Showing 165 results for Spatial
Volume 21, Issue 1 (3-2017)
Understanding the challenges (barriers and limitations) of any capital flow in human settlements can lead to a more efficient use of that capital flow or improve its performance. Migrants’ remittances are known as one of the spatial investment flows in the settlements of Lamerd County. As one of such physical-spatial areas, Lamerd county settlements enjoy this capital flow. In this area and based on the previous researches of the authors of this paper, on one hand, the functions of this investment flow are negligible in economic sectors and economic activities and on the other hand, this investment flow does not follow spatial order and spatial planning approaches in the planning system. Therefore, using qualitative research method and based on grounded theory, this article seeks to understand the challenges of migrants' remittances from the standpoint of the interest community based on target sampling and the opinions of experts of organizations from the public and the private sectors as well as those of local elites and trustees. The results obtained from a three-step scientific coding in the grounded theory led to the extraction of 46 concepts, 17 broad categories, and finally 2 nuclear issues including “motivational obstacles and limitations of economic investment” and “structural-legal barriers and limitations of economic investment”. Having examined the causal conditions, the phenomenon, context, intervening conditions, strategies and outcomes of each of these nuclear categories, the phenomenon of “structural-motivated barriers” were defined as the focal challenge confronting migrants’ remittances in the economic development with planning approach in this physical-spatial field.
Volume 21, Issue 1 (3-2017)
The development of second homes means a favorable development of both tourism and second homes along with improved service quality in all dimensions of life in the touristic destinations and also the satisfaction of tourists and locals from the tourism process. Any planning attempt for the development of second homes requires the principles to be identified in order to guide and lead the second home development planning process. Recognizing the effective principles should be based on scientific studies and the experience gained in this area so as to reduce the negative impacts on one hand and on the other hand, to maximize the positive effects of second homes. This study attempts to provide proper requirements in the development of second homes using a heuristic method in identifying the principles required for such a development. The results show that preserving natural landscapes, paying attention to the natural and social bearing capacity, protecting farmlands, respecting collective interests and participation of beneficiaries and managers in formulating the second homes development plan are the most important principles and criteria for the development planning.
Volume 21, Issue 1 (3-2017)
In recent years, attention to the land spatial planning approach in country with a holistic approach in the framework of spatial development has caused the creation of coordinator institutions and their duties determination in the ultra-provincial level to be considered in the post-fourth development program to coordinate the inter-provincial developmental and civil affairs in the spatial planning perspective. This directive specifies the duty and position of spatial planning studies in the country provinces of macro-regions and regional proceedings will be achieved after carrying out the spatial planning studies and paying attention to their operational approach. According to the spatial planning zooning approved by the Council of Ministers in 2010, Qom province is located in the South Alborz Region and in the vicinity of Tehran, Alborz, Qazvin, Zanjan, Markazi and Semnan. Due to its geographical location in the vicinity of Tehran province as one of the most populated provinces of country in one hand and being located in the north of Isfahan province on the other hand, Qom province can be a suitable goal to make the inter-provincial coordination of Macro-Regional South Alborz, i.e. a place for attracting the tended investments to these regions, especially Tehran. To obtain this purpose, the effective factors in the spatial planning executive approach of Qom province were studied as a case study to answer the researcher questions. In this study, the research data has been collected by using an analytical-descriptive method and a documentary method and Delphi technique. Data analysis has been carried out by cross-impact matrix and Mic Mac software and effective factors in the spatial planning executive approach of Qom province have been identified. The most important factors include: Qom political-religious centrality, proximity to the capital and the existence of desert areas. And very effective factors which have a high capacity to become the key factors including the factors such as the role of inter-provincial interactions, the existence of a special economical region of Salafchegan and the province position in the country east-west corridor have been identified and according to their effectiveness, suitable solutions have been proposed to executive approach.
Volume 21, Issue 2 (7-2017)
Land market is one of the most important mechanisms that affects the allocation of land to different uses and users. Several studies have investigated the role that market can play in improving the quality of land allocation. Market precondition considers land as a common commodity. However, investigating the nature of land reveals some features that affect market in the land domain. On the other hand, in the analysis of the performance of land market, specific economic features and conditions of the region should also be taken into account. Therefore, the present article aims at analyzing the spatial effects of land market on agricultural economics instability. The data gathered through questionnaires point to the fact that the source of the available capital in the land market of the area is the oil income injected by the government at the national level and border trades at the local level. This is the main difference between the area’s resource-based economy and a developed capitalist economy. Moreover, through satellite images, the most recently updated version of ArcBruTile.07, and careful field observation, the transactions for a period of 15 years from 1380 to 1395 were zoned, taking into account the three variables of land fractioning, agricultural land use change, and the construction of illegal second houses. The results of this study indicate that land market has been impacting the instability of agricultural economy.
Volume 21, Issue 3 (5-2019)
Control of environmental impacts which remain from agricultural activities is always a concern for communities. In Iran, wheat transportation takes place on roads that are dependent on fossil fuels and results in the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide. Accordingly, applying control policies for internalization of the external effects of releasing these pollutants seems necessary. One way to control this type of pollution is the use of tax instruments. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the economic effects of pollution tax on wheat market actors. This tax is proportional to the shadow value of pollution that happens due to energy consumption in the distribution sector. For this purpose, a Dynamic Spatial Equilibrium Model has been used to model the wheat market and Input Distance Function has been used to estimate carbon dioxide emission tax. The results showed that application of the tax payment policy would reduce wheat trade in the country by about 24 percent, while only 16.2 percent of the wheat price was considered as tax. Therefore, carbon dioxide emission will be significantly reduced. On the other hand, due to increased transportation costs, economic surplus for customer declined and economic surplus for producers and government revenues increased. Hence, internalization of the external effects of carbon dioxide emission will increase the welfare of the society.
