shows the different types of data:
    - Size indicators, such as number of professors, students, researchers, production volume (in number of articles); share of global scientific production; and Gross Expenditure on Research and Development (GERD).
   - Proportional indicators that relate the production of science and the number of researchers to the size of the population
    Indicators of change, such as the growth rate of scientific production
    - Complex indicators based on the General Innovation Index (INSEAD), or R&D Investment Evaluation (Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum), as shown in Section 2 above. Their rankings are often used to supplement the lack of available data on these activities.
    More about this source textSource text  is required for additional translation information. The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical. In short, what was done in this study was: Achieving the latest achievements of studies and researches on the subject, as well as obtaining the information needed to determine the amount of articles produced by Arabic-speaking countries in prestigious journals in 2019, documentary studies were conducted and references were made to Internet sources. After the necessary rankings, a comparison was made between the population and the amount of article production among students in these countries. Finally, the obtained data were analyzed using GIS (using Arc gis software). The results showed that First, a large population of Arabic-speaking countries are still illiterate, which is much more evident among women. It is about 2%, which indicates the very low production of these countries in scientific production in prestigious journals around the world. In the end, it should be said that the Arabic-speaking countries should sooner or later start implementing reform programs to increase the quality and efficiency of their educational institutions in order to meet the challenges in the production of science. According to the studies conducted in the present study, in which the situation of higher education in Arabic-speaking countries was examined, it was found that the amount of articles submitted by Arabic-speaking countries does not have a suitable position (ranked 31st). If we look at the global ranking of articles in Arabic-speaking countries in general, about 4 countries (about 18% of them), are among the top 50 countries, and 9 countries, (41%), are among the 51 to 100 countries. They are ranked, and 2 countries, (9%), are in the range of 101 to 150, and 7 countries (32%), are in the position of 151 to 200. On the other hand, the number of articles submitted by Arabic-speaking countries is not significant compared to other countries. Foe instance, Egypt, with the best world ranking compared to Iran, is about one third; other Arabic-speaking countries are far more and have a much lower status.
    According to the study of the population and the number of students in Arabic-speaking countries, it can be said that the ratio of population to students in the best case is related to Tunisia with a ratio of 34 to 1, and in countries such as Yemen, 11754 to 1, which is a very inappropriate figure.
Keywords: Spatial analysis, Arabic language session, Science, Education.

Volume 26, Issue 1 (5-2022)