Volume 21, Issue 4 (12-2017)
Housing prices in a city spatial analysis, spatial vision of the city in terms of housing prices creates existence thoroughly. Using such an analysis can be found in the city, where prices are high or low in the analysis. This study were conducted aims to achieve spatial pattern of housing prices in the city. The purpose of applied research and in terms of the nature and method is analytic. The population of the city of Tabriz in 1390, is the residential apartment. Analysis of the spatial pattern analysis is used, cluster analysis in GIS maps and kriging interpolation method. The results of index rating average nearest neighbor with standard 88/22 and P Value 000/0 shows the distribution of cluster housing prices at all levels. According to statistics of General G, P Value and Variance value is zero, indicating a cluster pattern with a high concentration. The results show that the highest concentration of hot spots hot spots (highest price) in the East part of the city with the highest concentration of cold spots (lowest price) in the north, north-western and south-western city of Tabriz. Geocaching and no points given little value estimation using kriging interpolation using adjacent areas indicate that11/34 percent of housing in Tabriz has less than a million.
Volume 21, Issue 5 (11-2021)
It is vital to consider the spatial variations of ground motions in the design of extended structures and long bridges. In this paper, the effect of spatial variations of ground motions and local site conditions on the response of
non-uniform column heights bridge is studied. To generate non-uniform accelerometers of ground motion, a simulated algorithm based on the spectrum design with unstable multivariate random process functions and a spectral density matrix is used. Accelerometers were generated with a coherence function including the effect of wave propagation and the duration of the earthquake that is consistent with the selected response spectrum. In addition, the simulation is performed in 800 time intervals with a time step of 0.025 seconds. The maximum ground acceleration is assumed 0.35 g. The response of the bridge with a length of about 242 m with 5 spans under the effect of uniform and non-uniform accelerometers was investigated by nonlinear time history analysis in OpenSees program. The local site effect was assumed by changing soil type (soil under the two piers is softer than the other piers) and apparent wave velocity under different bridge piers. The apparent velocity of the wave propagation of the soft soil assumed 1000 m/s and for the hard soil 2000 m/s. To verify the acceleration of the generated accelerograms, the generated spectrum is compared with the Eurocode design spectrum, and to validate the analysis performed on the bridge, the ratio of M/

calculated and compared with ratio that calculated by Shinozaka and Deodatis. In this paper variations of axial force, shear force and bending moments in bridge piers in different positions were studied as comparison criteria. The results showed that the simultaneity of spatial variations of ground motions and changes in the soil conditions causes a significant increase in the bridge response. Comparison of the results in the two input cases of uniform and non-uniform spatial variations of ground motions shows that the properties of spatial variations of earthquake motions can affect the response of the bridge. The results are compared based on the ratio of the maximum stress created at the base in the non-uniform excitation state to the maximum created in the uniform excitation state or the ratio of the maximum stress created at the base in the variable soil to the same soil. Based on the presented results, it was observed that the maximum bending moments in variable soil conditions can be increased to about
2.5 times to the maximum created in the same soil condition in the piers and also the maximum axial force created in the two shorter piers in the non-uniform excitation state is up to 2 times larger than in the uniform excitation state, and if the effect of different soils is applied to the two middle piers, the axial force in the middle two piers can be increased up to 3 times. Based on the obtained results, it is observed that the maximum shear force created in the direction of the transverse axis in the two middle piers occurred in a situation where non-uniform excitation coincides with the change of soil conditions under the piers and the bending moment in the direction of the transverse axis in the piers in this case has increased up to 120%.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (3-2018)
“Rationality” is one of the most influencing epistemological frameworks in urban planning, though this concept is criticized and denied by post-modernist advocates. The critics believe that it is the “post-rationality” era in urban planning. Furthermore, the concept of rationality has become a negative concept as it has been taken synonymous with an uncompromising technical and professional superiority. According to critics, rationality ignores the other types of knowledge - such as subjective impressions, common sense, social and human values, intuitions and so on – and only justify positivism and value - free knowledge. These criticisms might be due to decreasing the concept of “rationality” to “instrumental rationality”, while there is a variety of concepts of rationality which are different from each other.
This article tries to focus on and develop the necessity and importance of the dialectical challenge amid theory and practice in urban planning. This is done by addressing the stereotypes about the concept and application of “rationality” in urban planning” and the doubts which have led to its denial through 1) clarifying more deeply the definition of the concept of rationality; 2) tracing its chronological and conceptual evolution; and 3) dissecting its influences upon the theories and approaches urban planning. The first two are exploratory- descriptive purposes and the third one is descriptive- analytical purpose of this article.
To achieve the mentioned purposes of this article, the theoretical, experimental, and technical frameworks which are related to the concept of “rationality” has been examined. This article is based on a descriptive-explanatory research and the related text data has been analyzed by the “chronological analysis” method within “qualitative approach” to address the questions of “why”, “how”, “where” and “when”. Furthermore, in this article “thematic analysis method” is being used to trace the themes or repeating pattern in the data sets to describe the research question. By recognition of important and critical events in chronological continuum of the related concepts of the research, this article does not focus on dialectical relationship between knowledge. The methods used to collect and analysis the data within suggested process in the article are included: a) data collection and processing: the data used in this article are secondary data and the method of collecting this data is document review which consist of related data in valid and reliable books and articles; b) data analysis: there is a dual path to analysis the data in this article. In exploratory- descriptive path, it has been traced the theories, concepts and global experiments related to the concept of rationality in urban spatial strategic planning. The output of this path is recognition of the criteria of rationality and irrationality. In descriptive- analytical path, in order to address the third question of the research, this article tries to propose a framework to connect the urban planning approach to different types of rationality to upgrade the actions and interactions of planning.
Results and Discussion
The chronological evolution of rationality in planning and its effect on planning approach can be discussed within five periods: in the first period, rationality as a pure reason was seen in comprehensive planning. The focus of planning in this period was on “the best action” to achieve the goals set by the employers. It was assumed the needed resources for planning are unlimited and accessible and planners were a value – free technocrat. In the second period, rationality was still introduced as pure reason and the rational comprehensive planning focused on choosing “efficient action” to face the “planning problems”. The main assumption in this period was the existence of unlimited time and resources for problem finding. In the third period, the limitations of time and data resources in planning were been recognized by a planner. Two dominant approaches were identifiable in this period: a) the approaches based on “substantive rationality”: in these approaches, planner as savior tried to do “justly action” to address “plural values” in society. Therefore, while these approaches were concerned about the “ends” and being justly and fair, they were based on substantive rationality; and b) the approaches based on “formal or functional rationality”: the other planning approaches were interested in mutual consensus between the groups with opposite interest - without caring about the quality of the decisions made by these consensus. So, in these approaches the main actors of planning were interest group and not planners. Fourth period was the period of maturity of rationality concept in planning. In this period substantive and formal rationality were dominant concepts and the “communicating rationality” was introduced. The main purpose of the dominant approaches in this period was focusing on efficient, fair and justly and collective action to tolerate the less defeat and face the uncertainties. In the fifth period the communication rationality is the dominant in planning. The approaches based on this concept are concerned about interactions - not actions -. The main purpose of planning in this period is to achieve to not just a “consensus”, but a “consensus based on a mutual understanding”.
The output of this article was a conceptual model in order to show the typology of rationality and their evolution; tracing their influence on urban planning approaches; and explaining the necessity of this concept in strategic spatial planning. Finally the deterrent of using rationality in urban strategic spatial planning could be introduced as: first) the absence of a legal prescribed agenda for the institution which are engaged in urban planning process; second) the epistemological, eclecticism, and political gaps in urban planning and the absence of an agreed definition of strategic spatial planning based of rational thinking; and third) negligence in adaptation underlying economic and political traditions, epistemological foundations and theories and approaches use in planning action and practice.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (3-2018)
Introduction and Problem statement: The life of the planning system in Iran, which is based on sectoral planning, lasts about six decades. The trend of sectorial planning, especially in the decades of the first establishment of the development planning system in the country, has been influenced by the world-wide viewpoints. Implementation of economic development programs based on a sectorial planning approach in Iran, leads to regional imbalances, marginalization of some regions, loss of regional resources and capabilities, and territorial inequalities.
Surveying of the current state of the country shows that the centralization and overcoming of the sectorial planning approach has disturbed the development process of the country.
Theoretical and literature review: The underdevelopment of Iran has been accompanied by a degree of concentration that has reflected in the national planning system.
Over the decades, the dominant planning approach was development with induction from above relying on high oil revenues.
As a result, local communities have been recipients of development products in the form of the unbalanced, before they engage in the development process and acquire necessary social capacity for development.
The center of Space Science is Geography and Location, Which itself includes other dimensions of space. This science deals with two dimensions of life and its needs, and claims that these two aspects are interrelated: 1) the dimension of nature, meaning, the relationship between societies and the environment, 2) and the spatial dimension, that is, the differences within and outside the living space (regional, societies), As well as spatial relationships between different types of society that are different from the regional perspective. The connection between two types of geography is that regional differences are essentially the result of different ways of social transformation in nature. Spatial planning is considered as a tool for creating solutions with the particular purpose of organizing geographical areas.
Over the centuries, for the administration of the affairs of the country, Iran has been zoned with different intentions
. In the past, zoning was largely a political, administrative or military aspect
. This article tries to examine and evaluate zoning efforts in the last century, describe each zoning and indicate an overview of it. It is hoped to be the gateway to further research on zoning and spatial planning
.In more than four decades of land-use studies in Iran, this approach of planning has undergone various changes in terms of both epistemology and methodology and evolved with respect to the internal and external requirements.
The concept of zoning is not a new phenomenon; its history dates back to the 19th century. Different countries in the world deal with zoning with different principles and indicators at any level (macro and micro)
. Indicators that are generally common in the world are shown in Table 3. These indicators are used according to the zoning level. For example, indicators based on geographic or natural attributes are most often used for natural zoning under the control of environmental organizations. Also, zoning related to economics and competitiveness is used at urban and metropolitan levels. In general, indicators are divided into four main categories, including legal, political-security, socio-cultural, and geographic-communicational indicators.
Materials and methodology: If the zoning is to be accepted in the first and foremost purposes and in traditional ways, then the history of Iranian habitation and civilization should be linked to it in different times and for various purposes. For a long time, the great differences in the ecological characteristics of the regions, the scope of cultural-social realms and the vastness of the land have been pushing governors to apply more power and sustain it to land zoning. The division of the country into Satraps during the Achaemenid dynasty is a sign of the long tradition of this tradition and its historic continuity in the form of states and provinces is an indication of necessity in all periods.However, in the recent century, and especially over the past decades, the zoning has taken on new dimensions because of the complexity of the nature of relations and the necessity of systematizing it in the form of space.
In this paper, the evolution of zoning studies in the last century has been reviewed and evaluated. At first, the status of the spatial planning of our country from the beginning to the present is mentioned briefly and a glimpse into the history of the spatial planning in some countries is made. Then, zoning in the post-Constitutional era is described, in which, the codified law of the Iranian system of planning appeared for the first time, and all the pre-revolutionary regions are explained. In the next step, the review and evaluation of the zoning from the post-revolutionary period to the present are conducted. For this purpose, the analytical-descriptive research and library browsing method has been utilized. In addition, using ArcGis software, all maps of this region are produced, and in the end, the challenges and defects of zoning in Iran are mentioned.
Results and discussion: results and findings of the research show that over the centuries in Iran, zoning has been based on political issues with the aim of managing and collecting taxes, military issues
, and etc. After the Constitutionalism, the divisions of the states and provinces have been conducted with the same purposes, however, the divisions are smaller in size, with regard to natural and human issues. Over time, with increasing population and increasing administrative problems and demands of the people, the political (administrative) divisions in the provinces, towns, districts and villages have become smaller and smaller.