Lack of essential services increases the need for mobility and relocation in rural areas and makes people travel to meet their needs. The need for mobility along with the absence of public transportation services, while prolonging travels, has affected travel demand and flow, so that people use several vehicles in a travel chain (origin-destination) (Stfen and Hunt, 2006: 104). Various spatial factors affect the flow, destination and volume of trips, which can be shown by spatial analysis and modeling as one typical method to do this. Spatial statistics tools include a set of techniques and methods for describing and modeling spatial data. Use of spatial statistics helps us to increase the accuracy of results and observations in cases where the distribution or dispersion of data in space is complicated. In this paper, geographically-weighted regression and spatial modeling have been used to show the volume and travel flow in villages, and also the factors affecting them to determine, besides the origin and destination of rural travels, travel volume and their spatial distribution. The question is what factors are influential in the destination of these trips and their volume, and to what extent is the impact of each of these factors on the frequency of rural travel demands.
The present article is a descriptive-analytical method with a practical purpose and the data is collected both in the field and from the existing documents. In the documentary section, some data were collected from 1390 and 1395 censuses and some other using questionnaires. The statistical population of the study were all rural households in Tabriz County, where a researcher-made questionnaire was used to obtain travel information. Since the number of households amounted to 33379 families, using the Cochran formula 320 sample sizes were selected and questionnaires were randomly distributed between rural households. Given that the primary purpose of this study is to model the spatial pattern of passenger flow in space and time, so that the spatio-temporal mobility of passengers in the road network can be seen, three components including the extraction of passenger travel pattern (Origin-destination), determination of the travel routes, and the factors affecting these trips were identified. In the first step, the data obtained from the questionnaire were processed to model and plot the travel pattern (origin-destination of trips). For this purpose, it was necessary to identify the villages with and without bus stations and public transportation servicesas well as the travel routes of passengers. The next step is modeling the travel patterns and flow of passengers. In this study, ArcGIS software was used to show the flow of travel. This mapshows the direction of movement and the volume of the flow adjusted by line widths. Using the simulated travel routes, a flow matrix was obtained from the travel volume among all villages, small towns, and Tabriz city. Then, to investigate the dominant pattern of the travel demand, spatial autocorrelation analysis (local Moran pattern) and hot spots were used to determine the pattern of space travel distribution. Finally, in order to reveal the most influential factor affecting travel demand as the independent variable, a geographically-weighted regression model was formed and the relationship between travel and such indicators as demographic, economic, and social factors were analyzed and modeled.
Results and discussion
Initially, the data collected from the villages were entered into the ArcGIS software to obtain the origins and destinations of the passengers, their travel directions, and the way their travels were distributed. Then, using Spatial analyst tools, the direction and spatial distribution of trips were obtained by a straight line as an Origion-Destination matrix for short-term trips to Tabriz city. The results showed that many trips were made outside the countryside to the city of Tabriz, and some of these trips were made to large villages and small towns. According to the data extracted from the questionnaire, many of these trips are made by car or taxi because many of these villages are on the roads where public transport does not pass through.
Hot spot analysis has been used to identify villages with high travel rates. The results obtained from the analysis of hot spots indicate that the main places of travels are mostly in the villages of Maidan Chai and Aji-Chay, which seems to be due to the access to public transportation services and the existence of villages with buses to Tabriz city in these rural areas. In the next step, in order to model and explain the effect of research variables on travel demand, GWR was used in GIS. According to the results of the analysis, the parameters of R2 and adjusted R2 are 0.8 and 0.75, respectively. This means that based on a geographically-weighted regression, the indicators considered at the 0.95 confidence level explain 0.80 of the trips and have acceptable accuracy in modeling the spatial relationships of the factors affecting the travel demands of individuals. In addition, the AICc value indicates a lower number, indicating a better fit of the observed data. Due to the different nature of the indicators, the effect of each of the indicators and factors on the amount of travels was investigated separately. The results show that the highest amount of R2 with a value of 0.72 is related to the access to the public transport, followed by the number of workers outside the village with a value of 0.70. Among these, the least influential factor is the total travel time to reach the destination with a value of 0.21, which indicates that people travel to access services and meet their needs regardless of the total time to reach their destinations.
The results of the study showed that several factors have affected the heterogeneity of travel demands in rural areas, which, according to the study, access to the public transport and people working outside the village have the most impact. In addition, most of daily trips to the city of Tabriz are done for business and by personal cars. These trips are based on hot spot analysis in Maidan Chai and Ajichay villages, where most of the villages near the city of Tabriz have access to the public transport (bus) and taxi. The short distance between these villages and the city of Tabriz, the existence of public transportation services in them, and consequently lower costs and ease of movement have caused the accommodation of the overflow of Tabriz in these villages and have increased the demand for travel in these villages, in such a way that during the day, the movement of travelers in these villages is the same as daily trips in the city of Tabriz, and educational, recreational, shopping, health, etc. trips are made from these villages to the city of Tabriz. In addition, the presence of several industrial towns and factories near the villages of Ajichai and Maidanchai has increased the number of business trips in these villages.

Volume 26, Issue 3 (11-2022)

To provide housing in Iran, in the Five-Year Development Plans after the Islamic Revolution, different policies have been made, each of which has had economic-spatial reflections on the development of cities and towns. The cities of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmed province have also experienced economic-spatial reflections under the influence of housing supply policies. This article aims to identify the economic-spatial reflections of the housing development policies on the cities of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad province. The executive policies of the government (including policies of PAK, Cooperative Housing, New Towns, Land Preparation, Lease on Condition of Ownership, Tall Building, Mehr Housing, and Social Housing) have been evaluated using the survey method. The tools of data collection are questionnaires and interviews with experienced and active experts in the field of housing in 18 cities of Kohgiluyeh and Boyar Ahmad province, which have been affected by housing policies. Due to the fact that the number of experts who have experience and are active in the field of housing and housing policies in the province and especially in the city of Yasouj is limited, a total of 20 experts (14 men and 6 women) in the field of housing, including 3 managers, 6 experts, 6 university professors, and 5 urban planning Ph.D. students were selected. The results of the research show that Mehr housing, in terms of paying attention to the economic characteristics of the poor, targeting and expanding mortgages, granting long-term and low-interest special loans and credits in accordance with the income of households, has the best performance and the most impact from the economic-spatial perspective in the cities of the province. Also, cooperative housing and Lease on Condition of Ownership are the most compatible with urban and regional economic conditions in the cities of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad province. According to the experts, the Mehr housing policy, Tall Building, PAK policy and the construction of new cities have had the same effects in terms of economic-spatial components, but they have statistically significant differences with other policies. Also, Mehr housing and social housing show the same effects.