Since 1330s, especially from 1335 to 1357, non-political zoning have been established in Iran with the purpose of economic development. Their features are mainly
: The purpose of these
zonings was not to create new political and administrative divisions
; The purpose of these zonings was the economic development of the regions with economic poles
; The purpose of
these zonings was more for material development of the regions
; The purpose of these zonings was not to balance between the regions of the country; In these zonings, mainly people and human development and elimination of deprivation have not been important
; The funding of these zonings has been based on oil revenue.
The post-revolutionary zonings also have their own characteristics. A change in the divisions of the country was in order to better manage affairs and respond to new administrative needs and demands of the people
. These divisions, which are a kind of zoning, have led to the creation of new administrative boundaries
. Zonings were created to eliminate poverty and general development (eliminating human
poverty and regional poverty)
. These zoning are not intended to provide new political and administrative division; but also in the same divisions, to the socioeconomic characteristics of the regions.The orientations of planning in each land are largely due to the views and thoughts of politicians and political thinkers of that land. Without realizing the ideologies behind these planning, one cannot properly analyze the various economic, social, and cultural issues of the land.
Volume 22, Issue 1 (3-2022)
Along with the increased trade integration of countries and the expansion of international production fragmentation, Global Value Chains (GVCs) amount to a huge part of trade today, and participation in a network of trade partners at downstream and upstream of the value chains brings about considerable potentials such as the improvement of the flow of knowledge and more advanced production technologies and techniques, particularly for developing countries. It would not be unexpected for GVCs and participating in them from an environmental aspect to have potential benefits for countries as well.
In this regard, the present study discusses the role that GVCs play in countries' environmental performance. For this purpose, a sample of 65 developing and 36 developed countries was investigated using spatial panel data econometrics, conditional convergence, spatial auto-correlation, and GVCs participation spillover and direct impacts for countries in the form of south-south, north-south, and north-north bilateral added-value trade. The results indicated that there was spatial auto-correlation and conditional convergence based on GVCs for all countries although they are more intense in the case of north-north trade in developed countries. Besides, participation in GVCs has spillover impacts on the trading partner countries if developed countries are included in the bilateral value-added trade but this impact is not statistically acceptable in south-south trade of developing countries according to estimations. Thus, establishing trading relations with developed countries through GVCs is a potentially beneficial policy to improve developing countries’ environmental performance.
Volume 22, Issue 2 (8-2018)
Tourism is one of the forces shaping today’s world. According to statistics, the largest global employment segment has been for tourism (10% of GDP). One out of every 11 jobs is a tourism related business and 29% of the services are related to this activity. In addition, according to the World Tourism Organization, the number of tourists will reach 1.8 billion by 2030. Indeed, due to its umbrella feature and socio-cultural empathy, tourism is an important tool in development of infrastructure, creating revenue for the host society and governments, and balancing regional development strategies. So development of this activity in Iran will provide good conditions for the development of it as a destination for international tourists. This is due to the existence of tourist attractions and, on the other hand, the satisfaction of them at a higher level than expected. Therefore, it can be said that providing optimal services for tourists is one of the main bases in Attraction and satisfaction of tourists. For this purpose, the present study is conducted with the aim of analyzing and spatially leveling the tourism routes of Tehran province according to the tourism services and facilities. This study is trying to answer the question whether the spatial distribution of tourism services in the tourism areas of Tehran province is proportional to the pattern of distribution of tourist attractions of each rote, which is the interface between the tourist and the attractions? And In the case of absence of balance, problematic routes are identified and sought to eliminate or reduce them.
Research Methodology
Based on the purpose of the research, this research is appliedand according to the method and nature, is descriptive-analytic. According to the research objectives, the effective measures in tourism services are initially adapted from Farjisabokbar et al. (2014). then, according to the criteria, spatial data of the region level has been collected. Using the Fuller Hierarchy Model, the relevant criteria are weighed and then, using the ORESTE model, the corresponding rote are ranked and finally, the map of the leveling of tourism route in the province has been drawn up. It is worth to mention, all the daily public tourist routes of the province (as defined by the Cultural Heritage Organization) in accordance with the main route of the province has been Matched and selected. Therefore, this research does not have a statistical sample and its statistical society is according to the daily routes of the province's tourism, all of the main routes of the province of Tehran lead to tourist attractions.
The purpose of this study is to measure the daily tourism of Tehran province, which is the relationship between tourists and attractions based on services and facilities. Therefore, in the first stage, criteria and research indicators are obtained, which is the most important part of the research process. It should be noted that the number of services and facilities located near each tourist route are considered. For this reason, for each route, one kilometer radius of Buffer is considered and because of better access and the need of tourists to this type of service, the number of services in this area has been identified. Also for the number of towns and villages as well as tourist attractions, Bufferis considered at a radius of 5 km;because cities and villages have the least amount of services in practice. After data collection, a matrix is formed that specifies the values of each of the indicators.
The research results indicate that the tourist routes of the east and south-east of the province such as (Tehran-Khosrowabad, Pardis-Sarbandan-Firouzkooh-Saraza), (Tehran-Khosrowabad, Pardis-Sarbandan-Firouzkooh-Shahr Abad), (Tehran-Khosrowabad, Pardis-Mehrabad) are the origins of tourists entering and to the green areas of Damavand and Firoozkooh and from there to Tehran has the minimum required services for tourists. In addition, rote such as "Tehran-Rey-Varamin-Javadieh", which leads to the National Park of the Kavir considering the potential of these attractions in attracting tourists, has a minimum of facilities.
Tehran province has tourism attractions as well as infrastructure such as airport and strong transportation network, which has radially connected the whole country to the capital, ultimately, has somehow added to the importance of tourism in the city of Tehran. So that the vast majority of visitors and tourists on the international level are forced to visit and stay in Tehran. So, the routes providing access to these tourist attractions should have a minimum of quality services in their area. However, results indicate that most of the provinces have been deprived of this route. Routes of the northeast, east, and south east have longer distances which leads to boredom and fatigue of tourists. Hence, more attention should be paid to these routes to ensure the satisfaction of tourists. Therefore, after identifying this issue, a better management of tourists will be provided. by providing the right service, we must meet the most needs of this cortex and as well asthe routes with limitations in terms of services,and try to solve their problems.
Volume 22, Issue 2 (8-2018)
Due to the potentials and social, economic and environmental considerations land suitability analysis is the most important geographical issues in spatial planning plans. The lack of an integrated approach and the uncertainty in these problems has led the inherent conflicts associated with land suitability analysis. Currently, land suitability analysis in spatial planning plans is done without taking conflicts over land suitability during modeling. The purpose of this study is development a spatial decision support system (SDSS) appropriate with spatial planning requirements in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad based on LUCIS model. The present study focuses on three major kinds of land uses include agriculture, natural resources and urban with an integrated vision. The spatial model used in this research is (LUCIS). In this study, Demand and concerns of stakeholders will be operational with the development and deployment of a spatial decision support system (SDSS). In this context, multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) analysis will be used. The Result of this system is a spatial system that automatically performs land use modeling accordance with the views of decision-makers based on LUCIS model. Land use conflicts will be identified as well as in the present system.
Volume 22, Issue 2 (3-2020)
Population growth and loss of environmental capacities for food production have rendered the realization of food security a more complicated task as compared to the previous decades. To cope with this crisis, sustainable agricultural development can play a remarkable role in improving food security. The present study aimed to explore the spatial effects of agricultural sustainability on food security of rural households in 30 provinces of Iran over the period of 2006-2016. For this purpose, first, the overall level of agricultural sustainability using a Composite Sustainable Agriculture Index (ICSA) and weighting indicators were calculated based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The Aggregate Household Food Security Index (AHFSI) was used to determine the food security of households in rural areas. Also, the effectiveness of agricultural sustainability on food security of rural families, as well as other effective factors, was examined using the mixed Spatial Autoregressive (SAR) model with panel data. Results show that the spatial spillovers of the agricultural sustainability influence food security positively and significantly. In fact, 1% increase in the agricultural sustainability index of a certain province directly improves food security of the same province by 0.043%, while its food security is indirectly enhanced by 0.0131% with 1% increase in the agricultural sustainability index of other provinces. It is imperative for policymakers of the agricultural sector to invest in production infrastructure of different provinces in Iran and focus on enhancing sustainable production as a prerequisite for the establishment of sustainable food security.
Volume 22, Issue 3 (10-2018)
Noise is an integral part of modern life and modern overnight. Our ancestors lived in a more quiet environments and exposed to the sounds were softer. The problems of the urban environment in terms of noise and discomfort for audio, mainly is related to two factors: ( A) density of more than production units, industry and services in cities, (b) the spatial distribution of business units in urban areas . The establishment of incompatible applications and business units nuisance and pollution in cities, especially in the vicinity of residential areas, the critical situation is caused by the transfer of land around cities is a suitable solution. However, Ahwaz, as a strategic city on a national scale, is faced with the low levels of acoustic comfort due to the: expansion of space, the establishment of heavy industries and workshops, crossing the national railroad through the urban fabric, the locating of its airport inside the city and etc… Of cities with a high number of sound pollutants and low levels of comfort is audio.
The dominant approach to this research is location analyze. According to the research literature and standards presented in Environmental Protection Organization, the land use in Ahwaz city and related data are provided. In local analysis, after identifying all noisy land uses, Noise pollution zoning is carried out in three steps including the noisy uses (step I) and local arteries (step II), and finally map acoustic comfort (step III) of the composition of the maps using Fuzzy Overlay analysis and operator SUM, for urban areas is obtained. The fuzzy membership functions, map algebra, fuzzy overlay have been used in the GIS to measure the neighborhoods of Euclidean distance tools. To determine the mean spatial proximity of land use in each area, the spatial analyzer application and also the fuzzy Delphi model are used for weighing the selected criteria.
Results and discussion
Noise pollution is one of the most important disturbing factors in modern life and work environments. The lack of acoustic comfort causes irreparable damage to the health of residents of the area. Therefore, regarding to the principles of proximity is necessary and, on the other hand, the proximity of urban utilities, especially the proximity of residential land use, can greatly reduce the amount of noise pollution and provide comfort for residents. On this base, the first dimension of analysis is the measuring urban noisy utilities. In this (first) dimension:
The spatial analysis results in this study can be investigated in three dimensions:
- The first dimension is to analyze the results at the level of urban regions. In this dimension, the sound comfort assessment map was prepared by region. The results show that the minimum level of observance of the principles of proximity in the city center and especially at the district (1 and 2) of region 1 and the district (1) of the seven region. In these district, incompatible and relatively incompatible land uses in the vicinity of the residential parts have caused the lack of adjacency and the loss of acoustic comfort for inhabitants. More ever the concentration of commercial activities with a sound level above 75 dB and workhouses with a sound level above 80 dB and the existence of a high pass audio network in the central area are caused the high levels of noise pollution in these areas. Because of the deployment of polluting land uses, the most noise pollution can be seen in the inner-city, and with the increase the distance from the center, we can see the reduces of the noise pollution.
- The second dimension is the spatial analysis of proximity in the metropolitan Ahwaz with extraction of value from the GIS export maps. The results of the proximity analysis indicate that in district 2 with coefficient (0/857), district 5 with coefficient (0/792) and district 1 with the coefficient (0/639) of region 1, have more incompatible land use that cause the most noise pollution in these regions.
- The third dimension is local analysis. Among the selected indicators effective in causing noise pollution, heavy industry, passenger terminals, intruder workshops, numerous repair shops, military-policing use and passage of highways and main roads, the most important polluting occupations They are Therefore, in order to increase of the acoustic comfort with.