Volume 26, Issue 3 (11-2022)

The expansion of human population, the creation of cities and villages, the construction of bridges, roads and dams are the salient factors destroying and threatening the habitat of a variety animal and plant species. Preserving the habitat of species is one of the ways to protect them from threatening factors and prevent their extinction. Protected areas include four parts such as the national natural heritage, the protected areas, the wildlife sanctuary, and the national park. The purpose of this research is to opt for the new preserved areas for the protection of 6 mammal species in Mazandaran province using the Simulated Annealing Algorithm. The maximum entropy method was used to prepare the species distribution layer. This research studied and investigated the effect of different parameters such as BLM, SPF, different protection goals (30%, 40%, 50% and 60% of the minimum area considered for any kind of protection) in the process of selecting protected areas. By examining 4 different scenarios for the protection of 6 species of mammals, the results showed that the existing protected areas (Shesh Rudbar, Asas, Hazar Jerib, Dodange Wildlife Sanctuary, Bind National Park, and Kiasar National Park) are not effective for protection purposes. 

Volume 27, Issue 2 (10-2023)

With the ever-increase in urbanization, the environment and its sustainability has become an essential issue in the urban domain. This article aims to identify and cluster drivers affecting the environmental development of Khorramabad city using a strategic-spatial approach. Data were collected through a documentary survey and analyzed in two parts. In the first, land use changes over 31 years were evaluated using geographic information system software ArcGIS 10.2 and ENVI. The second, the paper identified environmental development drivers using a survey method (questionnaire) in the form of targeted sampling, in which, 62 factors affecting the environmental future of Khorramabad city were collected in 5 general dimensions (economic, socio-cultural, institutional and managerial, environmental, and physical). These factors were then structurally analyzed in the form of a 62x62 meta-intersection matrix using MIC MAC software, and finally 10 key drivers with high impact were identified. The findings showed that improving the level of environmental sustainability of Khorramabad city and other cities depends on adopting a long-term strategy with a view on the principles of sustainable development and passing short-term considerations. In short, a suitable environmental development can be achieved with   the spatial-strategic and participation-oriented planning.

Volume 27, Issue 3 (10-2023)

The education of environmental values as one of the fundamental elements of sustainable development as well as a mechanism for the reconstruction and revival of environmental capitals has an important and necessary role. This research aims to identify and study the importance of spatial components of the educational policy model of the mentioned values to achieve this goal, it has taken into account sustainable development theories and educational strategies as well as behavior and ethics-based theories in the field of environmental values. The components and indicators of the study include identifying, extracting, and using questionnaire tools and completing them based on the opinion of 32 experts in the field of environmental education, studying and making a comparative analysis of the data obtained from SPSS software, One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan's post hoc analysis.  The results confirm that the component familiar with the environment and ecological system has the least importance with a value of 2.925, and the most important component behavioral-cognitive with a value of 3.5533 has been assigned to itself in the formulation and implementation of environmental values policy.


Volume 27, Issue 3 (10-2023)

Tehran is one of the most polluted cities in the world. The air pollution is caused by different factors such as centralization, increased traffic and incorrect location of the spatial pattern, consumption of fossil fuels, lack of rules and regulations for limiting industrial areas and nonobservance to the environmental guidelines. Sometimes, these factors are intensified because of the climatic factors. The aim of this study is to identify the relationships between the residential urban factors and Tehran's air pollution and to determine the extent of their importance. The intended techniques found through radar data showed that the physical pattern and the consequences of the urban planning system are considered some of the effective structures in increasing the air pollution in Tehran. Hence, the correlation coefficient between the height environment of urban buildings and constructions (the third dimension of the city) and Tehran's air pollution was calculated to be 0.86. In other words, in the case of proper planning or with the possibility of modifying the structure of the height environment in city up to 86%, it is possible to adjust and control the air pollution. The results were in line with the spatial pattern of PM2.5 particles and carbon monoxide regarding urban land use, industries, commercial centers, transportation, organizations and health centers and had the highest coefficient of determination with the spatial pattern of Tehran' air pollution. Considering the traffic, the index had the highest correlation with the spatial pattern of PM2.5 particles. Meanwhile, in the dangerous and unhealthy parts of the spatial pattern, a large number of nodal points with little distances formed traffic channels. Thus, by identifying these channels and managing urban traffic, the air pollution can be controlled to a larger extent. It should be mentioned that because of the impossibility of decreasing or eliminating driving forces in the creation or intensification of the air pollution, the residential environment of Tehran can be directed toward an appropriate environmental pattern by changing or maintaining the structures and functions through a change in the patterns of macro-urban management and the urban planning models consistent with the human functions and spatial pattern.