The findings have shown that the deployment of polluting uses and occupations in the vicinity of the residential user has led to the lack of adherence to the principles of neighborliness in urban use and the principle of comfort is not adhered to in the vicinity of urban use in the metropolis of Ahwaz. Therefore, in order to increase the neighboring factor of urban utilities in terms of sound comfort in the metropolis of Ahvaz, it is suggested:
- the development of green spaces in metropolitan areas of Ahvaz using two and six plant species suitable environmental conditions areas.
- reforming network traffic engineering in order to avoid the heavy traffic and increase user and create facilities such as public parking in the area.
- To prevent the construction of sound and non-residential spaces that are sensitive to noise along main or motorways, and vice versa, to emphasize the use of sensitive applications along access roads.
Volume 22, Issue 3 (9-2022)
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of equal education, inclusive education, promotion of opportunities and quality education on sustainable development among urban households in the provinces of Iran over the period 2011-2019. In this research, a stochastic dynamic panel data model is estimated using the Spatial Durbin Generalized Method of Moments and applying the Arellano-Bover/Blundell-Bond two-stage coefficients. In addition, the proximity and correlation matrix are calculated in the form of a 30 by 30 square matrix. The results show that the estimated coefficient of time lag of per capita income is positive and significant. The weighted average per capita income of each province affects the per capita income of the provinces. So that the higher per capita income of the neighboring provinces, affects the per capita income of that province and its impact is 1.04. The variables of equal education, inclusive education, promotion of opportunities and quality education have positive effects on sustainable development. These variables also have proximity and spatial effects on per capita income. All spatial Durbin variables are significant, which indicates the existence of the spatial effect of independent variables on the dependent variable.
Volume 22, Issue 4 (3-2019)
With economic development and population growth, the global need for energy is increasing steadily. Fossil fuels are the most commonly used fuel in the world, but their resources are limited. Therefore, for sustainable development, the need to use renewable energy sources is felt more than ever. Solar energy recognized as the most important and most affordable one. In Iran, the availability of suitable climate and sunlight in many areas and seasons has provided a good basis for using this kind of energy. The purpose of this research is to utilize a MCDM approach for evaluating the potential of different regions in Qazvin province for the establishment of a solar power station. In this regard, several evaluation criteria were identified and their importance was determined by the AHP method and then their uncertainty is modeled using fuzzy theory. Then, a potential map was developed using OWA and TOPSIS methods. Finally, the result of utilizing AHP-OWA method is compared with AHP-TOPSIS. Comparison of the weights of indicators shows the weather factors as important ones. In addition, according to the research findings, the Takestan region was recognized as a good area for establishing a solar power plant. Based on previous studies, construction of a 100MW solar power station in this area has been confirmed. This means that the proposed method is acceptable to be used by decision-makers as an effective tool.
Volume 23, Issue 1 (3-2023)
Aim and Introduction
Unemployment is a major issue in developing countries. The high rate of unemployment means that the country does not use the workforce effectively. Unemployment is the worst economic problem due to its negative impact on the individual and society and the speed of its spread in the world. Therefore, solving the problem of unemployment is one of the most important goals of institutions. Trade liberalization is one of the effective factors in reducing the unemployment rate.
Globalization is an inevitable process with different economic, social and political aspects. Meanwhile, trade liberalization is considered as the main symbol of globalization and its most important driving force. Therefore, considering the high unemployment rate in most of the provinces of Iran, with the increase in commercial liberalization in line with the economic growth and development, it can be seen in the sectors that have a relative advantage. Increasing national security and political and economic stability provides the necessary infrastructure to attract foreign investors. Therefore, by increasing trade liberalization, it is possible to overcome many economic and political problems in the provinces of Iran, and its effects will spill over to the provinces with the high unemployment rate and will increase economic growth, will increase gross domestic product and finally will reduce the unemployment rate in the provinces of the country.
In spatial econometrics, spatial effects are added to the performance of periodic or complex regression models (panels). Therefore, in spatial econometrics, sample information has a spatial component. When data has a spatial component, two issues can be discussed: (1) Spatial dependence, and (2) Spatial heterogeneity. Before estimating spatial panel models, we need to perform spatial dependence tests and to check the existence of autocorrelation between disturbance terms. The existence of spatial coherence between observations and spatial autocorrelation between disturbance terms indicates the need to use spatial panel models. To do this, Moran, Jerry C, and Jetis Ord J tests are used. The Moran test examines the assumption of spatial autocorrelation between disturbance terms. In spatial econometric models, to model spatial reactions, it is necessary to select the numerical value of spatial directions. For this purpose, we have two sources of assumptions: (1) Position on the coordinate plane, which is expressed by latitude and longitude, so that the distance of any point in the location, or distance of any observation located at any point relative to fixed or central points or observations can be calculated. (2) The source of spatial information is neighborhood and neighborhood, which expresses the relative location in the space of an observed peripheral unit, compared to other such scales.
In this study, the impact of trade liberalization on the unemployment rate in the provinces of Iran over the period 2006-2019 was investigated with a spatial econometric approach. First, to check the spatial dependence, the spatial dependence of the provinces was confirmed by the Moran and Jerry C test, and based on the significance of the above tests, the research model was estimated in the spatial panel model. According to the results, trade liberalization shows positive effects on reducing the unemployment rate of these provinces, and this result is compatible with the results of other studies including Yanıkkaya (2008), Li et al (Li & et al., 2020), Adou (2021), Amini and Muradzad (2014) and Samimi et al (2014). The variables of gross domestic product and construction credits have positive and significant effects on reducing the unemployment rate. However, the inflation rate and the wage rate have negative and significant effects on reducing the unemployment rate of the provinces of Iran.
Discussion and Conclusion
Since according to the research literature, part of the unemployment rate is reduced through various channels such as trade liberalization, attracting foreign investment and export, considering that macroeconomic decisions are made in the center of the country, it is suggested It is possible, taking into account the increase in regional and provincial decision powers, it is possible to achieve favorable economic effects in the direction of improving macro-economic variables, policy and regional planning.
The cooperation between the central government and the provincial centers increases the security of the region (country). As a result, high security encourages foreign investment, increases the stability of the economic policy, facilitates the laws and removes obstacles. National security increases the degree of commercial openness, increases production and reduces the unemployment rate.
To achieve a balanced and convergent regional development and to resolve the spatial and financial disparities and heterogeneities of the country's provinces, it is suggested that the allocation of budget resources to the less developed provinces should be increased. And the share of allocation of budget resources of different provinces should be converged. As a result, the provinces of the country, especially the less developed provinces should be able to flourish as much as possible from the point of view of economic growth and unemployment rate reduction.
The lack of economic infrastructure in rural areas, especially in the industrial sector, increases the rate of emigration and the overflow of labor to urban areas. Therefore, the improvement of economic infrastructure and the increase of trade liberalization policies lead to the improvement of technology and innovation in the less developed regions, and ultimately lead to a decrease in the unemployment rate in the province level.
Volume 23, Issue 3 (10-2019)
Introduction: "Understanding and evaluating of spatial planning system" without recognizing of "planning and development system" of countries and without the Understanding of similar situations and lessons learned from others' experiences are not achieved to goals. In This paper isn’t "deliberately" used the experiences of advanced and developed industrial countries, and focus on "developing countries. " Because based on realistic approaches to development, the experiences of similar countries provide more appropriate territorial development strategies to the decision takers. Therefore, four countries (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and Malaysia) have been selected for this assessment and analogy because based on social, economic, political and . . . characteristics, there is a greater relative and homogeneous relationship between the Islamic Republic of Iran and these countries, which is the main reason for this choice and comparison
Methodology: . In this analogy, two types of cognition include: basic knowledge (general and geographical status, economic and internal divisions), and special recognition (macro planning system and spatial planning system) were obtained from four countries and analogy with Iran. The method of research was descriptive-analytic and based on documentary and library studies that was completed by comparative analogy. First, the experienced international components were identified in the comparative evaluation knowledge and then based on the conditions of Iran and four Muslim countries The other seven and four components in the "content" and "procedural" dimensions for the concepts of "planning" and "spatial planning" were formulated and a comparative analogy was made for the situation in the five countries.
Results and discussion: according to the findings in the theoretical field (documentary-content), the macro-planning system of most of the studied countries is similar and in line with the more advanced industrial countries with some weaknesses, but in the field of action (process-outcome) the existing differences are very tangible. The situation in the urban planning of these countries has been weaker than their large-scale planning. In spatial planning at urban and metropolitan levels for planning and optimized spatial management, most often pursue the goal of sustainable development in varying degrees, and it is a way of responding to their challenges, but because of government features, lack of practical motivation and the lack of evaluation, monitoring and lack of cultural contexts in achieving the goals, they have a lot of obvious weaknesses.
Conclusion: The final findings showed that in the "macro planning system", all countries have a continuous planning horizon with distinct periods, a dominant economic approach, low participation, and a strong, but not executive, discursive chastiality. Iran, in terms of a theoretical approach similar to Saudi Arabia, Similar participation of Egypt and Saudi Arabia in the actors of development similar to Egypt and almost Turkey, and in other components, is the same as that of any other country. In the "Spatial Planning System", Iran has been involved in the components of the hierarchical levels of planning
Volume 23, Issue 3 (10-2019)
Rural areas, as geographical space, have different dimensions that require decision making for spatial development. The spatial development as a rare resource (sarrafi,2015,16) requires strategic policy-making, planning and governance in the current and future situation, so the optimal allocation of the spatial development in territorial policymaking is important; (sarrafi,2015,16) the scope of territorial expansion Rural Settlements, Variety of Territorial Capabilities of Rural Areas in Different Dimensions of Natural-Ecological, Social, Economic and Spatial, Territorial Integration, sectoral and Organizational in Spatial Development (Kidd, 2007), Collaboration Between sectoral and Territorial (Dominic Acid, Ayurte Meijer, 2009), context orientation (Lewis Albert, 2006), integration and participation of development actors Disability (Paul Carynclas, Sophia Hatzpia Neely, 2010) and (F. Van Weillin (2012), Implementation and Policymaking systems, Attitudes toward Rural Development, Policy-Making Policies, Rural Development Laws and Regulations Framework (Dervishes & Partners , 1396) are among the key factors influencing the complexity of spatial organization and the design of spatial development scenarios in rural areas. In this regard, the present study seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What are the key driving forces and alternative futures of spatial development in rural areas?
2- Which scenarios are appropriate for spatial development in rural areas?
The present research is applied in terms of targeted and analytical in nature. The method of data collection is based on the use of data collection techniques such as the questionnaire or Cross Impact Matiex, the techniques of reduction of data (factors) Delphi methodology and data analysis techniques are based on cross-impact analysis. According to the requirements of using expert-oriented method, 20 experts and managers of national levels were selected using stratified sampling method. Data analysis has been done using the scenario wizard software, so that after identifying strategic driving force and identifying the alternatives for each of them, in order to measure the effect of different situations on each other , A range of positive effects, ineffective and negative effects were identified. In this framework, based on three attributes, increasing, decreasing and decreasing, the effects of alternative futures were identified in a range of numbers between 3 and +3.
Results and Discussion
Identifying the main driveing for spatial development, mapping of the Cross Impact Matiex and compiling spatial development scenarios in rural areas based on strategic drivers are among the most important findings of the research.
In this regard, research findings have shown that the driving forces of the "policy framework and implementation of the programs", " attitude towards the development of rural areas", "rural development laws and regulations", "oil revenues and rural development" " inconsistency of policymaking-based policy making", " decision-making system (policy-making, planning and goodgovernance) in rural development" has been identified as the main (strategic) driving in the design process of spatial development scenarios. In addition, the propulsion has 19 possible modes (alternative futures).