Volume 27, Issue 4 (12-2023)

The rapid growth of the urban population in Shiraz over the past few decades has caused the physical expansion of the city and its enchroschment on sorrounding villages and settlemnts leading to numerous challenges and inadequacies in the pheripheral regions there. Some of these problems are poverty, marginalization, rising housing prices, lack of adequate facilities and welfare services, environmental pollution and overcrowding. Using different indicators, the present study tries to evaluate the inadequacy of peripheral settlements of Shiraz metropolis. Thus, in order to manage urban growth and its related difficulties, developing countries have decided to implement various policies such as family planning, rural development, controlling rural-urban migration, limiting the growth of large cities, symmetrical urbanization and new city development. Nevertheless, most developing countries have witnessed rapid population displacement to mega cities in recent decades
On the other side, despite metropolis’ role in national development, increasing process of metropolitanization in most developing countries has cussed many problems which resulted in many challenges in the end. City sprawl and relocation of activities and populations from centre to outskirts of the city as well as the population distribution is one of the most important sustainable challenges in metropolitan areas. In developing countries, growth and expansion of metropolis space has been associated with various issues and resulted in different types of environmental problems such as reduction of life quality, rapid growth and mis-management of low-income settlements on the outskirts and continuation of such problems will worsen the existing situation in the not too far future.


Volume 28, Issue 3 (12-2024)

The examination of the official metropolitan regions of Iran elucidates their pivotal function in the configuration of the spatial frameworks of provinces. These regions serve as economic and social nuclei, shaping the allocation of resources and fostering development. Comprehending this function is instrumental in developmental strategizing and mitigating regional disparities. This research investigates the influence of metropolitan regions on the spatial configurations of provinces through the analysis of demographic concentration, regional activities, and urban hierarchies. Quantitative techniques, including the Ttest, Kmeans clustering, and Moran's I index, are utilized in this scholarly inquiry. The results suggest that the eight provinces possessing established official metropolitan centers exhibit a higher level of advancement compared to the 23 provinces that do not have such centers. Furthermore, the adjacent provinces surrounding these metropolitan regions also demonstrate a greater degree of development. The outcomes derived from the Moran's I index illustrate a clustered spatial arrangement, which is corroborated by the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) map, thereby underscoring the concentration of development in the central plateau of Iran. Nevertheless, the province of Khorasan Razavi deviates from this pattern due to its geographical proximity to less developed regions. The application of Kmeans clustering has identified Tehran, Isfahan, Fars, and Alborz as the most developed provinces, while Qom and Sistan and Baluchestan are categorized within the less developed cluster. These results underscore the critical importance of metropolitan areas in facilitating the structural transformations occurring within Iran's provinces.

Volume 31, Issue 3 (8-2024)

Today’s urban life has encountered with a number of challenges especially in social and spatial arenas. Socio-economic inequalities, sometimes, emerges in the form of spatial inequality. Tehran, as a metropolis and capital, enjoys effective system with higher sensitivities in national system. The city, though, with a multi and complex system has brought a large population under its arena but at the same time it is considered imbalanced with continuous growth and development. In other words, Tehran, despite a role model for macro socio-economic system, suffers from spatial disparity and imbalanced services. One of the most obvious and sharp characteristics of Tehran is its north-south spatial inequality and polarization thanks to modernisation and its elements such as cars and emerging business districts. In the post-1979 Islamic revolution, the gap between rich and poor and spatial inequality in Tehran has widened despite the promise otherwise. Urban planners and sociologists in Iran have conflicting views about the spatial disparity where some call it a historical trend and nothing to do with the globalisation process whereas others think vice versa. To know whether or not Tehran can be called a global city, the current paper tries to illustrate old and new emerging inequality patterns in Tehran. For that matter, the theory of’ Global City (propounded by Saskia Sassen) has been analyzed based on spatial maps between 1996 and 2006. 

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