Based on the results of the Cross-Impact Balance Analysis, 36 scenarios have been developed in scenario-driven software, in which 27 are weak scenarios, 6 are incompatible scenarios and 3 are highly adaptive scenarios. In the meantime, based on the criteria for assessing scenarios, three scenarios with a high degree of adaptability are possible. These scenarios include Zagros Spring, Spring Welcome, and Zagros Autumn, which are derived from a combination of a range of alternatives for six strategic driving forces strategic.
Volume 23, Issue 3 (8-2023)
Aim and Introduction
Today, planners and decision makers of countries need timely and accurate evaluation of their decisions and policies. The issue of time and precision is so important that it provides the possibility of implementing possible changes and modifications of patterns and plans, and prevents wasting resources and opportunities. Fortunately, various indicators have provided such a possibility to evaluate these policies and decisions. Misery index is one of the most important measures of social welfare. This index is obtained from the linear combination of inflation and unemployment. This index was introduced by Aokan (1999) and expanded by Barro (1996). An increase in the misery index is associated with many social and economic costs, such as an increase in crime, poverty, divorce, a decrease in social security, damage to mental health, the collapse of families, a decrease in health expenses, and a decrease in life expectancy. Inflation causes the imposition of welfare costs by reducing the value of people’s financial assets, and on the other hand, it harms production by creating uncertainty in the decisions of institutions for investment and creating other costs. Inflation leads to sub - optimal allocation of resources, economic inefficiency and social, cultural and political disorder of the society. Unemployment like inflation is the cause of chaos in the economic conditions of the society. Unemployment has caused people to suffer from social problems such as crimes, addiction and moral corruption. Unemployment causes people to be caught in social problems such as crime, addiction and moral corruption.
Knowledge and awareness of the state of misery index in the regions of the country in certain time horizons are very important for the planners of the region and economic policy makers of the country. Considering the importance of the misery index, this question is raised: Which factors affect the convergence of the misery index in the provinces? In this regard, several studies have been conducted in the field of misery index. However, none of the studies have investigated the influence of the factors affecting the convergence of the misery index in the provinces using spatial econometrics.
In economic literature, there are several methods for investigating the convergence. Absolute beta convergence and conditional beta convergence have been used in this study. Absolute beta convergence is formed independently of initial conditions and other characteristics of an economy.
For this purpose, using theoretical foundations and empirical studies, the variables of economic growth, monetary indiscipline, human capital, and information and communications technology (ICT) were added to the convergence model as explanatory variables. Absolute beta convergence and conditional beta convergence models have been estimated using the spatial econometric method over the period 2006-2020.
In this study, after defining the spatial weight matrix, the unit root test is used to examine the "stationary" of the variables. Moran test and Lagrange multiplier test are used to detect spatial autocorrelation and examine the presence of spatial effects, respectively. Chow's test is used to determine whether the data is a panel, and Hausman's spatial test is used to use the fixed or random effect method. Finally, the model is estimated, and effects of space spillovers are analyzed with "spatial econometrics method" by accounting for direct and indirect effects in Stata software.
The calculations of the overflow coefficients of each province on other provinces and the drawing of maps were done using R software and Maptools, Spdep and IMPact function packages for the year 2019.
The statistical data including inflation and unemployment rates are used to calculate misery index. Gross domestic product, population, number of university graduates (as human capital index) are extracted from statistical yearbook of the provinces and Statistical Center of Iran. The penetration coefficient of the internet (as ICT indicator) is extracted from Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, as well as facilities and deposits after deducting legal trust are gathered from the Central Bank of Iran. The statistical population of this study is the provinces of Iran except for Alborz province.
The results of stationary test using Levin, Lin and Chu (2002) method showed that all variables are stationary at level. Also, the null hypothesis of Moran's test regarding the absence of spatial effects in absolute convergence model and conditional convergence model was rejected. Therefore, the presence of spatial effects in absolute and conditional convergence models was confirmed. According to the conducted tests, the spatial auto-regression method (SAC) was used in this study. The results of the spatial Hausman test also showed that the models should be estimated using the fixed effects method.
The results of estimating the models showed that economic growth and human capital have a negative and significant effect, ICT and monetary indiscipline of banks have a positive and significant effect on the convergence of the misery index in the provinces. According to the speed of convergence, in the case of annual absolute convergence of about 10.9 % and in the case of conditional convergence of about 12.6 % , the gap between the " current growth rate of the misery index " of the provinces and the " long - term equilibrium misery index " of the provinces will be resolved. In the case of conditional convergence, the time required to eliminate half of the aforementioned gap is about 5.5 years. It should be noted that in this study, the misery index is a negative variable. The interpretation of the beta coefficient means that there is an opposite relationship between the initial situation and the average growth rate of the misery index: That is, regions with a lower "misery index" move towards the average misery index with a higher speed and higher growth rate than other regions. This means that the economic situation of the provinces is getting worse. Therefore, it is expected that the provinces will converge to their long - term equilibrium misery index and the gap between the current growth rate of the province's misery index and its long - term equilibrium will be resolved.
Discussion and Conclusion
According to the positive and significant effect of the monetary indiscipline index on the convergence of the misery index in the provinces, it can be said that with the increase of monetary indiscipline in the banks, liquidity has increased at the community level. Consequently, it has caused an increase in the general level of prices and an increase in the misery index. On the other hand, due to the economic situation of Iran, the existence of economic and banking sanctions and the impossibility of financing and investing in foreign sectors, the government's credit facilities and debt to banks have increased, and the monetary indiscipline index of banks is increasing, and as a result, the liquidity risk of banks is increasing. As a result, the lending power of banks will decrease, that is, it is not possible to grant large bank loans to drive the productive and entrepreneurial sectors into spur the economic growth of the provinces, and this will cause a decrease in employment, a decrease in the level of production, and then an increase in unemployment. This is why the misery index increases in the provinces. The spatial coefficient of the interval of the dependent variable is positive and significant. The existence of a positive and significant coefficient of the spatial dependence variable shows the positive effect of the poverty index of neighboring provinces on each other, so the distance between the provinces of the country has an effect on the convergence of the poverty index.